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PAL vs. Flight Attendants and Stewards Association of The Philippines (FASAP)

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20 – PAL vs.

Flight Attendants and Stewards Association of the Philippines

MAIN POINT: The required certification of non-forum shopping must be valid at the time
of filing of the petition. An invalid certificate cannot be remedied by the subsequent
submission of a Secretary's Certificate that vests authority only after the petition had
been filed.

FACTS: Private respondents FASAP and Bhagwani filed a complaint for unfair labor
practice, illegal suspension and illegal dismissal against petitioners PAL and its officers
(Executive Vice-President Administration and Services, Manager International Cabin
Crew and Assistant Vice-President Cabin Services) before the Labor Arbiter. LA – PAL
committed ULP and illegal dismissal of Bhagwani, and consequently ordered the
payment of damages; NLRC – PAL was not guilty of ULP but upheld the illegal
dismissal of Bhagwani.

Petitioners filed a petition for certiorari before the CA. This was accompanied by a
Certification of Non-Forum Shopping executed by its officers, Lamberte and Del
Carmen, who were NOT parties to the case. The certification, however, was without
proof that the two affiants had authority to sign in behalf of petitioners. As a result, the
CA dismissed the case for failure to show the authority of affiants to sign for PAL and for
failure of the other petitioners to join in the execution of the certification. A motion for
reconsideration was filed with a Secretary's Certificate attached evidencing that said
affiants have been authorized by a Board Resolution to initiate and/or cause to be filed
on behalf of PAL petitions and pleadings in all labor-related cases. As to the other
petitioners, it was argued that they are mere nominal parties so that their failure to
execute the certification does not justify dismissal of the petition. The CA still denied.

ISSUE: W/N the case should be dismissed for failure to show the authority of the
affiants to sign a certification of non-forum shopping in behalf of PAL.

RULING: YES. The necessity for a certification of non-forum shopping in filing petitions
for certiorari is found in Rule 65, Section 1, in relation to Rule 46, Section 3 of the Rules
of Court. These provisions require it to be executed by the corresponding petitioner or
petitioners. As no distinction is made as to which party must execute the certificate, this
requirement is made to apply to both natural and juridical entities. When the petitioner
is a corporation, the certification should be executed by a natural person.
Furthermore, not just any person can be called upon to execute the certification,
although such a person may have personal knowledge of the facts to be attested to.
Thus, only individuals vested with authority by a valid board resolution may sign
the certificate of non-forum shopping in behalf of a corporation. In addition, the
Court has required that proof of said authority must be attached. Failure to
provide a certificate of non-forum shopping is sufficient ground to dismiss the
petition. Likewise, the petition is subject to dismissal if a certification was submitted
unaccompanied by proof of the signatory's authority.
In this case, the Secretary’s Certificate reveals that the authority to cause the filing of
the petition was granted on February 15, 2000. On the other hand, the petition was
filed on January 24, 2000 and was dismissed on January 31, 2000. Hence, this
means that at the time the certification was signed, Lamberte and Del Carmen
were not duly authorized by the Board of Directors of PAL and, consequently,
their signing and attestations were no in representation of PAL. This effectively
translates to a petition that was filed without a certification at all as none was issued by
PAL, the principal party to the case.

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