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Journal of Health and Environmental Research

2020; 6(1): 10-26
doi: 10.11648/j.jher.20200601.12
ISSN: 2472-3584 (Print); ISSN: 2472-3592 (Online)

Understanding Basics of Wheat Grain and Flour Quality

Melaku Tafese Awulachew
Department of Food Science and Nutrition Research Process, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Kulumsa Agricultural Research
Center, Assela, Ethiopia

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To cite this article:

Melaku Tafese Awulachew. Understanding Basics of Wheat Grain and Flour Quality. Journal of Health and Environmental Research.
Vol. 6, No. 1, 2020, pp. 10-26. doi: 10.11648/j.jher.20200601.12

Received: August 19, 2019; Accepted: October 25, 2019; Published: April 8, 2020

Abstract: The aim of this material was to assist farmers, traders, processors and certified graders to understand and apply
the wheat grains quality standard correctly in the determination of wheat quality and to ensuring that wheat farmers, traders,
grain handlers, and processors meet relevant standards, reduce post-harvest wastage and provide safe, appropriate quality
Wheat to consumers. This publication provides an insight into grain and flour quality wheat. In order for Ethiopian wheat to be
marketable both domestically and for export, it must be suitable for its intended end-uses. This material provides information
on the quality attributes for grain and flour quality. There is a continuing need for wheat quality research to maintain existing
standards, to introduce new and updated information and to identify novel traits, markets and end-use products. All this
information must be available to wheat breeders so that new wheat varieties target the intended end-use of growers, marketers
and consumers. While farm-gate return in birrs per hectare will always be a grower’s key focus, choosing the variety that suits
local growing conditions and is attractive to a range of buyers should help achieve maximum financial return. Considering the
fact that the quality standards of wheat have been a major issue throughout the globe. Several recent timely topics have
directed readers to information on Wheat and wheat quality standards. The Quality of wheat flour greatly affects water
absorption, dough mixing requirements, proof times, yield and quality, mainly in terms of textural shelf life. These
characteristics, plus the ability to absorb large quantities of sauce without becoming sticky, combine to give the required mouth
feel. Therefore these basics will give you an edge in understanding how wheat and flour quality influences end use products.
Wheat traders, marketers, plant breeders, bakers, growers, administration, sales personnel, managers – anyone working in the
grains industry who would benefit from understanding this materials about grain and flour quality of wheat.
Keywords: Quality Standards, Grain, Flour, Wheat

maintain existing standards, to introduce new and updated

1. Introduction information and to identify novel traits, markets and end-use
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the most important cereal products. All this information must be available to wheat
crop and staple food of about two billion people around the breeders so that new wheat varieties target the intended end-
world [1]. This publication has been prepared to provide an use of growers, marketers and consumers.
introduction to Ethiopian wheat Grain and flour quality. It is I particularly keen that the publication is of value to
intended to be of interest to a wide range of audiences growers as it will help to explain the quality factors inherent
including those new to the wheat industry and those involved in the genetic composition of a variety, and those that are
at various points in the wheat value chain, who need or wish influenced by the environment. While farm-gate return in
to better understand the fundamental aspects of wheat birr’s per hectare will always be a grower’s key focus,
quality. In order for Ethiopian wheat to be marketable both choosing the variety that suits local growing conditions and
domestically and for export, it must be suitable for its is attractive to a range of buyers should help achieve
intended end-uses. This publication provides information on maximum financial return. This publication provides an
the quality attributes that are important to achieving this goal. insight into what factors are required to achieve a high-
There is a continuing need for wheat quality research to quality grade at the silo or the mill. And also, it assists
farmers, traders, processors and certified graders to
Journal of Health and Environmental Research 2020; 6(1): 10-26 11

understand and apply the ES 665: 2017 wheat grains quality behind consumption making the country to be net importer
standard correctly in the determination of wheat quality. and the volume of annual imports is increasing over the
Ensuring that wheat farmers, traders, grain handlers, and years. In order to curve a trend the government is working to
processors meet relevant standards, reduce post-harvest increase rapidly the total production to achieve self-
wastage and provide safe, appropriate quality Wheat to sufficiency. Availability of high yielding and disease resistant
consumers [2]. The objective of this publication was to wheat varieties with competent nutritional and processing
explain and demonstrate to farmers, traders and dealers that quality is one of the critical factors that can contribute to the
the quality of wheat is measurable and also to acquaint the effort. Therefore, the national agricultural research system is
farmers and traders with the common physical defects in working to address issue and so has released a number of
wheat that can hinder market access and profitability, improve varieties. Recently, in addition to the focus for high
demonstrate how physical defects were assessed in meeting yield, the national wheat research program is being pressured
standards requirements. to revise its priority and to focus on quality-oriented
breeding. Wheat quality depends upon the genetic factors
2. Materials and Methods but, environmental conditions, growth locations; agronomic
practices prevailing during different wheat growth stages
2.1. Basis of the Document greatly alter the wheat end-use quality attributes [7]. Wheat
ranks in Ethiopia fourth after Teff (Eragrostis tef), Maize
The kernel of wheat is composed of the outer bran layer, (Zea mays) and Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in area coverage
the germ, and the endosperm. It is rich in nutrients, many of and third in total production [8]. The average per capital
which are concentrated in the bran and germ. Of special consumption of wheat in Ethiopia estimated to be 39 kg/year
importance is that it contains the entire B complex, except for during 1994-97 and 331,000 tons of wheat imported to meet
vitamin B12. B vitamins function as cofactors in many the national wheat requirements during 1995-97 [9]. The
metabolic reactions involved in the release of energy [3]. national average yield of wheat in the country, which is 1.379
This material for anyone working with wheat farmers, tons ha-1, is 24% and 48% below the African and world
traders, grain handlers and grain processors; outlined grading average, respectively [10]. In Ethiopia, it is largely grown in
based on the quality of wheat grain specifications. The the highlands of the country and constitutes roughly 10% of
document can be adapted to train various groups with the annual cereal production and plays an appreciable role in
different interests; farmers of production and delivery of supplying the population with carbohydrates, protein and
quality crop; traders, grain handlers and processors, on minerals [11]. The crop is grown at an altitude ranging from
grading delivered wheat. 1500 to 3000 meters above sea level (masl), between 6-160
2.2. World and Ethiopia Wheat Production N latitude and 35420 E longitude. The most suitable agro-
ecological zones, however, fall between 1900 and 2700 masl
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the important grain [12]. The major wheat producing areas in Ethiopia are
crops produced worldwide. Commercially cultivated wheat is located in Arsi, Bale, Shewa, Ilubabor, Western Hareghe,
basically of two types, i.e. durum wheat (Triticum turgidum) Sidamo, Tigray, Northern Gonder and Gojam zones [12].
and bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), which differ in their
genetic makeup, adaptation and uses. According to the FAO, 2.3. Fundamentals of Wheat Quality
2005 report, about 620 million metric tons of wheat was 2.3.1. Wheat Value Chain
produced from 217 million hectares in the year 2005/06 with Value chain: Kaplinsky and Morris defines the value chain
an average yield of 2.85 metric tons per hectare [4]. Wheat is as “the full range of activities which are required to bring a
grown on larger area than any other crop and its world trade product or service from conception, through the intermediary
is greater than for all other crops combined. Its world trade is phases of production, delivery to final consumers, and final
greater than for all other crops combined. It is easily stored disposal after use [13]. ”A value chain consists of all value-
and transported [5]. generating activities, sequential or otherwise, required to
In terms of production and consumption, wheat is one of produce, deliver and dispose of a commodity [14]. The value
the main cereals grown in Ethiopia also as it is produced by chain concept entails the addition of value as the product
about 4.6 million farmers producing close to 4.2 million tons progresses from input suppliers to producers and consumers. A
that cover 1.6 million hectares of land per annum [6]. value chain, therefore, incorporates productive transformation
According to the same source, the average productivity of and value addition at each stage of the value chain. At each
wheat in the country has been consistently increasing for the stage in the value chain, the product changes hands through
last 20 years and has reached about 2.5 t/ha. This was due to chain actors, transaction costs are incurred, and generally,
the efforts done in the use of recommended inputs like some form of value is added. Value addition results from
fertilizer, improved varieties and cultural practices (which the diverse activities including bulking, cleaning, grading, and
results of the national agricultural research system). packaging, transporting, storing and processing [15].
However, the increase in the total production in the recent Supply chain: It is an integrated process where a number
years has been somewhat slow mainly because of rust of various business entities (i.e. suppliers, manufactures,
epidemics. This contributed to the wheat production lag distributors, and retailers) work together in an effort to
12 Melaku Tafese Awulachew: Understanding Basics of Wheat Grain and Flour Quality

acquire raw materials, convert these materials into specified manner that enhances its value, as demonstrated through a
final products, and deliver these final products to retailers. business plan (such as organically produced products);
The chain is traditionally characterized by a forward flow of physical segregation of an agricultural commodity or product
materials [16]. It is a set of linkages between actors where in a manner that results in the enhancement of the value of
there are no binding or sought-after formal or informal that commodity or product (such as an identity preserved
relationships, except when the goods, services and financial marketing system which creates a special link/ between the
agreements are actually transacted [17]. A supply chain is the grower and consumer by meeting the specific requirements
portion of the value chain that focuses primarily on the of food processors) [21].
physical movement of goods and materials, and supporting Market: is an area in which one or more sellers of given
flows of information and financial transactions through the products/services and their close substitutes exchange with
supply, production, and distribution processes. Many and compete for the patronage of a group of buyers.
organizations use the terms “value chain” and “supply chain” Originally the term market stood for the place where buyers
interchangeably. A value chain is broader in 8 scopes than a and sellers are gathered to exchange their goods, such as
supply chain, and encompasses all pre- and post- production village square. A market is a point, or a place or sphere
services to create and deliver the entire customer benefit within which price making force operates and in which
package. A value chain views an organization from the exchanges of title tend to be accompanied by the actual
customer's perspective; the integration of goods and services movement of the goods affected [22]. The concept of
to create value while a supply chain is more internally exchange and relationships lead to the concept of market. It
focused on the creation of physical goods. The supply chain is the set of the actual and potential buyers of a product [23].
focus is on understanding the impact of tightly coupling Marketing: The definition of marketing as a process by
supply chain partners to integrate information, physical which individuals and groups obtain what they need and
material, product flow, and financial activities to increase want by creating and exchange products and values with
sales, reduce costs, increase cash flow, and provide the right others involves work. Marketing means different things to
product at the right time and at the right price to customers different people: to the house wife it means shopping for
[18]. food; to the farmer it means the sale of his produce; to the
Value chain actors: They are those involved in supplying fertilizer distributor it means the selling to the farmer [24].
inputs, producing, processing, marketing, and consuming According to Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. marketing is
agricultural products [18]. According to GTZ, the term managing markets to bring about profitable exchange
“value chain actors” summarizes all individuals, enterprises relationships by creating value and satisfying needs and
and public agencies related to a value chain, in particular the wants [23]. Market chain: It is the term used to describe the
value chain operators, providers of operational services and various links that connect all the actors and transactions
the providers of support services [19]. In a wider sense, involved in the movement of agricultural goods from the
certain government agencies at the macro level can also be producer to the consumer [25].
seen as value chain actors if they perform crucial functions in Marketable surplus: It is the quantity of produce left out
the business environment of the value chain in question. after meeting farmer’s consumption and utilization
Value addition: is simply the act of adding value to a product, requirements for kind payments and other obligations (gifts,
whether you have grown the initial product or not. It involves donation, charity, etc) [26]. Marketed surplus: It shows
taking any product from one level to the next [20]. It refers to quantity actually sold after accounting for losses and
increasing the customer value offered by a product or service. retention by farmers, if any and adding previous stock left
It is an innovation that enhances or improves (in the opinion out for sales. Thus, marketed surplus may be 10 equal to
of the consumer) an existing product or introduces new marketable surplus, it may be less if the entire marketable
products or new product uses. Adding value does not surplus is not sold out and farmers retain some stock and if
necessarily involve altering a product; it can be the adoption losses are incurred at the farm or during transit [26].
of new production or handling methods that increase a Marketing channel: is the set of interdependence
farmer’s capacity and reliability in meeting market demand. organization that ease the transfer of ownership as products
For farmers, value addition has a particular importance in move from producer to consumer. Usually marketing follows
that it offers a strategy for transforming an unprofitable a fairly well established channel from producers to
enterprise into a profitable one. The farmer is not only consumers. This channel may be short or long depending on
involved in production of a raw commodity but also takes kind and quality of the product marketed, available
part in value addition and distribution. This allows the farmer marketing services, and prevailing social and physical
to create new markets or differentiate a product from others environment [27].
and thus gain advantage over competitors. Value-added is The wheat value chain is shown in Figure 1. The driving
determined by the difference between the cost of the inputs factor is the relationship between all involved, and the need
and outputs at each stage of the chain [21]. Value-addition for each level in the value chain to respond to the needs of
can involve different activities: change in the physical state others while being able to extract value in a commercial
or form of the Product (such as milling wheat into flour; or environment. Ultimately, the value chain is consumer driven.
making strawberries into jam), production of a 9 Product in a Wheat quality is complex and has different meanings at each
Journal of Health and Environmental Research 2020; 6(1): 10-26 13

step of the value chain. To some, quality merely equates to variation in wheat quality. Generally, the concept of value
price; to others, it is the complexity of the genetics and chain provides a useful framework to understand the
processing systems used to produce the diverse range of production, transformation and distribution of a commodity
flours needed to manufacture the seemingly endless array of or group of commodities. With its emphasis on the
end products demanded by consumers. At its most basic level coordination of the various stages of a value chain, value
for processing into end products, wheat quality can be broken chain analysis attempts to unravel the organization and
down into a few fundamental components. Not surprisingly, performance of a commodity system. The issues of
these components are the basis for world wheat trade and the coordination are especially important in agricultural value
grading systems countries use to provide grain to the trade. chains, where coordination is affected by several factors that
Three factors – grain hardness, grain protein content and may influence product characteristics, especially quality [15].
dough or protein quality aspects – explain most of the

Figure 1. The consumer driven wheat value chain.

studies have been carried out to evaluate the effects of

2.3.2. Quality Fundamentals environmental diversity on wheat quality. This research has
The role of genetics and the environment One of the aspects environment, genotype, and genotype by environment (G×E)
contributing to the complexity of wheat quality is that its interactions on quality traits is likely to become a crucial issue
expression as measured through a range of analytical tests is [30-33]. Additionally, a directory that includes the
the result of genetics, the growing season environment and the regularization of wheat production area with well-
interaction between the two, known as genotype x characterized production environments could be used to plant
environment (G x E) interaction. The priority has now wheat cultivars with targeted end-uses. Proteins are the most
gradually shifted to the improvement of processing quality, important component of wheat grains governing the
due primarily to the increase in food diversity and market technological and rheological properties of flour and are
demand [28, 29]. Consequently, improving wheat grain protein closely associated with end-use quality [34]. GPC, particularly
content (GPC) and processing quality has become one of the glutenin content, is positively correlated with Zeleny
main breeding goals [29-31]. However, our knowledge of this sedimentation value (SV), and stability time (ST) and is thus
aspect is still limited; thus, programs for this aim are hampered regarded as an important index for wheat quality [35, 36].
mainly by an unawareness of the strong influence of These effects on wheat quality are summarized in Table 1.
environment on grain quality (Li et al., 1995). Numerous
Table 1. The effects of genetics, environment and /or both factors on wheat quality.

Genetics (G) Environment (E) G x E interaction

Protein quality, dough strength and stability Grain protein content Grain protein content
Grain hardness Grain plumpness and test weight Screenings levels
Milling yield Weather damage effects (like frost and sprouting) Test weight
Pre-harvest sprouting tolerance due to dormancy Grain moisture content

i. Protein Content on bread loaf volume, appearance and consumer acceptance.

Protein content is important as it is one of the key criteria Similarly, gluten provides the structure to sheets and strands
on which international wheat trade is based. Buyers use of noodles with the level of protein in the flour having a
protein content as an indication of the potential end-uses of a pronounced effect on the texture or mouth-feel of cooked
parcel of wheat. Wheat breeding and variety classification noodles. There is an optimum range of protein content for
are both critical in maintaining the linkage between protein most end-uses of Australian wheat.
content and end-use quality so that buyer’s expectations are ii. Protein Quality
fulfilled. Buyers also use protein content to indicate The quality of wheat protein is a more difficult concept
suitability for most end-uses. It is the protein component in than that of protein content as it includes the proteins
flour that, when hydrated by the addition of water and mixed involved in the formation of gluten and the properties of
and or kneaded, forms a continuous network of gluten. It is gluten. The first classification of wheat proteins was
the gluten network that provides the cell structure to a loaf of according to their solubility. Albumins were water soluble,
bread. The quality of the gluten can have a substantial effect globulins were salt soluble, gliadins alcohol soluble and the
14 Melaku Tafese Awulachew: Understanding Basics of Wheat Grain and Flour Quality

glutenins were divided into acid soluble and acid insoluble Second, any grading system must be simple to apply at all
fractions. The total acid insoluble fraction of glutenin grain receival points, using rapid, reproducible and robust
contributes significantly to dough strength and baking quality testing methods. Third, and most important, the standards
and the gliadin fraction to dough extensibility. Today end- being applied must be readily achievable by farmers in their
users apply a range of measurements, from the determination production regions in order to meet the first criterion of
of the actual amount of gluten in flour, through to the commercial relevance of the grain to potential end-users.
assessment of the viscoelastic properties of a dough.
Irrespective of what is measured, inevitably protein quality is 2.5. Breeding for Wheat Quality
related to dough functionality and the suitability of flour for 2.5.1. Defining Breeding Targets
end-product processing. A suitable balance of acid insoluble A good wheat variety must meet the needs of all in the
glutenin and gliadin, in combination with a particular level of wheat value chain. That is, from the farmer, to the miller, to
total protein, is needed for most flour end-uses. processors and manufacturers through to the consumer.
2.3.3. The Concept of Protein Content Versus Protein Wheat breeders need to understand the needs of all in the
Quality value chain and use the available genetics and quality testing
Grain protein content in the mature grain is largely capability to develop new varieties that will produce the high
determined by environmental and farm management factors, quality, attractive and nutritious bread, cake and pastry
with genetics playing a minor role in being either low or high products demanded by consumers. Successful wheat
in protein content. By contrast, protein quality is determined breeding is about having clearly defined and achievable
by the genetic composition of the wheat variety and also how targets. Agronomic attributes like plant height, straw
the environment influences genetic expression. It is always strength, ease of threshing and maturity optimum for the
important to be clear about whether it is protein content or target production region are essential components of all
protein quality that is being considered. varieties. A thorough knowledge of the environment of the
target production region is critical, as this determines yield
2.4. Grading Systems (Concept of Grading) potential, the range and type of challenges the crop will
experience from biological threats such as pests and diseases
Grading is a means of segregating wheat exhibiting and soil and environmental stresses. Importantly, it also
different attributes such as grain hardness, grain colour, determines the quality type that can be reliably and profitably
protein content and the different dough strengths needed for grown in that region. Rainfall sets yield potential and along
various end products. Grading is also used by grain buyers with the onset of summer temperatures determines the quality
and traders to separate sound wheat, suitable for human types that can be reliably and profitably grown. Other major
consumption, from weather damaged and disease or drought- environmental influences effecting yield potential and quality
affected grain of lesser value. Traditionally, when small are soil type, high temperature events during grain
distinct parcels of grain were traded, grading was limited to development and the occurrence of frost events during
the visual appearance and smell of the grain (to identify vegetative growth and or at flowering time. The interplay
weather effects), the presence of diseased grain, other between rainfall distribution and temperature, in the presence
contaminants, and the extent of the inevitable insect of susceptible varieties, creates the conditions for disease
infestation. As grain trading became more sophisticated, epidemics, and Ethiopian breeders have to contend with a
buyers demanded to know more about the grain they were formidable list of diseases including, stem, leaf and stripe
purchasing. This resulted in the use of the bushel measure, rust, yellow spot, septoria tritici blotch, septoria nodorum
which is the weight of grain that would fill a container of 8 blotch, crown rot, take-all, common root rot, and 3 different
imperial gallons. This type of measure, now metricated to soil-borne nematodes. Most diseases have an adverse impact
hectoliter weight (weight of 100 litres of grain), is referred to on grain, processing and end-product quality.
as test weight and is still regarded as a reliable indicator of
overall wheat quality. It reflects the growing conditions and 2.5.2. Setting Quality Targets
stresses that the wheat plant has endured during its Determining the quality target for a breeding program
development, including drought, leaf, stem and root diseases, requires a thorough knowledge of the production region and
frost, heat stress, and rain during grain filling, maturation and its environment, but also an understanding of the
the immediate pre-harvest period. Modern grading systems requirements of others in the value chain who will buy,
satisfy a number of key criteria. First, they must have process and manufacture the wheat into end products. With
commercial relevance and clearly reflect the value of the the target production region, quality type and how that grain
grain to the end-user. In the case of wheat, this requires the will be utilized defined, it is now possible to start assembling
application of standards which exclude deleterious factors the germplasm (the collection of genes available to wheat
such as sprout damage and contamination with noxious weed breeders) required to commence a breeding program. For the
seeds and include standards for physical characteristics, breeding program to be successful quality wise, the breeder
milling performance, protein content and water absorbing needs to work with a cereal chemist who manages a
capacity of dough. These standards indicate the suitability of laboratory that has all the equipment needed to screen
the grain for the production of flour for particular end-uses. breeding lines at the different stages of their development in
Journal of Health and Environmental Research 2020; 6(1): 10-26 15

the breeding process. Deployment of quality testing needs to quality evaluation system is used. In the first stages of
be done so that the fundamental components of quality are testing, where 1,000s of lines may be under evaluation,
always assessed. These fundamentals are grain hardness or simple, rapid and cheap tests with a high daily throughput
texture, the amount of protein (grain or flour protein content) and predictive capacity are required. Breeding programs are
and protein quality. Each has a major influence on how well major users of Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR) and Near
any wheat will make end products, the ultimate assessment of Infrared Transmittance (NIT) instruments for determining
wheat quality. Each fundamental is a measure in its own important attributes like grain and flour protein content and
right, but each also has major influences over other properties grain hardness. In the next stages of selection and evaluation,
measured using other tests. The relationship between these 3 the mid- and late stages, where 100s and then 10s of lines are
basic parameters was visualized [37]. Grain hardness, or under evaluation, higher levels of sophistication are
endosperm texture influences how the grain will perform employed. This sees the use of milling procedures that more
during milling, with hard wheat suffering greater starch closely simulate what happens in a commercial flour mill,
damage, resulting in their flours having higher water combined with the use of dough rheology testing (dough
absorption. Soft wheat, on the other hand experience less mixing and stretching characteristics) using laboratory
starch damage and have lower water absorptions. Grain and instruments like the Mixograph, Farinograph, Extensograph
flour protein content also indicate potential water absorption, and Alveograph. Testing of end products usually commences
dough strength and extensibility. Extensibility generally with a pan bread style test bake, using about 100g of flour to
increases with protein content and it is desirable for dough assess loaf volume potential, crust colour and crumb
strength to respond in this way as well. When combined with appearance and softness. At the final stages of testing
protein quality measures they all indicate the potential of a extensive production of end products such as a range of pan
dough to perform under the stresses of dough mixing and the bread styles, steamed and flatbreads, different types of
manufacture of end products. Breeders handle thousands of noodle and biscuits are evaluated. Examples of the types of
lines per year and they need to be whittled down to the few tests deployed at each stage of a typical breeding program are
lines that may end up as varieties. Consequently, a tiered summarized in Table 2.
Table 2. The types of quality tests deployed by wheat breeders at each stage of testing.

Hardness Protein content Protein quality End products

Early stage Dumas/ Kjeldahl DS volume Zeleny volume
Grinding tests NIR/NIT Micro-milling No end product testing
testing NIR/NIT Pelshenke time
Mid stage NIR/NIT Milling quality (Quadrumat or Dumas/ Kjeldahl Mixograph Farinograph Test bake (pan bread style) Noodle
testing Buhler yiel d and flour colour) NIR/NIT Extensograph sheet colour development and stability
Late stage NIR/NIT Bühler milling (yield and flour Dumas/ Kjeldahl Farinograph Extensograph Test bake (pan, steamed and flatbread
testing colour) Ash % Colour grade Starch damage NIR/NIT Alveograph styles) Noodle colour and texture

3.1.2. Club Wheat (Triticum compactum Host.)

3. Discussion Composes a subclass of soft white wheat; Has less
3.1. Uses of Wheat (Triticum spp.) potential for gluten strength/elasticity or dough water
absorption; Suited to production of cookies/biscuits,
Cereal grain, originally from the Levant region of the Near requiring less bake-out and producing a more tender product;
East but now cultivated worldwide. Third most produced Best used for cake-baking, especially Japanese sponge cake
crop globally after maize and rice and the Staple food used to production, where cake volumes are greater than those of soft
make flour bread (leavened, flat and steamed), biscuits, white wheat, which also produce excellent cakes.
cookies, cakes, breakfast cereal, pasta, noodles, and couscous
and for fermentation to make beer, other alcoholic beverages, 3.1.3. Durum (Triticum durum Desf.)
or bio fuel. Milled to leave just the endosperm for white Latin means "hard", and the species is the hardest of all
flour. By-products are bran and germ. Whole grain is a wheat’s with High protein content, as well as its strength,
concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and protein, while makes durum good for special uses, production of semolina
the refined grain is mostly starch. (coarse flour), and the main raw material of pasta making.
Used extensively in bread-making; despite very high protein
3.1.1. Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) content, it is low in desirable gluten needed to form a
Also known as bread wheat; Well adapted to modern glutinous web necessary for bread to rise. Sole durum flour
industrial baking; Can be hard or soft wheat, depending on in bread: need substantial additions of isolated wheat gluten
grain hardness; Utilized mainly as flour (whole grain or to effect rising. Hundred percent durum wheat breads are
refined) for the production of a large variety of leavened and often heavy, with very close grain, and will split easily when
flat breads, and for the manufacture of a wide variety of other raised for baking.
baking products. Those differences between durum and common wheat
were illustrated in the figure 2, below.
16 Melaku Tafese Awulachew: Understanding Basics of Wheat Grain and Flour Quality

Figure 2. Difference between durum and common wheat.

3.2. Grain Quality and Grain Quality Standards example of a quality standard is: “ES 665: 2017 Wheat grains
– specification” which was developed in order to harmonize
3.2.1. Overview wheat quality requirements in Ethiopia developed by national,
Proper use of the ES 665: 2017 wheat grain specifications regional and international standards institutions often to
quality standard. Farmers should know that wheat quality enforce legislation; specifications for commodities as well as
assurance involves prevention of defects from the earliest methods of testing. Examples of these bodies include:
stages of cultivation including proper land preparation and Ethiopian standard agency (ESA); East African Community
using the right inputs; Standards only help to assess the (EAC); American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC);
quality of the harvested crop. Association of Analytical Chemists (AOAC) and; International
“Quality” as applied to food material refers to those Standards Organization (ISO). It is common for standards
attributes of the food which make it agreeable to those who bodies to adopt standards issued by another body. For example:
consume it. Attributes of quality involve color, flavor, ES 665: 2017 (Wheat grains specifications) has adopted ISO
texture, nutritional value and the absence of harmful 605 test methods to determine foreign matter. All adopted
substances such as microorganisms, insects, pest and their Standards appear under “normative references”. When testing
metabolic products, chemical residue and noxious seeds. under a particular standard, all the standards referred to under
Grain quality is generally assessed based on general aspects “Normative references” have to be followed as well.
(characteristics that give value to the user) For example:
Broken grains, low test weight and high moisture grain 3.2.3. Quality Control
reduce the amount and/or quality of flour a miller gets after Quality control: A system of maintaining standards in
milling; Safety aspects (characteristics that pose a hazard to products by testing a sample to see if it meets the required
the end user). E.g. Toxic seeds and pesticide residue could standards; Involves use of a particular standard, test method
harm the consumer; any grain that does not meet safety and equipment to detect defects and assess the quantity of
requirements is rejected despite looking physically appealing certain physical, sanitary or chemical quality parameters.
or meeting the general quality characteristics. Grain quality Grain grading: A process of categorizing grain based on
may have different meanings to different people and may certain quality parameters; informs decisions such as storage
depend on the grain type and its end use; Requirements of: of the grain, uses of the grain, the purchase price and so on.
Farmers; Traders; Millers and Consumers are not necessarily
compatible; Quality Standards have to be established to even 3.2.4. Wheat Grain Quality Standards
the playing field. Based on “ ES 665: 2017 Wheat grain specifications”; a
wheat standard passed by EAC and adopted by partner states for
3.2.2. Quality Standards implementation in their respective countries; Standard defines
Measures that serve as a basis for making comparisons or Wheat as grain that consists of 50% or more common wheat
judging the accuracy of unknown samples; (Triticum aestivum L.), club wheat (Triticum compactum Host.),
Established for a variety of purposes including facilitating and durum wheat (Triticum durum Dest.). Wheat varieties are
smooth and fair trading and protection of consumers; An called "soft" or "weak" if gluten content is low, and are called
Journal of Health and Environmental Research 2020; 6(1): 10-26 17

"hard" or "strong" if they have high gluten content. Those the

hard or soft wheat type were illustrated in figure 3.

Figure 5. Organic.

Figure 3. Hard and soft wheat.

i. Color
Wheat comes in different colors: red, white, and amber
were illustrated in figure 4.

Figure 6. Inorganic matter.

iii. Discolored Grain

Figure 4. White and red wheat.
Wheat kernels that are discolored by heat, fermentation,
ii. Test weight moulds, weather or disease but do not include black point
Test weight, also called, “bulk density”, “bushel weight” which is brown, dark brown or almost black discoloration at
or “standard of quality” in ES 665: 2017; the end embryo end of the grain and this was shown in
Is the weight per unit volume of wheat (grain density); It figures 7 and 8.
can be expressed as kilograms per hectoliter or grams per
liter; High test weight grain tends to yield more flour.

3.2.5. Grain Defects

i. Broken Grains
Pieces of wheat kernels that pass through a 1.6 mm wide,
9.5 mm long slotted sieve.
ii. Foreign Matter
Organic and inorganic material other than wheat, broken
kernels, other grains and filth; Organic matter is material of
plant origin e.g. stalks, chaff, weed seeds, etc. and also,
inorganic matter includes plastics, stones, glass, metals, etc.
Hence the organic and inorganic foreign matters were given
in figures 5 and 6.
Figure 7. Discolored.
18 Melaku Tafese Awulachew: Understanding Basics of Wheat Grain and Flour Quality

vii. Heat Damaged Wheat

Kernels damaged by external heat or as a result of
fermentation were shown in figure 12.

Figure 8. Black-tipped (not discolored).

iv. Pest Damaged Grain

Wheat kernels damaged by insects or other pests were
given under figure 9.
Figure 12. Heat damaged wheat kernel.

viii. Diseased Weather Damaged

Kernels with at least 1/3 of the surface physically damaged
or moldy due to weather conditions. The Diseased weather
damaged kernels were illustrated in figure 13.

Figure 9. Pest damaged grain.

v. Infested Grains
Wheat containing any form of living organisms capable of
causing damage or spoilage to wheat kernels and given in
figure 10.

Figure 13. Diseased weather damaged kernels.

ix. Wheat Screenings

Figure 10. Infested wheat. Small undersized wheat kernels that are retained on the 1.6
mm slotted sieve but pass through a 2.0 mm slotted sieve.
vi. Immature Grains The Wheat screenings were shown to left side in figure 14.
Wheat kernels which are distinctly green in color this were
due to immature wheat kernel shown in figure 11.

Figure 14. Wheat screenings (left).

Figure 11. Immature wheat kernel. x. Toxic and Noxious Weed Seeds
Journal of Health and Environmental Research 2020; 6(1): 10-26 19

Toxic and noxious weed seeds are those Seeds of weeds this were based on the quality test of Moisture Content,
that are harmful or injurious to human or animal health i.e., Standard of quality, Protein quality/content, percentage of
Datura, corn-cockle, corn-vetch, ergor, crotalaria, darnel, Foreign Matter, Screenings percent, percentage of Un-
castor-oil and treasel. millable material above the screen, Falling numbers, Wheat
of other classes or Varieties, Edible grains other than wheat
3.3. Standard Requirements (whole or Identifiably broken), Total defective grains, Total
3.3.1. Wheat Specifications Table (Grades) Aflatoxins and Fumonisin which was determined by their
Wheat grains are classified as: Grade 1; Grade 2; Grade 3 respective standard method of tests.
or; Grade 4 according to the limits indicated in the table 3,
Table 3. Wheat grades.

Maximum limits
Defect Method of test
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
Moisture Content % m/m max. 14 14 14 ISO 711/712
ISO 7971-1 &
Standard of quality- kg/hl (g/0.5 L) min. 79 (395) 75 (375) 70 (350) 65 (325)
ISO 7971-3
Protein %m/m, min. Hard/Strong Wheat 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0
ISO 20483
(N×5.7 at 11% moisture basis) Soft wheat 10.0
Foreign Matter, % m/m max. Total 0.40 0.70 1.30 2.40 ISO 605
Un-millable material above the screen, % m/m max. 0.60
ISO 5223
Screenings, %m/m max. 2.0 mm slotted sieve 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.60
Falling numbers, s, min. 350 300 300 300 ISO 3093
Edible grains other than wheat (whole or Identifiably broken), %m/m, max. 0.50 1.50 2.0 3.0 ISO 7970
Wheat of other classes or Contrasting varieties 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0
Varieties % m/m max. Total 3.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 ISO 605
Total defective grains 3.0 5.0 10.0 15.0
Total Aflatoxins, ppb max. 10
ISO 16050
Aflatoxin B1, ppb max. 5
Fumonisin, ppm max. 2 AOAC 2001.04

All wheat defects including, pest damaged, weather

3.3.2. Determination of Grades (Grading) damaged, shriveled, discolored, heat damaged, etc. can be
i. Non-standard Test Method (Subjective Tests) estimated using this method. However, huge variances can be
Formal grading methods are not always practical in the expected as compared to use of weight methods (% m/m).
field. This is because the farmers or traders may lack the Other quality parameters e.g. Broken grain, moisture
equipment needed to grade the grain based on Standard Test content, screenings, protein content, falling numbers, bushel
methods. The tests below are useful for getting a rough weight, and mycotoxins, cannot be determined without use of
estimate of the grade of Wheat. Some of the tests are known equipment.
to give results that are above those of the standard test Determination of Moisture Content
method while others lower. Official results should be those In the field, most farmers do not have moisture meters or a
that have been reached using Standard Test Methods. grading laboratory facility. Non-standard tests can be used to
Determination of Wheat defects using the count method estimate the dryness of Wheat. To do this:
The ES 665: 2017 recommends this method to determine Method 1
wheat defects. Wheat could be graded using the procedure a. Pick 10 grains at random.
below. For example, when grading for germinated grains: b. Crush each grain between the teeth.
Take a representative sample of the Wheat to be evaluated. c. A reasonably dry grain will crush without leaving a
a. Use the quartering method to subdivide the Wheat pasty feel in the mouth.
down to about 100 grains. Method 2
b. Use a 1.6 mm sieve to remove broken grains and a. Select a random sample of wheat.
foreign matter. b. Fill a glass half-way with the wheat sample (the glass
c. Handpick all foreign matter retained on the 1.6 mm must be dry).
sieve. c. Add 2 teaspoons of dried salt (the salt should be
d. Count the number of wheat grains retained on the sieve previously dried in a pan over a fire for 15 minutes).
(count 1) d. Shake the mixture for 2 minutes.
e. Select all germinated grains and count them (count 2) e. Leave to settle for 20 minutes.
f. Express the percentage of germinated wheat as: f. Pour out the mixture.
count 2 g. Check for any salt clin ging on the walls of the glass.
× 100 h. If any salt is found on the walls of the glass, then
Count 1
20 Melaku Tafese Awulachew: Understanding Basics of Wheat Grain and Flour Quality

moisture content is greater than 14%. and calibrated often so as to get accurate results. Calibration
ii. Standard Test Methods of moisture meters is done by National Metrology institute.
Visual and Organoleptic Test The Moisture meters were shown in figure 15.
Tests using senses of sight, smell and taste. Wheat for
human and animal consumption should be free from foreign
odors, moulds, live insects, rat droppings, toxic or noxious
weed seeds and other hazardous contaminants. To check for
this, the grain analyst needs to obtain a representative sample
of the grain. Then s/he will use the senses of sight and smell
to check the existence of these defects. This test is normally
the first to be done. Other tests will follow if the wheat
passes this test. This test can easily be conducted in the field
because it does not require any equipment.
Testing for Foreign Odor
a. General test for foreign odor
Figure 15. Moisture meters.
b. Obtain a representative sample
c. Spread out the sample on a flat surface and smell it.
Determination of Foreign Matter
d. If no odor is detected, return the sample into the
a. Place a clean dry basin (Bottom Pan) in place to receive
container and seal it.
any materials that may go through the sieve
e. Leave the sealed container for 24 hours and re-examine
b. Weigh 200 grams of the representative sample (weight
the sample.
f. The smell should be typical of Wheat without other
c. Put the Wheat in the sieve provided (1.6 mm slotted-
smells e.g. chemicals, moldiness', earthy, rotten, musty
hole sieve).
smell, etc.
d. Shake the sieve horizontally for 30 times for about 15
Rapid Test for foreign odor
a. Obtain a representative sample
e. Collect all the foreign organic matter that has passed
b. Put a small quantity of ground or un-ground wheat
through the sieve.
kernels in a container
f. Weigh all the foreign matter
c. Pour some warm water (60 – 70 ˚C) into the wheat and
Collected from the bottom (weight 2)
cover the container
d. After 2-3 minutes, decant the water and note whether weight 2
foreign odor is present. Any grain with objectionable Foreign matter 100
Weight 1
odor should be rejected.
Testing for Presence of Visible Infestation Determination of Un-millable material above the sieve
a. Obtain a representative sample These are foreign materials retained on top of the 1.6 mm
b. Spread about 100 grams of the sample on a warm plate slotted sieve after removal of foreign matter and broken
(at 40 ˚C). grain.
c. Cover the plate with a glass jar (bell glass jar if a. From the sample retained on top of the sieve in 5.2.5
possible) to prevent the insects from escaping above (weight 1)
d. After 15 minutes, sieve the grain through an appropriate b. Handpick all un-millable foreign matter retained on top
sieve, e.g. 1.6 mm slotted sieve of the 1.6 mm slotted sieve.
e. Check for living insects, dead insects and insect larvae. c. Weigh the matter un-millable matter (weight 2)
f. Using a scalped, cut across wheat kernels that are insect d. Express the results as a percentage
damaged, to check for live or dead insect (primary !" #
pests) harbouring in the grain. Un millable matter above the screen 100
$ !" %
g. Note the presence of rodent droppings.
h. Reject the grain of it has one or more live insects. Determination of Broken Grains
Determination of Moisture Content a. From the working sample weighed in 5.2.5 above
ES 665: 2017 requires that the moisture content of clean, (weight 1)
dry wheat should not exceed 14% m/m determined by b. Collect all the whole and broken grains that passed
representative samples in accordance with ISO 711 and ISO through the 1.6 mm slotted-hole sieve.
712. However, this requires expensive equipment, including c. Weigh the broken grain (weight 2)
a grinding mill and a constant-temperature oven electrically d. Express the percentage of broken Wheat as follows:
heated. In the field, moisture meters can be used for the !" #
estimation of moisture content. To determine moisture Broken Grain 100
$ !" %
content using moisture meters, follow the manufacturer’s
instructions. Ensure that the moisture meters are maintained Filth
Journal of Health and Environmental Research 2020; 6(1): 10-26 21

a. From the working sample weighed in 5.2.5 above (200 Determination of Bulk density
grams) (weight 1) Determination of bulk density should be done in
b. Collect all the filth that went through the sieve and that accordance to ISO 7971-1 and ISO 7971-3. There are several
which remains on top. equipment for determining bulk density. Most come with
c. Weigh the filth (weight 2) instructions which have to be followed strictly. The
d. Estimate the percentage filth level as: laboratory equipment measuring bulk density and Hectoliter
!" #
test weight figures 17 and 18.
Filth 100
$ !" %

Determination of defective grains

a. Obtain a representative sample.
b. Mix and subdivide the sample using a sample divider or
the quartering method to obtain a working sample of 25
g (weight 1).
c. Use the 1.6 mm slotted sieve to remove foreign matter
and broken grains.
d. Pour the wheat retained on the sieve on a bench.
e. Pick defective grains (pest damaged, discolored,
germinated, immature, heat damaged, diseased weather
damaged, frost damaged and shriveled wheat kernels)
f. Weigh all defective grains picked (weight 2)
g. Express the percentage defective grains as:
!" #
Defective grains 100
$ !" %
Figure 17. Measuring cup and cox funnel for bulk density.
Total Defective Grains
This refers to all defects mentioned above.
a. From the working sample weighed in 5.2.5 above (200
grams) (Weight 1)
b. Collect the Wheat grains retained by the sieve
c. Pour them on a bench
d. Pick all defective grains by hand (diseased, discolored,
stained, immature/shrivelled, pest damaged, etc.)
e. Weigh the defective wheat kernels (Weight 2)
f. Express the percentage total defective grains as:
!" #
Total defective grains 100
$ !" %

Assessment of Contrasting Varieties

Figure 18. Hectoliter test weight kit.
This involves picking out all grains with contrasting kernel
characteristics including the color, shape and length of the The common field method for determination of bulk
kernel, shape of the germ, crease and brush, figure 16. density generally involves weighing grain that occupies a
0.5L measuring cup. The process is as follows: Clean the
grain using the 1.6mm slotted sieve (foreign matter affects
bulk density)
a. Place a cox funnel, with its outlet shut, on top of the
0.5L cup
b. Pour the grain into the cox funnel using a suitable
c. Open the cox funnel slide and fill the 0.5L cup until it
d. Remove the funnel from the 0.5L cup.
e. Sweep the top of the cup using a suitable stick to
remove excess grain in a light semi- circular motion.
f. Transfer the contents of the 0.5L cup into the pan of a
weighing pan and weigh the grain to the nearest 5 g.
Figure 16. Contrasting wheat varieties. Determination of Protein content
22 Melaku Tafese Awulachew: Understanding Basics of Wheat Grain and Flour Quality

Determination of protein content is done in accordance tested using thin layer chromatography, high performance
with ISO 20483 which uses the Kjeldahl method as the liquid chromatography or absorbance meters (e.g. Elisa
reference method. This involves decomposing the grain readers), rapid test kits and Black light. Aflatoxin may be
sample using sulphuric acid, to remove ammonium sulphate. found in good looking grain. Mouldy wheat does not
This is followed by distilling the sample using sodium necessarily have high Aflatoxin levels. It could contain other
hydroxide to convert ammonium sulphate to ammonia, the mycotoxins though. Representative samples have to be taken
determining the amount of ammonia (hence nitrogen) by to a laboratory capable of testing for Aflatoxin. The results
back titration. In practice, this analysis is largely automated. should not exceed 10 ppb of total Aflatoxins and 5 ppb for
In the field, it is possible to use equipment that employs Aflatoxin B1. For Fumonisin, the results should not exceed 2
infra-red technology to estimate protein content. ppb for any of the four grades; figure 20.
Determination of falling numbers
Determination of falling numbers is done in accordance
with ISO 3093. Falling numbers is an indicator of the extent
of sprouting of wheat figure 19. Wheat germination released
enzymes that cause digestion of the endosperm (starch). This
test required specialized equipment. The basis of the test is to
measure the time it takes for a stirrer to fall through
gelatinized slurry in a test tube, made from flour of the wheat
sample. Falling number: affects absorption, dough handling, Figure 20. Elisa kit with High Performance Liquid Chromatography Unit.
fermentation; use to determine malting quality and age and
lso use to estimate formula, mix time, proof time. Contaminants
Wheat plays a vital role in human growth by providing
carbohydrates, proteins and certain inorganic micronutrients
[39]. Consumption of grain is safe when accumulation of
metals is under the permissible lim-its [40, 41]. However,
when accumula-tions exceed the permissible limit, it exerts
toxic effects andmay produce a variety of diseases in human
[42-44]. Wheat must be free of heavy metals in amounts
stipulated by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Heavy
metal quantities can be determined by testing in a laboratory
using a spectrophotometer figure 21 and the contaminant
limits are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. The contamination limit of heavy metals in wheat.

Heavy metal contaminant limits

Arsenic 0.1 mg/Kg
Cadmium 0.1 mg/Kg
Lead 0.2 mg/Kg
Figure 19. Falling number machine. Mercury 0.1 mg/Kg
Tin 0.1 mg/Kg
Determination of Mycotoxins
Mg/Kg is equivalent to ppm (parts per million).
The mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) is a metabolite
produced by several Fusarium genuses. Also known as
vomitoxin, DON belongs to trichotecenes chemical family:
sesquiterpenes with 12, 13-epoxy group. Recent studies
demonstrated that DON is commonly found at high levels in
cereals intended for human and animal consumption [38]. In
addition many studies have shown substantial adverse effects
of DON on animal and human health. Even at low levels,
deoxynivalenol may cause feeding refuse and at higher levels
induce vomiting.
Mycotoxins are a group of chemicals produced by certain
mould fungi. This broad category includes Aflatoxins and
Fumonisin. These fungi, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus
parasiticus, can be recognized by their yellow-green or grey- Figure 21. Spectrophotometer.
green, or pink colours. Aflatoxin mycotoxins are toxic to
humans and even more toxic to animals. They also cause 3.4. Hygiene
cancer in humans and animals. The presence of Aflatoxin is The product covered by the provisions of the ES 665: 2017
Journal of Health and Environmental Research 2020; 6(1): 10-26 23

Standard shall be prepared, packed, stored, transported and maximum), Protein (9% of minimum) and Hectoliter weight
distributed under hygienic conditions. This implies that (76 kg/hl). Impurity Occur due to poor post-harvest practice;
maximum care must be taken to ensure that wheat is packaged wheat with high impurity will decrease flour yield and
in clean containers by clean people. The areas that the Wheat machine ability. Impurities which have an impact on human
is stored should be clean and meet hygiene standards. These safety will not be accepted. The higher Moisture content tends
stores should be free from pests (e.g. rodents, cockroaches, to Short shelf life Favorable for fungal and mould growth
weevils and other vermin). Modes of transport should also be which will be harmful for human consumption less flour yield.
clean; when tested by appropriate methods of sampling and Protein quality and quantity were one of the major flour and
examination, the wheat shall be free from pathogenic micro- grain quality determinant factors of wheat quality. The major
organisms, substances originating from micro-organisms, or factor influencing protein quantity and quality are: (a)
other poisonous or deleterious substances in amounts which Nitrogen and sulphur influence on proteins. Fertilization and
may constitute a health hazard. Pathogenic micro-organisms site: the total protein, protein unit and subunit contents
are minute living microbes that may cause diseases commonly increased with the supply of nitrogen to grain. (b) bug damage
referred to as germs, this include harmful bacteria, yeasts and and (c) Soil temperature; Moderately high soil temperature
moulds. A quick test for these harmful bacteria is done by during grain filling stimulate nitrogen uptake from the soil and
determining the presence of coliforms. This is done by nitrogen retrains location from the vegetative parts to the grain
incubating a weighed sample in specific media at a specified Low protein or/and weak protein will influence the flour
temperature for a period of 48 hours. It is not feasible to do this quality and affect product quality (biscuit, bread and pasta).
test in the field. Those 1% increase in protein will have 1.3% increase in water
absorption. Hectoliter weight Influenced by environmental
3.5. Packaging condition and bug damage this will reduce the yield of wheat.
The following information shall be provided in order to High shriveled, sprouted and pest damaged wheat will have
comply with the requirements of ES 665: 2017 low Hectoliter weight while low Hectoliter weight indicates
Wheat, when not handled in bulk, shall be packed in new less extraction rate.
bags (maximum 50 kg net weight) or similar acceptable Glossary of commonly-used Wheat grain (cereals) quality
protective containers which will safeguard the hygienic and terms
other qualities of the wheat. In Ethiopia it is common Soft wheat: a soft, opaque and less compact endosperm
practice to package wheat in second- hand bags. For a wheat compared to hard wheat. Soft wheat is generally considered
consignment to comply with the requirements of ES 665: more suitable for the production of cake and biscuit flours.
2017, new bags must be used. The containers including Sprouted grain: grain which has begun to germinate,
packaging material shall be made only of substances which resulting in increased levels of the enzyme α-amylase. This
are safe and suitable for the intended use. These materials results in a softening of the grain, reducing its milling value
should be food grade and in the event of need for and end-product quality.
verification, a certificate from the supplier should be Starch damage: mechanical damage to starch granules as a
available to demonstrate that the materials have been result of milling. Damaged starch granules are more
declared for use in foods and foodstuff susceptible to enzyme attack and have an increased level of
water absorption.
Test weight: is the weight of a specific volume of grain
4. Conclusion and is usually determined using a Schopper chondrometer
A good wheat variety must meet the needs of all in the calibrated as kilogram/ hectolitre (kg/hl). Test weight is used
wheat value chain. That is, from the farmer, to the miller, to by the grain trade as an indication of milling potential of a
processors and manufacturers through to the consumer. Wheat parcel of wheat.
breeders need to understand the needs of all in the value chain Gluten: the elastic protein acetous material that remains
and use the available genetics and quality testing capability to after the water solubles and starch are washed out of dough.
develop new varieties that will produce the high quality, Gluten content of flour is a measure of bread making quality.
attractive and nutritious bread, cake and pastry products Grade: a is used in variety classification to describe the
demanded by consumers. Successful wheat breeding is about quality of wheat varieties that have been classified according
having clearly defined and achievable targets. Agronomic to processing criteria, end-use potential, and relative market
attributes like plant height, straw strength, ease of threshing value into one of the major marketing classes.
and maturity optimum for the target production region are Grist: the blend of wheat that is made up in the mill to
essential components of all varieties. A thorough knowledge of produce a specific flour.
the environment of the target production region is critical, as Hard wheat: wheat which has a vitreous endosperm
this determines yield potential, the range and type of generally considered an advantage for the production of
challenges the crop will experience from biological threats Bread making flours.
such as pests and diseases and soil and environmental stresses. Mixograph: a recording dough mixer used for evaluating
Major quality parameters in contract farming agreement were the dough mixing properties of a wheat flour. It measures and
includes, Impurity (6-15%), Moisture content (12% of records the resistance of dough during mixing.
24 Melaku Tafese Awulachew: Understanding Basics of Wheat Grain and Flour Quality

Near Infrared Region: is defined as the part of the infrared Colour stability: The difference in lightness (brightness)
spectrum lying closest to visible light, that is, that part of the values of a noodle sample measured over a specific time
electromagnetic spectrum in the wavelength range 750 to (usually 24 hours).
2600 nm. Dockage: the amount of unmillable or foreign material in a
Physical dough tests: flour quality tests based on the grain sample, which may readily be removed by mechanical
measurement of some physical dough property such as means.
elasticity, viscosity and resistance to extension. Dough development time: a measure of the time needed to
RVA (Rapid Visco Analyser): a rotational viscometer that develop dough to a standard consistency. This is known as
continuously records the viscosity of a slurry under Farinograph development time.
controlled temperature conditions. Is able to operate under Dough stability: a measure of dough strength using the
varied temperature and shear conditions. Farinograph. It is the time that the dough maintains
Screenings: the amount of small, cracked or broken grains maximum consistency. It sometimes refers to the ability of
and small foreign seeds that pass through a sieve or screen. the dough to tolerate under and over mixing.
1,000/kernel weight: is the weight of 1,000 kernels of Extensibility: the physical property of solid or semi-solid
grain. It is a measure of grain size and density and is used as substances to stretch or increase in size. In Australia it is
an indicator of the milling potential of wheat. typically measured using an Extensograph. Dough
Unmillable material: where whiteheads, chaff and light extensibility is an important criterion for bread making
foreign seeds remain on top of a 2 mm sieve after the quality.
screening process. Extensograph: an instrument that is used for measuring the
Viscograph (or Amylograph): a recording viscometer that extensibility and resistance to extension of a wheat flour
measures the viscosity of aqueous slurry of starch or flour as dough mixed under standard conditions.
it is heated through a predetermined cycle. The viscosity is Falling Number (or Hagberg) test: a test to assess the
measured by the resistance that the heating slurry offers to a soundness (freedom from sprouting and α-amylase) of grain.
mixing paddle or pins. Farinograph: an instrument that mixes flour and water into
Water absorption: the amount of water, expressed as a dough and produces a record of the resistance that the
percentage of flour weight that is required to produce a dough offers to the mixing blades. Used in the evaluation of
workable dough. the bread making quality of flour.
Yellow pigment content: a measure of the naturally Farinograph water absorption: the percentage of water,
occurring xanthophyll pigments in flour. expressed on a flour weight basis, required to develop the
Flour paste viscosity: maximum viscosity during the dough to a standard consistency.
heating phase of an Rapid Visco Analyser or Viscograph. Flour ash: the amount of mineral matter, usually expressed
Flour paste viscosity tests strongly reflect the pasting in %, and is determined by incinerating a weighed amount of
properties of the major component, starch, but also other flour and weighing the residue. Flour ash is an indicator of
components, including arabinoxylans and protein. Paste flour purity, indicating the level of bran and non-endosperm
viscosity tests on flour, particularly the measurement of peak contamination in the flour.
viscosity, are very sensitive to the effects of the starch CIE: Commission Internationale de L’Eclairage.
degrading enzyme α-amylase, which is often associated with Flour colour:
rain damage to the grain. CIE L*: indicates the lightness in CIE colour space and is
Alveograph: a dough testing instrument that measures the commonly referred to as brightness
resistance to deformation and extensibility of a clamped disc- CIE a*: indicates the value of red/green hue in CIE colour
shaped piece of dough by forming a bubble using air pressure space
applied from below the dough piece. It is used to assess the CIE b*: indicates the value of the yellow/blue hue in CIE
potential end-use quality of a flour. colour space
Baking absorption: the amount of water, expressed as a Kent Jones colour grade: is a reflectance measurement
percentage of flour weight, that must be added to make a taken on a flour-water slurry and values are indicative of
dough for a specific baked product. flour brightness and bran contamination.
Baking quality: the ability of a wheat flour to produce a Gelatinization: irreversible swelling of starch granules
particular type of baked product. followed by formation of a viscous gel when starch is heated
Buckiness: a term used in the baking industry to describe in excess water.
dough that resist extension and are too tough for proper
Classification: the term used to describe the process by References
which wheat varieties are categorized.
Conditioning (tempering): the controlled wetting of grain [1] FAO. 2016. World Food Situation- Food Cereal Supply and
Demand Brief. United Nations Food and Agriculture
followed by a resting period during which the added water Organization, Rome. Government of Pakistan. 2009.
toughens the bran and mellows the endosperm in preparation Economic Survey. Economic Affairs Division, Ministry of
for milling. Finance, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Journal of Health and Environmental Research 2020; 6(1): 10-26 25

[2] Ethiopian standard agency 665: 2017. Wheat grain Institute for Development Studies, Brighton, UK.
specification, second edition.
[19] GTZ (German Technical Cooperation). 2007. Value Links
[3] Birdsall, "Summary and Areas for Future Research." Am. J. of Manual -The Methodology of Value Chain Promotion, 1 st
Clin. Nutr. 41 (5 suppl) May 1985: 1172-1176. Edition. Eschborn, Germany. 45p.
[4] FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United [20] Fleming, K. 2005. Value-added strategies: Taking agricultural
Nations). 2005. FAOSTAT [Online]. Available at products to the next level. Honolulu (HI): University of [cited 24 Feb. 2005; verified 14 Hawaii. Agribusiness, 31 (4): 125-134.
Oct. 2005].
[21] Berhanu Gebremedhin and Moti Jaleta. 2010.
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