Laparoscopic Liver Resection
Laparoscopic Liver Resection
Laparoscopic Liver Resection
Liver Resection
Laparoscopic Liver Resection
Rong Liu
Laparoscopic Liver
Theory and Techniques
Rong Liu
Surgical Oncology
Chinese PLA General Hospital
Beijing, China
vi Preface
that demonstrate the operative and technical details presented, hopefully, to serve as
reference and thus facilitate other centers to perform minimally invasive surgery.
As the first English book of our team, we do know that there are still some limita-
tions of this book, and we are more than glad to receive judgments from peers all
over the world, to make this book better and benefit more patients. Also, we will
publish books focusing on laparoscopic pancreatectomy and robotic hepato-pancre-
ato-biliary surgery, which will overcome the known difficulties during writing this
book and hopefully be better.
On behalf of all the surgeons in our team, I would like to express my sincere
acknowledgment to Academician Wu Mengchao and Academician Huang Zhiqiang,
who are my mentors and had been supporting and guiding our team to perform
minimally invasive surgery. We also would like to thank all the colleagues from the
Department of Anesthesiology, Department of Nursing, Department of Intensive
Care Unit, Department of Radiology, and so on, who helped us a lot to perform the
surgeries. And thanks to all the patients, for trusting us and for being supportive to
our writings.
viii Contents
Over the past 20 years, laparoscopic liver resection (LLR) has gone through a
stirring process of innovation, development, and exploration. LLR nowadays is
almost as important as OLR,. As an evolving surgical technique, LLR has its own
inherent problems too. Laparoscopic anatomical hepatectomy (LAH), instead of
laparoscopic regular hepatectomy, according to our experience, stands for the
laparoscopic regional resection of hepatic tumor or hepatic segment(s), based on
the regional control of blood supply. In this chapter, we will discuss what is
LAH, its advantages and disadvantages and some key techniques.
Over the past 20 years, laparoscopic liver resection (LLR) has gone through a stir-
ring process of innovation, development, and exploration (Fig. 1.1). In some resec-
tions (e.g., hepatic left lateral lobectomy), LLR is even expected to replace open
liver resection (OLR) to become the gold standard procedure, just as laparoscopic
cholecystectomy once did (Chang et al. 2007). Upon the whole, LLR nowadays is
almost as important as OLR, with obvious superiorities including less blood loss
and shorter length of hospital stay.
According to our experience, there are three key factors worthy of more atten-
tion in current practices: appropriate selection of indications and patients, full
understanding of surgical instruments, and standardization of the procedure
(Dagher et al. 2009).
As an evolving surgical technique, LLR has its own inherent problems even with
the impressive improvement in the instruments and clinical experience. The wholly
new surgical perspectives, pneumoperitoneum environment, special operative
instruments, and other features together indicate that LLR might have its unique
regularities different from those of OLR. The surgical experience of performing
OLR can not help the surgeons to perform LLR directly. In some cases, the shackle
of the old concept in OLR might lead to disastrous consequences in LLR. It is rea-
sonable to adopt more stringent indications in LLR than in OLR. The size and
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location of a liver tumor, and its spatial relationship with the liver hilum, major
hepatic vessels and inferior vena cava, should be carefully reviewed before surgery.
If a clear transection plane can be determined laparoscopically, LLR is preferred.
Tumor size alone has not been the contraindication of LLR anymore. However, the
choice between LLR and OLR should not change the consequent size of resection
distinctly. Laparoscopic right hepatectomy resection is relatively easier than right
posterior sectionectomy (Segments 6+7). If right posterior sectionectomy is suffi-
cient for the lesion, open surgery should be adopted rather than laparoscopic right
hepatectomy resection.
The newly published international consensus has given a panoramic understand-
ing of this issue (Wakabayashi et al. 2015). Due to the lack of the tactile sensation,
the cutting planes of liver resection were mainly determined by the preoperative
imaging, landmark of the liver, and intraoperative navigation, rather than the hands
of surgeons. Just like two sides of a coin, theoretically, LLR has advantages in surgi-
cal oncology for its essence of "no-touch” techniques. The full assessment of its
surgical and oncological long-dated outcomes is still in progress. On the other hand,
the advanced surgical instruments have played a much more important role in LLR
than OLR. OLR could be performed using the simple crush-clamp technique with-
out any energy device. The whole history of LLR has progressed on the basis of
improvement of various energy equipments and stapling apparatuses. Laparoscopic
surgeons must have full knowledge of the strength and limitations of tools available.
This is the key to give full play to the devices and to avoid any unwanted
Meanwhile, there exists a high imbalance in the practice of LLR geographically
and individually. Some leading surgeons have already successfully completed the
anatomically accurate segmentectomy of all the Couinaud segments, which almost
eliminated the absolute technical contraindications of LLR (Ishizawa et al. 2012).
In most of the other hospitals, LLR remains to be a technically challenging surgery
1.1 What is LAH? 3
and the peripheral non-anatomic liver resections are more preferred to perform lapa-
roscopically. LLR has not become a standardization operation, because the compli-
cations may be more difficult to control laparoscopically than the procedure itself.
The relative contraindications of LLR are changed with the advances of surgeons'
techniques. There is still a long way to achieve the standardization and promotion of
blood loss and clear cutting boundaries, have been inherited, while more normal liver
parenchyma is preserved. Takahashi defined the subunit of Couinaud segments as a
cone unit (Yamamoto et al. 2014). Each cone unit contains a single tertiary Glissonean
branch and its territory parenchyma. Couinaud segments consist of three or four cone
units. The idea deepened the understanding of the nature of LAH. Actually, exposure
of the hepatic vein may be adopted by non-anatomic partial hepatectomy to guaran-
tee the enough margin in LLR (Yoon et al. 2013).
According to our practical experience, to expose the full landmark hepatic vein is
relatively demanding than identification of the portal pedicle and parenchyma dissec-
tion. If those surgeons with less experience recklessly dissect the parenchyma around
the main hepatic vein, uncontrollable bleeding might be caused, which is more dif-
ficult to fix by the same surgeon laparoscopically. There essentially exist some
1.2 Why Choose LAH? 5
compromises due to the level of current laparoscopic surgical practice. In fact, suf-
ficient margin may play a more important role than exposure of the entire hepatic
LAH should be a clinically feasible and flexible strategy, rather than to just find
the boundaries and root according to the Couinaud liver segments. Laparoscopic
anatomic hepatectomy is not equivalent to laparoscopic segmental resection or all
sorts of their combination.
The main hepatic vessel control approaches, including the portal pedicles and root
of hepatic vein, have been shown in Fig. 1.3. The simultaneous control of portal
pedicles and hepatic vein, as the inflow and outflow vessels respectively, is the clas-
sic pattern of “bloodless” hepatectomy.
There are essentially three approaches for identification and transection of the
portal pedicles: hilar access approach, Glissonean pedicle approach, and fissural
approach (Yamamoto et al. 2014).
The hilar access approach means the dissection is in the sheath between the hep-
atoduodenal ligament and hilar plate. It is an extrahepatic approach without dissec-
tion of the liver parenchyma. With this approach, the secondary branches of the liver
artery, portal vein, and bile duct could be dissected and controlled separately. The
hepatic parenchyma could be often dissected and surgeon should try to control the
tertiary branches of the hilus vessels at the same time. The hilar access approach is
a delicate and demanding surgical procedure. Due to the common variations of
hepatic artery (Figs. 1.4 and 1.5) and bile duct, the dissection in the fascia could be
dangerous. The injuries to the hilus artery and portal vein might cause drastic
The hilar access approach was used mainly in the early stage of LAH. It has been
considered to be time consuming and difficult to master. This technique may be
more suitable for radical lymphadenectomy of the liver hilus rather than the liver
resection itself.
The Glissonean pedicle approach can be achieved with or without parenchyma
dissection. The extrahepatic approach (usually for hemihepatectomy and sectionec-
tomy) is relatively easier than the intrahepatic approach (usually for segmentec-
tomy), and thereby determines that the segmentectomy is more challenging than the
major hepatectomy. Due to the essence of extra-fascial dissection, the Glissonean
pedicle approach is much safer than the hilar access approach for less incidence of
injury to the hilar vessels (Yamamoto et al. 2014).
The extrahepatic Glissonean pedicle approach is commonly used in the second-
ary branches near the hilus. The Glisson’s capsule between the hilar plate and liver
substance is incised, with the help of gentle opposite traction of the quadrant lobe
and hepatoduodenal ligament. The confluence of secondary portal pedicles was then
exposed and easy to manipulate. A common scenario is that the confluence of ante-
rior and posterior portal pedicle is revealed at same time. After transection of one of
the secondary portal pedicles, the relevant ischemic demarcation line becomes
The intrahepatic Glissonean pedicle approach is usually used in the segmentec-
tomy such as the segments 2, 4a, 5, 6, 7, and 8. When the portal pedicles of the
segment are hard to control out of the liver substance, the parenchyma is dissected
along an assumed boundary line to find the root of the portal pedicles. This line
could be roughly determined with the help of the hepatic surface landmark or
Vessels control in LAH
Intrahepatic Extrahepatic
approach approach
a b c
d e
a b
c d
intraoperative ultrasonography. So the primary cutting line need not be too long.
After transection of the pedicles, segmentectomy then could be finished along the
relatively more accurate ischemic line.
Compared with the hilar access approach, the Glissonean pedicle approach is
easier to handle and safer (Machado et al. 2011).
The fissural approach is mostly fit for the segmentectomy such as the segments 3
and 4b (Fig. 1.6). The umbilical fissure could be opened with or even without slight
liver substance dissection, and the pedicles of segments 3 and 4b are then con-
firmed. The fissural approach is special transformation of the Glissonean pedicle
There exists another way to handle the portal pedicles as in the laparoscopic left
lateral sectionectomy (Chang et al. 2007). This procedure needs neither hilar inci-
sion or liver parenchyma dissection nor the navigation of ultrasound or dyeing. It
simplifies dependence on the landmark of liver to achieve anatomic hepatectomy.
With the limited indications and simple operations, this method is easy to promote.
The details are shown in relevant chapter.
Identification of the root of hepatic vein could also be implemented in the
intrahepatic and extrahepatic approach (Figs. 1.7 and 1.8). The extra approach
is necessarily accompanied with a full liver mobilization. The intrahepatic
approach involves ligation of the root of hepatic vein during the parenchyma
dissection. The latter approach is believed to be faster and easier to operate
(Toro et al. 2015).
10 1 Laparoscopic Anatomical Hepatectomy
Fig. 1.7 Extrahepatic
Approach of identification
of the root of hepatic vein
(a) Left hepatic vein
(arrow) and (b) Right
hepatic vein (arrow)
Fig. 1.8 Intrahepatic
Approach of identification
of the root of hepatic vein
1.3 Key Issues and Technique Details 11
Bleeding is still the most important issue limiting the improvement of laparoscopic
liver resection (Shelat et al. 2015). The massive intraoperative blood loss along with
later blood transfusion would greatly damage the patients' immune system, affect
their postoperative recovery, and make tumors more likely to relapse. And it is also
the most common reason for the conversion to open surgery (Abu Hilal et al. 2010).
The prevention and control of bleeding during laparoscopic hepatectomy is achieved
by a number of integrated measures.
Measures to prevent bleeding is more important than those to stop bleeding
(Fig. 1.9). LAH itself is a fundamental method to prevent bleeding through ensuring
a “bloodless” cutting plane and controlling the inflow and outflow vessels as dis-
cussed above. Other favorable measures include carbon dioxide pneumoperito-
neum, low central venous pressure and airway pressure. Careful examination and
meticulous hemostasis should be consistently carried out throughout the whole
In face of bleeding, surgical members may have many options including bipolar
coagulation, vessel sealing devices, titanium clips, vascular locks, staplers, and
suture. The vessel-dependent indications should be clear for different measures
(Wakabayashi et al. 2015). Laparoscopic suture skill is the key to ensure the safety
of LAH. Without it, the complicated laparoscopic surgery would be a dangerous
speculation (Shelat et al. 2015).
When no progress is made in a certain period, conversion should be considered.
Conversion to open surgery should not be regarded as complication, but reasonable
surgical decision (Dagher et al. 2009).
The process of liver parenchymal dissection involves formation of the liver cutting
plane and exposure of the hepatic vein in LAH. The key is to find the right boundary
between the adjacent territories of the portal pedicels. The target specimen should
contain the tumor completely and the cancer-free liver parenchyma should be
reserved as much as possible.
Many energy devices and mechanical staples could be used in laparoscopic liver
parenchymal transection. The employed techniques are usually individualized
from different surgeons. Up until now, there is no clear evidence that a certain
device or technique is more advantageous (Dagher et al. 2009). It is vital that sur-
geons have a reliable insight into the merits and defects of devices and techniques
available to perform safe and efficient LAH. The flexible combination of various
methods and devices may be the best solution under the present conditions. The
basic liver surgery techniques are still the cornerstone of LAH, including delicate
dissection, enough exposure of the surgical field, and vascular suture skills
(Wakabayashi et al. 2015).
M. A. Machado divided the transection plane of pure laparoscopic right hemi-
hepatectomy into three continuous parts: anterior, middle, and posterior parts
(Machado et al. 2011) (Fig. 1.10).
The three parts involve different containing vessels inside and subsequent transec-
tion methods. There is no main vessel in the anterior part. It can be divided by ultra-
sonic scalpel along the ischemic line (Fig. 1.11). There exist hepatic short veins in the
posterior part. A staple should be used to transect this part as a whole (Fig. 1.12).
There are the right secondary main portal pedicles, the root of the RHV and the con-
siderable branches of the MHV in the middle part (Fig. 1.13). This part should be
transected with staples after the anterior and posterior parts. Such division and
sequence have brought LAH more safe and clear guidance (Machado et al. 2011).
The Couinaud segments are surrounded by the hepatic veins. The real anatomic
hepatectomy unavoidably involves exposure of the major hepatic veins on the cut-
ting plane. The complete exposure of intrahepatic hepatic veins is the essence of
hepatectomy. This also applies to LAH (Ishizawa et al. 2012).
Before start, all measures for prevention and control of bleeding should be
adopted as mentioned above in case of massive bleeding. The clamp crushing tech-
nique is still the basic skill to expose the hepatic veins as in open liver resection. The
tips of laparoscopic instruments are used to get rid of the hepatic substance adhering
to the venous wall by short reciprocated scrape (Ishizawa et al. 2012). The direction
of movement should be from the root to the peripheral, considering the inverted
tree-shape of hepatic vein (Honda et al. 2014).
Intraoperative navigation provides functions of locating the liver tumor and its
relationship with intrahepatic vessel structures and guiding the consequent hepa-
tectomy. The ultrasonography is the most important means of intraoperative navi-
gation. The target portal pedicles could be found by intraoperative ultrasonography.
And then the ischemic or discoloration line could be demonstrated by transection
1.3 Key Issues and Technique Details 15
a b
Fig. 1.14 The routine examination order of laparoscopic intraoperative ultrasonography (a)
Longitudinal inspection; (b) Horizontal inspection
Fig. 1.16 A 6-cm tumor and the paraneoplastic area in segment 5 and 8 were identified by fusion
(Fig. 1.16) (sometimes there is not a clear line between these two areas). A signifi-
cant benefit is that IGFI could identify tiny subcapsular hepatic malignancies not
detected by visual inspection (Kudo et al. 2014) or conventional imaging modalities
(Terasawa et al. 2017), although deep-located tumors should be diagnosed by lapa-
roscopic intraoperative ultrasonography. After controlling the inflow of right liver,
ICG was intravenously injected, and the ischemic line on the liver surface would
appear, which divides the liver into two areas, the ischemic area and the remnant
area (Fig. 1.17). According to the staining boundaries, LAH could be performed
under a real-time navigation (Fig. 1.18).
1.3 Key Issues and Technique Details 17
Fig. 1.17 TPQSI after blood control: (a) tumor and paraneoplastic area; (b) unstaining section;
(c) remnant-staining section
Fig. 1.18 TPQSI after blood control: transection line based on the boundaries between section b
and c
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Kudo H, et al. Visualization of subcapsular hepatic malignancy by indocyanine-green fluorescence
imaging during laparoscopic hepatectomy. Surg Endosc. 2014;28(8):2504–8.
Machado MA, Surjan RC, Makdissi FF. Video: intrahepatic Glissonian approach for pure laparo-
scopic right hemihepatectomy. Surg Endosc. 2011;25(12):3930–3.
Shelat VG, et al. Pure laparoscopic liver resection for large malignant tumors: does size matter?
Ann Surg Oncol. 2015;22(4):1288–93.
Terasawa M, et al. Applications of fusion-fluorescence imaging using indocyanine green in laparo-
scopic hepatectomy. Surg Endosc. 2017.
Toro JP, et al. Detecting performance variance in complex surgical procedures: analysis of a step-
wise technique for laparoscopic right hepatectomy. Am J Surg. 2015;209(2):418–23.
Wakabayashi G, et al. Recommendations for laparoscopic liver resection: a report from the second
international consensus conference held in Morioka. Ann Surg. 2015;261(4):619–29.
Yamamoto M, et al. Tips for anatomical hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma by the
Glissonean pedicle approach (with videos). J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci. 2014;21(8):E53–6.
Yoon YS, et al. Laparoscopic liver resection for centrally located tumors close to the hilum, major
hepatic veins, or inferior vena cava. Surgery. 2013;153(4):502–9.
Patient Positioning and Ports Placement
Patient Positioning and Ports Placement are important to laparoscopic liver
resection. Ports placement for this procedure requires careful preoperative plan-
ning based on the anatomic location of the hepatic lesion. We suggest three dif-
ferent positions according to the lesion site.
Patient Positioning and Ports Placement are important to laparoscopic liver resec-
tion. Ports placement for this procedure requires careful preoperative planning
based on the anatomic location of the hepatic lesion. We suggest three different
positions according to the lesion site.
Methods: The patient is placed in the supine position, with lower limbs apart
(Figs. 2.2 and 2.3), the surgeon stands between the legs with one assistant on each
side. We use this position in single-port laparoscopic surgery.
Anesthesia machine
Instrument table
The left lateral decubitus position with a steep reverse Trendelenburg position is
ideal for lesions in the right lobe—particularly those requiring mobilization of the
right lobe to gain access to the posterior surface (Fig. 2.4).
2.1 Patient Position 21
Positioning of port sites is different according to the tumor site. When the patient
is placed in position, pneumoperitoneum is achieved through a Veress needle under
the umbilicus to insufflate the peritoneal cavity to 14 mmHg. A first 10-mm trocar
is then placed under the umbilicus for laparoscope. The other two 12-mm trocars
are located in the upper abdomen, according to the location of the tumor. Besides
the two 12-mm trocars, a 5-mm trocar is then placed assisting in organ exposure,
traction, and suction.
The surgeon stands on the right side of the patient, and the first main operating port
is located on the junction between the right midclavicular line and 4 cm below the
costal margin. The second main operating port position is located on the junction
between the left midclavicular line and a little bit below the costal margin. On the
left side of the anterior axillary line to establish assistant operation hole for 5 mm
trocar (Fig. 2.5).
12 mm 12 mm
5 mm
10 mm
Fig. 2.5 Port position for
left lateral lobectomy and
left hemihepatectomy
2.2 Principle of Trocar Positioning 23
12 mm
12 mm
5 mm 10 mm
The surgeon stands on the left side of the patient, and the first main operating
port is located on the junction between the right midclavicular line and 4 cm
below the costal margin. The second main operating port position is located
below xiphoid bone. On the right anterior axillary line and 4 cm above the level
of umbilicus, a 5 mm trocar is then introduced to establish an assistant operating
port (Fig. 2.6).
The surgeon stands on the left side of the patient, and the first main operating port
is located on the junction between the right midclavicular line and 4 cm below the
costal margin. The second main operating port is located on the junction between
the left midclavicular line and a little bit below the costal margin. On the right ante-
rior axillary line and 4 cm above the level of umbilicus, a 5 mm trocar is introduced
to establish an assistant operating port (Fig. 2.7).
24 2 Patient Positioning and Ports Placement
12 mm
12 mm
5 mm
10 mm
Preoperative Preparation
and Anesthesia for Laparoscopic 3
Liver Resection
It is very important to do adequate preparation before surgery for laparoscopic liver
resection. Strict case selection and surgical instrument preparation play important
roles in the preparation. In this chapter, we focus on the preparation of patients and
surgical instruments, and give a brief introduction to the selection of anesthesia.
After admission, the patient who will receive laparoscopic liver resection should be eval-
uated for general state and nutritional status, and measures should be taken to correct the
anemia, low serum albumin, and water electrolyte imbalance and to improve the nutri-
tional status and liver function. Also, according to the imaging examination, the location,
size, nature, etc. of the liver lesion should be seriously assessed to confirm indications for
surgery. At the same time, a comprehensive assessment of heart, liver, lung, and other
organs function will contribute to recognize contraindications of surgery. Ultrasonography
Ultrasonography is a procedure used for liver tumor screening. The results of ultrasound
examination are subjective and relevant to the expertise of the operator and technical
limitations, thus ultrasonography can’t be used to determine the surgical approaches. CT
CT can clearly show the density difference between liver lesions and the liver
parenchyma. It also shows the blood supply of lesions and its internal structure.
Cross-section reconstruction and three-dimensional reconstruction can be achieved
by CT scan. Preoperative CT examination of liver disease is more accurate than
ultrasonography. MRI
The resolution of MRI is higher than CT, and there are a variety of imaging
sequences. Besides, MRI has no radioactive damage and its contrast agent has less
side effects. For liver cancer, especially small hepatocellular carcinoma (less than
2 cm), detection ability of MRI is better than that of CT. MRI is recommended as a
routine use for liver tumor diagnosis. PET-CT
PET-CT has obvious advantages in the identification of the nature of the tumor with
the fluorine-18-FDG accumulating in the tissues of malignant tumor cells. PET-CT
has an obvious advantage in the detection of extrahepatic lesions, which is benefi-
cial for comprehensive preoperative staging of patients with malignant liver tumors.
Due to the high cost, PET-CT is not used as the routine examination.
Surgical treatments for liver cysts include: fenestration, liver resection with
fenestration, regular hepatectomy, liver transplantation, and so on. Comparing
with laparotomy, laparoscopic surgery has some advantages, including minimal
invasiveness, short surgery time, quick recovery, simple operation, which may be
the reason why laparoscopic fenestration has become the most popular method
for liver cysts treatment. However, attention should be paid that for hepatic cyst-
adenoma, hepatic cystadenocarcinoma, and hepatic cystic echinococcosis, open
hepatectomy is still the optimal treatment.
Surgical treatments for liver cysts include: fenestration, liver resection with fenes-
tration, regular hepatectomy, liver transplantation, and so on. Comparing with
laparotomy, laparoscopic surgery has some advantages, including minimal inva-
siveness, short surgery time, quick recovery, simple operation, which may be the
reason why laparoscopic fenestration has become the most popular method for
liver cysts treatment. However, attention should be paid that for hepatic cystadenoma,
hepatic cystadenocarcinoma, and hepatic cystic echinococcosis, open hepatectomy
is still the optimal treatment.
4.1.1 Indications
4.1.2 Contraindication
4.2 Procedure
1. Position and trocars’ locations: The patient is placed in supine position with
surgeons between the patient’s legs. A 10 mm trocar is placed via an infra-
umbilical incision. Then a pressure-controlled CO2 pneumoperitoneum is main-
tained at 12–14 mmHg, with end-tidal CO2 concentration monitored continuously.
Through this port, a 30° laparoscope is introduced to detect abdominal viscera
overall and make sure the lesion’s location. Then, according to its location, two
additional trocars are inserted at suitable sites. When the surgeon puncturing
abdominal wall, ensure trocar’s sharp point under your sight in case of abdominal
or retroperitoneal organs injury.
2. Laparoscopy and intervention: A laparoscope is introduced to have a further
determination of lesions’ site, number, interface relations between liver and
cysts. When the lesion is confirmed as simple liver cyst, we usually use a
monopolar electrocoagulation or ultrasonic dissector to incise a 5 mm hole on
the cyst wall. Then a sucker is punctured to aspirate intra-cystic fluid out
(Fig. 4.1). When necessary, it is recommended to have a laparoscopic fluid col-
lection with needle to determine fluid quality (bile, mucus) firstly. If the lesion
is suspected as a non-simple cyst preoperatively, the intra-cystic fluid should
be examined pathologically, bacteriologically, biochemically.
3. Cysts fenestration: Deroofing is performed by monopolar electrocoagulation
forceps or ultrasonic dissector or by Ligasure (Fig. 4.2). A sucker is positioned
to aspirate the residual liquid. After above procedures, a cautious observation of
the cyst wall is needed. If there are relatively thick vessels on the wall, it’s
recommended to occlude proximal bile ducts of these vessels so as to avoid bile
leak (Fig. 4.3). The purpose of the surgery is sufficient fenestration, so that liver
resection along the lesion’s line is not essential (Fig. 4.4). For polycystic liver
diseases, the management should be taken from outer lesions to inner ones. In
essence, it is unnecessary to deal with the residual cystic cavity. But in consider-
ation of postoperative adhesion which may lead to the atresia of fenestration,
especially in polycystic liver disease and cysts near the diaphragm, the secretory
epithelium within the residual cavity should be destroyed by ethanol or argon
4 . Drainage: When all the cysts have been deroofed and no hemorrhage and bile
leak maintained. A draining tube is placed in the cysts cavity. Additional tubes
are feasible, if needed. Then insufflation was stopped and trocars are withdrawn.
All of the trocar insertion sites should be carefully closed.
4.4 Complications
Although complications of this surgery are rare, there are still reports about hemor-
rhage and bile leak. With regard to bleeding from the artery, selective arterial embo-
lization or laparoscopic hemostasis should be taken without delay. For bile leak,
thorough drainage is needed and percutaneous abdominal puncture drainage by
ultrasonic or CT guidance should be conducted if necessary.
4.5 Notes 33
4.5 Notes
Laparoscopic partial resection or irregular resection of liver tumors are the most
undefined type of laparoscopic hepatectomy. Resection of some marginal tumors
without major ducts vessels is relatively easy. However, for tumors near the first
and second porta hepatis or in segments 7, 8, partial resection is relatively diffi-
cult. The overall principle is to keep a distance of at least 1 cm from the edge
of the tumor, remove the tumor integrallty, ensure a clean edge, and reduce
unnecessary tissue damage.
5.1.1 Indications
1. Tumors in segment II, III, IVa, V, VI in Couinaud’s segment are best candidates
for laparoscopic partial hepatectomy.
2. The size and location of the tumor should not influence the dissection of the first
and second porta hepatis. The diameter of tumor should be less than 15 cm in
benign cases and 10 cm in malignant cases. Tumor with excessive size limits the
operative space and influences the exposure of lesion, in addition, it leaves large
cut surface apt to errhysis.
3. The Child-Pugh classification should be at least Grade B, and there should not be
any severe structural disease in other organs. The volume of residual liver has to
be able to fulfill the physical demand.
4. Patients without complicated upper abdominal operation history, ascites, jaun-
dice, severe cirrhosis, and portal hypertension.
5. Tumor located in liver with intact capsule and without metastasis.
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2017
R. Liu, Laparoscopic Liver Resection,
36 5 Laparoscopic Partial Hepatectomy
5.1.2 Contraindications
1. Tumor violating inferior vena cava or the root of hepatic vein, which makes the
exposure and hemostasis difficult under laparoscopy, is the contradiction of lapa-
roscopic partial hepatectomy.
2. Liver cancer accompanied by intrahepatic metastasis, portal vein tumor throm-
bus, hilar lymph node metastasis, or unclear tumor boundary is also the
3. Patients with complicated upper abdominal operation history and severe intra-
abdominal adhesion, ascites, jaundice, severe cirrhosis, and portal hypertension
are relative contraindication.
4. Patients with Grade C in Child-Pugh classification or severe dysfunction in other
vital organs.
5. Tumor with excessive size interferes the exposure and dissection of first or sec-
ond porta hepatis.
6. Patients with severe cirrhosis, ascites, jaundice, or hemorrhagic tendency.
7. Patients with poor general condition and unable to withstand major operation
and anesthesia.
5.2 Procedure
Patient’s position are decided based on the location of the tumor. Typically, the
patient is on the supine position. According to the location of the tumor and the
habit of surgeons, the 4-trocar technique is usually performed in this procedure. For
detailed information, please see Chap. 2.
Fig. 5.2 Laparoscopic
exploration, the tumor is
located in segment 5 and
near the gallbladder bed
Fig. 5.3 Laparoscopic
exploration, the tumor is
located in the hepatic
diaphragmatic surface
38 5 Laparoscopic Partial Hepatectomy
For partial resection of small tumors located in the peripheral of right or left liver,
technical requirements is undemanding, which doesn’t need dissection of the first
and second porta hepatis. Based on the different location of tumors, related liga-
ments transected and part of the liver is dissociated, and a transection plane is out-
lined on the liver capsule 1–2 cm away from the tumor by electrocoagulator
(Fig. 5.4). Then liver parenchyma under the line of transection is dissected by ultra-
sonic scalpel, during which small hemorrhage can be controlled by mono-polar or
bipolar electrocoagulation, while large vessels and bile ducts must be clipped by
Hem-o-lock (Figs. 5.5 and 5.6). Attention should be paid to timely flush operative
field and aspirate fluid, so as to make the visual filed clean and clear (Fig. 5.7).
If tumors located in thin part of liver such as left lateral lobe, wedge transection of
liver parenchyma can be carried out by endoscopic linear cutter staplers in a V-shape.
For large-scale partial hepatectomy, the incisional surface is large and the vessels
can’t be ligated like independent pedicle ligation in anatomic hepatectomy. For the
purpose of reducing hemorrhage, familiarity with pre-operative imaging data, espe-
cially the enhanced CT or MRI, and performing 3-D reconstruction of the lesion is
crucial and may help to decide the main blood supply of tumor. With the help of 3-D
reconstruction of tumor supply vessels or guidance by intra-operative ultrasonogra-
phy when necessary, surgeons dissect liver parenchyma, find and ligate or clip the
main supply vessels, and then resect the residual parenchyma. Under the circum-
stance of massive hemorrhage and unclear vision, it’s suggested to press the bleed-
ing point with gauze, resect the tumor fast, and then suture the bleeding vessels.
40 5 Laparoscopic Partial Hepatectomy
After resection of the lesion, thorough hemostasis of the incisional surface should
be achieved by argon beam coagulator or electrocautery (bio electrocoagulator or
Biclamp may achieve better hemostasis) (Fig. 5.8), and then biomedical fibrin glue
or absorbable hemostatic gauze should be covered on the incisional surface. Whether
placing the drainage tube depends on the size of incisional surface and the state of
hemostasis. In general, at the last of operation, a fine latex tube is placed through the
right trocar and then removed on the first postoperative day if no hemorrhage and
biliary fistula occurs. Liver specimen is placed in a plastic bag and extracted from
the abdominal cavity through a 3–5 cm enlarged trocar incision (usually under the
umbilicus). The liver specimen can also be extracted from posterior fornix in mar-
ried female patients.
1. Patient position and ports placement is crucial. D uring the process of ports place-
ment, the feasibility and convenience of the transection line of liver, the dissocia-
tion of liver, utilization of endoscopic cutter stapler, extraction of specimen and
conversion to laparotomy should also be taken into account.
2. We recommend using the ultrasonic scalpel combined with Biclamp for liver
transection and using bipolar and ligasure for electrocoagulation.
3. Make sure a negative margin in malignant tumors.
4. Make a reasonable plan for the transection line of liver.
5. The order of liver transection and hemostasis of incisional surface vary from dif-
ferent types of hemorrhage. Some types of hemorrhage should be stopped imme-
diately while other types be stopped after the resection of lesion.
5.4 Complications 41
5.4 Complications
distant from the bleeding site to avoid the lens shielding by blood. The operator uses
the laparoscopic instruments to press the hemorrhage site temporarily to reduce
bleeding, during which the assistant aspirates the blood quickly to find out the spe-
cific blood site and its origin, and then decides the further appropriate hemostatic
1. Hemorrhage from the first porta hepatis: Hemorrhage from branches of the por-
tal vein or hepatic artery, whose color is more vivid, is in a “spewing” or “Jet”
shape. As long as operator controls bleeding with left hand and the assistant
aspirates the blood, the operator can clip or suture the bleeding site under direct
vision with right hand. Sometimes when dissecting one side of the portal vein,
small branches of caudate lobe on the posterior wall of portal vein will be tore,
which is usually more difficult to deal with. One effective way to dispose that is
to keep dissecting the branches of portal vein and then clip or suture the branches.
The another method is to insert an absorbable hemostatic gauze or sponge into
the posterior of portal vein, press the bleeding site for a few minutes and then
continue the operation after the bleeding is controlled. Never blindly clip or elec-
trocoagulate repeatedly in the blood, otherwise there is the risk of injury in the
contralateral bile duct.
2. Hemorrhage during liver resection: If the color of blood is vivid, the blood
may come from the “infusion vessels,” and it can be stopped by bio-polar
electrocoagulator. However, when the color of blood is dark and the pressure
is low, the blood may come from branches of hepatic veins. In this situation,
as the wall of hepatic veins is thin and prone to be tore, absorbable clips
should be used to clip both the hepatic vein and its surrounding parenchyma
under the bleeding site, instead of lifting up the vessels and then clipping
them like in the case of processing portal vein and hepatic artery hemorrhage.
In order to prevent gas e mbolism, the open hepatic vein shouldn’t be clipped
repeatedly when it’s still bleeding. If the bleeding can’t be controlled after
clipping one to two times, it’s suggested to use the gauze to press the bleeding
site for a few minutes. For the pressure of hepatic vein is low, the bleeding
may ameliorate or stop, and then choose to suture or press the bleeding site
based on the actual situation.
3. Hemorrhage from the second porta hepatis: In general, hemorrhage from the
second porta hepatis is from the injured hepatic veins or inferior vena cava. If the
crevasse is small, the operation can continue after clamping the crevasse with
absorbable clip. However, if the crevasse is large, the hemorrhage should be
controlled by titanium clip or gauze, and then immediately covert to laparotomy
to repair the vessel damage. It’s recommended not to suture the hepatic vein
under the pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopy, as it may enlarge the crevasse or
cause gas embolism.
5.5 Notes 43
Generally,CO2 embolism occurs when hepatic vein is injured and high pressure CO2
gets into the heart through venous system, which is one of the most common causes
of death in laparoscopic liver resection. Even though many studies have been done
on the prevention of CO2 embolism, there are few effective ways to solve this prob-
lem. To prevent CO2 embolism, it’s suggested to dissect the hepatic vein outside of
the liver before parenchyma transection and clip the vein with titanium clip. Left
and right hepatic vein can both be dissected for 1–2 cm outside of the liver in lapa-
roscopy. But it should be noted that transecting the hepatic vein outside of the liver
parenchyma is very dangerous. If disposing inappropriately, it may lead to the death
of patient in a short time. In laparoscopic left lateral lobectomy, there’s no need to
dissect left hepatic vein outside of the liver parenchyma.
In the process of parenchyma transection, sometimes it may occur to bile leak. After
clearing the intra-abdominal operative area, use a dry gauze to wipe the incisional
surface so as to check whether bile leak exists. If the leak comes from the cut end of
bile duct, it needs to be clipped or sutured. However, when the bile leak is from the
crevasse of bile duct in the residual liver, the crevasse needs to be repaired by fine
needle. Referring to the post-operative biliary fistula, when the volume of bile leak
is limited, the fistula can be healed by keeping the drainage tube fluent. However,
when the volume of bile leak is large or the bile diffuses among the abdominal cav-
ity, laparoscopic or open exploration should be carried out to ascertain the status of
biliary fistula and then dispose the fistula.
5.5 Notes
With the improvement of laparoscopic instruments and surgical experience,
significant development has been gained in laparoscopic liver surgery. However,
it is still the dream of both surgeons and patients to reduce the surgical injury to
the maximum extent. In recent years, laparoscopic single-site surgery has been
constantly tried as a new challenging technique. Laparoscopic single-site hepa-
tectomy may play a promising role in the field of the minimally invasive surgery.
6.1 Indications
1. Patient is in the reverse Trendelenburg position with two legs apart, general intra-
venous anesthesia, mechanical ventilation with laryngeal mask or endotracheal
intubation. The surgeon stands on the middle, and the assistants on the sides of
the surgeon (Figs. 6.2 and 6.3).
2. The Triport is, or three adjacent 5 mm transumbilical trocars are used to build the
access through the abdominal wall; the 30° bendable 5 mm laparoscope; other
laparoscopic instruments include dissecting forceps, grasping forceps and
scissors, endoscopic linear staples, harmonic scalpel, Biclamp and LigaSure
(Figs. 6.4 and 6.5).
3. The long-distance laparoscopic observation at most time. When a magnifying
vision is needed, the laparoscope is adjusted firstly and then the other surgical
instruments; endoscopic linear staples with joint are more preferable.
4. Other than harmonic scalpel resection alone, the wedge resection can also be
performed by two crossed endoscopic linear staples (Figs. 6.6 and 6.7).
5. Postoperative drainage (Fig. 6.8)
48 6 Laparoscopic Single-Site Hepatectomy
Fig. 6.8 Transumbilical
postoperative drainage
6.5 Notes 49
a b
Fig. 6.9 The comparison of incisions of the laparoscopic single-site hepatectomy: (a) 1 day after
surgery; (b) 4 weeks after surgery
6.3 Advantages
Laparoscopic single-site hepatectomy can reduce the injury of the abdominal wall
and subsequent postoperative pain. Its obvious scarless characteristic can meet the
cosmetic needs of patients (Fig. 6.9).
6.4 Disadvantages
6.5 Notes
1 . Extra conscious should be paid to prevent the blockage of the drainage tube.
2. Cases should be performed with a strict inclusion criteria, and conversion to
mutiple-trocar method or even open procedure should be concerned if necessary.
Laparoscopic Left Lateral Sectionectomy
Left lateral section contains the segments 2 and 3. The unique anatomical struc-
ture of the left lateral section makes laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy
(LLLS) one of the most applied laparoscopic liver resection surgeries. With
almost the same or even shorted operation time, LLLS has the advantages such
as smaller incision and less injuries. The short-term prognosis of LLLS is signifi-
cantly better than that of open surgery. According to our own experience, we
brought up a practical method called “Seven-step liver transection.”
Left lateral section contains the segments 2 and 3. The unique anatomical structure
of the left lateral section makes laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy (LLLS) one
of the most applied laparoscopic liver resection surgeries. With almost the same or
even shorted operation time, LLLS has the advantages such as smaller incision and
less injuries. The short-term prognosis of LLLS is significantly better than that of
open surgery. According to our own experience, we brought up a practical method
called “Seven-step liver transection.”
7.1.1 Indications
1. Benign or malignant tumor located limitedly in the left lateral section; No limit
for the size of the tumor only if porta hepatis available.
2. Intrahepatic bile duct stones with a left atrophy lateral section.
3. Liver function of Child B or better
4. No history of complex abdominal surgery
7.1.2 Contraindications
7.2 Steps
The supine position and intubated intravenous anesthesia are adopted. The four-
trocar method is taken. The main and auxiliary 12 mm operation trocars are placed
on the subcostal left and right side of the rectus abdominis respectively. The assis-
tant 5 mm trocar is located beneath the left main operation trocar with the interval
of at least 5 cm. See Chap. 2.
After a comprehensive exploration of the abdominal organs, the location and size of
the tumor should be assessed meticulously (Figs. 7.1 and 7.2). The perihepatic liga-
ments are transected by harmonic scalpel from round ligament, falciform ligament,
left coronary ligament to left deltoid ligament in turn. The lesser omentum is tran-
sected with harmonic scalpel until the root of the ligamentum venosum with the left
lateral section lifted by the assistant.
Fig. 7.1 Laparoscopic
exploration: a giant
hemangioma located in left
lateral section
7.2 Steps 53
Fig. 7.2 Laparoscopic
exploration: a
hepatocellular carcinoma
located in left lateral
The “vessel-less” parenchyma around the portal pedicles of the segments 2 and 3
are roughly dissected to expose the pedicles. Once the linear staple could be used,
the dissection should stop (Fig. 7.6).
The linear staple is introduced from the right auxiliary 12 mm trocar and the portal
pedicles of the segments 2 and 3 are then transected including the adhesive liver
parenchyma. This operation should be performed under direct vision to make sure
the entire portal pedicles of the segments 2 and 3 are transected (Fig. 7.7).
7.2 Steps 55
The parenchyma around the LHV are roughly dissected until the staple can contain
the remnant liver tissue including the root of the LHV (Fig. 7.8).
The stump of left deltoid ligament is grasped by the assistant to the anterior and
inferior direction. The two tips of the staple should be exposed to make sure the
LHV is transected entirely. The LHV is transected including the adhesive liver
parenchyma. The injury of the diaphragm and the IVC should be avoided by the
staples (Fig. 7.9).
56 7 Laparoscopic Left Lateral Sectionectomy
When the LHV is not totally transected, an absorbable clip should be used to
clamp the stump of the LHV. Then the residual tissue could be dissected by scissors
or harmonic scalpel. The metal nails in the staple might damage the harmonic
scalpel (Fig. 7.10).
The argon beam is used for errhysis of the raw surface. The Biclamp is used for
gentle active bleeding. The absorbable clips are used for obvious active bleeding.
The suture is used for bile leak and the bleeding impossible to be controlled by other
means (Figs. 7.11 and 7.12).
7.2 Steps 57
Fig. 7.12 Postoperative
58 7 Laparoscopic Left Lateral Sectionectomy
The benign tumor specimen could be withdrawn from the expanded umbilical inci-
sion after fragmentation. The malignant specimen should be withdrawn as a whole
in case of possible dissemination. There are four approaches to withdraw the speci-
men: (a) through the incision between the main and auxiliary operational holes; (b)
through the scar of the previous surgery; (c) through a new incision above the sym-
physis pubis; (d) through the vaginal fornix incision.
1 . The intraoperative vascular occlusion and dissection of the LHV are needless.
2. The full mobilization of the lateral liver section is the key for the safe use of the
3. The portal pedicles of the segments 2 and 3 are roughly dissected.
4. The dissection line of the deep parenchyma to expose the LHV should be a little
bit to the left so that the LHV could be ligated entirely.
7.4 Complications
7.5 Notes
Left semi-liver contains the segments 2, 3, and 4. There are some similarities
between laparoscopic and open left hepatectomy. They both belong to the ana-
tomic liver resection. They both need dissection of the first hilum to control the
inflow blood. However, the outflow of the hepatic vein can be difficult to occlude
in an extra-hepatic way before the parenchyma dissection laparoscopically. It
also could be transected along with the parenchyma dissection. Laparoscopic left
hepatectomy is still challenging and demanding surgery.
Left semi-liver contains the segments 2, 3, and 4. There are some similarities
between laparoscopic and open left hepatectomy. They both belong to the anatomic
liver resection. They both need dissection of the first hilum to control the inflow
blood. However, the outflow of the hepatic vein can be difficult to occlude in an
extra-hepatic way before the parenchyma dissection laparoscopically. It also could
be transected along with the parenchyma dissection. Laparoscopic left hepatectomy
is still challenging and demanding surgery.
8.1.1 Indications
8.1.2 Contraindications
8.2 Steps
The supine position is taken. The operational table should be adjusted according to
the intraoperative needs. See Chap. 2 for trocar distribution.
After a comprehensive exploration of the abdominal organs, the location and size of the
tumor should be assessed meticulously. The key points of the tumor include location,
size, number, possible metastasis lesions and the level of liver cirrhosis. The laparoscopic
ultrasonography will help to decide the resectability and alternative surgical plans.
The order to mobilize left semi-liver is round ligament, falciform ligament, left
coronary ligament and part of right coronary ligament, left deltoid ligament, and
then hepatogastric ligament.
The left part of the right coronary ligament should be incised to make the right
turn-over of the left semi-liver possible to access (Fig. 8.1).
The left liver artery can be dissected out by the intra-fascial approach. The right
posterior artery originating from the left liver artery should be noticed. The dis-
section should be close to the liver parenchyma to the maximum extent. Through
the Glissonean pedicle approach, the left liver artery and portal vein can be tran-
sected at the same time (Figs. 8.2 and 8.3). We usually transect the left portal
pedicles after dissection of the superficial liver parenchyma (Figs. 8.4 and 8.5)
(see Sect. 8.2.5).
For minor hepatectomy, the LHV should be dissected out without ligation (Fig. 8.6).
For major hepatectomy, the LHV should be ligated without transection, mainly con-
sidering the possible bleeding from the hepatic vein.
The angle and direction of the staple should be carefully chosen when the LHV is
transected. The direction of the staple should point to the root of the LHV, even
slightly left when necessary, so as to avoid the injury of the MHV (Fig. 8.10). The
preoperative images should be thoroughly studied to clarify the relationship between
the LHV and MHV. The two tips of the staple should be exposed in vision to avoid
the diaphragm injury.
When the LHV is not totally transected, an absorbable clip should be used to
clamp the stump of the LHV (Fig. 8.11).
8.2.7 Hemostasis
The argon beam is used for errhysis of the raw surface (Fig. 8.12). The Biclamp is
used for gentle active bleeding. The absorbable clips are used for obvious active
8.2 Steps 65
bleeding. The suture is used for bile leak and the bleeding impossible to be controlled
by other means.
The specimen is withdrawn with an endoscopic retriever through the expanded inci-
sion. It should be inspected immediately.
8.2.9 Drainage
The drainage tube is placed on the raw surface of the liver (Fig. 8.13).
66 8 Laparoscopic Left Hepatectomy
Fig. 8.13 Drainage
1. The main operational trocar should be placed carefully. It should not only be
convenient for the mobilization and parenchyma transection, but also make the
staple through the trocar easy to point along the planned liver cutting plane.
2. The liver should be fully mobilized, especially for the hepatogastric ligament.
The hepatogastric ligament should be transected from the root of the LHV to the
foramen of Winslow. This will help the exposure of the LHV and introduction of
the staple to transect the left portal pedicles.
3. To avoid the injury of the MHV, the direction of the staple should point to the
root of the LHV, even slightly left when necessary.
4. When the intraoperative bleeding is over 800 ml, conversion to open surgery
should be taken immediately.
8.4 Complications
8.5 Notes
Right posterior section contains the segments 6 and 7. The portal pedicles of the
right posterior section can be easily dissected out, because they lie superficially
in the right fissure of the hilum.
Right posterior section contains the segments 6 and 7. The portal pedicles of the
right posterior section can be easily dissected out, because they lie superficially in
the right fissure of the hilum.
9.1.1 Indications
9.1.2 Contraindications
9.2 Steps
The left lateral position is taken. The operational table should be adjusted according
to the intraoperative needs. See Chap. 2 for trocar distribution.
9.2.2 Exploration
9.2.3 Mobilization
There is no visible boundary of the right posterior section on the surface of the liver
(Fig. 9.3). Identification of the right posterior portal pedicle is the key to perform
sectionectomy safely (Fig. 9.3). Once occluded, the ischemic line could be the guid-
ance for the parenchyma dissection (Figs. 9.3 and 9.4).
There is no need for isolation of the hepatic vein of the right posterior section before
the parenchyma dissection. For those with great risk of intraoperative bleeding, the
second hilum should be clearly dissected without ligation. The hepatic vein of the
right posterior section could be transected along with the parenchyma or clipped
9.2.6 Hemostasis
The argon beam is used for errhysis of the raw surface (Fig. 9.5). The Biclamp is
used for gentle active bleeding. The absorbable clips are used for obvious active
bleeding. The suture is used for bile leak and the bleeding impossible to be controlled
by other means.
9.5 Notes 71
The specimen is withdrawn with an endoscopic retriever through the expanded inci-
sion. It should be inspected immediately (Fig. 9.6).
9.2.8 Drainage
The two drainage tubes are placed on the raw surface of the liver and the foramen of
Winslow, respectively.
1. Bleeding. The first hilum should be well prepared in case of the need for Pringle
maneuver. The timely conversion is a wise surgical strategy.
2. Bile leak. The absorbable clip or Hom-o-Lok should be used before transection
of the bile ducts on the raw surface.
9.4 Complications
9.5 Notes
The gastrointestinal decompression and ureteral catheterization can stop on the first
postoperative day. The patient can intake liquid diet. After 3–5 days, the patient can
be discharged.
Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic
Hepatectomy 10
As a novel operation, retroperitoneal laparoscopic hepatectomy was conducted
first by Dr. Liu Rong (Hu et al. 2011). It is a new option of liver minimal invasive
10.1 Indications
The right posterior section of the liver is closely adhesive to the posterior abdominal
wall, with an adjacent relationship with the kidney, right adrenal gland, and IVC. The
dissection in this potential plane can damage the hepatic short vein and parenchyma,
causing bleeding. Enlightened by urological surgery, the access could directly reach
the right back of the liver retroperitoneally. The primary clinical practices have
showed that it is safe and feasible and also expands the indications of laparoscopic
hepatectomy to some extent.
However, the indications for retroperitoneal laparoscopic hepatectomy are quite
narrow: the superficial tumor located in the right posterior section with a diameter
of ≤3 cm. Laparoscopic exploration of the abdominal cavity is impossible to
perform with this approach. For those patients with severe abdominal adhesions,
this approach may be a preferable alternative (Fig. 10.1).
10.2 Steps
The patient is in the left lateral recumbent position (Figs. 10.2 and 10.3). The pneu-
moperitoneum pressure is set at 14 mmHg.
The first trocar (10 mm) is placed using the same method as that of retroperito-
neal laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Three additional trocars are then placed at 10 mm
above the iliac crest in the midaxillary line (observation port), at 12 mm below the
costal margin of the 11th rib on the anterior axillary line, and at 5 mm below the
costal margin of the 12th rib on the posterior axillary line, respectively.
After the retroperitoneal space is established, the retroperitoneal fat tissue is dis-
sociated from top to bottom. The lateroconal fascia and perinephric fascias are
exposed. The perinephric space is opened by dissection of the lateroconal fascia and
perinephric fascias at the peritoneal reflection. The perirenal fat capsule is divided
along the prerenal fascia and then the perinephric space is expanded (Fig. 10.4).
The liver lies on the top of the perinephric space and anterior to the right adrenal
gland (Fig. 10.5). The segment 6 can be exposed once the peritoneum is dissected.
The tumor is removed by harmonica scalpel (Figs. 10.6 and 10.7).
10.2 Steps 75
Hu M, et al. Retroperitoneal laparoscopic hepatectomy: a novel approach. Surg Laparosc Endosc
Percutan Tech. 2011;21(5):e245–8.
Laparoscopic Right Hepatectomy
Although the laparoscopic left lateral liver resection has been deemed as a gold
standard procedure for liver lesions located in segments II and III, totally laparo-
scopic hemihepatectomy, especially laparoscopic right hepatectomy (LRH) is
still a challenging and technically demanding surgery, with a high rate of conver-
sion. There is general agreement that this surgery should be performed only at
specialized centers with extensive experience in hepatic surgery and advanced
laparoscopic technique, to ensure patients’ safety and strict adherence to estab-
lished surgical indications. Our team has experience in performing laparoscopic
hepatectomy for over 10 years. After establishing stylized method for laparo-
scopic right hemihepatectomy (LRH), we had accomplished 21 totally laparo-
scopic right hepatectomy from 2011 to 2014. In this chapter, we describe our
technique for stylized method of laparoscopic right hepatectomy, highlighting
the most relevant technical details essential for accomplishing a safe and effi-
cient procedure. We also discuss the indications of increasing experience and
improved skills developing during this time.
Although the laparoscopic left lateral liver resection has been deemed as a gold
standard procedure for liver lesions located in segments II and III, totally laparo-
scopic hemihepatectomy, especially laparoscopic right hepatectomy (LRH) is still
a challenging and technically demanding surgery, with a high rate of conversion.
There is general agreement that this surgery should be performed only at special-
ized centers with extensive experience in hepatic surgery and advanced laparo-
scopic technique, to ensure patients’ safety and strict adherence to established
surgical indications. Our team has experience in performing laparoscopic hepatec-
tomy for over 10 years. After establishing stylized method for laparoscopic right
hemihepatectomy (LRH), we had accomplished 21 totally laparoscopic right
hepatectomy from 2011 to 2014. In this chapter, we describe our technique for
stylized method of laparoscopic right hepatectomy, highlighting the most relevant
technical details essential for accomplishing a safe and efficient procedure. We
also discuss the indications of increasing experience and improved skills develop-
ing during this time.
Patients’ general conditions should not compromise the safety of the anesthe-
sia, and ASA classification (American Society of Anesthesiologists’ Physical
Status Classification) should be at 3 or below. The preoperative investigations
of lesion included liver imaging (spiral computed tomography or magnetic res-
onance imaging). For patients with cirrhosis undergoing major hepatectomy,
Child-Pugh classification, the ICG (indocyanine green) clearance test, and com-
puted tomography volumetry are helpful in evaluating whether the remnant liver
volume is adequate.
The indications for LRH are similar to those for open liver resection with the
same oncologic rules, including “no-touch” tumor technique, radical R0 resection,
and a free surgical margin. Benign or malignant lesions located in the right lobe of
the liver, involving the Segment 5–8 or adjacent to main inflow/outflow vessels of
the right lobe of liver are considered suitable for right hepatectomy.
The need for vascular or biliary reconstruction is currently a contraindication to
the laparoscopic approach. Preoperative imaging or intraoperative ultrasonography
that fails to delineate the location of the lesion clearly or could not obtain a negative
resection margin should be considered a relative contraindication. Previous abdomi-
nal surgery history increases the likelihood of conversion, but is not a contraindica-
tion to the minimally invasive approach.
11.2 Procedure
Under general anesthesia, the patient is placed in left lateral semi-decubitus position
with the right arm suspended. A Veress needle is inserted 5 cm right of the midline
at the level of the umbilicus and the peritoneal cavity is insufflated to a pneumoperi-
toneum with a pressure of 15 mmHg and the Veress needle is withdrawn. The lapa-
roscopic camera is inserted through the trocar at the puncture point of Veress needle.
Three or four working trocars are placed along the line just beneath the costal arch.
One of them is the 12-mm key working trocar, which would be used to handle the
endostapler, and the other assistant trocars are placed at intervals of 8–10 cm next to
that. Selection of every point to insert trocar should depend on the liver’s shape, key
anatomy structure, and decreasing the mutual interference of the instruments during
the operation.
11.2 Procedure 79
We use the Pro Focus 2202 Ultrasound Scanner system with Laparoscopic Transducer
(Fig. 11.1). The procedure of intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) is as follows: (1)
Screen the entire liver to rule out any satellite nodule of HCC; (2) Identify surgical
resection margin; (3) Assess the anatomical structures such as vascular and biliary
branches in order to accomplish anatomical resections.
We first divide the round and falciform ligaments to the level of the second porta
hepatis (Fig. 11.2). Then completely divide the right triangular and coronary
ligaments, and the bare area of the right lobe is mobilized completely (Fig. 11.3).
The inferior vena cava is dissected and small accessory hepatic veins can be
controlled with Hem-o-lok surgical clips (Fig. 11.4). The right hepatic vein
(RHV) is exposed and the retrocaval ligament is divided to allow access to the
right side of the vein, when the right hepatic vein cannot be dissected safely from
an extrahepatic approach, this dissection should be completed within the liver
a b
Fig. 11.1 The laparoscopic ultrasound transducer. (a) the general view of the transducer; (b) the
guiding tunnel of the transducer
After cholecystectomy, hilar dissection is performed to free the right Glisson’s ped-
icle. Firstly, the right hepatic artery is identified, ligated, and transected (Fig. 11.5).
Secondly, the portal vein is traced until the bifurcating into its right or left branch,
then the right branch of portal vein is ligated but not transected to obstruction inflow
(Fig. 11.6). CT angiography is a useful way to evaluate the variation of right portal
vein before the operation.
Normally, we should not attempt to dissect and expose the right hepatic vein
extraparenchymally, because handling the bleeding of RHV laparoscopically is very
difficult and has the potential risk of gas embolism (Fig. 11.7). If there are no thick
11.2 Procedure 81
tributaries near the root of RHV and the surrounding tissue of the RHV could be
identified and dissected free easily, the root of the RHV is fully exposed from the
anterocranial and the posterior aspects by dividing the right retrocaval ligament.
The RHV itself is transected with endostapler until the accomplishment of the
parenchymal division. Experienced surgeon could divide RHV and hang it with sili-
con tube or a cotton tape that could control the massive bleeding of the RHV during
the transection of the hepatic parenchyma.
Fig. 11.10 Transection
and hemostasis of the
deeper portion of the
84 11 Laparoscopic Right Hepatectomy
Fig. 11.13 Transection
of the right hepatic vein
Left lateral semi-decubitus position with the right arm suspended has several privi-
leges for the hepatectomy: Firstly, with this position surgeon could view the hilum
from the right posterior side that makes the hilar dissection more accurate. Secondly,
the weight of the liver makes the right lobe naturally falls to the left, which helps to
dissect the coronary and right triangular ligaments. Thirdly, transection plane could
be easily kept to face the camera.
The ultrasonic dissector is mainly applied to perform tissue dissection and
hemostasis while the BiClamp® forceps in the left hand provide retraction and res-
cue hemostasis. BiClamp® forceps have been very useful for hemostasis and coagu-
lation of liver parenchyma and small vessels (<4 mm). The assistant should keep
the surgical field clean and visualize the bleeding point with suction. The transec-
tion of parenchyma should be advanced layer after layer. That is important to avoid
tunneling into the hepatic parenchyma accidently, thus creating deep holes where
the view is compromised and bleeding control is difficult. The active blade of ultra-
sonic shears have a potential risk of massive bleeding by direct injury of the wall
of hepatic veins, so that it is better to avoid exposure of the major trunk of middle
hepatic vein on the transection plane. Accurate anatomic selection of transection
plane requires the help of ultrasonography. Bleeding from injury on the venous
wall can usually be managed by direct compression with gauze pad and “close” the
transection surface and be careful not to coagulate blindly. Major injury of hepatic
vein trunk should be sutured and stumps of thick tributaries should be clipped.
Recent studies suggest that critical gas embolism is unlikely to occur as long as the
liver parenchyma is dissected under carbon dioxide insufflation at pressure below
12 mmHg.
11.5 Notes 87
11.4 Complications
11.5 Notes
Caudate lobe is surrounded by most major vessels of the liver, which makes lapa-
roscopic hepatectomy of caudate lobe more complex and potentially more dan-
gerous than other hepatic segmentectomy. Such dangerous procedures should
be performed by surgeons who have advanced experiences both in open and
minimally invasive liver resection. The caudate lobe is the dorsal portion of the
liver and half encircles the IVC, and it is composed of three parts: Spiegel lobe
lies to the left side of IVC; the paracaval portion lies anterior to the IVC, and the
caudate process is located between the posterior branch of the right Glissonian
and IVC. Safe laparoscopic resection of caudate lobe requires mobilization and
control of the inflow/outflow vessels of the caudate lobe.
Caudate lobe is surrounded by most major vessels of the liver, which makes laparo-
scopic hepatectomy of caudate lobe more complex and potentially more dangerous
than other hepatic segmentectomy. Such dangerous procedures should be performed
by surgeons who have advanced experiences both in open and minimally invasive
liver resection. The caudate lobe is the dorsal portion of the liver and half encircles
the IVC, and it is composed of three parts: Spiegel lobe lies to the left side of IVC;
the paracaval portion lies anterior to the IVC, and the caudate process is located
between the posterior branch of the right Glissonian and IVC. Safe laparoscopic
resection of caudate lobe requires mobilization and control of the inflow/outflow
vessels of the caudate lobe.
Symptomatic benign tumors or malignant tumors in the caudate lobe are indications
for laparoscopic caudate lobectomy. For the anatomical features of caudate lobe, the
lesions that are amenable for laparoscopic resection are mostly located in the
Spiegel lobe and caudate process.
Contraindications for laparoscopic caudate resection include portal vein/IVC
invasion, large tumor volume, and insufficient experience of the surgeon.
12.2 Procedure Mobilization
We first divide the round ligament and take down the falciform ligaments from the
abdominal wall to the confluence of the hepatic veins and vena cava. The round liga-
ment should be transected close to the abdominal wall as to avoid interfering the
view by its dangling remnant. Then the left triangular and coronary ligaments are
divided completely (Fig. 12.1), and subsequently the assistant can retract the left
lateral lobe and divided the lesser omentum, so that the speigel lobe can be exposed
(Fig. 12.2). IVC is dissected and small accessory hepatic veins can be controlled
with Hem-o-lok surgical clips (Fig. 12.3). During the whole period of operation,
surgeon should be very careful of these clips and fall off any one of them may cause
bleeding. When the left hepatocaval ligament is divided and the Spiegel lobe mobi-
lized away from IVC, the root of LHV is exposed (Fig. 12.4).
Hilar dissection is performed to free the left Glisson’s pedicle. The caudate
branches of the left portal vein and hepatic artery are dissected and transection by
the Hem-o-lok or absorbable clip (Fig. 12.5).
Fig. 12.1 Mobilization
the left triangular and
coronary ligaments
Only specific lesions in the caudate process are amenable to laparoscopic resection.
We have performed the laparoscopic hepatectomy of the caudate process as follows: Mobilization
We first divide the small accessory hepatic veins and mobilized the lesion. The
small hepatic veins can be controlled with Hem-o-lok surgical clips or absorbable
After retrieving the specimen, the raw surface of liver is examined carefully
for bleeding. Hemostasis is obtained using BiClamp® forceps or Argon beam
Mobilization is the key step for the laparoscopic caudate lobectomy, and surgeon
should have enough experience in handing the small hepatic vein.
12.4 Complications
12.5 Notes
Pay attention to observe the drainage fluid and in case of hemorrhage or bile
Radiofrequency Ablation Assisted
Laparoscopic Hepatectomy 13
As is introduced in the above chapters, despite advances in surgical technique,
due to poor hepatic reserve, portal hypertension and other conditions that patients
with concomitant cirrhosis may have, laparoscopic liver resection may be
encountered with considerable intraoperative blood loss, which is why it is
essential to develop techniques that can reduce blood loss during liver parenchy-
mal resection. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA), which had been proved to be able
to block small and medium-sized blood vessels (less than 5 mm in diameter) in
the liver through thermal coagulation, was used in liver resection to reduce bleed-
ing in the past years with satisfying results (Weber et al. 2002; Pai et al. 2008),
and thus has been recommended for cirrhotic patients. In this chapter, we will
discuss the indications and contraindications, operative steps, key techniques,
major complications as well as points should be noted of RFA assisted laparo-
scopic liver resection in this chapter.
1 . Resectable liver lesion or lesions with cirrhosis and adequate (R0) margins;
2. Hepatic function of Child-Pugh class A or B;
3. Adequate remaining functional liver parenchyma;
4. History of multiple TACE procedures.
5. Non-neoplastic lesions suitable for laparoscopic liver resection.
13.2 Steps
2. After laparoscopic scanning of the liver, the surgical tumor resection margins
can be demarcated. Generally, the margins should be kept 1 cm out the tumors,
and RFA was performed using a 17-G cooled-tip electrode with a 2-cm metallic
tip or 3-cm metallic tip (Figs. 13.4 and 13.5); the power was generally set to
60–80 W, and the coagulation time was usually 2–4 min. Bleeding vessels can be
treated with an extra procedure in purpose if necessary (Fig. 13.6). The angle of
98 13 Radiofrequency Ablation Assisted Laparoscopic Hepatectomy
Fig. 13.5 The RFA is being performed before resection of hepatic tumor
3. Along the necrotic zone, laparoscopic liver transection can be achieved using an
ultrasonic dissector or other energy devices (Fig. 13.7) and the resected speci-
men can be placed in a plastic bag and removed, which has been introduced in
the previous chapters. During the operation, a formal hilar dissection and Pringle
maneuver is generally unnecessary. Primary dissection or second hilar dissection
was only done when the tumor was adjacent to the hepatic hilum or hepatic
veins. With the assistance of radiofrequency ablation, the operative blood loss
and transfusion rate can be minimized.
100 13 Radiofrequency Ablation Assisted Laparoscopic Hepatectomy
13.4 Complications
The RF ablation assisted laparoscopic liver resection is generally safe and feasible,
with very low complication rate. The major complications are as followed:
Fig. 13.8 Generally,
hepatic cellular carcinoma
appeared as hypo-echoic
lesion (arrow)
13.4 Complications 101
Fig. 13.10 Hepatic
cellular carcinoma
appeared as
inhomogeneous echoic
lesion (arrow)
1. Liver resection related complications, such as bleeding, bile leakage, and insuf-
ficient remnant hepatic function. The risk of bleeding and bile leakage of RFA
assisted laparoscopic liver resection is lower than that of conventional laparo-
scopic liver resection.
2. Heat injury of adjacent tissue, such as gallbladder, diaphragm, and gastrointesti-
nal tract.
3. Hepatic abscess.
102 13 Radiofrequency Ablation Assisted Laparoscopic Hepatectomy
4. Biliary injury.
5. Skin burn.
6. Hemoglobinuria.
13.5 Notes
Fig. 13.11 Contrast enhanced ultrasound revealed a hyper-enhanced lesion suggesting malignancy
Fig. 13.12 Coagulation
area appeared as a
hypoechoic area
References 103
Fig. 13.13 The hypoechoic area in conventional ultrasound appeared as non-contrast enhanced
area in contrast enhanced ultrasound (arrow)
2. The RFA assisted liver resection technique is useful for both open liver resection
and laparoscopic liver resection.
3. This technique can also be used in laparoscopic regular liver resection, which
can reduce the blood loss effectively.
4. The post-operative biochemistry results and the temperature should be paid
attention on.
Pai M, et al. Liver resection with bipolar radiofrequency device: Habib™ 4X. HPB (Oxford).
Weber JC, et al. New technique for liver resection using heat coagulative necrosis. Ann Surg.
A indications, 29
Anesthesia, 28 monopolar electrocoagulation, 30
position and trocars’ locations, 30
postoperative attentions, 33
B ultrasonic dissector, 30
BiClamp® forceps, 81, 83, 84, 93, 94
C Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), 46
Caudate lobectomy
of Caudate process
hemostasis, 94 G
hepatic parenchyma transection, 93 Glissonean pedicle approach, 61
mobilization, 93
patient’s position, 93
specimen retrieval, 93 H
trocar arrangement, 93 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), 5, 27
complications, 94 Hilar access approach, 6, 61
contraindications, 90
indications, 90
of Spiegel lobe I
hemostasis, 93 Indocyanine green clearance (IGG) excretion
isthmus transection, 90 test, 27
mobilization, 90
patient position, 90
specimen retrieval, 93 L
trocars arrangement, 90 Laparoscopic anatomical hepatectomy (LAH)
Child Turcotte Pugh (CTP) score, 27 advantages, 3, 5
Child-Pugh classification, 35 anterior part transection, 12, 13
Colorectal liver metastasis (CRLM), 5 bleeding, 11
CTP score. See Child Turcotte Pugh (CTP) Couinaud segments, 2, 4, 5, 14
score extrahepatic Glissonean pedicle
Cysts fenestration approach, 6, 7, 9
advantages, 29 Fissural approach, 9
atresia, 32 hepatic veins exposure, 14
complications, 32 Hilar access approach, 6
contraindications, 30 intrahepatic Glissonean pedicle
deroofing, 30 approach, 6, 9
drainage, 32 intraoperative navigation, 14–17