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Plastic Analysis of Slabs: Yield-Line and Strip Methods

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Lecture 11

Plastic analysis of slabs

Yield-line and strip methods
Print version Lecture on Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity

Dr. D. Dinev, Department of Structural Mechanics, UACEG


1 Yield-line method 1
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Yield lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Ultimate moment of resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Analysis by virtual work principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Minimum load principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 Strip method 7
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Basic principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Choise of load distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 11.2

1 Yield-line method
1.1 Introduction
Yield line theory of slabs


• The method for a limit analysis of RC slabs known as yield line theory was initiated by
Ingerslev (1921) and extended by Johansen (1932)

Yield line theory of slabs

• The ultimate load is estimated by postulating a collapse mechanism that is compatible with
the BCs (upper-bound approach)
• The moment at the plastic hinge lines are the ultimate moment of resistance of the section
• The ultimate load is determined using the principle of virtual work and it is either correct
or too high (upper-bound theorem)

• Thus all possible collapse mechanisms must be examined to ensure that the load-carrying
capacity is not overestimated

1.2 Yield lines

Yield line theory of slabs

Yield lines
• A slab is assumed to collapse at its ultimate load trough a system of nearly straight lines,
which are called yield lines
• These yielad lines divide the slab into a number of panels
• The pattern of yield lines and panels is termed a collapse mechanism

Yield line theory of slabs

Yield lines
• When a collapse mechanism has developed, the plastic deformations along the yield lines
are much greater than the elastic deformations of the panels between the yield lines
• The theory assumes that the panels are plane

Yield line theory of slabs

Yield lines – basic rules

• The yield lines must be straight lines forming axis of rotation of the segments

Yield line theory of slabs

Yield lines – basic rules
• The supports acts as axes of rotation
• An axis of rotation will pass over a column

Yield line theory of slabs

Yield lines – basic rules
• The yield line must pass through the intersection of the axes of rotation of the adjacent

1.3 Ultimate moment of resistance

Yield line theory of slabs
Ultimate moment of resistance
• For a yield line that runs orthogonal to the reinforcement the ultimate moment of resistance
per unit width is
As fy
Mu = φ As fy d −
1.7 fc0
where As is area of the reinforcement per unit width

Yield line theory of slabs

Ultimate moment of resistance

• In the usual case the reinforcement bars are orthogonal to each other and not coincide with
a general yield line, then we may apply the Johansen’s yield criterion
• ∑ mn = 0 gives

mn (a) = mx sin α(a sin α) + my cos α(a cos α)

mn = mx sin2 α + my cos2 α

Yield line theory of slabs

Ultimate moment of resistance
• ∑ mt = 0 gives

mt (a) = mx cos α(a sin α) + my sin α(a cos α)

mt = (my − mx )sinα cos α

• When mx = my = m, thus mt = 0 the slab is isotropically reinforced

• What is the slab with mx 6= my ?!?

1.4 Analysis by virtual work principle

Yield line theory of slabs
Virtual work principle
• Suppose that a rigid body is in equilibrium under the action of a system of forces
• If the body is given a small arbitrary displacements, consistent with the BCs, the sum of the
work done by the forces (force times its corresponding displacement) will be zero because
the resultant force is zero
• The principle states: If a body that is in static equilibrium under the system of forces
is given a virtual displacement, the sum of the virtual work by the forces is zero

Yield line theory of slabs

Analysis by virtual work principle
• The virtual work W due to an applied load qu is
W (qu ) = qu δ (x, y)dA = ∑ Qu ∆

where Qu is load resultant on the panel and ∆ is the displacement of its centroid

• The displacement of the center of gravity ∆ of a triangle abc is

∆ = (δa + δb + δc )

Yield line theory of slabs

Ultimate moment of resistance

• The virtual work due to an ultimate moment moments
U(m) = ∑ mL cos αθ
where m is the ultimate moment normal to the yield line, θ is the rotation and L is the yield
line length

Yield line theory of slabs

Analysis by virtual work principle
• The equilibrium is U = W or ∑ mL cos αθ = ∑ Qu ∆
• Since most slabs are rectangular and the reinforcement is orthogonal we know the mx and
my and it is easier to deal with the directional components of the internal work
• For an arbitrary yield line we have
U = ∑ mL cos αθ = ∑ mx θx y0 + ∑ my θy x0
where θx and θy are components of θn ; x0 and y0 are x and y projections of L
• Therefore

∑ Qu ∆ = ∑ mx θx Ly + ∑ my θy Lx

1.5 Minimum load principle

Yield line theory of slabs

Minimum load principle

• In most cases a yield line pattern cannot be drown without unknown dimensions locating
the yield line position
• The unknown dimensions must be included in the virtual work equation
• The equation for ultimate load has the form of Qu = f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )

Yield line theory of slabs

Minimum load principle

• Since the upper-bound approach is used the values for xn required those values that give
the minimum value for Qu and may be found by solving a set of equations

∂ Qu ∂ Qu
= 0, ... =0
∂ x1 ∂ xn
• The values for x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are substituted back into the ultimate load equation to obtain
the minimum Qu

Yield line theory of slabs

Example 1
• Consider a rectangular slab with an orthotropic reinforcement
• For the given pattern find the optimum position of the yield lines α =? and the ultimate
load qu =?

Yield line theory of slabs

Example 1
• The yield line pattern

2 Strip method
2.1 Introduction
Àpplication of yield-line method- cons.
• The yield-line analysis is an upper-bound approach and thus, iff in error, will be so on the
unsafe side
• To apply it is necessery to assume that the reinforcement is known over the slab
• Therefore the yield-line method is a tool to analyze the load-carring capacity of a slab

Strip method

• These drawbacks motivated Hillerborg in 1956 to develop a strip method for slab design

Strip method
• This method is a lower-bound approach, based on satisfaction of equilibrium require-
ments everywhere in the slab
• According to the strip method a moment field is first determined that fulfills equilibrium
requirements, after that the reinforcement in the slab is designed for this moment field
• The strip method is a design method for direct calculation of the required reinforcement
• The strip method relies on the designer’s intuitive feel of the way the structure transmits
the load to the supports

2.2 Basic principles

Strip method
Governing equations
• The moment equilibrium equation is
∂ mx ∂ mxy ∂ my
+2 + = −q(x, y)
∂ x2 ∂ x∂ y ∂ y2
• According to the lower-bound theory, any combination of mx , my and mxy that satisfies the
equilibrium equation and meets boundary conditions is a valid solution
• The strip method assumes that the mxy = 0
• We can treat a slab as a system of twistless strips in x and y directions, each carryng a part
of the load q
∂ mx ∂ my
+ 2 = −q(x, y)
∂ x2 ∂y
∂ mx ∂ my
= −qx and 2 = −qy
∂ x2 ∂y
where qx + qy = q

2.3 Choise of load distribution

Strip method

Choice of load distribution

• The load can be divided arbitrary between the x and y directions
• For a square slab the simplest load distribution is to split it equally in both directions
qx = qy = 2q
• The bending moments are
1 2
mx = my = qa
• This solution is not so practical or economical and requires great redistribution of moments
to achieve, together with excessive cracking and large deflections

Strip method

Choice of load distribution

• More complicated distribution of the load
• The slab is divided into strips with different width
• This design leads to a practical arrangement of reinforcement
• This solution is fully consistent with the equilibrium theory

Strip method

Example 1
• A reinforced concrete slab is loaded by a uniform load p
• Applying the strip method calculate the lower-bound value of the load
• Assumed main and secondary strips and load distribution

Strip method

Example 2
• A reinforced concrete slab is loaded by a uniform load p
• Applying the strip method calculate the lower-bound value of the load
• Assumed main and secondary strips and load distribution

Strip method

The End
• Imhotep- the 1-st engineer
• Any questions, opinions, discussions?


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