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Modes of International Business...

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A. Merchandise Exports and Imports:

Merchandise exports are tangible products (goods) manufactured in one country and sent out of that
country to another one. Merchandise imports are tangible products (goods) brought in from another

B. Service Exports and Imports:

Service exports and imports are international earnings that do not come from a tangible product which
physically crosses a border. The company receiving payment is making a service export. The company
paying is making a service import. Exports are goods and services produced in one country and then
sent to another country. Imports are goods and services produced in one country and then brought in by
another country. Information about exports and imports helps us to explain the impact of international
business on the economy.
1. Tourism and Transportation. When an American flies to Germany on Lufthansa (a German
airline) and spends a few days in a German hotel, the payments made to Lufthansa and the hotel
are service exports for Germany and service imports for the United States.
2. Performance of Services. When an American engineering firm receives a payment for designing
a plant in France, it is a service export for the United States and a service import for France.
3. Use of Assets. International licensing agreements and franchising allow foreign entities to use
another firm’s trademarks, patents, or technology. Payments for the right to use these assets are
a service export for the country receiving those payments and a service import for the country
making the payments.

C. Investments:
Foreign investment means ownership of foreign property is exchanged for a financial return (e.g.,
interest and dividends).

Direct Investment:
1. Foreign direct investment (FDI) occurs when an investor gains a controlling interest in a
foreign company. That controlling interest can be 100% or much less. (See “Going Global”
additional Exercise 1.3 at end of chapter.) When discussing foreign direct investment, it is
important to distinguish between the flow of FDI and the stock of FDI. The flow of FDI refers
to the amount of FDI undertaken over a given time period (normally one year). The stock of
FDI refers to the total accumulated value of foreign owned assets at a given point in time.
2. Figure 6.1 illustrates the great increase in the flows of FDI between 1992-2001. The significant
growth in FDI has both to do with the political economy of trade as outlined in the previous
chapter and the political and economic changes that have been taking place in developing
3. The opening case on Starbucks helps illustrate one very important trend in FDI – the
globalization of the world economy is causing firms to invest worldwide in order to assure their
presence in every region of the world.
4. Another important trend is has been the rise of inflows into the US. The stock of foreign FDI in
the US increased more rapidly than US FDI abroad.
5. The rapid increase in FDI growth into the US may be due to the attractiveness of the US market,
the falling value of the dollar, and a belief by some foreign corporations that they could manage
US assets and workers more efficiently than their American managers could.
6. It is difficult to say whether the increase in the FDI into the US is good for the country or not.
To the extent that foreigners are making more productive use of US assets and workers, it is
probably good for the country.
7. Figures 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 provide some insight into the countries that have been the major
recipients and sources of foreign direct investment in recent years.
8. The management focuses box details the techniques of Mexican cement manufacturer Cemex
for its aggressive international expansion of cement manufacturing. Because cement is a
product that is not easily exported due to its low ratio of value to weight, Cemex sought
international expansion by acquisition.

Portfolio Investment:
Portfolio investment is a non-controlling investment in a foreign company. It is usually a purchase of
stock in a foreign company or loan to (bond purchase) a foreign firm.
International Companies and Terms to Describe Them:
The term “collaborative arrangements” between international companies comprises joint ventures,
licensing, and manufacturing contracts. “Strategic alliances” are collaborative arrangements that are of
critical importance to the competitive viability of one or more of the collaborating firms. Multinational
enterprise (MNE), multinational company (MNC), transnational company (TNC) are other terms used
to describe organizations operating in multiple countries. A “global company” tends to integrate its
international operations in order to efficiently produce a globally standardized product. A
“multidomestic company” tends to be locally responsive and tailors its products to each national market
where it operates.
MNC(Multinational Enterprises):
1. MNEs have a number of characteristics, including:
2. (a) responsiveness to environmental forces such as competitors, customers, suppliers, financial
institutions, and government;
3. (b) drawing on a common pool of resources, including assets, patents, trademarks, information,
and human resources; and
4. (c) affiliates that are linked by a common strategic vision.
5. Under the premise that foreign markets are risky, companies expand their operations abroad
incrementally and cautiously. Setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary is usually the last stage of
doing business abroad. A typical internationalization process for a firm producing a
standardized product
might begin with a licensing agreement: a contractual arrangement in which one firm provides access
to some of its patents, trademarks, or technology to another firm in exchange for a fee or royalty. Apart
from a licensing agreement, a firm might export via an agent or distributor. This might be followed by
the direct hiring of a domestic representative or the establishment of a foreign sales subsidiary. The
next step might be the establishment of local packaging and/or assembly operations. This is typically
followed by foreign direct investment.
• Firms become multinationals for a number of reasons. Some of these include:
• a desire to protect themselves from the risks and uncertainties of the domestic business cycle;
• a growing world market for their goods or services;
• a response to increased foreign competition;
• a desire to reduce costs;
• a desire to overcome tariff barriers; and
• a desire to take advantage of technological expertise by manufacturing goods directly rather
than allowing others to do it under a license agreement.
1. Multinational enterprises are different from companies that confine their activities to the
domestic market. MNEs make decisions based primarily on what is best for the company, even
if this means transferring funds or jobs to other countries.
2. Most MNEs are not giant corporations, but the giants are almost all MNEs. Some of the
exceptions are major utilities, banks, and retailers that restrict their operations to the home
3. MNEs range from extremely large to fairly small in terms of both sales and employment, and
they can be found in a variety of different industr
4. The strategic management process involves four major functions: strategy formulation, strategy
implementation, evaluation, and the control of operations.
5. Strategic planning typically begins with a review of the company’s basic mission. This is
determined by answering the questions: What is the firm’s business? What is its reason for
existence? By answering these questions, the company reaffirms the direction in which it wants
to go. In recent years many MNEs have revised their strategic plan because they realized that
they had drifted too far away from their basic mission.
6. After determining its mission, the MNE will evaluate the external and internal environment.
The goal of external environmental analysis is to identify opportunities and threats that will
need to be addressed. The purpose of internal environmental analysis is to evaluate the
company’s financial and personnel strengths and weaknesses.
7. Internal and external analysis helps the MNE identify both long-range goals (typically two to
five years) and short-range goals (less than two years). The plan is then broken down into major
parts, and each affiliate and department will be assigned goals and responsibilities. This begins
the implementation process. Progress is then periodically evaluated and changes are made in the

Multinationals in action:
7. There are many ways in which MNEs use the strategic management process. Citibank’s expansion to
China has historically been influenced and restricted by the government’s policies. Zara has created a
lightning-speed production and distribution system that is highly responsive to changing demand.
Nissan is looking into ways of evaluating and controlling its operations.
External Influences on International Business:

A. Understanding a Company’s Physical and Societal Environments:

International business is affected by politics, culture, currency value fluctuations, transportation costs,
and other factors that domestic businesses face only in a limited way. The international manager must
therefore have a deeper understanding of political science, anthropology, sociology, psychology,
geography, and economics.

B. The Competitive Environment:

The “competitive environment” varies by industry, company, and country. Some firm compete based on
the price of their products; others compete based on different product features. These different
competitive strategies lead to different modes of competition between firms. Companies must
understand their industries and competitors as they develop and implement their international business
Evolution of Strategy in the Internationalization Process: Patterns of Expansion:
Firms tend to follow a pattern of increasing international involvement. Companies usually are initially
reluctant to undertake international activity, but that reluctance diminishes as they become more


The firm can sell a physical product abroad, i.e., can export. A firm can locate a production facility
abroad, i.e., engage in foreign direct investment. There's an array of intermediate forms of international
business that can allow a firm to get international returns on its unique advantages. These include:

Form What's sold What's received Pro's Con's

1) susceptibility to
1) the only changes from trade barriers;
domestic operations entail 2) logistical
foreign marketing and difficulties;
physical sales price (or
Exporting documentation; 3) less suitable for
product countertrade)
2) little investment -- service products
typically no investment 4) susceptibility to
abroad exchange-rate
1) the agreement
1) increases return on
generally prohibits
technical info, licensing fee, investments in technology,
the originating firm
assistance, and commitment creativity, or customer
Licensing from exploiting the
and/or use to use the info or relations;
assets in particular
rights rights 2) little additional capital or
foreign markets;
time investment
2) quality control
Franchising trademark, payment for 1) important way of gaining quality control
on-going trademark; foreign returns on certain
service, some payment for kinds of customer-service
inputs, shared inputs used; and tradename assets; 2)
marketing share of some control over the
expense operating conditions of sale in the
revenues or foreign market; 3) limited
profits financial commitment
salary, benefits,
1) contractor puts up no
and indirect contractee will
capital and bears no risk; 2)
Management people, for a costs; share of become a
useful in foreign contexts
Contracts period of time operating competitor, at least
that prohibit (or are too
revenues or in the local market
risky for) FDI
all costs plus
construction, 1) contractor bears no risk; contractee will
fees; assumption
Turnkey and equipping 2) useful in foreign contexts become a
of ownership and
Operation of a that prohibit (or are too competitor, at least
risk at end of
production risky for) FDI in the local market
financing, inputs available may be difficult to
Contract avoids currency controls
materials, or in the foreign negotiate a fair
Arrangements and foreign-exchange risk
finished country arrangement
profit; licensing 1) control; 2) profit; 3) capital and
Foreign Direct technology;
fees; transfer possibility of tax avoidance operating
Investment perhaps key
payments for through transfer pricing commitment
1) smaller investment; 2)
-- joint
local marketing and less control over the
ownership see above see above
production/ procurement operation
expertise from local partner
1) larger
commitment; 2)
-- sole perceived as a
ownership see above see above total control and returns competitor by local
producers (if any);
3) risk of national


In the early 1980s, British economist John Dunning developed a framework for understanding the
international exploitation of corporate assets. He referred to these assets as organization-specific
advantages. Where and how these advantages could be exploited in a foreign context depended on the
relative advantages of different locations and degree of internalization required. As a result, this
framework was called the O-L-I framework. (Dunning also referred to this as the "eclectic theory,"
because the theoretical origins were in business (strategy), geography (location), and economics
(industrial organization and transactions-cost analysis).
This framework goes two steps further than the strategic management perspective of identifying,
deploying, and developing firm-specific assets. The OLI framework allows us to think about where
assets should be deployed.

What advantage does the firm have over foreign competitors in a particular foreign setting? If the
answer is "none," then the firm should not engage in international business, or should at least turn its
attention toward a different foreign setting. Possible advantages include:
• product quality
• delivered price
• trademark
• marketing sophistication
• distribution networks
• low-cost inputs
• production technology

If there are some O-advantages, where should they be deployed? Where should each stage in the value
chain (R&D, design, component production, assembly, marketing, distribution) take place?
In the home country, because of
• economies of scale in keeping production in one place, or
• immobile factors of production (e.g., highly skilled labor in a technological
agglomeration), or
• heavy, weight-losing inputs (e.g., raw materials that need to be used close to their
source), or
• lower production costs in the home country (e.g., wage labor).
In the host country, because of
• high trade barriers that don't allow exporting to the host market, or
• the production is of a service that needs to be provided in the host market, or
• immobile factors of production in the host country (e.g., highly skilled labor in a
technological agglomeration), or
• heavy, weight-losing inputs in the host country (e.g., raw materials that need to be used
close to their source), or
• lower production costs in the host country (e.g., wage labor).

If there are O-advantages, but if the balance of the L-advantages suggest that production take place in
the host country, are there strong advantages to the parent company owning (internalizing) the foreign
production? There are alternatives to foreign ownership, as we saw above. Reasons for internalizing
the foreign operation include:
• expectation of high risk-adjusted profit
• quality control
• desire for control of future growth and marketing strategy in the foreign market
• difficulty of negotiating advantageous contracts for technology
Indeed, modern business practices allow for a range of degree of internalization, from total foreign
ownership to formal joint ventures to short-term joint operations and networks that share risk and

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