Asssignment 1 PDF
Asssignment 1 PDF
Asssignment 1 PDF
1.Discuss any five DFMA guidelines to be followed to achieve the economic design
DFMA enables the identification, quantification and elimination of waste or inefficiency in product manufacture
and assembly.
Modular design also opens up another window for product designers. With a modular design you can
add new parts to the product without having to buy new equipment. This lengthens the product life span
Multi-functional tooling system helps in saving time, cost by reducing machine downtime cost during
tool change. There are various types of multifunctional devices for example:
GE 100 helps in Facing, turning, internal and external chamfering of pipes and rods in only one operating
step. The flexibility of this modular tooling solution turns standard tool GE 100 into a “special tool” for
the most varying of machining tasks.
• A different tool for each processing step
• Uneconomical
• Time-and cost intensive
• Often inefficient
But with the help of Multi-functional tooling system GE 100 these steps can be rolled into one
Reg: 19MCD0042 Assignment-1 Date:6-10-2020
Nishar Alam Khan
Usually, it is a good practice to design the first part large and wide to ensure the stability and then
assemble smaller parts on top of it. It is also a good practice to design parts in such a way that they can
be assembled from one direction, rather than multiple directions, which extends assembly times further.
Reg: 19MCD0042 Assignment-1 Date:6-10-2020
Nishar Alam Khan
2. The exploded view of a conventional motor drive assembly is shown fig. Modify the
assembly as per the DFMA guidelines and give justification for reducing the total
number of components.
4. Motor screws (2): separate fasteners do not meet the criteria because an integral fastening arrangement
is always theoretically possible.
10. Plastic bushing: Could be of the same material as the end plate.
Motor and sensor subassemblies could be arranged to snap or screw into the base and a plastic cover
designed to snap on.
These four items represent the theoretical min number needed to satisfy the requirements of the product
design without considering practical limitations.
The design of these screws could be improved by providing them with pilot points to facilitate assembly.
It is difficult to justify the separate standoffs, end plate, cover, plastic bushing, and six screws.
Table: Results of DFA Analysis for the Motor Drive Assembly Redesign
Reg: 19MCD0042 Assignment-1 Date:6-10-2020
Nishar Alam Khan
Figure shows the microstructure of peening. Grain refinement, deformation, and elongation are evident in peening
direction. Depths of plastic deformation layer of the three specimens in Figure are about 20mm. Obvious
microstructure deformation generated mainly because of the impact of the projectile produced.
Fatigue test: Figure (a) shows the morphology of fracture and Figure (b) shows the fatigue source zone for the
shot peened fatigue specimen. It’s very interesting that the fatigue source locates in the subsurface, and the fracture
surface is relatively flat. For these peened fatigue samples, the average fatigue life is about 1.2×10⁶ cycles. From
Figure (a), it can be seen that the fatigue source zone of specimen is flat. In this small region, a lot of fatigue strips
extend outward from the source of fatigue. In the case of amplification, more obvious fatigue stripes are parallel
to each other, as shown in Figure (b).
The surface roughness is one of the factors to evaluate the fatigue performance of the specimen. Although surface
roughness increased, it is not enough to influence fatigue properties. Shot peening process can identify the fatigue
source location in subsurface and improve the fatigue life
2. Burnishing:
Fig. Microstructural examination of cross-section of 1010-steel specimens using SEM. (a) Unburnished; (b)
burnished (burnishing conditions: F = 500 N, n = 235 rpm, and f = 0.18 mm/rev); (c) burnished (burnishing
conditions: F = 600 N, n = 235 rpm, and f = 0.18 mm/rev)
The two optimum parameters that were selected so far are a burnishing speed of 235 rpm and a feed rate of 0.18
mm/rev. The results indicate that the third optimum parameter, that is the burnishing force, can be either 500 or
600 N. Both of these cases gave comparable results with little advantage to the 600 N case. Observations made
by SEM on a cross-section of the burnished samples indicate that 500 and 600 N forces have both caused shattering
of the workpiece subsurface. The increase in the burnishing force from 500 to 600 N increases the depth of the
hardened layer from 35 to 50 ⴗm, respectively. In this layer, there is a large distortion of the grains due to the
plastic deformation accompanying the burnishing process. At these high forces, the surface hardness increases
with force until it reaches a limit beyond which flaking of the metal would occur. This situation causes lower
efficiency and failure of the workpiece and therefore a smaller burnishing force of 400 N was selected. The case
with 400 N did not cause flaking in the subsurface layer. Therefore, the optimum burnishing parameters for AISI
1010 steel plates are 235 rpm for the burnishing speed, 0.18 mm/rev for the feed rate and 400 N for the burnishing
• With the increase in burnishing force depth of hardness increases
• There is large distortion of the grains due to plastic deformation
• Surface hardness increases till flaking of metal would occur
• Flaking of surface should be avoided
Reg: 19MCD0042 Assignment-1 Date:6-10-2020
Nishar Alam Khan
3. Grinding:
“Influence of grinding operations on surface integrity of stainless steels” by NIAN
Figure 10 Surface topography and surface defects after grinding by 60# grit size abrasive, 60% machine power
and without lubricant: (a) austenitic stainless steel 304L, (b) duplex stainless steel 2304.
Surface roughness resulting from different grinding parameters was measured through both Ra and Rz factors
The highest surface roughness was induced by using coarse grit size (60#) abrasives, giving an Ra value of 1.81μm
with an Rz value of 18.4μm for 304L and an Ra value of 1.45μm with an Rz value of 15.84μm for 2304. Much
smoother surfaces were obtained by using finer grit size abrasives as the final surface finish or grinding lubricant
during the operations. By using the finest grit size (400#) abrasives, Ra and Rz values decreased dramatically;
Ra=0.34μm, Rz=5.66μm were measured for 304L and Ra=0. 4μm, Rz=6.4μm for 2304. As illustrated in Figure
10, deep grooving, smearing, adhesive chips and indentations are the four types of defects found on the ground
surfaces. The ground surface finish was influenced by the complex interactions between the abrasive grits and the
workpiece surface. Deep grooving came from the uneven metal removal process, including chip forming and
ploughing. Material around abrasive grit particles was pushed out and moved across the surface, which led to the
formation of smearing areas. Abrasive particles broke down into small pieces during grinding; because of the
rubbing contact between these broke down particles or formed chips and the workpiece surface, indentations were
formed on the ground surfaces.
• Surface roughness and surface defects can be largely decreased by using smaller grit size abrasives or by
using grinding lubricant for both austenitic stainless steel 304L
4. Electro-polishing:
Electropolishing of 304 stainless steel: Surface roughness control using experimental design
strategies and a summarized electropolishing model by Chi-Cheng Lin
Fig. 6. (a, c, e and g) SEM photographs results of 304 stainless steel electropolished in a solution containing (a)
H3PO4:H2SO4 = 2:1 (75 vol.%) and 25 vol.% glycerol at 80 ◦C and 0.5Acm−2 for 10 min; (c ) H3PO4:H2SO4
= 2:1 (75 vol.%) and 25 vol.% glycerol at 30 ◦C and 0.5Acm−2 for 5 min; (e) H3PO4:H2SO4 = 2:1 at 35 ◦C and
0.5Acm−2 for 6.25 min; (g ) raw 304SS without polishing
The morphologies of 304SS with electropolishing under various conditions are shown in Fig. Fig. 6a shows the
morphology of a 304SS sheet with a high Ra value of 44.7 nm, which was polished at a high temperature (80 ◦C)
for a relatively long time (10 min). As found in Oppositely, the 304SS with a low Ra value of 7.3 nm (see Fig c)
was obtained under a low temperature (30 ◦C) for a relatively short time (5 min). The surface is very flat due to a
uniform dissolution everywhere. This result is attributed to the whole coverage of layer B and a short polishing
time depresses the increase in Ra. Fig. e represents the result obtained from the solution of phosphoric acid and
sulfuric acid without glycerol at 35 ◦C. Its morphology is similar to that of a raw sheet (see Fig. 6g with very close
Ra values.
The EP time is one of the key factors promoting Ra of 304SS, which does not involve in any interactions with
other polishing variables. The results showed that Ra of 304SS is decreased with decreasing the bath temperature
and polishing time but increased when the temperature was lower than 20 ◦C
4.The following figure shows the shaft-hole assembly. Basic size = 20mm; hole
tolerance = 0.005mm; shaft tolerance = 0.005mm; and allowance = 0.005mm. Sketch
various possibilities of clearance fit for the given dimensions.
5. Explain the symbols of form tolerance and position tolerance using suitable
Form Tolerance:
Form tolerances can be state by four tolerance zone. These form tolerances are Straightness, Flatness,
Circularity, and Cylindricity. These form tolerances apply to individual features therefore the Form
Tolerances are not related to datums.
a) Straightness:
Straightness actually has two very different functions in GD&T depending on how it is called out. In its
normal form or Surface Straightness, is a tolerance that controls the form of a line somewhere on the
surface or the feature. Axis Straightness is a tolerance that controls how much curve is allowed in the
part’s axis. This is usually called out with an included call to maximum material condition. Both callouts
are very different from each other.
b) Flatness:
Flatness is a condition of a specified surface having all elements in one plane. Flatness tolerance provides a
tolerance zone of specified and defined by two parallel planes in where the specified surface must lie. Flatness is
applied to an individual surface; flatness tolerance does not need to be related to a datum. A feature control frame
is attached to the surface with a leader or extension line. When a feature control frame with a flatness tolerance is
applied with a size dimension, the flatness tolerance applies to the median plane for a noncylindrical surfaces. The
derived median plane is composed of the midpoint of the actual local size. The median plane is not necessarily
flat. The flatness tolerance may be used to control the form of derived median plane. Also, the straightness
tolerance may be used to control the form of the derived line.
Reg: 19MCD0042 Assignment-1 Date:6-10-2020
Nishar Alam Khan
c) Circularity:
Circularity is a condition of a surface of a part. Circularity tolerance is used to control the roundness of circular
parts or features. Circular features can be defined by cylinders, spheres, and cones. Circularity tolerance controls
each circular element of a cylinder independent of each other. Circularity tolerance is applied to an individual
surface, Circularity tolerance does not need to be related to a DATUM. The Circularity tolerance of the
manufacturing part specifies where all points of a surface of a circular part must lie in the zone bounded by two
concentric circles which radiis differ by the tolerance value of the concentricity.
Reg: 19MCD0042 Assignment-1 Date:6-10-2020
Nishar Alam Khan
Tolerance Zone:
Gauging: Circularity is measured by constraining a part, rotating it around the central axis while a height gauge
records the variation of the surface. The height gauge must have total variation less than the tolerance amount.
d) Cylindricity:
Cylindricity is a condition of a manufacturing part surface of revolution in where all points of the circular surface
are equi-distant from actual axis. Cylindricity tolerance is applies where cylindrical part features must have good
circularity, straightness and taper. Thus, Cylindricity tolerance applies both longitudinal and circular element of
the surface. Cylindricity tolerance is applied to an individual surface, cylindricity tolerance does not need to be
related to a datum. Cylindricity tolerance controls the entire surface of a cylinder.
Drawing Callout
Reg: 19MCD0042 Assignment-1 Date:6-10-2020
Nishar Alam Khan
Position Tolerance:
Positional tolerance is a three-dimensional geometric tolerance that controls how much the location of a
feature can deviate from its true position. Positional tolerances are probably used more than any other geometric
control. Positional tolerances is used to locate features of size from datum planes such as a hole or keyway and
used to locate features coaxial to a datum axis. A position tolerance is the total permissible variation in the location
of a feature about its exact true position. Positional tolerances for cylindrical features, the position tolerance zone
is typically a cylinder within which the axis of the feature must lie. Positional tolerances for other features, the
center plane of the feature must fit in the space between two parallel planes. The tolerance defines a zone that the
axis or center plane of a feature of size may vary from. The concept is there is an exact or true position that the
feature would be if it was made perfect however since nothing is made perfect a tolerance zone allows deviation
from perfection. The exact position of the feature is located with basic dimensions. Datums are required. The
true/exact location of a feature of size is defined by basic dimensions which is shown in a box and are established
from datum planes or axes. When a material condition modifier is specified a boundary named virtual condition
is established. It is located at the true position and it may not be violated by the surface or surfaces of the
considered feature. Its size is determined by adding or subtracting depending on whether the feature is an external
or an internal feature and whether the material condition specified. LMC or MMC can apply to feature of size
apply to feature of size.
Tolerance Zone:
Reg: 19MCD0042 Assignment-1 Date:6-10-2020
Nishar Alam Khan
Concentricity tolerance zone controls the median points of a feature of size. Concentricity tolerance is a condition
in which the axes of all cross-section elements of a feature’s surface of revolution are common to the axis of a
datum feature. A concentricity tolerance specifies a cylindrical tolerance zone whose axis coincides with a datum
axis and within which all cross-sectional axes of the feature being controlled must lie. The tolerance zone is
equally disposed about the datum axis for concentricity. The Concentricity requires that the median points of the
controlled feature, regardless of its size, to be within the tolerance zone.
Gauging / Measurement
Reg: 19MCD0042 Assignment-1 Date:6-10-2020
Nishar Alam Khan
GD&T Symmetry is a 3-Dimensional tolerance that is used to ensure that two features on a part are uniform across
a datum plane. An established “true” central plane is established from the datum and for the symmetry to be in
tolerance, the median distance between every point on the two surface features needs to fall near that central plane.
Each set of points on the reference features would have a midpoint that is right between the two. If you take all
the midpoints of the entire surface, this must lie within the tolerance zone to be in specification. Symmetry is not
a very common GD&T callout since it has very limited functional uses (centering location is done with Position)
and the verification and measurement of symmetry can be difficult
Tolerance Zone:
Gauging / Measurement