Derive Basic Gate Using NOR Gate
Derive Basic Gate Using NOR Gate
Derive Basic Gate Using NOR Gate
Arithmetic circuits-
Combinational circuit
Combinational circuit a circuit which output at any time depends only on the
input values at that time not depend on past value.
The design of combinational circuit starts from a set of Boolean function and end
in a logic circuit diagram
Step-5 obtains Boolean expression for each output from the truth table.
Step-7 draws the logic circuit diagram corresponding to the simplified Boolean
1. Half adder
2. Full adder
3. Half sub-tractor
4. Full sub-tractor
5. Encoder
6. Decoder
7. Multiplexer
8. De-multiplexer
Half adder
Half adder is a combinational circuit which perform the arithmetic addition of two binary digits is
called half adder .As figure the half adder has two input and two output .
The two input are the two 1- bit number A & B and the two output S & C
k –map method be used for simplifying and derive the expression for half adder