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(Pause For Reaction) : Sales Script Step 1-Build Rapport

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The key takeaways are to build rapport with the prospect, understand their motivations and goals, identify their main problem or pain point, present a solution to solve that problem, and move them to a close by getting a firm yes or no decision.

The purpose of building rapport with the prospect is to make them feel comfortable and establish a connection before launching into the sales pitch. This increases the chances of the prospect being receptive to the offer.

The main steps in the sales script are: 1) Build rapport 2) Understand motivation 3) Identify pains and problems 4) Learn goals 5) Present solution 6) Move to close 7) Handle objections 8) Close



“Hey, [Name]! [Caller's name] calling from the [Company Name]! How are you today?”
(Pause for reaction)
“Oh, I'm great. Thanks for asking. Now, Jim, if you recall, about a week ago you [describe action
that got the lead], saying you were interested in investing in real estate. Does that ring a bell?”
(Pause for reaction)
“Great, [Caller's name]. So if you have sixty seconds, I'd like to share the real estate investment
ideas we have with you. You got a minute?”
(Pause for reaction)
(This should take a maximum Max 2-3 minutes)
“Alright, before we get started, can I ask you a couple of questions?”
(Pause for reaction)
“Perfect. So at the end of this call, there are three things that you can say to me:
The first thing you can say is, “[agent name], that sounds good. Let’s do some business”.
This will mean that you understand all the benefits of this real estate offering I/my team are
providing you and you will choose to buy it today and that would be great!”
The second thing that you can say is a “NO”. And that’s perfectly fine. I want you to know
[name of prospect], it’s perfectly okay to say “NO” to me.
Saying “NO” will means that you do not understand all the benefits I/my team can provide to
you and you may choose not to pick up this offer and, to be quite honest, even though that
wouldn’t be so great, I’ll accept it in good faith.
You can say “NO” to me, and I can say “NO” to you.
The third thing that you could say, but I don’t want you to say, is “I want to think about it”,
because usually what that means is, it’s a “NO” and you’re just trying to be polite.
So before we even proceed, can we have a simple agreement that at the end of this call, you will
say, either a “YES” or a “NO”, but not “I want to think about it”.
Is that fair?”
(Pause for reaction)
“Let me explain why I would say that.
Our mission is to help you achieve your real estate investment goals and exceed your
expectations. Well, if at any time during our meeting today, I feel what we have is NOT suitable
for you, budget wise or I feel we cannot help you achieve your goals as far as real estate, is
concerned, I would rather turn you down and not sell anything to you now than selling you
something that doesn’t align with your goals and let you down later.
Does that sound fair to you?”
(Pause for reaction)
“Great, let’s get started!”
“So ‘RECEIVER'S NAME’, what was it that motivated you about real estate to invest your time to
hop on a call with me today?”
(Pause for reaction)
“Ok, tell me more about that?”
(Your goal here is to get them to open up and let you know exactly why they are here, so you
know which pain points are really present.)
• “Tell me a bit about yourself and what you do.”
• “Describe to me what your life would look different if you achieved all your real estate
investment goals.”
• “Ok, how are you currently getting your results?”
• “What’s the biggest problem right now for you as regards investing in real estate?”
• “How long has this problem been going on?”
• “Why do you think this problem exists?”
(Key Points to Remember: You must thoroughly understand and keep asking questions until you
understand. Your prospect wouldn’t be on the call with you unless there was some pain. The
problem is always worse than they think.
Gaining trust allows you to speak hard truth... ***if a prospect is below a 5 use reverse
• “Ok, let’s put ourselves out 1 year from today. What would need to happen to any investment
you make in real estate for you to be truly satisfied and excited?”
• “What would this entail? Who is part of this journey with you? Is it your wife/husband, your
kids, who?”
• “I’m curious, what’s your motivation for wanting to reach this goal anyway?”
• “What would change in your life personally if you were living this type of dream?”
• “What would change in your family or personal life if this happens?”
(Key Points to Remember:
• Get them dreaming about what could be
• This takes the call to a place of emotion
• If done properly, you are no longer selling them a service, but you are providing them their
dream life)
“Ok, and what are the biggest obstacles right now between you and that 12 month
“Why do you think you haven’t reached that goal already?”
“What do you think is stopping you from doing this on your own?”
(This stage is really powerful. You’ve gotten them to an emotional place of imagining their
dream life, and now you are widening the gap between them and that dream.)
“[NAME] thanks for sharing this. I understand the position you are in and we can fix this.
I think you’re a good fit for the (mention property that's targeted at their particular situation
gleaned from the qualifying process above) different sets of properties we have available right
The first property we have is: [name of estate and location], one of the fastest-growing areas of
(Describe it, in detail including landmarks, value properties beside it, mention how plots there
are left there, e.t.c.).
E.g. “... is called Lekki Vale, of the fastest developing areas of Ibeju Lekki.
Do you follow me so far? ”
(Pause for reaction)
(Give them very loose facts about the proposed estate, the area, including landmarks, planned
Govt development, etc.)
Example: “Lekki Vale is situated at Ibeju-Lekki, it’s going to have 260 home units and because
it’s outside the main center of Lagos, it's a lot cheaper, 20/30 times cheaper.
In the vicinity, you have: The Dangote Refinery, the ______________. With Lagos having a
growing population bursting at the seams, more people are steadily moving there.”
There’s also the seaport and an airport. Major blue chips companies have bought in those areas
But as good as all that sounds, the most important thing in real estate is location, wouldn't you
(Pause for reaction)
“Good! And in the case of [name of Estate] the location is blue chip all the way.
It is exactly 15 minutes drive from the location of the next Novare Shoprite Mall that is being
constructed in Ibeju-Lekki and AMEN Estate, an estate of 250 already built homes.
It's like you standing at the Oniru's Palace in Oniru and this property is at the current The Palms
Shopping Mall. Or standing at one end of Third Mainland Bridge and Lekki Vale is at the other
For context, let me give you an example.
Sango Tedo is the area before Ibeju-Lekki. 5 years ago, land there was going for 4/5 million.
Today, it’s going for no less than 15 million. That’s at least 300/400 percent.
Do you follow me so far?
(Pause for reaction)
Superb, Right now, [name], Lekki Vale has only 30 plots available out of 200, and it's currently
selling for 50% less than any other property around it.
Now I am sure you’re wondering… Why is it selling for so low? Aren’t you?
(Pause for reaction)
I'm glad you asked.
Because… (we need to give a REASON WHY here FAST. *Talk to Mr Yinka about it)”
Does this sound like somewhere you’d love to invest in?
(Pause for reaction)
[name], just out of curiosity, let’s pretend we want to sell you this property right now. How
much do you think land in this area is worth?
(Pause for reaction)
(This is very important because you are asking the prospect to tell you the price they are willing
to pay. Never mention your price, have them mention the price first.)
“Fantastic, it's even lower. It's an outlay of =N=5 million naira per plot. And, believe me,’ (lower
your voice here to just above a whisper,) if you position yourself now, before the big money guys
come down there, the only problem you'll have is you didn't buy more.
Sound fair enough?’”
“Great ‘NAME’, well here's the thing, land in this area already sells for =N=9 million and in some
cases, =N=10 million.
This is the best time for you to take advantage so we can help you make your [reason for buying
uncovered earlier] a reality.
You know why?”
(Pause for reaction)
“Because [name of estate], right now, right now [name] is trading for million naira,
that's a HUGE 50% off, which is ridiculously cheap, considering where this land is located.
And the key to making money and seeing value in real estate is to position yourself early before
the crowd and business people move in, and grab it all.
Because once they do that, it's too late, and the opportunity is lost.
Is this an opportunity you want to miss?”
(Pause for reaction)
“Ok ‘NAME’, how committed would you say you are to make this happen? Are you ready to buy
now? Is your answer a Yes, a Maybe or a No, which one is it?”
(Pause for reaction)
“That’s fantastic.
Now I want to sweeten this deal for you.
There's something else I haven't mentioned [name]. If you do complete this deal, we are giving
you something extra.
First, we are giving you a 12/24 buy-back option, here's what that means: We want you to buy
this land and keep it for the next 12 to 24 months and watch it rise in value, because it will.
If at the end of 12 – 24 months, you want to sell for any reason whatsoever, maybe you need a
quick cash infusion for something else, maybe it's the kid’s school fees, whatever it is, we will
but back the land from you at the current price.
Is that something you think is perfect?”
(Pause for reaction)
“And that's not all.
When you buy, we will also make available to you a survey plan and an architectural drawing
for a full building, so that if you want to build on your plot, you do not have to pay for that. This
will save you at least =N=2 million in the future.
Wouldn’t you like to be able to not have to pay for this again in the future if you want to build?”
(Pause for reaction)
“Fantastic! Now lastly, we're in partnership with [Insurance Company] to provide every single
buyer of [name of estate] with comprehensive life insurance. ”
How old are you now, [name]?
Great. So by the time you hit 65, you will get paid [amount of insurance payout] by [insurance
Now of course all these extras only kick in IF we conclude this deal within one month, have you
seen any other real estate company anywhere match this offer?”
(Pause for reaction)
“That's great! When do you want to start and with how many plots? You know what, let's do 3
plots at least [name]. What do you say?”
(Reach agreement on how many it is and then move on to Step 9)
“I'm hurt, ‘NAME’. It's evident to me that I have done a poor job of explaining the value of this
investment to you.
I know certainly you are interested otherwise you wouldn't have stayed this long on this call.
There's a reason you're not willing to move ahead. So PLEASE tell me, what exactly did I do
wrong? What did I not explain to you? What's the reason?
Is it Money? Do you need to talk to your husband/wife?
I have permission from my bosses to solve any problem you might have regarding buying this”
(Pause for response)
“I'm Not Interested In Real Estate”
“I Can’t Sell It If I Want To”
“I've been burned before by a real estate deal”
“What If You're Scammers? /I Don't Know You. I'm Not Comfortable”
“Talk To My Wife”
“Think About It”
“I Want To Do More Research On The Property”
“Call Me Back”
“I Have No Money”
“I Have Other Real Estate Brokers I Buy From”
“All My Money Is Tied Up" / “I Am Not Liquid”
“Send Me A Proposal”
“Send Me More Information”
“I Want To Meet You Before I Buy”
(Use rebuttals, and bring them to say YES, then follow the YES script and then move on to Step
*“Fantastic, Alright, ‘NAME’ let me lock this in with my assistant. She will send you our OFFER
packet and (agreement documents?) immediately. And I need you to get that back to me with
the payment TODAY. Can you do that for me?”
“Good, I look forward to working with you. Thank you for your vote of confidence and welcome
to [name of real estate company].
Bye bye.”
* We need to confirm is the next STEP is to invite them for an inspection or just close them on
the PHONE without need for one
(Key Points To Remember:
• Anything but a YES is a NO
• It’s typically more effort to follow up and close a “maybe” than it is just to close a new client.
• You must create a reason for people to buy now, and NEVER let a single call linger in the
maybe zone.)

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