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Installation Guide For Windows / Linux: by Cedrat

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CAD package for electromagnetic and thermal analysis using finite elements


Installation guide
for Windows / Linux
Flux software : Copyright CEDRAT/INPG/CNRS/EDF

Flux documentation : Copyright CEDRAT

This installation guide was published on 4 décembre 2013

Ref: KF 1 06 - 112 - EN – 12/13

15 Chemin de Malacher - Inovallée
38246 MEYLAN Cedex

Phone: +33 (0)

Fax: +33 (0)



1. Flux installation .....................................................................................................................1

1.1. Operating systems..........................................................................................................3
1.2. Required configuration for Flux 2D applications.............................................................5
1.3. Required configuration for Flux 3D applications.............................................................7
1.4. 3GB mode (4GT RAM tuning mode of Windows) and Flux............................................9
1.5. Flux installation.............................................................................................................11
1.5.1. Flux installation on Windows ..........................................................................................12
1.5.2. Flux installation on Linux ................................................................................................15
2. Licensing system.................................................................................................................21
2.1. Nodelocked license ......................................................................................................23
2.2. Network license ............................................................................................................25
2.2.1. License server installation (server computer).................................................................26
2.2.2. License server configuration and startup (server computer)..........................................33
2.2.3. Flux license configuration (client computers) .................................................................36
2.3. Appendix.......................................................................................................................39
2.3.1. Manual configuration of the license server on Windows ................................................40
2.3.2. Manual configuration of the license server on Linux ......................................................44
2.3.3. Error messages and meanings.......................................................................................47
3. Accessing the documentation and examples...................................................................49

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE A

Flux Flux installation

1. Flux installation

Introduction This chapter deals with the Flux software installation.

Flux V11.2 On the DVD for Flux Version 11.2, we provide the Flux installer, the licensing
DVD system installer with the license configuration tools, and the Flux
documentation and examples installer and direct access.

Contents This chapter contains the following topics:

Topic See Page

Operating systems 3
Required configuration for Flux 2D applications 5
Required configuration for Flux 3D applications 7
3GB mode (4GT RAM tuning mode of Windows) and Flux 9
Flux installation 11

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 1

Flux installation Flux

PAGE 2 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Flux installation

1.1. Operating systems

Introduction This section presents the operating systems compatible with Flux V11.2,
along with their compatibility level.

Qualified Flux is qualified* on the following operating systems:

operating  Windows XP Professional - 32 bits
systems  Windows 7 - 64 bits
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 - 64 bits
* Qualified:
A qualified platform is a platform on which all the quality assurance tests have
been performed.

Validated Flux is validated* on the following operating systems:

operating  Windows 8 – 64 bits
systems  Windows Server 2012 – 64 bits
 Windows Vista – 64 bits
 Windows Server 2003 – 64 bits
 Windows Server 2008 – 64 bits
* Validated:
A validated platform is a platform on which installation and startup tests only
have been performed.

Other Flux has not been tested on the following operating systems but there is no
operating technical reason why Flux would not work:
systems  Windows XP Professional - 64 bits
 Windows 7 – 32 bits
 Windows Vista – 32 bits
 Windows Server 2003 – 32 bits
 Windows Server 2008 – 32 bits

Support For all the operating systems mentioned above, Cedrat provides full technical
For all the other ones, Cedrat will give no guarantee regarding the providing
of technical support.

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 3

Flux installation Flux

PAGE 4 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Flux installation

1.2. Required configuration for Flux 2D applications

Introduction This section presents the minimum and recommended configurations for Flux
2D applications.

2D minimum To run the Flux 2D applications on a computer, the minimum configuration

configuration is:

Element Characteristics
Processor  Intel or AMD
 32 or 64 bits
 single-core or multi-core
Hard disk 20 GiB

Graphic card  latest, OPENGL V2.0 compatible for an optimal graphic

quality (see details on next page)
 with 512 MiB of memory (NVIDIA chipset
Mouse with a wheel

2D To run the Flux 2D applications on a computer, the recommended

recommended configuration is:

Element Characteristics
Processor  Intel or AMD
 32 or 64 bits
 single-core or multi-core
Application General Transient Steady AC
Hard disk 30 GiB 50 GiB 30 GiB
32 bit systems 2 GiB 2 GiB 4 GiB
64 bits systems 4 GiB 4 GiB 8 GiB

Graphic card  latest, OPENGL V2.0 compatible for an optimal graphic

quality (see details on next page)
 with 768 MiB of memory (NVIDIA chipset
Mouse with a wheel

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 5

Flux installation Flux

Graphic card In order to improve the display speed, Flux V11.2 uses OPENGL V2.0
graphic technology. This technology provides improved rendering and
smoother motion when moving objects.
This technology requires:
 the use of a recent graphic card: graphic card compatible with OPENGL
 the update of the card driver

A summary of the conditions of use is presented in the table below.

Conditions of use
Installation of a graphic card compatible with OPENGL V2.0:
 NVIDIA GeForce 6200 and higher
 ATI Radeon X1300 and higher
Installation of the latest version of the card driver
 For NVIDIA :
 For ATI :

Warning: The use of graphic chipsets with shared memory is not recommended.
It is preferable to use graphic chipsets with dedicated memory.

PAGE 6 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Flux installation

1.3. Required configuration for Flux 3D applications

Introduction This section presents the minimum and recommended configurations for Flux
3D applications.

3D minimum To run the Flux 3D applications on a computer, the minimum configuration

configuration is:
Element Characteristics
Processor  Intel or AMD
 32 or 64 bits
 single-core or multi-core
Application General Transient Steady AC
Hard disk 20 GiB 50 GiB 20 GiB
RAM 2 GiB 2 GiB 4 GiB

Graphic card  latest, OPENGL V2.0 compatible for an optimal graphic

quality (see details on next page)
 with 512 MiB of memory (NVIDIA chipset recommended)
Mouse with a wheel

3D To run the Flux 3D applications on a computer, the recommended

recommended configuration is:
Element Characteristics
Processor  Intel or AMD
 32 or 64 bits
 single-core or multi-core
Application General Transient
Hard disk 250 GiB 500 GiB
32-bit systems 4 GiB 4 GiB
64-bit systems 16 GiB 32 GiB

Graphic card  latest, OPENGL V2.0 compatible for an optimal graphic

quality (see details on next page)
 with 1024 MiB of memory (NVIDIA chipset recommended)
Mouse with a wheel

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 7

Flux installation Flux

Graphic card In order to improve the display speed, Flux V11.2 uses the OPENGL V2.0
graphic technology. This technology provides improved rendering and
smoother motion when moving objects.
This technology requires:
 the use of a recent graphic card: graphic card compatible with
 the update of the card driver
A summary of the conditions of use is presented in the table below.

Conditions of use
Installation of a graphic card compatible with OPENGL V2.0:
 NVIDIA GeForce 6200 and higher
 ATI Radeon X1300 and higher
Installation of the latest version of the card driver
 For NVIDIA :
 For ATI :

Warning: The use of graphic chipsets with shared memory is not recommended.
It is preferable to use graphic chipsets with dedicated memory.

PAGE 8 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Flux installation

1.4. 3GB mode (4GT RAM tuning mode of Windows) and


4GT RAM This specific mode has been developed by Microsoft for applications that
tuning mode of require a larger memory space than the 2 GiB limit of standard Windows 32-
Windows bit operating systems. With this mode called “3GB mode”, up to 3 GiB of
memory space can be allocated to a process.

Windows This mode is not supported by every Windows operating system. The systems
versions supporting this mode are:
supporting the  Windows XP Professional – 32 bits
 Windows Server 2003 – 32 bits
tuning mode
 Windows Vista – 32 bits
 Windows 7 – 32 bits
 Windows Server 2008 – 32 bits

Activate the In order to activate the 3GB mode on Windows XP and Server 2003, you
3GB mode on have to modify the boot.ini file. The boot.ini file is stored directly in the root
Windows XP of the hard disk drive where Windows is installed.
and Server
The boot.ini file is a hidden file. In order to display it, you have to modify the
display options of your Windows Explorer.
Example of boot.ini file without any modification on Windows XP:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows
XP Pro" /fastdetect

Activation procedure:
Step Action
0 Log in as administrator
1 Edit the boot.ini file (located in the root of the hard disk drive) by
using a text editor
2 Copy and paste the last line of this file
3 Modify the duplicated line:
 Add the flag /3GB at the end of this line
 Change the description of the mode the system will be started
For example, on Windows XP:
“Microsoft Windows XP Pro 3GB” instead of
“Microsoft Windows XP Pro”
4 Restart the computer
5 Select the 3GB mode when restarting the computer

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 9

Flux installation Flux

Example of boot.ini file after modification on Windows XP:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows
XP Pro 3GB" /fastdetect/3GB
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows
XP Pro"/fastdetect

Activate the 3GB In order to activate the 3GB mode on Windows Vista, 7 and Server 2008,
mode on follow these instructions:
Windows Vista, 7
and Server 2008
Step Action
1 In the menu Start \ Programs \ Accessories:
 right-click on Command prompt
2 In the contextual menu:
 click on Run as administrator
3 At the Command prompt:
 enter bcdedit/set increaseuserva 3072
 press Enter
4 Restart the computer

Deactivate the In order to deactivate the 3GB mode on Windows Vista, 7 and Server 2008,
3GB mode on follow these instructions:
Windows Vista, 7
and Server 2008
Step Action
1 In the menu Start \ Programs \ Accessories:
 right-click on Command prompt
2 In the contextual menu:
 click on Run as administrator
3 At the Command prompt:
 enter bcdedit/deletevalue increaseuserva
 press Enter
4 Restart the computer

Flux memory Using the 3GB mode you are now able to allocate up to 2 GiB of numerical
settings with memory for Flux.
the 3GB mode
The table below gives an example for the 3D applications:
Numerical memory Character memory GUI memory
(MiB) (MiB) (MiB)
1700 20 300

PAGE 10 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Flux installation

1.5. Flux installation

Contents This section contains the following topics:

 Flux installation on Windows
 Flux installation on Linux

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 11

Flux installation Flux

1.5.1. Flux installation on Windows

Introduction Each Flux version is a completely independent version. It is installed by

default in its own directory and is able to coexist with the older versions.
The software installation runs automatically.

Installed The automatic installation installs the following components:

components  Flux Version 11.2
 The licensing system: Flexnet V11.11, with its configuration tool: License
Manager, along with the USB dongle drivers if your license is locked on a
dongle: the Aladdin dongle driver (for the green dongles) or/and Wibu
dongle driver (for the blue dongles)
 The Flux documentation and examples:
- the documentation in English version: installation guide and user guide,
- the documentation in French version: installation guide and user guide,
- the examples: tutorials and technical papers (in English version only),
with the corresponding Flux projects and/or command files.

Installation These components are installed:

directory - by default, in the directory C:\Cedrat
- or in any other directory specified by the user during the installation*.
 Flux V11.2 is installed in the sub-directory Flux_11.2.
 The licensing system: Flexnet V11.11, and its configuration tool: License
Manager are installed in the sub-directory Flexnet.
 The Flux V11.2 documentation and examples are installed in the sub-
directory FluxDocExamples_11.2

* The full installation directory path must not include any spaces or special

Continued on next page

PAGE 12 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Flux installation

Install Flux In order to install Flux Version 11.2 on Windows, follow these instructions:
on Windows

Step Action
0 Log in as administrator
1 Close all the applications in use
2 Insert the Flux DVD into the drive
 If the DVD drive autoplay function is active, then go to step 3
 If the DVD drive autoplay function is not active, then open a
Windows Explorer, then click on the DVD drive icon and run
the executable file CedratSetup.exe
3 In the installation supervisor window, click on Flux 11.2 to install
Flux Version 11.2
4 In the Flux 11.2 Setup window, click on the Next button to
continue installing Flux V11.2
5 In the new Flux 11.2 Setup window:
- Check the MPICH2 1.4.1 box to install MPICH2 1.4.1 required
for the distributed computing. (Do not install it, if it is already
installed on your system)
- Check the Start menu shortcut box to add the Flux shortcut in
the Start menu
- Check the Desktop shortcut box to add the Flux shortcut on the
- Check the Quick launch shortcut box to add the Flux shortcut
in the quick launch bar
- Check the Flux for Isight 5.8 box to add the Flux component in
Isight 5.8
- Check the Flux for Matlab 2013b box to add the Flux
component in Matlab/Simulink 2013b
 Click on the Next button to continue installing Flux V11.2
6 In the new Flux 11.2 Setup window:
 Choose an installation directory:
- By default, the installation directory is: C:\Cedrat
- You can specify another installation directory, however, make
sure that the full directory path does not include any spaces
nor special characters, then:
click on the Browse button
 Click on the Install button to start the Flux V11.2 installation
7 In the Cedrat Licensing System 11.11 Setup window, click on
the Next button to continue installing the licensing system

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 13

Flux installation Flux

Install Flux
on Windows
8 In the new Cedrat Licensing System 11.11 Setup window:
- Check the Aladdin dongle driver box to install the dongle driver
required if you have a green USB dongle for the license
- Check the Wibu dongle driver box to install the dongle driver
required if you have a blue USB dongle for the license
- Check the Start menu shortcut box to add the License Manager
shortcut in the Start menu
- Check the Desktop shortcut box to add the License Manager
shortcut on the desktop
- Check the Quick launch shortcut box to add the License
Manager shortcut in the quick launch bar
 Click on the Next button to continue installing the licensing
9 In the new Cedrat Licensing System 11.11 Setup window:
 Choose an installation directory:
- By default, the installation directory is: C:\Cedrat
- You can specify another installation directory, then:
click on the Browse button
 Click on the Install button to start the licensing system
10 In the last Cedrat Licensing System 11.11 Setup window:
 If you want to immediately go through the license configuration,
keep the Run license manager* box checked
 Click on the Finish button to complete the licensing system
11 In the last Flux 11.2 Setup window:
 If you want to immediately run Flux 11.2, keep the Run Flux
11.2 box checked
 Click on the Finish button to complete the Flux Version 11.2
12 In the installation supervisor window, click on Quit to exit the

*  For a Nodelocked license, the license configuration is described in the

Section 2.1 (Page 23)
 For a Network license, the license configuration is described in the Section
2.2 (Page 25)

The users who want to perform a silent installation via scripts, can use the
"setupWinFlux11.2.exe /S /D=install_dir"
example: setupWinFlux11.2.exe /S /D=c:\cedrat

PAGE 14 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Flux installation

1.5.2. Flux installation on Linux

Introduction Each Flux version is a completely independent version. It is installed by

default in its own directory and is able to coexist with the older versions.

Installation The installation directory is:

directory - by default, the directory /opt/Cedrat
- or any other directory specified by the user during the installation*.
 Flux V11.2 is installed in the sub-directory Flux11.2.
 The licensing system: Flexnet V11.11, and its configuration tool: License
Manager are installed in the sub-directory Flexnet.
 The Flux documentation and examples are installed in the sub-directory

* The full installation directory path must not include any spaces or special

rpm For Flux Version 11.2, we provide files in the rpm format.
There are a total of 9 rpms :

Element Function
Flux11.2-11.2-1.el5.x86_64.rpm Installs Flux V11.2
CedratSoftwareServer-1.0- Installs Cedrat Software Server
1.el5.x86_64.rpm 1.0
Cedrat_Flexnet-11.11.J-1.el5.x86_64.rpm Installs the licensing system
(Flexnet V11.11,…)
Flux11.2-Documentation-english-11.2- Installs the documentation in
1.el5.noarch.rpm English version (installation
guide and user guide)
Flux11.2-Documentation-francais-11.2- Installs the documentation in
1.el5.noarch.rpm French version (installation
guide and user guide)
Flux11.2-Examples-11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm Installs the examples: tutorials
and technical papers (in
English version only), with the
corresponding Flux projects
and/or command files.

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 15

Flux installation Flux

rpm (continued)
Flux11.2-doc_examples-common-11.2- Installs data common to the
1.el5.noarch.rpm documentation and examples
installation packages
aksusbd-redhat-1.14-3.i386.rpm Installs the Aladdin dongle
driver (green dongle)
WkRt-Lin64-6.0.501-1.x86_64.rpm Installs the 64-bit Wibu dongle
driver (blue dongle)

Signature Our rpms are digitally signed.

In order to verify the signature, we provide our public key in the file:

In order to install this key, run the command:

rpm –-import

Dependency The rpm allowing to install Flux Version 11.2: Flux11.2-11.2-

1.el5.x86_64.rpm depends on the following rpms:
 the rpm allowing to install the licensing system:
 the rpm allowing to install Cedrat Software Server 1.0:
 the rpms allowing to install the Flux documentation and examples:
Flux11.2-Examples-11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm and

In order to install Flux Version 11.2, you will thus also have to install the
licensing system, Cedrat Software Server 1.0 and the Flux documentation and

Continued on next page

PAGE 16 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Flux installation

Flux V11.2 The Flux Version 11.2 installation requires three phases:
Preliminary note:
You must have the administrator rights to perform this installation
 If you are in the root account, there will be no additional step
 If you are in an unprivileged account, you will have to type the root password
when you are asked, then to click on the OK button

Phase Description
1 Insertion of the Flux DVD into the drive
2  If you have a USB dongle for the license, you will compulsorily
have to install the corresponding dongle driver:
- For the green dongles: Aladdin dongle driver installation
aksusbd-redhat-1.14-3.i386.rpm (see following block)
- For the blue dongles: 64-bit Wibu dongle driver installation
WkRt-Lin64-6.0.501-1.x86_64.rpm (see following block)

 If you do not have any USB dongle for the license, then you will
go to phase 3
3 Flux Version 11.2 installation (see following block):
 Flux11.2-11.2-1.el5.x86_64.rpm (Flux V11.2),
 Cedrat_Flexnet-11.11.J-1.el5.x86_64.rpm (licensing system),
 CedratSoftwareServer-1.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm (Cedrat Software
Server 1.0),
 Flux11.2-Documentation-english-11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm
(English documentation),
 Flux11.2-Documentation-francais-11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm
(French documentation),
 Flux11.2-Examples-11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm (examples),
 Flux11.2-doc_examples-common-11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm
(common data).

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 17

Flux installation Flux

Install the If you have a green USB dongle for the license, you will compulsorily have
Aladdin dongle to install the Aladdin dongle driver.
driver (green
dongle) In order to install the Aladdin dongle driver, you must install the rpm
aksusbd-redhat-1.14-3.i386.rpm, to do this, with the Gnome desktop,
follow these instructions:

Step Action
1 Double-click on the file: aksusbd-redhat-1.14-3.i386.rpm
2 In the Installing packages window, click on the Apply button
3 In the Unable to verify aksusbd-redhat-1.14-3.i386 window,
click on the Install anyway button
4 In the Software installed successfully window, click on the OK
If you do not use the Gnome desktop or if you do not want to install the Aladdin
dongle driver graphically, then you can perform the installation through the
command line, using the following command:
rpm –ivh aksusbd-redhat-1.14-3.i386.rpm

Install the If you have a blue USB dongle for the license, you will compulsorily have to
Wibu dongle install the Wibu dongle driver.
driver (blue
dongle) In order to install the Wibu dongle driver: you must install the rpm WkRt-
Lin64-6.0.501-1.x86_64.rpm, to do this, with the Gnome desktop, on
x86_64 architecture, follow these instructions:

Step Action
1 Double-click on the file: WkRt-Lin64-6.0.501-1.x86_64.rpm
2 In the Installing packages window, click on the Apply button
3 In the Unable to verify WkRt-Lin64-6.0.501-1.x86_64
window, click on the Install anyway button
4 In the Software installed successfully window, click on the
OK button
If you do not use the Gnome desktop or if you do not want to install the Wibu
dongle driver graphically, then you can perform the installation through the
command line, using the following command, on x86_64 architecture:
rpm –ivh WkRt-Lin64-6.0.501-1.x86_64.rpm

Continued on next page

PAGE 18 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Flux installation

Install Flux In order to install Flux Version 11.2 on x86_64 architecture, in the default
Version 11.2 on installation directory or in another directory, follow the following procedures:
architecture  In order to install Flux Version 11.2 in the default installation directory
with the Gnome desktop, follow these instructions:
Step Action
1 In the file manager, select the 7 rpms:
 Flux11.2-11.2-1.el5.x86_64.rpm
 Cedrat_Flexnet-11.11.J-1.el5.x86_64.rpm
 CedratSoftwareServer-1.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm
 Flux11.2-Documentation-english-11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm
 Flux11.2-Documentation-francais-11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm
 Flux11.2-Examples-11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm
 Flux11.2-doc_examples-common-11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm
2 Select the contextual menu (right click) Open with "Software
3 Enter the root password
4 In the Installing packages window, click on the Apply button
5 In the License Manager 11.11 window, configure your license*
now if you want, or later
6 In the Software installed successfully window, click on the OK

If you do not use the Gnome desktop or if you do not want to install Flux Version
11.2 graphically, then you can perform the installation through the command line,
using the following command (Flux V11.2 will be installed in the default
installation directory /opt/Cedrat):
rpm –ivh Flux11.2-11.2-1.el5.x86_64.rpm Cedrat_Flexnet-
11.11.J-1.el5.x86_64.rpm CedratSoftwareServer-1.0-
1.el5.x86_64.rpm Flux11.2-Documentation-english-11.2-
1.el5.noarch.rpm Flux11.2-Documentation-francais-11.2-
1.el5.noarch.rpm Flux11.2-Examples-11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 19

Flux installation Flux

Install Flux  In order to install Flux Version 11.2 in an installation directory different
Version 11.2 on from the default one:
x86_64 you must install the rpms using the option --prefix, to do this, from a
architecture terminal, run the command:
(continued) rpm --prefix=/other/installdir –ivh Flux11.2-11.2-
1.el5.x86_64.rpm Cedrat_Flexnet-11.11.J-
1.el5.x86_64.rpm CedratSoftwareServer-1.0-
1.el5.x86_64.rpm Flux11.2-Documentation-english-11.2-
1.el5.noarch.rpm Flux11.2-Documentation-francais-
11.2-1.el5.noarch.rpm Flux11.2-Examples-11.2-
1.el5.noarch.rpm Flux11.2-doc_examples-common-11.2-

The License Manager 11.11 window appears, you can then configure
your license* now if you want, or later.
*  For a Nodelocked license, the license configuration is described
in the Section 2.1 (Page 23)
 For a Network license, the license configuration is described in
the Section 2.2 (Page 25)

PAGE 20 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

2. Licensing system

Introduction This chapter presents the Flux licensing system and the different Flux license

Licensing The Flux licensing system is Flexnet.

system Flux Version 11.2 is provided with the licensing system: Flexnet Version

Two license There are two license types for two operating modes:
types  the Nodelocked license for using Flux on a single computer
 the Network license for using Flux in a local network

Contents This chapter contains the following topics:

Topic See Page

Nodelocked license 23
Network license 25
Appendix 39

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 21

Licensing system Flux

PAGE 22 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

2.1. Nodelocked license

Definition With a Nodelocked license, Flux can be used on a single computer.

Where to install In the case of a Nodelocked license, Flux and the license are installed on the
same computer.

Supplied The following components are supplied for a Nodelocked license:

components  two license files:
- one license file for 32-bit operating system
The file name contains the following character string:
- one license file for 64-bit operating system
The file name contains the following character string:
 and possibly a USB dongle:
There are two dongle types:
- Aladdin dongle: green dongle
- Wibu dongle: blue dongle

Installation The Nodelocked license installation consists in configuring the license in

Flux, that is to say indicating to Flux the license file.

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 23

Licensing system Flux

Configure the In order to configure the license in Flux, in the case of a Nodelocked license,
license in Flux follow these instructions:

Step Action
0 Log in as administrator
1  If you have a USB dongle for the license, then you must connect
it to the USB port
 If you do not have any USB dongle for the license, then go to
step 2
2 Copy the license file (.lic) that you have received by email (from
the commercial team), to your hard disk:
 On Windows: for example you can create a directory
C:\Cedrat\License and copy the license file to this directory
 On Linux: for example you can create a directory
/opt/Cedrat/License and copy the license file to this directory
3 Start the License Manager 11.11:
 On Windows :
- Click on the Start menu
- Click on the Programs menu
- Click on the Cedrat menu
- Click on the License_Manager menu
 On Linux :
- Click on the Applications menu
- Click on the Cedrat menu
 - Click on the License Manager (root) menu
4 In the License Manager 11.11 window, select the License –
Client computer tab
5 In the License – Client computer tab, check the Nodelocked
License box
6 Click on the Add license file button
7 In the Add license file window:
 Select the license file (.lic)
On a License file containing
system the character string
32 bits NODELOCKED32
64 bits NODELOCKED64
 Click on the Add license file button
8 Select the menus File then Exit or click on the cross at the top
right corner to close the License Manager

PAGE 24 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

2.2. Network license

Definition With a Network license, Flux can be used on multiple computers on a local

Where to install In the case of a Network license, in general, Flux and the license server are
installed on two different computers:
 the license server is installed on a server computer,
 Flux is installed on client computers.
Flux and the license server can possibly be installed on the same computer.

Note: If your version of Flexnet server is older than the one we provide: V11.11, you
must compulsorily install this new version.

Supplied The following components are supplied for a Network license:

components  a single license file, valid on 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
The file name contains the following character string:
 and possibly a USB dongle:
There are two dongle types:
- Aladdin dongle: green dongle
- Wibu dongle: blue dongle

Installation The Network license installation requires three steps:

Step Action
1 Install the license server (server computer)
2 Configure and start the license server (server computer)
3 Configure the license in Flux (client computers)

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 25

Licensing system Flux

2.2.1. License server installation (server computer)

Introduction This paragraph deals with the Flexnet license server installation for using
Flux on a local network.
 The license server is installed on the server computer,
 Flux is installed on client computers.

License server In the case of a Network license, the license server function is, generally,
function provided by a single license server.
It is possible to setup a license server with three redundant servers (triad).
This will provide a more fault-tolerant operation.

Where to install The Flexnet license server can be installed on:

the license  a Windows computer
server  a Linux computer: RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 for x86_64 architecture.

PAGE 26 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system License server installation on Windows

Installed The automatic installation installs the following components:

components  The licensing system: Flexnet V11.11
 A tool allowing the license configuration: License Manager
 And if your license is locked on a dongle, the USB dongle drivers: the
Aladdin dongle driver (for the green dongles) or/and the Wibu dongle
driver (for the blue dongles).

Installation The licensing system: Flexnet V11.11 and its configuration tool: License
directory Manager are installed in the sub-directory Flexnet, itself installed:
 by default, in the directory C:\Cedrat
 or in any other directory specified by the user during the installation.

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 27

Licensing system Flux

Install the In order to install the Flexnet Version 11.11 license server on a Windows
license server server computer, follow these instructions:
on a Windows
Step Action
0 Log in as administrator
1 Close all the applications in use
2 Insert the Flux DVD into the drive
 If the DVD drive autoplay function is active, then go to step 3
 If the DVD drive autoplay function is not active, then open a
Windows Explorer, then click on the DVD drive icon and run
the executable file:
3 In the installation supervisor window, click on Flexnet server
11.11 to install the Flexnet Version 11.11 license server
4 In the Cedrat Licensing System 11.11 Setup window, click on
the Next button to continue installing the licensing system
5 In the new Cedrat Licensing System 11.11 Setup window:
- Check the Aladdin dongle driver box to install the dongle driver
required if you have a green USB dongle for the license
- Check the Wibu dongle driver box to install the dongle driver
required if you have a blue USB dongle for the license
- Check the Start menu shortcut box to add the License Manager
shortcut in the Start menu
- Check the Desktop shortcut box to add the License Manager
shortcut on the desktop
- Check the Quick launch shortcut box to add the License
Manager shortcut in the quick launch bar
 Click on the Next button to continue installing the licensing
6 In the new Cedrat Licensing System 11.11 Setup window:
 Choose an installation directory:
- By default, the installation directory is: C:\Cedrat
- You can specify another installation directory, then:
click on the Browse button
 Click on the Install button to start the licensing system

Continued on next page

PAGE 28 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

Install the 7 In the last Cedrat Licensing System 11.11 Setup window:
license server  If you want to immediately go through the license configuration,
on a Windows keep the Run license manager box checked (see Paragraph
2.2.2, Page 33)
(continued)  Click on the Finish button to complete the licensing system
8 In the installation supervisor window, click on Quit to exit the

In the case of three redundant servers, repeat the procedure on each server.

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 29

Licensing system Flux License server installation on Linux

Installation The licensing system: Flexnet V11.11 and its configuration tool: License
directory Manager are installed in the sub-directory Flexnet, itself installed:
 by default, in the directory /opt/Cedrat
 or in any other directory specified by the user during the installation.

License server The Flexnet Version 11.11 license server installation on a Linux server
installation on a computer requires three phases:
Linux server
computer Preliminary note:
You must have the administrator rights to perform this installation
 If you are in the root account, there will be no additional step
 If you are in an unprivileged account, you will have to type the root password
when you are asked, then to click on the OK button

Phase Description
1 Insertion of the Flux DVD into the drive
2  If you have a USB dongle for the license, you will compulsorily
have to install the corresponding dongle driver:
- For the green dongles: Aladdin dongle driver installation
aksusbd-redhat-1.14-3.i386.rpm (see following block)
- For the blue dongles: 64-bit Wibu dongle driver installation
WkRt-Lin64-6.0.501-1.x86_64.rpm (see following block)

 If you do not have any USB dongle for the license, then you will
go to phase 3
3 Licensing system installation:
Cedrat_Flexnet-11.11.J-1.el5.x86_64.rpm (see following block)

Signature Our rpms are digitally signed.

In order to verify the signature, we provide our public key in the file:

In order to install this key, run the command:

rpm –-import

Continued on next page

PAGE 30 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

Install the If you have a green USB dongle for the license, you will compulsorily have
Aladdin dongle to install the Aladdin dongle driver.
driver (green
dongle) In order to install the Aladdin dongle driver, you must install the rpm
aksusbd-redhat-1.14-3.i386.rpm, to do this, with the Gnome desktop,
follow these instructions:

Step Action
1 Double-click on the file: aksusbd-redhat-1.14-3.i386.rpm
2 In the Installing packages window, click on the Apply button
3 In the Unable to verify aksusbd-redhat-1.14-3.i386 window,
click on the Install anyway button
4 In the Software installed successfully window, click on the OK
If you do not use the Gnome desktop or if you do not want to install the Aladdin
dongle driver graphically, then you can perform the installation through the
command line, using the following command:
rpm –ivh aksusbd-redhat-1.14-3.i386.rpm

Install the If you have a blue USB dongle for the license, you will compulsorily have to
Wibu dongle install the Wibu dongle driver.
driver (blue
dongle) In order to install the Wibu dongle driver: you must install the rpm WkRt-
Lin64-6.0.501-1.x86_64.rpm, to do this, with the Gnome desktop, on
x86_64 architecture, follow these instructions:

Step Action
1 Double-click on the file: WkRt-Lin64-6.0.501-1.x86_64.rpm
2 In the Installing packages window, click on the Apply button
3 In the Unable to verify WkRt-Lin64-6.0.501-1.x86_64
window, click on the Install anyway button
4 In the Software installed successfully window, click on the
OK button
If you do not use the Gnome desktop or if you do not want to install the Wibu
dongle driver graphically, then you can perform the installation through the
command line, using the following command, on x86_64 architecture:
rpm –ivh WkRt-Lin64-6.0.501-1.x86_64.rpm

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 31

Licensing system Flux

Install the In order to install the licensing system on x86_64 architecture, in the default
licensing system installation directory or in another directory, follow the following procedures:
on x86_64
architecture  In order to install the licensing system in the default installation directory
you must install the rpm Cedrat_Flexnet-11.11.J-1.el5.x86_64.rpm, to
do this, with the Gnome desktop, follow these instructions:
Step Action
1 Double-click on the file: Cedrat_Flexnet-11.11.J-
2 In the Installing packages window, click on the Apply button
3 In the License Manager 11.11 window, configure your license
now if you want, or later (cf Paragraph 2.2.2, Page 33)
4 In the Software installed successfully window, click on the OK

If you do not use the Gnome desktop or if you do not want to install the licensing
system graphically, then you can perform the installation through the command line,
using the following command (the licensing system will be installed in the default
installation directory /opt/Cedrat):
rpm –ivh Cedrat_Flexnet-11.11.J-1.el5.x86_64.rpm

 In order to install the licensing system in an installation directory

different from the default one:
you must install the rpm Cedrat_Flexnet-11.11.J-1.el5.x86_64.rpm
using the option --prefix, to do this, from a terminal, run the
rpm --prefix=/other/installdir –ivh Cedrat_Flexnet-

The License Manager 11.11 window appears, you can then configure
your license now if you want, or later (cf Paragraph 2.2.2, Page 33).

In the case of three redundant servers, repeat the procedure on each server.

PAGE 32 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

2.2.2. License server configuration and startup (server computer)

Introduction This paragraph deals with the Flexnet license server configuration and startup
on the server computer (computer where is installed the Flexnet license
server). You can do it either automatically, or manually (see following

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 33

Licensing system Flux

Configure and In order to configure and start the license server on the server computer
start the license automatically, that is to say via the License Manager, follow these
server (server instructions:
Step Action
0 Log in as administrator (server computer)
1  If you have a USB dongle for the license, then you must connect
it to the USB port
 If you do not have any USB dongle for the license, then go to
step 2
2 Copy the license file (.lic) that you have received by email (from
the commercial team), to your hard disk:
 On Windows: for example you can create a directory
C:\Cedrat\License and copy the license file to this directory
 On Linux: for example you can create a directory
/opt/Cedrat/License and copy the license file to this directory
3 Start the License Manager 11.11:
 On Windows:
- Click on the Start menu
- Click on the Programs menu
- Click on the Cedrat menu
- Click on the License_Manager menu
 On Linux:
- Click on the Applications menu
- Click on the Cedrat menu
- Click on the License Manager (root) menu
4 In the License Manager 11.11 window, select the License –
Server computer tab
5 In the License – Server computer tab, click on the Set license
file button
6 In the Set license file window:
 Select the license file (.lic) containing the character string:
 Click on the Set license file button
7 Select the menus File then Exit or click on the cross at the top
right corner to close the License Manager

In the case of three redundant servers, repeat the procedure on each server.

Continued on next page

PAGE 34 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

Configure and If you prefer configuring and starting the license server on the server
start the license computer by yourself:
server (server  On Windows, see paragraph 2.3.1, Page 40,
 On Linux, see paragraph 2.3.2, Page 44.

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 35

Licensing system Flux

2.2.3. Flux license configuration (client computers)

Introduction Configuring the license in Flux means indicating to Flux the license server(s).

Configure the In order to configure the license in Flux if the licensing service is provided by
license in Flux a single license server, follow these instructions:
with a single
license server

Step Action
0 Log in as administrator
1 Start the License Manager 11.11:
 On Windows :
- Click on the Start menu
- Click on the Programs menu
- Click on the Cedrat menu
- Click on the License_Manager menu
 On Linux :
- Click on the Applications menu
- Click on the Cedrat menu
- Click on the License Manager (root) menu
2 In the License Manager 11.11 window, select the License –
Client computer tab
3 In the License – Client computer tab, check the Network
License box
4 Click on the Add network identifier button
5 In the Add network identifier window, check the Single license
server radio button
6 Use the following syntax:
host being the name of the license server computer
Note (advanced installation):
You can also use the following syntax:
port being the TCP/IP port number
host being the name of the license server computer
By default, no TCP/IP port is specified in the license file (this port number is
If you want to specify a port number, you will have to set it as the fourth parameter
in the first line (SERVER line) of the license file.
For example, if the license server name is cedratdemo and if you did not specify any
port, you will have to enter, in the first line:
7 Select the menus File then Exit or click on the cross at the top
right corner to close the License Manager

Continued on next page

PAGE 36 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

Configure the In order to configure the license in Flux if the licensing service is provided by
license in Flux three redundant license servers, follow these instructions:
with three
license servers
Step Action
0 Log in as administrator
1 Start the License Manager 11.11:
 On Windows :
- Click on the Start menu
- Click on the Programs menu
- Click on the Cedrat menu
- Click on the License_Manager menu
 On Linux :
- Click on the Applications menu
- Click on the Cedrat menu
- Click on the License Manager (root) menu
2 In the License Manager 11.11 window, select the License –
Client computer tab
3 In the License – Client computer tab, check the Network
License box
4 Click on the Add network identifier button
5 In the Add network identifier window, check the Triad (three
redundant servers) radio button
6 Use the following syntax to specify the three license servers
port being the TCP/IP port number
host1, host2 and host3 being the three license servers names
By default, the port 27001 is specified in the license file.
For example, if the three license servers names are cedratdemo1,
cedratdemo2 and cedratdemo3 and if you did not modify the port, you
will have to enter:
 in the first line:
 in the second line:
 in the third line:

Note (advanced installation):

If you want to specify another port number, you will have to modify the
fourth parameter in the first line (SERVER line) of the license file.
7 Select the menus File then Exit or click on the cross at the top
right corner to close the License Manager

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 37

Licensing system Flux

PAGE 38 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

2.3. Appendix

Contents This section contains the following topics:

 Manual configuration of the license server on Windows
 Manual configuration of the license server on Linux
 Error messages and meanings

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 39

Licensing system Flux

2.3.1. Manual configuration of the license server on Windows

Introduction The procedure requires four steps:

Step Action
1 Copy the .lic license file to your hard disk
2 Configure the .lic license file, that is to say, insert the license
server(s) name(s) in the license file
3 Configure the Flexnet license service
4 Start the Flexnet license server

Copy the First, you will have to copy the license file (.lic) that you have received by
license file email (from the commercial team) to your hard disk:
(Step 1) for example you can create a directory C:\Cedrat\License and copy the
license file to this directory.

Configure the In order to configure the .lic license file, follow these instructions:
license file
(Step 2)

Step Action
1 Open the .lic license file with a text editor, for example Notepad
2 Replace the text my_server in the SERVER line (first line) with
the server name (see following block).
In the case of three redundant servers, you have to modify the
three SERVER lines.

For example, if the server name is cedratdemo, then the first line of the license file
will be as follows:
 Example with a USB dongle:
- Aladdin dongle (green dongle)
SERVER cedratdemo FLEXID=9-44074EB8
- Wibu dongle (blue dongle)
SERVER cedratdemo FLEXID= 10-0bebcbdc
 Example without any USB dongle:
SERVER cedratdemo 004005537d54

Continued on next page

PAGE 40 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

How to get the In order to get the server name, you can use the following method:
server name
(Step 2)

Step Action
1 Click on the Start menu
2 Click on the Settings menu
3 Click on the Control Panel menu
4 Double-click on System
5 In the System Properties window, click on the Computer Name
 The server name is then displayed in the Computer name field.

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 41

Licensing system Flux

Configure the In order to configure the Flexnet license service, follow these instructions:
license service
(Step 3)

Step Action
0 Log in as administrator
1  If you have a USB dongle for the license, then you must connect
it to the USB port
 If you do not have any USB dongle for the license, then go to
step 2
2 Start the License Manager 11.11:
 Click on the Start menu
 Click on the Programs menu
 Click on the Cedrat menu
 Click on the License_Manager menu
3 In the License Manager 11.11 window, select the License –
Server computer tab
4 In the License – Server computer tab, click on the Launch
LMTOOLS button
5 In the LMTOOLS window, in the Service/License File tab, check
the Configuration using Services radio button, in order to display
the Config Services tab
6 Select the Config Services tab
7  Enter the full path name for the lmgrd_cedrat program, for
 Enter the full path name for the license file, for example:
 Enter the full path name for the debug file, for example:
During the first installation, this file does not exist: you have to
enter its name manually
This file is important for an effective support
8 Check the Use Services and Start Server at Power Up boxes in
order to start the license service automatically at boot
9 Click on the Save Service button to save the configuration

Continued on next page

PAGE 42 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

Start the license In order to start the Flexnet license server, follow these instructions:
server (Step 4)

Step Action
1 In the LMTOOLS window, select the Start/Stop/Reread tab
2 Click on the Start Server button

You can check that the server has started correctly by selecting the Server Status tab
and by clicking on the Perform Status Enquiry button.

How to stop the In order to stop the license server, follow these instructions:
license server

Step Action
1 In the LMTOOLS window, select the Start/Stop/Reread tab
2 Click on the Stop Server button

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 43

Licensing system Flux

2.3.2. Manual configuration of the license server on Linux

Introduction The procedure requires four steps:

Step Action
1 Copy the .lic license file to your hard disk
2 Configure the .lic license file, that is to say, insert the license
server(s) name(s) in the license file
3 Configure the Flexnet license service
4 Install and start the Flexnet license service

Copy the First, you will have to copy the license file (.lic) that you have received by
license file email (from the commercial team) to your hard disk:
(Step 1) for example you can create a directory /opt/Cedrat/License and copy the
license file to this directory.

Configure the In order to configure the .lic license file, follow these instructions:
license file
(Step 2)
Step Action
1 Open the .lic license file with a text editor, for example gedit
2 Replace the text my_server in the SERVER line (first line) with
the server name (see following block).
In the case of three redundant servers, you have to modify the
three SERVER lines.

For example, if the server name is cedratdemo, then the first line of the license file
will be as follows:
 Example with a USB dongle:
- Aladdin dongle (green dongle)
SERVER cedratdemo FLEXID=9-44074EB8
- Wibu dongle (blue dongle)
SERVER cedratdemo FLEXID= 10-0bebcbdc
 Example without any USB dongle:
SERVER cedratdemo 004005537d54

How to get the In order to get the server name, you can use the following method:
server name
(Step 2)
Step Action
1 Open a terminal (for example, you can right click on the desktop
to display the contextual menu)
2 Type the hostname command
 The server name is then displayed

Continued on next page

PAGE 44 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

Configure the In order to configure the Flexnet license service, follow these instructions:
license service
(Step 3)

Step Action
1 Copy the reference file:
cedrat_flexnet.conf, located in the directory:
<Install dir>/Flexnet/lin64
to the directory:
<Install dir>/etc
under the name (exactly): Flexnet.conf
2 Configure the cedrat_flexnetd license service.
This configuration is performed by modifying the configuration
<Install dir>/etc/Flexnet.conf
The following table describes the different actions required to
modify the file:

Action Comments
DO NOT modify the variables: A modification of these variables will invalidate
FLEXNET_CONF the service.
Set the LICENSE_FILE variable to the The default value is:
complete license file name LICENSE_FILE=$FLEXNET_CONF/license.lic
Set the LOG_FILE variable to the server By default, this variable is set to:
log file name LOG_FILE=/var/log/cedrat_lmgrd.log
You can keep this default value.
If this variable remains empty, all the log will be
directed to syslog.
Note that in this case the log volume can increase
dramatically and blur the system log.
Set the LMGRD_USER variable to the For security issues, the best practice is to use an
account which will execute the license unprivileged account for executing this service.
 If this is an unprivileged account, create
it and assign it to the LMGRD_USER
 If this is the root account (not
recommended), assign an empty string to
the LMGRD_USER variable
Possibly: The different available options are documented in
Additional options can be inserted in the the License Administration Guide – FlexNet
variable (empty by default) : Publisher Licensing Toolkit 11.11, Chapter 10
LMGRD_OPTIONS "lmgrd - License Server Manager".

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 45

Licensing system Flux

Install the In order to install the Flexnet license service, from a terminal, execute the
license service script:
(Step 4)
This script is located in the directory:
<Install dir>/Flexnet/lin64

Start the license In order to start the Flexnet license service, from a terminal, run the
service (Step 4) command:
service cedrat_flexnetd start

PAGE 46 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Licensing system

2.3.3. Error messages and meanings

Introduction This paragraph presents error messages with their meanings.

Error message Invalid host

specific to the The hostid of this system does not match the hostid
installation specified in the license file
License path:…
FLEXnet Licensing error: -9,57.
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
available at "".
It can mean that:
 With a USB dongle:
- the USB dongle is defective, or
- the USB dongle is incorrectly connected to the USB port, or
- the USB dongle number does not match the one set in the license file, or
- the USB dongle driver is incorrectly installed...
 Without any USB dongle:
- the Ethernet card number does not match the one set in the license file.

Error message Feature has expired

due to the Feature: …
deadline Expire date: …
License path: …
FLEXnet Licensing error: -10,32
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
available at "".
It means that the license file has expired.

Using Flux with Warning: Flux does not work in the following conditions:
a temporary  use of a temporary license file (with a deadline)
license  modification of the date and/or time of the computer
Therefore, it is forbidden to change the date of your computer if you use a
temporary license file.

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 47

Licensing system Flux

Error message
License file does not support this version.
due to the
software Feature:…
version Application version > License version: 11.2 > 11.1
License path: …
FLEXnet Licensing error:-21,126
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
available at "".

It means that the used software version is not the one allowed by the license,
for example: using Flux V11.2 while the version allowed by the license is
Flux V11.1.

Error message
No such feature exists
due to the
allowed Feature:…
applications License path: …
FLEXnet Licensing error: -5,357
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
available at "".

It means that the used application is not licensed.

PAGE 48 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

Flux Accessing the documentation and examples

3. Accessing the documentation and examples

Introduction This chapter presents how to access the Flux V11.2 documentation and

How to access You can access the Flux V11.2 documentation and examples:
the Flux V11.2  either from the Flux DVD
documentation  or on your hard disk, in the installation directory of the Flux V11.2
and examples
documentation and examples
 or from the Flux Supervisor

From the Flux You can directly access the Flux V11.2 documentation and examples from the
DVD Flux DVD, in the directory:

On your hard You can access the Flux V11.2 documentation and examples, after having
disk installed Flux V11.2 in its installation directory:
<Install. dir.>\FluxDocExamples_11.2

Continued on next page

Installation guide for Windows/Linux PAGE 49

Accessing the documentation and examples Flux

From the Flux You can access the Flux V11.2 documentation and examples from the Flux
Supervisor Supervisor by performing the following actions:

 For the .pdf files only: user guide, examples, …

Step Action
1 From the Flux Supervisor:
 Select the dimension you are interested in: 2D, Skew or 3D by
clicking on the corresponding button
 Click on the ? button then select the Documents menu
2 In the Documents windows:
 Select the .pdf file you are interested in
 Click on the Read button

 For the examples: . pdf files and Flux projects

(only available in 2D and Skew for the moment)

Step Action
From the Flux Supervisor:
1  Select the dimension you are interested in: 2D or Skew by
clicking on the corresponding button
2  Select the directory in which the example will be opened
3  Click on the Open example context
4  Select the example you are interested in
 The corresponding .pdf file is then displayed
5  Click on the Open the selected example button
 The corresponding Flux project is then opened in Flux

PAGE 50 Installation guide for Windows/Linux

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