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G.R. No.

207851               July 8, 2014

ANGEL G. NAVAL, Petitioner,



A politician thinks of the next election –

a statesman of the next generation.

- James Freeman Clarke, American preacher and author

The Case

A provincial board member cannot be elected and serve for more than three consecutive terms. But
then, the Court is now called upon to resolve the following questions. First.What are the
consequences to the provincial board member’s eligibility to run for the same elective position if the
legislative district, which brought him orher to office to serve the first two consecutive terms, be
reapportioned in such a way that 8 out of its 10 town constituencies are carved out and renamed as
another district? Second. Is the provincial board member’s election to the same position for the third
and fourth time, but now in representation ofthe renamed district, a violation of the three-term limit

Before the Court is a Petition for Certiorariwith an Urgent Prayer for the Issuance of a Temporary
Restraining Order and a Writ of Preliminary Injunction  filed under Rule 64 of the Rules of Court to

assail the following resolutions of the public respondent Commission on Elections (COMELEC):

(a) Resolution  (first assailed resolution) issued by the Second Division on March 5, 2013, in SPA

No. 13-166 (DC), granting the petition filed by Nelson B. Julia (Julia), seeking to cancel the
Certificate of Candidacy  (COC) as Member of the Sangguniang Panlalawiganof Camarines Sur

(Sanggunian) of Angel G. Naval (Naval), who is allegedly violating the three-term limit imposed upon
elective local officials as provided for in Article X, Section 8  of the 1987 Constitution, and Section

43(b)  of the Local Government Code (LGC); and


(b) En BancResolution  (second assailed resolution) issued on June 5, 2013, denying Naval’s Motion

for Reconsideration  to the Resolution dated March 5, 2013.



From 2004 to 2007 and 2007 to 2010, Naval had been elected and had served as a member of the
Sanggunian, Second District, Province of Camarines Sur.

On October 12, 2009, the President approved Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9716,  which reapportioned

the legislative districts in Camarines Sur in the following manner:

[[reference -
District Before the Enactment After the Enactment of
R.A. No. 9716
R.A. No. 9716
1st Libmanan, Minalabac, Del Gallego, Ragay,
Pamplona, Pasacao,
San Sipocot, Cabusao

Fernando, Del Gallego,

Ragay, Lupi, Sipocot,

2nd Naga City, Pili, Libmanan, Minalabac,
Pamplona, Pasacao,
Camaligan, Canaman, San

Magarao, Bombon, Fernando, Gainza,

Calabanga,  Gainza,

3rd Caramoan, Naga City, Pili,
Garchitorena, Ocampo,

Goa, Lagonoy, Camaligan, Canaman,

Magarao, Bombon,
Sangay, San Jose,
Tigaon, Calabanga

Tinambac, Siruma
4th Iriga City, Baao, Balatan, Caramoan,
Bato, Buhi, Bula, Nabua
Goa, Lagonoy,

Presentacion, Sangay,

Jose, Tigaon, Tinambac,

5th   Iriga City, Baao,
Balatan, Bato, Buhi,
Bula, Nabua

Notably, 8 out of 10 towns were taken from the old Second District to form the present Third District.
The present Second District is composed of the two remaining towns, Gainza and Milaor, merged
with five towns from the old First District.

In the 2010 elections, Naval once again won as among the members of the Sanggunian, Third
District. He served until 2013.

In the 2013 elections, Naval ran anewand was re-elected as Member of the Sanggunian, Third

Julia was likewise a SanggunianMember candidate from the Third District in the 2013 elections. On
October 29, 2012, he invoked Section 78  of the Omnibus Election Code (OEC) and filed beforethe

COMELEC a Verified Petition to Deny Due Course or to Cancel the Certificate of Candidacy  of 11

Naval. Julia posited that Naval had fully served the entire Province of Camarines Sur for three
consecutive terms as a member of the Sanggunian, irrespective of the district he had been elected
from. The three-term limit rule’s application is more with reference to the same local elective post,
and not necessarily in connection with an identical territorial jurisdiction. Allowing Naval to run as a
Sanggunianmember for the fourth time is violative of the inflexible three-term limit rule enshrined in
the Constitution and the LGC, which must be strictly construed. 12

The Resolution of the COMELEC Second Division

In the first assailed resolution issued on March 5, 2013, the COMELEC Second Division cancelled
Naval’s COC on grounds stated below:

[W]hen a candidate for public office swears in his COC that he is eligible for the elective posts he
seeks, while, in reality, he knowingly lacks the necessary requirements for eligibility, he commits a
false material misrepresentation cognizable under Section 78 of the [OEC].


The Supreme Court[,] in the case of Lonzanida v. [COMELEC][,] detailed the important components
of[Article X, Section 8 of the Constitution]:

This Court held that the two conditions for the application of the disqualification must concur: 1) that
the official concerned has been elected for three consecutive terms in the same local government
post and 2) that he has fully served three consecutive terms.It stated:

To recapitulate, the term limit for elective local officials must be taken to refer to the right to be
elected as well as the right to serve in the same elective position.

Consequently, it is not enough that an individual has servedthree consecutive terms in an elective
local office[;] he must also have been electedto the same position for the same number of times
before the disqualification can apply. x x x

x x x The first requisite does not only describe a candidate who has been elected for public office for
three consecutive terms. The candidate must have been elected in the samelocal government post.
This connotes that the candidate must have been inthe same elective position serving the same
constituency who elected him to office for three consecutive terms.


The three-term limit rule was designed by the framers of the Constitution to prevent the monopoly of
power centered only on a chosen few. The said disqualification was primarily intended to forestall
the accumulation of massive political power by an elective local government official in a given locality
in order to perpetuate his tenure in office. The framers also considered the necessityof the
enhancement of the freedom of choice of the electorate by broadening the selection of would-be
elective public officers. By rendering ineligible for public office those who have been elected and
served for three consecutive terms in the same public elective post, the prohibition seeks to infuse
new blood in the political arena.


x x x [T]he new Third District where [Naval] was elected and has served is composed of the same
municipalities comprising the previous Second District, absent the towns Gainza and [Milaor]. The
territorial jurisdiction [Naval] seeks to serve for the term 2013-2016 is the same as the territorial
jurisdiction he previously served. The electorate who voted for him in 2004, 2007 and 2010 isthe
same electorate who shall vote for him come May 13, 2013 Elections. They are the same group of
voters who elected him into office for three consecutive terms.

The resolution of this Commission in the case of Bandillo, et al[.] v. Hernandez (SPA No. 10-
078)  cannot be applied inthe case at bar. Hernandez who then hailed from Libmanan belonged to

the First District of Camarines Sur. With RepublicAct 9716, Libmanan, Minalabac, Pamplona,
Pasacao and San Fernando, all originally belonging to the First District, were merged with Gainza
and Milaor to form the Second District. With the addition of the municipalities of Gainza and Milaor, it
cannot be said that the previous First District became the Second District only by name. The voters
of Gainza and Milaoradded to the electorate of the new Second District formed a different electorate,
different from the one which voted for Hernandez in the 2001, 2004 and 2007 elections. In the case
at bar, the municipalities comprising the new Third District are the same municipalities that consisted
of the previous Second [District], absent Milaor and Gainza.

The Supreme Court, in Latasav. [COMELEC], ruled that the conversion of the municipality into a city
did not convert the office of the municipal mayor into a local government post different from the office
of the city mayor[.]

x x x x  (Citations omitted)

The Resolution of the COMELEC En Banc

In the second assailed resolution issued on June 5, 2013, the COMELEC en bancdenied Naval’s
Motion for Reconsideration to the above. The COMELEC pointed out thatabsent the verification
required under Section 3, Rule 19 of the COMELEC Rules of Procedure, Naval’s motion was
instantly dismissible. Nonetheless, the COMELEC proceeded to discuss the demerits of Naval’s
motion, viz:

The conditions for the application of the three-term limit rule are present in the instant case as the
records clearly establish that [Naval] is running for the 4th time for the same government post. To
put things in a proper perspective, it is imperative to review and discuss the salient points in the case
of Latasa v. [COMELEC]. The case involves the question of whether or not a municipal mayor,
having been elected and had already served for three (3) consecutive terms, canrun as city mayor in
light of the conversion of the municipality to a city. In applying the three-term limit rule, the Court
pointed out that the conversion of the municipality into a city did not convert the office of the
municipal mayor into a local government post different from the office of the city mayor. The Court
took into account the following circumstances: (1) That the territorial jurisdiction of [the] city was the
same as that of the municipality; (2) That the inhabitants were the same group of voters who elected
the municipal mayor for three (3) consecutive terms; and (3) That the inhabitants were the same
group of voters [over] whom he held power and authority as their chief executive for nine years.

Anchoring from the said case, it is therefore clear that the position to which [Naval] has filed his
candidacy for the 13 May 2013 x x x Elections is the same position for which he had been elected
and had served for the past nine (9) years.


x x x The following circumstances establish that the subject posts are one and the same: First, the
territorial jurisdictions of the two (2) districts are the same except for the municipalities of Gainza and
Milaor which were excluded by R.A. No. 9716; Second, the inhabitants of the 3rd District of
Camarines Sur, where [Naval] is presently running as member of the [Sanggunian], are the same
voters who elected him for the past three (3) consecutive terms; and Lastly, the inhabitants of the
[3rd ] District are the same group of voters whom [Naval] had served as member of the [Sanggunian]
representing the 2nd District.

x x x The enactment of R.A. No. 9716 did not convert [Naval’s] post [into one] different from [w]hat
he [previously had]. As correctly ruled by the Commission (Second Division), [Naval] ha[d] already
been elected and ha[d] already served inthe same government post for three consecutive terms, x x

x x x x.  (Citations omitted)

Unperturbed, Naval is now before the Court raising the issues of whether or not the COMELEC
gravely erred and ruled contrary to law and jurisprudence:





The Arguments of the Contending Parties

In support of the instant petition, Naval alleges that the First, Second and Third Legislative Districts
of Camarines Sur are not merely renamed but are composed of new sets of municipalities. With the
separation of Gainza and Milaor from the other eight towns which used to comprise the Second
District, the voters from the Third Legislative District are no longer the same ones as those who had
elected him to office in the 2004 and 2007 elections.
Naval further invokes Article 94  of Administrative Order No. 270 prescribing the Implementing Rules

and Regulations of the LGC to argue that Sanggunianmembers are elected by districts. Thus, the
right to choose representatives in the Sanggunianpertains to each of the districts. Naval was elected
as Sanggunian member in 2004 and 2007 by the Second District. In 2010 and 2013, it was the Third
District, which brought him to office. Essentially then, Naval’s election in 2013 is merely his second
term as Sanggunianmember for the Third District.

Naval likewise cites Borja, Jr. v. COMELEC  to point out that for the disqualification on the ground of

the three-term limit to apply, it is not enough that an individual has served three consecutive terms in
an elective local office, but it is also required that he or she had been elected to the same position
for the same number of times. 21

Naval also assails as erroneous the COMELEC’s interpretations of the rulings in Latasa v.
COMELEC  and Bandillo, et al. v. Hernandez.  In Latasa, the Court applied the three-term
22 23

prohibition only because notwithstanding the conversion of the Municipality of Digos into a city, the
mayor was to serve the same territorialjurisdiction and constituents. Naval asserts that the same
does not hold true in his case. Naval further avers that in Bandillo, which finds more application in
the instant petition, the COMELEC ruled that the three-term limit cannot be invoked in a situation
where the legislative districts have been altered. An extraction or an addition both yields a change
inthe composition of the voters.

Naval further emphasizes that he garnered the majority of the votes from his constituents, whose will
and mandate should be upheld. Besides, Julia’s counsel already withdrew his appearance,
indicating no less than his client’s lack of interest in still pursuing Naval’s ouster from office.

In its Comment,  the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) seeks the denial of the instant petition.

The OSG contends that Naval had been elected and had fully served the same local elective post for
three consecutive terms. Naval thus violatedSection 78 of the OEC when he filed his COC despite
knowledge of his ineligibility. Naval’s reliance on Bandillo is also misplaced since in the said case,
two towns were instead added to form a new district. Apparently then, in Bandillo, there was a new
set of voters. The OSG also alleges that Naval is not entitled to the issuance of injunctive reliefs by
this Court. No clear and unmistakable right pertains to Naval and it is his eligibility to be elected as
Sanggunianmember for the Third District which is the issue at hand.

Ruling of the Court

The Court denies the petition.

As the issues are interrelated, they shall be discussed jointly.

The case before this Court is one of first impression. While the contending parties cite Latasa,
Lonzanida v. COMELEC,  Borja,Aldovino, Jr. v. COMELEC,  and Bandillo, which all involve the
26 27

application of the three-term limit rule, the factual and legal circumstances in those cases are
different and the doctrinal values therein do not directly address the issues now at hand.

In Latasa, the issue arose as a result of the conversion of a municipality into a city. The then
municipal mayor attempted to evade the application upon him of the three-term limit rule by arguing
that the position of a city mayor was not the same as the one he previously held. The Court was not
convinced and, thus, declared that there was no interruption of the incumbent mayor’s continuity of
In Lonzanida, a candidate ran for the mayoralty post and won in three consecutive elections. While
serving his third term, his opponent filed an election protest. Months before the expiration of the
mayor’s third term, he was ousted from office. He ran again for the same post in the immediately
succeeding election. A petition was thereafter filed assailing his eligibility to run as mayor on the
ground of violation of the three-term limit rule. The Court ruled that the mayor could not
beconsidered as having served a full third term. An interruption for any length of time, if due to an
involuntary cause, is enough to break the elected official’s continuity of service.

In Borja, the mayor of Pateros died and was succeeded in office by the vice mayor. In the two
immediately succeeding elections, the latter vied for and won the mayoralty post. When he ran for
the same position for the third time, his disqualification was sought for alleged violation of the three-
term limit rule. The Court ruled that whenhe assumed the position of mayor by virtue of succession,
his service should not be treated as one full term. For the disqualification to apply, the candidate
should have been thrice elected for and had served the same post consecutively. In Aldovino,
preventive suspension was imposed upon an elected municipal councilor. The Court ruled that the
said suspension did not interrupt the elective official’s term. Although hewas barred from exercising
the functions of the position during the period of suspension, his continued stay and entitlement
tothe office remain unaffected.

In Bandillo, a case decided by the COMELEC, Gainza and Milaor were added to five of the ten
towns, which used to comprise Camarines Sur’s old First District, to form the new Second District.
The COMELEC declined to apply the three-term limit rule against the elected Provincial Board
member on the ground that the addition of Gainza and Milaor distinctively created a new district, with
an altered territory and constituency.

In the case before this Court, the task is to determine the application of the three-term limit rule upon
local elective officials in renamed and/or reapportioned districts. In the process of doing so, it is
inevitable to discuss the role of elections and the nature of public office in a democratic and
republican state like ours.

The Role of Elections in our

Democratic and Republican State,

and the Restraints Imposed Upon

Those Who Hold Public Office

The Court begins with general and undeniable principles.

The Philippines is a democratic and republican State. Sovereignty resides in the people and all
government authority emanates from them. 28

Then Associate Justice Reynato S. Puno explained the character of a republican state and a public
office, viz: A republic is a representative government, a government run by and for the people. It is
not a pure democracy where the people govern themselves directly. The essence of republicanism
is representation and renovation, the selection by the citizenry of a corps of public functionaries who
derive their mandate from the people and act on their behalf, serving for a limited period only, after
which they are replaced or retained, at the option of their principal. Obviously, a republican
government is a responsiblegovernment whose officials hold and discharge their position as a public
trust and shall, according to the Constitution, ‘at all times be accountable to the people’ they are
sworn to serve. The purpose of a republican government it is almost needless to state, is the
promotion of the common welfare according to the will of the people themselves.  (Emphasis ours

and italics in the original)

In Tolentino v. COMELEC,  Justice Puno likewise characterized the role of the electoral process in

the following wise:

The electoral process is one of the linchpins of a democratic and republican framework because it
isthrough the act of voting that government by consent is secured. Through the ballot, people
express their will on the defining issues of the day and they are able to choose their leaders in
accordance with the fundamental principle of representative democracy that the people should elect
whom they please to govern them. Voting has an important instrumental value in preserving the
viability of constitutional democracy. It has traditionally been taken as a prime indicator of democratic
participation.  (Citations omitted and italics ours)

The importance of elections cannottherefore be over emphasized. Thus,

True, election is the expression ofthe sovereign power of the people. In the exercise of suffrage, a
free people expects to achieve the continuity of government and the perpetuation of its benefits.
However, inspite of its importance, the privileges and rights arising from having been elected may be
enlarged or restricted by law. x x x.  (Italics ours)

Hence, while it is settled that in elections, the first consideration of every democratic polity is to give
effect to the expressed will of the majority, there are limitations tobeing elected to a public
office.  Our Constitution and statutes are explicit anent the existence of term limits, the nature of

public office, and the guarantee from the State that citizens shall have equal access to public
service.  Section 8, Article X of our Constitution, on term limits, is significantly reiterated by Section

43(b) of the LGC. Moreover, the Court has time and again declared that a public office is a public
trust and not a vested property right. 35

The Deliberations of the Members

of the Constitutional Commission

on the Three-Term Limit’s

Application to Local Elective


Following are entries in the Journal of the Constitutional Commission regarding the exchanges of the
members on the subject of the three-term limit rule imposed on local elective officials: VOTING ON

With respect to local officials, Mr. Nolledo, informed that the Committee on Local Governments had
not decided on the term of office for local officials and suggested that the Body decide on the matter.


On Mr. Bacani’s inquiry regarding localofficials, Mr. Davide explained that local officials would
includethe governor, vice-governor and the members of the provincial board; the city mayor, city
vice-mayor and members of the city board; and the municipal mayor, municipal vice mayor and
members of the municipal council. He stated that barangay officials would be governed by
speciallaw, to which Mr. Nolledo agreed.



In reply to Mr. Guingona’s query onwhether the Committee had decided on the interpretation of "two
reelections", Mr. Davide suggested that the matter be submitted to a vote.

Thereupon, Mr. Romulo moved for a vote on whether Alternative No. 3 as proposed by Mr. Garcia,
would allow a local official three terms, after which he would not be allowed to seek any reelection;
or whether, as interpreted by Mr. Davide, it would mean that after two successive reelections or a
consecutive periodof nine years, he could run for reelection after the lapse of three years.



Mr. Garcia reiterated that the local officials could be reelected twice, after which, they would be
barred from ever runningfor reelection.

On the other proposal, Mr. Davide, on behalf ofthe Committee, stated that local officials after two
reelections would be allowed to run for reelection after the lapse of three years.



Upon resumption of session, Mr. Romulomanifested that the Body would proceed to the
consideration of two issues on the term of Representatives and local officials, namely: 1) Alternative
No. 1 (no further reelection after a total of three terms), and 2) Alternative No. 2 (no immediate
reelection after three successive terms).


Mr. Garcia stated that he was advocating Alternative No. 1 on four grounds: 1) to prevent monopoly
of political power because the country’s history showed that prolonged stay in public office could
lead to the creation of entrenched preservesof political dynasties; 2) to broaden the choiceso that
more people could be enlisted to the cause of public service; 3) no one is indispensable in running
the affairs of the countryand that reliance on personalities would be avoided; and 4) the
disqualification from running for reelection after three terms would create a reserve of statesmen
both in the local and national levels.

He added that the turnover in public office after nine years would ensure the introduction of new
ideas and approaches. He stressed that public office would no longer be a preserve of conservatism
and tradition, and that public service would no longer be limited to those directly holding public office,
but would also include consultative bodiesorganized by the people. INQUIRY OF MR. REGALADO
In reply to Mr. Regalado’s query whether the three terms need not be served consecutively, Mr.
Garcia answered in the affirmative.


Mr. Monsod stated that while the new Constitution would recognize people power because of a new
awareness, a new kind of voter and a new kind of Filipino, at the same time, it pre-screens the
candidates among whom the people would choose by barring those who would have served for nine
years from being reelected. He opined that this would actually require an additional qualification for
office to a certain number of people.

He stressed that, while the stand of the Commission is to create a reserve of statesmen, their future
participation is actually limited to some areas and only for a certain periodof time. He added thatit is
not for the Commission to decide on the future of our countrymen who may have more years ahead
of them to serve the country.




Thereupon, speaking in support of Mr. Monsod’s manifestation, Mr. Ople expressed apprehension
over the Body’s exercise of some sort of omnipotent power in disqualifying those who will have
served their tasks. He opined that the Commission had already taken steps to prevent the
accumulation of powers and prequisites that would permit officials to stay on indefinitely and to
transfer them to members of their families. He opined, however, that perpetual disqualification would
deprive the people of their freedom of choice.He stated that the Body had already succeeded in
striking a balance onpolicies which could ensure a redistribution of opportunities to the people both
in terms of political and economic power. He stated that Philippine politics had been unshackled
from the two-party system, which he said was the most critical support for the perpetuation of
political dynasties. Considering that such achievement is already a victory, Mr. Ople stated that the
role of political parties should not be despised because the strength of democracy depends on how
strong political parties are, that a splintering thereof will mean a great loss to the vitality and
resiliency of democracy.

Mr. Ople reiterated that he was against perpetual disqualification from office.

x x x x.


Mr. Garcia stated that there are two principles involved in Alternative No. 1: 1) the recognition of the
ambivalent nature of political power, and 2) the recognition of alternative forms of public service. He
stated that it is important to remember the lessons learned from the recent past; that public service is
service to the people and not an opportunity to accumulate political power, and that a prolonged stay
in public office brings about political dynasties or vested interests. Regarding political parties, he
stated that it will encourage the constant renewal of blood in party leadership, approach, style and
ideas. He opined that this is very healthy for a pluralist and multi-party democracy.
On the recognition of alternative forms of public service, Mr. Garcia stressed that public service
could be limited to public office since many good leaders who were in the streets and in jail fought
against the dictatorship. He stressed that public service would also mean belonging to consultative
bodies or people’s councils which brought about new forms of service and leadership.


Mr. Abubakar stated that in any democracy the voice of the people is the voice of God.He stated that
if the people want to elect a representative to serve them continuously, the Commission should not
arrogate unto itself the right to decide what the people want. He stated that in the United States, a
Senator had served for 30 years.



Ms. Aquino stated that she differs from the views advanced by Mr. Garcia and Ms. Tan, although
she stated that they spoke of the same premises. She stated that she agrees with them that leaders
need not be projected and developed publicly in an election as leaders are better tempered and
tested in the various forms of mass struggles and organized work. She stated that if the people are
to be encouraged to have their own sense of responsibility in national leadership, what ultimately
matters is the political determination of the citizenry to chart their own national destiny. She opined
that the Body should allow the people to exercise their own sense of proportion and imbibe the
salutary effects of their own strength to curtail power when it overreaches itself. She stressed that in
the final analysis,the Commission cannot legislate into the Constitution the essence of new politics
as it is a chastening experience of learning and unlearning. Adverting to Mr. Garcia’s statement that
politics is an imperfect art, she stated that the Commission could correct politics with all its
imperfections and flaws by a constitutional provision. She opined that perpetual disqualification
cannot provide the cure. She maintained that perpetual disqualification is, at best, a palliative which
could also be counter-productive, in the sense that it could effectively foil the possibilities of
realpublic service.


Mr. Bacani stated that when the Body granted the illiterates the right to vote and that proposals were
made to empower the people to engage in the legislative process,the Body presupposed the political
maturity of the people. He observed that in this instance, political maturity is denied with the
constitutional bar for reelection.He opined that the Body should stick to the premise that the people
are politically mature.


By way of rejoinder to Mr. Bacani’s statements,Mr. Garcia stated that the proposal was basically
premisedon the undue advantage of the incumbent in accumulating power, money, party machine
and patronage and not on lack of trust in the people.

Mr. Garcia stated that politics isnot won by ideals alone but by solid organized work by
organizations. He stated that with three terms, an official would have served the people long enough.


Thereafter, the Body proceeded to vote by ballot on the two alternatives.



The result of the voting was as follows:

Alternative No. 1 (no further election after three successive terms) — 17 votes

Alternative No. 2 (no immediate reelection after three successive terms) — 26 votes

With 17 votes in favor of Alternative No. 1 and 26 in favor of Alternative No. 2, the Chair declared
Alternative No. 2 approved by the Body.  (Emphasis and italics ours)

The Constitution mandates the

strict implementation of the

three-term limit rule.

The Court notes that in the process of drafting the Constitution, the framers thereof had not
discussed with specifity the subject of the three-term limit rule’s application on reapportioned

From the above-cited deliberations, however, the divergent stances of the members of the
Constitutional Commission on the general application of the three-term limit rule show. On one side
were those who espoused the stern view that perpetual disqualification to hold public office after
three consecutive terms would ensure that new blood would be infused into our political system.
More choices for the voters would give fuller meaning to our democratic institutions. On the other
side of the fence were those who believed that the imposition of termlimits would be tantamount to
squandering the experience of seasoned public servants and a curtailment of the power of the
citizens to elect whoever they want to remain in office.

In the end, 26 members of the Commission cast their votes in favor of the proposal that no
immediate re-election after three successive terms shall be allowed. On the other hand, 17 members
stood pat on their view that there should be no further reelection after three successive terms.

Clearly, the drafters of our Constitution are in agreement about the possible attendant evils if there
would be no limit to re-election. Notwithstanding their conflicting preferences on whether the term
limit would disqualify the elected official perpetually or temporarily, they decided that only three
consecutive elections tothe same position would be allowed. Thereafter, the public official can once
again vie for the same post provided there be a gap of at least one term from his or her last election.
The rule answers the need to prevent the consolidation of political power in the hands of the few,
while at the same time giving to the people the freedom to call back to public service those who are
worthy to be called statesmen.
The compromise agreed upon by the drafters of our Constitution was a result of exhaustive
deliberations. The required gap after three consecutive elections is significant. Thus, the rulecannot
be taken with a grain of salt. Nothing less than its strict application is called for.

Ratio legis est anima. 37

"A foolproof yardstick in constitutional construction is the intention underlying the provision under
consideration.Thus, it has been held that the Court in construing a Constitution should bear in mind
the object sought to be accomplished by its adoption, and the evils, if any, sought to be prevented or
remedied. A doubtful provision will be examined in the light of the history of the times, and the
condition and circumstances under which the Constitution was framed. The object is to ascertain the
reason which induced the framers of the Constitution to enact the particular provision and the
purpose sought to be accomplished thereby, in order to construe the whole as to make the words
consonant to that reason and calculated to effect that purpose."  In Aldovino, the Court describes

the three-term limit rule as inflexible.

In Aldovino, a local elective official pleaded exemption from the application of the three-term limit on
the ground that there was an interruption in his service after the penalty of suspension was imposed
upon him. Although not in all four withNaval’s case, there are principles enunciated therein which
undeniably hold true, viz:

As worded, the constitutional provision fixes the term of a local elective office and limits an elective
official’s stay in office to no more than three consecutive terms. This is the first branch of the rule
embodied in Section 8, Article X.

Significantly, this provision refers to a "term" as a period of time – three years– during which an
official has title to office and can serve. x x x[.]


The "limitation" under this first branch of the provision is expressed in the negative—"no such official
shall serve for more than three consecutive terms." This formulation—no more than three
consecutive terms—is a clear command suggesting the existence of an inflexible rule. x x x.


This examination of the wording of the constitutional provision and of the circumstances surrounding
its formulation impresses upon us the clear intent to make term limitation a high priority constitutional
objective whose terms must be strictly construed and which cannot be defeated by, nor sacrificed
for, values of less than equal constitutional worth. x x x.


x x x [T]he Court signalled how zealously it guards the three-term limit rule. Effectively, these cases
teach usto strictly interpret the term limitation rule in favor of limitation rather than its exception.


[In] Latasa v. Commission on Electionsx x x[,] [t]he Court said:

This Court reiterates that the framers of the Constitution specifically included an exception to the
people’s freedom to choose those who will govern them in order to avoid the evil of a single person
accumulating excessive power over a particular territorial jurisdiction as a result of a prolonged stay
in the same office. x x x.


To put it differently although at the risk of repetition, Section 8, Article X—both by structure and
substance—fixes an elective official’s term of office and limits his stay in office to three consecutive
terms as an inflexible rule that is stressed, no less, by citing voluntary renunciation as an example of
a circumvention. x x x.  (Citations omitted, italics and emphasis in the original and underscoring


Reapportionment and its Basis

Reapportionment is "the realignment orchange in legislative districts brought about by changes in

population and mandated by the constitutional requirement of equality of representation."  The aim

of legislative apportionment is to equalize population and voting power among districts.  The basis

for districting shall be the number of the inhabitants of a city or a province and not the number of
registered voters therein. 42

R.A. No. 9716 and the Reappor-

tioned Districts of Camarines Sur

Sections 1 to 3 of R.A. No. 9716 provide:

Section 1. The composition of the current First (1st) and Second (2nd) Legislative Districts in the
Province of Camarines Sur is hereby reapportioned in order to create an additional legislative
districtto commence in the next national elections after the effectivity of this Act.

Section 2. In furtherance of the reapportionment mandated by this Act, the municipalities of

Libmanan, Minalabac, Pamplona, Pasacao and San Fernando of the current First (1st) Legislative
District are hereby consolidated with the municipalities of Gainza and Milaor of the current Second
(2nd) Legislative District, to comprise the new legislative district authorized under this Act.

Section 3. The result of the reapportionment described in this Act are summarized as follows:

a) First District – The remaining municipalities in the current First (1st) Legislative District shall
continue to be designated as the First (1st) Legislative District, composed of the following
municipalities: Del Gallego, Ragay, Lupi, Sipicot and Cabusao;

b) Second District – This new legislative districtshall be composed of the municipalities enumerated
in Section 2 hereof;

c) Third District – The current Second (2nd) Legislative District shall be renamedas the Third (3rd)
Legislative District, composed of the following: Naga City and the municipalities of Pili, Ocampo,
Camaligan, Canaman, Magarao, Bombon and Calabanga;

d) Fourth District – The current Third (3rd) Legislative District, without any change in its composition,
shall be renamedas the Fourth (4th) Legislative District, composed of the following municipalities:
Caramoan, Garchitorena, Goa, Lagonoy, Presentacion, Sangay, San Jose, Tigaon, Tinambac and
Siruma; and

e) Fifth District – The current Fourth (4th) Legislative District, without any change inits composition,
shall be renamedas the Fifth (5th) Legislative District, composed of the following: Iriga City and the
municipalities of Baao, Balatan, Bato, Buhi, Bula and Nabua. (Italics and emphasis ours)

As a result of the reapportionment made by R.A. No. 9716, the old Second District of Camarines
Sur, minus only the two towns of Gainza and Milaor, is renamed as the Third District and now
configured as follows: 43

[[reference -

Before the Enactment of After the Enactment of

RA 9716 RA 9716
2 3rd District

nd Population: 439,043

District Naga

Population: 474,899 Pili

Gainza Ocampo

Milaor Canaman

Naga Camaligan

Pili Magarao

Ocampo Bombon

Canaman Calabanga





R.A. No. 9716 created a new Second

District, but it merely renamed the

other four.

The Court notes that after the reapportionment of the districts in Camarines Sur, the current Third
District, which brought Naval to office in 2010 and 2013, has a population of 35,856 less than that of
the old Second District, which elected him in 2004 and 2007. However, the wordings of R.A. No.
9716 indicate the intent of the lawmakers to create a single new Second District from the merger of
the towns from the old First District with Gainza and Milaor. As to the current Third District, Section
3(c) of R.A. No. 9716 used the word "rename." Although the qualifier "without a change in its
composition" was not found in Section 3(c), unlike in Sections 3(d) and (e), still, what is pervasive
isthe clear intent to create a sole new district in that of the Second, while merely renaming the rest.

The following statutory construction rules surface:

First, the general rule in construing words and phrases used in a statute is that, in the absence of
legislative intent to the contrary, they should be given their plain, ordinary and common usage
meaning; the words should be read and considered intheir natural, ordinary, commonly accepted
usage, and without resorting to forced or subtle construction. Words are presumed to have been
employed by the lawmaker in their ordinary and common use and acceptation. Second, a word of
general significance ina statute is to be taken in its ordinary and comprehensive sense, unless it is
shown that the word is intended to be given a different or restricted meaning; what is generally
spoken shall be generally understood and general words shall be understood in a general
sense.  (Citations omitted)

The Court looks to the language of the document itself in our search for its meaning. 45

In Naval’s case, the words of R.A.No. 9716 plainly state that the new Second Districtis to be created,
but the Third Districtis to be renamed. Verba legis non est recedendum. The terms used in a legal
provision to be construed compels acceptanceand negates the power of the courts to alter it, based
on the postulate that the framers mean what they say. 46

The verb createmeans to "make or produce something new."  On the other hand, the verb

renamemeans to "give a new name to someone or something."  A complete reading of R.A. No.

9716 yields no logical conclusion other than that the lawmakers intended the old Second District to
be merely renamed as the current Third District.

It likewise bears noting that the actual difference in the population of the old Second District from
that of the current Third District amounts to less than 10% of the population of the latter. This
numericalfact renders the new Third District as essentially, although not literally, the same as the old
Second District. Hence, while Naval is correct in his argument that Sanggunianmembers are elected
by district, it does not alter the fact that the district which elected him for the third and fourth time is
the same one which brought him to office in 2004 and 2007.

The application upon Naval of the

three-term limit rule does not

undermine the constitutional

requirement to achieve equality of

representation among districts.

The rationale behind reapportionment is the constitutional requirement to achieve equality
ofrepresentation among the districts.  It is with this mindset that the Court should consider Naval’s

argument anent having a new set of constituents electing him into office in 2010 and 2013.

Naval’s ineligibility to run, by reason of violation of the three-term limit rule, does not undermine the
right toequal representation of any of the districts in Camarines Sur. With or without him, the
renamed Third District, which he labels as a new set of constituents, would still be represented,
albeit by another eligible person.

The presumed competence of the

COMELEC to resolve matters

falling within its jurisdiction is


"Time and again, the Court has held that a petition for certiorariagainst actions of the COMELEC is
confined only to instances of grave abuse of discretion amounting to patent and substantial denial of
due process, because the COMELEC is presumed to be most competent in matters falling within its
domain." 50

"In a special civil action for certiorari, the burden rests on the petitioner to prove not merelyreversible
error, but grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of the
public respondent issuing the impugned order, decision or resolution."  "Grave abuse of discretion

arises when a court or tribunal violates the Constitution, the law or existing jurisprudence." 52

In the case at bar, the Court finds the COMELEC’s disquisitions to be amply supported by the
Constitution,law and jurisprudence.


In sum, the Court finds no compelling reason to grant the reliefs prayed for by Naval. For the Court
to declare otherwise would be to create a dangerous precedent unintended by the drafters of our
Constitution and of R.A. No. 9716. Considering that the one-term gap or rest after three consecutive
elections is a result of a compromise among the members of the Constitutional Commission, no
cavalier exemptions or exceptions to its application is to be allowed. Aldovinoaffirms this
interpretation. Further, sustaining Naval’s arguments would practically allow him to hold the same
office for 15 years. These are the circumstances the Constitution explicitly intends to avert.

Certainly, the Court accords primacy to upholding the will of the voting public, the real sovereign,
soto speak. However, let all the candidates for public office be reminded that as citizens, we have a
commitment to be bound by our Constitution and laws. Side by side our privileges as citizens are
restrictions too.

Einer Elhauge, a faculty member from Harvard Law School, wrote an article entitled "What Term
Limits Do That Ordinary Voting Cannot."  In the article, Greek mythology was tapped to make a

tempting analogy. The gist of the story follows.

In Odyssey Book XII, the goddess Circe warned Odysseus of the Sirens who seduce all men
approaching them with their voices. Those who fell into the Sirens’ trap never returnedhome to their
wives and children. A clever strategy was thus hatched to secure safe passage for Odysseus and
his men. The men were to plug their ears with wax to muffle the songs of the Sirens. Odysseus, on
the other hand, was to be tied to the mast of the ship so he could still listen to the songs, which may
contain clues on how they can get home. When the wind died down,Odysseus heard beautiful
voices calling out to them. The voices were incomparable to anything he had ever heard before.
Even whenOdysseus knew that the irresistible voices were coming from the Sirens, he struggled
with all his strength to free himself from the ropes, but was unable to do so. The voices became
fainter as the men continued to row. When the voices can no longer be heard, Odysseus realized
how he had nearly been beguiled. They had made it through safely and Odysseus was untied. It was
their clever plan which kept them all alive.

The same lesson holds true in the case before this Court. The drafters of the Constitution recognized
the propensity of public officers to perpetuate themselves in power, hence, the adoption of term
limits and a guarantee of every citizen's equal access to public service. These are the restrictions
statesmen should observe for they are intended to help ensure the continued vitality of our
republican institutions.

WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the petition is DENIED. The Resolutions dated
March 5, 2013 and June 5, 2013 of the Commission on Elections in SPA No. 13-166 (DC) are


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