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A Multi-Modal Recognition System Using Face and Speech: Samir Akrouf, Yahia Belayadi, Messaoud Mostefai, Youssef Chahir

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A Multi-Modal Recognition System Using Face and

Samir Akrouf, Yahia Belayadi, Messaoud Mostefai, Youssef Chahir

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Samir Akrouf, Yahia Belayadi, Messaoud Mostefai, Youssef Chahir. A Multi-Modal Recognition
System Using Face and Speech. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, IJCSI Press, 2011,
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IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 3, No. 1, May 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 230

A Multi-Modal Recognition System Using Face and Speech

Samir Akrouf1, Belayadi Yahia2, Mostefai Messaoud2 and Youssef chahir3
Department of Computer Science, University of Bordj Bou Arréridj, algeria
El Anasser, 34030, BBA Algeria
Department of Computer Science, University of Bordj Bou Arréridj, algeria
El Anasser, 34030, BBA Algeria
Department of Computer Science, University of Bordj Bou Arréridj, algeria
El Anasser, 34030, BBA Algeria
Department of Computer Science, University of Caen Lower Normandie, France
Caen, State ZIP/Zone, France

voice and face biometrics is their high acceptance by the

Abstract society.
Nowadays Person Recognition has got more and more interest This multiple sensors capture different biometric traits.
especially for security reasons. The recognition performed by a Such systems, known as multi-modal biometric systems
biometric system using a single modality tends to be less [2], are more reliable due to the presence of multiple
performing due to sensor data, restricted degrees of freedom and pieces of evidence. These systems are able to meet the
unacceptable error rates. To alleviate some of these problems we
stringent performance requirements imposed by various
use multimodal biometric systems which provide better
recognition results. By combining different modalities, such us applications. Moreover, it will be extremely difficult for
speech, face, fingerprint, etc., we increase the performance of an intruder to violate the integrity of a system requiring
recognition systems. multiple biometric traits.
In this paper, we study the fusion of speech and face in a In the literature we find that combining different biometric
recognition system for taking a final decision (i.e., accept or modalities enables to achieve better performances than
reject identity claim). We evaluate the performance of each techniques based on single modalities [3]––[10].
system differently then we fuse the results and compare the Combining different modalities allows to outcome
performances. problems due to single modalities. The fusion algorithm,
Keywords: Biometrics, data fusion, face recognition, automatic which combines the different modalities, is a very critical
speaker recognition, data processing, decision fusion.
part of the recognition system. So before the fusion one
would ask what strategy do we have to adopt in order to
make the final decision?
1. Introduction
The sensed data (face and speech) are processed by
Identity recognition is becoming more and more used in different recognition systems: a face identification system
the last years. Demand is increasing for reliable automatic and a speaker identification system. Each system, given
user identification systems in order to secure accesses to the sensed data, will deliver a matching score in the range
lots of services or buildings. Biometric Identification [1] is between zero (reject) and one (accept). The fusion module
the area related to person recognition by means of will combine the opinions of the different systems and
physiological features (fingerprints, iris, voice, face, etc.). give a binary decision: accept or reject the claim.
A biometric person recognition system can be used for An identification scenario involving two modalities is
person identification or verification. For the verification, a shown in Fig. 1. The paper will address the issue of which
user claims a certain identity (““I am X””). The system binary classifier to use for the fusion of different expert
accepts or rejects this claim (deciding if really the user is ““opinions.””
who he claims to be). For identification, there is no The face recognition system will be presented in
identity claim. The system decides who the user is. In this paragraph 2. The speaker recognition system based on
paper we use two the biometrics which appears to be the text-dependent approach is discussed in paragraph 3.
most popular ones and are less restricting for person The fusion [2]-[4] of different modalities is described in
identification (voice and face). The major strength of paragraph 5.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 3, No. 1, May 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 231

Finally we present the evaluation results and the main method. We use PCA with coefficients vectors instead of
conclusions. pixels vectors. We notice that this technique requires more
time than PCA (because of the calculation of the
Face coefficients) in particular with data bases of average or
Identification matching reduced size but it should be noted that it requires less
memory what makes its use advantageous with bases of
significant size.
Speaker Speech
Identification matching
System Score 2.2 Experimental Results
The tests were performed by using the image data bases
Fusion ORL, Yale Faces and BBAFaces. The latter was created at
the University Center of Bordj Bou Arreridj in 2008. It is
Fig. 1. User access scenario based on speech and face composed by 23 people with 12 images for each one of
Information. them (for the majority of the people, the images were
Accept/ taken during various sessions). The images reflect various
Reject facial expressions with different intensity variations and
2. Face Recognition different light sources. To facilitate the tests, the faces
were selected thereafter manually in order to get images of
This paper uses a hybrid method combining principal 124 X 92 pixels, we then convert them into gray levels
components analysis (PCA) [11] and the discrete cosine and store them with JPG format. Fig. 3. represents a
transform (DCT) [12] for face identification [13]. typical example of the data. It should be noted that certain
categories of this data are not retained for the tests.
Extraction of
Images from
information from Each
Training Data Base

Training (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l)
Identification Phase
Fig. 3. Example from BBAFaces. (a): normal, (b): happy,
Input Detection and Calculation of a (c): glasses, (d): sad, (e): sleepy, (f): surprised, (g): wink,
Image Normalisation metric distance (h): dark, (i): top light, (j): bottom light, (k): left light, (l):
D(Pi, P1)
D(Pi, P2) right light.
In the following we will expose the results obtained for
Result D(Pi, Pm) the tests realized with Yale Faces and BBA Faces.
Table 1: Rates of Recognition

Fig. 2. Recognition Algorithm Stages.

Data Base PCA PCA + DCT
2.1 Presentation of the Hybrid Method BBA Faces 57.06 % 66.30 %
PCA and DCT have certain mathematical similarities since 72.77 %
Yale Faces 62 %
that they both aim to reduce the dimensions of data. The
use of a hybrid method combining these two techniques ORL Base 71.38 % 72.77 %
gave performances slightly higher than those obtained
with only one method (experiments being made on three Finally we conclude that the combination of PCA with
different image data bases). Its principle is very simple: DCT offers higher rates of recognition than those obtained
each image is transformed into a coefficient vector (in the with only one method which justifies our choice for the
training and recognition phase). We first use the DCT algorithm used in our system.
method which produces a result used as entry for the PCA
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 3, No. 1, May 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 232

3. Speaker Recognition System or identification in an open unit for which the speaker to
be identified does not belong inevitably to this unit [16].
Nowadays The Automatic Treatment of speech is
progressing, in particular in the fields of Automatic
Speech Recognition "ASR" and Speech Synthesis. Automatic Speaker Identification :
The automatic speaker recognition is represented like a
particular pattern recognition task. It associates the
problems relating to the speaker identification or Speaker1
verification using information found in the acoustic signal: Reference

we have to recognize a person by using his voice. ASR is .

used in many fields, like domestic, military or Speaker2
jurisprudence applications. Reference
In this work we use an automatic speaker recognition
system presented an earlier paper [15]. We will use
speaker recognition in text independent mode since we Speaker N
dispose of very few training data. We have to estimate Reference
with few data a robust speaker model to allow the
recognition of the speaker.
Input Parameters
3.1 Basic System
A speaker recognition system comprises 4 principal Fig.5. Automatic Speaker Identification
1. An acquisition and parameterization module of 3.4 Speaker Verification ““SV””
the signal: to represent the message in an exploitable The checking "or authentification" of the speaker consists
form by the system. in, after the speaker declines his identity, checking the
2. A training module: who is charged to create a adequacy of its vocal message with the acoustic reference
vocal reference of the speaker starting from a sample of the speaker who it claims to be. A measurement of
of his voice «GMM Gaussian Mixture Models». similarity is calculated between this reference and the
3. A resemblance calculus module: who calculates vocal message then compared with a threshold. In the case
the resemblance between a sample signal and a given the measurement of similarity is higher than the threshold,
reference corresponding to a person. the speaker is accepted. Otherwise, the speaker is
4. A decision module: based on a strategy of considered as an impostor and is rejected [16].

Acoustic Similarity Decision

Analyze Measure Accepted/
Signal Rejected Speaker3 Acceptance
Reference /Rejection
Learning Speakers Adaptation Speaker
System Output Parameters
Input « Decision »
Fig. 4. Typical diagram of a checking speaker system
Fig. 6. Automatic Speaker Verification
3.2 Speaker Identification "SI"
The speaker identification consists in recognizing a person
among many speakers by comparing his vocal expression 3.5 Text Dependent and independent mode
with known references. From a diagrammatic point of We distinguish between the speaker recognition
view "see figure 4", a sequence of word is given in entry independently of the contents of the sentence pronounced
of the ASR system. For each known speaker, the sequence ““text independent mode”” and the speaker recognition with
of word is compared with a characteristic reference of the the pronunciation of a sentence containing a key word
speaker. The identity of the speaker whose reference is the ““text dependent mode””. The levels of dependence to the
nearest to the sequence of word will be the output datum text are classified according to the applications:
of the system (ASR). Two modes of identification are
possible: identification in a closed unit for which the
speaker is identified among a known number of speakers
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 3, No. 1, May 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 233

x Systems with free text "or free-text": the speaker is constitutes the state of the art in ASR. The decision of an
free to pronounce what he wants. In this mode, the automatic speaker recognition system is based on the two
sentences of training and test are different. processes of speaker identification and/or checking
x Systems with suggested text "or text-prompted": a whatever the application or the task is concerned with.
text, different on each session and for each person,
is imposed to the speaker and is determined by the
machine. The sentences of training and test can be
different. 4. Performance of Biometric Systems
x Systems dependent on the vocabulary "or
vocabulary-dependent": the speaker pronounces a The most significant and decisive argument which makes
sequence of words resulting from a limited the difference between a biometric system and another is
vocabulary. In this mode, the training and the test its error rate, a system is considered ideal if its:
are carried out on texts made up and starting from
the same vocabulary. False Rejection Rate= False Acceptance Rate= 0;
x Personalized systems dependent on the text (or to
use-specific text dependent): each speaker has his
own password. In this mode, the training and the
test are carried out on the same text.
The vocal message makes the task of ASR systems
easier and the performances are better. The recognition in
text mode independent requires more time than the text
mode dependent [17].

3.6 Speaker Modeling

Here we briefly introduce the most usually used

techniques in the speaker recognition. Here the problem
(speaker recognition) can be formulated as a classification Fig. 7. Illustration of typical errors in a biometric system.
problem. Various approaches were developed;
nevertheless we can classify them in four great families: Consequently it is necessary to find a compromise
1. Vectorial approach: the speaker is represented by a between the two rates which are the junction of the curves
set of parameter vectors in the acoustic space. The (point X) where couple (TFR, TFA) is minimal.
principal is he recognition containing "Dynamic Time
Warping" DTW and by vectorial quantification.
2. Statistical approach: it consists in representing each 5. Fusion by Decision Methods
speaker by a probabilistic density in the acoustic Among the fusion of decision methods the most used one
space parameters. It covers the techniques of quotes:
modeling by the Markov hidden models, the Gaussian
mixtures and statistical measurements of the second 5.1 Fusion by the AND operator:
order. If all the systems decided 1 then the final decision is YES
3. The connexionnist approach: mainly consists in with the operator AND, a false acceptance occurs only if
modeling the speakers by neuron networks. the result of each test is a false acceptance. The probability
4. Relative approach: here we model a speaker relatively of false acceptance is thus the product of the probabilities
with other reference speakers which models are well obtained for each test.
learned. P (FA) = P1 (FA).P2 (FA)
Finally we say that the automatic speaker recognition is But in a symmetrical way, the probability of false
probably the most ergonomic method to solve the access rejections becomes:
problems. However, the voice cannot be regarded as a P (FR) = P1 (FR) + P2 (FR) - P1 (FR).P2 (FR)
biometric characteristic of a person taking into account
intra-speaker variability. A speaker recognition system
generally proceeds in three stages: acoustic analysis of the
speech signal, speaker modeling and finally taking the
decision. In acoustic analysis, the MFCC are the most used
acoustic coefficients. As for the modeling, GMM
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 3, No. 1, May 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 234

9 P(FA1)=0.1.
9 P (FR1)=0.6.
‰ In the speaker recognition system we obtained:
9 P(FA2)=0.3.
9 P (FR2)=0.2.

When applying fusion operators AND and OR we obtain:

¾ AND Operator:
5.2 Fusion by OR operator
P (FR) = 0.12
If one of the systems decided 1 then the final decision is
P (FA) = 0.37
YES. The user is accepted so at least one of the two tests
is positive. In this configuration, a false rejection can exist
¾ AND Operator :
only if the two tests produce a false rejection. The final
P (FA) = 0.03
probability of false rejection P (FR) is the product of the
P (FR) = 0.68
two probabilities of false rejection
P (FR) = P1 (FR)*P2 (FR)
The tests carried out confirm not only the importance of
The probability of false final acceptance is described by:
biometric fusion but also the robustness and the
P (FA) = P1 (FA) + P2 (FA) - P1 (FA)*P2 (FA)
effectiveness of the new system which makes its
appearance much more through the real tests where the
one modal systems had a fall of performances.
We noticed that Fusion give better results than those
obtained by the first system.
We also noticed that the performances are closely related
to the number of coefficients taken and the number of
GMM. Finally we could say that the significant factor is
the size of the base.
5.3 Fusion by the majority vote:
If the majority of the systems decided 1 then the final
decision is YES. 6. Demonstration System
Majority Vote is a simple method to combine the exits of
multiple sources and use a voting process. In this case, In the following we present some interfaces of our Multi-
each source must provide a decision of its choice and the Modal Recognition system which was developed using a
final decision is based on a majority rule. Pentium IV cadenced at 2 Ghz and using 1 Giga bytes of
RAM. It was running under Windows XP professional
edition and using Java 1.6 as programming language.

1. Main Interface

5.4 Experimental Results

In order to test our system we used ORL and TIMIT bases.
We used 30 customers and 30 impostors with a base
containing 100 elements. The face recognition system
generated 13 false rejections and 6 false acceptances in an
average time equal to 5.6 seconds whereas the speaker
recognition system produced 7 false rejections and 12
false acceptances in an average time equal to 6.1 seconds.
‰ In the face recognition system we obtained:
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 3, No. 1, May 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 235

4. Verification Process

2. Acquisition Module for Face

5. IdentificationProcess

3. Acquisition Module for Speaker

7. Conclusions
This paper provides results obtained on a multi-modal
biometric system that uses face and voice features for
recognition purposes. We used fusion at the decision level
with OR and AND operators. We showed that the
resulting system (multi-modal) considered here provide
better performance than the individual biometrics. For the
near future we are collecting data corresponding to three
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 3, No. 1, May 2011
ISSN (Online): 1694-0814 236

biometric indicators - fingerprint, face and voice in order Application of the DCT Energy Histogram for Face
to conceive a better multi-modal recognition system. Recognition. 2nd International Conference on Information
Technology for Application (ICITA 2004) PP 305-310
[13] Samir Akrouf, Sehili Med Amine, Chakhchoukh
Acknowledgments Abdesslam, Messaoud Mostefai and Youssef Chahir
2009 Fifth International Conference on Mems Nano
Special thanks to Benterki Mebarka and Bechane Louiza and Smart Systems 28-30 December 2009 Dubai UAE.
for their contribution to this project. [14] N Morizet, Thomas Ea, Florence Rossant, Frédéric Amiel
Samir Akrouf thanks the Ministry of Higher Education for Et Amara Amara, Revue des algorithmes PCA, LDA et
the financial support of this project (project code: EBGM utilisés en reconnaissance 2D du visage pour la
biométrie, Tutoriel Reconnaissance d'images, MajecStic
B*0330090009 ) .
2006 Institut Supérieur d’’Electronique de Paris (ISEP).
[15] Akrouf Samir, Mehamel Abbas, Benhamouda
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