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Controller N1200: Universal Controller - Instructions Manual - V2.0X Safety Alerts Configuration / Features

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Controller N1200



The symbols below are used on the equipment and throughout this INPUT TYPE SELECTION
document to draw the user’s attention to important operational and Select the input type (in parameter “tYPE”) from Table 1 below.
safety information.
J Tc j Range: -110 to 950 ºC (-166 to 1742 ºF)
K Tc k Range: -150 to 1370 ºC (-238 to 2498 ºF)
T Tc t Range: -160 to 400 ºC (-256 to 752 ºF)
CAUTION: N Tc n Range: -270 to 1300 ºC (-454 to 2372 ºF)
Read the manual thoroughly CAUTION OR DANGER: R Tc r Range: -50 to 1760 ºC (-58 to 3200 ºF)
before installing and operating the Electrical Shock Hazard S Tc s Range: -50 to 1760 ºC (-58 to 3200 ºF)
equipment. B Tc b Range: 400 to 1800 ºC (752 to 3272 ºF)
E Tc e Range: -90 to 730 ºC (-130 to 1346 ºF)
All safety related instructions that appear in the manual must be
Pt100 Pt Range: -200 to 850 ºC (-328 to 1562 ºF)
observed to ensure personal safety and to prevent damage to either
0-20 mA L0.20
the instrument or the system. If the instrument is used in a manner
not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the 4-20 mA L4.20
Linear Signals
equipment may be impaired. 0–50 mV L0.50 Programmable indication from -1999 to 9999.
0-5 Vdc L0.5
ln j
The N1200 is an extraordinarily versatile process controller. It holds Ln k
in one single instrument all the main features needed for the vast ln t
majority of industrial processes. It accepts in a single model virtually
4-20 mA ln n
all the sensors and signals used in the industry and provides the Non Linear Analog Signals
NON ln r
main output types required for the operation of diverse processes. LINEAR
Indication range depends on the selected sensor
ln s
The configuration can be performed directly on the controller or ln b
through the USB interface. The NConfig software (free) is the
ln E
configuration management tool. Connected to the USB of a Windows
computer, the controller is recognized as a serial communications Ln.Pt
port (COM) running with a Modbus RTU protocol. Table 1 - Input types
Through the USB interface, even if disconnected from the power Note: All input types are factory calibrated.
supply, the configuration performed in a piece of equipment can be CONFIGURATION OF OUTPUTS, ALARMS AND DIGITAL INPUTS
can be saved in a file and repeated in other pieces of equipment that
require the same configuration. The controller input and output channels (I / O) can assume multiple
functions: control output, digital input, digital output, alarm output,
It is important that the users read carefully this manual before using retransmission of PV and SP. These channels are identified as I / O
the controller. Verify if the release of this manual matches the 1, I / O 2, I / O 3, I / O 4 and I / O 5.
instrument version (the firmware version is shown when the controller
is energized). The N1200 main characteristics are: The basic controller model comes loaded with the following features:
• Multi-sensor universal input; I / O 1- output to Relay SPST-NA;
I / O 2- output to Relay SPST-NA;
• Protection for open sensor in any condition; I / O 5- current output, digital output, digital input;
• Relay, 4-20 mA and logic pulse control outputs all available in Optionally, other features can be added, as shown under the item
the standard model; “Identification” in this manual:
• Self-tuning of PID parameters; - 3R: I / O3 with output to SPDT relay;
• Automatic / Manual function with “bumpless” transfer;
- DIO: I / O3 and I / O4 as digital input and output channels;
• Four modes of independents alarms, with functions of minimum,
- HBD: Heater break detect;
maximum, differential (deviation), open sensor and event;
- 485: Serial Communication;
• Timer functions that can be associated to the alarms;
• Retransmission of PV or SP in 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA; The function to be used in each channel of I/O is defined by the user
• Input for remote setpoint; in accordance with the options shown in the Table 2.
• Digital input with 5 functions;
• Programmable soft-start;
• 20 setpoint profile programs with 9 segments each, with the
ability to be linked together for a total of 180 segments;
• Password for parameters protection;
• Universal power supply.
Controller N1200

FUNCTION OF I/O CODE TYPE OF I/O Note: Even when the execution of the program is interrupted, the
Without Function OFF Output control output remains active and controlling the process at the point
(Setpoint) of interruption. The program will resume its normal execution
Output of Alarm 1 A1 Output
starting from this same point when the digital input is closed.
Output of Alarm 2 A2 Output
Output of Alarm 3 A3 Output • Pr 1 - Digital Input with function to Execute Program 1
Output of Alarm 4 A4 Output Defines the IO channel as Digital Input with the function of
LBD - Loop break detection Lbd Output commanding the execution of the setpoing profile program 1.
Control Output (Relay or Digital Pulse) CTRL Output Available for I/O5 or I/O3 and I/O4, when available.
Automatic / Manual mode selection mAN Digital Input Useful function for switching between the main setpoint and a
Run / Stop mode selection RVN Digital Input secondary one defined by the program 1.
Remote SP selection RSP Digital Input Closed = selects program 1;
Setpoint profile program HOLD (Freezes Open = selects main setpoint
KPRG Digital Input
program execution)
• (.0.20 –0-20 mA Control Output
Setpoint Profile Program 1 selection PR 1 Digital Input
0 to 20 mA control output selection (.0.20 Analogical Output Available for I/O 5 only, defines the channel as a 0-20 mA control
4 to 20 mA control output selection (.4.20 Analogical Output
Retransmission of PV in 0 to 20 mA P.0.20 Analogical Output • (.4.20 - 4-20 mA Control Output
Retransmission of PV in 4 to 20 mA P.4.20 Analogical Output Defines the channel as a 4-20 mA control output.
Retransmission of Sp in 0 to 20 mA S.0.20 Analogical Output • P.0.20 – 0-20 mA PV retransmission
Retransmission of SP in 4 to 20 mA S.4.20 Analogical Output
Available for I/O 5 only, configures the channel to retransmit the
Table 2 - Types of functions for the I/O channels values of PV in 0-20 mA.
During the configuration of the I/O channels, only the valid options for • P.4.20 - 4-20 mA PV retransmission
each channel will be shown on the display. These functions are Available for I/O 5 only, configures the channel to retransmit the
described below: values of PV in 4-20 mA.
• off - Without function
• s.0.20 – 0-20 mA SP (Setpoint) retransmission
The I/O channel programmed with code off will not be used by the
Available for I/O 5 only, configures the channel to retransmit the
controller. Although without function, this channel is available through
values of SP in 0-20 mA.
the serial communication as digital I/O (command 5 MODBUS).
• s.4.20 – 4-20 mA SP (Setpoint) retransmission
• a1, a2, a3, a4 – Alarm Outputs
Available for I/O 5 only, configures the channel to retransmit the
The selected channel can be used as output to Alarms 1 to 4.
values of SP in 0-20 mA.
Defines that the programmed I/O channel acts as alarm outputs.
Available for all the I/O channels. CONFIGURATION OF ALARMS
• Lbd –Loop Break Detector function. The controller has 4 independent alarms. These alarms can be
Assigns the output of the Loop Break Detector alarm to an I/O configured to operate with nine different functions, as shown in Table 3.
channel. Available to all I/O channels. • off – Alarms turned off.
• (trL – PWM Control Output • ierr – Open Sensor alarms - (Loop Break)
Defines the I/O channel to be used as the PWM control output (relay The open sensor alarm acts whenever the input sensor is broken or
or digital pulse). Available for all the I/O channels. The digital pulse is badly connected.
available on I/O5 (standard) or on I/O3 and I/O4 (when the DIO • rs – Program Event Alarm
optional is installed). Check the specifications of each channel.
Configures the alarm to act in (a) specific segment(s) of the
• mAn - Digital Input with Auto/Manual function programs of ramps and baselines to be created by the user.
Defines the I/O channel as Digital Input with the function of switching • Rfai1 – Burnt-out Resistance Alarm - (Heat Break)
the control mode between Automatic and Manual. Available on I/O5
(standard) or on I/O3 and I/O4 (when the DIO optional is installed). Signals that the heating element has broken up. This alarm function
requires the accessory Current transformer CT1. Details for use of the
Closed = Manual control; option “burnt-out resistance” are found in the specific documentation
Open = Automatic control that accompanies the product whenever this option is requested.
• rvn - Digital Input with RUN function
• lo – Alarm of Absolute Minimum Value
Defines channel as Digital Input with the function of
enabling/disabling the control and alarm outputs (“RvN”: YES / no). Triggers when the value of measured PV is below the value defined
Available for I/O5 or I/O3 and I/O4, when installed. for alarm Setpoint.
Closed = outputs enabled • ki – alarm of Absolute Maximum Value
Open = control and alarms output shut off Triggers when the value of measured PV is above the value defined
• rsp - Digital Input with Remote SP function for alarm Setpoint.
Defines channel as Digital Input with the function of selecting the • dif – Alarm of Differential Value
remote SP as the control setpoint. Available for I/O5 or I/O3 and In this function the parameters “SPA1”, “SPA2”,” SPA3” and “SPA4”
I/O4, when available. represent the Deviation of PV in relation to the SP.
Closed = remote SP Using the Alarm 1 as example: for Positive SPA1 values, the
Open = uses main SP Differential alarm triggers when the value of PV is out of the range
• kprg - Digital Input with Hold Program function defined for:
Defines channel as Digital Input with the function of commanding the (SP – SPA1) to (SP + SPA1)
execution of the selected setpoint profile program. Available for I/O5 For a negative SPA1 value, the Differential alarm triggers when the
or I/O3 and I/O4, when available. value of PV is within the range defined above:
Closed = Enables execution of the program • difl – Alarm of Minimum Differential Value
Open = Interrupts (freezes) execution of the program
It triggers when the value of PV is below the defined point by:
(SP – SPA1)
Controller N1200

Using the Alarm 1 as example. INITIAL BLOCKING OF ALARM

• difk – Alarm of Maximum Differential Value The initial blocking option inhibits the alarm from being recognized if
an alarm condition is present when the controller is first energized (or
Triggers when the value of PV is above the defined point by: after a transition from run YES NO). The alarm will be enabled
(SP + SPA1) only after the occurrence of a non-alarm condition followed by a new
occurrence for the alarm.
Using the Alarm 1 as example.
The initial blocking is useful, for instance, when one of the alarms is
SCREEN TYPE ACTUATION configured as a minimum value alarm, causing the activation of the
Off Inoperative Output is not used as alarm. alarm soon upon the process start-up, an occurrence that may be
Ierr Open sensor Activated when the input signal of PV is
(input Error) interrupted, out of the range limits or Pt100 The initial blocking is disabled for the sensor break alarm function.
in short-circuit.
Rs Event (ramp and Activated in a specific segment of program. EXTRACTION OF THE SQUARE ROOT
Soak) With this feature enabled the controller uses for display and control a
rfail Resist. burnt out Signals a failure in the heating element. value that corresponds to the square root of the applied input signal.
(resistance fail) Available only for the inputs belonging to the group of linear analogic
Lo Minimum value PV signals: 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-50 mV, 0-5 V and 0-10 V.
(Low) SPAn



(High) SPAn
The analog output, when not used for control purposes, is available
for retransmitting the PV and SP values in 0-20 or 4-20 mA. This
Dif Differential PV PV

(diFerential) analog output is electrically isolated from other inputs and outputs.

The analog output signal is scalable, with the output range defined by
Positive SPAn Negative SPAn
the values programmed in the parameters “rtLL” and “rtkL”.
Difl Minimum Positive SPAn Negative SPAn
To obtain a voltage output, the user must install a resistor shunt (550
Differential PV PV

(diFerential Ω max.) to the current output terminals (terminals 7 and 8). The
actual resistor value depends on the desired output voltage span.
Difk Maximum PV
differential SV SV + SPAn SV + SPAn SV
(diFerential The soft-start feature avoids abrupt variations in the power delivered
Positive SPAn Negative SPAn
High) to the load regardless of the system power demand. .
Table 3 – Alarm Functions This is accomplished by defining a limiting ramp for the control output.
Where SPAn refers to Setpoints of Alarm “SPA1”, “SPA2”, The output is allowed to reach maximum value (100 %) only after the
“SPA3” and “SPA4”. time programmed in the soft-start parameter has elapsed. The Soft-
start function is generally used in processes that require slow start-up,
ALARM TIMER MODES where the instantaneous application of 100 % of the available power to
the load may cause damages to parts of the system.
The controller alarms can be configured to perform 3 timer modes:
In order to disable this function, the soft-start parameter must be
• One pulse with defined duration; configured with 0 (zero).
• Delayed activation;
• Repetitive pulses; REMOTE SETPOINT
The illustrations in Table 4 show the behavior of the alarm output for The controller can have its Setpoint value defined by an analog,
various combinations of times t1 and t2. The timer functions can be remotely generated signal. This feature is enabled through the
configured in parameters A1t1, A1t2, A2t1, A2t2, A3t1, A3t2, channels I/O3, I/O4 or I/O5 when configured as digital inputs and
A4t1 and A4t2. configured with the function rsp (Remote SP selection) or through
the parameter E.rsp. The remote setpoint input accepts the signals
OPERATION T1 T2 ACTION 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-5 V and 0-10 V.
For the signals of 0-20 and 4-20 mA, a shunt resistor of 100 Ω is
0 0 Output required between terminals 9 and 10, as shown in Figure 4c.
Operation Alarm Event

Activation for T1
1 to 6500 s 0 Output
The controller can operate in two different manners: Automatic mode
a defined time Alarm Event
or Manual mode. In automatic mode the controller defines the amount
Alarm of power to be applied on the process, based on defined parameters
Activation with T2
0 1 to 6500 s Output
(SP, PID, etc.).
delay Alarm Event
In the manual mode the user himself defines this amount of power.
T1 T2 T1 The parameter “(trl” defines the control mode to be adopted.
1 to 6500 s 1 to 6500 s Output
Activation Alarm Event
Table 4 – Temporization Functions for the Alarms
For the Automatic mode, there are two different strategies of control:
The LEDs associated to the alarms will light when the alarm PID control and ON/OFF control.
condition is recognized, not following the actual state of the output, PID control has its action based on a control algorithm that takes into
which may be temporarily OFF because of the temporization. account the deviation of PV with respect to SP, the rate of change of
PV and the steady state error.
On the other hand, the ON/OFF control (obtained when Pb=0)
operates with 0 % or 100 % of power, when PV deviates from SP.
The determination of the PID parameters (Pb, Ir and Dt) is described
in the item DETERMINATION OF PID PARAMETERS of this manual.
Controller N1200

The parameter defines a time interval, in minutes, within which the signal input (PV) or the controller’s/indicator’s digital
PV is expect to react to a control output signal. If the PV does not inputs and outputs. It is intended for temporary use
react properly within the time interval configured in lbd.t, the during CONFIGURATION and MONITORING
controller interprets this as a control loop break and signals this periods. For the safety of people and equipment, it
occurrence in the display. must only be used when the piece of equipment is
A LBD event may be sent to any I/O channel. Simply configure the completely disconnected from the input/output
LDB function to the desired I/O channel: the selected output will be signals. Using the USB in any other type of
activated when a LDB condition is detected. When the lbd.t connection is possible but requires a careful analysis
by the person responsible for installing it. When
parameter is programmed with 0 (zero), the LDB function is disabled.
MONITORING for long periods of time and with
The LDB is useful in system supervision and troubleshooting, allowing connected inputs and outputs, we recommend using
early detection of problems in the actuator, power source or load. the RS485 interface, which is available or optional in
HBD - HEATER BREAK DETECTION most of our products.
Available in the products identified with the suffix HBD. Visit our web
site for further information INSTALLATION / CONNECTIONS
SAFE OUTPUT VALUE WITH SENSOR FAILURE The controller must be fastened on a panel, following the sequence
This function defines an output value (user defined) to be assigned to of steps described below:
the control output in the event of a sensor failure. • Prepare a panel cut-out of 45.5 x 45.5 mm;
When the input sensor is identified as broken, the controller forcing • Remove the mounting clamps from the controller;
MV to assume the user configured value in the 1E.ov parameter. • Insert the controller into the panel cut-out;
When the parameter 1E.ov is configured with 0.0 (zero) value, this • Slide the mounting clamp from the rear to a firm grip at the
function is disabled and the control output is simply turned off upon panel.
input sensor error.
• All electrical connections are made to the screw terminals at the
The USB interface is used for CONFIGURING or MONITORING the rear of the controller. They accept wire sizes from 0.5 to 1.5 mm2
controller. The NConfig software must be used for the configuration. (16 to 22 AWG). The terminals should be tightened to a torque
It makes it possible to create, view, save and open configurations of 0.4 Nm (3.5 lb in)
from the equipment or files in your computer. The tool for saving and
opening configurations in files makes it possible to transfer • To minimize the pick-up of electrical noise, the low voltage DC
configurations between pieces of equipment and to make backup connections and the sensor input wiring should be routed away
copies. For specific models, the NConfig software also makes it from high-current power conductors. If this is impractical, use
possible to update the firmware (internal software) of the controller shielded cables. In general, keep cable lengths to a minimum.
through the USB. • All electronic instruments must be powered by a clean mains
supply, proper for instrumentation.
For MONITORING purposes you can use any supervisory software
(SCADA) or laboratory software that supports the MODBUS RTU • It is strongly recommended to apply RC'S FILTERS (noise
communication on a serial communications port. When connected to suppressor) to contactor coils, solenoids, etc.
the USB of a computer, the controller is recognized as a conventional • In any application it is essential to consider what can happen when
serial port (COM x). Use the NConfig software or consult the any part of the system fails. The controller features by themselves
DEVICE MANAGER in the Windows CONTROL PANEL to identify can not assure total protection.
the COM port that was assigned to the controller. Consult the
mapping of the MODBUS memory in the controller’s communications ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS
manual and the documentation of your supervisory software to The controller's internal circuits can be removed without undoing the
conduct the MONITORING process. connections on the back panel.
Follow the procedure below to use the USB communication of the The controller complete set of features is drawn in Figure 1. The
equipment: features loaded in a particular unit are shown on its label
• Download the NConfig software from our website and install it on
your computer. The USB drivers necessary for operating the
communication will be installed together with the software.
• Connect the USB cable between the equipment and the
computer. The controller does not have to be connected to a
power supply. The USB will provide enough power to operate the
communication (other equipment functions cannot operate).
• Open the NConfig software, configure the communication and
start recognition of the device.
• Consult the NConfig help desk for detailed instructions about
how to use it and solve problems.

Figure 1 - Connections of the back panel

Controller N1200

Power Supply Connections Digital Input Connections

Figures 5a and 5b show switches driving I/O 3 and I/O 5. The same
scheme applies to I/O 4

Observe the power

requirement for the
unit. of required power
Figure 2 – Power supply connections

Input Connections Figure 5a – I/ O3 a Digital Input Figure 5b – I/O5 a Digital Input

• Thermocouple (T/C) and 0-50 mV
Connection of Alarms and Outputs
The Figure 3a indicates the wiring for the thermocouple and 0-50mV
signals. If the thermocouple wires needs to be extended, use The I/O channels, when configured as outputs, must have their load
appropriate compensation cables. limit capacities observed, according to the product specifications.
• RTD (Pt100):
Figure 3b shows the Pt100 wiring, for 3 conductors. For proper cable
length compensation, use conductors of same gauge and length).
For 4-wires Pt100, leave one conductor disconnected at the
controller. For 2-wire Pt100, short-circuit terminals 11 and 12.
Figure 6a – I/ O3 or I/O4 with Figure 6b – I/O5 with output
output pulse for SSR. pulse for SSR.

I/O3, I/O4 and I/O5 can also be configured as digital outputs (I/O3 and
I/O4 provide a 5 Vdc output signal whereas I/O5 a 12 Vdc signal). An
example of usage is shown in Figure 6a for the I/O3 and in Figure 6b
T/C, 0-50mV Pt100
for the I/O5. I/O5 is electrically isolated from the sensor input
Figure 3a - Connection of T/C, Figure 3b - Connection of three
0-50mV wire Pt100-3 OPERATION
• 4-20 mA: The controller's front panel, with its parts, can be seen in the Figure 7:
The connections for current signals 4-20 mA must be carried-out
according to Figure 4a.


Figure 7 - Identification of the parts referring to the front panel

Figure 4a - Current connection Figure 4b - Connection for 5V
4-20 mA and 10V Display of PV/Programming: Displays the current value of PV
(Process Variable). When in configuration mode, it shows the
• 5 V and 10 V parameters names.
Refer to Figure 4b for connecting voltage signals. Display of SP/Parameters: Displays the value of SP (Setpoint).
When in configuration mode, it shows the parameters values.
Remote Setpoint COM indicator: Flashes to indicate communication activity in the
Feature available in the controller's terminals 9 and 10. When the RS485 interface.
Remote SP input signal is 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA, an external TUNE indicator: Stays ON while the controller is in tuning process.
100Ω shunt resistor of must be connected to terminals 9 and 10 as MAN indicator: Signals that the controller is in the manual control
indicated in Figure 4c. mode.
RUN indicator: Indicates that the controller is active, with the control
output and alarms enabled.
OUT indicator: For relay or pulse control output; it reflects the actual
state of the output. If an analog output is assigned for control, the
OUT indicator lights continuously.
A1, A2, A3 and A4 indicators: signalize the occurrence of alarm
Figure 4c - Connection for remote SP situation.
P P Key (Program key): used to walk through the menu
Back Key: used to retrocede parameters.
Increment key and - Decrement key: allow altering the
values of the parameters.
When the controller is powered on, its firmware version is presented
for 3 seconds, after which the controller starts normal operation. The
values of PV and SP are displayed and the outputs are enabled.

Controller N1200

In order to operate appropriately, the controller needs a configuration Screen for indication only. When a ramp and soak
that is the definition of each one of the several parameters presented
p.seg program is active, this parameter shows the number
by the controller. The user must be aware of the importance of each of the segment under execution, from 1 to 9.
parameter and for each one determine a valid condition or a valid Screen for indication only. When a ramp and soak
value. t.seg
program is in execution, it shows the remaining
time to the end of the current segment, in units of
Note: Since many parameters depend on the input type chosen,
time configured in the Pr.tb parameter.
it is recommended that the parameter TYPE be the first one to be
configured. rvn Enables control outputs and alarms.
YES - Outputs enables.
The parameters are grouped in levels according to their functionality NO - Outputs not enabled.
and operation easiness. The 7 levels of parameters are:
1 - Operation Free access Atvn Defines the control strategy to be taken:
2 - Tuning Auto-tune off – Turned off. (no PID tuning)
Fast – Fast automatic tuning.
3- R&S Programs
Full –More accurate automatic tuning.
4- Alarms self – Precise + auto - adaptative tuning
Reserved access
5- Scale rslf –Forces one new precise automatic
6- I/Os precise + auto - adaptative tuning.
7- Calibration
T9kt - Forces one new precise automatic + auto
- adaptative tuning when Run = YES or controller
Table 5 – Cycles of Parameters is turned on.
The parameters in the operation level have easy access through the pb PROPORTIONAL BAND - Value of the term P of
key P . The access deeper levels use the combination of keys: Proportional the control mode PID, in percentage of the
Band maximum span of the input type. Adjust of
(BACK) and P (PROG) pressed simultaneously
between 0 and 500.0 %. Select zero for ON/OFF
Press P to advance or to retrocede parameters within a level. At control.
the end of each level, the controller returns to the operation level.
ir INTEGRAL RATE - Value of the term I of the PID
Keep pressing the P key to move fast forward in the level.
Integral Rate algorithm, in repetitions per minute (Reset).
Alternatively, the controller returns to the operation level after Adjustable between 0 and 99.99.
pressing the key for 3 seconds Displayed only if proportional band ≠ 0.
All configuration parameters are stored in protected memory. The
values are saved when the keys P or are pressed after changing dt DERIVATIVE TIME - Value of the term D of the
a parameter value. The value of SP is saved upon pressing the P Derivative Time control mode PID, in seconds. Adjustable between
key or every 25 seconds. 0 and 300.0 seconds.
Displayed only if proportional band ≠ 0.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PARAMETERS Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) period in seconds.
OPERATION CYCLE Cycle Time Adjustable between 0.5 and 100.0 seconds.
To access the operation level parameters, press P until the desired Displayed only if proportional band ≠ 0.
parameter is displays. CONTROL HYSTERESIS (in engineering. units):
PV Indication PV and SP indication – The upper display shows Hysteresis This parameter is only shown for ON / OFF control
(Red Screen)
the current value of PV. The lower display shows (Pb=0). Adjustable between 0 and the
SP Indication
the control SP value. measurement input type span.
(Green Screen)

ACt CONTROL ACTION: For Auto Mode only.

(trl Control Mode:
Action re Control with reverse Action. Appropriate for
Control avto - Means automatic control mode. heating. Turns control output on when PV
Man – Means manual control mode. is below SP.
(bumpless transfer between automatic and manual dir Control with direct Action. Appropriate for
control modes). cooling. Turns control output on when PV
is above SP.
(Red Screen)
upper display shows PV value and the lower display Lbd.t Time interval for the LBD function. Defines the
MV Indication
(Green Screen)
shows the percentage of MV applied to the control Loop break maximum interval of time for the PV to react to a
output. When in manual control, the MV value can detection time. control command. In minutes
be manually changed by the and keys. When
bias BIAS: Offset for MV (manual reset). Range: -100
in auto mode the MV value can only be viewed. % to +100 %.
To distinguish the MV display from the SP display, Allows adding a percentage value between -100 %
the MV is shown flashing intermittently. and +100 %. to the MV control output
E pr Execution of Program - Selects the ramp and The value 0 (zero) disables the function.
Enable soak profile program to be executed.
ovll Lower limit for the control output - Minimum
Program 0 - does not execute program
Output Low percentage value assumed by the control output
1 to 20 number of the program to be
Limit when in automatic mode and in PID.
Typically configured with 0 %. Default value: 0 %
With enabled outputs (RUN = YES), the program
starts right after the program is selected.

Controller N1200

Upper limit for the control output - Maximum xya2 triggered and the value at which it is turned off (in
ovkl engineering units).
Output High percentage for the control output when in xya3
Limit automatic mode and in PID. Typically configured xya4
with 100 %. Default value: 100 %
A1t1 Defines the temporization time t1, in seconds, for
sfst SoftStart Function –: Time in seconds during which the alarms. Defines the temporization time t1, in
the controller limits the MV value progressively A2t1 seconds, for the alarms time functions. The value 0
Softstart A3t1
from 0 to 100 %. It is enabled at power up or when (zero) disables the function.
the control output is activated. If in doubt set zero A4t1 Refer to Table 4 for configuring this parameter
(zero value disables the Soft start function). Alarm Time t1 timed functions. The value 0 (zero) disables the

ALARM SETPOINT: Tripping point for alarm 1, 2, 3 function.

Sp.a2 and 4. Value that defines the point of activation for Refer to Table 4 for configuring this parameter.
the programmed alarms with the functions “Lo” or
Sp.a3 “ki”. A1t2 Alarm Time t2. Defines the temporization time t2,
Sp.a4 in seconds, for the alarms time functions. The
For the alarms configured with Differential type A2t2 value 0 (zero) disables the function. Refer to Table
functions, this parameter defines deviation (band). A3t2 4 for configuring this parameter
Not used for the other alarm functions. A4t2
flsh Allows visual signalization of an alarm occurrence
CYCLE OF PROGRAMS by flashing the indication of PV in the operation
level. The user chooses which alarms are to be
Pr.tb Defines the time base that will be used by all Ramp
associated with this feature.
& Soak programs.
Program time
base Se(- Time basis in seconds; CYCLE OF SCALE
Min - Time basis in minutes;
Type INPUT TYPE: Selects the input signal type to be
Pr n Selects the ramp and soak profile program to be
Type connected to the process variable input. Refer to
edited/viewed. The sequence of parameters that
Program Table 1 for the available options.
number follows refer to this selected program. Total of 20
programs possible. fltr Digital Input Filter - Used to improve the stability of
the measured signal (PV). Adjustable between 0
Ptol Maximum admitted deviation of PV with respect to Filter
and 20. In 0 (zero) it means filter turned off and 20
SP. If exceeded, the program execution is suspended
Program means maximum filter. The higher the filter value,
Tolerance (the internal timer freezes) until the deviation be
the slower is the response of the measured value.
returns back within the defined tolerance.
The value 0 (zero) disables the function (the Dppo Selects the decimal point position to be viewed in
program progresses regardless of the difference Decimal Point both PV and SP.
between PV and SP).
vnI t Unit. Temperature indication in ºC or ºF:
Psp0 Program SP’s, 0 to 9: Group of 10 values of SP that
define the Ramp and Soak profile segments. root Square Root Function. Applies the quadratic
Segments durations, 1 to 9: Defines the time of Square Root function on the input signal, within the limits
Pt1 programmed in “SPLl” and “spkL.”
duration, in second or minutes, of the segments of
Pt9 the program being edited. YES Enables the Function
no Does not enable the Function
Pe1 Alarms of Event, 1 to 9: Parameters that define
The indication assumes the lower limit value when
which alarms are to be activated during the
Pe9 the input signal is below 1 % of programmed span.
Program event execution of a certain program segment. The alarms
chosen must have its function configured as “rS.” Parameter available for lineal inputs only.
(See Table 3) SENSOR OFFSET: Offset value to be added to
Lp Link Programs: Number of the next profile program Offset the PV reading to compensate sensor error.
Link Program to be linked following the current program. Profiles Default value: zero.
can be linked together to produce larger programs
of up to 180 segments. e.rsp Enables remote SP.
0 – do not link to any other program. Enable Remote YES Enables the Function
SP no Does not enable the Function
CYCLE OF ALARMS: This parameter is not displayed when the remote
SP selection is defined by a Digital Input.
Fva1 FUNCTIONS OF ALARMS 1 to 4. Defines the
functions for the alarms among the options of the rsp Defines the signal type for the remote SP.
Fva2 Table 3.
Fva3 Remote SP 0-20 current of 0-20 mA
type 4-20 current of 4-20 mA
Fva4 0-5 voltage of 0-5 V
bla1 BLOCK ALARM 1 TO 4: This function blocks the 0-10 voltage of 0-10 V
alarms when the controller is energized.
bla2 Parameter displayed when remote SP is enabled.
YES - enables initial blocking
NO - inhibits initial blocking rsll
When enabled, the alarm will not be active at Remote SP conjunction with the rSxL, scales the remote SP
power-up, waiting for PV (Process Variable) to Low Limit input defining the initial value in the remote SP
reach a non-alarm situation. From this point on the indication range.
alarm will be free to actuate should a new alarm Parameter displayed when remote SP is enabled.
situation occur.

xya1 ALARM HYSTERESIS: Defines the difference

between the value of PV at which the alarm is
Controller N1200

rskl REMOTE SETPOINT HIGH LIMIT: defines the full Io 5 Function of the channel I/O 5: Selection of the
Remote SP scale indication of the Remote Setpoint. function used in the channel I/O 5, according to the
High Limit Parameter displayed when remote SP is enabled. Table 2.

Spll Defines the SP lower limit of SP. CALIBRATION CYCLE

Setpoint Low For the linear analog input types available (0-20 All of the input and output types are calibrated in the factory. If a
Limit mA, 4-20 mA, 0-50 mV, 0-5 V and 0-10 V), defines recalibration is required, this should be carried out by a
the minimum PV indication range, besides limiting experienced personnel. If this cycle is accidentally accessed, pass
the SP adjustment. through all the parameters without pressing the or keys
Spxl Defines the upper limit for adjustment of SP.
pass Input of the Access Password.
Setpoint High For the linear analog input types available (0-20
Password This parameter is presented before the protected
Limit mA, 4-20 mA, 0-50 mV, 0-5 V and 0-10 V), defines
cycles. See item Protection of Configuration.
the maximum PV indication range, besides limiting
the SP adjustment. inL( See section MAINTENANCE / Input Calibration.
Enter the value corresponding to the low scale
rtll In association with the rtxl parameter, it defines Input Low
Calibration signal applied to the analog input.
Retransmission the analog retransmission scale for PV or SP. The
Low Limit rtll represents the. minimum scale value for See section MAINTENANCE / Input Calibration.
the analog output ink(
Enter the value corresponding to the full scale
Input High
This parameter is displayed only if the analog Calibration signal applied to the analog input.
retransmission is selected in the I/O 5 parameter
(I/O level). rsL( See section: MAINTENANCE / Input Calibration
Enter the value corresponding to the low scale
Defines the full scale value for the analog Remote SP Low
rtkl retransmission of PV or SP. Calibration signal applied to the remote SP input.
This parameter is displayed only when the analog See section: MAINTENANCE / Input Calibration.
High Limit
retransmission is selected in the I/O 5 parameter
Enter the value corresponding to the full scale
Remote SP
(I/O level).
High Calibration signal applied to the remote SP input.
1eov Percentage output value that will be transfer to MV See section MAINTENANCE / Analog output
when the SAFE output function is enabled. If 0vL( Calibration. Enter the analog value as measured at
1eov = 0, the SAFE output function is disabled Output Low
the analog output.
and the outputs are turned off in the occurrence of Calibration
a sensor fail. See section MAINTENANCE / Analog output
0vk( Calibration. Enter the analog value as measured at
bavd Digital communication Baud Rate selection, in Output High
the analog output.
kbps: 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 57.6 and 115.2 Calibration
Baud Rate
rstr Restores the factory calibration for all inputs and
prty Parity of the serial communication. outputs, disregarding modifications carried out by
Parity none Without parity the user.
Ewem Even parity Adjusts the of cold junction temperature value.
0dd Odd parity (j
ktyp Parameter that informs the controller about the
hardware optionals installed. It should not be altered
Address controller in the network. The possible address Hardware Type
by the user, except when an accessory is introduced
numbers are from 1 to 247.
or removed.
0 – Basic model. Without optional items
Function of the channel I/O 1: Selection of the 2 – 3R
Io 1 3 – 3R + 485
function used in the channel I/O 1, according to the
Table 2. 4 – DIO
5 – DIO + 485
Io 2 Function of the channel I/O 2: Selection of the 8 – HBD
function used in the channel I/O 2, according to the 9 – HDB + 485
Table 2.
Note: The options 6 and 7 not are used.
Io 3 Function of the channel I/O 3: Selection of the
Pas.( Allows defining a new access password, always
function used in the channel I/O 3, according to the
different from zero.
Table 2.
Prot Sets up the Level of Protection. See Table 6.
Io 4 Function of the channel I/O 4: Selection of the
function used in the channel I/O 4, according to the Mains frequency. This parameter is important for
Table 2.
proper noise filtering.

PV and SP atvn PR.tb fva1 - fva4 type io1 pass
(trl pb pr n bla1 - bla4 fltr io2 Inl(
PV and MV ir Ptol kya1 - kya4 dppo io3 Ink(
Epr dt psp0 – psp9 a1t1 vnit Io4 Rsl(
p.seg (t pt1 – pt9 a1t2 Root Io5 Rsk(
t.seg Kyst pe1 – pe9 a2t1 Offs 0vl(
Rvn a(t Lp a2t2 e.rsp 0vk(
Lbd.t flsh Rsp rstr
bias Rsll (j
ovll Rskl ktyp
ovkl Spll Pas.(
sfst Spkl prot
Spa1 - spa4 Ieov freq.
Table 6 – All the Controller's Parameters

Master Password
The Master Password is intended for allowing the user to define a
The controller provides means for protecting the parameters new password in the event of it being forgotten. The Master
configurations, not allowing modifications to the parameters values, Password doesn’t grant access to all parameters, only to the
avoiding tampering or improper manipulation. Password Change parameter (PAS(). After defining the new
The parameter Protection (PROt), in the Calibration level, password, the protected parameters may be accessed (and
determines the protection strategy, limiting the access to particular modified) using this new password.
levels, as shown by the table below. The master password is made up by the last three digits of the serial
Protection number of the controller added to the number 9000.
Protected cycles As an example, for the equipment with serial number 07154321, the
master password is 9 3 2 1.
1 Only the Calibration level is protected.
2 I/Os and Calibration levels.
3 Tuning, I/Os and Calibration levels.
4 Alarm, Tuning, I/Os and Calibration levels. This feature allows the creation of Ramp and Soak Setpoint Profiles
(Programs). Up to 20 different profiles with 9 segments each can
Programs, Alarm, Tuning, I/Os and Calibration be programmed. Longer profiles of up to 180 segments can be
levels. created by linking 2 or more profiles together.
Tuning, Programs, Alarm, Input, I/Os and
6 The figure below displays a profile model:
Calibration levels.
Operation (except SP), Tuning, Programs, Alarm,
input, I/Os and Calibration levels.
Operation, Tuning, Programs, Alarm, Input, I/Os
and Calibration levels.
Table 7 – Levels of Protection for the Configuration

Access Password:
The protected levels, when accessed, request the user to provide the
Access Password for granting permission to change the Figure 8 - Example of a Ramp and Roak.
configuration of the parameters on these cycles. Once a profile is defined and selected for execution (parameter EPr
The prompt PASS precedes the parameters on the protected levels. in the operating level), the controller starts to generate the SP profile
If no password is entered, the parameters of the protected cycles can automatically in accordance with the elaborated program.
only be visualized. To execute a profile with fewer segments just program 0 (zero) for
The Access Code is defined by the user in the parameter Password the time intervals that follow the last segment to be executed.
Change (PAS.(), present in the Calibration level. The factory default
for the password code is 1111. SV SP2
Protection of the access code SP0
T1 T2 T3 T4=0
The protection system built into the controller blocks for 10 minutes Time
the access to protected parameters after 5 consecutive frustrated
attempts of guessing the correct password. Figure 9 - Program example with few segments

Controller N1200

The program tolerance defines the maximum deviation between PV

and SP for the execution of the profile. If this deviation is exceeded,
the program will be halted until the deviation falls to within the
tolerance band.
Programming 0 (zero) in the “Ptol” parameter disables the program
tolerance and the profile execution will continue regardless of the PV
value (time priority as opposed to SP priority).

It is possible to create a more complex program, with up to 180
segments, joining the 20 programs. This way, at the end of a program
execution the controller immediately starts to run the next one, as Figure 11 – Example of auto tuning
indicated in the “LP".
To force the controller to run a given program or many programs
continuously, it is only necessary to link a program to itself or the last
program to the first.
SV Program 1 Program 2
SP5 / SP0 SP3
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T1 T2 T3 T4 Time

Figure 10 - Example of interlinked programs

EVENT ALARM Figure 12 - Example of auto-adaptative tuning

The Event Alarm function associates the alarms to specific segments The operator may select, through the ATUN parameter, the desired
of a program. The information of which alarms are to be activated or tuning type among the following options:
deactivated is given in parameters “ PE1“ to “ PE9. Press the
and keys until the desired alarm numbers are displayed. • OFF: The controller does not carry through automatic tuning or
auto-adaptative tuning. The PID parameters will not be
The Event Alarm requires that the Alarm function be configured as automatically determined nor optimized by the controller.
“rS “.
• FAST: The controller will accomplish the process of automatic
Notes: tuning one single time, returning to the OFF mode after
1. If PtoL is different than zero, the controller will wait for the PV to finishing. The tuning in this mode is completed in less time, but
reach the first program set point SP0 in order to start the not as precise as in the FULL mode.
program execution. Otherwise, it will start promptly. • FULL: The same as the FAST mode, but the tuning is more
2. Should any power failure occur, the controller resumes the precise and slower, resulting in better performance of the P.I.D.
program execution at the beginning of the segment that was control.
interrupted. • SELF: The performance of the process is monitored and the
auto-adaptative tuning is automatically initiated by the
DETERMINATION OF PID PARAMETERS controller whenever the performance becomes poorer.
The determination (or tuning) of the PID control parameters in the After a tuning cycle, the controller starts collecting data from the
controller can be carried out in an automatic way and auto-adaptative process for determining the performance benchmark that will
mode. The automatic tuning is always initiated under request of the allow evaluate the need for future tunings. This phase is
operator, while the auto-adaptive tuning is initiated by the controller proportional to the process response time and is signaled by the
itself whenever the control performance becomes poor. flashing TUNE indication on the display. It is recommended not
to turn the controller off neither change the SP during this
Automatic tuning: In the beginning of the automatic tuning the learning period.
controller has the same behavior of an ON/OFF controller, applying
minimum and maximum performance to the process. Along the • rSLF: Accomplishes the automatic tuning and returns into the
tuning process the controller's performance is refined until its SELF mode. Typically used to force an immediate automatic
conclusion, already under optimized PID control. It begins tuning of a controller that was operating in the SELF mode,
immediately after the selection of the options FAST, FULL, RSLF or returning to this mode at the end.
TGHT, defined by the operator in the parameter ATUN. • TGHT: Similar to the SELF mode, but in addition to the auto-
Auto-adaptive tuning: Is initiated by the controller whenever the adaptative tuning it also executes the automatic tuning
control performance is worse than the one found after the previous whenever the controller is set in RUN=YES or when the
tuning. In order to activate the performance supervision and auto- controller is turned on.
adaptative tuning, the parameter ATUN must be adjusted for SELF, Whenever the parameter ATUN is altered by the operator into a
RSLF or TGHT. The controller's behavior during the auto-adaptative value different from OFF, an automatic tuning is immediately initiated
tuning will depend on the worsening of the present performance. If by the controller (if the controller is not in RUN=YES, the tuning will
the maladjustment is small, the tuning is practically imperceptible for begin when it passes into this condition). The accomplishment of this
the user. If the maladjustment is big, the auto-adaptive tuning is automatic tuning is essential for the correct operation of the auto-
similar to the method of automatic tuning, applying minimum and adaptative tuning.
maximum performance to the process in ON/OFF control.

Controller N1200

The methods of automatic tuning and auto-adaptative tuning are ANALOG OUTPUT CALIBRATION
appropriate for most of the industrial processes. However, there may • Configure I/O 5 for the current output to be calibrated, be it
be processes or even specific situations where the methods are not control or retransmission.
capable to determine the controller's parameters in a satisfactory
way, resulting in undesired oscillations or even taking the process to • In the screen “Ctrl”, program manual mode (man).
extreme conditions. The oscillations themselves imposed by the • Connect a current meter to the analog output.
tuning methods may be intolerable for certain processes. These • Enter the calibration cycle with the correct password.
possible undesirable effects must be considered before beginning
the controller's use, and preventive measures must be adopted in • Select the screen “ovLC”. Press the keys and for the
order to assure the integrity of the process and users. controller to recognize the calibration process of the current
The “TUNE” signaling device will stay on during the tuning process.
• Read the current indicated on the current meter and adjust the
In the case of PWM or pulse output, the quality of tuning will also
parameter “ovLC” to indicate this current value (use the keys
depend on the cycle time adjusted previously by the user.
and )
If the tuning does not result in a satisfactory control, refer to Table 8
for guidelines on how to correct the behavior of the process. • Select the screen “ovxC”. Press the keys and for the
controller to recognize the calibration process of the current
Slow answer Decrease • Read the current indicated on the current meter and adjust the
Proportional Band parameter “ovkC” to indicate this current value
Great oscillation Increase
Slow answer Increase • Press the key P in order to confirm the calibration procedure
Rate of Integration and return to the operating level.
Great oscillation Decrease
Slow answer or instability Decrease
Great oscillation Increase
The controller can be supplied with an asynchronous RS-485 digital
Table 8 - Guidance for manual adjustment of the PID parameters
communication interface for master-slave connection to a host
computer (master).
MAINTENANCE The controller works as a slave only and all commands are started by
the computer which sends a request to the slave address. The
PROBLEMS WITH THE CONTROLLER addressed unit sends back the requested reply.
Connection errors and inadequate programming are the most Broadcast commands (addressed to all indicator units in a multidrop
common errors found during the controller operation. A final revision network) are accepted but no reply is sent back in this case.
may avoid loss of time and damages.
The controller displays some messages to help the user identify CHARACTERISTICS
problems. • Signals compatible with RS-485 standard. MODBUS (RTU)
Protocol. Two wire connection between 1 master and up to 31
MESSAGE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM (addressing up to 247 possible) instruments in bus topology. The
---- Open input. No sensor or signal. communication signals are electrically insulated from the rest of
the device;
Err1 Connection and/or configuration errors. Check
the wiring and the configuration. • Maximum connection distance: 1000 meters.
• Time of disconnection for the controller: Maximum 2 ms after last
Other error messages may indicate hardware problems requiring byte.
maintenance service. When contacting the manufacturer, inform the • Selectable speed; 8 data bits; 1 stop bit; selectable parity (no
instrument serial number, obtained by pressing the key for more parity, pair or odd);
than 3 seconds.
• Time at the beginning of response transmission: maximum 100
ms after receiving the command.
The RS-485 signals are:
All inputs are factory calibrated and recalibration should only be done
by qualified personnel. If you are not familiar with these procedures D1 D D + B Bi-directional data line. Terminal 16
do not attempt to calibrate this instrument.
D0 D: D - A Bi-directional inverted data line. Terminal 17
The calibration steps are:
C Optional connection that improves the Terminal 18
a) Configure the type of input to be calibrated. performance of the communication.
b) Configure the lower and upper limits of indication for the GND
maximum span of the selected input type.
c) At the input terminals inject a signal corresponding to a known CONFIGURATION OF PARAMETERS FOR SERIAL COMMUNICATION
indication value a little above the lower display limit. Two parameters must be configured for using the serial type:
d) Access the parameter “inLC”. With the keys and adjust the bavd: Communication speed.
display reading such as to match the applied signal. Then press the
prty: Parity of the communication.
P key.
addr: Communication address for the controller.
e) Inject a signal that corresponds to a value a little lower than the
upper limit of indication.
f) Access the parameter “inLC”. With the keys and adjust
the display reading such as to match the applied signal. Then
press the P key.
Note: When checking the controller calibration with a Pt100
simulator, pay attention to the simulator minimum excitation current
requirement, which may not be compatible with the 0.170 mA
excitation current provided by the controller.

Controller N1200


FOR SERIAL COMMUNICATION DIMENSIONS: ...................................... 48 x 48 x 110 mm (1 / 16 DIN)
............................................................ Approximate Weight: 150 g
Communication Protocol
CUTOUT IN THE PANEL: ................. 45.5 x 45.5 mm (+0.5 -0.0 mm)
The MOSBUS RTU slave is implemented. All configurable
POWER SUPPLY..................... 100 a 240 Vac/dc (±10 %), 50 / 60 Hz
parameters can be accessed for reading or writing through the
Optionally:.......................................................... 24 Vac/dc ±10 %
communication port. Broadcast commands are supported as well
Maximum consumption: ........................................................ 9 VA
(address 0).
The available Modbus commands are:
Operation Temperature: ............................................... 5 to 50 °C
03 - Read Holding Register 06 - Preset Single Register Relative Humidity: .......................................... 80 % max. @ 30 ºC
05 - Force Single Coil 16 - Preset Multiple Register For temperatures above 30 ºC, reduce 3 % for each ºC
Internal Use; Category of installation II, Degree of pollution 2;
Holding Registers Table altitude < 2000 m
INPUT ............. T/C, Pt100, voltage and current (according to Table 1)
Follows a description of the usual communication registers. For full Internal Resolution: .................................. 32767 levels (15 bits)
documentation download the Registers Table for Serial Resolution of Display: .... 12000 levels (from - 1999 up to 9999)
Communication in the N1200 section of our web site – Rate of input reading: .................................up to 55 per second Precision: . Thermocouples J, K, T, E: 0.25 % of the span ±1 ºC
All registers are 16 bit signed integers. ................... Thermocouples N, R, S, B: 0.25 % of the span ±3 ºC
Address Parameter Register Description ................................................................ Pt100: 0.2 % of the span
0000 Active SP Read: Active control SP (main SP, from ..............................4-20 mA, 0-50 mV, 0-5 Vdc: 0.2 % of the span
ramp and soak or from remote SP). Input Impedance: 0-50 mV, Pt100 and Thermocouples: >10 MΩ
Write: to main SP. ................................................................................. 0-5 V: >1 MΩ
Range: from spll to spkl. .................................................4-20 mA: 15 Ω (+2 Vdc @ 20 mA)
Measurement of Pt100: ............... Three wire type, (α=0.00385)
0001 PV Read: Process Variable. with compensation for cable length, excitation current of 0.170
Write: Not allowed. mA.
Range: Minimum value is the one
All input and output types are factory-calibrated. Thermocouples
configured in spll and the maximum value
according to standard NBR 12771 / 99, RTD’s NBR 13773 / 97;
is the one configured in spkl. Decimal
point position depends on dppo value. ANALOGICAL OUTPUT (I/O5): ..... 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA, 550Ω max.
In case of temperature reading, the value 31000 levels, insulated, for control or retransmission of PV and SP
read is always multiplied by 10, CONTROL OUTPUT:
independently of dppo value. 2 Relays SPST-NA (I/O1 and I/O2): 1.5 A / 240 Vac, general use
.......................... 1 Relay SPDT (I/O3): 3 A / 250 Vac, general use
0002 MV Read: Output Power in automatic or manual
.......................... Voltage pulse for SSR (I/O5): 10 V max. / 20 mA
............. Voltage pulse for SSR (I/O3 and I/O4): 5 V max. / 20 mA
Write: Not allowed. See address 28.
Range: 0 to 1000 (0.0 to 100.0 %). ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY:............... EN 61326-1:1997
and EN 61326-1 / A1:1998
SAFETY: ........................ EN61010-1:1993 and EN61010-1 / A2:1995
CASE: IP30, ABS+PC UL94 V-0;
CERTIFICATIONS: ........................................ CE / UL (FILE: 300526)

Controller N1200

N1200 - 3R - 485 - 24V
A: Controller Model:
B: Optional I/Os:
Blank (basic version, without I/O3 nor I/O4);
3R (SPDT Relay in I/O3);
DIO (Digital I/Os in I/O3 and I/O4);
HBD (Burnt-Out Resistance detection);
C: Digital Communication:
Blank (basic version, without serial communication);
485 (RS485, Modbus protocol)
D: Power Supply:
Blank (basic version, 100 to 240 Vac/dc input);
24V (24 Vac/dc input voltage);

Warranty conditions are available on our web site


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