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Instantaneous Throughput Prediction in Cellular Networks: Which Information Is Needed?

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Instantaneous Throughput Prediction in Cellular

Networks: Which Information Is Needed?

Alassane Samba, Yann Busnel, Alberto Blanc, Philippe Dooze, Gwendal

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Alassane Samba, Yann Busnel, Alberto Blanc, Philippe Dooze, Gwendal Simon. Instantaneous
Throughput Prediction in Cellular Networks: Which Information Is Needed?. IM 2017 : IFIP/IEEE
International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, May 2017, Lisbonne, Portugal.
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Instantaneous Throughput Prediction in Cellular
Networks: Which Information Is Needed?
Alassane Samba∗ , Yann Busnel† , Alberto Blanc‡ , Philippe Dooze∗ and Gwendal Simon‡
∗ Orange Labs, Lannion, France
† Crest
(ENSAI) / Inria Rennes, France
‡ IMT Atlantique / IRISA Rennes, France

Abstract—Downlink data rates can vary significantly in cellular Several authors have proposed methods to predict the
networks, with a potentially non-negligible effect on the user achievable data rate for a connection in a cellular network
experience. Content providers address this problem by using based on measurements collected during the connection itself.
different representations (e.g., picture resolution, video resolution
and rate) of the same content and switch among these based By their very nature, such methods cannot be used at the
on measurements collected during the connection. If it were beginning of the connection. These methods use measurements
possible to know the achievable data rate before the connection collected over a certain time period, from a few milliseconds
establishment, content providers could choose the most appropri- to a few minutes to make predictions over similar time scales.
ate representation from the very beginning. We have conducted Some recent proposals have addressed throughput predictions
a measurement campaign involving 60 users connected to a
production network in France, to determine whether it is possible based on the information about the radio link status [2]. This
to predict the achievable data rate using measurements collected, information is available at the mobile phone of the end-user; it
before establishing the connection to the content provider, on the allows thus instantaneous throughput prediction. However, the
operator’s network and on the mobile node. We show that it is authors study accurate short-term prediction (a few hundreds
indeed possible to exploit these measurements to predict, with a of milliseconds at most), while the needs of content providers
reasonable accuracy, the achievable data rate.
are also for rough throughput estimation at the scale of a few
I. I NTRODUCTION seconds (the length of a video chunk typically ranges from 2
In cellular networks, Quality of Service (QoS), in particular to 10 seconds). Other proposals rely on instant measurements
throughput, is especially sensitive to the context of use. To at the physical layer or on traffic monitoring at the cell level to
deal with changing QoS, content providers implement adaptive infer the bandwidth of a user but they cannot accurately predict
delivery strategies, where the quality and the characteristics the achievable throughput for a connection, as this value can
of the delivered content are adjusted to match the achievable depend on a combination of all these factors.
QoS of each user. These adaptive strategies are reactive: the In this paper we study instantaneous (i.e. history-less)
characteristics of the content delivered at time t are based prediction of the achievable throughput of a connection over
on measurements collected between the beginning of the a period of a few seconds. We are interested in identifying the
connection and t. set of information that enable relatively accurate predictions.
Yet, content providers take some key decisions at the Radio link information can be collected on the User Equip-
beginning of the delivery. For instance, most web services ments (UEs) , e.g., Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI),
have several style sheets for their web pages, with a variable Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ), and Signal to
number of elements and information. The decision of which Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR). Context information can
style sheet to deliver should be taken at the very beginning of also be collected at UE: location by Global Positioning System
the connection, even though no past throughput observation is (GPS) coordinates, speed, terminal category and frequency
available. Another example is adaptive video streaming. The band used. Finally, the network operator can offer information
video is divided into several chunks, and each chunk encoded about the cellular network performance, including the average
at several bit-rate corresponding to different quality levels. cell throughput, the average number of users, the connection
Throughout the delivery, the client selects the highest quality success rate and the Block Error Ratio (BLER). One of the
representation with respect to an estimation of the available questions we address is whether this latter set of information
throughput based on the most recent history. At the very brings significant improvement to the prediction.
beginning, though, no such history is available. The delivery We present and analyse the results of a measurement cam-
often starts with a medium or low quality representation to be paign involving a total of 5,700 connections over 350 different
on the safe side [1]. cells from a production network. We use supervised machine
In both cases, content providers could avoid this guess learning techniques to analyze the contribution of different
work if they could get a reasonably accurate estimate of the measurements. Based on this analysis, we show that it is in-
achievable data rate with a given client. This estimate does not deed possible to use instantaneous measurements collected in
need to be extremely precise. Getting the order of magnitude the cellular network and on the mobile to predict throughput,
can already be enough in most cases. with a reasonable accuracy. We show that combining physical
layer measurements from the mobile with measurements from
the cellular network enables a much better prediction.
Over the years, different methods have been proposed to Server
estimate and predict the available bandwidth in a computer operator
network (see, for example, the surveys by Prasad et al.
[3] and Chaudhari and Biradar [4] and references wherein).
These methods exploit timing or other characteristics of the Context
RAN info
link time
packets belonging to a connection in order to estimate the
available capacity. In other words, they can work only after
Fig. 1. Overall architecture of our data collection campaign
the connection has been established. Instead, we are interested
in predicting the available capacity before a connection is
established, therefore we cannot use these solutions. the UE Operating System (OS) and from the Radio Access
Our work is more closely related to studies that have Network (RAN) management system. We detail some of them
shown that it is possible to predict the data-rate of a cellular in Section III-B below.
connection by using measurements collected at the physical Finally, we filtered out the entries so that the entries
layer [2, 5–7]. Along similar lines, some authors have incorpo- having one or multiple missing values and the entries that
rated such data-rate predictions into adaptation algorithms for used multiple base stations (i.e., handover) are rejected. We
video transmission [8–10]. The key element shared by these obtained the entries of 31 volunteers, corresponding to 5,700
papers is that, in cellular networks, UEs and base stations downloads on 350 different cells.
periodically exchange radio channel measurements, which are
used by the base station to make scheduling decisions. To a B. Dataset Description
varying degree, these papers propose to propagate this infor- We detail here the variables grouped into four families that
mation to other layers and/or entities. For instance, CQIC [2] we use as inputs of the prediction algorithm.
presents a new transport layer protocol based on a cross-layer
design. While such an approach is possible, it calls for major UE Categories and Cell Frequency Band LTE2600 and
changes, not only in the mobile nodes and in the cellular LTE800 base stations respectively correspond to cells using
network but also in the Internet at large. 2.6 GHz and 800 MHz frequency bands. LTE defines UE cat-
Our approach is not as radical: we collect data that are egories, which determine their performance specifications and
already available today in production networks and terminals. enable base stations to be aware of their expected performance
One key difference is that we propose to collect data from both level. Only categories 3 and 4 have been used.
user terminals and base stations. These measurements can be Physical Layer (Radio) On the UE we collect (i) Reference
collected and combined by an ad-hoc element in the cellular Signal Received Power (RSRP) the reference signal power
network, similarly to what proposed by the EONA frame- across the channel bandwidth; and (ii) Reference Signal
work [11] or the DASH-Aware Network Element (DANE) Received Quality (RSRQ) the ratio between Reference Signal
element in the recent Server and Network Assisted DASH Received Power (RSRP) and RSSI multiplied by the number
(SAND) standard. of resources blocks allocated to the UE.
III. I NPUT DATASET Context Information Intuitively, the awareness of the con-
A. Measurement Campaign text in which the download operation occurs can help to
predict QoS. Context awareness has been used in various
We collected the data used in this paper thanks to 60
other applications [13, 14]. In this paper, we consider the
volunteers who have installed a dedicated application [12]
following indicators: (i) Indoor/Outdoor, an heuristic based
on their UE and used it for two weeks, in February 2016.
on the number of visible GPS satellites from the UE reports
Throughout the day, as long as the terminal is turned on, the
whether the UE is indoor or not; (ii) Distance to cell based
application periodically downloads a file from a remote server,
on the GPS coordinates provided by the application and a
using a production cellular network. The size of the file is
network topology database; and (iii) Speed estimated thanks
32 Mbits. The file download was done only when the cellular
to the GPS and the accelerometer.
network used Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology. The
server is in a well-provisioned data-center (in other words, the RAN Measurements Operators use Network Manangement
server cannot be the bottleneck of the connection). Figure 1 System (NMS) to monitor their networks by collecting raw
shows the different elements involved. counters of network events, typically aggregated over a period
Every time a UE downloads the file, it generates an entry. of a fifteen minutes. We have studied tens of KPIs, intuitively
This entry contains a timestamp and the time it took to linked to the throughput, and we have concluded that the most
download the full file, which we convert into the achieved relevant metrics are: average cell throughput, average number
throughput. It also contains several measurements logged from of users on the cell, BLER of the cell and Radio Resource
Control (RRC) setup success rate. TABLE I
In this part, we study which data are correlated with Predictor # variables # entries R2 Ēi
throughput and whether combining several data in inputs x = UE cat. + Cell band 2 5757 0.39 0.28
x + Radio 4 4677 0.70 0.19
improves the throughput prediction. x + RAN 6 2842 0.71 0.17
x + Context 5 3827 0.65 0.20
A. Methodology x + Radio + RAN 8 2626 0.85 0.11
We used a Random Forest algorithm [15] for the learning x + Radio + Context 7 3193 0.81 0.13
x + RAN + Context 9 1871 0.74 0.15
technique. We used a K-fold method [16] with K = 10 for x + Radio + RAN + Context 11 1813 0.84 0.10
validation. It consists in dividing the set of entries into 10 ran-
domly chosen subsets. Then we use 9 subsets to learn the best
parameter settings for the predictor and the remaining subset
is used as a test set. This well-known methodology enables to
check if a model can accurately predict the throughput for a
new entry.
The predictors are built as follows. First, we always in-
clude the UE category and the cell frequency band. Then,
we consider the families of available data as described in
Section III-B: Context, Radio link, and RAN. We look at
all the configurations of availability for each family. Let i be
an entry of our measurement campaign. Let yi be the actual
Fig. 2. Cumulative distribution function of error rate
throughput of the download operation related to i. For each
predictor, the algorithm predicts the throughput yˆi and we
compare the predicted throughput yˆi to the actual achieved
throughput yi . data (the fewer the easier to implement). The first line of
Table I shows that the cell band and the UE category do not
B. Performance Metrics enable an accurate prediction with our supervised learning
We have selected the two metrics, presented in Table I, technique. The context information allows an improvement,
among those commonly used to evaluate the results of pre- but the two main families of collected data that lead to a more
diction algorithms: accurate prediction are RAN and Radio link (the coefficient
2 of determination is 0.70 and 0.71 respectively). Second, both
• The coefficient of determination, R , represents the per-
centage of the variance of the throughput explained by RAN and Radio are complementary input data since the
Pn predictor. It is calculated as follows: R2 = 1 − combination of both increases the R2 to 0.85 and limits the
(ŷi −yi )2 median error ratio to 0.1.
2 , where ȳ is the mean throughput.
i=1 (ȳ−yi )
• The median absolute error ratio, Ēi , is the error ratio
that half of the predictions reach. The error ratio is
measured by the absolute value of the difference between The achievable throughput of a connection over a cellular
the predicted and the actual throughput, divided by the network depends on the performance of all the components
actual throughput. involved in the transmission: the mobile device, the radio link,
To complete these results, we depict in Figure 2 the Empiri- the cell capacity, the core network, and even the server of the
cal Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF) of the prediction content provider. A commonly accepted claim is that the net-
error ratio. We focus on the three main predictors: Radio-only, work operator and the content provider over-provision the core
RAN-only, and Radio and RAN. network and Content Delivery Network (CDN) respectively so
that the bottleneck is located in the last-mile. If this is indeed
C. Results the case, predicting the data rate in the last-mile is equivalent
Regarding the accuracy of the prediction, the results that we to predicting the end-to-end data rate.
obtain (especially a cross validated coefficient of determination Some researchers have also studied the case where the core
at 0.85 and a median error ratio at 0.1) are equivalent to network [18] or the CDN [19] are under-provisioned, in which
much more sophisticated non-instantaneous techniques [17]. case the bottleneck is not in the last-mile. In this case, predict-
Our study thus reveals that instantaneous prediction based on ing the data rate on the wireless link is not enough to predict
data that are already available at the device and at the oper- the end-to-end rate but such a prediction can still be exploited
ator enables a suficient accurate prediction to allow content by combining it with information related to the status of the
providers to select a class of service for each end-users. core network and the CDN. Typically, since content providers
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