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E-Series Troubleshooting Guide

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E-Series Troubleshooting Guide


Troubleshooting by means of the System-OK-LED status............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Troubleshooting – Hardware........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Troubleshooting – Operation of the Device.................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Troubleshooting – Parameter Settings......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Troubleshooting – Protection and Control.................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Troubleshooting – Communication.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Troubleshooting – Recorder........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Troubleshooting by means of the System-OK-LED status

System LED Device Status Potential Error Cause Corrective Action

off (not illuminated) Other LEDs are also off. Either no supply voltage or the power Please check the supply voltage. If it is OK, send the
supply is faulty. device to be repaired.

undefined, Other LEDs are showing a random The CPU board is faulty. Send the device to be repaired.
not flashing pattern.

constant red or The HMI shows an error number. Fatal system error Get in contact with the manufacturer. The Service-Team
flashing red will provide a tool for error analysis.

flashing green, No error. No action necessary.

switch to constant The device is in its start-up phase.
green within 30 When the System LED switches to
seconds constant green, the protection
functions are active.

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

System LED Device Status Potential Error Cause Corrective Action

flashing red/ green The device is up and running. The The internal self-supervision module Check the cause of the last reboot under <Operation/
protection functions are working. has detected a serious problem in the Status display/ Sys/ Reboot>:
system. The issue will be recorded • Reboot=11: Your device suffered a short-term sag
within an integrated fault memory. or outage of the supply voltage. Please check your
power supply. You can quit the System LED by
selecting <Operation/ Acknowledge/ SSV.Ack
System LED>.
• Otherwise get in contact with our service-team.
Provide us the information about unscheduled
device reboots (<Operation/ Self Supervision/
System Error/ Resets by Device>). You will be
supplied with a tool for error analysis.

constant green The device´s HMI is not operable. The device is starting up. The Check if the following action makes the device´s HMI
There are no Softkeys shown on the protection functions are already operable:
panel. Instead the panel shows working, but the HMI is still starting up. Unplug the Ethernet (Connector X100). Is the HMI now
„Startup“ or just the device type (e.g. If this is not finished after 5 minutes, operable, there is an error on your Ethernet network (e.g.
EDR-5000) without any Softkeys. the device is probably busy with an Ethernet storm). Please check your network traffic.
handling Ethernet packets (Connector

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

System LED Device Status Potential Error Cause Corrective Action

The HMI is not operable. A normal The device is busy with handling Unplug the Ethernet (Connector X100). Is the HMI now
page of the HMI is visible: Either Ethernet packets (Connector X100). operable, there is an error on your Ethernet network (e.g.
there are Softkeys visible or the LED The protection functions are working. an Ethernet storm). Please check your network traffic.
status page is being displayed.
Should this action not change the device´s behavior,
please read the next entry of this table.

The HMI is not operable. A normal Some of the device´s system parts are Leave the device connected to the supply voltage. Get in
page of the HMI is visible: Either not working. The protection functions contact with our service-team. You will be supplied with a
there are Softkeys visible or the LED are working. tool for error analysis.
status page is being displayed. There
is no Ethernet connector (Connector

The HMI is operable. The device is ready for operation and Look-up the next tables.
protects your electrical equipment. If
you have the impression that the relay
is not working correctly or you have
any problems with setting its
parameters, please look-up the next

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Troubleshooting – Hardware

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

Failure of the display After selecting any key, the whole display Check the following issues:
remains dark or the display is defective. • Is the supply voltage connected? This is the
case when the System-LED is illuminated
• Is the environmental temperature within the
allowed range?
• Try to adjust the contrast of the display by
using PowerPort-E (increase/ decrease).
If these checks do not show any results, send the
relay back to the manufacturer.

Failure of a relay output The physical status does not match the reported Check the following issues:
state. Check the reported state of the relay output • Is the relay output in the latched state?
(Also refer to: ”relay outputs do not react“) with the HMI or PowerPort-E. Acknowledge the state if necessary.
• Is <Inverting> parameter of the relay output
• Check the wiring.
• Unplug the wiring from the relay output and
measure its output. Set the state of the relay
output by using the test functions
If these checks do not show any results, send the
relay back to the manufacturer.

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

Failure of a digital input The physical status of a digital input does not Check the following issues:
match its reported state. Check the reported state • Is the configured voltage level set correctly?
of the digital input with the HMI or PowerPort-E. • Is the voltage level of the digital input (signal
level) correct?
• Is the parameter <Inverting> set?
• Check the wiring.
If these checks do not show any results, send the
relay back to the manufacturer.

Wrong setting of the device´s clock after a shortage The internal battery for powering the clock is The relay is also working properly with an empty
of the supply voltage empty or defect. clock battery. The device´s time can be
synchronized. Please contact the service team.

Failure of a key Send the relay back to the manufacturer.

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Troubleshooting – Operation of the Device

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

Relay outputs or LEDs are in unexpected state. A relay output or an LED has been reconfigured Acknowledge the LEDs and relay outputs.
from latched to unlatched. Now you need to
acknowledge the status once, if it was already
pending before the reconfiguration.

A trip shall be acknowledged without a password. Set the password for <Password Level 0> to „empty
input“. Now you do not have to enter any password for
changes and acknowledges on security level 0.

What is the default password? The factory-provided default password for all security
levels is „1234“.

How do I reset the password? Refer to the chapter „forgotten password“ of the user

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Troubleshooting – Parameter Settings

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

Transfer of device parameters from one protection You have configured the parameters of a E- Download the device parameters with PowerPort-E
device to another of the same type (e.g. EDR-5000). Series device. Now you want to transfer these from the first relay. Save them into a file.
parameters to another relay. This is possible, if
both relays are of the same type, e.g. EDR- Now reopen this file with PowerPort-E. Adapt the
5000. settings to the order code of the second device <Edit/
Modify Device Configuration (Typecode)...>. Select
<Apply>. By this the existing parameter file is being
converted to the format of the second device.

Now there may be implausible parameters. They are

marked with a question mark. These are not valid for
this device type. Please adapt the values of these
implausible parameters. Afterward you can transfer
the parameter settings to the second device.

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Troubleshooting – Protection and Control

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

After first start-up of the protective device there is a Two red LEDs are illuminated at the front of the With the factory default settings the protection relay is
pending trip. HMI. They indicate a trip and an alarm. configured with an undervoltage protection. Adapt the
settings of the undervoltage protection or remove this
module from the device project settings (if you do not
need it). If you have any problems with
acknowledging the pending alarm, please refer to
„Failure of a relay output“.

The switchgears can not be operated by SCADA Set the switching authority of the device to „remote“.

Current and Voltage measurement The measured values of current and voltage Adjust the field parameters´ general settings to the
have a big fluctuation. connected grid frequency (50Hz or 60Hz).

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

Relay outputs do not react. The contacts of the relay outputs do not open or Check the following issues:
close. This can be checked by simulating a fault • Acknowledge the relay outputs, if applicable.
and checking the relay output contacts with • Is the status of the relay output forced to a
measurement equipment. dedicated value? (The relay output can be
overwritten for commissioning purpose, refer
to <Service/ Test>.)
• Is the correct parameter set active (1..4)?
• Is the required protection function active?
• Is overall protection active?
• Are the field parameters set correctly (CT
ratio etc.)?
• Are the protection parameters set correctly
(trip value, trip time)?
• Is the assigned protection function blocked?
• Is the protection function´s trip signal routed
to the Trip-Manager of the correct
• Is the trip signal of the switchgear routed to
the correct relay output?
• Is the wiring correct?

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

Failure of control from local or remote You can not switch locally or remotely. Check the following issues:
• Is the switch command blocked?
• Is the wiring correct?
• Do you have switching authority? Check the
value of switching authority („local“ or
• Is switching blocked by the synchro-check?

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Troubleshooting – Communication

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

Failure of time synchronization. Check the following issues:

• Is the correct protocol for time synchronization
selected (<Device Para/ Time / TimeSync>)?
• Is the timezone set correctly?
• Open the status page of the used protocol. Check, if
the module works correctly.
• IRIGB: Is the correct type (IRIGB-00x) selected?
• SNTP: Is the IP address of a valid NTP Server

Failure of the TCP/IP connection. Check the following issues with your local IT:
• Does the device answer a „ping“ request?
• If the device and the PC are part of the same the same
subnet, gateway and subnet mask have to be set
correctly within the device (<Device Para/ TCP/IP/
TCP/IP Config>).
• Is network communication blocked by a firewall?

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

Failure of USB connection. It is not possible to connect PowerPort-E, Check the following issues:
Field Device Installer or some other • PowerPort-E: Have you installed release 3.60 or
application to the relay via USB. The higher?
corresponding USB port (e.g. COM 5) can • Is the USB port of the PC still occupied by another
not be selected or connected by the application (program/application)? Close those
application. applications.
• Is the protective device within the correct state? For a
PowerPort-E connection the protective device has to
be started up. For a connection with the Field Device
Installer the protective device has to be within a
different state. Refer to the Field Device Installers user
• Unplug the USB cable from the protective device and
plug it in again. After 10 seconds try again to connect
PowerPort-E (or Field Device Installer) to the relay.
• Restart your PC.

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

Older protective devices with RS232: It is not possible to establish a connection Use a PowerPort-E version release 3.41 or higher. Starting
PowerPort-E does not connect via RS232. with PowerPort-E from a PC to the device from this release PowerPort-E supports a simplified creation of
via RS232. a serial connection.

If your PC does not have a serial port, you need a USB-to-

serial-adapter that has been approved by Eaton. This has to be
installed correctly.

Verify that your cable is a zero-modem cable (please refer to

the corresponding chapter). A simple serial cable does not
have any flow control lines. A connection is only possible with a
zero-modem cable.

PowerPort-E can not connect to the device. A connection between PowerPort-E and Check the following issues:
This has been possible before by using the device has been possible before using the • Are the connection settings of PowerPort-E correct
same PC. same PC. Now it is not possible to connect (refer to <Settings/ Device Connection...>)? In case of
to the device. Ethernet (TCP) connection: Is the correct IP address
• Check the wiring between PC and device.
• In case of Ethernet (TCP) connections: Is the TCP/IP
connection working? Refer to „Failure of the TCP/IP
• Wait for 15 minutes and then try again to connect to
the device.
• Restart your PC and then try again to connect to the

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

No communication (data transfer) with Port 52152 is being blocked by a firewall. Check the settings of your firewall. You may require to unblock
PowerPort-E possible, even though a port 52152.
connection has been established.

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or

Troubleshooting – Recorder

Problem or maloperation in… Problem Description Corrective Action

The Event Recorder is permanently logging The Event Recorder does permanently show Proceed as follows:
new events. new events (<Operation/ Recorders / Event 1. Look inside the Event Recorder which protection function
rec>). is creating the events.
2. Check the settings of this protection function. Adapt them,
To observe this phenomenon in PowerPort- if necessary. Example: Protection function df/dt (ROCOF)
E, please execute a „refresh“ (F5 or Ctrl+F5). is configured too sensitive and is creating alarms with high
frequency. Change the settings of this function.

The Waveform Recorder is permanently The Waveform Recorder shows a high Check the following issues:
creating new records. number of created disturbance records. This 1. Check which events are configured to trigger the
number is growing steadily over time Waveform Recorder (<Device Para/ Recorders /
(<Operation/ Recorders / Waveform rec>). Waveform rec>), e.g. Protection Alarm.
2. Check within the Event Recorder, which protection
To observe this phenomenon in PowerPort- function creates the trigger (<Operation/ Recorders / Event
E, please execute a „refresh“ (F5 or Ctrl+F5). rec>).
3. Check the settings of this protection function. Adapt them,
if necessary. Example: Protection function df/dt (ROCOF)
is configured too sensitive and is creating alarms with high
frequency. Change the settings of this function.
Alternatively you can also change the trigger source of the
Waveform Recorder. But this is less advisable.

For additional manufacturer technical support, please contact 1-800-809-2772, option 4, option 1, or
Instruction Leaflet MN026003EN
Effective 09.10.15

This instruction leaflet is published solely for information purposes

and should not be considered all-inclusive. If further information is
required, you should consult an authorized Eaton sales representative.
The sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the
terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies
or other contractual agreement between the parties. This literature
is not intended to and does not enlarge or add to any such contract.
The sole source governing the rights and remedies of any purchaser of this equipment is
the contract between the purchaser and Eaton.
DESCRIPTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. In no event will Eaton be responsible to the
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any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but
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use of the information, recommendations and description contained herein.

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