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Extremal Principle: Liming Sun

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Extremal Principle

Liming Sun

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems

−Alfréd Rényi

1 Introduction
The existing order on a set can be found useful when on is trying to solve a problem. An order on a finite
set has maximal and minimal elements. If the order is total, the maximal element is unique. Quite often it
is useful to look at such extremal elements.
Example: At a party assume that no boy dances with all the girls, but each girl dances with at least
one boy. Prove that there are two girl–boy couples gb and g 0 b0 who dance, whereas b does not dance with
g 0 , and g does not dance with b0 .
Example: Find all odd positive integers n greater than 1 such that for any coprime divisors a and b of
n, the number a + b − 1 is also a divisor of n. [2]
Example: Suppose you are sitting at a perfectly round table with an adversary about to play a game.
Next to each of you is an infinitely large bag of pennies. The goal of the game is to be the player who is able
to put the last penny on the table. Pennies cannot be moved once placed and cannot be stacked on top of
each other; also, players place 1 penny per turn. There is a strategy to win this game every time. Do you
move first or second, and what is your strategy?

2 Practise Problems
2.1 Part I

1. n 2 is not an integer for any positive integer n. ([1])
2. Prove that among any 50 distinct positive integers strictly less than 100 there are two that are coprime.
3. Given n ≥ 3 points in the plane, prove that some three of them form an angle less than or equal to n.
4. Given a finite number of points in the plane, not all colinear, prove there is a straight line which passes
through exactly two of them. [3].
5. A cube can not be divided in to several pairwise distinct cubes. [1].

2.2 Part II
1. Consider a planar region of area 9, obtained as the union of finitely many disks. Prove that from these
disks we can select some that are mutually disjoint and have total area at least 1.

2. Prove that among any eight positive integers less than 2004 there are four, say a, b, c, and d, such
4 + d ≤ a + b + c ≤ 4d

3. Let a1 , a2 , · · · , an , · · · be a sequence of distinct positive integers. Prove that for any positive integer n
2n + 1
a21 + a22 + · · · + a2n ≥ (a1 + · · · + an ).
4. Let X be a subset of the positive integers with the property that the sum of any two not necessarily
distinct elements in X is again in X. Suppose that {a1 , a2 , ..., an } is the set of all positive integers not
in X. Prove that a1 + a2 + · · · + an ≤ n2 . [2]
5. Complete the square in the following Figure with integers between 1 and 9 such that the sum of the
numbers in each row, column, and diagonal is as indicated. [2]

6. Given n points in the plane, no three of which are collinear, show that there exists a closed polygonal
line with no self-intersections having these points as vertices. [2]
7. Show that any polygon in the plane has a vertex, and a side not containing that vertex, such that the
projection of the vertex onto the side lies in the interior of the side or at one of its endpoints. [2]
8. In some country all roads between cities are one-way and such that once you leave a city you cannot
return to it again. Prove that there exists a city into which all roads enter and a city from which all
roads exit. [2]
9. Suppose that n(r) denotes the number of points with integer coordinates on a circle of radius r > 1.
Prove that ([2])
n(r) < 2πr 2 .

[1] Arthur. Engel. Problem-solving strategies. Springer, 1998.
[2] Razvan Gelca and Titu Andreescu. Putnam and beyond. Springer, 2007.
[3] Loren C. Larson. Problem-solving through problems. Springer-Verlag, 1983.

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