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Annamalai 2nd Year MBA FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 349 Solved Assignment 2021

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Annamalai 2nd Year MBA FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 349 Solved

Assignment 2021

Sir/ Madam

Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD. has 15 years of teaching

experience in MBA Business schools. For last fifteen years
Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD has taught various
subjects from Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information
Systems, International Business and General Specializations. He has written
many research papers and case studies.

Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD organizes online MBA

subject coaching / MBA Assignment help and MBA Project help. Many clients
national and international has appreciated Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,
MCom.,MPhil.,PhD for his timely help in the assignments and projects and
MBA subject coaching.

You can call him on his mobile no. 9025810064 (whatsapp available)   or
mail him at He does help/guide for the below
question. If urgent or any query’s, Please feel free to call him on his mobile
no. 9025810064 (whatsapp available) or do mail on He does help/guide for the below question


1. Why companies go for leasing rather than purchasing agreement? What

steps are involved in a lease agreement?

2. Analyze the trends in mutual funds and how the fresh fund capitals are
mobilized during past five years.
3. In the recent past many investors lost money on stocks and mutual funds
because of an economic downturn caused by global banking and financial
crises. At the same time many experts argued that this was a “Real
Investment Opportunity” because of the depressed price for many stocks
and mutual funds. Do you think today is a good time to begin an
investment program? Justify your answer.

4. If an entrepreneur approaches you for an advice regarding financing of a

project wherein he intends to expand his existing project. What resources
you should suggest him to raise his funds?


1. Define the balance of payments. The balance of payments records all

types of international transactions. What are the three main types of
international transaction in balance of payment accounts?

2. “Multilateral setting process is good to read in print, but when it comes to

implementation, there are bottlenecks.” What does this statement imply?
Discuss in detail.

3. India’s Tariff and quota system is restricting international trade especially

for Agri Business. – Do you agree with this statement? If Yes / No –
substantiate your answer with suitable example.

4. Critically evaluate the success of STC of India in achieving the objectives

for which it was established.


1. How the valuation of Interest Rate SWAP, Currency SWAP and FRN are
made? Explain them.
2. What is a lower bound price of a 4 month call option on a non dividend
paying stock when the stock price is 28 $, strike price is 25$ and risk free
interest rate is 8% per annum.

3. Examine the risks in financial derivatives and suggest measures to

minimise them.

4. Write a note on role of clearing house with special emphasis upon

‘delivery mechanism’ in futures market


1. You are the newly appointed Risk Manager within an organisation and
have noted that there is no written risk management philosophy or
statement in place. Advise to the Board regarding the advantages of
adopting a risk document, describing the elements that should be
referenced within it.

2. Discuss the loss control measures are to be taken by any manufacturing

company of your choice.

3. ‘Insurance is a risk management technique of the corporate sector’–

Analyse the statement.

4. Critically examine the role of government in regulation of insurance

business in India


1. How do operators on a stock exchange affect the economic life of a

nation? Is it necessary to control the stock exchange in the present
situation? Give your views.

2. “Companies with high credit risk are the ones that cannot access fixed rate
market directly. They are the companies that are most likely to be paying
fixed and receiving floating in an interest rate swap”. Do you think it
increases or decreases the risk of a financial institutions swap portfolio?
Assume that companies are most likely to default when interest rates are

3. “A fundamental analysis estimate of intrinsic value is different from the

present value of all income”. Is this statement true, false or uncertain?
Justify your views with appropriate examples.

4. A stock split should have no effect on value but it does seem to affect a
firm stock price. How would you reconcile this contradiction?
Substantiate with suitable examples.


1. What are the six sigma strategies? Is this strategies has suitable to all the
organization? If yes explain briefly if no justify your answer.

2. A leading steel company approaches you for strategies formulation and

implementation in the changing environment. Suggest them a
combination of strategies for productivity improvement (Make necessary

3. Consider the shampoo market in India. Prepare a table showing the

differences between the strategies adopted by top 5 brands. Explain each

4. Differentiate between competitive advantage of a country and a corporate.

Discuss how this can help a firm to win over competition and grab more
market share.

1. What type of electronic payment systems are required in E-Commerce? Why

are there different types of payment systems? Explain the necessary
characteristics of each type of payment system and give an example of each
where it is used.

2. Describe the current e-commerce scenario in India and explain the future
prospect of e-commerce

3. Take an example of any two e-commerce companies in India providing high

end e-commerce solutions and describe how they established customer
confidence, trust and ensured privacy and security of the e-commerce

4. What is meant by Home entertainment? How it is related to E-Commerce and

explains the size of the Home Entertainment Market?


1. Why do business organizations need research? A company, faced with the

problem of increasing rate of work force turnover, wants you to conduct a
research on this problem. Prepare a blueprint on the research process, you will

2. "Research is much concerned with proper fact finding, analysis and

evaluation". Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons in support of your

3. “Whenever possible, it is advisable to use instruments that have already been

developed and repeatedly used in published studies, rather than develop our
own instruments for our studies” - Do you agree? Discuss the reasons for your

4. "Every data collection method has its own built-in biases. Therefore, resorting
to multi-methods of data collection is only going to compound the biases",
How would you critique this statement?

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