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Shpilman - "Comfort" Generator

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6/8/2020 comfortA

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(Information on E-mail: )

Alexander Shpilman ( )

Russian | Italiano

The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Field" -

The set of effective generators of "axion field" is already developed, but unique in the World, most compact,
universal, safe and the most popular generator there is, "The Generator Axion (Spin) of Field With Use of
Vectorial Potential of a Spiral Structure". For six years we manufactured more than one hundred generators
and the design of the generators has been continuously improved by the basic criteria:

1) Compact, hand-operated generator;

2) Maximal density of "axion field" along a beam;
3) Beam of length ~ of 1 meter;
4) Stability of the characteristics;
5) Safety.

For the increased safety of the generator work we

have aspired to reduce damaging influence of a
field on the man and moreover, we have aspired
to receive a field creating a sensation of comfort.
The comfort is an integrated characteristic of
quality of influence of a field on the man.

Now we make generators (see Fig.1) which are

externally and strongly distinguish from other
generators described in N2/96. In them, the
rotation of the ferrite ringlet 2 and the vector
potential of spiral structure is created by toroidal
coils 6, 9 - up on iron cores 5, 8 and cylindrical Fig.1
coils 4 are used.

We have already seen these fragments in other designs of generators. The purpose of the top toroidal coil 6
and cylindrical coils 4 is similar to analogous coils in generators N2/96, N1/98, N2/98 and N3/99. The lower
toroidal coil 9 (see analogy in "The optical generator Axion (Spin) of a field") in a combination with a silver
cup 3 plays a role of a reflector. The iron core 9 is made in variable section for alignment of size of vector
potential along the radius of a bottom of a cup 3.

If in the generator N2/96 the silver cone was used as a reflector, in a new design of the generator, the silver
cup plays a role of a conductor for "axion field". 1/2
6/8/2020 comfortA

All coils are placed in the iron screen 7. The ferrite

ring 2 is resulted in rotary movement through a
shaft 1 by motor D.

Such design is more effective and more compact

in comparison with a design, which was described
in N2/96.

The positive voltage ~10V and the high-frequency

pulses of a voltage by amplitude of 120-150V
moves onto a silver cup 3, duration ~ 10-5
seconds, porousness 2 and frequency 4.1 - 4.4
MHz move.

The high-frequency pulses "enliven" an "axion field", strengthen sensation of man's comfort.

For increase of an effectiveness work of the generator, the ferrite ring 2 is exposed to special processing.
Read about it in following number of the almanac.

You can buy the generator.

See the improved design

(Information on E-mail: )

Thematic Contents
6/8/2020 The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Field" - "COMFORT-M"

You can buy the generator.

See the improved design

Alexander A.Shpilman ( )

Russian | Italiano

The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Field" - "COMFORT-

(continuation, beginning in N5/99)
If a ferrite ring 2 (see Fig. 1) was processed in "M-state" Elements Concentrators" so for increasing of efficiency
of "axion field" generation it makes sense to feed on a reflector 3 the negative voltage of 80-100 volts (add a
high-frequency voltage). Thus, for stabilization of a beam of the "axion field" it is necessarily to add to the
reflector a grid 10 (wire grid from silver) electrical connected with the reflector 3.

In the cylindrical electrical coil 4 direction of a current

varies on an opposite direction so, that, there will be "South
Pole" above and "Northern Pole" below.

The further increasing of efficiency of generation of "axion

field" is achieved by increasing of value of vector potential
because of increasing of the square of cross section of iron
cores 5 and 8. Thus, variable on the radius the section of the
core 8 becomes insufficient. Therefore the core 8 and
toroidal electrical coil 9 are replaced with a compound
design made from two enclosed iron rings cores with the
appropriate toroidal electrical coils (see Fig.1), that is
similar with a design in "The optical generator Axion
(Spin) of a field".

Thematic Contents
6/8/2020 comfortA

You can buy the generator of the described design

Attention, this generator is not a magic wand!
Its main destination - to carry out of researches.
(Information on E-mail: )

Alexander A.Shpilman ( )

Russian | Italiano

The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Field"

(continuation, beginning in N1/00)

The generator COMFORT - M is a source of

"axion field" sort 3 (see "Ring Structures of
"Axion Fields"").

It is possible to add to it the "axion field" sort

4, using a principle of splitting the "axion
field" sort 3 with the help of a difference of
electrical potentials how it is described in
"Separation Axion (Spin) Field" (see in article
of a fig.3- fig.5).

For this purpose the capacitors closed in a ring

are formed on perimeter of the reflector 3.
Internal capacitor plate is the reflector 3.
External capacitor is the aluminium metallized
coat 11 of a dielectric polyethylene
terephthalate film.

The positive voltage (contact E) moves on an

aluminium metallized coat 11 concerning a
reflector 3. This voltage is sufficient for
splitting on components the "axion field" sort Fig.1
3. In result the "axion field" sort 4 is formed
which is closed inside the generator around of a ferrite ring in toroidal structure. And interference strats
similar to described in "The Generator of the "Axion Field " Sort 5" occur in a beam of the generator, but
these srtats have toroidal structure..

Such generator (COMFORT - M5) with the "axion field" sort 5 has considerably more dense beam with new
quality. 1/3
6/8/2020 comfortA


Fig.2 Fig.3

The beam of the generator has complex structure consisting of several extended, enclosed toroidal structures
of the "axion field". The toroidal structures 1 (Fig. 2) and 2 (Fig. 3) are most intensive and extended to 1.5-2.5
meters. The toroidal structures 3 (Fig. 4) and 4 (Fig. 4) are much less intensive.

Some "trivial details"

The real designs of generators
contain set of constructive
"trivial details" which are
difficult for enumerating.

In a Fig.6 the contents of the

head of the generator are shown.
The ferrite ringlet 2 on an axis
1, silver reflector 3, toroidal
coils 6 and 9, the iron
case/shield 7 are a real view of
elements shown on a Fig.1.

In a Fig.6 it is visible, that the

grid 10 is made from a silver
tape which is put on an edge.
The iron case 7 has a fillet 17
(Fig.1). And it is not just good
looking, it is functional. A fillet
reduces radiation of the field in
the direction of the hands of an Рис.6
operator and improves focusing
of the generated beam (see Fig.5). Silver cap 14 (Fig.1) also is intended for improvement focusing of a beam..

In the head of the generator for additional reduction the radiation of the field in the direction of the hands of
an operator an electret film 16 (see Shielding packing) and a copper disk 15 (Fig.1) are used. This disk is
tinned by a Rose alloy.

The vertical strips of covering bismuth are put on the

perimeter of the ferrite ring 2. Their width and interval is 1
mm. This covering improves quality of the generated
beam (in the relation to a man).

Inside the ferrite ring 2 on an axis 1 (Fig.1) thin iron tube

13 is placed. It increases uniformity of vector potential
inside the ferrite ring 2, increases density and stabilises the
generated beam of "axion field " of toroidal structures 1
(Fig.3). 2/3
6/8/2020 comfortA

The ferrite ring 2 is charged by DS-state (M-state)

elements (see Time - Overtime) in concentrators described
in - ""M-state" Elements Concentrators" or in a "place of
power" (see A Place of POWER). Or the generator is
charged directly in a "place of power" as shown in a Fig.7.
Thus the only beam of the "axion field " is directed in a
place with the maximal intensity of "geofield". But the
generator is located outside of a point with the maximal
intensity of "geofield". This is necessary for a charge only
a radiating part of the construction of the generator and for
reduction of a charge of all case of the generator.

Translation of M.Dvoretskaya

Fig.7 Thematic Contents


You can buy the generator of the described design

Attention, this generator is not a magic wand!
Its main destination - to carry out of researches.
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6/8/2020 The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Field"

You can buy the generator of the described design

Attention, this generator is not a magic wand!
Its main destination - to carry out of researches.
(Information on E-mail: )

Alexander A.Shpilman ( )

Russian | Italiano

The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Field"

(continuation, beginning in N1/01)
The generator COMFORT - M has not only axial and radial components of an "axion field", but it also has an azimuth
That is why there is a sense to form not condensers on the perimeter of the reflector 3 made which are closed in a ring,
but to form the condenser in a form of an oblique comb as it is shown in a Fig.2. Where an interior plate is the reflector
3; an exterior plate is a graphite coat 11 and celluloid films 12 (see Fig.1).

Fig.1 Fig.2

The generator with the described construction has already been given a new name - COMFORT - 7.

The Principle Electrical Circuit

It is naturally that the generator also has electronic construction. I am describing here the principle electrical circuit of
the generator COMFORT for the first time. 1/3
6/8/2020 The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Field"

C1 - 2000mF, 16V
C2 - 470mF, 16V
C3, C7, C8, C10 – 0.1-0.22mF , ceramic capacitor;
C4 - 4700pF , sets repetition frequency of packages of high-
frequency pulses;
C5*, C6* - 10-30pF,sets porousness of work of a high-
frequency switch DD3 and high frequency;
C9 – 5/25 pF tuning capacitor (Adjustment of frequency of
generation - 4.3-4.8 MHz);
C10 - 2700 pF, 150V; C11 - >1000 pF, 200V;
D - the electric motor RF-310T-11400;
DD1 - LM555CN-8 (KP1006BИ1);
DD2 - SN74ALS123N (K1533AГ3);
DD3 - SN75452N (K155ЛА18);
L1 - the toroidal coil 9 (Fig.1);
L2 - the toroidal coil 6 (Fig.1);
L3 - the coil 4 (Fig.1);
T2 - The high-frequency transformer. Amplitude output voltage 100-120V at frequency 4.3-4.8 MHz.
R1, R2, - 100-220Ohm - the multiturnaround tuning resistor;
R3 - 24 kOhm; R8 – 4.7 kOhm;
R4 - 18 kOhm; R9 - 10 Ohm;
R5 - 22 kOhm; R10 - 220 kOhm;
R6 – 5.6 kOhm R11 - 1.5 kOhm.
R7 – 2.7 kOhm R12 - 1 MOhm

V4,..., V10 - the silicon semi-conductor diode;

V2 - mA7805T (KP142EH5A) - the stabilizer of voltage 5V;
V3 - ES7809P (KP142EH8A) - the stabilizer of voltage 9V.
Connect point A to contact 16 of microcircuits DD2 and to contact 8 of microcircuits DD3.
Connect point B to contact 8 of microcircuits DD2 and to contact 4 of microcircuits DD3.
Connect point C to reflector 3 (Fig.1);
Connect point E to contact E (Fig.1 and Fig.2).

Thematic Contents

You can buy the generator of the described design 2/3
6/8/2020 The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Field"

Attention, this generator is not a magic wand!

Its main destination - to carry out of researches.
(Information on E-mail: ) 3/3
6/8/2020 The generator of "axion fields" - "COMFORT-8"

Alexander A.Shpilman ( Russian )

All flows, all changes. Claimed designs of generators too have development.

The generator of "axion fields" - "COMFORT-8"

All began from a design described in Spin-field
Generator , has proceeded in The Generator
Axion (Spin) of Field With Use of Vectorial
Potential of a Spiral Structure , The Generator
of "Axion (Spin) Feld" - "COMFORT" and The
Generator of "Axion (Spin) Feld" -
"COMFORT-M5" . And for this moment we
have a design of the generator of "axion fields"
- "COMFORT-8" (see a photo). In the
development the generator has less weight than
"COMFORT-М5" (there is no heavy box of a
network feed). Works in a wide strip of a
network feed (110-240 volt variable and a
direct-current). The return beam of "axion
fields" is more effectively suppressed. The
active nucleus of the generator is charged in "places power". And set of other small innovations.

The generator has two modification: COMFORT-8L and COMFORT-8R which generate a beam of "axion
fields" according to the left and right polarization. That expands opportunities of research activity.

Thematic Contents

You can buy the generator of the described design

Attention, this generator is not a magic wand!
Its main destination - to carry out of researches.
(Information on E-mail: ) 1/1
6/8/2020 The generator of "axion fields" - "COMFORT-9"


Alexander A.Shpilman ( )

The generator of "axion fields" - "COMFORT-9"
Generator COMFORT-9 outwardly does not differ from the generator generator COMFORT-8 (see the Photo).

In a design the "Converter" 18 (Fig.1 see) in reeled up by the braided plait of a copper wire in varnish isolation in the form of "camomile" as is shown in Photo.2
is added. On it the photo is clearly visible "camomile" but also it is visible sparseness windings. More dense packing turns out at "camomile" winding by a double
plait as a very narrow tape, putting its edge in intervals between "camomile" petals (Photo.3 see).

Photo.2 P

Accordingly at "Converter" use necessity for facing E on a reflector 3 (Fig.1 in "COMFORT-М5" see) disappears. In generator COMFORT-9L "converter" with
left twisting a plait, and in COMFORT -9R from the right is used. Voltage between conductors of an order of 330V. The counter current in plait conductors is set
approximately 100 mA, and adjustment of a relation of currents is set necessary quality DSS clusters generated. For "heating" of the last (increase in internal energy)
the current of one shoulder of the converter is modulated with frequency of 4.3 MHz.
Unlike COMFORT-8 beam COMFORT-9 creates more refined sensations. Qualitatively works on more "thin levels".

Thematic Contents

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