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Utilization of Sludge As Brick Materials: Chih-Huang Weng, Deng-Fong Lin, Pen-Chi Chiang

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Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 679–685

Utilization of sludge as brick materials

Chih-Huang Wenga, Deng-Fong Lina, Pen-Chi Chiangb,*
Department of Civil Engineering, I-Shou University, Ta-Hsu Hsiang, Kaohsiung County 840, Taiwan, ROC
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan, ROC


Bricks manufactured from dried sludge collected from an industrial wastewater treatment plant were investigated.
Results of tests indicated that the sludge proportion and the firing temperature were the two key factors determining
the brick quality. Increasing the sludge content results in a decrease of brick shrinkage, water absorption, and
compressive strength. Results also showed that the brick weight loss on ignition was mainly attributed to the organic
matter content in the sludge being burnt off during the firing process. With up to 20% sludge added to the bricks,
the strength measured at temperatures 960 and 1000 8C met the requirements of the Chinese National Standards.
Toxic characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) tests of brick also showed that the metal leaching level is low. The
conditions for manufacturing good quality bricks is 10% sludge with 24% of moisture content prepared in the molded
mixtures and fired at 880–960 8C.
䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Brick; Compressive strength; Clay; Metal leaching; Sludge; Utilization

1. Introduction Wiebusch and Seyfried, 1997; Tay and Show, 1999;

Weng and Lin, 2000; Lin and Weng, 2001). Neverthe-
In Taiwan, the annual sludge (dewatered) production less, utilization of sludge as a building material in
from 34 industrial wastewater treatment plants is Taiwan has not yet been a productive reality because
approximately 0.67 million tons. While sanitary landfills the legal approval and public acceptance in this regard
are commonly used for disposal of sludge in Taiwan, are not yet overcome.
rapid urbanization has made it increasingly difficult to In this study, the suitable conditions of using dried
find suitable landfill sites (Lin and Weng, 2001). Utili- sludge in manufacturing of bricks under the criteria of
zation of sludge as an addition to construction and Chinese National Standards (CNS) were investigated.
building material including building bricks, lightweight The influence of sludge proportion in the raw materials,
artificial aggregates, and cement-like materials is a win– the temperature in relating to the brick qualities, and
win strategy because it not only converts the wastes metal leach ability were examined.
into useful materials but it also alleviates the disposal
problems. The prospective benefits of using sludge or 2. Material and methods
sludge ash as the brick or tile additive include immo-
bilizing heavy metals in the fired matrix, oxidizing The filter press dewatered and oven-dried sludge
organic matter and destroying any pathogens during the samples were obtained from a local industrial waste-
firing process, and reducing the frost damage based on water treatment plant. The dried sludge samples were
the results of several full or bench scale studies (Alle- taken from the outlet of a dryer which burnt 1 ton of
man and Berman, 1984; Tay, 1987; Trauner, 1991; dewatered sludge at 250 8C for 2 h. A clay sample of
Alleman et al., 1990; Okuno and Takahashi, 1997; normal bricks was obtained from a local brick manufac-
turing plant. Table 1 shows the sludge and clay char-
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q886-7-657-8957; fax: q886- acteristics and their metal content. In general, the dried
7-657-7461. sludge has a higher heavy metal content than that of
E-mail address: (C.-H. Weng). the dewatered sludge and clay. The dried sludge was

1093-0191/03/$ - see front matter 䊚 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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680 C.-H. Weng et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 679–685

Table 1
Characteristics of sludge and clay

Characteristics Dewatered sludge Dried sludge Clay

pH 7.19 7.27 8.09
Density (gycm3) 1.16 1.75 2.52
Volatile matter (combusted at 56.9 61.3 5.9
550"50 8C for 3 h) (%)
Moisture content (%) 84.1 41.0 1.4
Loss on ignition (combusted at 94.6 76.6 7.9
800"50 8C for 3 h) (%)
Metals (mgykg)
Cd 3 5 -0.1
Cr 537 1713 16
Cu 29 212 85
Co 10 24 5
Fe 5265 18 070 8530
Ni 167 1131 20
Pb 3 35 -0.1
Zn 264 628 98

directly used as a clay substitute without further water absorption, bulk density, and compressive strength
treatment. to determine the quality of bricks (Table 2). Following
In the brick molding process, different sludge pro- criteria evaluation, the tests of toxic characteristic leach-
portions were mixed with ground clay using a crushing ing procedure (TCLP) as described in ROC-EPA (1997)
machine. Because water content is an important factor were performed to investigate the leachability of metals
affecting the quality of the brick, tests including specific from bricks made from sludge.
surface area (Blaine air permeability method), compac-
tion, and Atterberg limits were conducted first to obtain
the plastic nature of the sludge–clay mixtures and to 3. Results and discussion
determine the optimum moisture content (OMC) in the
brick manufacturing process. Using this OMC, the 3.1. Specific surface area of clay-sludge mixtures
mixtures with various proportions of sludge and clay
were prepared in batches. A vacuum machine was used
to expel the air from the mixture to avoid cracking in The results of specific surface area obtained for the
the firing process. The mixtures were then introduced mixtures are shown in Table 3. The specific surface
into a series of brick molds (length 230 mm, width 110 area of sludge is almost the same order of magnitude
mm, and thickness 60 mm). Sludge free mixtures were as for clay, 0.51 and 0.564 m2 yg, respectively. As the
also made as reference. After a 24-h maturation followed amount of sludge increases, the specific surface area of
by another 24-h 103 8C oven-dry period, the molded the mixture increases proportionally. The higher specific
mixtures (body) were fired in a combustion chamber at surface area of the mixture indicates the need for more
the temperature ranging from 880 to 1000 8C for 6 h. water being used in the brick molding processes. Thus,
As required by the CNS (1999) standards for building when a rather high amount of sludge is applied in
bricks, the produced bricks then underwent a series of replacing clay, the water requirement in the brick making
tests including firing shrinkage, weight loss on ignition, process is expected to be higher than that of clay alone.

Table 2
CNS (1999) brick criteria

Inspection item 1st-class brick 2nd-class brick

Bulk density (gycm ) 1.8;2.0 1.8;2.0
Firing shrinkage (%) 8, maximum 8, maximum
Weight loss on ignition (%) 15, maximum 15, maximum
Water absorption (%) 15, maximum 19, maximum
Compressive strength (kgycm2) 150, minimum 100, minimum
C.-H. Weng et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 679–685 681

Table 3
Effect of sludge proportion on the specific surface area and the plastic index of the mixtures

Sludge proportion (% by weight) 0 10 20 30 40 100

Specific surface area (m yg) 0.51 0.514 0.521 0.53 0.532 0.564
Optimum moisture content (%) 23 24 26 29 33 –
Liquid limit (%) 38 39 41 45 46 –
Plastic limit (%) 20 22 25 30 33 –
Plasticity index 18 17 16 15 13 –

3.2. Compaction test and Atterberg’s tests of clay– 3.3. Brick water absorption
sludge mixtures
Water absorption is a key factor affecting the dura-
A standard AASHTO (1982) compaction test was bility of brick. The less water infiltrates into brick, the
used to determine the OMC which is an important factor more durability of the brick and resistance to the natural
affecting the properties of brick. The OMC of a mixture environment are expected. Thus, the internal structure
was based on the moisture requirement in which maxi- of the brick must be intensive enough to avoid the
mum bonding among the mixture particles is retained. intrusion of water. The determination of water absorp-
The test results show that the OMC is 23% for clay tion was done using the procedures as described in CNS
mixture. Increasing the sludge proportions in the mixture (1999). Fig. 1 shows the results of the test for different
resulted in an increase of OMC. The effect of moisture proportions of sludge in the mixture fired at three
on the pulverized material’s plastic behavior is demon- temperatures. Fig. 1 shows that the water absorption for
strated in accordance with the Atterberg Limits test the bricks increases with increased sludge addition and
(Wray, 1985). The results of Atterberg’s tests of sludge– decreased firing temperature, thereby decreasing its
clay mixtures indicate that the value of plastic limit is weathering resistance. The previously reported plastic
inversely proportional to the amount of sludge in the limit values have revealed that the addition of sludge
brick. A plastic limit value of 18 for clay alone shows lowers the plastic nature of the mixture and also decreas-
the clay can be classified as a low plasticity material. es the bonding ability of the mixture. When the mixture
The plastic limit values shown in Table 3 indicate that contains a rather higher amount of sludge, the adhesive-
up to 30% of sludge can be applied into brick without ness of the mixture decreases, but the internal pore size
losing its plastic behavior. of the brick increases. As a result, the quantity of

Fig. 1. The water absorption of bricks.

682 C.-H. Weng et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 679–685

Fig. 2. The brick firing shrinkage.

absorbed water increases. As shown in Fig. 1, when the quality of brick exhibits a shrinkage below 8%. As
mixture contains less than 15% sludge and is fired at a shown in Fig. 2, the percentage of shrinkage increases
temperature higher than 960 8C, the percentage of with the increasing sludge addition. As the swellability
absorbed water in the produced brick should lie in the and the organic content of the sludge are much higher
1st class category. With 30% sludge in replacement of than those of clay, the addition of sludge in the mixture
clay and fired at 1000 8C, the brick produced in this should enlarge the degree of firing shrinkage. As a
condition meets the 2nd class brick water absorption result, the quality of a brick is downgraded. The firing
criteria. temperature is another important parameter affecting the
degree of shrinkage. In general, increasing the temper-
3.4. Brick firing shrinkage ature results in an increase of shrinkage (Fig. 2). Thus,
the proportion of sludge in the mixture and the firing
The quality of brick can be further assured according temperature are the two key factors to be controlled to
to the degree of firing shrinkage. Normally, a good minimize the shrinkage in the firing process.

Fig. 3. The weight loss on ignition of bricks.

C.-H. Weng et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 679–685 683

Fig. 4. The particle density of bricks.

3.5. Brick weight loss on ignition However, upon the addition of sludge in the mixture,
the loss of weight apparently increased because the
Fig. 3 shows that increasing the sludge proportion contribution of organic matter loss from sludge. Fur-
and temperature resulted in increases in brick weight thermore, the brick weight loss on ignition also depends
loss on ignition. The weight loss criterion for a normal on the inorganic substances in both clay and sludge
clay brick is 15%. With less than 10% sludge addition, being burnt off during the firing process.
the produced bricks all meet the criteria. Visual obser-
vation showed that an uneven surface was found for the 3.6. Density of bricks
sludge-brick. It is speculated that the formation of this
unwanted surface was mainly due to the organic com- The bricks made with clay normally have a bulk
ponent burnt off during the firing process. For a normal density of 1.8–2.0 gycm3. The measurements of particle
clay brick, the loss of weight after firing at 800 8C is density for different proportions of sludge fired at four
mainly attributed to the organic matter content in clay. temperatures are demonstrated in Fig. 4. As shown, the

Fig. 5. The compressive strength of bricks.

684 C.-H. Weng et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 679–685

Table 4
TCLP test results of sludge and bricks

Metals Dried Brick Taiwan-EPA

sludge 880 8C 920 8C 960 8C 1000 8C Regulated TCLP limit
(mgyl) (mgyl) (mgyl) (mgyl) (mgyl) (mgyl)

As 0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 5

Cd 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 -0.01 1
Cr(VI) -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 2.5
Cr(total) 0.21 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 5
Cu -0.01 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 15
Hg -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 0.2
Pb 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 5
Zn 3.60 0.24 0.23 0.12 0.08 25
Note: Brick containing 30% sludge.

particle density of the bricks is inversely proportional rather high firing temperature environment. Obviously
to the quantity of sludge added in the mixture. This the incineration process makes metal less leachable.
finding is closely related to the quantity of water
absorbed as demonstrated in Fig. 1. When the mixture 4. Conclusions
absorbs more water, the brick exhibits a larger pore
size, resulting in a light density. The firing temperature
This work has demonstrated the suitable conditions
can also affect the particle density of the bricks. The
for using dried sludge as a clay substitute to produce
results show that increasing the temperature results in
an engineering quality of brick. The proportion of sludge
an increase in particle density.
in the mixture and the firing temperature are the two
key factors affecting the quality of brick. In all, the
3.7. Compressive strength of bricks recommended proportion of sludge in brick is 10%,
with a 24% optimum moisture content, prepared in the
The compressing test is the most important test for molded mixtures and fired between 880 8C and 960 8C
assuring the engineering quality of a building material. to produce a good quality brick.
The results (Fig. 5) indicate that the strength is greatly
dependent on the amount of sludge in the brick and the Acknowledgments
firing temperature. As shown, with up to 10% sludge
added to the bricks, the strength achieved at 1000 8C This study was partly supported by the Industrial
can be as high as the normal clay bricks. When a 20% Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs of
sludge is added in the brick, the achieved brick strength Republic of China. The findings do not necessarily
at 1000 8C lies in the scope of the 1st-class category. represent the endorsement of this agency.
With up to 30% sludge added to the bricks, the strength
measured at temperatures of 1000 8C, met the require-
ments of a 2nd class brick standard.
AASHTO, 1982. AASHTO T-99 standard test methods for
3.8. TCLP test of bricks moisture-density relations of soils and soil-aggregate
mixtures using 5.5 lb rammer and 12 in drop. Standard
Results of TCLP tests are shown in Table 4. Chro- Specifications for Highway Materials and Methods of Sam-
mium and zinc are leached from sludge, although the pling and Testing, Part II. American Association of State
Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
concentrations are much less than those of the Taiwan-
Alleman, J.E., Berman, N.A., 1984. Constructive sludge man-
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Results of leaching tests indicated that the quantities of amended brick production: applicability for metal-laden
Cr(total) and Zn leached from bricks containing 30% residues. Water Sci. Technol. 22 (12), 309–317.
sludge are all less than the original dried sludge. It is Chinese National Standards (CNS), 1999. CNS1127 method
reasonable though, that the rather low metal leached of test for general types of bricks for building. CNS Catalog,
resulted from rending metal in oxide form during the R3042. Ceramic Industry, Pottery Wares, Bureau of Stan-
C.-H. Weng et al. / Advances in Environmental Research 7 (2003) 679–685 685

dards, Metrology and Inspection Ministry of Economic Process Industries, IAWQ Specialty Conference of Chemical
Affairs, Republic of China. and Petrochemical Industries Group, Beijing, PR China. pp.
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Republic of China-Environmental Protection Agency (ROC- NJ Chapter 4.
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Tay, J-H., 1987. Bricks manufacture from sludge. J. Environ. ment of Civil Engineering at the I-Shou University,
Eng. 113 (2), 278–283. Taiwan. His research interests are in the areas of
Tay, J.-H., Show, K.-Y., 1999. Constructive sludge disposal environmental engineering.
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Trauner, E.J., 1991. Sludge ash bricks fired to above and
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