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Love-Who-Youll-Become/: English 1: Grammar and Composition Final Output Guideline: "Dear Future Me" Writing Activity

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English 1: Grammar and Composition

Final Output Guideline:

“Dear Future Me” Writing Activity

1. Please visit this link

love-who-youll-become/ which has a helpful blog written by Jeanine Nicole. She
sums up in her blog how she felt when she received her letter to herself 10 years
after and how she wrote another letter for herself in 10 years’ time.
2. While reading Nicole’s insights on writing a letter to your future self, get some
ideas as to how you are going to write your letter to yourself now.
3. Aside from using the tips you got from Jeanine Nicole on writing a letter to
yourself, please take note of these ideas which might help you further:
A. Me, Now: Indicate your hopes, fears, dreams, intentions, goals, problems,
concerns, likes, dislikes, joys, frustrations, what you like about yourself, what
you don’t like about yourself, what you are proud of, what you think about,
what bothers you, who you are, etc.
B. My World: Describe your home, bedroom, school, neighbourhood, town, your
favorite places to go, chores, allowance, pets, possessions, clothes, religion,
current events, favorites – books, music groups, movies, etc.
C. What I Do: List your hobbies, pastimes, sports, school activities, what you do
when you’re alone, what you do with your friends, favorite snacks and foods;
chores, how you spend your weekends and vacations, special activities you
do, organizations you belong, etc.
D. People In My Life: Specify your family, siblings, aunts and uncles,
grandparents, friends, best friends, teachers, the opposite gender, “him” or
“her”, who you like, people you’d like to know better, people you admire and
respect, important people in your life, people who annoy you, etc.
E. My Past: Remember where you were born, where you lived, how you grew
up, childhood accidents, childhood memories, schools you’ve attended,
previous pets, trips you’ve taken, important events in your life so far, former
friends, former teachers, teams you played on, previous romances, etc.
F. My Future: Pen your predictions for yourself, what you want to do, your long
range intentions, what you’re looking forward to, what you’re dreading, your
goals, hopes and fears for the world, summer vacation, high school, college,
marriage, employment, etc.

Note: Word count is minimum of 200 words.

4. Visit which is the site that will send you your letter after 10
years. Encode your letter in the Body part of the e-mail letter. Please indicate an
e-mail address which you might still use after 10 years. Indicate also the
- Subject: Letter for My Future Self
- Deliver on: You can choose any date here just make sure the year is 2030
- Make this letter: Private

6. Expected output to be submitted is a docx/ pdf version of your letter with a

screenshot of the proof that you post it on Just paste the screenshot in
the last page of your letter. You can also be creative with your output for added points.

7. Submission Guidelines
Subject of the email: Eng 1 Final Output
Deadline: Fri, Dec. 18, until 8 pm (PLEASE ONLY SUBMIT ON THAT DAY)
Criteria Unsatisfactory- Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total
Content 0-34 points 35-39 points 40-44 points 45-50 points /50
(+ Output lacks critical Output demonstrates Output demonstrates Output demonstrates a
Creativity) thinking. Superficial limited critical thinking some degree of critical high degree of critical
connections are made with in applying, analyzing, thinking in applying, thinking in applying,
key course concepts and and/or evaluating key analyzing, and/or analyzing, and evaluating
course materials, activities, course concepts and evaluating key course key course concepts and
and/or assignments theories from readings, concepts and theories theories from readings,
lectures, media, from readings, lectures, lectures, media,
discussions, activities, media, discussions discussions activities,
and/or assignments activities, and/or and/or assignments.
Minimal connections assignments. Insightful and relevant
made through Connections made connections made through
explanations, through explanations, contextual explanations,
inferences, and/or inferences, and/or inferences, and examples.
examples. examples.
Personal 0-13 points 14-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points /20
Growth Conveys inadequate Conveys limited Conveys evidence of Conveys strong evidence
evidence of reflection on evidence of reflection reflection on own work of reflection on own work
own work in response to on own work in with a personal with a personal response
the self-assessment response to the self- response to the self- to the self-assessment
questions posed. Personal assessment questions assessment questions questions posed.
growth and awareness are posed. Demonstrates posed. Demonstrates Demonstrates significant
not evident and/or less than adequate satisfactory personal personal growth and
demonstrates a neutral personal growth and growth and awareness awareness of deeper
experience with negligible awareness through few through some inferences meaning through
personal impact. Lacks or simplistic inferences made, examples, inferences made,
enough inferences, made, examples, insights, and challenges. examples, well developed
examples, personal insights, and/or Some thought of the insights, and substantial
insights and challenges, challenges that are not future implications of depth in perceptions and
and/or future implications well developed. current experience. challenges. Synthesizes
are overlooked. Minimal thought of the current experience into
future implications of future implications.
current experience.

Writing 0-13 points 14-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points /20
Quality Poor writing style lacking Average and/or casual Above average writing Well written and clearly
in standard English, writing style that is style and logically organized using standard
clarity, language used, sometimes unclear organized using English, characterized by
and/or frequent errors in and/or with some standard English with elements of a strong
grammar, punctuation, errors in grammar, minor errors in writing style and basically
usage, and spelling. Needs punctuation, usage, and grammar, punctuation, free from grammar,
work. spelling. usage, and spelling. punctuation, usage, and
spelling errors.
Timelines Deduct 11 points- Deduct 6-10 points Deduct 1-5 points 0 points deducted /10
s overall failing
Output is submitted 2-3 Output is submitted 1-2 Output is submitted Output is submitted ON
days (49-72 hours) after days (25-48 hours) within 1 day (24 hours) deadline.
the deadline. after the deadline. after the deadline.

TOTAL POINTS (sum of 4 Criteria) /100

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