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Unit #1 – Professions

Presenter: Bradley Fuchs

Presentation Script
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History of the Profession

The dynamics of aerospace engineering begins with the creation of the first aircraft by Orville
and Wilbur Wright in Kitty Hawk, NC. Aerospace engineering first begin to be taught in colleges at
Michigan in 1914. Other courses that were introduced in 1915 that were related to aerospace
engineering were Propulsion of airplanes and Aero plane design. A full 4-year program wasn’t
introduced to colleges until 1916-17. Classes started out as doing experiments with balloons and gliders.
Classes then advanced with model B hydroplanes.

Daily Professional Task

Some tasks that can be found in the daily routine of an aerospace engineer include testing aircraft,
creating budgets, evaluating data, and doing research. The first task an aerospace engineer may be
asked to do is to test certain aircraft and aerospace projects. While testing aircraft an engineer will
perform multiple tests on the product including bending the wings to the extreme and lightning test. A
large part of the aerospace engineer job description is creating budgets, designs, deadlines, and
supervising that equipment is up to standard. Aerospace engineers need to be able to take charge of a
situation and have good time management skills. Another task that an aerospace engineer may be asked
to do is to evaluate data from inspections. After performing an inspection the notes taken on the aircraft
have to be evaluated and figure out how to fix any problems that came up during the inspection.

 Make designs of aerospace products or systems

 Testing aircraft or aerospace products
 Create budgets, designs, deadlines, and making sure equipment is up to standard
 Evaluate data from inspections
 Do research for development projects
Some careers that you can do with an aerospace engineering degree are CAD designers, Sales
executive, Drafter, Mission Specialist, Design Engineer, Mechanical engineer on (aircrafts and missiles),
and being a data processing manager. As a CAD designer you will make 3D models and designs for
upcoming projects, run simulations on CAD before creating prototypes, and continue your education in
the field. As a mechanical engineer you will be responsible for building the aircraft and weapon systems.
Being a mechanical engineer is very hard manual labor and you must be ready to work extremely hard
every single day. Another career related to aerospace engineering is being a data processing manager.
When you are a data processor you going to be brought data from inspections by your coworkers and
you must be able to interpret this data and understand what is wrong with an aircraft and how to fix it.

 CAD designers
 Mechanical engineer on aircrafts, jets, missiles, and space weaponry
 Sales executive
 Design engineer (working on blueprints)
 Professor for your field
 Data processing manager
 Drafter
 Mission specialist

Education Requirements
To be an Aerospace Engineer you must meet certain requirements. Getting a career as an
aerospace engineer requires that you have at least a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering. It is
also recommended that you take at least two years of calculus and physics. Two years of chemistry is
also essential. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has the highest rated engineering school in the
country. California Institute of Technology has the highest rated aerospace engineering program in the
country. Some other great schools are GA tech, Michigan, and Stanford.
 Minimum of a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering
 2 years Calculus
 2 years Physics
 2 years Chemistry
 GA tech etc..

Professional Requirements (licensures, etc.)

With Aerospace engineering being a highly skilled career path, you must have certain certifications.
Some of the largest certifications you can receive are your Aerospace physiology certificate and your
professional engineering license. Another requirement you must meet is making a passing score on the
fundamentals of engineering exam. To get hired almost anywhere you need to have over 4 years of
experience in the aerospace engineering field. Another good certification to put on a resume is
shadowing a professional engineer for a certain amount of time. After you get a job, there will be very
little on the job training.
 Professional engineering license for more advanced engineering jobs
 Shadowing a professional aerospace engineer for a certain amount of time may be required for some
positions in this field
 Minimal on the job training
 Passing score on the fundamentals of engineering exam
 Preferably over 4 years of experience in a similar field

Earnings (match to different ‘Careers’ above)

As an aerospace engineer you have the possibility of making great money. The median
annual wage for aerospace engineers comes in around $116,500. With the different careers you
can get with an aerospace engineering degree, working for the federal government and making
the aerospace products pay closest to the annual wage. Careers that usually end up paying
higher than the annual wage can be related to Research and development in the physical,
engineering, and life sciences side of aerospace engineering. Other jobs that pay higher than
the annual wage relate to navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments
manufacturing. These jobs tend to pay over $122,000 a year.

 Median annual wage for aerospace engineers in around $116,500

 Fields centered around Engineering services, Aerospace product and parts manufacturing, and
working for the federal government have the closest annual wage to the median number
 Jobs including (Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments
manufacturing), and Research and development in the physical, engineering, and life
sciences) tend to have a higher annual range
 Typically, north of $120,000

Well Known Companies

There are many great companies for the aerospace engineering field. Many of these companies
have been around for years and others are newly founded. The most highly recognized and respected
company of these would be NASA. NASA has been around since 1958 and continues to grow and
continues its research every day. Another great aerospace company is Space-X with its newly found
fame. Space-X was found by Elon Musk and just launched a new rocket into space which was worked on
by 8,000 different aerospace engineers. Other great companies are Boeing, Airbus, and Rolls Royce.

 Space-X
 Boeing
 Airbus
 Rolls Royce

Professional Organizations
Many great organizations have been founded and provided for the aerospace engineering
community. Some of which being the AIA (Aerospace Industries Association), the American Institutes of
Aerospace, and the Vertical Flight Society. The Aerospace Industries Association is an organization that
represents those who manufacturer aerospace products for the military. The AIA serves as a voice for
the community. They also produce books and reports that show the history of the history and helps with
advances in technology. Other well-known organizations for the aerospace engineering community
include the Vertical Flight Society and the American Institutes of Aerospace.

 Aerospace industries association

 American institutes of aerospace
 Vertical Flight society

Well Know Projects

Over the years, aerospace engineers have produced amazing products. One of these products
being the Smartphone controlled paper plane. This RC paper plane was truly Amazing. This paper
airplane was invented by PowerUp toys, an Israeli company. This plane was in development for 12 years.
Another great product is the gesture-controlled drone. This drone is entirely controlled by one's hand
movements. This drone was created by DJI and is called the DJI Spark. Other products made by
engineers were the robotic bird and the energy glider.

 Robotic bird
 Energy glider
 Smartphone controlled paper plane
 Gesture controlled drone

Current Job Openings

Jobs are almost always available in the aerospace engineering field. In 2018 there were 67,000+ jobs in
the aerospace engineering field. The demand for Aerospace Engineers is expected to grow 2% in the
next 8-10 years. The average job outlook in general is around 5-8%. With aerospace being at 2% this has
a very low growth in demand for employment. Examples of Current job openings right now would be a
Wind Tunnel Systems Engineer, Entry level systems engineer, and a Fluid Systems test engineer.

 Wind tunnel systems engineer

 Entry level systems engineer (Cruise missile)
 Fluid Systems test engineer
 Aerospace Engineer
Additional Information Slide #1
With aerospace engineering first being started in 1914, there have been many great engineers
throughout the history of time. The most famous and well-known aerospace engineer in history would
defiantly be Neil Armstrong. Many do not know him as an aerospace engineer, but as an astronaut and
the first man to walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong spent 2 hours on the face of the moon and made
great advances in technology. Another extremely famous aerospace engineer would be Elon Musk. Elon
Musk is a Modern-Day engineer who is known to many as the CEO of Tesla. He also is the founder and
lead designer of SpaceX, one of the largest space travel and manufacturing companies. Elon musk is a
multi-billionaire with a net worth of 75.6 B. and one of the most well-known public figures of today.
Other amazing aerospace engineers are Wernher von Braun and George Caley.

Additional Information Slide #2

Being an aerospace engineer requires many different skill sets. The largest skill that you must be
a pro at and be able to do perfectly is mathematics, analytics, and problem solving. Other key skills for
aerospace engineers is having a creative and innovative brain, attention to detain, and communication
skills. On the job your math skills will be put to work every day by modeling shapes, designing in CAD,
and by calculating the fluid dynamics. Being an aerospace engineer requires strong communications
skills. An engineer with work with one’s co-workers every day and one must be able to communicate
clearly, strongly, and quickly. There are deadlines that are set for every project that needs to be
completed and an aerospace engineer needs to have strong time management skills.

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