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Resource Translation Manager: User Guide

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Resource Translation Manager

User Guide
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible
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Revised: Sept 2016

Issued: Apr 2011

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Public Information
Document Updates
Location Description
Removed references specifically to Windows 7 to allow for
System Requirements
additional operating systems.
Removed references specifically to Windows 7 to allow for
additional operating systems.
Configure RTM Updated the error message that displays for a missing
Assembly Linker to contain the correct URL to download the
Windows SDK.
Added display language instructions for Windows 2012R2 and
Windows 10.
Display Language
Removed instructions for Windows XP because we no longer
support that operating system.

2 GEI-100793A Resource Translation Manager

Public Information
1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................4
2 Terms .........................................................................................................................................................4
3 System Requirements ....................................................................................................................................4
4 Display Language .........................................................................................................................................5
5 Configure RTM ............................................................................................................................................6
6 Dictionary File Format................................................................................................................................. 11
7 Language Name Conventions........................................................................................................................ 12

User Guide GEI-100793A 3

Public Information
1 Overview
The ControlST* Software Suite (V04.03 and higher) provides the ability to display specific applications in selected
non-English languages. The Resource Translation Manager (RTM) utility manages strings in the multi-language applications
included with ControlST. The utility exports English strings and translated string pairs to a Dictionary text file for translation.
Additionally, the utility can import updated English/translated string pairs from the Dictionary file and create the resource
Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) used by applications, such as the WorkstationST* Alarm Viewer and Trender.

2 Terms
Assembly Linker The Microsoft® application (AL.exe) installed with the Windows® SDK that creates the resource DLLs.
The RTM uses this application to convert the translated text in the dictionary file to the resource DLLs for the selected
application and language.

Dictionary File The collection of English and translated string pairs in a text file.

DLL Dynamic Link Library, a .exe file that allows programs to share code and resources and included as part of an

Language Directory The subdirectory that contains the Dictionary and resource DLLs for the selected application and

Resource DLLs The collection of DLLs that contain the translated string for display in a specific language.

RTM Resource Translation Manager

3 System Requirements
Prerequisites to run the RTM include:

• User must be an administrator and the RTM must be started using the Windows Explorer File menu option Run as
• ControlST V04.03 or higher must be installed. Currently, the only applications that display text in the Windows display
language are: WorkstationST Alarm Viewer, Trender, and WorkstationST Status Monitor.
• Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for the specific Windows operating system must be installed on all Windows
operating systems. This kit, which is downloaded from the Microsoft web site, contains the Assembly Linker tool (Al.
exe) that creates the resource DLLs.

4 GEI-100793A Resource Translation Manager

Public Information
4 Display Language
➢ To enable the application to display text in the Windows selected language
1. Install the language pack on the operating system that is to be displayed or use a native language Windows operating
system (such as Spanish).
2. Select the Windows display language as follows:

• For Windows 2012R2 and Windows 10, from the Control Panel, select Region, Languages preferences,
and Add a language, then select a language.
• For Windows 7, from the Control Panel, select Region and Language, Keyboards and Languages,
and Display Language, then select a language.
When the display language has been installed, log off, then log on again to the appropriate Windows account.
3. Start one of the supported applications.
4. From the Help menu, select About. Locate the Platform Information section to display the selected computer and the
display language.

Windows Display Language Selected displays what was selected in the Control Panel.
Windows Display Language Installed displays the installation language of the operating system. For example, a French
version of the Windows operating system displays as French (France) [fr-FR].
The text displayed in the [ ] brackets indicates the name of the language directory that must be used to select the language in
the RTM.
5. Start the RTM utility and select the application and language for translation matching the Display Language defined in
step 2.
6. Translate the strings.
7. Create the resource DLLs.
8. Copy the language subdirectory including all of the resource DLLs under the installation directory for the application
translated. When the application is run, the application displays the text in the language selected.

User Guide GEI-100793A 5

Public Information
When the translated application is run, it searches for the proper language directory using the following rules:
1. The translated application determines the selected display language from the Control Panel. It looks for the subdirectory,
such as fr-FR, and, if found, uses the resource DLLs in that directory.
2. If a resource DLL is not found, the translated application searches for the subdirectory named fr and, if found, uses the
resource DLLs in that directory.
3. If a resource DLL is not found, the translated application displays the text in English (all other language directories are

5 Configure RTM
The RTM .exe file is located in the Resource Translation Manager folder, which is located within the GE Energy folder at:
C:\\Program Files\GE Energy\Resource Translation Manager. Computers must run the RTM.exe file using the
Windows Explorer File menu option Run as Administrator. If the RTM is run without this selection, the following error
message displays.

Once started, the RTM utility tries to locate the assembly linker (al.exe) application. If the assembly linker cannot be found,
the following error message displays.

6 GEI-100793A Resource Translation Manager

Public Information
The RTM displays as follows:

➢ To select an application for translation

1. From the RTM Tree View, right-click and select Add Application.
2. From the Open dialog box, locate the installation directory of the application for translation.

User Guide GEI-100793A 7

Public Information
Note The RTM must be used to create independent language folders for each supported application. If a selected application
is not supported, an error icon displays next to the application in the Tree View.

8 GEI-100793A Resource Translation Manager

Public Information
The RTM can export strings or create resource DLLs based on the contents of the Dictionary file.

➢ To export strings
1. From the Resource Translation Manager, select desired options from the Sort Direction, Sort On Column, and
Default Translation Text drop-down boxes.
2. Select Export To Dictionary.
The Dictionary file for the selected application is written to the destination directory. It can now be edited and the translated
strings reviewed or changed by the translator. Save the updated file in the same location.

Note The updated file must be saved prior to creating the resource DLLs.

User Guide GEI-100793A 9

Public Information
➢ To create resource DLLs
1. From the RTM utility, select the application (such as WorkstationST Alarm Viewer) and language.
2. Select Create Resource DLLS.
The resource DLLs are written to the destination directory. The language directory and all resource DLLs (except for the
Dictionary file) must be copied to the installation directory for the application. The application may need to be stopped before
the files can be copied. Repeat this for all computers using the WorkstationST Alarm Viewer that are to display the text in the
Windows display language.

10 GEI-100793A Resource Translation Manager

Public Information
6 Dictionary File Format
The Dictionary file is a UTF8 encoded text file containing:

• A set of comment lines (starting with the # character) followed by

• Two column headers (English Text and Text For Translation) followed by
• The English and translation strings as pairs on the same line. A Tab separator is used to separate the English from the
translation string content.
An example of a file in a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet is:

#Exported Date:2/22/2011 12:00:00 AM

#Source Application Version:V04.03.05B


English Text Text For Translation


– High Speed Periodic Read Establish: {0} – High Speed Periodic Read Establish: {0}

– Periodic Read Establish Request: {0} – Periodic Read Establish Request: {0}

– Periodic Write Establish Request: {0} – Periodic Write Establish Request: {0}

– Periodic Write Message: {0} – Periodic Write Message: {0}

– Process Control Command Request: {0} – Process Control Command Request: {0}

– Received: {0}; Sent: {1}; Total Messages. – Received: {0}; Sent: {1}; Total Messages.

– Software Event Establish Request: {0} – Software Event Establish Request: {0}

– Supported Controller Request: {0} – Supported Controller Request: {0}

Use the following conventions when editing the Dictionary file:

• Never edit the English content in the first column. The text is extracted from the application, and is used as the key to
associate the translated text.
• Edit the file using an editor that supports UTF8 format (such as the Excel application)
• Preserve tabs between the English and the translated text.
• Preserve leading, embedded, and trailing spaces on each string.
• Preserve brackets, the content within them, and the single and double quote marks.
Example: ("{0}" changed from '{1}' to '{2}' and {0:P0} complete).

User Guide GEI-100793A 11

Public Information
7 Language Name Conventions
The following table lists the available cultures and subcultures. The Name column contains names used as the Language
component of all file names and used as directory names that contain resource files for that culture.

Note Right-to-left languages are not supported.

Language Cultures and Subcultures

Display Name Name
Afrikaans af
Afrikaans (South Africa) af-ZA
Albanian sq
Albanian (Albania) sq-AL
Alsatian (France) gsw-FR
Amharic (Ethiopia) am-ET
Armenian hy
Armenian (Armenia) hy-AM
Assamese (India) as-IN
Azeri az
Azeri (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan) az-Cyrl-AZ
Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan) az-Latn-AZ
Bashkir (Russia) ba-RU
Basque eu
Basque (Basque) eu-ES
Belarusian be
Belarusian (Belarus) be-BY
Bengali (Bangladesh) bn-BD
Bengali (India) bn-IN
Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) bs-Cyrl-BA
Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) bs-Latn-BA
Breton (France) br-FR
Bulgarian bg
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) bg-BG
Catalan ca
Catalan (Catalan) ca-ES
Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.) zh-HK
Chinese (Macao S.A.R.) zh-MO
Chinese (People's Republic of China) zh-CN
Chinese (Simplified) zh-CHS
Chinese (Singapore) zh-SG
Chinese (Taiwan) zh-TW
Chinese (Traditional) zh-CHT
Corsican (France) co-FR
Croatian hr
Croatian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) hr-BA
Czech cs
Czech (Czech Republic) cs-CZ
Danish da
Danish (Denmark) da-DK

12 GEI-100793A Resource Translation Manager

Public Information
Language Cultures and Subcultures (continued)
Display Name Name
Dari (Afghanistan) prs-AF
Dutch nl
Dutch (Belgium) nl-BE
Dutch (Netherlands) nl-NL
English en
English (Australia) en-AU
English (Belize) en-BZ
English (Canada) en-CA
English (Caribbean) en-029
English (India) en-IN
English (Ireland) en-IE
English (Jamaica) en-JM
English (Malaysia) en-MY
English (New Zealand) en-NZ
English (Republic of the Philippines) en-PH
English (Singapore) en-SG
English (South Africa) en-ZA
English (Trinidad and Tobago) en-TT
English (United Kingdom) en-GB
English (United States) en-US
English (Zimbabwe) en-ZW
Estonian et
Estonian (Estonia) et-EE
Faroese fo
Faroese (Faroe Islands) fo-FO
Filipino (Philippines) fil-PH
Finnish fi
Finnish (Finland) fi-FI
French fr
French (Belgium) fr-BE
French (Canada) fr-CA
French (France) fr-FR
French (Luxembourg) fr-LU
French (Principality of Monaco) fr-MC
French (Switzerland) fr-CH
Frisian (Netherlands) fy-NL
Galician gl
Galician (Galician) gl-ES
Georgian ka
Georgian (Georgia) ka-GE
German de
German (Austria) de-AT
German (Germany) de-DE
German (Liechtenstein) de-LI
German (Luxembourg) de-LU
German (Switzerland) de-CH

User Guide GEI-100793A 13

Public Information
Language Cultures and Subcultures (continued)
Display Name Name
Greek el
Greek (Greece) el-GR
Greenlandic (Greenland) kl-GL
Gujarati gu
Gujarati (India) gu-IN
Hausa (Latin, Nigeria) ha-Latn-NG
Hindi hi
Hindi (India) hi-IN
Hungarian hu
Hungarian (Hungary) hu-HU
Icelandic is
Icelandic (Iceland) is-IS
Igbo (Nigeria) ig-NG
Indonesian id
Indonesian (Indonesia) id-ID
Inuktitut (Latin, Canada) iu-Latn-CA
Inuktitut (Syllabics, Canada) iu-Cans-CA
Irish (Ireland) ga-IE
isiXhosa (South Africa) xh-ZA
isiZulu (South Africa) zu-ZA
Italian it
Italian (Italy) it-IT
Italian (Switzerland) it-CH
Japanese ja
Japanese (Japan) ja-JP
Kannada kn
Kannada (India) kn-IN
Kazakh kk
Kazakh (Kazakhstan) kk-KZ
Khmer (Cambodia) km-KH
K'iche (Guatemala) qut-GT
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) rw-RW
Kiswahili sw
Kiswahili (Kenya) sw-KE
Konkani kok
Konkani (India) kok-IN
Korean ko
Korean (Korea) ko-KR
Kyrgyz ky
Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan) ky-KG
Lao (Lao P.D.R.) lo-LA
Latvian lv
Latvian (Latvia) lv-LV
Lithuanian lt
Lithuanian (Lithuania) lt-LT
Lower Sorbian (Germany) dsb-DE
Luxembourgish (Luxembourg) lb-LU

14 GEI-100793A Resource Translation Manager

Public Information
Language Cultures and Subcultures (continued)
Display Name Name
Macedonian mk
Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) mk-MK
Malay ms
Malay (Brunei Darussalam) ms-BN
Malay (Malaysia) ms-MY
Malayalam (India) ml-IN
Maltese (Malta) mt-MT
Maori (New Zealand) mi-NZ
Mapudungun (Chile) arn-CL
Marathi mr
Marathi (India) mr-IN
Mohawk (Mohawk) moh-CA
Mongolian mn
Mongolian (Cyrillic, Mongolia) mn-MN
Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian, PRC) mn-Mong-CN
Nepali (Nepal) ne-NP
Norwegian no
Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway) nb-NO
Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway) nn-NO
Occitan (France) oc-FR
Oriya (India) or-IN
Pashto (Afghanistan) ps-AF
Polish pl
Polish (Poland) pl-PL
Portuguese pt
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR
Portuguese (Portugal) pt-PT
Punjabi pa
Punjabi (India) pa-IN
Quechua (Bolivia) quz-BO
Quechua (Ecuador) quz-EC
Quechua (Peru) quz-PE
Romanian ro
Romanian (Romania) ro-RO
Romansh (Switzerland) rm-CH
Russian ru
Russian (Russia) ru-RU
Sami, Inari (Finland) smn-FI
Sami, Lule (Norway) smj-NO
Sami, Lule (Sweden) smj-SE
Sami, Northern (Finland) se-FI
Sami, Northern (Norway) se-NO
Sami, Northern (Sweden) se-SE
Sami, Skolt (Finland) sms-FI
Sami, Southern (Norway) sma-NO
Sami, Southern (Sweden) sma-SE

User Guide GEI-100793A 15

Public Information
Language Cultures and Subcultures (continued)
Display Name Name
Sanskrit sa
Sanskrit (India) sa-IN
Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom) gd-GB
Serbian sr
Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) sr-Cyrl-BA
Serbian (Cyrillic, Montenegro) sr-Cyrl-ME
Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia and Montenegro (Former)) sr-Cyrl-CS
Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia) sr-Cyrl-RS
Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) sr-Latn-BA
Serbian (Latin, Montenegro) sr-Latn-ME
Serbian (Latin, Serbia and Montenegro (Former)) sr-Latn-CS
Serbian (Latin, Serbia) sr-Latn-RS
Sesotho sa Leboa (South Africa) nso-ZA
Setswana (South Africa) tn-ZA
Sinhala (Sri Lanka) si-LK
Slovak sk
Slovak (Slovakia) sk-SK
Slovenian sl
Slovenian (Slovenia) sl-SI
Spanish es
Spanish (Argentina) es-AR
Spanish (Bolivia) es-BO
Spanish (Chile) es-CL
Spanish (Colombia) es-CO
Spanish (Costa Rica) es-CR
Spanish (Dominican Republic) es-DO
Spanish (Ecuador) es-EC
Spanish (El Salvador) es-SV
Spanish (Guatemala) es-GT
Spanish (Honduras) es-HN
Spanish (Mexico) es-MX
Spanish (Nicaragua) es-NI
Spanish (Panama) es-PA
Spanish (Paraguay) es-PY
Spanish (Peru) es-PE
Spanish (Puerto Rico) es-PR
Spanish (Spain) es-ES
Spanish (United States) es-US
Spanish (Uruguay) es-UY
Spanish (Venezuela) es-VE
Swedish sv
Swedish (Finland) sv-FI
Swedish (Sweden) sv-SE
Tajik (Cyrillic, Tajikistan) tg-Cyrl-TJ
Tamazight (Latin, Algeria) tzm-Latn-DZ
Tamil ta

16 GEI-100793A Resource Translation Manager

Public Information
Language Cultures and Subcultures (continued)
Display Name Name
Tamil (India) ta-IN
Tatar tt
Tatar (Russia) tt-RU
Telugu te
Telugu (India) te-IN
Thai th
Thai (Thailand) th-TH
Tibetan (PRC) bo-CN
Turkish tr
Turkish (Turkey) tr-TR
Turkmen (Turkmenistan) tk-TM
Ukrainian uk
Ukrainian (Ukraine) uk-UA
Upper Sorbian (Germany) hsb-DE
Uyghur (PRC) ug-CN
Uzbek uz
Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan) uz-Cyrl-UZ
Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan) uz-Latn-UZ
Vietnamese vi
Vietnamese (Vietnam) vi-VN
Welsh (United Kingdom) cy-GB
Wolof (Senegal) wo-SN
Yakut (Russia) sah-RU
Yi (PRC) ii-CN
Yoruba (Nigeria) yo-NG

User Guide GEI-100793A 17

Public Information
Public Information

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