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Master's Programmes: Delft University of Technology

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Master’s Programmes

Delft University of Technology


35+ Science, In Delft in #20

MSc programmes Engineering, the Netherlands QS Engineering &
(all in English) Design Technology ranking 2018
Why TU Delft?

TU Delft provides first-class education, encouraging students to become creative and

independent thinkers who will become capable of solving complex problems. In order
to foster this attitude, much of the academic curriculum revolves around analysis and
project group problem solving along with writing reports and papers. At TU Delft, you
will find yourself in an environment of cutting-edge research, and in close proximity to
numerous high-tech companies, often started by graduates.

About the master programmes

Degree Master of Science All MSc programmes are taught in English and graduating from your track, your diploma will list
will take two years to complete. The content of your MSc degree and will also specify your
Type full-time the first year of most programmes is comprised chosen track. TU Delft has adopted the
of theory, assignments and practical work. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
Credits 120 ECTS, 24 months
second year is largely devoted to final thesis Students are expected to obtain 60 European
Language English work and will involve participating in one of credits (EC) each academic year. Besides these
the university’s advanced research or design TU Delft MSc Programmes, TU Delft
Application 1 April 2020 projects, or completing an internship or research participates in a number of joint and double
deadline for students with an assignment at a company. Each academic year degree programmes.
international BSc degree is divided into four periods of ten weeks. This Check for the full list and
means that you will have examinations four up-to-date programme information, and www.
1 July 2020 times a year. The first quarter begins in for an overview of the
for students with a September and last quarter ends in July. courses.
Dutch BSc degree

Tuition fee € 18.750 (non EU)

Our MSc programmes offer different tracks Online education
which will enable you to specialise within your The TU Delft extension school offers numerous
€ 2.143 (EU)
field of interest. When applying for a pro­ free online courses in the fields of science,
Admission gramme at TU Delft, some programmes will engineering and design. Do you want to check
& application require you to immediately select a track. With out some of our lectures, or participate in one
other programmes you will be able to select of our courses? Register yourself at:
your track of choice at a later stage. After
After your master’s programme

Graduates from TU Delft are in great demand in both the private and
the public sectors and have an excellent worldwide reputation. They
are renowned for their creativity and ability to solve complex problems,
challenges that often lead them to work in complex and unpredictable
professional environments and to assume leading roles in organisations
around the world. Have a look at the TU Delft university page on LinkedIn
to find out where our alumni work and live.

Career Centre Alumni network: TU Delft for life

TU Delft Career Centre helps to build your TU Delft for Life is TU Delft’s alumni
employability and career management skills programme: the global meeting place for all
by providing a range of careers workshops, TU Delft alumni to expand your network, get
programs and resources. in touch with former fellow students and keep up-to-date with the latest news and events.
Yes!Delft is a leading tech incubator in Europe
supporting our students with the Yes!Delft
Students organisation in the dynamic field
of entrepreneurship.

Practical matters
Tuition fee & General Application process & deadlines
Dutch/EU/EFTA/Surinamese These deadlines apply for the international students:
nationality € 2.143 per year. 1 October - 1 July Intake of applications for MSc programmes
Non EU/EFTA € 18.750 per year. Apart from
the tuition fees, the cost of living and studying 1 December 2019 Application deadline TU Delft excellent scholarships
in Delft is estimated to be between € 850 and 1 April 2020 Application deadline for students with an international BSc degree
€ 1.100 per month. This includes things such 31 August 2020 Start of the programme
as food, accommodation, transport, books,
compulsory health insurance, social life *Industrial Design programmes also start in February
expenses and study trip costs.
We offer various scholarships varying from full
excellent scholarships to faculty tuition wavers: Introduction programme Housing
(August 2020) TU Delft collaborates with various
General Admission The introduction programme is an intense and housing agencies in the greater Delft region to
requirements enjoyable week giving you a full introduction to offer incoming international students help
- a university bachelor’s degree TU Delft, the Netherlands and the multicultural in finding accommodation. Both self-contained
- A CGPA of at least 75% student life which awaits you, while making and shared-facilities units are offered.
- Scores for key subjects must be good. friends for life. Evenings and weekends are filled All accommodations on offer are within a
- Toefl (score 90 and 21 for each section)/ with a varied, optional programme of social and 30-minute distance from the campus, by bike
IELTS (6,5 and 6.0 for each section/ cultural events. Cinema evenings, trips to local and/or public transport. The accomodations are
Cambridge certificate in Advanced English hot spots, dinners and parties will make sure you furnished and meet a minimum quality standard
- Some programmes require a digital portfolio experience all that Delft student life has to offer. set by TU Delft.
More information:
TU Delft master’s programmes
Aerospace Engineering Complex Systems Management of Technology
Tracks: Engineering & Management
• Aerodynamics and Wind Energy Tracks: Marine Technology
• Aerospace Structures and Materials • Energy
• Control and Operations • Information & Communication (I&C) Materials Science & Engineering
• Flight Performance and Propulsion • Transport & Logistics (T&L) Mechanical Engineering
• Space Flight Tracks:
Computer Engineering • Biomechanical Design
Applied Earth Sciences • Energy & Process Technology
Tracks: Computer Science • High-Tech Engineering
• Applied Geophysics Tracks: • Opto-Mechatronics
• Environmental Engineering • Artificial Intelligence Technology • Multi-Machine Engineering
• European Mining Course • Data Science and Technology • Vehicle Engineering
• Geo-Engineering • Software Technology
• Geoscience and Remote Sensing Metropolitan Analysis,
• Geo-Energy Engineering Construction Management Design and Engineering (MADE)
& Engineering (4TU) (In cooperation with Wageningen
Applied Mathematics University & Research)
Design for Interaction*
Applied Physics Nanobiology
Tracks: Electrical Engineering
• Physics for Energy Tracks: Offshore & Dredging Engineering
• Physics for Fluids Engineering • Electrical Power Engineering
• Physics for Health and Life • Microelectronics Science Education and
• Physics for Instrumentation • Wireless Communication and Sensing Communication (4TU)
• Physics for Quantum Devices • Signals and Systems Tracks:
and Quantum Computing • Science Education / Lerarenopleiding
Embedded Systems (4TU) • Communication Design for Innovation
Architecture, Urbanism and
Building Sciences Engineering & Policy Analysis** Strategic Product Design*
• Architecture European Wind Energy Master - Sustainable Energy Technology
• Building Technology Joint program (4TU)
• Landscape Architecture
• Management in the Built Environment Geomatics for the Built Systems & Control (4TU)
• Urbanism Environment
Technical Medicine
Biomedical Engineering Geographical Information • Imaging & Intervention
Management and Applications • Sensing & Stimulation
Chemical Engineering (GIMA)
Tracks: (In cooperation with Wageningen University & Transport, Infrastructure &
• Chemical Product Engineering Research, Utrecht University, and University of Logistics
• Process Engineering Twente)
* These degree programmes start twice a
Civil Engineering Industrial Ecology* year. Check the programme website for more
Tracks: (In cooperation with Leiden University, information.
• Building Engineering The Netherlands) ** College in The Hague
• Environmental Engineering
• Geo-Engineering Integrated Product Design*
• Geoscience and Remote Sensing
• Hydraulic Engineering Life Science & Technology
• Structural Engineering Specialisations:
• Transport and Planning • Biocatalysis
• Water Management • Biochemical Engineering
• Cell Factory

/TUDelft @TUDelft /TUDelft

Student life
In addition to their studies, our students are often involved in student associations, extra-curricular projects or
follow the honours programme where they acquire additional skills. It is this broad background and large skill set
that makes our graduates a favourite for future employers, both in the Netherlands and abroad.
Easy Travel in the Netherlands
Honours Programme Delft Grants for projects and Europe
If you feel ready to take on an extra With the help of alumni, staff, Train connections will get you
challenge and wish to broaden your and business sponsors, the Delft from Delft right into most Dutch city
horizon beyond your regular course of studies, University Fund supports students by centres, as well as to the outskirts of the country.
the Honours Programme Master (HPM) may contributing to research, education and talent An hour by plane – from nearby Rotterdam The
provide just that for you. development. Hague Airport or Amsterdam Schiphol airport –
will find you in many of Europe’s major cities.
Dream teams Student and study
The TU Delft student community associations Student Ambassadors
has a long tradition of successful Broaden your horizon, get to Curious about what it is like to be
participation in student competitions. know other students and join an international student at TU Delft?
Examples are the Nuon solar team, or the a huge diversity of activities – parties, career Contact our Student Ambassadors:
Hyperloop, or project MARCH. events, study trips – at the different student associations and study societies. Free Dutch courses
Internships master’s Although most people in the
programmes X: sports and Culture Netherlands speak English, learning
Some master programmes offer the It’s important to relax and explore Dutch helps you to integrate. TU Delft
opportunity to do an internship for a company your talents. X offers a wide range offers free Dutch courses. The method is very
or government organisation. It is a good way of sports and creative courses at practical and focusses on the most common
to experience the every day practice in the affordable student prices. Dutch words. More information:
Master students
(35% international)

PhD students
(70% international)

staff publications
per year

Life in Delft

The Netherlands and Delft cafés and pubs, two cinemas and a theatre.
Coming to the Netherlands you will find There are also many reasonably-priced
yourself in the world’s fourth happiest restaurants. International cuisine in Delft ranges
nation, and Dutch youngsters seem from Chinese and Indonesian to Mexican and
to be the happiest in the world, according to Lebanese. Most students cycle from home to
recent surveys. The country scores in the top campus and back, day and night, all year long,
five for most European quality of life indicators, come rain or sunshine.
including life expectancy, median income, water
quality, personal freedom and education. Dutch The TU Delft Campus
people tend to be open and easy to approach, Naturally, you will spend a lot of
and they can be very outspoken. All people time on our TU Delft campus. It
speak Dutch as their first, and English as their is a little town within a town, only a ten minute
second language. That makes life easy in the walk from Delft city centre, with enough study
Netherlands. places, project facilities, Wi-Fi, green spaces,
a super market, restaurants, coffee bars and
Delft is an interesting and historic town located other amenities you may need to make it your
between the larger cities of The Hague and home away from home. Our library with the
Rotterdam, also known for the painter green roof is the main meeting point for those
Johannes Vermeer and the Delft blue pottery. in search for information, study places and
You will find a great many things that will help relaxation.
you to enjoy student life, including numerous

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