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HR Internship Project

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COURSE: PGDM (2019-21)

I hereby declare that the project report entitled “Recruitment & Selection” has

been submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree “Master

in Business Administration”.

This is my original work not submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma,

fellowship or any other similar title or prize.





I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our Internal Mentor Dr. Komal
Khattar and external mentor Yuvansh Arora who gave this golden opportunity to do this
wonderful project on the topic study on “ Recruitment & Selection ”which also helped us
in doing a lot of research on this work and I came to know about so many new things
which I have not known before.


for giving me this opportunity.

I also acknowledge deep sense of gratitude towards my parents who have always
supported me morally as well as economically.

Any omission in this brief acknowledgement does not mean lack of gratitude.


02/PGDM (A)/KJ/2019-21


Executive Summary 6
Literature Review 8

Organizational profile 15

Topic 17

Historical Development 18

Road Map 21

Objectives 22

Research Methodology 23

Factor Analysis 28

Observations/Findings 60

Suggestions & Recommendations 63

Limitations 68

Bibliography 69
Part I


I opted for this particular topic named “Recruitment & Selection” because
recruitment and selection procedures have taken a dramatic change in the industry.
Human resource is responsible for giving birth to human embalmers. The core
function of an organization is Recruitment and Selection because the organization
doesn’t want to be a bad recruiter by selecting manpower that might have the
potential to spoil the long earned goodwill or corporate image and also incur heavy
recruitment costs on them.
Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting
qualified people for a job at an organization or firm. For some components of the
recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations often retain professional
recruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies. It is the
process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing
schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in
adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force. The
main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process.

Selection on the other hand, is the process of picking individuals who have
relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. The purpose of selection is to
pick up the most suitable candidate who would meet the requirements of the job in
an organization best, to find out which job applicant will be successful, if hired. To
meet this goal, the company obtains and assesses information about the applicants
in terms of age, qualifications, skills, experience, etc. the needs of the job are
matched with the profile of candidates.
However, Recruitment is an important part of an organization’s human resource
planning and their competitive strength. Competent human resources at the right
positions in the organization are a vital resource and can be a core competency or a
strategic advantage for it. The objective of the recruitment process is to obtain the
number and quality of employees that can be selected in order to help the
organization to achieve its goals and objectives. With the same objective,
recruitment helps to create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so
that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool.

I have also applied few research tools in the project such as the
questionnaire, interview method to obtain views of the respondents and thereby,
have analyzed the factor by applying columnar, bar & pie charts. However, I faced
a few limitations --- such as sample constraint, time constraint, respondents didn’t
take the questionnaire method seriously and so were very reluctant in answering
the questions. Thus, I would like to conclude that from my project I have definitely
understood that employee recruitment & selection is the basics of an organization.



SUMMARY: Human Resource Management theories focus on methods of

recruitment and selection and highlight the advantages of interviews, general
assessment and psychometric testing as employee selection processes. The
recruitment process could be internal or external or could also be online and involves
the stages of recruitment policies, advertising, job description, job application
process, interviews, assessment, decision making, legislation selection and training.
Successful recruitment methods include a thorough analysis of the job and the labor
market conditions and interviews as well as psychometric tests to determine the
potentialities of applicants. Various techniques of selection include various types of
interviews, in tray exercise, role play, group activity, etc.

Recruitment is almost central to any management process and failure in recruitment

can create difficulties for any company including an adverse effect on its
profitability and inappropriate levels of staffing or skills, labor shortages, or
problems in management decision making. The recruitment process could itself be
improved by following management theories like-Rodgers seven point plan, Munro-
Frasers five-fold grading system, psychological tests, personal interviews, etc.

Recruitment requires management decision making and extensive planning to

employ the most suitable manpower. The selectors aim is to recruit only the best
candidates who would suit the corporate culture, ethics and climate specific to the
organization. Management would specifically look for potential candidates capable
of team work. The process of recruitment does not end with application and
selection of the right people but involves maintaining and retaining the employees
chosen. Theories of HRM may provide insights on the best approaches to
recruitment although companies will have to use their in house management skills to
apply generic theories within specific organizational contexts.

RELEVANCE TO THE PROJECT: This article helps us to understand that

Competition among business organizations for recruiting the best potential has
increased focus on innovation, and management decision making and strategic
planning. We can also understand that Human Management resource approaches
within any business organization are focused on meeting corporate objectives and
realization of strategic plans through training of personnel to ultimately improve
company performance and profits.




COURSE: PGDM (2019-21)

Historical Development of Recruitment & Selection

In the earliest stages of an intervention, recruitment decisions often get made on the
basis of who is standing in the right place at the right time with the right look on
his/her face. As the situation matures, we have to think more carefully about
picking the right people for longer-term roles including middle and senior
management. The integrity of the recruitment and selection process helps to ensure
sustainability by building a strong and balanced team, demonstrating the
Organization‟s neutrality, promoting its good name and serving as an example for
partners. You may find that one of the first roles you need to fulfill is a HR
administrator to help achieve these goals.
Here are the major stages in this cycle:

1. Defining the Requirement

Decide what vacancy you have. If you need to fill a new role quickly you might find it
helpful to adapt one of the models provided here:

Task analysis: Draw up a detailed list of tasks that the person will have to do. This
helps in determining the qualities and qualifications genuinely required for the job.

Job description: produce an outline of the broad responsibilities (rather than

detailed tasks) involved in the job.

Person specification: decide what skills, experience, qualifications and attributes

someone will need to do the job as defined in the task analysis and job description.
2. Attracting applications
Your file of previous applicants can be a good place to start.
Advertising: phrase your announcement in a way that makes clear what the job
involves and the type of person needed. Avoid any stipulations, which could be
seen as discriminatory.
e.g. applying an age restriction, which is not necessary. You can display a notice
internally and/or at your gate, in the local newspaper or with a message on the local
radio station.

Application Form: a well-designed form can elicit information about the person's
ability and willingness to do the job. Do not ask for irrelevant information. Make it
clear on the form that applicants should consider the points in the job description
and person description when applying. Allow enough space on the form for
applicants' answers, and indicate whether continuation sheets can be used. State
clearly on the form the closing date for applications. For senior positions a
supporting letter or CV may also be required; if this is the case indicate the kind of
information sought.
Background information: provide applicants with clear, up-to-date and accurate
information about the organization, its work, its priorities and the job. Clearly
indicate the closing date for applications and the short listing and interview dates.

3. Selection
Select your candidate. Be objective and unbiased. Choose the person who best fits
your person specification.

Short listing: assess applications on the basis of the person specification (standard
forms can be very helpful at this stage). Guard against bias and discrimination -
ensure that you select for interview those who match the specifications, regardless
of age, sex, race etc, and that the specifications are not themselves discriminatory.

Interviews: Interview your short-listed candidates. Remember that your job is not
only to assess the best candidate for the job, but also to create a great impression of
your organization. The amount and quality of the information that you establish
will be largely due to the effectiveness of your questions. Use open questions (e.g.
tell me you...why did me through... are do) and probe from
the general to the specific. Avoid any questions, which could be considered
discriminatory eg: asking only female candidates who looks after their young
children. If you think such a question is relevant - ask it of all candidates who have

4. Candidate assessments: The interview will provide you with some information
but check it out before offering a job. Ways in which you could do this include:

 Ask the candidate to show you examples of previous work, do a presentation,

a case study, some tests or full assessment. Tests can be done before the interview
or after the interview. It depends on the number of candidates being interviewed
and the type of job.

 Taking up references: You must have the specific permission of the applicant
to do so, particularly if you wish to contact their current employer. If you need
them quickly, try phoning.
5. Making a Job Offer
If you think you have found the right candidate, it‟s time to make the job-offer.
For your successful candidate:
 Prepare and send the appropriate documentation

 Make up the employee's personnel file; and

 Arrange the induction plan.

6. Induction
Help your new recruit to settle in quickly and become productive as soon as possible.





1. To make a study on the most preferably used recruitment source in the

companies. (internal/external) whether is it in case of junior, middle or
senior level.
2. To understand the recruitment strategies followed by the companies.
3. To identify the types of interviews conducted by the companies.
4. To take into consideration the different types of competency based practices
conducted by the companies.
5. To understand the steps of recruitment procedure followed by the companies.
6. To study the importance of the factors that influences the recruitment policy.
7. To analyze the challenges the countered by the HR of the companies.
8. To make a study on the crucial factors responsible for the selection process.
9. To assess the conditions responsible for making the selection procedure
10. To know the steps of the selection process followed by the companies.
Research Methodology

Definition of Research

Research is an organized and systematic way of finding answers to questions.

SYSTEMATIC because there is a definite set of procedures and steps which you
will follow. There are certain things in the research process which are always done
in order to get the most accurate results.

ORGANIZED because there is a structure or method in going about the research. It is a

planned procedure, not a spontaneous one. It is focused and limited to a specific scope.


 To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it –
Exploratory or Formulative Research.

 To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation

or a group
– Descriptive Research.

 To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it

is associated with something else – Diagnostic Research.

 To test a hypothesis of a causal relationship between variables .


 Research is directed towards the solution of a problem.

 Research is based upon observable experience or empirical evidence.

 Research demands accurate observation and description.

 Research involves gathering new data from primary sources or using

existing data for a new purpose.

 Research activities are characterized by carefully designed procedures.

 Research requires expertise i.e., skill necessary to carryout investigation,

search the related literature and to understand and analyze the data gathered.

 Research is objective and logical – applying every possible test to validate

the data collected and conclusions reached.

 Research involves the quest for answers to unsolved problems.



Research design can be thought of as the structure of research -- it is the

"glue" that holds all of the elements in a research project together.

Steps in the Research Design Process

The steps in the design process interact and often occur simultaneously. For
example, the design of a measurement instrument is influenced by the type
of analysis that will be conducted. However, the type of analysis is also
influenced by the specific characteristics of the measurement instrument.
Step 1: Define the Research Problem: Problem definition is the most critical part
of the research process. Research problem definition involves specifying the
information needed by management. Unless the problem is properly defined, the
information produced by the research process is unlikely to have any value. The
basis goal of problem clarification is to ensure that the decision maker‟s initial
description of the management decision is accurate and reflects the appropriate
area of concern for research. If the wrong management problem is translated into a
research problem, the probability of providing management with useful
information is low.

Step 2: Estimate the Value of the Information: A decision maker normally

approaches a problem with some information. If the problem is, say, whether a new
product should be introduced, enough information will normally have been
accumulated through past experience with other decisions concerning the
introduction of new products and from various other sources to allow some
preliminary judgments to be formed about the desirability of introducing the
product in question. There will rarely be sufficient confidence in these judgments
that additional information relevant to the decision would not be accepted if it were
available without cost or delay. There might be enough confidence, however, that
there would be an unwillingness to pay very much or wait very long for the added

Step 3: Select the Data Collection Approach: There are three basic data
collection approaches in marketing research: (1) secondary data, (2) survey data,
and (3) experimental data. Secondary data were collected for some purpose other
than helping to solve the current problem, whereas primary data are collected
expressly to help solve the problem at hand.

Step 4: Select the Measurement Technique: There are four basic measurement
techniques used in marketing research: (1) questionnaires, (2) attitude scales, (3)
observation, and (4) depth interviews and projective techniques.

Primary Measurement Techniques

I. Questionnaire – a formalized instrument for asking information directly from a
respondent concerning behavior, demographic characteristics, level of knowledge,
and/or attitudes, beliefs, and feelings.

II. Attitude Scales – a formalized instrument for eliciting self-reports of beliefs

and feelings concerning an object(s).

Sample Size

We have targeted 102customersin theagegroupbetween21 – 40 years for the

purpose of the research. The target population influences the sample size. The target
population represents from different regions of the country. The people were from
different professional backgrounds. The details of our sample are explained in
chapter named primary research where the divisions are explained in demographics

Sampling Technique

The sample design provides information on the target information and final sample size.

I used convenient sampling surveyed in research as the sample being drawn from that
part of the population which is close to hand. That is, readily available and convenient.

Data Collection Tool

I have used Questionnaire as the research instrument to conduct the market survey. The
questionnaire consisted closed ended question designed in such a way that it should
gather maximum information possible.

The Questionnaire was a combination of 10 questions. If choices are given it is easier for
the respondent to respond from the choices rather than think reply also it takes lesser

Data was collected from two sources:

Primary source: primary data was directly collected from the customers through

Secondary source: The secondary source was the company website and information
through internet.

Data Analysis

Data analysis was done mainly from the data collected through the employees. The data
collected from the secondary sources is also used to analyze on one particular parameter.

Qualitative Analysis was done on the data collected from the primary as well as the
secondary sources.
Factor Analysis
Factor 1: Recruitment sources used by the Companies.

Every Company has its own criteria of enumerating recruitment sources which are
in favour of the employees and also supports the organization in the long run.

Observation: Respondents from the Companies Surveyed has responded in the

following way:

75% of the respondents reflected that they are in favour of internal recruitment
while 25% of the respondents‟ supports external recruitment.
Factor 2: Recruitment procedure followed by the Companies.

Every Company has its own criteria of enumerating recruitment procedure which
depends upon the company‟s capacity & financial ability.

Observation: Respondents from the Companies Surveyed has responded in the

following way:

The most preferred recruitment procedure is centralization. The reason behind

such cause is company‟s capacity & financial ability.

I wish to suggest that the companies should pay attention to follow the
decentralized procedure as it enable the company to expand itself & at the same
time it releases the pressure on the top level management.
Factor 3: Role of academic marks in recruitment procedure.

Every Company has its own criteria of enumerating the role of academic marks in
the recruitment procedure.

Observation: Respondents from the Companies Surveyed has responded in the

following way:

85% of the respondents had given their vote to either somewhat/strongly agree or
remain neutral. Surprisingly 15% have not given their vote in favour of academic

I wish to suggest that the companies should pay attention to those individuals who
are against the favour of use of academic marks & understand the reason why they
are against the company‟s recruitment strategy.
Factor 4: Should reference check be an integral part of recruitment procedure?

Every Company has its own criteria of enumerating the role of reference check in
the recruitment procedure.

Observation: Respondents from the Companies Surveyed has responded in the

following way:

96% of the respondents had given their vote to either somewhat/strongly agree or
remain neutral. Only 4% have not given their vote in favour of academic marks.

I wish to suggest that the companies should pay attention to those individuals who
are against the favour of use of reference check & understand the reason why they
are against the company‟s recruitment strategy.
Factor 5: Is e-recruiting a suitable way of recruiting?

Every Company has its own criteria of enumerating the usage of e-recruitment in
the recruitment procedure.

Observation: Respondents from the Companies Surveyed has responded in the

following way:

Surprisingly 62% of the respondents remain neutral.16% has given their vote
against such type of recruitment.

I wish to suggest that the companies should make this form of recruitment more
popular & aware to the employees.16% against such recruitment should also be
taken into consideration to know the reason of not supporting the company‟s
recruitment strategy.

Factor 6: Key drivers of e-recruitment.

Every Company has its own criteria of enumerating the key drivers of e-
recruitment in the recruitment procedure.

Observation: Respondents from the Companies Surveyed has responded in the

following way:

Improvement of the corporate image & profile is the most preferred key driver of
e-recruitment, followed by reduction of recruitment cost, employee better tool for
recruitment team & increasing the speed of time.

I wish to suggest that the individuals supporting the corporate image & profile
denotes their loyalty & satisfaction towards their company & job respectively.
Employees should also takes into consideration the matter of reduction in
recruitment cost which will also benefit the companies at large.

Factor 7: Type of interviews to be conducted to provide offer letter.

Every Company has its own criteria of enumerating the types of interviews to be
taken into consideration while recruiting employees.

Observation: Respondents from the Companies Surveyed has responded in the

following way:

The most preferred interview is one-to-one interview, followed by telephonic

interview, group interview, panel interview & stress interview.

I wish to suggest that the individual supporting the „one-to-one‟ interview

indicates that they want to face seldom pressure as possible. Companies should pay
attention to the stress interview where an individual‟s stress facing can be exposed.
Factor 8: Reasons for vacancy identification.

Every Company has its own criteria of enumerating the reasons of vacancy

Observation: Respondents from the Companies Surveyed has responded in the

following way:

The most preferred reason for vacancy identification is the duties to be performed,
followed by posts to be filled, number of persons required & qualification required.

I wish to suggest that the individual supporting the duties to be performed indicates
that they are laying more stress on the duty from where they can derive job
satisfaction. Companies should look at the qualification required as it would reduce
the number of unwanted applicants to apply for the vacancy.
Factor 9: Major challenges faced by HR in recruitment.

Every Company has its own criteria of enumerating the challenges faced by HR in

Observation: Respondents from the Companies Surveyed has responded in the

following way:

The most preferred challenge faced by a HR in recruitment is adaptability to

globalization, followed by process analysis, lack of motivation & strategic

I wish to suggest that the individuals supporting the adaptability to globalization

denote their inability to come in terms with changing global environment. So the
companies should train those individuals & make them habituated with the
changing environment.
Factor 10: Should induction procedure be carried on?

Every Company has its own criteria of enumerating the induction procedure.

Observation: Respondents from the Companies Surveyed has responded in the

following way:

95% of the respondents have voted for the induction procedure & surprisingly 5%
are against such procedure which is very much useful for a new comer. One thing
is to be mentioned here is that 5% includes mainly the top level employees.

I wish to suggest that the individuals supporting the induction denote that it helps
them to get accustomed with the working environment, subordinates & the
immediate supervisor. As mentioned that top level employees (5%) are against it as
the company has to bear a certain degree of cost.

I) 52% of the employees of are in favour of the external recruitment

source, i.e. employee referrals (senior level).

II) 60% of the employees of are in favour of the centralization as it keeps

them under the contact of with the head quarters.

III) 85% of the respondents had given their vote to either somewhat/strongly
agree or remain neutral. Surprisingly 15% have not given their vote in favour
of academic marks.

IV) 62% of the employees of are in a neutral position in case of e-


V) 48% of the employees of are in favour of the qualification factor to be

taken into consideration while recruiting a fresher.

VI) 65% of the employees of are in favour of the „one-to-one interview‟ to

be taken into consideration while recruiting an employee.
VII) 55% of the employees of are in favour of the adaptability to

VIII) 49% of the employees of are in favour of the relevant experience.

IX) 95% of the employees of are in favour of the induction procedure.

X) 90% of the employees of are in favour of the informal induction



1) I wish to suggest that the lion share of the percentage of respondents who
are agreeing to the internal recruitment denotes that they are satisfied with
their jobs as internal recruitment provides them the opportunity of career
growth. Companies should take care of those individuals who are supporting
the external recruitment as external recruitment brings additional cost for the

2) I wish to suggest that the lion share of the percentage of respondents who
are agreeing to the employee referrals denotes that the company has
complete faith & believe on the employees. Companies should also pay
attention to unsolicited applicants.
3) I wish to suggest that the companies should pay attention to follow the
decentralized procedure as it enable the company to expand itself & at the
same time it releases the pressure on the top level management.

4) I wish to suggest that the companies should pay attention to those

individuals who are against the favour of use of academic marks &
understand the reason why they are against the company‟s recruitment

5) I wish to suggest that the companies should make this form of

recruitment more popular & aware to the employees.16% against such
recruitment should also be taken into consideration to know the reason of not
supporting the company‟s recruitment strategy.

6) I wish to suggest that the individuals supporting the corporate image &
profile denotes their loyalty & satisfaction towards their company & job
respectively. Employees should also takes into consideration the matter of
reduction in recruitment cost which will also benefit the companies at large.

7) I wish to suggest that the individuals supporting the adaptability to

globalization denote their inability to come in terms with changing global
environment. So the companies should train those individuals & make them
habituated with the changing environment.

1) Sample constraint.

2) Time constraint.

3) Respondents did not take the questionnaire method seriously.

4) Respondents were very much reluctant in answer the question.


1) Vinet



VOLUME 14, NUMBER 2, pp . . . . 167-179(13)

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