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Linux device-mapper-udev-CRS-ASM - v3.6

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Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 and 11g

An Oracle White Paper

July 2008

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Table of Contents

Introduction..................................................................................................................... 3
Udev Overview ............................................................................................................... 4
Device Mapper overview................................................................................................ 5
Udev Configuration ........................................................................................................ 5
Udev configuration files ............................................................................................. 6
Udev Best Practices .................................................................................................... 9
Device Mapper Configuration ...................................................................................... 11
Device-mapper devices ............................................................................................. 11
Creating partitions on DM-Multipath devices ...................................................... 12
DM Configuration..................................................................................................... 13
IO path timeout ..................................................................................................... 14
Configuring DM for Automatic Storage Management................................................. 16
ASMLIB ....................................................................................................................... 16
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix A. Steps for Oracle Clusterware Installation on RHEL/EL5 with DM........ 18
Appendix C. QLogic HBA configuration for DM....................................................... 21

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
With the advent of Oracle Database 10g and Linux 2.6, customers have a true low cost
computing solution. However, some customers that want high availability solutions have
deployed additional products that have added to the overall price-point of their
implementation, thus increasing overall total cost of ownership (TCO). One such example
is the deployment of 3rd party I/O multi-pathing utilities from storage vendors. Customers
now have a choice of low or no cost replacement for these utilities that provides an out of
the box and stable solution.

This paper will focus on the configuration of two utilities that provide out-of-the-box I/O
multipathing solutions and device naming persistence in the Linux 2.6 environment.
Specifically we will illustrate how Automatic Storage Management (ASM) and Oracle Real
Application Clusters (RAC) deployments can leverage these utilities in a RedHat (RHEL4
and RHEL5), Oracle Enterprise Linux (EL4 and EL5), and SLES (SLES9 and SLES10)
environments. Unless otherwise stated, RedHat functionality also implicitly refers to
Oracle Enterprise Linux as well

This document will illustrate scenarios for configuring udev and device mapper for raw
devices as well as block devices. Keep in mind that raw devices are deprecated in 2.6
kernels, and Oracle RAC Release 11g does not require raw devices. This document is
broken down into two sections: (1) the utility feature-functionality overview, (2) A walk
through of how to use udev and device mapper for CRS and ASM devices.

The following utilities will be reviewed in this document:

o udev – the role of udev is to provide device persistency and naming consistency.
This is especially important for the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) and Voting disks
required by Oracle Clusterware.

o device-mapper – Device-mapper provides I/O multi-path management for all

Oracle devices, including ASM disk devices and OCR/Voting disks.

o ASMLIB – ASMLIB will provide device management specifically for ASM disk

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Udev Overview
In Linux 2.6, a new feature was introduced to simplify device management and hot plug
capabilities. This feature is called udev and is a standard package starting with RHEL4 and
Novell’s SLES9. Udev is a user space utility for dynamic device node creation. A device
node is an entry in the /dev directory; e.g., sda1 or sdh1. One main benefit of udev for
Oracle environments, is that it provides persistent disk naming; i.e., prevents device
renames upon SCSI reconfigurations, node reboots or even storage recabling.

By default, udev is used only to create the device nodes for hot plug devices. Many
devices on the system are considered “cold-plug” and will not be handled by default. In
order to have udev handle the device node creation for all devices, the udevstart script
should be enabled. This will cause all devices on the system to be named by udev. It can
also be started manually by calling /sbin/udevstart. Udev uses hot plug events sent by the
kernel whenever a device is added or removed from the system. The details about the
newly added devices are exported by the kernel to the sysfs filesystem. The sysfs
filesystem, which is a new filesystem in the 2.6 kernel, is managed by the kernel and
exports basic information about the devices currently plugged into your system. Udev
manages the /dev directory by monitoring the /sys directory.

By leveraging the information in sysfs, udev can determine which devices need to have a
/dev entry created and the corresponding device names to be used. This infrastructure of
udev and sysfs allows predictable behavior when devices are added or removed from the

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Device Mapper overview
An I/O path generally consists of an initiator port, fabric port, target port, and LUN. Each
permutation of this I/O path is considered an independent path. Dynamic Multi-
pathing/failover tools aggregate these independent paths into a single logical path. This
path virtualization provides I/O load-balancing across the host bus adapters (HBAs), as
well as non-disruptive failover on HBA failures.

Multipathing is an important aspect of high availability configurations. Linux 2.6 offers a

Path Manger utility called “device mapper” (DM). DM is dependent on the “device-
mapper”, “udev”, and “multipath-tools” packages1. There are four components of DM, this
• dm-multipath kernel module – Provides I/O routing and failover to paths and path
• multipath configuration tool – Includes commands to configure, list, and flush the
multipath devices.
• multipathd daemon - Monitors paths availability and polls for faulty paths
resolution. When paths become enabled, multipathd may also initiate path group
switches to ensure that the optimal path group is being used
• kpartx utility – This utility plays an integral part in discovery of partitions on DM
multipath devices.

Udev Configuration
When a new storage is added, udev is notified. Udev will the use the scsi_id call to retrieve
and generate a unique SCSI identifier. The scsi_id call queries a SCSI device via the SCSI
INQUIRY command and leverages the vital product data (VPD) page 0x80 or 0x83. The
output from this query is used to to generate a value that is unique across all SCSI devices
that properly support pages 0x80 or 0x832.

Before being able to configure udev to explicitly name devices, scsi_id (man scsi_id(8))
Udev must be configured to generate return device nodes and device identifiers, this can be
done by modifying the /etc/scsi_id.config file. Add or replace the 'option=-b'
parameter/value pair (if exists) with 'option=-g', for example:
# cd /etc
# cp scsi_id.config scsi_id.config.orig
# grep -v ^# /etc/scsi_id.config
vendor="ATA",options=-p 0x80

1 DM packages are part of device-mapper-1.02.02-3.0.rpm and device-mapper-multipath-0.4.5-12.0.RHEL4.rpm

The devices must support either page x80/x83 to enable this.
Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
The scsi_id command can now be used to obtain the device unique identifiers. Run
/sbin/scsi_id using the '-s' argument and passing in the device path. This device path name
should be that relative to the sysfs directory /sys e.g. /block/<device>. This example below
illustrates this:
# /sbin/scsi_id -g -s /block/sdb/sdb1

Udev configuration files

udev uses three basic configuration files that control its functionality3 .
o /etc/udev/udev.conf - the main udev configuration file
o /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions - udev permission files
o /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules. – naming rule definitions.

See the udev man page for details on modifying these files.

udev.conf file
The main udev configuration file, /etc/udev/udev.conf, controls the directory locations for
the udev permission and rules files, the udev database, and the default location where udev
device nodes are created. The udev man page shows a sample udev.conf file.

Once udev is started and the device nodes are created, udev applies the ownership and
permissions of the device node to what is defined in the *-udev.permissions files in the
udev.permissions directory. This is done every time udev is reloaded. This file is
essentially used to keep file attributes persistent across reboots. Thus, this file should
contain an entry for the disks that will be used for ASM, OCR, and Voting disks. Either
specify individual disks or use wildcards.
This file is deprecated in later versions of the 2.6 kernels such as SLES10 and RHEL5, that
functionality was merged into the rules files, which is explained later in this paper.

Below is a sample 40-udev.permissions file:

Exact file placement will vary between Linux distributions.
Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Figure 1.
# oracle data files
#OCR disks
#Vote disks

The udev rules file is used to drive the naming scheme for device nodes. Udev passes in a
device node and applies the appropriate rule. The output is a meaningful and consistent
device name. Every line in the rules files defines how a specific device attribute is mapped
to a device file. If all keys that are specified in a rule match the device that was found, the
specified device file is created. Below is an example of udev rule mapped to a SCSI

Figure 2.
KERNEL="dm-[0-9]*", PROGRAM="/sbin/dmsetup ls --target multipath -
-exec basename -j %M -m %m", RESULT="?*", NAME="%k",


KERNEL="dm-[0-9]*", PROGRAM="dmsetup info -c --noheadings -j %M -m

%m | grep –q .*:.*:.*:.*:.*:.*:.*:part[0-9]*-mpath-",
PROGRAM="/sbin/dmsetup ls --target line ar --exec basename -j %M -
m %m", RESULT="?*", NAME="%k", SYMLINK="mpath/%c"

This rule indicates that for each SCSI device, we pass the device name to the dmsetup
program. The “%k” represents the kernel assigned device name, such as sdc. The “%c”
stands for the output string to be generated from the specified program. The program will
output the persistent name for that device and create a symbolic link, as indicated in the
SYMLINK keyword, that points to the device mapper device. Three device nodes will be
created: /dev/mpath/ , /dev/mapper, and /dev/dm-<minor number>. The /dev/mapper/alias
device node should be used for Cluster devices and ASM disks.

This is an example rule, any valid rule can be used in this rules file.
Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
The RHEL command /usr/bin/udevtest can be used to simulate the udev execution:
Figure 3.

# udevtest /sys/block/dm-8
creating device node ‘/dev/dm-8’, major =’253’, minor = ‘8’
mode=060640 uid=’0’, gid=’0’

If the disk contains multiple partitions, each partition will have a symbolic link with the
partition number added to the name. Persistent naming is achieved by referring to the
device by the persistent named symbolic link.
The /usr/bin/udevinfo –d command can be used to display all devices defined in the udev
database. In addition to displaying the contents of the udev database, the udevinfo
command can be used to display information about the devices udev has configured. For
example the following udevinfo command will show all the udevinfo stored in the udev
database about a multipathed device called /dev/dm-8. Mapper devices are covered in
more detail in the Device Mapper section

udevinfo -q all -n /dev/sdc1

See the udevinfo man page for more details.

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Udev Best Practices

When SCSI configurations occur, device names can change as a result. This may cause
Oracle Clusterware start to fail after a reboot. Also, after reboot device permissions can
revert back to root:disk, causing Oracle Clusterware to fail at startup. This is due to the
change in behavior that started with the 2.6 kernel5. To workaround this issue, the
following two bullets need to be followed based on the Linux distribution:


• Create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-raw.rules with the following content
with the following content

# OCR disks
KERNEL=="raw[1-2]*", GROUP="oinstall", MODE="640"
# Vote disks
KERNEL=="raw[3-5]*", OWNER="oracle", GROUP="oinstall", MODE="660"


• Copy the /etc/udev/permission.d/50-udev.permissions file into a new permissions file.
Choose a number that's lower than 50. After copying /etc/udev/permission.d/50-
udev.permissions into the new permissions file, remove the lines that are not needed6.

The format of the udev permissions file consists of device:userid:group:permission.

The userid and group must exist, and the permissions must be valid. With Oracle
Clusterware 10g and 11g, the requirements are that the OCR is owned by root, and the
group is the Oracle user group. The following is a sample entry of a permissions file for
the OCR and Voting Disks:

#ocr file
#votedisk file
#If using Device Mapper for ASM, then use the /dev/mapper devices
#ASM disks

• The device specified in the first column should not include /dev prefix; e.g.; they
should be dm-1 or raw/raw and not /dev/dm-1 or /dev/raw/raw

Please also refer to Metalink Note 414897.1 for more details on configuring the udev rules file.
Do not edit the 50-udev.permissions, as it gets replaced with system upgrades. Additionally, a typo in the
50-udev.permissions can render the system non-usable.
Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
• Be cautious of wildcard definitions. For example, If the device names are 15,16,17,
then the following delimiters can be used: raw/raw1[5-7]. Notice the 1 outside the '['.
Note that the intuitive but incorrect use of the wildcard raw/raw[15-17] will not work
and will not report any errors; i.e., it will silently fail.

• Device permissions are listed as 660 for Oracle 11g. Please consult your documentation
for the platform specific permission settings. Also it is recommended that the OCR, the
OCRMIRROR and the Voting devices are not on the same set of disks. Oracle
Clusterware could be adversely impacted if access to these devices is slow. Place the
OCR and OCRMIRROR on different disks and the Voting Disks separately as well.

• Ensure that the extended partition itself is not used to place datafiles or ASM
diskgroups. Logical partitions inside the extended partition are OK for file or
diskgroup placement. A typical method to avoid such accidental placement is to set the
ownership of the extended partition to be root.

• Udev sequentially executes directives (rules) defined in rule files

(/etc/udev/rules.d/*.rules). Rules files are read in lexical order i.e. rule file 10-
wacom.rules is parsed and, any rules within, executed before rule file 90-ib.rules. When
creating rule files, the following naming format should be observed; [<number>]-
[<name>][.rules]. Any custom rule files, such as those described below, should be
created with values greater than 51 (i.e. 52 - 99) to ensure their execution only after
default rule file execution; ... 50-udev.rules, 51-by-id.rules.

For each rule, if all specified keys (KERNEL, BUS, PROGRAM, RESULT) are
matched, the rule is applied and the specified assignments (NAME, OWNER, GROUP,
MODE) are assigned as/to the device file name. If, however, one or more keys are
unmatched, the rule is completely ignored and the default (arbitrary) kernel-assigned
device file name assigned to devices.

• To add or remove disks devices dynamically (without reboot), please follow Metalink
Note 603868.1 as well as the following link

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Device Mapper Configuration

Device-mapper devices
As stated earlier, when udev and device mapper (DM) are integrated, udev produces three
device nodes: /dev/mpath/ , /dev/mapper, and /dev/dm-<minor number>.

DM uses pseudo devices with the “dm-” prefix in the “/dev” directory; e.g; /dev/dm-1. It
automatically maps paths to drives, using the drive’s unique world wide id (WWID).
However, the /dev/dm-N devices are internal to device mapper and should never be used.
These devices are not persistent. Starting with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, these devices
are no longer created by udev.

The /dev/mapper/mpathN devices are persistent and they are created early in the boot
process. Therefore these are the device names that should be used to access the multipathed

DM generally handles whole drives, if a drive has multiple partitions, the device mapping
of each partition is handled by “kpartx”. kpartx is a user-space tool in the “multipath-tool”
package. It is automatically invoked whenever device mapper device reconfigurations
For example, suppose a system has one drive with two paths: “sdc” and “sdj”.
The drive has two partitions, “sdc1”/“sdj1” and “sdc2”/“sdj2”. device mapper and kpartx
will create the following dm devices:
/dev/mapper/mpath2p1: sdc, sdj
/dev/mapper/mpath4p1: sdc1, sdj1
/dev/mapper/mpath6p1: sdc2, sdj2

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Creating partitions on DM mapper devices

Linux partitions should be created on /dev/mapper/mpathN devices, where N is the

multipathed group number. Use the command fdisk to these create partitions. The
following illustrates this procedure where the mapper device will be used for the OCR
# fdisk /dev/mapper/ocr1

Command (m for help): n

Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): 1
First cylinder (1-1017, default 1):
Using default value 1
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-1017, default 1017):
Using default value 1017

Command (m for help): w

The partition table has been altered!
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

Now use kpartx to register multipath partitions in /dev/mapper:

# kpartx -a /dev/mapper/ocr1

List all partitions on this device

# kpartx -l /dev/mapper/ocr1
mpath1p1 : 0 2295308 /dev/mapper/ocr1 61

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
DM should be integrated with udev. A udev rule can be written so that persistent names
are obtained from udev. Figure 2 shows a sample udev rule that can be applied to DM

If the /etc/multipath.conf alias attribute for a device is specified as the input parameter, then
the /sbin/dmsetup command will return that value. If the alias attribute is not specified,
then the script will return the WWID of the device. This has the affect of creating a
persistent device name for a particular device. If the device is partitioned, the partitions
will appear as /dev/mapper/<WWID>pX or /dev/mapper/<alias>pX where X is the
partition number.

Therefore Oracle Clusterware can leverage udev and device-mapper for its OCR and
Voting Disks by using the dmsetup generated paths. It is recommended that the OCR and
Voting Disks use /dev/mapper/alias path format.

Oracle Clusterware 11g does not require the use of raw devices, thus it is recommended
that Linux block devices be configured with udev and DM for the Clusterware install.
However, the Oracle Clusterware 10g Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) does not support
block devices; therefore raw devices will need to be configured for the OCR and voting
devices and then /dev/mapper/alias need to point to the OCR or Voting Disks raw devices.

DM Configuration

Use the following commands to initialize and start DM for the first time:
# modprobe dm-multipath
# modprobe dm-round-robin
# service multipathd start
# multipath –v 2

It is recommended that DM be integrated into the boot sequence using the following
# chkconfig --add multipathd
# chkconfig multipathd on

The /sbin/multipath command invokes DM using the settings defined in the

“/etc/multipath.conf” file7. The multipath.conf can be edited to using the following stanza

If the file does not exist, DM uses the default settings.
Note, that the stanza applies to a device level; i.e., all partitions of a device share the same attributes.
Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Figure 4.
multipaths {

multipath {
wwid 36006016064f51000d2e7d1feb052d911
alias ocr
path_grouping_policy failover
path_checker readsector0
path_selector "round-robin 0"
failback immediate

The “wwid” attribute can be determined using the /sbin/multipath –ll –d or the scsi_id
command. To make the devices more easily addressable, it is recommended that the alias
attribute be added for the device. These aliases are called “user friendly” names. This is
especially important for OCR and Voting Disks devices, so that these devices can be easily
identified. The /etc/multipath.conf file should contain the entries for all required
multipathed devices. Once the /etc/multipath.conf file is edited, run command
/sbin/multipath –v2 to allow the multipathed process to pickup the new configuration file,
and enable the new multipath device nodes to be created with the following names
/dev/dm-x and /dev/mapper/wwn or /dev/mapper/alias.

IO path timeout

In RAC environments it is critical to determine if an I/O path or device is incurring

problems or if a path is dead. There are several parameters within DM to identify and take
action against these faulty I/O paths. Oracle recommends to set 'no_path_retry' and
'polling_interval'. The no_path_retry parameter is the number of retries to check the IO
path and polling_interval is the interval between two path checks in seconds. I/O path are
deemed dead when timoeout exceesds (no_path_retry) x (polling_interval) seconds.

The values for these parameters should be determined based on workload and storage
(controllers) failover times to avoid any false IO path failure detections and thus node
evictions. The default hard-coded control parameters vary for storage models/vendors.

Oracle recommends to define 'no_path_retry' and 'polling_interval' parameters per device

in the "devices" or in "multipaths" section. This guarantees that the setting will take a place
over hardcoded Linux kernel values9. For example:

It is also possible to change such settings using the dmsetup command to the device, but that is not
recommended since the change is not persistent across reboots.
Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
multipaths {

multipath {
wwid your-device-unique-wwid
alias ocr1
path_grouping_policy group_by_prio
path_checker readsector0
path_selector "round-robin 0"
failback immediate
polling_interval 10
no_path_retry 2

Verify settings are in effect currently using the multipath –v3 command:
# multipath -v3 | grep mpath0
mpath0: features = 1 queue_if_no_path (controller setting)
mpath0: no_path_retry = 11 (multipath setting)

In this case the device (controller) setting is queue_if_no_path. But that is overridden by
setting no_path_retry for the multipath device.
For detailed instructions on these settings and configuration, please see Metalink Note

Bindings file
Once the multipath command has configured the devices, the /var/lib/multipath/bindings
file will be generated.
Udev will subsequently leverage the info in /var/lib/multipath/bindings file to map the
mpath names to the appropriate dm-X devices. This will help ensure that the mpathX
names are identical on each system.

Note that the bindings file needs to be read early in the boot process (when the root
filesystem is mounted), therefore it is recommended that the bindings file be moved from
/var/lib/multipath/bindings to /etc/bindings, and also copied to all participating nodes in the
cluster (in /etc/bindings)10.

If the /var directory is located within the root filesystem and not a separate filesystem, then copying to /etc
is not necessary.
Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Configuring DM for Automatic Storage Management

Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is a storage management tool specifically built to

simplify the job of the DBA. It provides a simple storage management interface across all
servers and storage platforms. ASM provides the DBA flexibility to manage a dynamic
database environment with increased efficiency. This feature is a key component of
Enterprise Grid Computing and Database Storage Consolidation. A detailed overview of
ASM is available on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) ASM web site:

When ASM scans for disks, it will use the asm_diskstring parameter from the ASM
instance init.ora. ASM will discover any devices that it has permissions to open. Upon
successful discovery, the V$ASM_DISK view on the ASM instance, will reflect which
disks were discovered. If the ASM multipathed disks have “user_friendly” names, then set
the user firiendly and path for the asm_diskstring. For example:
asm_diskstring = ‘/dev/mapper/asm*’

If ASMLIB is to be used in conjunction with ASM, then see the next section for disk
device paths for ASM

If new disks are to be added to ASM diskgroups, see the section, Adding new storage
device to a host, first.


ASMLIB, which is an add-on to ASM, is a device management utility that is used to

exploit the capabilities and strengths of vendor storage arrays. The purpose of ASMLIB, is
to provide an alternative interface for ASM to identify and access block devices. This is
particularly important in an Oracle RAC 10g environment. For a more detailed overview
of ASMLIB please refer the following URL:

Disks to be managed by ASMLIB must have a partition table on them. Thus in the case of
DM devices, the partition table must be created on one of the subpaths. For example, if
/dev/sdg is to be used as an ASMLIB disk, then fdisk must be used to create a partition
table, producing a /dev/sdg1 device. Determine the DM device associated with /dev/sdg1.
Now create the ASMLib disk using the DM device. For example:
/etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk VOL1 /dev/mapper/mpath23

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
ASMLIB upon startup scans the devices available on the system and discovers ASMLIB
labeled disks. ASMLIB needs to be limited to scan only the dm devices instead of any
underlying subpaths. This can be done by specifying the following in the ASMLIB
configuration file /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm:

This must be done on each node of a RAC cluster. As stated in the ASM section,
ASMLIB will scan for disks, based on the include and exclude rules above and find any
devices that it has permissions to open. Upon successful discovery, the V$ASM_DISK
view on the ASM instance, will reflect which disks were discovered. When ASMLIB and
device-mapper based paths are used, the asm_diskstring must be specified as the following:
asm_diskstring = ‘ORCL:*’


As was demonstrated, the combination of udev and Device Mapper (DM) can provide a
free alternative to multi-pathing and persistent device naming in a 2.6 Linux kernel. They
fit nicely and can be used in a RAC environment with ASM or ASMLIB.

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Appendix A. Steps for Oracle Clusterware Installation on
RHEL/EL5 with DM

Current Issues and considerations

• In order to use "/dev/mapper/*" , the device paths under /dev/mapper need to be

chown-ed to apppropriate values. The mapper devices cannot be manipulated
directly in udev rules/permissions files. But it can be done easily using chown
commands in rc.local.

• CRS OUI (installer) cannot install/format on block devices such as multipathd

devices. This problem is specific to 10g customers who want to use mapper devices
(and not Linux raw devices). The work around is to turn off multipathd, install,
patch to and then turn multipathing back on.

1. Ensure all the CRS and ASM devices provisioned and presented correctly to the
operating system. Note that all CRS devices must be visible and accessible to all
cluster nodes; however, they these devices may have different path names initially.
The multipath and udev program will resolve this naming inconsistency. Do not
start multipathd on other nodes of the cluster yet.

2. It is recommended that you create a partition table on all the disks that will be used
for Oracle Clusterware and ASM. This can be done using /sbin/fdisk. In our
example device /dev/sdb1 will be used for the OCR, /dev/sde1 will be used for Vote
disk, and devices /dev/sdf - /dev/sdm will be used for ASM

3. Obtain Clusterware device unique SCSI identifiers.

From one node of the cluster, Run the scsi_id command (/sbin/scsi_id) against CRS
devices to obtain their unique device identifiers.

# /sbin/scsi_id -g -s /block/sdb/sdb1

# /sbin/scsi_id -g -s /block/sde/sde1

4. Configure multipath “user friendly names” in the multipath.conf. The following

stanza illustrates how to define “user friendly names”. This stanza should be

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
defined for each OCR/Vote disk and each ASM disk. Note the wwid line entry is
obtained from the previous step. The alias entry defines the device alias.

multipaths {

multipath {
wwid 360a98000686f6959684a453333524174
alias ocr
path_grouping_policy failover
path_checker readsector0
path_selector "round-robin 0"
failback immediate
polling_interval 10
no_path_retry 2

5. Start the multipathing tools (if not started already) by running the following
commands as the root user:
# /etc/init.d/multipathd start

6. Restart udev service.

# /sbin/start_udev

7. Run command /sbin/multipath –v2. This will invoke multipathd daemon to re-read
the multipath.conf file and generate the /dev/mapper/<WWN> (/dev/mapper/alias).

This will generate the /var/lib/multipath/bindings file. Move the bindings file to
/etc/bindings, and also copy to all participating nodes in the cluster (in

8. Start multpathd and execute multipath –v on each of the nodes in the cluster.

9. Binding Raw Devices using udev raw mapping11.

Add the udev raw binding rules to the /etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw.rules file, as


# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw.rules
# Raw bind to Oracle Clusterware devices
ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd*", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id",

As mentioned earlier, support for raw devices has been deprecated in the 2.6 kernel, however, for 10g CRS
installations raw devices are still necessary.
On RH/EL5, udev raw mapping rule file /etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw.rules should exist by default. If the file
does not exist, create the udev /etc/udev/rules.d/60-raw.rules file using the touch command.
Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
RESULT=="360a98000686f6959684a453333524174", RUN+="/bin/raw
/dev/raw/raw1 %N"
ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd*", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id",
RESULT=="360a98000686f6959684a453333524179", RUN+="/bin/raw
/dev/raw/raw2 %N"

10. Create udev raw permissions file /etc/udev/rules.d/65-raw-permissions.rules

The 'RUN+=' directive, as specified in udev raw binding rule file (previous step) is
always the very last directive to execute in a rule file, therefore a separate file is
used to set permissions on resultant raw devices.

Add the udev raw permission rules to the /etc/udev/rules.d/65-raw-

permissions.rules file as follows:
# Set permissions of raw bindings to Oracle Clusterware devices
KERNEL=="raw1", OWNER="root", GROUP="oinstall", MODE="640"
KERNEL=="raw2", OWNER="oracle", GROUP="oinstall", MODE="640"

11. Re-run the udevtest command to validate the udev rules and permissions on raw

12. Start the Oracle Clusterware installation. When prompted for the OCR and Voting
disk names, enter the raw device names, when prompted for ASM devices, enter the
device mapper paths.

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Appendix B. QLogic HBA configuration for DM

General Best Practices for deploying DM

The following are some best practices for deploying DM:

o The HBA driver may already be configured with its own failover mode enabled,
thus preventing the paths except the first HBA from being discovered. To prevent this
follow the procedures for your HBA.
For QLogic 2xxx family of HBAs, edit the /etc/modprobe.conf file with following:
options qla2xxx qlport_down_retry=1 ql2xfailover=0 ql2xretrycount=5

Similiarly, for Emulex lpfc family of HBAs, edit the /etc/modprobe.conf file with
options lpfc lpfc_nodev_tmo=14 lpfc_lun_queue_depth=30

Further configuration may be needed for each driver change, such as make_initrd, please refer to
the Installation and Reference Guide of the respective HBA Drivers for additional information.

o Set “HOTPLUG_USE_SUBFS=no” in the “/etc/sysconfig/hotplug” file.

o Disable the DM scanning of non-multipathed devices; e.g., CDROM devices or

internal/no-SCSI devices, by using the blacklist stanza in the /etc/multipath.conf file.
This is discussed later.

Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4
Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 and 11g
November 2007
Author: Nitin Vengurlekar, Saar Maoz
Contributing Authors: Krishnadev Telikicherla, Barb Lundhild, Roland Knapp

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Configuring udev and device mapper for Oracle RAC 10g Release 2 on RedHat RHEL4 and Oracle EL4

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