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School Regimen

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Kharkiv National Medical University

Department of hygiene and ecology no.1

 To become familiar with methods of studying age
psychological and physiological peculairities of the organism
of children and adolescents.
 To master the method of examination of children’s functional
readiness to studying at school.
 To master methods of making hygienic assessment of day
regimen and time-table for different age pupils.
 To become acquainted with the method of hygienic
assessment of organization of the pupils’ extra-curricular
activities and free time
Express-method: Kern-Irasek test
1) drawing of man (1-5 points);
2) copying of short phrase from 3-4 words (1-5 points);
3) copying of groups of spots (1-5 points).

Estimation of result :
1-5 points - high readiness;
6-10 points - middle readiness,
over 11 points - subzero readiness
 Time of the beginning of studies - not earlier 8 o'clock in the morning.

 Limitation of the number of lessons per day and per week depending
on age of pupils.

 Duration of breaks after each lesson - 10 min, after the second lesson -
30 min

 Limitation of duration of doing homework depending on age of pupils.

 Designing of the school time-table according to the physiological curve

of capacity for work and the “Rank scale” of difficulty of school subjects
(I – period of work initialization; II – period of high constant working capacity,
III – period of decreasing of working capacity; а –zone of partial compensation; b – zone
of final outburst; c – zone of progressive fall of working capacity)
The most difficult subjects should be on the second, third or fourth lessons
(between 10 and 12 o’clock). Days of the greatest working capacity -
Wednesday and Thursday.
Two difficult subjects should not be put one after another. Difficult lessons
should alternate with easy ones.
 Double lessons are allowed only for writing term test papers and two
lessons of labor, because double lessons are monotonous.
Means of technical training should be used only from the third lesson.
Duration of using means of technical training is strictly regulated and
depends on the age of children.
Schedule should include at least two lessons of physical training in the
middle of the working day and the working week.
Forms Number of classes

1-3 4

4 4-5

5-8 5-6

9-11 6
Forms Six-day week Five-day week
1 22 20
2-4 25 22
5 31 28
6 32 29
7 34 31
8-9 35 32
10-11 36 33
Forms The time of preparation of home

1st 45-60 min

2nd 1.5 hour
3-4th not more than 2 hours
5-6 th not more than 2.5 hours
7-8 th not more than 3 hours
9-11 th not more than 4 hours
The “Rank scale” of school subjects difficulty by Sivkov
Name of subject Level of difficulty in points
Mathematics 11
Foreign languages 10
Physics and chemistry 9
History 8
Native language and literature 7
Geography and biology 6
Physical training 5
Drafting 4
Industrial arts 3
Drawing 2
Singing 1
Practical work
The scheme of hygienic estimation of the school time-table

1.The number of school shifts_________________________________________

2. The beginning of classes of the first shift______________________________
3. The end of classes of the first shift ___________________________________
4. The beginning of classes of the second shift__________________________________
5. The end of the classes of the second shift____________________________________
(You should calculate the end of the classes by yourself. For this purpose, you should sum up the time of all
lessons and all breaks.)
6. The number of breaks and their duration______________________________________
7. The number of lessons a day: minimal _____________ maximal ______________
8. The number of lessons a week______________________________________________
9. Study time a day: minimal _________________ maximal ______________________
10. Study time a week_______________________________________________________
11. The number of lessons of physical training a week_____________________________
12. On what days and at what time are there the lessons of physical
13. The number of industrial arts lessons a week_______________________________________________
14. On what days and at what time are there the lessons of labor?_________________________________
15.The number of double lessons____________________________________________________________
16. On what day, at what time and in what subjects are these double lessons a week?
17. Draw a graphs of distribution of school subjects according to the «Rank scale» of school subjects
difficulty " for every weekday.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
lesson Thursday Friday





Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Day of the week
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
1. Ukrainian reading 1. Ukrainian reading 1. Natural history
2. Ukrainian language 2. English language 2. English language
3. Mathematics 3. Basic of health care 3. Mathematics
4. Craft/Art 4. Mathematics 4. Ukrainian language
5. Russian language 5. Ukrainian language 5. Physical training

Thursday Friday
1. Ukrainian reading 1. Basic of social science
2. Ukrainian language 2. Logic
3. Mathematics 3. English language
4. Music 4. Physical training
5. English language 5. Russian language

 Beginning of classes – 8 30
 Duration of lesson – 45 min
 Duration of breaks between lessons: 10 min (between 2d and 3th lessons – 20 min)
Monday Tuesday
1. Ukrainian language 1. Drawing Wednesday
2. Ukrainian language 2. Ukrainian language 1. Biology
3. Chemistry 3. Geography 2. Algebra
4. Algebra 4. Geometry 3. Ukrainian literature
5. English 5. Biology 4. Physical training
6. Physical training 6. Chemistry 5. Chemistry
7. History 7. Labour

Thursday Friday
1. Algebra 1. Ukrainian language
2. English 2. Algebra
3. Geography 3. English
4. Physics 4. Drawing
5. Chemistry 5. Geography
6. Geometry 6. History

 Beginning of classes – 8 30
 Duration of lesson – 45 min
 Duration of breaks between lessons: 10 min (between 2d and 3th lessons – 20 min)

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