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Clinical Review: Brash Syndrome: Bradycardia, Renal Failure, Av Blockade, Shock, and Hyperkalemia

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The Journal of Emergency Medicine, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp.

216–223, 2020
Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
0736-4679/$ - see front matter




Joshua D. Farkas, MD, MS,* Brit Long, MD,† Alex Koyfman, MD,‡ and Katherine Menson, DO*
*Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, †Department of
Emergency Medicine, San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium (SAUSHEC), Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam
Houston, Texas, and ‡Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas
Reprint Address: Brit Long, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, SAUSHEC, Brooke Army Medical Center, 3841 Roger Brooke Drive, Fort
Sam Houston, TX 78234

, Abstract—Background: BRASH syndrome, or Brady- therapies if needed (lipid emulsion, glucagon, or high-dose
cardia, Renal Failure, AV blockade, Shock, and Hyperkale- insulin infusion). Understanding and recognizing the patho-
mia, has recently become recognized as a collection of physiology of BRASH syndrome as a distinct entity may
objective findings in a specific clinical context pertaining improve patient outcomes. Conclusions: BRASH syndrome
to emergency medicine and critical care. However, there is can be a difficult diagnosis and is due to a combination of hy-
little emergency medicine and critical care literature specif- perkalemia and medications that block the AV node. Knowl-
ically evaluating this condition. Objective: We sought to edge of this condition may assist emergency and critical care
define and review BRASH syndrome and identify specific providers. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open ac-
management techniques that differ from the syndromes as cess article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
they present individually. Discussion: BRASH syndrome is
initiated by synergistic bradycardia due to the combination
of hyperkalemia and medications that block the atrioven- , Keywords—BRASH syndrome; bradycardia; renal fail-
tricular (AV) node. The most common precipitant is hypovo- ure; AV blockade; shock; hyperkalemia
lemia or medications promoting hyperkalemia or renal
injury. Left untreated, this may result in deteriorating renal INTRODUCTION
function, worsening hyperkalemia, and hemodynamic insta-
bility. Patients can present with a variety of symptoms It is well established that both hyperkalemia and med-
ranging from asymptomatic bradycardia to multiorgan fail- ications blocking the atrioventricular (AV) node may
ure. BRASH syndrome should be differentiated from iso- cause bradycardia. Animal studies and multiple case
lated hyperkalemia and overdose of AV-nodal blocking reports indicate that these two factors may function
medications. Treatment includes fluid resuscitation, hyper- synergistically to produce more dramatic bradycardia
kalemia therapies (intravenous calcium, insulin/glucose, than would be expected from either factor alone (1–
beta agonists, diuresis), management of bradycardia (which
23). Bradycardia may cause or worsen renal
may necessitate epinephrine infusion), and more advanced
dysfunction, in turn exacerbating hyperkalemia. This
vicious cycle of hyperkalemia, bradycardia, renal
This review does not reflect the views or opinions of the U.S. dysfunction, and worsening hyperkalemia can evolve
government, Department of Defense, U.S. Army, U.S. Air into multiorgan dysfunction (BRASH syndrome, i.e.,
Force, Brooke Army Medical Center, or SAUSHEC EM Resi- Bradycardia, Renal failure, AV blockade, Shock, and
dency Program. Hyperkalemia) (7).

RECEIVED: 20 December 2019; FINAL SUBMISSION RECEIVED: 19 April 2020;

ACCEPTED: 4 May 2020

BRASH Syndrome 217

Most experienced clinicians have treated patients with converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin-receptor
BRASH syndrome successfully, without conscious blockers can increase risk of both hyperkalemia and renal
recognition of this specific pathophysiology. Indeed, dysfunction, as does digitalis. Several beta-blockers are
most patients with BRASH syndrome will improve with renally excreted (e.g., atenolol, nadolol), causing their
basic supportive therapy. Nonetheless, defining this syn- levels to accumulate during BRASH syndrome. Finally,
drome and exploring its pathophysiology may optimize nonspecific beta-blockers (e.g., labetalol) may promote
diagnosis and management. Consequently, this disorder hyperkalemia (7).
was codified as BRASH syndrome in 2016 and subse-
quently explored in numerous conferences and publica- Clinical Presentation
tions (1–23). We provide emergency and critical care
providers with an evaluation of BRASH syndrome Patients may present with a variety of symptoms and
diagnosis and management in this narrative review. severity, ranging from asymptomatic bradycardia to mul-
tiorgan failure. The most salient aspect of the presenta-
METHODS tion is generally either the hyperkalemia or the
bradycardia, though these may occur concurrently (7).
We conducted a literature review of PubMed, Google This dominant abnormality, including hyperkalemia,
Scholar, and Google FOAM for topics evaluating brady- may cause clinicians to overlook other problems. Pa-
cardia, renal failure, AV blockade, shock, and hyperkale- tients generally appear nontoxic (better than might be ex-
mia from database inception to September 2019. Search pected based on their vital signs and laboratory
terms included ‘‘bradycardia,’’ ‘‘atrioventricular block,’’ derangements).
‘‘renal injury,’’ ‘‘kidney injury,’’ ‘‘renal dysfunction,’’
‘‘hyperkalemia.’’ We included case reports, case controls, Differentiation from Related Disorders
cohort studies, randomized clinical trials, meta-analyses
and systematic reviews, peer-reviewed free open access BRASH syndrome is fundamentally a synergistic process
medical education resources, guidelines, and narrative re- created by a combination of hyperkalemia and medica-
views. We decided on inclusion of 36 resources through tions blocking the AV node. As such, BRASH syndrome
consensus, with 18 case reports/series detailing patients lies at the center of a continuum ranging from isolated hy-
with BRASH syndrome. perkalemia to an isolated overdose of an AV nodal-
blocking medication (e.g., beta-blocker intoxication),
DISCUSSION demonstrated in Figure 2. It is not always possible to
determine precisely where these boundaries lie. However,
BRASH syndrome is typically due to the synergy be- it is useful to attempt to draw some distinctions between
tween hyperkalemia and AV-nodal blocking medications, these three disease states.
which leads to bradycardia. Because bradycardia directly
reduces the cardiac output, this may impair renal perfu- BRASH syndrome versus isolated hyperkalemia. Isolated
sion, thereby causing renal failure, which exacerbates hy- hyperkalemia may precipitate bradycardia, which, in
perkalemia. Left unchecked, this cycle may progress to turn, leads to renal failure. However, hyperkalemia does
multiorgan failure with shock, bradycardia, and renal fail- not generally cause bradycardia until the degree of hyper-
ure (7). Figure 1 illustrates the pathophysiologic cycle kalemia is severe (e.g., potassium over 7 mEq/L) (1,10).
that causes BRASH syndrome (7). This may differentiate it from BRASH syndrome,
This cycle may be initiated by relatively mild clinical wherein patients often have more moderate hyperkale-
events. In one study, BRASH patients presenting with the mia. However, concurrent severe hyperkalemia can occur
most severe bradydysrhythmias requiring transvenous with BRASH syndrome. Another differentiating feature
pacing presented in summer months, with laboratory is the presence of drugs that suppress the AV node, which
markers supporting dehydration (9). Other potential trig- is invariably a feature of BRASH syndrome. An electro-
gers may include medication up-titration or any event cardiogram demonstrating bradycardia without other
promoting hyperkalemia or renal failure (e.g., nephrotox- electrocardiographic features of hyperkalemia is another
ins or potassium-sparing diuretics such as spironolac- important clue to BRASH syndrome (11).
tone). The clinical presentation of BRASH syndrome is
usually dominated by manifestations of BRASH syn- BRASH syndrome vs. intoxication with AV-nodal blocking
drome itself, rather than a precipitating event (7). agents. Intoxication with beta-blockers or calcium
Some additional medication interactions might facili- channel-blockers can lead to bradycardia and shock.
tate BRASH syndrome, although these medications are Perhaps the single most important differentiating factor
not required for its development. Angiotensin- compared with BRASH syndrome is the clinical history.
218 J. D. Farkas et al.

Figure 1. BRASH (Bradycardia, Renal failure, AV blockade, Shock, and Hyperkalemia) pathophysiology (7). ACE = angiotensin-
converting enzyme; ARB = angiotensin-receptor blocker.

Patients with BRASH syndrome are typically taking their Epidemiology of BRASH Syndrome
medications as directed (7). BRASH syndrome does not
generally involve supratherapeutic drug levels, but rather Until recently, BRASH syndrome was not recognized as a
the problem arises due to synergy between therapeutic specific entity, and little is known regarding its epidemi-
drug levels and hyperkalemia (7). Other features that ology. Case reports fitting the definition of BRASH syn-
could favor BRASH syndrome include hyperkalemia drome are listed below in Table 1 (1–3,5,6,11–23). Given
and a dramatic clinical response after administration of the involvement of antihypertensive medications and
intravenous (i.v.) calcium. borderline renal function, this is most common in older
patients with cardiac disease and limited renal reserve.
The risk may be especially high among patients on
multiple different AV-nodal blocking medications for
management of atrial fibrillation.

Treatment of BRASH Syndrome

The most common error in managing BRASH syndrome

is fixating on a single component of the syndrome (e.g.,
hyperkalemia) and focusing solely on management of
that problem (e.g., emergent dialysis). Meanwhile, other
aspects of the syndrome are overlooked (e.g., the patient
might remain under-resuscitated, bradycardic, and mal-
perfused) (7). Failure to address these other associated
components could result in patient harm.
Understanding the pathophysiology of BRASH syn-
drome facilitates a coordinated management strategy
that addresses all components of the syndrome. The key
Figure 2. BRASH exists at the nexus of hyperkalemia and AV
node blockade. BRASH = Bradycardia, Renal failure, AV to treatment of BRASH syndrome is not any single inter-
blockade, Shock, and Hyperkalemia; AV = atrioventricular. vention, but rather simultaneously addressing several
BRASH Syndrome
Table 1. Reported Cases of BRASH Syndrome (1–3,5,6,11–23)

Patient Age, Potassium Reference (First

Years Medications Involved (mEq/L) Cr (mg/dL) Initial Vital Signs Treatments Author, Year)

53 Verapamil 120 mg q.i.d., propranolol 6.8 1.6 HR 32 beats/min, Isoproterenol, dopamine Lee 1986 (11)
40 mg q.i.d. BP 70/mm Hg
75 Verapamil 120 mg t.i.d., captopril 6.9 2.4 HR 30 beats/min, Atropine, isoproterenol, calcium, Jolly 1991 (5)
BP 70/mm Hg pacemaker
66 Verapamil SR 360 mg 7.1 6.1 HR 26 beats/min, Isoproterenol, dopamine, calcium, Váquez 1996 (21)
MAP 68 mm Hg bicarbonate, insulin/glucose
78 Metoprolol, lisinopril 7.5 8.5 HR 30 beats/min, Transvenous pacing, calcium, Zimmers 2002 (20)
BP 80 mm Hg furosemide, bicarbonate
81 Atenolol 6.0 2.1 HR 52 beats/min, Lasix, bicarbonate Zimmers 2002 (20)
MAP 131 mm Hg
57 Carvedilol 50 mg b.i.d., digoxin, 6.8 2.7 HR 48 beats/min, Not described Vuckovic 2004 (19)
spironolactone, fosinopril MAP 73 mm Hg
54 Atenolol 100 mg, diltiazem 300 mg, 6.4 1.8 HR 22 beats/min, External pacer, fluid, calcium, Bonvini 2006 (3)
irbesartan MAP 40 mm Hg insulin
63 Verapamil 6.8 Not provided, Not provided Not specified Letavernier 2006 (2)
on dialysis
57 Verapamil 6.4 Not provided, Not provided Atropine, withheld verapamil Letavernier 2006 (2)
on dialysis
58 Verapamil 6.7 Not provided, Not provided Emergent dialysis, withheld verapamil Letavernier 2006 (2)
on dialysis
70 Metoprolol XL 100 mg, enalapril, 6.5 3.3 HR 44 beats/min, Calcium, albuterol, kayexalate, Isabel 2006 (18)
spironolactone MAP 71 mm Hg transvenous pacing, dialysis
78 BB, ACE inhibitor, 7.9 2.1 HR 33 beats/min Calcium, insulin/glucose, furosemide, Unterman 2008 (17)
CCB fluid
77 Diltiazem, propranolol 6.7 2.7 HR 30 beats/min, Dopamine, calcium, insulin/glucose Mirandi 2008 (16)
MAP 53 mm Hg
79 Metoprolol 6.4 4.4 HR 28 beats/min, Calcium, bicarbonate, volume Argulian 2009 (15)
MAP 79 mm Hg resuscitation, insulin/glucose, sodium
polystyrene sulfonate
76 Carvedilol, spironolactone, ramipril 9.2 1.3 HR 28 beats/min, Transvenous pacing, insulin/glucose, Erden 2010 (14)
MAP 79 mm Hg bicarbonate
70 Carvedilol, valsartan, spironolactone 6.1 2.1 HR 38 beats/min, Calcium, insulin/glucose Aziz 2011 (13)
MAP 62 mm Hg
97 Amlodipine 6.3 1.6 HR 56 beats/min, Calcium, insulin/glucose Aziz 2011 (13)
MAP 75 mm Hg
65 Verapamil, valsartan 5.6 3.0 HR 48 beats/min, Calcium, insulin/glucose Hegazi 2012 (1)
MAP 85 mm Hg
57 Verapamil 5.1 1.7 HR 44 beats/min, Calcium, albuterol Hegazi 2012 (1)
MAP 67 mm Hg
85 Sotalol 10.1 2.5 HR 33 beats/min, Calcium, bicarbonate, albuterol, insulin/ Juvet (22)
MAP 61 mm Hg glucose, dialysis
81 Bisoprolol, amlodipine 5.8 2.8 HR 33 beats/min, Atropine, isoproterenol Ahmad (23)
MAP 104 mm Hg
24 Metoprolol 7.4 On dialysis HR 40 beats/min Atropine, calcium, fluids, bicarbonate, Simmons (6)
epinephrine, transvenous pacemaker
51 Carvedilol, eplerenone, trimethoprim- 8.6 3.3 HR 20 beats/min, Atropine, calcium, bicarbonate, Diribe 2019 (12)
sulfamethoxazole MAP 40 mm Hg albuterol, insulin/glucose,


BRASH = Bradycardia, Renal failure, AV blockade, Shock, and Hyperkalemia; Cr = creatinine; q.i.d. = four times per day; HR = heart rate; BP = blood pressure; t.i.d. = three times per day;
SR = sustained release; MAP = mean arterial pressure; b.i.d. = twice per day; BB = beta-blocker; ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; CCB = calcium channel-blocker.
220 J. D. Farkas et al.

problems. Usually, deploying numerous noninvasive Immediate treatment of bradycardia. The front-line ther-
therapies will allow avoidance of more invasive treat- apy for bradycardia is i.v. calcium to counteract the ef-
ments (e.g., transvenous pacing, hemodialysis) (7). fects of hyperkalemia (7,26–30). If this fails to resolve
the bradycardia, a low threshold to initiate an infusion
Immediate treatment of hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia of epinephrine is recommended. Epinephrine may
should be treated, even if it appears relatively mild. Evi- achieve two objectives rapidly. First, epinephrine may
dence of peaked T waves, QRS prolongation, junctional increase heart rate and cardiac output, thereby
rhythm, significant ST/T wave changes, and bradycardia improving hemodynamics and renal perfusion (7). Sec-
on electrocardiogram (ECG), or evidence of hemody- ond, epinephrine will shift potassium intracellularly,
namic instability, should be treated with i.v. calcium thereby improving hyperkalemia. Epinephrine may
(Figure 3) (24,25). Intravenous calcium stabilizes the safely be infused via a peripheral i.v. line (noting that
myocardium, which may drastically improve heart rate epinephrine is safe for subcutaneous injection, so
and cardiac output. If the patient’s ECG does not demon- epinephrine extravasation should not cause skin necro-
strate normalization with the first dose of i.v. calcium, sis). Isoproterenol is an alternative chronotropic agent,
repeat doses should be administered. If central access is which may be successful in occasional patients who fail
not present and the patient is not in cardiac arrest, calcium to respond to epinephrine. Isoproterenol is preferred
gluconate 3 g i.v. should be administered. Calcium chlo- over alternative beta-agonists, such as dobutamine or
ride should otherwise be administered (25). Intravenous dopamine, as it has a much more profound chronotropic
insulin and dextrose should be given to shift potassium effect, and is the agent of choice when hypotension is
intracellularly (25,26). Nebulized albuterol may be the result of bradycardia (7).
considered, with potential benefits in terms of both hyper- It should be noted that standard advanced cardiac life
kalemia and bradycardia (7,24–26). support algorithms for bradycardia will fail to optimally

Figure 3. Electrocardiogram in hyperkalemia with peaked T waves, QRS prolongation, and bradycardia. From https://commons.
BRASH Syndrome 221

treat patients with BRASH syndrome, as they do not diuretics (e.g., i.v. furosemide or i.v. bumetanide), thia-
include the use of i.v. calcium (7,28). Such algorithms zide diuretics (e.g., i.v. chlorothiazide), and acetazol-
may lead to unnecessary placement of a transvenous amide. High doses of multiple agents may be used in an
pacemaker in a patient who otherwise could have re- attempt to overcome diuretic resistance due to renal
sponded well to medical therapy. This is one further dysfunction. The goal of diuresis is excretion of potas-
reason that recognition of BRASH syndrome is clinically sium, so if diuretics are successful at causing fluid loss,
important (7). then this fluid should generally be returned to achieve iso-
Some patients will present with a normal blood pres- volumic kaliuresis (e.g., by replacing urine losses with
sure despite severe bradycardia (Table 1). These patients lactated ringers). For diuretics to have maximal effect,
are compensating for bradycardia with a pronounced hypoperfusion and hypovolemia must be reversed (often
vasoconstrictive response, which succeeds in defending with epinephrine and crystalloid, as discussed above) (7).
their blood pressure. Unfortunately, despite a normal Patients with marked hyperkalemia who fail to pro-
blood pressure, these patients continue to suffer from duce urine in response to high-dose diuretics and hemo-
malperfusion, as cardiac output is directly proportional dynamic stabilization will often require emergent
to heart rate. Thus, treatment of bradycardia remains dialysis as definitive treatment of hyperkalemia. A coor-
important to re-establish systemic perfusion and renal dinated treatment approach to BRASH can usually avoid
function. For these patients, isoproterenol might be ideal dialysis, but some patients have already progressed to
(as a pure beta-agonist without any vasoconstrictive prop- anuric renal failure and will require short-term dialysis.
erties, it will increase heart rate without inducing hyper- Typically, dialysis can reverse hyperkalemia before tem-
tension) (7). An alternative therapy is dobutamine (with porary pacing is necessary (7).
the drawback that dobutamine is selective for beta-1
adrenergic receptors over beta-2 receptors, so it will not More advanced therapies. The above therapies, when
decrease the serum potassium level) (7). aggressively and simultaneously implemented, are usu-
ally sufficient to yield a satisfying improvement in the
Fluid resuscitation. Fluid status varies widely among pa- syndrome. For example, many patients can make dra-
tients with BRASH syndrome. Hypovolemia is a com- matic recoveries from multiorgan failure within 12 h.
mon trigger of BRASH syndrome, so many patients are However, rarely, patients may not respond to these inter-
hypovolemic. However, some patients with ongoing ventions. Advanced therapies should be reserved for
BRASH syndrome progress to a point of oliguric renal those in which the prior therapies have failed (7).
failure and subsequently retain fluid, leading to a state More advanced therapies to reverse beta-blocker or
of volume overload. Fluid status must be assessed indi- calcium channel blocker toxicity exist (e.g., lipid emul-
vidually, based on clinical history and bedside examina- sion, glucagon, or high-dose insulin infusion) (33,34).
tion (7). These treatments could be considered in a patient taking
If present, hypovolemia should be treated promptly. beta-blockers, which are renally cleared and thus accu-
Patients with uremic acidosis and hyperkalemia will mulate in the context of BRASH syndrome (33,34).
often improve with isotonic bicarbonate (150 mEq/L so- Another stimulus to consider these treatments might be
dium bicarbonate in 1 L D5W). Isotonic bicarbonate may a patient who is on unusually large doses of multiple
improve pH (thereby avoiding the need for immediate AV-nodal blocking agents (7). If digoxin toxicity is sus-
dialysis) and also improve the hyperkalemia due to both pected, digoxin-specific antibody fragments should be
dilution and intracellular shifting (7,29–31). For administered (35). Adrenal insufficiency should be
patients who are not acidotic, a balanced crystalloid managed with stress dose corticosteroids, typically, hy-
may be used. Normal saline resuscitation should be drocortisone 100 mg i.v. (36).
avoided, as this may cause a transient increase in serum Bradycardia can generally be managed by a combina-
potassium (7,32). tion of beta-agonists and i.v. calcium (along with man-
agement of the hyperkalemia). If these measures fail,
Definitive treatment of hyperkalemia. The above mea- transvenous pacing may be necessary, but typically is
sures will often be successful in treatment of mild- used only as a salvage maneuver when the aforemen-
moderate hyperkalemia, particularly in the context of a tioned treatments fail (7).
rapid recovery in renal function. However, additional
measures may be required in patients with severe hyper- CONCLUSIONS
kalemia and renal dysfunction (7).
The front-line therapy for elimination of potassium BRASH syndrome consists of a vicious cycle involving a
from the body is usually an aggressive attempt at diuresis combination of bradycardia, renal failure, AV-nodal
using potassium-wasting diuretics. Options include loop blocking medication, shock, and hyperkalemia. The
222 J. D. Farkas et al.

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BRASH Syndrome 223

1. Why is this topic important?
There is little emergency medicine and critical care
literature specifically evaluating BRASH syndrome, or
Bradycardia, Renal Failure, Atrioventricular blockade,
Shock, and Hyperkalemia.
2. What does this review attempt to show?
This narrative review evaluates BRASH syndrome and
its diagnosis and management.
3. What are the key findings?
BRASH syndrome is due to hyperkalemia and medica-
tions that block the atrioventricular node. It most
commonly results from hypovolemia or medications pro-
moting hyperkalemia or renal injury. Patients can present
with a wide variety of symptoms. Treatment includes fluid
resuscitation, hyperkalemia therapies (intravenous cal-
cium, insulin and co-administered glucose, beta agonists,
diuresis), management of bradycardia (which may neces-
sitate epinephrine infusion), and more advanced therapies
if needed (lipid emulsion, glucagon, or high-dose insulin
4. How is patient care impacted?
Recognition of this condition in a prompt manner may
assist emergency and critical care providers in triaging the
appropriate response, often in a multimodal fashion.
Rapid identification and treatment can prevent downward
trajectory and need for advanced therapies.

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