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Design of Retaining Wall Checked

Reference Calculation Output
Design of Toe Wall

This report contains the load calculations and structural design of the
3m height Toe Wall at 76+46 RHS for Central Expressway Project
(CEP) (Section-02).
According to the site condition 3m height toe wall is proposed against the
1:1.5 slope embankment.
The structural designs were carried out for 3m wall with given dimensions

Material Characteristics

Unit weights of soil and concrete are assumed as 20 kN/m3 20 kN/m3

respectively. Internal friction angle(∅) is taken as 34 and earth pressure
coefficients were calculated as follows

Active earth pressure coefficient k0, =(1-sin(∅))/(1+sin(∅))

= 0.260
Active earth pressure coefficient for with sloping surcharge,

Where β is slope angle of backfill surface


The loads were calculated in accordance with BS 5400-2:2006,

Clause 6. The following loads have been considered
1 Dead Loads
2 Horizontal Earth Pressure and Live load surcharge

Dead loads
In this case, self-weight of the structure was considered as a dead load.
Density of concrete was considered as 25 kN/m3. Grade 30 concrete to be
used for the construction of the toe wall.

Horizontal earth pressure

It is assume that the unit weight soil is 20 kN/m3. Since the wheep holes are
provide in a regular intervals pore water pressure sahll not be taken in to accout.
A pressure of 10 kN/m2 (S) shall be applied as live load surcharge.
The horizontal pressures applied to the side walls due to surcharge shall be
taken as KaS
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output
Design of Walls
Dimensions a

5.7E-05 0.300 m
b c

Embankment Slope
4.500 m = 1: ###

d 1.200 0.500 m
X 0.500 m
1.100 m 0.500 m
2.200 m 𝑇𝑎𝑛
0.300 m
Where β is slope angle of backfill surface, β = 0.00
Internal friction angle(∅') is taken as 36 0
B.C.Punmia KA = 0.260
Surcharge Load = 10 kN/m
Soil Density = 20 kN/m
Concrete Density = 25 kN/m
Embankment Height = 0.0 m
Embankment Slope = 1: ###
Surcharge Load Due to embankment fill = kN/m
Soil Cohesion = 2 kN/m

Demension of Wall
Top width of Stem = 0.300 m
Bottom width of Stem = 0.500 m
Wall Height = 4.500 m
Heel Length = 1.200 m
Toe Length = 0.500 m
Foundation Thickness = 0.500 m
Base Width = 2.200 m
Shear Key height = 1.100 m
Shear Key thickness = 0.300 m

For Stability Checking

Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output
Forces SLS (kN)
Soil Pressure 52.6
Surcharge Pressure 13.0
Total 65.6
Cohesion Force 4.4
Passive pre.-Key wall 46.6

Vertical Forces
Soil 117.0
Concrete Wall 45.0
Concrete Base 27.5
Surcharge Load 14.0
Total 203.5
Moment SLS (kNm)
Soil 181.2
Soil (embankment) 0.0
Concrete Wall 31.7
Concrete Base 30.3
Surcharge Load 21.0
Total 264.1
Soil Pressure 78.9
Surcharge Pressure 26.3
Total 105.1
Checking for overturning
Stability moment = 264.1
Over turning = 105.1
F.O.S = Stability moment / Over turning
= 264.1 / 105.1
Reinforced Concrete = 2.5
Designer's Hand Book
Reynolds C.E. F.O.S > 1.5 ,Hence OK
Table 187

Checking for Sliding

Friction angle δ between concrete interface, 2/3 ∅ = δ= 24.00 0

μ = tan (24)
= 0.44

Frictional force (R) = µ x Vertical force

= 0.44 x 203.5
= 90.5523
Total resisting Force = 90.552 + 4.4 + 46.6
= 141.6
Horizontal force (H) = 65.5531

F.O.S = Resisting Force / Disturbing Force

Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output
= 141.6 / 65.6
= 2.16
F.O.S > 1.5 ,Hence OK

For Reinforcement Design

Forces SLS (kN) γFL γf3 ULS (kN)
Soil Pressure 64.9 1.5 1 97.4
Surcharge Pressure 13.0 1.5 1 19.5
Total 77.9 116.8
Vertical Forces
Soil 60.0 1.2 1 72.0
Concrete Wall 45.0 1.15 1 51.8
Concrete Base 27.5 1.15 1 31.6
Surcharge Load 14.0 1.15 1 16.1
Total 146.5 171.5
Moment SLS (kNm) ULS (kNm)
Soil 181.2 1.2 1 217.4
Concrete Wall 31.7 1.15 1 36.4
Concrete Base 30.3 1.15 1 34.8
Surcharge Load 21.0 1.15 1 24.2
Total 264.1 312.8
Soil Pressure 78.9 1.5 1 118.3
Surcharge Pressure 26.3 1.5 1 39.4
Total 105.1 157.7

Check for Stresses

Eccentricity of the resultant force from the edge of the section (e')

e' = Ms – Mo
e' = 264.1 - 105.1
= 1.085 m
e= b/2 - e'
= 0.015 m

Bending moment, M = V× e
= 2.1975 kNm

Bending stress, σ b = M/z

= 2.7242 kN/m2

Direct stress, σd = V/bd

= 66.6 kN/m2
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output

σmax = σd + σb
= 69.3 kN/m2

σmin = σd - σb
= 63.9 kN/m2

Stress Redistribution under the Foundation at Serviceability

No needed

Design Moments & Shear Forces

Maximum ULS Bending Moment, BMuls = 157.7 kNm

Maximum ULS Shear Force, SFuls = 116.8 kNm
Concrete Characteristic strength fcu = 25 N/mm2
Reinforcement Characteristic strength fy = 500 N/mm2

Consider 1000mm length section, b = 1000 mm

Assume, Cover = 45 mm
Bar dia meter = 16 mm
Effective Depth, d = 500 -16 /2 - 45
= 447 mm

Reinforcement Design for Toe Wall

BS 5400-4
= 2
1990 0.15x 25 x 1000 x 447
Equ. 2 = 749.3 kNm > 157.7
Hence section is Singly Reinforcement

Mu ,Maximum flexural capacity of a singly reinforced section

BS 5400-4
Equ. 1
Equ.5 z, Lever arm

𝑧 = 0.5𝑑 1 + 1 −
𝑓 𝑏𝑑
z = 0.5x 447 1+ 1 -5.057 x 157.7 x10^
25 x 1000 x 447

z = 428.4 mm
0.95d = 0.95 x 447
= 424.7 < 428.4
Therefore z = 424.7 mm
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation
𝑀 Output
Required reinforcement area 𝐴 = 0.87𝑓 𝑧
= 157.7 x 10^6
0.87 x 500 x 424.7
= 854 mm

BS 5400-4 Minimum reinforcement required = 0.15% bd

1990 = 0.15% x 1000 x 447
Cl = 671 mm

𝐴 2
BS 5400-4 Hence , = 854 mm
1990 Provide T 16 @ 150 , 𝐴 , = 1340 mm T 16 @
Cl 5.8.9 150 mm

BS 5400-4 Secondary Reinforcement

1990 Minimum secondary reinforcement requirement,
Cl 𝐴 = 0.12% bd
= 0.12% x 1000 x 447
BS 5400-4 = 536 mm
1990 Provide T 12 @ 150 , 𝐴 , = 754 mm T 12 @
Cl 5.8.9 150 mm
Provide 0.12% bd, nominal reinforcment for both inner and outer surfaces
as secondary reinforcement
Provide T 12 @ 150 , 𝐴, = 754 mm T 12 @
150 mm
Reinforcement for Inner Mesh
Minimum reinforcement requirement
𝐴 = 0.15% bd
= 0.15% x 1000 x 447
= 671 mm
Provide T 12 @ 150 , 𝐴 , = 754 mm T 12 @
150 mm
Provide 0.15% bd, nominal reinforcment for both direction of inner surface
Provide T 12 @ 150 , 𝐴, = 754 mm T 12 @
150 mm
BS 5400-4 Check for Shear
1990 Maximum Shear Force = 116.8 kN
Cl 5.4.4 Maximum Shear Stress = F/A Max shear
= 116.8 x 10^3 stress
1000 x 447 = 0.261
2 2 2
= 0.261 N/mm < 4.75 N/mm N/mm
< 0.75 𝑓
Hence OK 18.75 N/mm

BS 5400-4 Depth factor, ξs = = (500/d)^(1/4)

1990 = 500 ^(1/4)
Table 9 447
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output
= 1.03
BS 5400-4 Ultimate shear stress in concrete 𝑉= /
𝑓 /

1/3 1/3
1990 𝑉 = 0.27 100 x 1340 25
Table 8 1.25 1000 x 447.0
= 0.423 N/mm Alow shear
Allowable Shear Stress = 𝑉 x ξs = 0.435
= 0.423 x 1 N/mm
= 0.435 > 0.261 N/mm Hence OK

Shinkage & Temparature Reinforcement

As*fy = f 'ct* Ac

Effective area of reinforcement Ac = 300 X 1000

= 300000 mm
BD 28/87 Tensile stress of immature concrete, fct* = 0.12(fcu)^0.7
5.2 = 0.12 x 25 ^0.7
= 1.14 N/mm
Therefore minimum reinforcement area = 1.14 x 300000
= 685 mm
Therefore minimum reinforcement area for single face = 343 mm
BD 28/87 Reinforcement requirement for providing adequate crack width
5.3 As = (fct/fb) Ac (ф/2w)[R(єsh+єth)-0.5єult]
BS 5400-4 fct*/ft = 0.67 (Type 2 deformed bars)
1990,Table1 Crack width,w = 0.25
Appendix C єsh = kL x kC x ke x kj

Fig. 14 kL = 275 x 10 (for 70% relative humidity)
Fig. 11 kC = 0.90 (for W/C ratio-0.5, cement content - 300)
Fig. 12 ke = 0.60 (for effective thickness 250)
kj = 1.00 (for long term)

єsh = 275 x 10 x 0.90 x 0.60 x 1.00
= 148.5 x 10

BD 28/87 єsh = 0.8α(T1+T2)

5.7 Coefficient of thermal expanssionof concrete,α = 12 x 10
5.8 Long term fall in temperature T1 = 28 C
5.9 Short term fall in temperature T2 = 0 C
єsh = 268.8 x 10
BD 28/87 Restrained factor , R for external = 0.8 (wall cast into base )
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output
Table 2 for internal = 0.5
5.3 Ultimate tensile strain capacity of concrete,єult = 200 x 10
Reinforcement for thermal cracking = 94.00 φ mm
Single face reinforcement for thermal cracking As = 47.00 φ mm
For main reinforcement, φ = 16 mm
As = 752.03 mm < As,prov = 1340
Hence satisfies the Shinkage & Temparature Reinforcement requirement

For distribution, φ = 12 mm
As = 564.02 mm < As,prov = 754
Hence satisfies the Shinkage & Temparature Reinforcement requirement

For inner surface (both directions) = φ12 mm

As = 564.02 mm < As,prov = 754
Hence satisfies the Shinkage & Temparature Reinforcement requirement

Check for Deflection

BS 8110-1
1997 Allowable Deflection= = Span / 250
Cl. 3.4.6 = 4500 / 250
= 18 mm

Reinforced Concrete Max Deflection = 𝐹𝑙

Designer's Hand Book 15𝐸𝐼
Reynolds C.E. = 77.9 x 4.500
Table 16 15 x 28 x 1/12 x 1 x 0.300

= 7.51 mm < 18 mm

Hence Deflection is OK

Reinforcement Design for Toe Wall Base

Eccentricity of the resultant force from the edge of the section (e')

e' = Ms – Mo
e' = 312.8 - 157.7
= 0.904 m

e= b/2 - e'
= 0.196 m
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output

Bending moment, M = V× e
= 33.614 m

Bending stress, σ b = M/z

= 41.67 kN/m2

Direct stress, σd = V/bd

= 78.0 kN/m2

σmax = σd + σb
= 119.6 kN/m2

σmin = σd - σb
= 36.3 kN/m2

Stress Redistribution under the Foundation at Ultimate is not reqired

Ultimate bending moment at toe

= 100.7 x 0.500 x 0.500 x 0.5 +
1/2 x 18.9 x 0.500 x 0.500 x2/3

= 14.2 kNm

Ultimate bending moment at heal

= 64.8 -
36.3 x 1.200 x 1.200 x 0.5 -
1/2 x 45.5 x 1.200 x 1.200 x2/3
= 16.9 kNm

Width of Base, BB = 2200 mm
Thickness of Base, TB = 500 mm

Reinforcement Design for Toe Wall Base Toe

Maximum Sagging ULS Bending Moment, BMuls = 14.2 kNm
BS 5400-4
1990 Consider 1000mm length section, b = 1000 mm
Table 5,6 Assume, Cover = 45 mm
Bar dia meter = 16 mm
Effective Depth, d = 500 -16 /2 - 45
= 447 mm

BS 5400-4
= 2
1990 0.15x 25 x 1000 x 447
Equ. 2 = 749 kNm > 14.16
Hence section is Singly Reinforcement
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output

Mu ,Maximum flexural capacity of a singly reinforced section

BS 5400-4
Equ. 1
Equ.5 z, Lever arm

𝑧 = 0.5𝑑 1 + 1 −
𝑓 𝑏𝑑

z = 0.5x 447 1+ 1 -5.057 x 14.164 x10^
25 x 1000 x 447

z = 445.4 mm
0.95d = 0.95 x 447
= 424.7 < 445.4
Therefore z = 424.7 mm
Required reinforcement area 𝐴 = 0.87𝑓 𝑧
= 14.164 x 10^6
0.87 x 500 x 424.7
= 77 mm
BS 5400-4 Minimum reinforcement required = 0.15% bd
1990 = 0.15% x 1000 x 447
Cl = 671 mm

𝐴 2
BS 5400-4 Hence , = 671 mm T 16 @
1990 Provide T 16 @ 150 , 𝐴, = 1340 mm 150 mm
BS 5400-4 Secondary Reinforcement
1990 Minimum secondary reinforcement requirement,
Cl 𝐴 = 0.12% bd
= 0.12% x 1000 x 447
BS 5400-4 = 536 mm
1990 Provide T 12 @ 150 , 𝐴, = 754 mm T 12 @
Cl 5.8.9 To prevent shinkage & temperature cracking 150mm spacing is provided 150 mm

BS 5400-4
1990 Check for Shear
2 2
Cl 5.4.4 Maximum Shear Stress at toe = 0.101 N/mm < 4.8 N/mm
= < 0.75 𝑓
Hence OK 3.75 N/mm

BS 5400-4 Depth factor, ξs = = (500/d)^(1/4)

1990 = 500 ^(1/4)
Table 9 447
= 1.03
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output
BS 5400-4 Ultimate shear stress in concrete

𝑉= / 𝑓 /

1/3 1/3
1990 𝑉 = 0.27 100 x 1340 25
Table 8 1.25 1000 x 447.0
= 0.423 N/mm

Allowable Shear Stress = 𝑉 x ξs Alow shear

= 0.423 x 1.03 stress
= 0.435 > 0.101 N/mm = 0.435
Hence OK N/mm

Width of Base, BB = 2200 mm
Thickness of Base, TB = 500 mm

Reinforcement Design for Toe Wall Base Heal

Maximum Sagging ULS Bending Moment, BMuls = 16.9 kNm
BS 5400-4
1990 Consider 1000mm length section, b = 1000 mm
Table 5,6 Assume, Cover = 45 mm
Bar dia meter = 16 mm
Effective Depth, d = 500 -16 /2 - 45
= 447 mm

BS 5400-4
= 2
1990 0.15x 25 x 1000 x 447
Equ. 2 = 749 kNm > 16.86
Hence section is Singly Reinforcement

Mu ,Maximum flexural capacity of a singly reinforced section

BS 5400-4
Equ. 1
Equ.5 z, Lever arm

𝑧 = 0.5𝑑 1 + 1 −
𝑓 𝑏𝑑

z = 0.5x 447 1+ 1 -5.057 x 16.86 x10^
25 x 1000 x 447

z = 445.1 mm
0.95d = 0.95 x 447
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output
= 424.7 < 445.1
Therefore z = 424.7 mm
Required reinforcement area 𝐴 = 0.87𝑓 𝑧
= 16.86 x 10^6
0.87 x 500 x 424.7
= 91 mm
BS 5400-4 Minimum reinforcement required = 0.15% bd
1990 = 0.15% x 1000 x 447
Cl = 671 mm

𝐴 2
BS 5400-4 Hence , = 671 mm T 16 @
1990 Provide T 16 @ 150 , , = 𝐴 1340 mm 150 mm
BS 5400-4 Secondary Reinforcement
1990 Minimum secondary reinforcement requirement,
Cl 𝐴 = 0.12% bd
= 0.12% x 1000 x 447
BS 5400-4 = 536 mm
1990 Provide T 12 @ 150 , 𝐴, = 754 mm T 12 @
Cl 5.8.9 To prevent shinkage & temperature cracking 150mm spacing is provided 150 mm

BS 5400-4
1990 Check for Shear
2 2
Cl 5.4.4 Maximum Shear Stress at heal = 0.049 N/mm < 4.8 N/mm
= < 0.75 𝑓
Hence OK 3.75 N/mm

BS 5400-4 Depth factor, ξs = = (500/d)^(1/4)

1990 = 500 ^(1/4)
Table 9 447
= 1.03

BS 5400-4 Ultimate shear stress in concrete

𝑉= / 𝑓 /

1/3 1/3
1990 𝑉 = 0.27 100 x 1340 25
Table 8 1.25 1000 x 447.0
= 0.423 N/mm

Allowable Shear Stress = 𝑉 x ξs Alow shear

= 0.423 x 1.03 stress
= 0.435 > 0.049 N/mm = 0.435
Hence OK N/mm

Shinkage & Temparature Reinforcement

As*fy = f 'ct* Ac
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output
Effective area of reinforcement Ac = 500 X 1000
= 500000 mm
BD 28/87 Tensile stress of immature concrete, fct* = 0.12(fcu)^0.7
5.2 = 0.12 x 25 ^0.7
= 1.14 N/mm
Therefore minimum reinforcement area = 1.14 x 500000
= 1142 mm
Therefore minimum reinforcement area for single face = 571 mm
BD 28/87 Reinforcement requirement for providing adequate crack width
5.3 As = (fct/fb) Ac (ф/2w)[R(єsh+єth)-0.5єult]
BS 5400-4 fct*/ft = 0.67 (Type 2 deformed bars)
1990,Table1 Crack width,w = 0.25
Appendix C єsh = kL x kC x ke x kj

Fig. 14 kL = 275 x 10 (for 70% relative humidity)
Fig. 11 kC = 0.90 (for W/C ratio-0.5, cement content - 300)
Fig. 12 ke = 0.60 (for effective thickness 250)
kj = 1.00 (for long term)

єsh = 275 x 10 x 0.90 x 0.60 x 1.00
= 148.5 x 10

BD 28/87 єsh = 0.8α(T1+T2)

5.7 Coefficient of thermal expanssionof concrete,α = 12 x 10
5.8 Long term fall in temperature T1 = 28 C
5.9 Short term fall in temperature T2 = 0 C
єsh = 268.8 x 10
BD 28/87 Restrained factor , R for external = 0.8 (wall cast into base )
Table 2 for internal = 0.5
5.3 Ultimate tensile strain capacity of concrete,єult = 200 x 10
Reinforcement for thermal cracking = 156.67 φ mm

Single face reinforcement for thermal cracking As = 78.34 φ mm
For main reinforcement, φ = 16 mm
As = 1253.4 mm < As,prov = 1340
Hence satisfies the Shinkage & Temparature Reinforcement requirement
For distribution, φ = 12 mm
As = 940.04 mm > As,prov = 754
Hence satisfies the Shinkage & Temparature Reinforcement requirement

For inner surface (both directions) = φ

12 mm
As = 940.04 mm > As,prov = 754
Hence satisfies the Shinkage & Temparature Reinforcement requirement
Design of Shear Key
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output
Design for flexure
Unit My=0
BM kNm/m 6
Φ mm 12
Provide spacing mm 150
t mm 300
Cover mm 45
fy Nmm 460
fcu Nmm 30
d mm 249
z-from (3) mm 1.00 d
Check z ≤ 0.95d 0.95d
z mm 237
A s - from (4) mm /m 59
A s,min from (6a),(6c) mm /m 374
As-providedd mm /m 754
Provided Bar arrangement 12T @150
A s,max from (6b) mm /m 12000
Check As,max > As, providedd OK
Moment Resistance Mu from (1) kNm/m 71
Check Mu1 >M OK
Moment Resistance Mr from (5) kNm/m 279
Check Mu5 >M OK
Provided A s mm /m 12T @150

Design for shear

Unit My=d
Shear Force kN/m 28
h mm 0
d mm 249
av mm 249
v Nmm 0.11
fcu Nmm 25
1/2 -2
0.75 (fcu) or 4.75 Nmm 3.75
Check v < 0.75(fcu) OK
εs 1.19
As-provided mm /m 754
ϒm 1.25
vc Nmm 0.42
εsvc Nmm 0.50
2d / av mm /m 2
v'=εsvcx 2d/av mm /m 1.01
Check v' < 0.75(fcu) OK
Check v < v' OK
Shear r/f ? No need
Design of Retaining Wall Checked
Reference Calculation Output

Summary of reinforcement
Toe Wall

Element Location Main/Vertical Transverse/Horizontal

Wall Inner mesh T16@150 T12@150
Outer mesh T12@150 T12@150
Base Top mesh T16@150 T12@150
500 mm Botttom mesh T16@150 T12@150
Shear Key Top mesh 12T @150 12T @150
300 mm Botttom mesh 12T @150 12T @150

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