Explore (Ict Concepts)
Explore (Ict Concepts)
Explore (Ict Concepts)
College of Teacher Education
2. Explore
Using the same group where you belong, visit the following suggested internet readings
sites below. Several copies of portable document format (PDF) files are attached for the
ease of downloading from the internet. To build a strong foundation of your knowledge
about basic ICT concepts, you are encouraged to read other reference materials like books,
journal articles, PHL CHED Connect Open educational resources, Google Scholar and others.
ICT Concept Conceptual definition
A term used by Web authors. In an HTML document a Relative Link indicates the
Absolute Link location of a file relative to the document, whereas an absolute link specifies the full
An AUP is a set of rules that define the ways in which ICT facilities can
and cannot be used in a business or educational institution, including a description of
Acceptable Use Policy
the possible sanctions that can be applied if a user breaks the rules. Two of the most
important topics covered by an AUP are (i) e-safety and (ii) awareness of and
compliance with copyright.
The name of a Database program forming part of the Microsoft Office suite of
Action Maze A type of computer program used in Computer Assisted Language Learning.
A term used to describe the newer type of computer Display Screen that makes use of
Active Matrix
Thin Film Transistor (TFT) technology
Usually supplied as part of your Email software. An address book in this sense is used
Address Book to keep a record of all the email addresses of people whom you may wish to contact
by email.
ADSL A high-speed digital telephone connection that operates over an existing copper
telephone line, allowing the same line to be used for voice calls. ADSL lines offer
(Asymmetric Digital transmission speed that are usually in the range 2Mbps to 8Mbps, and are
Subscriber Line) used mainly for Internet access.
A program that uses collected data about a user in order to display advertisements in
a way regarded as intrusive.
AJAX is a Web programming tool (or rather a set of tools) that makes it possible to
create interactive Web applications that work in much the same way as computer
applications on your computer's hard disc, i.e. more responsive, more spontaneous,
( Asynchronous JavaScript
so that when you click on something on the Web page there is very little time delay -
and XML.)
as in your wordprocessor, for example.
A term used in connection with HTML, the coding system used for creating Web
Anchor pages. An anchor is the target of a Hyperlink, i.e. a point in a Web document to which
you jump when you click on a hyperlink.
The most popular Web Server software on the World Wide Web. Apache runs mainly
Apache on Unix systems, although there is also a Microsoft Windows version. The Apache
Project website is at http://www.apache.org
Used to describe documents or files that are not immediately needed but which should
not be completely discarded. An archive may be stored on an external Hard Disc, CD-
Archive ROM, DVD or other Storage Device. Also used to describe stored messages that have
been contributed to discussion lists or blogs. Also used as a verb. See Blog,
Discussion List
This is Microsoft's own file format that stores both audio and video information and is
specially designed to run over the Internet. ASF enables content to be delivered as a
continuous stream of streaming audio or streaming video data.with little wait time
(Advanced Streaming
before playback begins. This means that you no longer have to wait for your audio and
video files to fully download before starting to view them.
This term describes computer software or devices used by people with special needs
to enable them to access the services provided by ICT, e.g. computer programs,
Email and the World Wide Web. Technologies under this heading include Text To
Assistive Technology Speech (TTS) screen readers for the unsighted or partially sighted, alternative
keyboards and mice for people who have problems in handeye coordination, head-
pointing devices, speech recognition software, and screen magnification
Asynchronous "Not at the same time". Often used to refer to communication by Email or via a
Discussion List, where the recipients of the email or the participants in the discussion
do not have to be present at the same time and can respond at their own
convenience. A feature of asynchronous learning
is that the teachers and learners do not have to be present at their computers at the
same time.
A term used by Web authors. An attribute of an HTML tag controls how that tag
For example, in the HTML fragment <img src="../images/home01.gif" alt="English
home page">,
the required attribute src defines the image file to be displayed, and the optional
attribute alt defines the text to be displayed when the Mouse moves over the image.
Used as a verb, to back up means to copy a File or Folder from your computer to
another Storage Device, e.g. a CD-ROM, as a precaution in case your Hard Drive fails
Backup or Back Up or is infected by a Virus. A backup, used as a noun, or a backup copy describes a
copy that you have made in this way. It is essential to back up new files and folders at
regular intervals.
The amount of data that can be sent from one computer to another through a
particular connection in a certain amount of time, e.g. via a computer to the Internet
Bandwidth and vice versa. The more bandwidth available, the faster you are able to access
information. Bandwidth is usually measured in kilobits per second (Kbps) or megabits
per second (Mbps).
A unit of measurement at which data can be transferred (i.e. the baud rate), for
example over a telephone line via a Modem or from a computer to an external device
Baud such as a Printer. Rarely used nowadays, as transfer transfer rates are normally
expressed in kilobits per second (Kbbs) or megabits per
second (Mbps).
BIOS This is a built-in ROM Chip on the Motherboard containing essential programs to
manage the computer's input and output, which are loaded into memory during the
(Basic Input/Output System) boot process.
Contraction of binary digit. A bit is the smallest measurement unit of computer memory
Bit or data
transmission speed, e.g. via a Modem. See the entry on Measurement Units.
Blackboard A commercial Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) package, i.e. a software package
This term normally refers to combining Internet-based distance learning with faceto-
Blended Learning face tuition but it may also be used to describe combining offline ICT-based materials
with more traditional materials, such as books, audiocassettes and videocassettes.
Bluetooth is a technical industry standard for radio technology which facilitates the
transmission of signals over short distances (up to around 10 metres) between
telephones, computers and other devices without the use of wires. For example, a
Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone can communicate with a Desktop Computer or
Laptop Computer for the purpose of synchronising data, such
as an appointments diary
A bookmark is a facility within a Browser that enables you to keep a record of Web
pages that you have visited and may wish to visit again. Bookmarks are stored in a
subdirectory of the Windows directory on your computer. In Internet Explorer
bookmarks are known as Favorites (sic - spelt the American way), which is also the
name of the subdirectory in which they are stored.
Bookmarks are also used to mark positions in a Word document, i.e. positions to
which you can jump from other points in the document by clicking on them with the
To start up a computer by loading the operating system into memory. The computer is
regarded as bootstrapping itself into operation, i.e. picking itself up by its own
Boot bootstraps. The adjective bootable is often used to describe a backup disc that can be
used to start a computer, e.g. when the hard
disc fails or becomes corrupted for some reason.
The smallest measurement of data transmission speed, e.g. via a Modem. Computer
Bps people normally measure data transmission speeds in Kbps, meaning kilobits per
second, or Mbps, meaning megabits per second. If you have a 56Kbps modem (which
(bits per second) is slow by today's standards) it means that your modem can transmit at speeds up to
56,000 bits of information per second.
A software package installed on the hard disc of your computer that enables you to
access and to navigate the World Wide Web - to "surf the Web" in colloquial terms.
Not the sort you get on to go into town. This is basically a set of parallel wires for
Bus connecting the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer to all other input-output
devices. Data can be transmitted in two directions, from and to the CPU.
The cache contains information stored by a Web Browser on your hard disc, so that
you don't have to download the same material repeatedly from a remote computer.
Browsers keep copies of all the Web pages that you view so that the pages can be
redisplayed quickly when you go back to them.
Bits per second Camputer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing. A process
of drafting, designing and manufacturing with the aid of a computer.
A portable video camera, capable of recording live motion video for later replay
through a videocassette recorder (VCR), DVD player or computer.
In computer jargon, a card is an electronic circuit board, usually one which can be
slotted into your computer in order to fulfil a specialised function.
Used to describe how a computer program, e.g. a Browser, interprets upper and lower
Case Sensitivity case letters, e.g. in the name of a program, the name of a folder stored on your
computer, or the name of a website.
Abbreviation for Compact Disc Read Only Memory. A CD-ROM is an Optical Disc on
to which data has been written via a laser - a process often referred to as "burning a
CD": see Burn. A CDROM looks much the same as an audio CD, but can contain text,
sound, pictures and motion video.
A term used by Web authors. CGI is an abbreviation for Common Gateway Interface.
A program residing on a Web Server, usually in a directory called cgi-bin, which
CGI Script processes data from an HTML form. CGI scripts can be written in any programming
language suitable for handling text data,but Perl (http://www.perl.com) is the most
popular scripting language.
A collection of image files that can be embedded or inserted into Web pages, word-
processed documents, PowerPoint presentations, etc. Some clipart images are
Clipart or Clip Art copyright-free or in the public domain but others may be subject to a licence fee if you
wish to make them public, e.g. on a
Refers to the storing and accessing of data and programs over the Internet instead of
on another type of hard drive.
Cloud Computing
Examples of Cloud services include iCloud, Google Cloud and Dropbox.
Pieces of hardware and/or software which are capable of being used together are
described as compatible.
A set of instructions that the computer carries out in sequence to perform a given task.
Computer Program Programs are written in English-like programming languages (e.g. C, Pascal), and are
then converted into binary machine instructions via a compiler or an interpreter.
This type of microphone is probably the best type to use in multimedia CALL programs
Condenser Microphone
as it provides a stronger signal when the learner is recording his/her own voice.
A piece of information stored on a user's computer by a Web Browser when the user
Cookie visits a website for the first time. Websites use cookies to recognise users who have
previously visited them.
Central Processing Unit The central processing unit provides the calculations and manipulation of data sent
(CPU) from the user.
A crawler is a program that searches the Web for new links, new content and changes
Crawler in order to keep Search Engine results up to date. A crawler may also be called a bot
(short for robot) or spider.
The pointer which appears on screen and is controlled by a pointing device, such as a
mouse. The cursor usually has the shape of an arrow, but can also take other shapes:
Cursor e.g. an I-beam in a document, an hourglass whilst an operation is under way, or the
graphic image of a hand over a
A term normally used to describe someone who registers the name of a popular Web
Cybersquatter address - usually a company name - with the intent of selling it to its rightful owner at a
high price.
A structured collection of data that can be used for a variety of purposes. Databases
Database are usually stored on a Hard Disc inside your computer, on a CD-ROM, or at a
Short for defragment. A process run by a defragging program (usually supplied as part
of Microsoft Windows) whereby parts of data files scattered around different segments
of a computer hard disc are gathered together into continuous file segments. This
makes applications run more efficiently and also frees up disc space
Digital Literacy According to American Library Association(2018), digital literacy is the ability to use
A disc may take several different forms and is used for the permanent or temporary
storage of data that can be read by a computer.
A device within or connected to a computer that enables data to be read from and
Disc Drive
written onto a disc.
There are 4 different approaches that utilize discussion and interaction in the Internet.
Discussion tools These are threaded discussion forum, Blogging, Live chat and Video
Teleconferencing, Netiquette and Safety on the Net.
This type of microphone is often used in multimedia CALL programs when the learner
has to record his/her own voice. The main drawback of this type of microphone is that
Dynamic Microphone
it requires considerable amplification and may result in very faint playback on some
allows users to have control over their accounts (view balances and transactions),
E-banking transactions from one account to another, credit payment, shopping vouchers for
mobile phones etc.
E-commerce A form of trade that allows customers to browse and purchase products online
Educational technology Refers to the use of technology in teaching and learning. Educational technology
includes both the non-digital (flip charts, pictures, models, realias, etc.) and digital
(electronic tools: hardware, software and connections, etc.)
Contraction of Electronic Mail. A system for creating, sending and receiving messages
via the Internet.
A software license agreement for end users. EULA will be displayed during program
EULA (End User License
installation and by pressing an "I agree" button you agree to terms of use and are
legally bound to respect contract conditions.
Feedback is an automatic response from a computer, which may take the form of text,
image, audio, video or any combination of these, to a learner's input.
File A file in computer jargon can be used to describe many different things. It may be a
Computer Program, a document file created with a Word-processor, an image file, an
audio file, a video file, etc.
Firewall A firewall is a software package that sits between your computer and your Internet
A firewire is in essence a facility that allows you to transfer video recordings very
Firewire quickly from one device to another, e.g. from a Camcorder to a computer, using a
special cable that connects to the computer's fireware socket.
A portable Storage Device. They are used to store data that you wish to carry around,
e.g. a PowerPoint presentation, and they can be plugged into any computer with a
Flash Drive
USB socket. Flash drives are also commonly referred to as pen drives or memory
The process of preparing a writeable disc for use. Formatting creates a structure on
the disc which enables it to hold data.
Geek A colloquial term describing someone who is obsessed with computers and uses them
at every opportunity in their free time, mainly for "social" purposes, e.g.
communication via email and blogs, playing multi-user games, etc.
GIF Abbreviation for Graphic Interchange Format. A file format used for storing simple
graphics. GIF files use a palette of 256 colours, which makes them practical for almost
all graphics except photographs.
a cloud based teaching tool which is stored in the google server and is available for
Google Apps
students both at home and in school.
A person who spends their time trying to gain access to information stored on other
people's computers all around the world.
Hardcopy or Hard Copy Printed output from a computer, as opposed to output on screen.
A hard disc consists of a single rigid magnetic disc or a set of such discs enclosed
within a metal case, i.e. a hard disc drive, which is mounted internally in your
Hard Disc
computer and is used for storing the computer programs and data that it needs in
order to work.
A hard drive is the storage unit for the machine. Saved documents and applications
Hard Drive
are stored on the hard drive using magnetism.
Homepage or Home Page This is the main Web page of a business, organisation or school, or of a
personal website. From this page links are made to other pages on the same site and
to external sites.
Short for host computer. Any computer that provides services to other computers that
are linked to it, via a local network or via the Internet.
Abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language. The coding system used for creating
pages on the World Wide Web. HTML enables the author to control how the page
appears and to insert Hypertext links within one Web page or to other pages
anywhere on the Web.
Abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The transfer method (protocol) used by
the World Wide Web to transmit and receive Web pages.
A common connection point for networked computers and other devices. Hubs are
used to connect devices in a Local Area Network (LAN).
A contraction of hypertext link, the essence of Hypertext and the HTML language used
Hyperlink for creating pages on the World Wide Web. In a Web document a hyperlink can be a
sequence of letters or an image.
A system for the non-sequential presentation of text, the fundamental concept of the
World Wide Web, whereby the user can jump from one part of a text to another, from
one Web page to another, or from one website to another, by clicking on highlighted
(and usually underlined) hyperlinks.
A small symbol or picture used in a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The icons on the
computer screen represent programs or files, e.g. a picture of a painter's palette might
represent a program used for drawing and editing pictures, and a picture of a book
with a question mark on its cover might represent the text of a manual or a help file.
Abbreviation for Information and Learning Technology. A term that has recently come
ILT into vogue, stressing the learning aspect rather than the communications aspect, as in
Information and The use of digital technology, communication, tools and/or networks to access,
Communication Technology manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information in order to function
Literacy or ICT Literacy in a knowledge society (Guro 21, 2011).
Anything that goes into a computer in order to be processed and/or stored. Also used
Input as a verb.
Any device that is capable of inputting information into a computer system, e.g. a
Input Device
Keyboard, Microphone, Mouse or Scanner.
A program that enables the user to install or set up a program or suite of computer
Install Program or
programs on the computer's hard disc for first-time use. Also known as Setup
Installation Program
Program. See Install, Uninstall, Uninstall Program.
An electronic circuit etched onto a small piece of silicon which has been subjected,
Integrated Circuit
using photo-masking processes, to controlled "doping" with certain impurities.
a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have
Internet permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to
users at other computers).
A Browser produced by the Microsoft Corporation and supplied together with the
Internet Explorer
Windows operating system
Has the task of delivering packets from the source host to the destination host solely
Internet Protocol (IP)
based on the IP addresses in the packet headers.
private network inside a company or educational organisation and used over its LAN
Intranet (Local Area Network). A sort of local Internet. Contrasted with Internet, which is
publicly available.
Abbreviation for Joint Photographic Expert Group. Pronounced "Jaypeg". A file format
JPEG or JPG used for storing images. The JPEG/JPG format uses a palette of millions of colours
and is primarily intended for photographic images.
The keyboard of a computer is used to enter information which the computer displays
Keyboard or processes. It looks much the same as a typewriter keyboard, but has a few
additional keys that have special functions.
Abbreviation for Local Area Network. A Network of computers at one site that provides
services to other computers connected to it.
A laptop computer is a computer that is light and can easily be carried around.
Laptop Computer
Contrasted with Desktop Computer.
A type of Printer that works by firing a laser at a rotating drum. Laser printers produce
Laser Printer
high-quality output at a reasonable speed.
Abbreviation for Liquid Crystal Display. A technology used for producing a type of flat
LCD panel computer Display Screen, which is replacing the older type of Cathode Ray
Tube display screen.
Learning Platform A term used to describe the software and systems that are used to deliver Elearning.
Also known as a private circuit, is a dedicated communications link between two sites.
Leased Line It is separate from the public telephone network and reserved exclusively for the use
of the owner, usually at a fixed tariff regardless of usage levels.
Linkrot describes the tendency of Hypertext links from one website to another to die as
other sites cease to exist or remove or restructure their Web pages.
Mainly used in connection with a Discussion List, Forum or Blog. This term describes
Lurker someone who prefers to read other people's messages rather than posting their own
Machine Assisted The use of computers to assist human beings in the process of translating natural
Translation (MAT) language. MAT systems are normally used as only aids for human translators who
have to intervene in the process of translation by machine, making corrections and
amendments as necessary.
Used in two main senses: (1) a program that enables your computer to record, store
Media Player and play back audio and video recordings; (2) a device such as the portable iPod
media player that is also used to record, store and play back recordings
A measure of computer processor storage and real and virtual memory. A megabyte
(Mb) is 2 to the 20th power bytes, or 1,048,576 bytes in decimal notation.
a type of flash memory used to store data in digital cameras, cell phones, MP3 players
Memory card
They are affected by clouds, rain and obstacles blocking the line of sight between the
Microwave transmission
transmitter and receiver.
A portable electronic device used for distant communication. In recent years, mobile
Mobile phone
phone has evolved from simple communication device into a multi-functional device.
Motherboard The motherboard allows all the components to communicate, including the CPU.
The act of disguising your email address so it cannot be deciphered or cannot easily
be deciphered by a Spammer.
Natural Language A general term used to describe the use of computers to process information
Processing (NLP) expressed in natural (i.e. human) languages.
This describes the process of finding your way, i.e. navigating, around a series of
Navigation menus within a computer program or finding your way around the World Wide Web by
means of a Browser.
Etiquette on the Internet. An code of behaviour for people communicating by email via
the Internet. There are several useful publications relating to netiquette.
Derived from the term citizen, referring to a citizen of the Internet, or someone who
uses networked resources. The term connotes civic responsibility and participation.
A platform that enables you to create your own Social Network. A Ning enables
anyone to create a network focusing on a particular topic or catering for a specific
membership, for example a group of teachers working together on an educational
Offline Not connected to a computer or network of computers. Often used in the sense of
The use of the Internet to follow a course that usually results in the award of a diploma
Online Learning
or certificate.
Open and Integrated A variant of Integrated Learning System. The word Open adds an extra dimension,
Learning System (OILS) indicating that the user can access the system freely and leave it at any time.
Used to describe Software that is provided free of charge, along with the original
Source Code used to create it so that anyone modify it to improve it and work in ways
Open Source
that reflect their own preferences. Moodle is a typical example of open source
A suite of programs that starts up when you switch on your computer and
Operating System (OS) manages and runs all the other programs installed on the computer. Windows is the
operating system developed and produced by the Microsoft Corporation.
Outlook A popular Email program, part of the Microsoft Office suite of programs.
Loosely speaking, a program or suite of programs such as Microsoft Office, but often
Package has the sense of a set of programs designed to be used by people who wish to use
the package in different ways.
PDA-Personal Digital A convenient small sized computer. It easily connects to mobile phones and can prove
Assistant (PALM) a good solution for less demanding users.
An abbreviation for Portable Document Format. This is a file type created by Adobe
that allows fully formatted, documents to be transmitted across the Internet and
viewed on any computer that has Adobe Acrobat Reader software - a proprietary
software viewing program available for free.
A generic name for a faster type of Personal Computer that superseded the earlier
Pentium 486 range of slower computers. Essential for running modern multimedia software and
accessing the Internet.
as the name suggests, is intended for personal use, as opposed to the server, which
Personal computer (PC) is used by a larger number of people simultaneously, from different locations, often via
An extra piece of software that a Web Browser needs to run certain elements of a
Web page.
A podcast is a broadcast digital audio recording, made available via the Web in a way
that allows the recording to be downloaded for listening at the user's convenience.
A device which allows the user to control the position of the Cursor on a computer
Pointing Device screen by physical manipulation of the device in different directions. See Joystick,
Mouse, Trackball, all of which are pointing devices.
A small Window that appears within a program or over the top of a Web page to
Pop-up deliver additional information. Pop-ups on the Web can be annoying as they are often
used for unwanted advertising material.
Portal A Web page, website or service that acts as link or entrance to other websites on the
Internet. Typically, a portal includes an annotated catalogue of websites and may also
include a Search Engine, Email facilities, a Forum and other services. Also known as
a Gateway.
refer to any type of software associated with computers and related technologies that
can be used as tools for personal, professional or classroom productivity.
Productivity tools
Samples: Microsoft office, apple works-word processing, grade and record keeping,
web page production, presentation (Kfiet-Unesco2016).
In Internet terminology protocol usually refers to a set of rules that define an exact
format for communication between systems.
Proprietary software Software licensed under the exclusive legal right of the copyright holder.
Abbreviation for Portable Video Player. A hand-held device for storing and playing
back movies.
Short for Quick Response Code. A QR Code is a two dimensional barcode that can
store a variety of different types of information, e.g. text, a website URL, a telephone
QR Code
number, an SMS message, an email address, an email message, contact details,
information about an event, a Google Maps location, your social media profile.
QuickTime Software used for viewing movies and listening to audio recordings
An acronym for Random Access Memory, referring to the dynamic memory in the
RAM silicon chips in a computer. RAM chips are the memory chips used as the temporary
working area for running and developing programs.
A term used mainly by Web authors. In an HTML document a relative link indicates
Relative Link the location of a file relative to the document, whereas an Absolute Link specifies the
full URL.
ROM (Read Only Memory) A type of permanent, internal memory that is used solely for reading.
The topmost directory in the directory hierarchy, from which all other directories are
Root Directory
This term refers to taking the value of a waveform (e.g. a sound wave or video signal)
Sampling at one instant, and recording the amplitude, or height, of the wave at that instant as a
number so that a digital recording can be produced.
Search Engine A search facility provided at a number of sites on the World Wide Web.
Server A computer which provides services to other computers, which are known as clients.
A program that enables the user to set up a program or suite of programs on the
Setup Program
computer's hard disc. Also known as Install Program or Installation Program.
Free online services that provide users with various forms of presentation and
Social Networks
Some of the more popular social networks are: MySpace, Facebook, Twitter,
disks or tapes when not being used in the computer. By extension, the term refers to
any audio visual materials (Smaldino, 2005).
A spambot is a program designed to collect email addresses from the Internet in order
to build mailing lists for sending Spam. A spambot is a type of Web Crawler that can
gather emailaddresses from websites, discussion list and forum postings, and chat-
room conversations.
is a term that may be used synonymously with adware but it implies more sinister
motives on the part of the person who has dumped it onto your computer,
Tandem Learning (Buddy A form of learning in which two language learners pair up in order to learn each other's
Learning) language.
A program which allows you to log in to a remote Host computer and carry out the
same commands as if you were using a terminal at the host site.
Used for creating and forming text documents and nowadays, they can contain
Text processing software
images, charts and tables.
TTS software enables text to be read out loud from a computer screen by a
Text to Speech (TTS)
synthetic voice.
A toolbar is a type of Menu Bar, normally located at the top of a computer screen, that
Toolbar contains icons for the most commonly-used commands in an application, e.g. in a
word-processor or Browser.
Transmission Control A connection-oriented protocol that provides reliable, ordered, error-checked delivery
Protocol (TCP) of packets.
USB ports, to which the cables are connected, are found on all modern computers A
Universal Serial Bus (USB) USB Port takes the form of a socket into which a plug at one end of the cable can be
The video card provides the image seen on the monitor. The video card is attached to
Video Card
a monitor using a VGA cable.
Equipment used for accessing information - usually still images or video clips - stored
Videodisc Player
on videodiscs.
Used to describe the internal main Memory of a computer that loses its contents when
Volatile Memory
power is switched off.
Abbreviation for Wireless Application Protocol. A system that enables you to browse
WAP online services, e.g. relating to information about the weather, traffic conditions,
shopping, etc via a special type of mobile phone.
the ability of the learner to access the internet at any point during the lesson in order
Web access
to take advantage of the array of available education resources
an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all information that learners work
Web quest with comes from the web. These can be created using various programs, including
simple word processing documents that include links to website.
This involves saving entire websites for use offline. It may breach copyright because it
Webwhacking involves copying the website to a local drive, either a network server or a stand-alone
computer's hard drive.
A device that provides for a Wi-Fi network and often allows connection to a wired
Wi-Fi base station
Wi-Fi protected access A security protocol used in Wi-Fi networks. It is an improvement on WEP because it
(WPA) offers greater protection through more sophisticated data encryption.
also called the web which is a graphical environment on computers networks that
Worldwide web allows you to access, view and maintain documentations that can include text, data,
sound and video (Smaldino, 2005).
A website to which you can upload your own video clips and view video clips uploaded
by others
Zip Disc A portable type of disc used to store around 100Mb of data.
1. Basic concepts of ICT, the role and applicability of ICT in modern society. retrieve from:
5. Teaching and Learning with ICT project Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
Dictionary of ICT Terminology.http://www.sose-trnava.edu.sk/ict/dict.pdf
6. Trainer Resource-Internet Concepts (PDF)-Cybersec 101 (2016). Retrieve from: