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Eyes in The Sky Buyer Beware: Helping To Keep Your Business Flowing

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NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 Issue 6 Volume 7

Eyes in the sky

Drones are transforming
inspections in the energy industry

Buyer beware
Helping operators to identify and
avoid pirated pump parts
Eyes in the sky

Drones are transforming the midstream energy pipeline industry

Focusing on the processing, transportation back by millions or billions in clean-up infrastructure. But even these machines
and storage of crude oil and natural costs, charges and penalties. And this cannot operate in bad weather, and in
gas, the midstream segment serves is in addition to the damage to the the absence of a private airfield, the flying
as virtual arteries of the oil and gas reputation of the business and the toll distance as well as the costs shoot up.
industry. And just like prevention is the that the spill takes on the environment. And with the helicopter maintaining
best cure for unhealthy arteries, drones So, it is safe to assume that in an ideal an average speed of 180km per hour,
are fast emerging as a comprehensive, world, every operator would want to adopt you cannot really rule out the possibility
proactive solution for managing fluid a proactive approach toward the upkeep of the on-board observer missing
handling in the midstream sector. of pipelines. But the sheer scale of this linear out on a thing or two. After all, three
In a new report, research analysts at infrastructure makes it virtually impossible separate companies had inspected
Barclays predict that the oil and gas for energy companies to do that. Shell’s San Pablo Bay pipeline, which
industry could save $50 billion (€45 billion) Sending out crews for ground inspection subsequently spilled 900 barrels of crude
in costs by using drones over the next is not only a lengthy and tedious process, onto California farmlands in 2015.
five years. Goldman Sachs Research but some hard-to-reach areas can only These challenges posed by
estimates that the market for drone- be accessed through the sky. Ground conventional pipeline inspection methods
based pipeline inspections alone could crews cannot carry out inspections in are exactly what makes unmanned
be worth $41 million (€37 million) globally. bad weather or during night-time, while aerial vehicles (UAVs) so useful in
This is because pipelines are a critical some sites that pass through dangerous midstream fluid handling operations.
asset in oil and gas infrastructure – one areas could pose a safety risk to workers
that is directly linked to a company’s no matter what time of the day it is. UAV applications in midstream energy
bottom line. A leak in a pipeline or a This is why many businesses resort
hillside blowout could cost organisations to the expensive proposition of hiring Pipeline inspections
thousands of dollars in repairs. Large-scale a $2,500 (€2,253) per hour helicopter Since they can tackle several strategic
oil spills could set energy companies to carry out inspections of pipeline and tactical challenges at once, drones

Drones are ideal for regular above-ground piping and facility inspection to detect oil leaks



For instance, a large oil and gas

operator in Nigeria employed the services
of Terra Drone to conduct an aerial
survey of a 20km corridor earmarked
as the location for a new pipeline. A
fixed-wing drone flew at a height of 400
feet to capture aerial images with a
ground resolution of 2cm for a period
of seven days. From the overlapping
photogrammetric images, a full 3D digital
elevation model (DEM) and a 3D digital
terrain model (DTM) were produced. In
addition, one seamless aerial image was
created out of the thousands of images
taken, whereby the final orthophoto
mosaic was corrected for colour, scale
and height differences. By leveraging
Drones generate high-quality imagery for geo-referenced asset inspection 
drones for land surveying, the operator
was able to gain high-precision data and
have emerged as the perfect answer survey site to discern infrastructure health save time and money in the process.
to the problem of regular above- and identify vegetation encroachment
ground piping and facility inspection to or potentially dangerous activities, Construction monitoring
detect oil leaks. UAVs reduce per-mile such as new construction, near the During the construction phase of
inspection costs, lower operational risks pipelines. This data can be viewed in pipelines, project managers can use
by keeping humans out of vulnerable 2D or 3D formats from any desktop and drones to monitor and review the site
areas, provide high-quality data and shared easily with all stakeholders. remotely. For detailed construction site
imagery, and allow assets to be inspected progress tracking and reporting, weekly
at much greater levels of frequency. Land surveying or fortnightly orthomosaics of the as-built
Industrial drone solution providers Forward-thinking pipeline construction aerial imagery can be compared with
such as Japan-based Terra Drone companies are using drones for the design. In case of any deviation
Corporation use high-endurance a variety of mapping, surveying from the projected trajectory, timely
UAVs for real-time pipeline monitoring. and modelling services. Apart from remedial measures can be taken. With
With a flight time of up to three hours delivering time and cost efficiencies, non-disruptive LiDAR scans, the structural
and range of 150km, Terra Drone’s UAVs help to mitigate safety issues by integrity of the infrastructure can also be
autonomous drones can sustain wind removing the need for workers to visit checked from time to time. Regular drone
rising to gusts of 30 knots. The surveillance areas like precarious terrains, water data simplifies the process of inventory
is done through the integrated RGB/ crossings, or regions with wildlife. management as well. Moreover, aerial
HD video camera with a standard data
range of up to 40km line of sight. This
allows the company to live-stream spill
events to remote locations as well.

ROW management
Between 2007 and 2011, Nigeria lost
more than $11 billion (€10 billion) to
crude oil theft and pipeline vandalism,
which led to the government deploying
military personnel along the pipeline
right of way (ROW). Today, a more
cost-effective patrolling solution
is present in the form of UAVs.
But keeping a constant watch and
relaying data in real-time to the command
centre just skims the surface of what
drones can do for ROW management.
More commonly, drones are being used
by pipeline operators for routine inspection
works like hazard detection, surface
hydrology, vegetation analysis, change
detection and route documentation.
Inspectors can fly a fixed-wing drone
with a high-resolution camera over the Terra Drone group company Terra Drone Ventus operates a drone at an inspection site



A drone pilot watches mission progress from the ground control station

imagery and video acts as conclusive pig receivers, etc. This sophisticated mountains of data quickly post-flight is
proof in cases of litigation between imaging technology can be used to scan a Herculean task in itself. Consequently,
contractors and energy companies. thousands of connections throughout many organisations prefer to partner
a site quickly and safely. The false with a service provider that uses cutting-
Localisation of underground pipelines alert rate is also minimal because the edge technologies such as machine
A ground penetrating radar (GPR) analytical software automatically filters learning and artificial intelligence to
mounted on a drone makes for out unwanted elements like moving dig out actionable insights from asset
an efficient surveying solution for vehicles, rain, snow, shadowing and glare. inspection data. Companies integrate
underground assets, as it allows pipeline this intelligence directly into workflows
operators to see not only through the Build or outsource? – right from design to decommissioning
concrete ground but also through the – to enhance their decision-making
surface of hazardous or difficult-to-reach Drones may be a relatively new process and minimise incidents and
environments, such as multiple layers of technology solution for the energy costs linked to asset failures.
snow, boulders and water bodies. With industry, but businesses around the In essence, it is quickly becoming
GPR drones, oil and gas companies world are quickly recognising that obvious to oil and gas companies around
can get the exact 3D location of using drones in midstream applications the world that drones are the safest
underground pipelines from the sky. essentially reduces ‘mean time to and most reliable tools for surveying,
repair’ and increases ‘mean time before inspection and monitoring fluid activity
Thermal monitoring failure’. This begs the question: should in the midstream sector. By providing
With drone-mounted thermal imaging a pipeline business build its own drone indispensable information in real-time,
cameras, pipeline inspectors can programme or outsource the data these eyes in the sky enable progressive
easily identify structural anomalies in acquisition and processing jobs? pipeline operators to follow a proactive,
the susceptible sections of the pipeline There are companies that prefer to data-driven approach to infrastructure
infrastructure, including control valves, keep everything under internal control maintenance, which increases both
pig traps, meters, pressure gauges, and start off by buying a drone and their productivity and efficiency. z
processing software. But the biggest
challenge they face is that of scaling
the operations organisation-wide. It is
one thing to fly and analyse 10 miles of
pipeline in a day, but completely another
to scan thousands of miles in a week.
This is why many companies prefer to
work with a third-party service provider
or adopt a hybrid approach, wherein For more information:
they retain certain elements of the drone This article was written by Ishveena Singh,
veteran geospatial technologies writer and
programme under internal control.
GPR drones can detect underground pipelines head of marketing communications at Terra
from the sky Also, let’s not forget processing Drone. Visit:


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