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"Torsion9" - Simplified Torsion Analysis For Steel Beams: Program Description

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Program Description:

"TORSION9" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of simplified analysis and code
checking of steel beams subjected to torsional loading. Specifically, six (6) different beam and loading
configurations can be analyzed / code checked per the AISC 9th Edition Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Manual.
Both actual and allowable stresses are computed, with the final result being a computed "stress ratio" of actual
stress/allowable stress. Finally, the total angle of twist resulting from the torsional loading is determined.

This program is a workbook consisting of seven (7) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name Description

Doc This documentation sheet
Cantilever - Ecc. Conc. Load Cantilever Beam with Eccentric Concentrated Load at Free End
Simple Span - Ecc. Conc. Load Simple Span Beam with Eccentric Concentrated Load Applied at Midspan
Cont. Span - Ecc. Conc. Load Continuous Beam with Eccentric Concentrated Load Applied at All Midspans
Cantilever - Ecc. Unif. Load Cantilever Beam with Eccentric Uniformly Distributed Load
Simple Span - Ecc. Unif. Load Simple Span Beam with Eccentric Uniformly Distributed Load
Cont. Span - Ecc. Unif. Load Continuous Beam with Eccentric Uniformly Distributed Load on All Spans

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. The simplified torsion analysis used is this program is based on the following reference:
USS Steel Design Manual (1981), Chapter 7: Torsion (Figures 7.9 & 7.10, pages 157-169),
by: R.L. Brockenbrough & B.G. Johnston
2. This program is valid for AISC W, S, M, and HP shapes.
3. This program uses the database of member dimensions and section properties from the "AISC Shapes
Database", Version 3.0 (2001) as well as the AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual (1989).
4. This program follows the procedures and guidelines of the AISC 9th Edition Allowable Stress (ASD) Manual
5. When the value of 'Lb' is input = 0 (or actually <= 1.0 ft.), this program will use a value = 1.0 ft.
6. This program utilizes an "Allowable Stress Increase Factor" (ASIF) which is a multiplier of any of the
calculated allowable stresses Fa, Fbx, and Fby and also the Euler column buckling stresses F'ex and F'ey.
It is used and appears ONLY in the stress ratio calculation. Typically a value of 1.0 may be used. However, a
value of 1.333 may be used for load combinations which include wind or seismic loads.
7. This program does not calculate or check shear or deflection in member
8. This program does not consider deduction for holes in members subjected to tension.
9. This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including
explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a “comment box”
is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the
desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)
"TORSION9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


Cantilever Beam with Eccentric Concentrated Load Applied at Free End
For W, S, M, and HP Shapes and Per AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual
Job Name: Subject: bf/(2*tf) =
Job Number: Originator: Checker: d/tw =
Input Data: h/tw =
kc =
Member Size:
Select: W8x24 W44x230
X-axis Bend
Member Loading: Lc =
P= 0.900 kips Lu =
e = 12.0000 in. Lb/rt =
fa/Fy =
Design Parameters: Mx =
Fy = 36.00 ksi fbx =
L= 6.000 ft. Is Lb<=Lc?
Lb = 12.000 ft. Is d/tw<=allow?
Cb = 1.00 Is b/t<=65/SQRT(Fy)?
ASIF = 1.000 Is b/t>95/SQRT(Fy)?
Eqn. F1-1: Fbx =
Member Properties: Eqn. F1-3: Fbx =
A= 7.08 in.^2 Ix = 82.70 in.^4 Eqn. F1-5: Fbx =
Reference for Torsion Analysis:
d= 7.930 in. Sx = 20.90 in.^3 USS Steel Design Manual Eqn.
(1981)F1-6: Fbx =
tw = 0.245 in. Iy = 18.30 in.^4 Eqn.
Chapter 7: Torsion (Figures 7.9 F1-7:
& 7.10)Fbx =
bf = 6.500 in. Sy = 5.63 in.^3 Eqn. F1-8:
by: R.L. Brockenbrough & B.G. Johnston Fbx =
tf = 0.400 in. J= 0.346 in.^4 Fbx =
rt = 1.760 in. Cw = 259.0 in.^6 Use: Fbx =
d/Af = 3.05 wt./ft. = 24 plf W40x298
Torsion (La
Results: a=
Mt =
X-axis Bending: fby =
Mx = 5.83 ft-kips Mx = P*L + wb*L^2/2 (wb = beam self weight) Fby =
fbx = 3.35 ksi fbx = Mx*12/Sx W40x249
Lb/rt = 81.82 Note: Lc = 6.86 ft., Lu = 15.18 ft. Stress Ratio
Fbx = 21.60 ksi Fbx = 12000*Cb/(Lb*12*d/Af) <= 0.60*Fy S.R. =
Torsion (Lateral Flange Bending): Angle of Tw
a= 44.03 in. a = SQRT(E*Cw/(G*J)) (where: E = 29000 ksi, G = 11200 ksi) f =
Mt = 4.88 ft-kips Mt = (P*e*a/df*TANH(L*12/a))/12 (where: df = d-tf) W40x199
fby = 20.79 ksi fby = Mt*12/(Sy/2) Note: use only 1/2 of Sy W40x192
Fby = 27.00 ksi Fby = 0.75*Fy W40x183
Stress Ratio: W40x167
S.R. = 0.925 S.R. = fbx/(ASIF*Fbx) + fby/(ASIF*Fby) <= 1.0 W40x149
Angle of Twist: W36x798
f = 4.981 deg. f = (P*e*a/(J*G)*(L*12/a-TANH(L*12/a)))*180/p W36x720

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Version 1.0


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Version 1.0


Simple Span Beam with Eccentric Concentrated Load Applied at Midspan
For W, S, M, and HP Shapes and Per AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual
Job Name: Subject: bf/(2*tf) =
Job Number: Originator: Checker: d/tw =
Input Data: h/tw =
kc =
Member Size:
Select: W24x162 W44x230
X-axis Bend
Member Loading: Lc =
P= 2.250 kips Lu =
e= 6.0000 in. Lb/rt =
fa/Fy =
Design Parameters: Mx =
Fy = 36.00 ksi fbx =
L= 20.000 ft. Is Lb<=Lc?
Lb = 20.000 ft. Is d/tw<=allow?
Cb = 1.00 Is b/t<=65/SQRT(Fy)?
ASIF = 1.000 Is b/t>95/SQRT(Fy)?
Eqn. F1-1: Fbx =
Member Properties: Eqn. F1-3: Fbx =
A= 47.70 in.^2 Ix = 5170.00 in.^4 Eqn. F1-5: Fbx =
d= 25.000 in. Sx = 414.00 in.^3 Eqn. F1-6: Fbx =
Reference for Torsion Analysis:
tw = 0.705 in. Iy = 443.00 in.^4 USS Steel Design Manual Eqn.
(1981)F1-7: Fbx =
bf = 13.000 in. Sy = 68.40 in.^3 Chapter 7: Torsion (Figures 7.9 F1-8:
Eqn. & 7.10)Fbx =
tf = 1.220 in. J = 18.500 in.^4 by: R.L. Brockenbrough & B.G. Johnston Fbx =
rt = 3.450 in. Cw = 62600.0 in.^6 Use: Fbx =
d/Af = 1.58 wt./ft. = 162 plf W40x298
Torsion (La
Results: a=
Mt =
X-axis Bending: fby =
Mx = 19.35 ft-kips Mx = P*L/4 + wb*L^2/8 (wb = beam self weight) Fby =
fbx = 0.56 ksi fbx = Mx*12/Sx W40x249
Lb/rt = 69.57 Note: Lc = 13.72 ft., Lu = 29.3 ft. Stress Ratio
Fbx = 21.60 ksi Fbx = 12000*Cb/(Lb*12*d/Af) <= 0.60*Fy S.R. =
Torsion (Lateral Flange Bending): Angle of Tw
a= 93.60 in. a = SQRT(E*Cw/(G*J)) (where: E = 29000 ksi, G = 11200 ksi) f =
Mt = 1.90 ft-kips Mt = (P*e*a/(2*df)*TANH(L*12/(2*a)))/12 (where: df = d-tf) W40x199
fby = 0.67 ksi fby = Mt*12/(Sy/2) Note: use only 1/2 of Sy W40x192
Fby = 27.00 ksi Fby = 0.75*Fy W40x183
Stress Ratio: W40x167
S.R. = 0.051 S.R. = fbx/(ASIF*Fbx) + fby/(ASIF*Fby) <= 1.0 W40x149
Angle of Twist: W36x798
f = 0.074 deg. f = (P*e*a/(2*J*G)*(L*12/(2*a)-TANH(L*12/(2*a))))*180/p W36x720

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Version 1.0


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"TORSION9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


Continuous Span Beam with Eccentric Concentrated Load Applied at All Midspans
For W, S, M, and HP Shapes and Per AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual
Job Name: Subject: bf/(2*tf) =
Job Number: Originator: Checker: d/tw =
Input Data: h/tw =
kc =
Member Size:
Select: S24x90 W44x230
X-axis Bend
Member Loading: Lc =
P= 4.000 kips Lu =
e= 8.0000 in. Lb/rt =
fa/Fy =
Design Parameters: Mx =
Fy = 36.00 ksi fbx =
L= 10.000 ft. Is Lb<=Lc?
Lb = 10.000 ft. Is d/tw<=allow?
Cb = 1.00 Is b/t<=65/SQRT(Fy)?
ASIF = 1.000 Is b/t>95/SQRT(Fy)?
Eqn. F1-1: Fbx =
Member Properties: Eqn. F1-3: Fbx =
A= 26.50 in.^2 Ix = 2250.00 in.^4 Eqn. F1-5: Fbx =
d= 24.000 in. Sx = 187.00 in.^3 Eqn. F1-6: Fbx =
Reference for Torsion Analysis:
tw = 0.625 in. Iy = 44.70 in.^4 USS Steel Design Manual Eqn.
(1981)F1-7: Fbx =
bf = 7.130 in. Sy = 12.50 in.^3 Chapter 7: Torsion (Figures 7.9 F1-8:
Eqn. & 7.10)Fbx =
tf = 0.870 in. J= 6.050 in.^4 by: R.L. Brockenbrough & B.G. Johnston Fbx =
rt = 1.600 in. Cw = 5980.0 in.^6 Use: Fbx =
d/Af = 3.87 wt./ft. = 90 plf W40x298
Torsion (La
Results: a=
Mt =
X-axis Bending: fby =
Mx = 7.72 ft-kips Mx = 0.175*P*L + 0.08*wb*L^2 (wb = beam self weight) Fby =
fbx = 0.50 ksi fbx = Mx*12/Sx W40x249
Lb/rt = 75.00 Note: Lc = 7.53 ft., Lu = 11.96 ft. Stress Ratio
Fbx = 21.60 ksi Fbx = 12000*Cb/(Lb*12*d/Af) <= 0.60*Fy S.R. =
Torsion (Lateral Flange Bending): Angle of Tw
a= 50.59 in. a = SQRT(E*Cw/(G*J)) (where: E = 29000 ksi, G = 11200 ksi) f =
Mt = 1.55 ft-kips Mt = (P*e*a/(2*df)*TANH(L*12/(4*a)))/12 (where: df = d-tf) W40x199
fby = 2.98 ksi fby = Mt*12/(Sy/2) Note: use only 1/2 of Sy W40x192
Fby = 27.00 ksi Fby = 0.75*Fy W40x183
Stress Ratio: W40x167
S.R. = 0.133 S.R. = fbx/(ASIF*Fbx) + fby/(ASIF*Fby) <= 1.0 W40x149
Angle of Twist: W36x798
f = 0.083 deg. f = (P*e*a/(J*G)*(L*12/(4*a)-TANH(L*12/(4*a))))*180/p W36x720

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Version 1.0


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"TORSION9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


Cantilever Beam with Eccentric Uniformly Distributed Load
For W, S, M, and HP Shapes and Per AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual
Job Name: Subject: bf/(2*tf) =
Job Number: Originator: Checker: d/tw =
Input Data: h/tw =
kc =
Member Size:
Select: W8x24 W44x230
X-axis Bend
Member Loading: Lc =
w= 0.300 kips/ft. Lu =
e = 10.0000 in. Lb/rt =
fa/Fy =
Design Parameters: Mx =
Fy = 36.00 ksi fbx =
L= 6.000 ft. Is Lb<=Lc?
Lb = 12.000 ft. Is d/tw<=allow?
Cb = 1.00 Is b/t<=65/SQRT(Fy)?
ASIF = 1.000 Is b/t>95/SQRT(Fy)?
Eqn. F1-1: Fbx =
Member Properties: Eqn. F1-3: Fbx =
A= 7.08 in.^2 Ix = 82.70 in.^4 Eqn. F1-5: Fbx =
d= 7.930 in. Sx = 20.90 in.^3 Eqn. F1-6: Fbx =
tw = 0.245 in. Iy = 18.30 in.^4 Eqn. F1-7: Fbx =
Reference for Torsion Analysis:
bf = 6.500 in. Sy = 5.63 in.^3 USS Steel Design Manual Eqn.
(1981)F1-8: Fbx =
tf = 0.400 in. J= 0.346 in.^4 Chapter 7: Torsion (Figures 7.9 & 7.10)Fbx =
rt = 1.760 in. Cw = 259.0 in.^6 Use: Fbx =
by: R.L. Brockenbrough & B.G. Johnston
d/Af = 3.05 wt./ft. = 24 plf W40x298
Torsion (La
Results: a=
Mt =
X-axis Bending: fby =
Mx = 5.83 ft-kips Mx = w*L^2/2 + wb*L^2/2 (wb = beam self weight) Fby =
fbx = 3.35 ksi fbx = Mx*12/Sx W40x249
Lb/rt = 81.82 Note: Lc = 6.86 ft., Lu = 15.18 ft. Stress Ratio
Fbx = 21.60 ksi Fbx = 12000*Cb/(Lb*12*d/Af) <= 0.60*Fy S.R. =
Torsion (Lateral Flange Bending): (where: df = d-tf) Angle of Tw
a= 44.03 in. a = SQRT(E*Cw/(G*J)) (where: E = 29000 ksi, G = 11200 ksi) f =
Mt = 4.78 ft-kips Mt=(w/12*(L*12)*e*a/df*(TANH(L*12/a)+1/((L*12/a)*COSH(L*12/a))-a/(L*12)))/12 (Note: in equa
fby = 20.37 ksi fby = Mt*12/(Sy/2) Note: use only 1/2 of Sy W40x192
Fby = 27.00 ksi Fby = 0.75*Fy W40x183
Stress Ratio: W40x167
S.R. = 0.910 S.R. = fbx/(ASIF*Fbx) + fby/(ASIF*Fby) <= 1.0 W40x149
Angle of Twist: W36x798
f = 3.196 deg. f = (w/12*(L)*e*a/(J*G)*(L/(2*a)-TANH(L/a)-1/((L/a)*COSH(L/a))+a/(L)))*180/p W36x720
(Note: in equation above L is multiplied by 12 to convert length from feet to inches.) W36x650

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Version 1.0


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"TORSION9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


Simple Span Beam with Eccentric Uniformly Distributed Load
For W, S, M, and HP Shapes and Per AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual
Job Name: Subject: bf/(2*tf) =
Job Number: Originator: Checker: d/tw =
Input Data: h/tw =
kc =
Member Size:
Select: W8x31 W44x230
X-axis Bend
Member Loading: Lc =
w= 0.750 kips/ft. Lu =
e = 10.0000 in. Lb/rt =
fa/Fy =
Design Parameters: Mx =
Fy = 36.00 ksi fbx =
L= 10.000 ft. Is Lb<=Lc?
Lb = 10.000 ft. Is d/tw<=allow?
Cb = 1.00 Is b/t<=65/SQRT(Fy)?
ASIF = 1.000 Is b/t>95/SQRT(Fy)?
Eqn. F1-1: Fbx =
Member Properties: Eqn. F1-3: Fbx =
A= 9.12 in.^2 Ix = 110.00 in.^4 Eqn. F1-5: Fbx =
d= 8.000 in. Sx = 27.50 in.^3 Eqn. F1-6: Fbx =
tw = 0.285 in. Iy = 37.10 in.^4 Eqn. F1-7: Fbx =
Reference for Torsion Analysis:
bf = 8.000 in. Sy = 9.27 in.^3 USS Steel Design Manual Eqn.
(1981)F1-8: Fbx =
tf = 0.435 in. J= 0.536 in.^4 Chapter 7: Torsion (Figures 7.9 & 7.10)Fbx =
rt = 2.180 in. Cw = 531.0 in.^6 Use: Fbx =
by: R.L. Brockenbrough & B.G. Johnston
d/Af = 2.30 wt./ft. = 31 plf W40x298
Torsion (La
Results: a=
Mt =
X-axis Bending: fby =
Mx = 9.76 ft-kips Mx = w*L^2/8 + wb*L^2/8 (wb = beam self weight) Fby =
fbx = 4.26 ksi fbx = Mx*12/Sx W40x249
Lb/rt = 55.05 Note: Lc = 8.44 ft., Lu = 20.13 ft. Stress Ratio
Fbx = 21.60 ksi Fbx = 12000*Cb/(Lb*12*d/Af) <= 0.60*Fy S.R. =
Torsion (Lateral Flange Bending): (where: df = d-tf) Angle of Tw
a= 50.65 in. a = SQRT(E*Cw/(G*J)) (where: E = 29000 ksi, G = 11200 ksi) f =
Mt = 7.78 ft-kips Mt = (w/12*(L*12)*e*a/(2*df)*(2*a/(L*12)-1/((L*12/(2*a))*COSH(L*12/(2*a)))))/12 (Note: in equa
fby = 20.15 ksi fby = Mt*12/(Sy/2) Note: use only 1/2 of Sy W40x192
Fby = 27.00 ksi Fby = 0.75*Fy W40x183
Stress Ratio: W40x167
S.R. = 0.943 S.R. = fbx/(ASIF*Fbx) + fby/(ASIF*Fby) <= 1.0 W40x149
Angle of Twist: W36x798
f = 3.995 deg. f = (w/12*(L)*e*a/(2*J*G)*(L(4*a)-2*a/(L)+1/((L/(2*a))*COSH(L/(2*a)))))*180/p W36x720
(Note: in equation above L is multiplied by 12 to convert length from feet to inches.) W36x650

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"TORSION9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


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"TORSION9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


Continuous Span Beam with Eccentric Uniformly Distributed Load on All Spans
For W, S, M, and HP Shapes and Per AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual
Job Name: Subject: bf/(2*tf) =
Job Number: Originator: Checker: d/tw =
Input Data: h/tw =
kc =
Member Size:
Select: W12x58 W44x230
X-axis Bend
Member Loading: Lc =
w= 1.000 k/ft. Lu =
e= 2.0000 in. Lb/rt =
fa/Fy =
Design Parameters: Mx =
Fy = 36.00 ksi fbx =
L= 28.000 ft. Is Lb<=Lc?
Lb = 14.000 ft. Is d/tw<=allow?
Cb = 1.00 Is b/t<=65/SQRT(Fy)?
ASIF = 1.000 Is b/t>95/SQRT(Fy)?
Eqn. F1-1: Fbx =
Member Properties: Eqn. F1-3: Fbx =
A= 17.00 in.^2 Eqn. F1-5: Fbx =
d= 12.200 in. Ix = 475.00 in.^4 Eqn. F1-6: Fbx =
tw = 0.360 in. Sx = 78.00 in.^3 Eqn. F1-7: Fbx =
Reference for Torsion Analysis:
bf = 10.000 in. Iy = 107.00 in.^4 USS Steel Design Manual Eqn.
(1981)F1-8: Fbx =
tf = 0.640 in. Sy = 21.40 in.^3 Chapter 7: Torsion (Figures 7.9 & 7.10)Fbx =
rt = 2.720 in. J= 2.100 in.^4 Use: Fbx =
by: R.L. Brockenbrough & B.G. Johnston
d/Af = 1.90 Cw = 3570.0 in.^6 W40x298
wt./ft. = 58 plf Torsion (La
Results: a=
Mt =
X-axis Bending: fby =
Mx = 66.36 ft-kips Mx = 0.08*w*L^2 + 0.08*wb*L^2 (wb = beam self weight) Fby =
fbx = 10.21 ksi fbx = Mx*12/Sx W40x249
Lb/rt = 61.76 Note: Lc = 10.56 ft., Lu = 24.37 ft. Stress Ratio
Fbx = 21.60 ksi Fbx = 12000*Cb/(Lb*12*d/Af) <= 0.60*Fy S.R. =
Torsion (Lateral Flange Bending): (where: df = d-tf) Angle of Tw
a= 66.35 in. a = SQRT(E*Cw/(G*J)) (where: E = 29000 ksi, G = 11200 ksi) f =
Mt = 8.27 ft-kips Mt = (w/12*(L*12)*e*a/(2*df)*(-2*a/(L*12)+1/(TANH(L*12/(2*a)))))/12 W40x199
fby = 9.28 ksi fby = Mt*12/(Sy/2) Note: use only 1/2 of Sy W40x192
Fby = 27.00 ksi Fby = 0.75*Fy W40x183
Stress Ratio: W40x167
S.R. = 0.816 S.R. = fbx/(ASIF*Fbx) + fby/(ASIF*Fby) <= 1.0 W40x149
Angle of Twist: W36x798
f = 1.871 deg. f = (w/12*(L*12)*e*a/(2*J*G)*(L*12/(4*a)-TANH(L*12/(4*a))))*180/p W36x720

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"TORSION9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


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