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FM Evidence of Psychosocial Disability PDF

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Evidence of psychosocial

disability form
NDIS applicant’s name:
Date of birth:
NDIS reference number (if known):

Section A To be completed by the applicant’s psychiatrist, GP, or the most appropriate clinician.

Section A completed by:

Contact number:

1 Presence of a mental health condition

I have treated the applicant since

I can confirm that they have a mental health condition.
1 Yes 1 No

Diagnosis (Or, if no specific diagnosis has been obtained, please briefly describe the mental Year
health condition.) diagnosed

Has the applicant ever been hospitalised as a result of the condition(s) above?
11 Yes 1 1 No

1 Hospital discharge summary attached

Or, if hospital discharge summary is not available, please list hospitalisations in the following table.

History of hospitalisation
Dates of admission Hospital name

Developed by the Transition Support Project, in conjunction with the NDIA,

with funding from the Department of Social Services, September 2019. 1/9
2 Impairments resulting from the mental health condition

An impairment is a loss of, or damage to, a physical, sensory or mental function (including perception,
memory, thinking and emotions).

Please review the completed section B of this form. Are the impairments described consistent with your
clinical opinion and observations?

1 Yes  (If no, please explain the discrepancy in the space provided below, and describe the
11 No
impairments in 2A.)

2A OPTIONAL: In the table on the following page, please describe the impairments that the applicant
experiences. The impairments must be directly attributable to the mental health condition/s listed, and be
experienced on a daily basis. You do not need to complete all domains.

Please consider:
- the applicant’s impairments over the past six months (or longer for people with fluctuating conditions)
- what the applicant can and cannot do in each domain
- the applicant’s needs without current supports in place
- the type and intensity of current supports.

Please give examples where possible, and write n/a if there are no impairments in a domain.

Developed by the Transition Support Project, in conjunction with the NDIA,

with funding from the Department of Social Services, September 2019. 2/9
Domain Description of the impairments present

Social interaction
• Making and keeping friends
• Interacting with the community
• Behaving within limits accepted by others
• Coping with feelings and emotions in a
social context.

Cognitive capacity to organise one’s life,
to plan and make decisions, and to take
responsibility for oneself, including:
• completing daily tasks
• making decisions
• problem solving
• managing finances
• managing tenancy.
Are there any community treatment orders
/ guardianships / financial administrations
in place?

Self care
Activities related to:
• personal care
• hygiene
• grooming
• feeding oneself
• care for own health.

• Being understood
• Understanding others
• Expressing needs
• Appropriate communication

• Understanding and remembering
• Learning new things
• Practicing and using new skills

Moving around the home and community
to undertake ordinary activities of daily
living requiring the use of limbs.

Developed by the Transition Support Project, in conjunction with the NDIA,

with funding from the Department of Social Services, September 2019. 3/9
3 Confirmation of likely-to-be-permanent impairments

The applicant has tried the following treatments for the condition/s listed.
1 Treatment summary attached

Or, if treatment summary is not available, please list treatments in the following table.

Medication, treatment or
intervention Date Date
Effect on the impairments
(includes non-pharmacological started ceased
Partially Not Not
Effective Unsure
effective Effective tolerated

Partially Not Not

Effective Unsure
effective Effective tolerated

Partially Not Not

Effective Unsure
effective Effective tolerated

Partially Not Not

Effective Unsure
effective Effective tolerated

Partially Not Not

Effective Unsure
effective Effective tolerated

Partially Not Not

Effective Unsure
effective Effective tolerated

Partially Not Not

Effective Unsure
effective Effective tolerated

Partially Not Not

Effective Unsure
effective Effective tolerated

Partially Not Not

Effective Unsure
effective Effective tolerated

Developed by the Transition Support Project, in conjunction with the NDIA,

with funding from the Department of Social Services, September 2019. 4/9
Are there any known, available and appropriate evidence-based clinical, medical or other treatments likely to
remedy the impairment/s?

1 Yes 1 No

Please explain.

Do you consider that the applicant’s impairment/s, caused by their mental health condition/s,
are likely to be permanent?

1 Yes 1 No

4 Further information

I have attached existing reports or other information that may support the NDIS application.

1 Yes 1 No

Please list any attachments and add any comments, explanations or further information.

Signature Date

Developed by the Transition Support Project, in conjunction with the NDIA,

with funding from the Department of Social Services, September 2019. 5/9
Section B To be completed by the applicant’s support worker or appropriate person.

Section B completed by:

Job title:
Contact number:

5 Abbreviated Life Skills Profile (LSP-16)

(Note: You need to complete training on the LSP-16 before using it.
Training is available at

Assess the applicant’s general functioning over the past three months, taking into account their age, social
and cultural context. Do not assess functioning during crisis, when the patient was ill, or becoming ill.

0 1 2 3
Slight Moderate Extreme
Does this person generally have any difficulty No difficulty
difficulty difficulty difficulty
with initiating and responding to conversation?

Does not Withdraws Withdraws Withdraws

Does this person generally withdraw from social withdraw at all slightly moderately total or near
contact? totally

Considerable Moderate Slight No warmth

Does this person generally show warmth to warmth warmth warmth at all

Well groomed Moderately Poorly Extremely

Is this person generally well groomed (e.g. well groomed groomed poorly groomed
neatly dressed, hair combed)?

Maintains Moderate Poor Very poor

Does this person wear clean clothes generally, cleanliness of cleanliness cleanliness cleanliness
or ensure that they are cleaned if dirty? clothes of clothes of clothes of clothes

Slight Moderate Extreme

neglect of neglect of neglect of
Does this person generally neglect her or his No neglect
physical physical physical
physical health? problems problems problems

Not at all Rarely Occasionally Often

Is this person violent to others?

Friendships Friendships
made or kept up made or kept No friendships
Does this person generally make and/or keep up Friendships made with slight up with made or none
friendships? or kept up well difficulty considerable kept

No problem Slight problem Moderate problem Extreme problem

Does this person maintain an adequate diet?

Developed by the Transition Support Project, in conjunction with the NDIA,

with funding from the Department of Social Services, September 2019. 6/9
0 1 2 3

Does this person generally look after and take

her or his prescribed medication (or attend Reliable with Slightly Moderately Extremely
for prescribing injections on time) without medication unreliable unreliable unreliable

Is this person willing to take psychiatric Always Usually Rarely Never

mediation when prescribed by a doctor?

Does this person co-operate with health

Always Usually Rarely Never
services (e.g. doctors and/or other health

Does this person generally have problems (e.g. No obvious Slight Moderate Extreme
friction, avoidance) living with others in the problem problems problems problems

Does this person behave offensively (includes Not at all Rarely Occasionally Often
sexual behavior)?

Not at all Rarely Occasionally Often

Does this person behave irresponsibly?

Capable of Totally
What sort of work is this person generally Capable of
only of
incapable of
capable of (even if unemployed, retired or doing full-time work sheltered
work work
unpaid domestic duties)? work

6 Impairments experienced as a result of the mental health condition

In the table on the following page, please describe the impairments that the applicant experiences. The
impairments must be directly attributable to the mental health condition/s listed, and be experienced on a
daily basis. You do not need to complete all domains.

Please consider:
- the applicant’s impairments over the past six months (or longer for people with fluctuating conditions)
- what the applicant can and cannot do in each domain
- the applicant’s needs without current supports in place
- the type and intensity of current supports.

Please give examples where possible, and write n/a if there are no impairments in a domain.

Developed by the Transition Support Project, in conjunction with the NDIA,

with funding from the Department of Social Services, September 2019. 7/9
Domain Description of the impairments present

Social interaction
• Making and keeping friends
• Interacting with the community
• Behaving within limits accepted by others
• Coping with feelings and emotions in a
social context.

Cognitive capacity to organise one’s life,
to plan and make decisions, and to take
responsibility for oneself, including:
• completing daily tasks
• making decisions
• problem solving
• managing finances
• managing tenancy

Are there any community treatment orders

/ guardianships / financial administrations
in place?

Self care
Activities related to:
• personal care
• hygiene
• grooming
• feeding oneself
• care for own health

• Being understood
• Understanding others
• Expressing needs
• Appropriate communication

• Understanding and remembering
• Learning new things
• Practicing and using new skills

Moving around the home and community
to undertake ordinary activities of daily
living requiring the use of limbs.

Developed by the Transition Support Project, in conjunction with the NDIA,

with funding from the Department of Social Services, September 2019. 8/9
7 Comments or additional information

Please add any comments, explanations or further information.

Signature Date

Developed by the Transition Support Project, in conjunction with the NDIA,

with funding from the Department of Social Services, September 2019. 9/9

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