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Working at Heights: Hse Directive 3

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Directive owner per 01.01.2016 Bjarte Skulstad

Please consult the asset’s HSE instructions for potential

installation specific requirements

The purpose of this directive is to ensure that
• all work at heights is carried out safely
• there are no accidents due to dropped objects
• all use of ladders takes place in a safe manner
• all scaffolding is erected, taken down and used safely
• work above the sea is carried out safely

This directive applies to all BP-operated installations and
contracted installations on the Norwegian continental shelf
• Contracted mobile installations which have a system that
satisfies the requirements in this directive, may use their own
system provided this has been clarified upon implementation

By following this directive, all requirements in the ”Working

at Heights” section in the ”BP 8 Golden Rules of Safety” are
complied with
• Onshore facilities or projects where BP Norge have a
particular responsibility and which are assessed being part of
the petroleum activities

• Regulations relating to scaffolding, ladders and work on
roofs, etc
• Regulation relating to use of work equipment
• The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority’s regulations
• OMS Procedure 4.5 Control of Work
• OMS Risk 3.2 Personal Safety
• BP Guide 100426 Ladder Safety
• Norwegian Oil and Gas Association guideline 088 Common
model for work permits
• NS-EN 795 Protection against fall from heights. Anchoring
• HSE Directive no. 1 – Work permits
• HSE Directive no. 11 Safe job analysis
• Use of Work Basket - ref. HSE Directive 4 Lifting Operations
• Norwegian Oil and Gas Association guideline 113 - Securing
and rescue when working in heights (only in Norwegian)
• Norwegian Oil and Gas Guidelines 105 Scaffolding (including
competence requirements)
• Norsk Standard NS 9600-1, 2, 3, 4

Definitions and abbreviations

• Working at heights means all work carried out standing
with one’s feet two metres or more above deck level where
there is no fixed platform or approved scaffolding
• Work permit is a written permit to carry out a defined work
task at a given place onboard an installation under given
conditions and in a safe manner

• Safe Job Analysis (SJA) is a systematic and step-by-step
review of all elements of risk carried out prior to a specific
task or operation so that measures can be taken to remove or
control any elements of risk identified during the preparation
for or performance of the said task or operation
• First line MOB (Man overboard) preparedness includes
oo the platform’s MOB crew standing by in case of an
oo a standby vessel ready by the installation

Competence for using fall arrest equipment
• Complete BP fall arrest course offshore (4 hour in house
training for fall protection) or onshore basic fall protection
safety courses
• For both courses the BP requirement is 5 yearly verification/

Use of safety devices

• All work carried out standing with one’s feet 2 metres or
more above the deck requires:
oo fixed platform with handrail, or
oo scaffolding with green scafftag, or
oo use of approved safety harness secured in a suitable
anchor point which limits free fall to 2 metres from the
footing, normally by use of a fall block, and
oo filled in and signed ”Checklist for Work At Heights/Use of
• When moving at height outside a fixed platform, scaffolding
or ladder an approved safety harness with fallblock (or,
alternatively, a Y-line) shall be used. When relocating the
fallblock, the person involved must be secured with a fall
arrest line
• When using fall arrest equipment
oo at least one person shall be present in the area nearby at
all times in order to alert and start basic rescue work in
case of a fall
oo if needed prepare a written Rescue Plan
oo the rescue plan shall take the time for a safe rescue into
consideration in order to be able to rescue a person within
sufficient time (i.e. prevent blood circulation injuries)
• There shall be a site specific instruction on how required
competent personnel are organized (for instance a rescue

Securing underlaying area

• Tools and equipment shall, as far as practical, b e secured
with suitable means to prevent them from being dropped
• If there is a potential for dropped objects the underlaying area
shall be secured either with a guard person or roped off in
co-ooperation with the area technician
• If dropped objects can damage pressurised equipment, the
area shall be physically protected or de-pressurised in co-
operation with the area techncian
• Upon completion of work the area shall be checked to secure
that no potential dropped objects are left

Inspection of fall arrest harness

• The user shall always visually check his/her safety harness,
- system and anchor point and also have it checked by a co-
worker. If there is any doubt contact the scaffolding foreman
or inspection re. anchor points
• Defective harnesses or harnesses that lack the control tag
(yearly control) for approved lifting device shall not be used
and handed in for repair

Use of fall lifeline

• The anchorage point for the lifeline shall bear a load of 1000kg
and the anchorage point should be above the user
• The lifeline shall be connected to the anchorage point at the
approved fall Harness. The rear anchorage point should be
used but depending on the work the front anchorage can be
• Normally a self retracting lifeline shall be used
• Restraint lanyard shall not be used as lifeline
• Composition of the fall arrest system shall be based on
identified risks like: potential pendulum movement, horizontal

• Ladders may only be used for access or work of short
duration, like installing temporary chain hoists, control and
cleaning of F & G detectors

Which ladders can be used

• Ladders shall be in accordance with Chapter VI in the
Regulations relating to scaffolding, ladders, work on roofs,
• Ladders must have rubber knots at both ends and have no
visual deformation
• Only single ladders may be used
• Stepladders up to 3.5m, may be used on firm and even
foundations when there is no potential for fall to a lower level/
sea. Maximum climb height in the ladder is 2m. The 2m shall
be clearly marked on the ladder
• In electrical switchrooms, ladders shall be of non-conducting
• The user is responsible for checking the ladder before use
• Defective ladders must be discarded


« • Check for:
oo Twisted, bent or dented rails
oo Cracked, worn, bent or loose steps
oo Cracked or damaged welded joints, loose rivets or
damaged stays
oo Broken, bent or damaged locking mechanism (Stepladder)

Safety measures
• Ladders must be secured to prevent them from sliding or
tipping over when used, by a person securing at the bottom
until it is secured at the top
• During movement on a ladder nothing must be carried in the
• During work on a ladder three-point contact must be
maintained (e.g. 2 feet and one hand)
• When working, standing above 2 meters fall arrest harness
shall be used


« • Scaffolding
Approval of work
with work plaform 2m and above shall have work
permit level 2 for construction/demolition
• Construction/demolition scaffolding with work platform lower
than 2m requires a general platform/area Work Permit level 2
• Construction/demolition scaffolding over sea requires
approval according to section 6 of this directive

Erecting/dismantling scaffolding
• Scaffolding shall be erected/moved and dismantled by
authorised scaffolders only
• Scaffolding shall be in accordance with Chapter III of the
Regulations relating to scaffolding, ladders, work on roofs,
• A work platform (including access platforms) shall be
secured with handrails and kick plates and other required
covering/securing to prevent dropped objects. If this is not
possible, the green scafftag shall be marked with necessary
safety precautions, such as use of harness and closing of
underlaying area

Erecting/dismantling scaffolding over sea

When scaffolding is erected/dismantled over sea:
• the rules for Work over sea shall apply
• a Toolbox Talk or Job Safety Analysis shall be performed
• there will always be 2 scaffolders

Scaffolding approval
• Approval of scaffolding for use shall only be performed
by authorised approval personnel. Ref. competency
requirements, section 1
• Approved scaffolding is shown with a green scafftag with

date and signature. The scafftag must be at the scaffolding
• The scaffolding foreman must ensure scaffolds are inspected/
approved at least once every 7 days, as well as before and
after spells of strong wind or other conditions that may
damage the scaffolding

Approval of the scaffolding equipment used for temporary

• Approval of scaffolding equipment used for temporary
securing shall be performed by authorized personnel. Ref
competency requirements section 1
• Approved scaffolding is shown with a scafftag with date and
signature. The scafftag must be wissible and attachen to the
scaffolding equipment used
• The scaffolding foreman must ensure the scaffolding
equipment used are inspected/approved at least once every
14 days, as well as before and after spells of strong wind or
other conditions that may damage the scaffolding equipment

Use of scaffolding
• Only scaffolding having a green scafftag is approved for use
• Scaffolding must be used in accordance with limitations
given on the green scafftag

Storing the scaffolds

• All scaffoding equpmet shall be stored at predefind/approved


Standard, training, procedures and methods
NS 9600 part 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be used for rope access work
• NS 9600-4 Requirements to and certification of suppliers of
services sets the standard to the skills requirements, roles,
responsibilities, methods and the execution of work

RA work requires approved work permit level 1
• Work shall be planned and executed according to NS 9600
• Rescue plan shall be attached to the Work Permit form


• Work over sea means work taking place outside permanent
railing where there is a risk of a person/persons falling into
the sea
• Work using stepladders, ladders or work platform where
there is a risk of a person/persons falling into the sea
• Work creating or working close to created openings where


« there is a risk of a person/persons falling into the sea.

(ref. SiKAP 1.70.153 for details)
• Use of Rope Assess (RA) is not defined as work over sea
when it is performed in compliance with RA requirements in
section 5
• Work in hydraulic basket in ”moon pool” and on approved
scaffolding is not defined as work over sea when extra
barriers are in use such as
oo fall arrest equipment
oo man-riding belt
oo net
oo scaffolding build as a class 3 and to be certified and used
as a class 2 scaffolding with extra heighten hand rail
(railing). The scaffolding shall be certified every week and
inspected after external influence e.g. strong wind
Note: use of fall arrest equipment, man-riding belt or net requi-
res independent securing (not attached to the scaffolding).

• Work over sea requires an approved work permit level 1

Work over sea is permitted provided:
• The wind speed is < 30 knots, measured at a 10 m level
• The wave height is < 5 m (corresponds to 3 m significant
wave height)
• Standby vessel is in near-standby mode or MOB in extra
preparedness mode
• The MOB boat onboard or on the standby vessel is operative
and can be launched/retrieved in case a person falls into the
• The light and view is good enough to perform the work and
rescue any person that may fall into the sea
• Consent has been obtained from the diving supervisor if
there is diving activity near the work site

Safety precautions
• When working over sea, a safety guard must be present
and monitor the personnel located over sea at all times. The
safety guard shall be familiar with and carry out tasks stated
in the Safety guard’s duties in connection with work over sea
• A life buoy with line and light shall be easily available
• The performing personnel shall be familiar with all
procedures, preconditions, risks and safety precautions
relating to the work
• Everyone working over open sea shall wear a life vest
• When working below the cellar deck, consider whether to
secure spills, overflow, etc. from e.g. fire water
• Consider the need for implementing measures to avoid
objects falling to lower levels or down on vessels


Attachment 1:
Duties for the safety guard during work over sea

Attachment 2:
Safety Critical Work Procedure BP

Attachment 1:
Work Permit Form Level 1

Attachment 2:
Work Permit Form Level 2

Attachment 3:
Guidelines For Completing And Using Work Permit Form

Attachment 4:
Fire Guard´s Duties

Attachment 5:
Safety Measures For Working With Hydrocarbon Carrying

Attachment 6:
Safety Measures For Working With Hazardous Chemicals

Attachment 7:
Safety Measures For Jet Water Washing Over 250 Bar

Attachment 8:
Safety Measures For Pressure Testing

Attachment 9:
Form For Approval Of Hot Work Class A In Classified Areas

Attachment 10:
Advance Approval Of Hot Work Class A In Classified Areas

Attachment 11:
Form For Logging Heating Value


The Safety Guard shall be clearly marked with “sikkerhetsvakt”
Before commencing the work
The Safety Guard shall:
• participate in the work planning, including SJA/pre-job talks
• locate the nearest fire call point/telephone
• ensure that the agreed MOB function (Standby boat or the
installation’s MOB) is informed and operational
• establish and check radio communication with the work
place, CCR or Standby boat
• ensure escape routes are known by involved personnel
• be familiar with the weather limitations for work over sea
• perform “comradeship check” upon fall arrester equipment
and life vest
During work

The Safety Guard shall:
• keep track and overview of the number of people involved
in the work and notify/report cases of personnel falling into
the sea
• be located at a permanent deck of the installation and have
an unhindered view of the personnel working over sea
• not take part in work that may interfere with his/her duty as
safety guard
• monitor changes in weather conditions/visibility and light
and stop the work if the preconditions and limitations for the
work are exceeded
• monitor the work and surroundings and stop work should a
situation arise that calls for such action
Interruptions/completion of work
The Safety Guard shall:
• inform CCR or Standby boat
• secure equipment/workplace
If ”man over board”
The Safety Guard shall:
• notify colleagues, CCR or Standby boat
• activate alarm
• throw out a life buoy
• maintain visual contact with person in sea
• secure equipment/workplace
Alarm situations
The Safety Guard shall:
• notify personnel over sea and stop work
• secure that all personnel return to a permanent deck of the
• secure equipment/workplace


Safety Critical Work Procedure BP

Task / Title: TAG no.: 1

SiKAP No.: Field: Discipline: Validated by: B.Skulstad, 3
1.70.076 BPN Offshore ALL S.G.Hellevik, A.Hide, G.Lied
Date: 03.11.2011
Verified by: OTL-V Mech/Utility Approved by; Owner HSSE Rev. No.: 03 D C B A
Directive no 3 Working in Height
Date: 01.01.2011 Date: 24.09.2015 Expire: 12/2016 Probability

The objective for the work procedure (ref. classification sheet no,): K 1.70.076
Prevent personnel injury from working in height using fall arrest harness and associated equipment.

Identified dangers (ref. classification sheet no,): K 1.70.076

1. Lack of competence in inspection, control and use of fall arrest harness and lines.
2. Uses anchor points of less strength than 1000kg load bearing capacity.
3. Incorrect limitation in use of equipment in relation to fall distance to protruding equipment or swinging
can result in collision and hurt oneself.
4. If hanging for a long time in fall protection harness one can get circulation failure if one does not get to
use relief (leg) strap. (Hang trauma)
References: (Refers to relevant laws, regulations and BP’s directives, manuals, HMS-instructions, vendor’s documents,
datasheet for chemicals and other dangerous substances,)
Governing documents: 8 Golden Safety Rules – Permit to Work, Working at Hights; HSE directive 1
Work Permits, HSE directive 3 – Working at Hights.
Vendor documents: Users Guide
Drawings: Users Guide
HSE data sheet, N/A
Planning / Preparation: WP Level 1 when working over sea, otherwise Level 2
Work Permit (WP) no.: Level 1 Class ”A” Class ”B” Level 2 Class ”B”

Direct involved roles Performing technician, one person/safety guard

(number): 2+
Gassfree /Access / Ref WP
Requirement for service by N/A
Tools / Equipment / Chemicals: (Refers to special personal protective equipment, tools listings, special equipment and
expected state of equipment / systems, in excess of WP, in advance to allow start of work)
Equipment/system state: Ref WP
Special personal protective Fall arrest harness and associated line(s)
Special tools & equipment: N/A
Special lifting equipment: N/A
Special position of valves: N/A
Step Description of the activity: (step number Comments: (especially critical steps and warning

no.: gives the sequence of actions; bullets indicates about adjacent activities are marked with underlined
that the actions can be performed in any chosen BOLD letters and eventual risk reducing measures are
order) noted, ref to Tr@ction no. and SJA as relevant.)

Plan for working at hights: NOTE!

- Consider the need for WP level 1 or 2 It is vital to initiate rescue immediately after a
- Follow check list and tick off each step fall. To be hanging in the harness without being
- Step 7, see identified danger no. 4 able to use the relief strap may indulge hang
- The need for written rescue plan shall trauma to the person and stop the blood from
always be considered circulating.

ARKIVERT: Eustvs2/BPN Info Vol//Templates/BP Norge Templates 1 av 2


Safety Critical Work Procedure BP

Task / Title: TAG no.: 1

SiKAP No.: Field: Discipline: Validated by: B.Skulstad, 3
1.70.076 BPN Offshore ALL S.G.Hellevik, A.Hide, G.Lied
Date: 03.11.2011
Verified by: OTL-V Mech/Utility Approved by; Owner HSSE Rev. No.: 03 D C B A
Directive no 3 Working in Height
Date: 01.01.2011 Date: 24.09.2015 Expire: 12/2016 Probability

Check list for use of fall arrest harness / working in height

Check points N/A YES NO Comments
Are you using a full body harness with double latch self-locking snap
hooks and equipment with relief strap / foot strap?
2. Has a proper anchor point for the safety line been located?
Is fall arrest equipment in use that will limit the free fall to 2 meters or
Has the fall arrest equipment been visually checked for:
4. - damage/wear or defects?
- control tag with the latest control date?
If a ladder is used, is the ladder free of visual damage and secured?
5. During securing of the ladder one person shall secure the ladder at the
bottom until the ladder is secured at the top
Has the fall arrest equipment, system and anchor point been checked by
a colleague?
Is there a person in the work area that can initiate basic rescue, if a fall
should occur?
Are equipment / tools used at height controlled and adequately secured
against dropping? And not left behind finishing the work?
Are underlying areas closed off and pressurized/sensitive equipment
protected against dropped objects?
10. Are lighting, noise and weather conditions satisfactory for the task?
Are there any other risks and have they been evaluated and found
acceptable? Use the 4 – Point Risk assessment
12. Have the involved persons completed a course in fall arrest methods?
Have all items on the checklist been answered YES without comments?
13. If NO, the work shall not be started. Contact the line manager to find
alternative methods to perform the work.

Note! Work over open sea also require the use of “Duties for the safety guard during work over sea” (attachment1)

Date: Area technician (Work w/o WP):

Performing technician(s):

Closure of work
14. Are all loose tools/equipment removed from the workplace?

Performing technician (s):


ARKIVERT: Eustvs2/BPN Info Vol//Templates/BP Norge Templates 2 av 2


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