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Waldorf Grade 3 Manual

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The manual provides guidance for Waldorf teachers in East Africa and discusses open licensing terms for sharing and adapting the content.

The manual is intended to support teacher development in East Africa according to Waldorf/Steiner principles.

The program began in 1997 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and was later relocated to Nairobi, Kenya to be more central for teachers from Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. It has supported an increasing number of East African teachers over 11 years.







Open Source
This series of manuals has been commissioned by GLS Zukunftsstiftung
Entwicklung, to support teacher development in East Africa. The manuals can be
used in other training programs, individual or group study, anywhere in the world,
provided every page shows the source and the Open Source registration, as it
appears at the bottom of each page in the original.

The open source licence under Creative Commons (see

allows the manuals to be downloaded and redistributed only for non-commercial
purposes [that means these manuals may never be sold].

In addition, the licence permits the remixing, tweaking, translating or producing new
work based on the manuals, provided that all new work based on these manuals will
acknowledge the authors and source and carry the same license. This ensures that
any derivatives will also be non-commercial in nature.

The manuals can be downloaded from

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Catherine van Alphen (pages 5 – 70, 95 – 106)
Peter van Alphen (pages 71 – 94)


Catherine van Alphen

Source: Open Source: Creative Commons

Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

Whilst every effort is made to acknowledge the work of others included in this
manual, in some cases it has not been possible to trace the authors of poems or
other material, handed down from teacher to teacher. I ask that any information
regarding authorship is passed on to me, on, so that authors
may be acknowledged for their work in subsequent editions/printings.

This manual is indebted to the Waldorf tradition of teaching according to the

principles of Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925), as developed by many generations of

Peter van Alphen

The East African Waldorf/Steiner Teacher Development

The East African teacher development programme was started by the late Adeline
Mlai, a Tanzanian, in Dar-es-Salaam in 1997. Adeline recognised the
developmental value of Waldorf education and invited Peter van Alphen and Ann
Sharfman, teacher educators with experience working in African settings in Cape
Town, South Africa, to start a teacher development programme in Dar-es-Salaam.
This programme was set up for teachers from Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.

After the first year, difficulties securing the funds for continuing the programme were
experienced, and in 1999 the programme was relocated to Nairobi, Kenya, as a
more central venue for the three countries. The Rudolf Steiner School in Mbagathi
was able to secure funding for its continuation, and in the eleven years that followed
an ever-increasing number of teachers from East African countries joined the

Our grateful thanks go to GLS Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung (Bochum, Germany) and

Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf Steiners (Berlin, Germany) for their continued
support of the programme from 1999. We also wish to thank Sanduko a Ndege
(Vejle, Denmark), Internationaal Hulpfonds (Amsterdam, Netherlands), Acacia
(Basel, Switserland), Stichting Helias (Netherlands) and the Iona Stichting
(Amsterdam, Netherlands) for their additional support.

Source: Open Source: Creative Commons

Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

About this Manual

This manual answers the need for teachers (or student-teachers) to have notes on
the modules they attend. This manual is written for Primary School teachers doing
the module on the integrated curriculum of Waldorf Grade 3, which follows as
Module 5 on the second module of the program in which a detailed study of Rudolf
Steiner’s concept of child development was given.

The second module included details of curriculum, to show how all teaching needs to
grow out of an understanding of the developmental stages of the children at each
age. Although there is a brief section on the developmental changes that take place
in children around the year they turn 9 years, teachers wishing to use this manual
are asked to first study the manual on Child Development, so that everything written
here can be seen in the light of a broader understanding.

This manual is intended to guide teachers through the teaching of the Grade 3
curriculum. It is written to assist teachers new to Waldorf Education to see
examples of how the educational principles given by Rudolf Steiner can be applied in
daily teaching.

Everything written here needs to be seen as possible examples, rather than “this is
the way we teach the Grade 3 curriculum in Waldorf Schools.” Every teacher needs
to adapt the suggestions given here according to the children in his or her class, their
cultural background, the local environment, etc., so that the needs of the children are
served, rather than following an imported curriculum.

This manual is intended to be handed out at the end of the module for revision and
further study. The suggestion is that participants study together in groups in their
respective schools.

We trust that the material provided will be useful in Waldorf training programmes in
many countries around the world. Comments and suggestions are welcomed, and
can be sent to Peter van Alphen on

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Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

Creation Story and Old Testament Paintings

Day 1 Day 2

Day 3 Day 3

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Day 4 Day 5

Day 4 1

Day 5 Noah

Joseph in the pit

Garden of Paradise 1

Moses and Burning Bush Source:

Open Source: Creative Commons
Day 3 optional
Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see



Authors ............................................................................................................ 2
The East African Waldorf/Steiner Teacher Development
Programme....................................................................................................... 3
About this Manual ......................................................................................... 4
Grade 3 Manual for Teachers ....................................... 8
Child Development in Grade 3 ....................................... 9
How to Use Stories Creatively .................................... 13
The Creation Main Lesson ......................................... 15
The Grammar Main Lesson ........................................ 23
Handcraft Main Lesson ............................................ 33
House-Building ..................................................... 50
Gardening ........................................................... 59
Farming ............................................................. 63
The Four Operations ............................................... 74
Money Main Lesson ................................................ 81
Measurement Main Lesson Block .................................. 83
Time Main Lesson .................................................. 87
Poems for Grade 3 ................................................. 98
Songs for Grade 3 ................................................ 105

Source: Open Source: Creative Commons

Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 International Licence; see

Grade 3 Manual for Teachers

The Waldorf curriculum for Grade 3 offers the children turning nine years of
age a fascinating year filled with very practical Main Lessons. Themes such
as Time, Measurement and Money, as well as Farming, House Building and
Crafts become exciting adventures for the children to learn “hands on” about
the world around them.

Leaving the humorous and inspiring stories of the animal fables and the
legends of the saints behind them, the Grade 3 children enter a new phase
and the curriculum is designed to meet the needs of their development at this

This manual outlines the following division of the Grade 3 year into 12 main
lesson blocks (not to be taken in this order: to be distributed through the year
by the teacher):

Creation (Old Testament)1
Old Testament Stories
Old Testament Stories
Grammar (Old Testament)


Four Operations

The choice of stories needs to be determined according to the culture, religions and environment of the
children. Here the Old Testament stories are described, as examples of ‘separation’ and ‘authority’ stories
suitable for the 9-year-old age group.

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Child Development in Grade 3

What has changed in the growth of Grade 3 children? Physically they are
taller and broader; filling out, becoming more muscular and stronger. But
inwardly a complete transformation of their feeling life is taking place.

No longer at ease in the security of their oneness with the class and their
special teacher, they are experiencing a separation between themselves and
the rest of the world. Brothers, sisters, even parents and friends seem
strange and distant.

These children between ages of eight and a half to ten years may feel alone
and misunderstood. Fears of the dark, and imminent death for themselves or
a parent rise up in them and they become withdrawn and critical or
argumentative and aggressive.

Eventually they will find their inner resources to help them to adjust to their
new situation, but the old fairy tale world of “happily ever after” is lost forever.

The Story of Creation

Grade 3 children often feel quite misplaced and long to belong somewhere.
Thus it is very appropriate to tell them the Story of Creation; how human
beings were created by God and placed on earth where they could make a
home for themselves.

The Old Testament, from the ancient Hebrew tradition, begins with God
creating light in the darkness through the sound and power of His voice. Then
He separates heaven and earth. In the same way, Grade 3 children are
awakening to the duality of life on earth: they begin to notice the amazing
world around them – not only what is beautiful, but also what is ugly, and they
become aware of what they like and do not like.

Through the Creation Story the children unconsciously sense how they fit into
the family of creation: how human beings are made in the likeness of God,
with consciousness, intelligence, speech, love and creativity. It is important
for the teacher to infuse these stories with reverence so that the children are
filled with the wonder of creation. They must become aware of the power of
creativity present in the human being enabling him or her to adapt the gifts of
the earth in order to fulfil the human needs for food, clothing and shelter.

The teacher makes the children conscious of and grateful for the abundance
of the earth, not by telling them what to think or feel, but by asking questions
in the recall of the story, and leading them into deeper discussions. Children

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are naturally full of wonder and respond instinctively. The teacher should also
use many opportunities to express the children’s creativity in drawing and
painting from these stories.

Separation Stories

Rudolf Steiner chose the Old Testament stories of the Hebrew tradition to
illustrate the sense of separation that the children experience as they go
through the crisis of the ninth year. Thus the children identify with the feelings
of loss, fear, bewilderment and struggle that the various Hebrew heroes and
heroines went through. Many of them experienced being completely uprooted
and forced to leave their homes and to establish a new life in a strange

This can be seen in the story of Adam and Eve. Once they have eaten the
apple of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, forbidden to them by God, they can
no longer remain in the Garden of Paradise where everything is given to them.
Adam and Eve must come to earth and learn to build a home, to hunt for food,
to tend sheep, to grow vegetables and to make their clothes.

The Garden of Paradise represents children in the phase under nine years of
age, when they are still at one with the world. In this new phase, however,
children want to learn how to live in the world around them. The experience of
feeling separate causes them to question what is right and what is wrong and
they are no longer satisfied with fairy tales.

Noah is warned by God of the forthcoming flood to destroy mankind and he is

told to build an ark. Eventually this ark floats Noah, his family and two of
every kind of animal to safety on Mount Ararat. These stories indicate to the
children that all will turn out well; a new place and new perspective will be

However, at no time are these stories told in order to promote a particular

religion. On the contrary, they illustrate the challenges that every human being
has to go through in his or her development. Thus the stories speak for
themselves and demonstrate the ability of each hero to hear and follow the
guidance from within. This shows the children the need for self-reliance.

When Joseph is thrown in a pit, he experiences the hatred and jealousy of his
brothers at being the ‘favourite’ son of Isaac. When he is sold as a slave in
Egypt, he finds himself in a strange country. He is misunderstood and wrongly
accused. But Joseph proves his honesty and worth wherever he goes: even
in prison he is put in charge and eventually he becomes advisor to the
Pharaoh. Joseph’s story shows that the worst situation may be turned into the

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best for everyone at the end. His forgiveness of his brothers is a wonderful
example of the ability to rise above petty responses and to rather return evil
with good.

All these stories illustrate a sense of separation, whether physical or

emotional, and they illustrate how each hero overcame his/her trials and
created a new life situation.

Stories of Authority
Children in Grade 3 need to have a strong leader as a role model and they
look to the teacher for this. Especially when they are critical of parents and
siblings, they should find their need for authority in the teacher. Often children
expect the teacher to know everything and the teacher must prove him/herself
as being truthful, considerate and fair in all situations. Similarly the stories of
the Hebrews show God or Yahweh as a strong authoritative figure who
demands obedience from his followers.

The sons of Adam and Eve are Cain and Abel. When Cain slays Abel in a fit
of anger and jealousy, he must wander the earth as a punishment. But in
time, Cain’s own descendants: Jabal, Jubal and Thubal-Cain bring blessings
to the people on earth through their ability to transform their situations. Jabal
tames the horse, cow and other animals; Jubal brings heavenly music for
humankind and Thubal-Cain learns to work with metal, especially bronze and
he creates many tools. These stories show the development of humankind as
it evolves and the many opportunities for creativity.

This guiding presence of God is a reassuring factor in the stories of the

Hebrews. No matter where they go, they are assisted and protected provided
they obey His commands. Abraham demonstrates his strong connection to
God when he and his family leave their home in Ur to create a new home in
the desert. When he is asked to sacrifice his son, Isaac, Abraham is willing to
obey God’s will and only when he proves this is Isaac saved.

When Jonah disobeys God’s command to go to the cities of Sodom and

Gomorrah, and goes by ship to another country, he is thrown overboard in a
storm and is swallowed by a whale. His prayer to God brings him home again
and this time he does as he is told. This story represents the inner turmoil the
children can experience at this age and the importance of that authoritative
figure in their lives.

The story of David and Goliath shows how inner faith and conviction are more
powerful than size and physical strength. This encourages the children by
reassuring them that they will find the courage to deal with all situations.

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Stories from Other Cultures

However, the teacher should not feel that the stories of the Hebrews are the
only separation stories that may be told during the Grade 3 year. Every race
and culture has many kinds of stories: myths and legends, fables, folk and
fairy tales. It is important that the children live into the soul of their own culture
especially if their stories are not specifically chosen for the Waldorf curriculum.
The teacher needs to research the different stories to see where they fit in
best between Grade 1 – 7 so that the children can enjoy the beauty, wisdom
and humour of their own culture.

Fairy tales belong to the world of the Grade 1 child and should have happy
endings. Some fairy tales are quite complex or dark in mood and are better
when the children are older. Animal fables and stories are for Grade 2,
especially where the animals talk to one another.

Most cultures have their own Creation Myths with imaginative and magical
pictures to describe the beginnings of life on earth. These creation stories
create a bridge between the ancient oral cultures and modern science which
the children would not understand at this stage. They give the children a
reverence for their place in creation and particularly the human race. Some
stories are quite dark and gruesome and should be left to a later stage,
perhaps Grade 4, 5 or 6. Flood stories are found all round the world and in
the case of nine year old children they represent the end of the time of early
childhood and the onset of a new phase.

Many ‘hero’ stories show the young person having to leave home in order to
fulfil a specific task and only returning when they have overcome the danger
and achieved the goal. Some of these stories are more ‘fairy-tale’ in style,
whereas others are more realistic and mentally challenging. These stories can
easily complement the Hebrew stories from the Old Testament and can be
told during main lessons such as Mathematics or House-Building, etc. Rudolf
Steiner’s suggestions are meant to demonstrate how the stories should suit
the needs of the children at each age.

Children like to hear many stories and it is good if the teacher has a special
time once or twice a week for stories from their own culture even if they do not
fall exactly into the category of “separation stories”. However it is best if
stories are not merely told for their own sake but used in other ways so that
the children live into the experience and meaning of the story.

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How to Use Stories Creatively

All good stories carry innate wisdom and meaning and if the teacher
understands this and uses themes from these stories for educational material
and creative activities, the children will benefit in many ways.

Bringing out the Feelings in each Story

In Steiner’s understanding of child development, he stresses the importance
of the child between about 7 and 14 years as being a child of feeling. During
these years we have the best opportunity to develop the child’s feeling life, to
the good for the rest of his or her life.

The stories we tell need to be filled with feeling. This the teacher conveys
through his or her voice and gesture. The teacher needs to tell the story not
merely as a series of things that happen, but as the heights and depths of
human emotions, from sadness, loneliness, suffering and struggle to joy,
happiness and fulfilment; from anger, jealousy, greed to love, forgiveness and
compassion; from rudeness to reverence.

A story well told, where the teacher uses rich description of scenes and
character as well as lively dialogue and gestures, becomes an experience that
the children will always remember. Children live into the story, picturing every
happening and identifying with each character. Their imaginations are
stimulated and thus they will remember the story in great detail which
improves their memory as well as the ability to listen and focus.

The teacher must choose her words well, using sensory description of smells
and tastes, sounds, textures and colours as well as light and dark moods.
The sensory stimulation in these stories will increase the children’s awareness
of the world around them when they go outside, as well as improving their
vocabulary and use of language.

When preparing to tell a story, the teacher can focus on the moods of the
different parts of the story, telling some slowly, others excitedly or
triumphantly, others again full of action. Depth of feeling can be created by
adding your own descriptions of each situation in the story, giving more details
with each feeling expressed.

Unlike fairy tales, the stories of the Bible in the Old Testament are written in a
simple and repetitive style that often does not do justice to the power of the
story. So it is vital that the teacher stretches his/her imagination to be able to

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describe both the visual images and the feelings of the characters e.g. how
lonely, bewildered and rejected Adam and Eve felt when they left the Garden
of Paradise and first came to earth.

There are many books where the Bible stories are retold for children, but the
teacher should select one that describes the feeling element to assist him/her
to transform the story. Even so, the teacher should tell the story directly to the
children. A teacher may feel that the words written in the book are so
beautiful that s/he could not do as well, but in this they are mistaken. The
children love to hear the story from their special teacher and to experience
each part of it through the feelings and imagination of that teacher. The love
between the teacher and the children enhances the story and the teacher will
become a better story-teller as s/he shares the experiences and struggles of
the Hebrews with the children.

If a story is long, it is good to stop at a suitable place and tell the rest of the
story on the next day. It is better to describe a scene with more detail,
allowing the children to really live into the feeling experience rather than to
rush from one action to another.

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The Creation Main Lesson

The Creation main lesson involves telling the creation stories and writing them
down in a main lesson book. It is best if the teacher can expand the Creation
Story, doing one day of Creation each morning. But how can the teacher work
creatively to ensure that the children really experience the power and wonder
of each day?

As the sections are short, the teacher can work in the following way:

Day 1
Tell the story of the first day of Creation.
Decorate the front page of the main lesson book, by writing ‘The Creation’ at
the top of the page and leaving space for a picture. If the teacher wishes, the
page may also contain a short verse from the Bible or some other meaningful
A painting of the first day may be done either in the main lesson or later in the

Day 2
The children may experience the darkness and light of Creation in movement
through an exercise in contraction and expansion. They begin, huddled
together in the centre of the room with arms crossed over their hearts to
experience the darkness. Then they move backwards, slowly opening and
stretching their arms outwards to experience the light. Repeat exercise
several times.
The children learn the first verse of the poem ‘The Song of Creation”.2
The children recall the story with as much detail as possible.
The teacher tells the story of the second day of Creation.
The second page of the main lesson book has a picture from the story of the
first day with the writing on the opposite page.

Day 3
The children may repeat the movement exercise from the day before. The
teacher may create new movement exercises for each day.
The children repeat the verse of the poem and learn the second verse.
The children recall the story of the third day of Creation.
The next page of the main lesson book has a picture from the story of the
second day with the writing on the opposite page.
A painting of the second day of Creation may be done later in the day.

See back of manual

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This pattern continues throughout the book.

The main lesson book has a drawing on the front page with a short verse. The
teacher can select a text from the Bible or the religion practised in the class
community, or a verse of no particular religion in mixed situations. The next
page shows a drawing of the first day with the writing on the opposite page.
This pattern continues throughout the days of Creation.

The “Song of Creation” poem can be learnt one verse per day.

Recalling the Story

The children need to recall the story on the next day. This is a very important
part of learning the language and the teacher needs to set aside at least 20
minutes for this task, especially if there are many second language children in
the class.

The teacher leads the children into describing a scene at the beginning so that
they find the thread of the story. They need to work out the sequence of the
story together, not allowing one bright, enthusiastic child to hold the stage and
tell the whole story. Then the teacher needs to choose suitable questions
about the feelings of different characters, or what they looked like, or how the
child felt about a particular situation. Simpler questions could be presented to
children who are a bit shy or slow, to encourage them to speak.

It is also good to have at least one question that the children discuss with their
neighbour, so that they get used to talking together in this way. It is easy for
the teacher to give the answers to the children, but it is more important that
children be encouraged to talk and express themselves on their own. It
becomes an opportunity not only for language usage but for children to learn
from each other.

Take for example the story of Cain and Abel. What discussion can arise out
of this story? The children enjoy recognising and experiencing different
emotions and if the teacher can hold back from pronouncing judgement on
Cain, the children will learn to express their own sense of right and wrong.

If the teacher can find a poem that relates to the story that is being told that
week, it is very good if the children can learn it. Not only does it deepen the
experience of the story, it builds vocabulary through the daily repetition of the
poem. The children enjoy the rhythmical quality of the poem and learn

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language in a ‘fun’ way. This is especially helpful for children for whom
English is a second language.

Here follows an example of a poem that could be used in the Creation main
lesson block:


Once there was God, the one God alone,

Alone in the vastness of space.

And over the deep God’s voice could be heard,

Breathing the Song, the Song of the Word;
The Word that was Life, the Word that was Light
That burst through the vastness of space.

CHORUS: And God in his glory rejoiced to see

The sweet light of morning in fresh mystery,
The twilight of evening, the darkness of night
On that wondrous day, so filled with God’s light;
The first of the days of creation.

The teacher can take this opportunity to demonstrate how to pronounce the
words correctly and to encourage the children to imitate the pace and
expression of the poem. Mistakes are best corrected immediately so that the
children become conscious of the correct pronunciation. The teacher takes
note of the mistake as it will provide insight into whether children are listening
properly or whether the teacher is not speaking clearly enough. They should
not be allowed to mumble or to race through it but to speak clearly and with
feeling. They repeat it several times and are praised for every improvement.

Speech Exercises
Suitable speech exercises may be chosen to help children with pronunciation.
Alliterative sentences or verses, tongue twisters, simple sentences whether
nonsense or with meaning and especially those with humour can be used; e.g.

Many mumbling mice making midnight music

Ten tiny tailors tip-toe to the top!

Copyright Catherine van Alphen, 2010. See end of manual for the full poem.

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Speech exercises can be spoken in different moods, not just loud or soft, fast
or slow. So often speaking ‘fast’ means that children race wildly through the
verse. But, get them to say it sternly, sadly, sweetly or mischievously and
they will enjoy the humour of it without losing control.

Acting out the Story

It is not easy to act out a story well. It must be carefully thought out and well
organised or it can easily become chaotic and a waste of time.

Children should practise acting skills every day: they can walk around the
circle during the Rhythmic Time pretending to be a prince or a beggar, a lion
or a stork. They can also walk around in the manner of certain characters
from the previous story which is a delightful introduction to acting part of the
story e.g. walk around as if you are Isaac happily going to make a sacrifice to
God. Or, walk round as if you are Abraham, fearful of having to sacrifice his
son. The important thing is to be able to express feelings as well as actions!

The most effective way of learning to act is for the teacher to choose a short
scene involving a conversation or dialogue between two people. A delightful
one is the scene in the Garden of Paradise where Eve is tempted by the
Snake to eat the apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Begin by discussing what words the children think the Snake would have said.
They may repeat the words from the story that the teacher used. Then the
children can find how Eve would
have answered the Snake and
so the conversation can be
developed using other ideas
from the children. The teacher
does not have to work
everything out, unless the
second language children need
more help. Then the children
can practise in pairs and after a
few minutes they could swap
over, each one acting the other
part. The children should be
encouraged to present their little conversations and they will enjoy the humour
created by each pair. In this way they also learn from each other

These conversations can now be written down in their rough work book. The
children can do it as a combined effort and then write it into their own books
after it has been corrected. This makes it available to be read individually by

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each child which is all the more effective and enjoyable after the fun of acting
out the conversation.

The writing of the stories must be simple enough for the children to use as
their material for reading. Children will then be reading from words they have
already connected to through the experience of writing. The teacher will have
gone through the words on the board to make sure that the children
understand them and this gives them confidence and encouragement in their

It does not matter if the slower children are reading what they know off by
heart for it helps them to learn the words for decoding the sentences. Many
children will already be reading confidently but it is important to keep finding
ways to assist the slower children so that they do not feel left behind.

The teacher should organise regular reading sessions with the children using
graded reading books from the class library. The teacher can ask parents to
come and read with some children so that they get sufficient help and
practice. Advanced readers could be allowed to read their own books once
they have used up the class resources.

Phonic work is taken from the stories: sound combinations that the children
know are practised daily and any new words are written down in a special little
book for vocabulary and phonics. Children should practise making up
sentences using as many words belonging to a certain sound as possible.
They can also make up sentences to show the meaning of words. These may
also be written down. The children may need help with breaking words into
syllables so that they can read and write them more easily.

A simple game is to go round the circle and each child says a word and claps
the syllables. No words may be repeated.
a) Words of one syllable e.g. man, pot.
b) Words of two syllables e.g. table, pencil, running.
c) Words of three syllables, e.g. beautiful, merrily, etc.

Flash cards of different syllables may be used to show how they can be joined
up to make a longer word and to practise reading in syllables.

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Own Writing
The children write down the conversations they have acted and the teacher
should correct them. The mistakes in spelling and grammar arising from the
dialogue will become material for future lessons. This is a very effective way
of preparing children for their own writing.

The children can also write short sections of a story in their own words,
especially if they have retold it that day or the day before. The teacher should
remind them of the part to be written down, leading them into the picture and
making it clear what they have to describe. This is a time when the bright,
able readers shoot ahead, revelling in the opportunity to express everything in
their imaginations. However the slower ones struggle to keep up, so the
teacher needs to find ways of handling this situation.

It is vital that all the children’s own writing must be prepared thoroughly,
especially with second language children. Some children are so overwhelmed
by such a task that at the end of the lesson they have nothing on their paper.
These children could also work in pairs, helping each other to find the words
to be written down. They need all the encouragement possible so that making
up their own sentences becomes easy and fun to do.

Simple greeting cards for birthdays can be made. ‘Thank you’ letters to
parents and adults who are helping the class can be written by the children. A
letter of sympathy can be written to a classmate who is sick. Other situations
that arise spontaneously for communicating by letter are also fun for children
to do. The children could also have a little book for writing down ‘news’ once
a week. The teacher should endeavour that children do their own writing at
least once or twice a week.

Art and the Seven Days of Creation

The first five days of Creation lend themselves effectively to the medium of
painting4. In addition to the drawings and writing the children do in their main
lesson books, it would be very good if the teacher painted regularly to illustrate
the first five days of Creation.

If the teacher can give up certain lessons and allow the class to paint three
times per week in a lesson after the main lesson for the first two weeks, this
would help the children to integrate the experience of the Creation story.

The following themes are suggested:

Illustrations at front of the manual.

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Day 1: “Let there be Light!” Dark Prussian blue is painted inwards from
the edge of the paper (from all sides), while leaving a space in the centre
and creating a burst of white light that radiates outwards.

Day 2: “Sea and Sky” Soft Ultramarine blue for the sky and deep Prussian
blue for the sea, with a touch of Lemon yellow and pink in the clouds. The
sky is darkest at the top of the page and fades as it moves down to the

Day 3: “Lights in the Firmament” This can best be done in two paintings. In
the first painting the sun is painted in Lemon yellow, radiating out and
fading to white. Ultramarine or Prussian blue is used for the sky painted
from dark at the edges of the paper fading to meet the white around the

In the second painting the moon and stars are painted with blue and red or
purple, leaving space for the moon and points of light, not 5 pointed stars.
This is not as easy as one might expect.

Day 4: “The Green Earth Appears”; Use Prussian blue water below, Lemon
yellow sunlight above, creating green grass and plants where they meet.
Add red or orange flowers. This theme may be done in many ways.

Day 5: Two paintings:

“Fishes in the Sea”; Wavy flowing shapes using Prussian blue and Lemon
yellow, allowing fishes to emerge between the waves. Leave the fishes
white or colour them yellow. Red can be used if paper is not too wet.

“Birds of the Air”. Using a combination of Prussian and Ultramarine blues ,

create a sky that is dark at the left and lower sides of the paper, moving
lighter towards a spherical sun which is left white. Leave white spaces for
birds: larger in the darker areas and small closer to the sun. The birds
further away can be painted very small in blue when the paper is dry.

(N.B. Birds and fishes were created on the same day).

Day 6: is best expressed by drawing rather than painting. I let the children
draw a large mural with the whole of Creation on it and let everyone draw
different sections including trees, flowers, fishes and birds, many animals
and even Adam and Eve!

If the teacher wishes to tell the Creation Story with musical accompaniments,
he or she can collect whatever musical instruments can be found for this

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Suggestions are: a gong for the sun and moon, a couple of triangles for stars
and a lyre for sea and sky. A glockenspiel, small marimba, a drum, shakers,
recorders, even tapping glasses with water can be used.

The teacher decides (perhaps together with the class) which instruments
could work best for each aspect of Creation. Then he or she distributes the
instruments and retells the story, allowing the children to improvise the
different elements of Creation when it is their turn. Needless to say the story
will need to be repeated several times so that everyone can have a turn to
play an instrument. It is great fun!

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The Grammar Main Lesson

In Grades 1 and 2, the focus was on learning to write and read the letters.
This led on to sound combinations and the beginning of reading. In Grade 3,
however, the children are in a new phase of awakening, of developing their
egos and learning to assert them consciously. The children must become
aware of the power of language: how to use words and understand the
structure of sentences in order to express ideas clearly and accurately. For
language is like a house; children need to learn the techniques of building to
construct that house of language for themselves.

Every main lesson must be inspiring both for the teacher and the child. The
important thing is to link the main lesson theme to the human being. The
human being has a threefold consciousness: the head is linked to thinking, the
heart and lungs are connected to feeling and the limbs and hands to moving
and doing. We seek to express these three aspects of the soul in language.

We become conscious of everything we see and we think about everything;

analysing and organising all the facts. The words for these facts are called
nouns; therefore nouns are connected to the thinking part of the human being.
Everything that we do is expressed by means of verbs in our language and we
describe the world around us through the many adjectives we use and these
words express our feelings. There are other parts of speech that are part of
our language, but in this main lesson, we begin with the first three: nouns,
verbs and adjectives.

Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives

The Grammar main lesson aims to teach the children about the three main
parts of speech: verbs, nouns and adjectives. But such abstract names are
not appropriate at this age, so verbs are called ‘Doing Words’, nouns are
called ‘Naming Words’ and adjectives are called ‘Painting or Describing
Words’. In this way the children will understand the concepts easily. The
main lesson takes three weeks. The first week is all about ‘Doing words’. The
second week is about ‘Naming Words’ but develops the connection between
‘Naming Words’ and ‘Doing Words’ because they always work together. The
third week is about ‘Describing Words’ showing how they are connected to
‘Naming Words’ and ‘Doing Words’.

Why do we begin with ‘Doing Words’ and not ‘Naming Words’? The children
in the early years of their life learn everything through active experience. For
them life is movement, activity, doing. A verb can stand on its own when we

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say “Run!” “Play!” “Eat!” “Sleep!” But how do we create a whole week all
about Doing Words?

Doing Words
In the stories of the Garden of Paradise, Adam and Eve did many things. The
teacher can describe what it was like in that Garden. Let the children imagine
all the things they could do because they were free to do everything they
wanted. Each child can say one or two of the different things that Adam and
Eve might have done in the Garden e.g.

Adam climbed a tree and Eve picked flowers. They ate honey from a bee-
hive. Eve danced across the grass and Adam drank water from a stream.
They slept under the stars. Adam called the eagle to fly down to him. Eve
stroked a deer’s nose.

Everyone can act out the different things that Adam and Eve might have done
in the Garden, both individually and together. OR

Noah had to build an ark and so he got his family to help him. Choose
someone to be Noah and everyone else can be helping him to saw wood,
drag logs, nail them together and paint it with pitch to make it watertight. They
can work in groups or on their own also gathering and preparing food to take
on the journey. After a little while, the teacher gets everyone to say what they
were doing to help Noah build the ark.
The different words can be written on the board and the children can read
them. Then the teacher can say that these kinds of words are called ‘Doing

The teacher gets the children to make up short sentences with each of the
words and s/he writes them on the board in the correct sequence. Each of the
Doing Words is written in the colour RED because it is an active colour, very
suited for lively Doing Words. The children write them down in their main
lesson books under the heading: Doing Words. The first page is left blank and
will be filled in at a later stage when all three kinds of words have been

During the rhythmic time of each day, many games involving Doing Words
should be played. They should all involve acting and miming and guessing
what the words are. It is a golden opportunity for increasing vocabulary for
everyone, especially second language speakers. Here are some games to be
played but the teacher can make up others.

1. ‘What are you doing?’ Children stand in a circle with one child in the
middle. They all sing or say: What are you doing? What are you doing?

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What are you doing today? The child in the centre mimes some action
e.g. brushing teeth, digging in the garden and answers: I am digging, I
am digging, I am digging today. The whole class imitates the action and
sings: We are digging, we are digging today. Another child takes a turn
to be in the centre and the activity is repeated.

2. Children sit in a circle and the teacher goes round with a packet in
which are folded pieces of paper with doing words written on them.
Each child chooses one, reads it quietly and then they in turn act out the
words. The children have to guess what the word is from the actions of
the child. (The teacher must check that everyone can read and
understand the word on the paper before starting the game.)

3. The children are in a circle and each one has a turn to act out a doing
word related to doing things in a specific place e.g. the classroom or the
kitchen or camping, etc.

4. Adam and Eve walked in the Garden of Paradise. One by one, each
child moves across the room in a different way, i.e. not walking. No
repeats are allowed. The words for each kind of movement are guessed
and written up on the board e.g. marching, skipping, stamping, shuffling,
swimming, dancing, riding, etc. Sentences can be made up and written
in the main lesson book.

5. Mime the different animals going into the ark. The tortoises plodded.
The monkeys scampered. The lions stalked. Write down what the
animals did.

6. The children play hangman5, using four or five-letter doing words. They
find a partner and see how many words they can make in ten minutes.


Hangman is played with two or more children. One child chooses a word, but writes spaces on the page or
board instead of letters. Children take turns to guess a letter. If correct, it is written in as many times as it occurs
in the word. If incorrect, the first child draws the first stroke of the hangman drawing. (See picture). The aim is
to guess the word before the drawing of hangman is complete.

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7. The children are given a theme like ‘baking a cake’. Working in pairs,
they act it out together and take turns to show the others. Together
they find out how many doing words are being used in the activity.

8. Go round the class with each child saying one doing word. However,
make sure that this is not too difficult for the second language learners.
These are the very children who need the practice of finding words. If
they are struggling, let someone help them by miming an action.

9. A variation of the above game. Choose a letter from the alphabet. Let
each child in turn find a doing word beginning with that letter. If
someone cannot find a word, choose another letter. Avoid letting
children be “out” when they cannot find a word. They can miss one turn
and try again next time.

Every morning, the teacher can repeat the games, using different examples or
creating new games. The important thing is to do the game and the actions
first and then write up the words. The teacher should try to introduce new
words and situations with a little scene or story so that the children do not
merely repeat the same examples from the day before. Only one of the
exercises will be written into their books. Children should also reread the work
from the previous day. New words should be practised daily until the children
know them well.

The difficulty lies in the various forms of doing words. Children should be able
to recognise a doing word whether it is sit, sat, was sitting, will be sitting, etc.
Learning to distinguish between the tenses and participles will be done in the
following year.

Another way of recognising a doing word is for the children to do a specific

movement when they hear it. Perhaps they can stamp a foot every time they
hear a doing word. The teacher can read out sentences or phrases and the
children must stamp whenever they hear a doing word. The children soon
learn the game and enjoy playing it.

Naming Words
Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Paradise. “Oh, Adam”, said Eve, Please
get me that thing over there.” “What thing?” asked Adam. But Eve did not
know what it was called. She tried to show him with her hands and eventually
took him along and showed him a little tortoise hidden in the grass. Then
Adam wanted something to eat. “Let’s get some little things from that big
thing over there,” he said. “What things are you talking about?” asked Eve. “I
can’t see them at all” So Adam went over and showed Eve the juicy berries on

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the bush. “What are they called?” she asked. “I don’t know”, he answered. “I
had better ask God. After all, He made them.

So Adam went along to God and asked him to tell him the names of
everything in the Garden. “Ah!” said God. “I think that could be your job.
Would you like to choose a name for everything in the Garden?” “Oh yes,”
said Adam. And so off he went and everything he saw, he looked at it carefully
and felt what it was like inwardly and outwardly and then gave it a name. He
sensed the liveliness of the monkey with its cute and comical face. He sensed
the gentleness and timidity of the deer and the soaring power of the broad-
winged eagle. He named the mountains and the trees and the rivers and
stones and the flowers and birds and more things than you and I can possibly
think of.

So children, can you think of some of the things that Adam named in the
Garden of Paradise?

The names of everyday things are common Naming Words e.g. horse, flower
and cloud; but the names of people and places, titles of books, etc are called
proper Naming Words and have capital letters at the front of each name e.g.
Tom, Mary, Kenya, etc. The children need to be familiar with both these kinds
of Naming Words. Collective nouns and abstract nouns are learnt in Grade 4.

Many games can be played to explore the wonderful world of Naming Words:

1. Choose a theme e.g. Garden of Paradise, underwater, space, cars,

sports, food, school, etc. Go round the class with each child naming
some object found under that theme.

2. Alphabetical Animals. Beginning with A, go round the class naming any

creature whose name begins with that letter. When a child cannot think
of an animal, help them or get someone else to name another animal
before moving on to the next letter.

3. Names of boys and girls can be found using the Alphabet Game.
Another variation of this could be names of important places, streets,
suburbs, towns, countries and titles of books, etc.

4. Animal Guessing Game. Noah had many animals on the ark and every
night before he went to sleep he would go round and check that they
were alright. But it was dark in the ark and so he could not always see
them by the light of his candle. So each animal had to make a noise to
show that they were fine. Choose one child to be Noah and blindfold
him/her. Give him a stick. Each of the other children chooses the name
of an animal from a packet and they have to make the noise of that

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animal so that Noah can guess who they are. Great fun. Some children
are very good at imitating animals, while others have to learn what the
sounds are. They should also learn the doing word related to the sound
e.g. A donkey brays. A cow moos.6

5. The teacher has two packets: one containing Naming Words and the
other containing a Doing Word associated with the Naming Words in the
first packet. Each child gets a word from each packet. They read them
and everyone goes round the room to find the Doing Word connected to
their Naming Word. They give away the Doing Word to whoever needs
it and they sit down as soon as they have two words that belong to each
other. When everyone is sitting, one by one they read out their words.

6. The class is divided into two groups. Everyone stands. Someone from
the first group has to call out a Naming Word e.g. cat and someone
from the second group puts up their hand and gives a Doing Word and
shows how they are connected to the Naming Word e.g. the cat purrs.
If the Naming Word is inanimate e.g. cup, the Doing Word could be
‘drink’ or ‘drop’ because you can drink from a cup or you can drop the
cup. Then the two children sit down. The game finishes when everyone
is sitting in their seats.

7. Choose a Naming Word and see how many Doing Words can be found
to go with it. Living creatures or human beings make the most suitable
themes for this game.

8. Memory Game. The teacher takes a tray around with a number of small
objects on it. The children see the objects briefly before the teacher
covers the tray with a cloth. Then the children write down as many
objects as they can remember.

Recognising the Naming Words in a sentence is also fun! The movement for
the Naming Words could be nodding your head, touching your head or
standing up. The teacher must decide whatever movement they like best.
When the teacher reads out sentences, the children now have two
movements to make, one for all the Doing Words and one for all the naming

When the children write Naming Words in sentences or phrases, they should write
them in BLUE as it is a quiet, thoughtful colour. What a contrast from the lively RED
Doing Words!

See list at end of manual.

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Male and Female

All the animals went in pairs into the ark.
The lion and lioness, dog and bitch, stallion and mare, bull and cow, etc7
Several babies were born in the ark during the forty days afloat.
The mare had a foal, the cat had kittens and the hen had chickens.8

Lion – lions, cat - cats, horse – horses, etc9
The teacher selects appropriate examples from the above three categories.

Painting Words or Describing Words

In the third week the children learn about the words that describe the Naming
Words: the words that show how we feel about things.

Adam and Eve were very happy in the beautiful Garden of Paradise. They
loved the golden sunrise in the early morning and the fleecy white clouds that
drifted across the clear blue sky. They ate sweet juicy fruits whenever they
felt hungry and watched the coloured butterflies dancing over the lush green
grass. The animals were quite tame and the mighty lion shook his shaggy
mane peacefully and allowed the fluffy rabbits to hop playfully around him,
while the gentle lamb frolicked away with the naughty, cheeky monkey, etc.

But oh!! All that changed when they had to leave and go to earth! Adam and
Eve felt sad and lonely when they left the Garden. Often there were dark,
heavy clouds hanging in the sky and the cold rain felt miserable after the
warm sunshine. They had to search for food and sometimes the berries were
hard and sour. The animals were now wild and frightened of each other. The
little lamb bleated pathetically and the lion’s tremendous roar terrified the timid
deer, etc.

The Describing Words may include both adjectives and adverbs but at this
stage the children do not need to distinguish between them; they must only be
able to recognise these words that describe or paint pictures. This is a time of
increasing the children’s vocabulary to include many adjectives, not just
colours. Much practise will be needed, especially with second language
children, who need to step beyond the basic describing words which are ‘big,
small, good, bad, fat, thin and nice’.

See list at the end of the manual.
See list at the end of the manual.
See list at the end of the manual.

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It is best when the teacher prepares a passage like the scene above where
there are many Describing Words. Then discuss the feelings of Adam and
Eve and ask the children to see if they can tell some of the words that
described the Garden of Paradise and what it was like on the earth. The
sentences can be written on the board and when the children have read the
passage, they can write it into their main lesson book. It would be good to
draw a picture of the two scenes. The Describing Words should be written in
YELLOW or ORANGE to distinguish them from the Doing and Naming Words.

Another morning the teacher could retell the story of Cain and Abel,
contrasting them in different ways.
Cain was tall and strong, with curly brown hair and powerful muscles. He was
rough and wild, speaking in a loud deep voice. Abel was peaceful and
friendly, with soft grey eyes and gentle hands. He sang sweetly to his woolly
sheep and brought them into the sturdy wooden pen each evening where they
could be safe and warm for the night.

The children can collect the Describing Words and write them down. Later
they can write a paragraph into their books and draw a picture to illustrate it.

Describing Words are good for everyone to act out in the rhythmic time. Here
are some games for Describing Words:

1. Choose a Naming Word and let children find as many describing words
as possible e.g. horse: black, swift, strong, galloping, snorting, wild,
tame, gentle, powerful, patient, obedient, shining, friendly, etc.

2. How did Adam and Eve feel when they came to earth? Sad, ashamed,
lonely, curious, excited, tired, anxious, determined? How many more
words can the children find?

3. The teacher has two packets with Naming Words in one and Describing
words in the other. The children get one word from each packet and
have to find the correct Describing Word to match their naming Word.

4. ‘Mary’s cat’. This is an Alphabet game. The children sit in a circle and
the teacher says: Mary’s cat is an angry cat. The next child must say
the same sentence but find a new Describing Word beginning with A.
e.g. Mary’s cat is an agile cat or an aweful cat, an attractive cat, etc. As
in the other games, when the children cannot find any more words with
that letter, they go on to the next letter. It does not matter if the
Describing Word makes sense, this just adds to the fun. They learn
many Describing Words from each other this way!

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5. Opposites. The teacher writes a number of Describing Words on the

board that are scrambled. The children must sort them into pairs of

6. The children each have a piece of paper pinned to their back with a
Describing Word on it (4 -7 letters) which they do not see. They have
paper and pencil in their hands and they go around and ask each other
one question at a time. The other child can only answer ‘yes’ or ’no’.
The aim is to find out what letters are in the word and then for each
child to unscramble the letters and find the correct Describing Word. If a
letter is repeated e.g. the ‘t’ in pretty, the child may answer ‘Yes, there
are two.’

7. Alliterative Describing Words. Take each child’s name in turn and try to
create a sentence with many Describing Words beginning with the
same letter as the child’s name e.g. Merry, magical, marvellous
masterful, moody, mean, mischievous Marion or Bright, brown, brainy,
beautiful, bullying, boastful, beastly, brilliant, bungling, bubbly, brave
8. Children can describe the child sitting next to them: their clothes, face,
hair etc, using as many different describing words as possible. New
words should be written on the board and later into the children’s
vocabulary book.

9. Children close their eyes and choose a small object from a tray and
hide it under the desk. One by one they describe their object to the
class for the others to guess what it is.

They can now write complete sentences with colours to distinguish the three
different kinds of words. Many games and exercises can be played each day
to show how these three kinds of words can work together. Some words may
be difficult for slower children to read, but they can memorise them if the
teacher repeats them often.

The movement for Describing Words could be wave of the hand as if painting.
Now the children are able to do movements for all three types of words while
the teacher speaks a sentence slowly. A fun challenge!

Language Development
Language development is not just about the children gaining confidence and
skill in expressing their thoughts and feelings. It is a time of increasing their
vocabulary as far as possible because every new word opens a door to

See list at end of manual.

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increased understanding. Every new word excites the curiosity of the children
and sharpens their observation of the world around them.

So we see that language awakens the children in many ways; it is like the sun
rising and touching every object, bringing to life its shape, colour and essential
quality. What knowledge can be discovered in this way! What a joy for the
children to experience!!

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Handcraft Main Lesson


When Adam and Eve came to earth

They sorrowed and wept:
The beauty and joy of Paradise
They could not forget.
The many gifts of the earth
They struggled to use:
To spin and weave their clothes;
To make their shoes.
They made bricks from clay and straw;
They thatched the roof with reed;
They made pots and baskets and knives
For many tools they did need.
Things tore and broke and got lost
And had to be mended again;
It was hard to finish each task
In the wind and rain.
But every time it was done
How happy they were:
The beauty and joy of their work
Was everywhere.

Children love making all kinds of objects and are keen to explore every
material that is available. In the handcraft lesson they learn to make things
that are both beautiful and useful. In Waldorf schools the emphasis is placed
on the experience of natural materials like pure wool, string, wood and clay
where the various textures and qualities of each material offer different
creative possibilities.

In Grade 3, however, the children participate in a main lesson in which they

learn about and experience the earliest crafts of humankind. The teacher
plans the three-week main lesson so that three or four types of handcrafts
can be experienced. Important ones to be studied are pottery, simple basket
weaving, spinning and weaving of wool, and blacksmithing.

The aim is to describe how each craft arose out of the needs of primitive
people and to let the children experience each craft for themselves in a
simple manner, not using the machinery of today. Each handcraft can
©Copyright Catherine van Alphen 2010

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occupy the children for several days or even a week if they are allowed to
make simple examples from each type of craft.

If there are other crafts within the area of the school, these could be included
or done later in the year as a second handcraft main lesson e.g. felting,
leather craft, beading, wire work, etc. If the teacher is not able to do some of
these crafts, they should call on other people who can, e.g. the handcraft
teacher, a local potter or weaver.

The exception is the visit to the blacksmith which is an example of a “hard

craft” and where the teacher will not be able to bring the experience into the
classroom. The children should as far as possible be taken on outings to see
these crafts people at work.

Through the experiences in craft and also in house building and farming, the
children come to respect the skill, creativity and dignity of each trade. They
discover a sense of achievement through working to transform each different
material into something that is both beautiful and useful. They come to
recognise how much effort is required in the process of transformation. In
many cases the experience leads on to creative ideas beyond the original
expectations of the children.

How Early People began to make Pottery
Adam and Eve came to earth and for the first time had to find food and water
in order to survive. No longer was every fruit tree and vegetable freely
available to them. They had to wander through the forest and grassland
looking for berries, fruits, leaves, grains and roots to eat. Like all early
people, they had to live in a place that was close to water.

As they were walking along, Adam said to Eve, “Let’s go down to the river, I
am very thirsty.” So they climbed down the bank and came to the river that
rippled and gurgled over the rocks and into the swirling pools. Adam knelt
down and cupped his hands to catch the water as he drank. As he stood up,
his feet seemed to stick in the reddish earth at the brink of the river and Eve
laughed to see the shape of his footprint. “Look at the shape of your foot! I
can see where you have been.” “Yes,” said Adam, “And I can see the prints
of many other animals that have drunk here.”

Eve knelt down as well and drank some of the fresh clear water. It was a bit
reddish just where Adam had been standing and she touched the earth and
found that it was smooth and slippery. She reached into the water and pulled

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up some of the reddish earth. It seemed to stick together and she rolled it
around in her hands. “Adam, this is quite different from the brown earth at
the top of the hill where the grass is growing. What kind of earth is this?”
Adam looked at the ball in Eve’s hands. He took it from her and rolled it
round as she had done. “This is clay,” he said, and gave it back to her.
“What are you going to do with it?” “I am going to play with it, “said Eve.

Eve began by rolling the ball and then she dipped it in the water and
smoothed away all the cracks. Suddenly she stuck her thumb into the
middle of the ball. It looked so funny stuck to the end of her thumb that she
burst out laughing. Then she began to widen the hole made by her thumb
and slowly she opened the ball out into a curved shape that resembled her
cupped hands, except that there were no holes through which the water
could escape. Carefully Eve smoothed the curved shape on the inside and
then on the outside. She even took a little stick and made some squiggly
patterns running down the outside.

“Look at what I have made, Adam,” she said, smiling at her achievement.
“That is a bowl!” said Adam. “What will you do with it?” “I want it to hold
water like your hands held the water. But it is all floppy, it might break as
soon as I try to use it,” said Eve. “Just put it on the rock over there and let it
dry out,” said Adam.

As the sun grew hotter, the clay dried out. Some parts cracked while other
parts held firm. “Oh dear,” said Eve, “This bowl is not working. What can I
do about it, Adam?” “Look at the broken bit along the edge,” said Adam,” It
is too dry. But the bottom part is strong and thick.” “So I must make the
sides more even,” said Eve. “Yes, and perhaps it got too hot in the sun. I
wonder if it would be better to let it dry in the shade, even if it takes longer,”
said Adam. The second bowl was much more successful and held enough
water for them both to drink from. And when a bowl fell and was broken, Eve
just smiled and said, “Well, I can easily make another with clay from the river

One evening they placed their bowls for food near the fire while they were
cooking the meat. When they cut strips off and put them in the bowls, Eve
said “Adam, look at this bowl. It has got so hot on the one side, I can hardly
touch it. Look at the colour too. It is much darker from the fire.” “There is a
stripe down one side,” said Adam. “That must have been some of the blood
from the meat,” said Eve. “There are even fingerprints over here.”

From each experience, Adam and Eve and all the early peoples learnt more
and more about making pottery from clay. They made bowls and plates to
hold food; cups for drinking and jars in which to store food or to carry water
from the river. They also discovered how to use fire to harden the pottery and

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make it more durable. They made different designs on their pots and bowls
using colours from crushed rocks, and plants. They even modelled the
shapes of the animals that lived in the surrounding woods and grasslands.
However, not everything was discovered at once and it took many centuries
to develop step by step to where we are today.

Pottery Firing among Early People

The early peoples began to experiment with heating the bowls in a fire and
pit-fires were developed for firing pots. They first prepared the pots and
decorated them in various ways. They also had to dry them out very slowly
and carefully. Then they dug a pit about 1.5 m long X 1 m wide and 1.2m
deep. The bottom was filled with sand or sawdust. They buried their pots in
the sand and covered them with more sand or sawdust. Then they built a
huge bonfire over it. The fire became extremely hot and burnt all night. The
sand kept the temperature high for a long time and it took a long time to cool
down even after the fire was out. The pit kept the pots evenly heated which
meant that the pots were stronger. When the sand was cool, they dug up the
pots and were amazed at the interesting patterns and colours that were
caused by the firing. The designs and colours are not as even as modern
kilns that are heated by wood or electric, but they have a charm of their own.

Visiting a Potter
It is best for the children to be taken to a potter and shown around the
pottery. The potter may give them a lesson on how to make coil pots. They
can make a bowl or vase as well as experimenting with various other

The children can be shown the potter’s wheel and how the potter can turn a
lump of clay, moulding it into the finest bowls and jars. These pots will be
perfectly symmetrical and the sides will have an even thickness! The
children can see the huge drying racks where the clay pots are dried before
being bisque fired. They will also see the large kiln where the clay is fired.
Bisque is the first firing where the fire is not as hot as the second firing.
Bisque is a ceramic material and gives the pot a terracotta or pinkish colour.

When the children’s clay objects are dry and bisque-fired, they will need to
paint them with glaze. There are many coloured glazes with which to paint
the pots. The teacher may bring the children back to the pottery to do this
unless the pottery is far away. Otherwise the potter can give the objects and
the glaze to the teacher for the children to paint at school. When the glaze is
dry, the teacher returns the clay objects to the potter for the second firing in
the kiln.

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The potter will only do a firing when the kiln is completely full as it is a long
and difficult process. The kiln has to be carefully prepared and preheated
and this cannot be done by the children. It can be a wood or coal burning kiln
or an electric kiln. Once the kiln is filled, it is sealed and heated to a high
temperature. It takes a long time, perhaps 18 hours to heat up the kiln to a
temperature of 1700 to 2500 degrees. After firing, it will take some time for
the kiln to cool down.

Eventually the potter will send the pottery back to the children who will be
amazed how different they look now that the pottery has been properly fired!
Even the glazes look different from when they were painted on! Sometimes
the children may not recognise their own work and will have to look at their
names or initials to decide on the owners.

It is possible for the teacher to build a sawdust pottery kiln12 with the class
(as described above) but only if he or she has the knowledge and experience
to handle such a project with the class.

Making Clay Pots

The children will have experienced modelling with beeswax or plasticine in
Kindergarten and Grades 1 & 2. They may have played with clay on certain
occasions but Rudolf Steiner does not encourage regular clay modelling
before age 9/10 as clay tends to sap one’s energy and this can drain
sensitive children. One has only to see how dry one’s hands get when
working with clay to realise that it takes the moisture out of them.

The teacher will need to buy special clay that is suitable for making pots to
be fired in a kiln. There are several types from rough to smooth pottery clay.
If they order from a proper source of pottery clay, they can be advised which
clay from that area is most suitable.

It is also possible for the teacher to take the children on a ‘clay dig’ where
they bring spades and dig up the clay out of the ground. They will need
plastic packets in which to put the clay so that it does not dry out before they
have used it. The clay will need to be washed and the stones and grit
removed. It must be kept in a cool place and in a container with damp cloths
over it to keep the clay moist. The clay will need to be broken into balls and
the children will work the clay thoroughly to make sure it is smooth and even
before modelling into clay objects. Where parts have become too dry, the
children can add water and work it into the clay. When the clay is ready, the
children can make whatever they or the teacher decide.
Google: building a primitive sawdust pit-fired pottery kiln

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Now children can get a chance to make the bowls and other objects that
Adam and Eve might have made and all the early people after them.

1. Coil Pots: The children are given a lump of clay and shown how to roll
long pieces of clay that look like ropes or snakes as the early peoples did.
They coil them round and round, joining the pieces together to form the
base of a bowl and slowly building up the sides to the top. Each section
must be smoothed and stuck together so that there is an even thickness
all round to prevent leaks. The child may make their own shape of bowl
but are encouraged to make a simple design avoiding fine edges and
delicate handles that might dry and break off.

2. The children are given a lump of clay from which they make a sphere.
Using the thumb to create a hole in one side, the hole is widened and the
sides evened all round with the first finger on the one side and the thumb
on the other. Slowly the shape is adjusted to become a cup, bowl, vase
or other pottery utensil.

3. The children are encouraged to model a small animal in a simple, solid

form e.g. a bear, rabbit, seal, etc. Delicate noses, ears or tails are likely
to break off easily unless curled against part of the main body.

Basket Weaving

How Early People began to weave Baskets

The early people were hunter gatherers. The women went out together and
collected fruits and berries, roots and grains, all of which they gathered in
their karosses or bags made of animal skins. But there were other ways in
which the women were able to carry things, as we shall find out.

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Adam and Eve loved to go down to the river. On hot days, Eve liked to lie in
the cool water and enjoy the ripples flowing over her body. She and Adam
learned to swim. Adam swam in the deep pools and soon noticed fish
swimming there too, their shiny scales flashing in the sunlight as they swam
close to the surface of the water. “I wonder if I could catch a fish,” Adam
said, “They swim so swiftly through the water. But when I am swimming, they
are frightened and dart away. I can never catch them then.”

So Adam crouched on a rock in the middle of the stream and let his fingers
trail playfully in the water close to the rock. Some fish became interested
and swam close, trying to nibble at his fingers. He tried to grab them.
Sometimes he touched one, but mostly they got away. Then one day he
brought some little pieces of food from the previous meal and suddenly many
fish were eager to taste what he had. In a flash, he grabbed two little fishes
and shouted to Eve, “I caught them! We will have fish to eat today!” They
built a fire on the bank of the river and had a delicious meal, though Eve was
sorry that they had to kill the little fish.

After that there were many meals from fish caught in the river. Later, Adam
and Eve took their two sons, Cain and Abel, even when they were quite
young, and taught them how to catch fish. Eve would sit on the river bank
and look after the fish that had been caught until there were enough for a
meal. She used to pick some leaves from the reeds by the river and place
the fish on top of them so that they would not get sandy and need to be
washed all over again. The leaves from the reeds were long and narrow and
Eve found that if she placed some more leaves across the first layer, it made
a stronger base on which to put the fish.

One day Eve had to wait quite a while for Adam and the two boys to catch
the fish. She had picked her leaves and began playing with them, laying
them this way and that while she was waiting. Then she had an idea. She
laid five leaves down in one direction and instead of placing the next layer
crosswise on top as she had often done she began to weave them in and out
of each other. In no time she had made a little mat. She had to fold over the
bits at the end and tuck them in on the other side to make sure they did not
come undone. She did not notice that Abel had come back with a fish
clutched in his little hand, and he was standing and watching her in

“Mummy! What’s that? Can I put my fish on it?” “Yes, Abel, as soon as I
have finished making it,” said Eve, proudly putting her mat down. Adam and
Cain were also excited to see the mat and Abel wanted to rush over and pick
some more leaves so that they could each have a mat for their fishes.

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Adam praised Eve, “That is so clever! Just now you will be making
something for us to carry our fish home with us!” Eve smiled with pleasure.
“What a good idea! It could be a bit bigger than the mat and would need
sides as well so that the fish don’t fall out.” “And something to make it easy
to hold for carrying it back home,” said Cain. “You could make handles on
the sides,” said Adam.

And so it was that Eve no longer watched and waited for the fish to be
caught. She was busy all the time weaving mats and baskets of all sizes and
kinds from the leaves of the river reeds. There were so many uses for them!
She even got the idea of smearing the inside of a basket with clay so that
they could carry water in it back to the cave where they all lived. And what
fun it was to make all these things just from some leaves by the river.

1. The teacher can take the children to collect leaves for weaving a simple
mat. Leaves can be cut from reeds or from a palm tree, but the children
must be careful not to cut their hands on leaves that are sharp.

2. A simple circular mat can be woven from thin willow branches or a tree
with long flexible leaves or twigs. The frame of the base is made by tying
four or more long thin branches together, crossed over to look like a
spider’s web. Then other branches are woven in and out of the frame in a
circular motion as tightly as possible to avoid large gaps. When the mat
is large enough and before the frame branches get too short, the ends of
the frame are also woven in along the edge, tucking them out of sight.

3. A basket is begun in the same way. Once the base is the correct size, the
branches of the frame are slowly pulled up to form the sides of the basket
and held in place by the circular weaving in and out of the branches. At
the top of the basket the branches of the frame are woven in along the
edge with the other branches and tucked firmly out of sight. This will
make a thicker edge as two branches may lie next to one another in the
weave. A handle is quite challenging and should be avoided at this stage.
The children will have an opportunity to do more formal basket weaving in
Grade 8.

4. A South African floor mat13 made of grasses is done by hammering nails

into the ground to hold the shape of the mat. Grasses are cut and dried,
then split into narrow pieces. These are plaited to form long ropes, joining
new pieces in when old ones come to an end. The warp14 is made from a

Google: weaving a South African grass mat. Many other projects are available at this site.
Warp – vertical threads, Weft – horizontal threads in weaving

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long rope that zigzags vertically from one nail to another. Then other
plaited grass ropes are woven in, making sure that the weave fits tightly,
leaving no holes. Once the mat is fully woven, ropes are sewn around the
edge to make it firm.

It is important that the teacher makes her/his own mat and simple basket so
that s/he fully understands the skills and challenges required for this craft

Spinning and Weaving

How Early People began to Spin Wool
One afternoon Eve was stroking the sheepskin that lay on the mat where she
and Adam slept. Their sons were now both fully grown young men. Cain
was still out hunting and would bring home fresh meat as he usually did.
Abel was looking after the flock of sheep and would come back to the cave
after he had placed the sheep in their kraal or pen. She had washed the
wool on the sheepskin and it was soft and fluffy and she could not help
stroking and twisting her fingers through the curls. Towards evening she lit a
fire to keep them warm. Abel stepped lightly through the entrance to the
cave with something in his hands. He gave Eve a large bundle of wool. “I
found this wool on the thorns of the kraal,” he said. “Would you like it?” “Oh,
yes,” said Eve with a smile, “I can make something with that. I am so
pleased that you have brought it to me!”

Eve saw that the wool was all knotted and tangled in a bundle. The next
day, she washed it and put it out to dry in the sun. Then she began to brush
it with her fingers and realised that she would not get the knots out by just
using her hands. So she found a branch of thorns and began to comb the
wool. It took a while, but slowly it began to lie smooth and soft across her

Now what could she do next? It would not stay untangled for long. She
would have to find a way to hold it in place, just as the skin held the wool on
the sheep. As she stroked it down her thigh, she began to twist some of the
threads into a rope. Sometimes it was fat and other times the rope was thin.
Slowly and steadily she worked, pulling the wool and twisting the threads
together. She joined more pieces together until the rope was very long.
Then she began to roll it up into a ball.

As Eve worked, she discovered different ways of improving the twisting of

the wool so that the threads became tighter and stronger and more even.
She tied a stone to the end of the wool to weight it down and then she drew

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out some wool and began to spin the stone so that the wool twisted of its
own accord. When the piece was evenly twisted, she rolled it up around the
stone and drew out more wool and spun the
stone again. That is how it came to be called

Early Tools for Spinning

Through the ages spinning changed and
developed as people found new and better
ways of spinning the wool. Later they used a
spinning stick about 40 cm or longer on
which the wool could be wound up. It was
also cleaner than a stone and easier to
manage. Women also had another stick on
which the unspun wool could be wound up
before being added to the wool on the
spinning stick. The spinning stick was now
called a spindle and the extra stick was known as the distaff. Later they
added a wooden base to the stick to prevent the wool that had been spun
from falling off the end of the spindle.

The ways of combing the knots out of the wool also changed. The combs
became finer and finer, using the teeth of animals and later when they were
made of iron pins pushed through a card, the process became known as

Centuries later, after the wheel was invented, spinning wheels were
developed and these were part of every household where the unmarried
women spent all their spare time spinning and weaving cloth for clothing,
especially when the family was poor and could not afford to buy new clothes.
That was how these women came to be called spinsters.

Knitting and Weaving

The children will have learnt how to knit in Grade 1 and may also have done
some weaving on a simple wooden loom that can be placed on a table.
However they may not know about the origins of some of the earliest looms.

How Early People learnt to Weave on Looms

Adam and Eve soon discovered that they were not the only people on earth.
There were many different groups of people, usually in families who soon

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met up with each other. This meant

that when young men grew up and
looked to marry suitable wives, they
often chose women from a
neighbouring family and thus the two
families became friendly and loyal to
each other through this marriage.

Among Cain’s descendants was a

man called Jabal.

One day Jabal’s wife, Una spoke to

him and said, “Jabal, I would like to
make a blanket to keep us warm in
the cold winter time.” Jabal
answered, “Are you not satisfied with
the lovely warm wolf skin I brought you last season?” “Oh yes,” she
answered, “But sometimes you roll over and the wolf skin is not big enough
for both of us. I want to make a blanket out of wool.”
“Good,” said Jabal, “But what is your problem?”
“I do not want to knit the blanket as it will be too big. I need a big frame to
hold the shape firm while I weave it,” said Una.

“Alright, I have an idea. I will plant two poles in the ground and then tie two
poles crossways and that should hold it firmly,” said Jabal.

When Jabal had planted the two poles in the ground a certain distance apart,
Una noticed that the two poles were the same length and had a fork at the
top to hold the cross bar which was firmly tied in place with some rope. The
lower cross bar was also tied in place but could be moved higher or lower as
Una wished. “Oh, Jabal, you have made a wonderful frame for me,” she

Jabal watched as Una began to wind the wool on to the frame. She wound
the wool around the upper bar twice to hold it in place and then stretched it
down to the lower bar and also wound it twice to keep it in place there. Then
she took the wool up to the upper bar again. If the wool was not long
enough, she tied knots at the top or bottom of the bars of the frame and
started again. The threads running down were quite close together so that
the blanket would be snug and warm.

When all the threads running down were in place, Una took another flat
stick15 and got Jabal to make slits in both ends so that she could wind a long


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piece of wool around the length of the flat stick. Using this stick, she slid the
stick in and out across the downways threads like a long fish swimming
through the ripples of the river and slowly wove the woollen threads into the
blanket. She even made a pattern by changing the spacing of the threads as
she worked. She had to take care that she did not pull the threads too tightly
so that the blanket kept the correct size.

Jabal watched her working steadily and marvelled how every day the blanket
grew longer and longer until one day it was finished. Una took the blanket off
the frame and sewed some wool around the edges to keep it firm. That night
they slept very warmly under the blanket.

Visiting a Weaver
The teacher should try to take the children to visit a weaver who works at
home using simple methods. She will show them how to card the wool to
make it soft and smooth. If possible, the children should be allowed to card
some wool themselves. The weaver should also show the children a
spinning wheel and demonstrate how it works. They will see that the wool is
spun into different thicknesses and weights: fine wool and heavier wool;
some thread is fairly even and some that is more uneven. Machine-spun
wool is always more even than home-spun wool.

Usually the wool is then put into large tanks and dyed different colours. After
this, the wool is dried and then can be knitted or woven into cloth. The
children may see various knitted and woven garments: jerseys, caps, shawls
and perhaps jackets that have been made from woollen cloth.

Tasks for the children to do

1. Spinning: The teacher (or the school craft teacher) gets a bag of un-spun
wool for the children to learn how to spin by hand. Each child is given a
dowel stick about 15 cm long that will become the spinning stick. They
are also given a small bundle of wool.

The child teases the wool into long pieces about the same thickness and
ties the one end to the stick. By twisting the stick, the wool becomes
thinner and tighter. The child keeps pulling the wool out and twisting it
until the wool forms an even thickness. When that section of the wool is
spun properly, it is wound up on the stick.

New pieces of wool are joined into the ends of the first section and the
new piece is spun in the same way, taking care that the join is strong and
does not easily come apart. The children will need to practise in order to

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get the knack of spinning, just as the people learnt the skill in ancient

2. Dyeing: The teacher may choose to dye the balls of wool that the
children have spun. They may be done at school in pots of different
colours, following the instructions of the dye that the teacher has bought.
The handcraft teacher may be able to guide this process. The teacher or
the handcraft teacher may also choose to do the dyeing in the handcraft
room or at home.

3. Weaving on a Card Loom:16 The

teacher can prepare some card looms
for weaving little bags or pencil cases.
The teacher cuts a piece of strong
card slightly larger than the size
required. S/he makes small slits 1 cm
apart across the top. A small section
on the right hand side of the bottom of
the card is removed so that there are
an uneven number of warp threads.
The teacher makes the warp with
wool, beginning by leaving a 12 cm tail
and then starting from the back of the
card. S/he brings the wool through the first slit, down to the bottom of the
card and up the other side, coming through the same slit. Then s/he
takes the wool over to the second slit and repeats the process until the
warp is complete.

The child weaves wool in and out of the warp threads and then continues
on the other side. If they have ended with a thread going under the last
warp, they must begin by weaving over the thread on the other side. The
weaving must be pushed down firmly so that it is strong. When there is no
more room for weaving, the bag is done! The card is removed and the
child can plait or twist a thin string that can become a draw-string for the
top of the bag.

4. An Oak Branch Loom: Oak trees shed some of their branches in autumn
and other trees do likewise. The teacher brings suitable twigs from such
trees to school. The children are taken outside where they can choose a
twig and trim it so that all leaves are removed as well as excess twigs,
leaving a Y shape with the two open arms much longer than the stalk for
holding it.

Google: weaving on a card loom.

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The children will now take some wool

and create the warp of the weaving.
They tie the one end of the wool on to
one of the arms of their twig and then
take it across to the other arm and
wind it once around to hold the wool
taut and firm. Then they take the wool
back to the first arm and repeat the
process. They continue to do this until
there is no more space left on the
arms of the twig.

Then the children take the coloured wool they have spun or whatever
wool has been provided by the teacher and they weave it in and out of
the strings of the warp. The teacher will show the children how to weave
the ends in so that they do not come loose. The weaving must not be too
tight along the edges or the weaving will get narrower as they work and
this will spoil the shape. Normally the weaving would be cut off and the
ends of the warp would be tied firmly and made into a fringe on the edge
of the little mat. However, the little Y shape is very attractive and the
children may keep the weaving on the little loom they have made to show
what they have done.

5. The children may have small table looms on which to weave a small mat,
scarf or belt. This may take longer than the main lesson and the teacher
may prefer the children to complete this task in the handcraft lesson or at


How Early People began to work with Metal

Lamech and his two wives had three sons. The youngest was called Tubal-
Cain. From a young age, Tubal-Cain showed a fascination for stones. If the
boys went out for a walk, he was always the first to rush up the mountain and
the last to come down again. This was because of all the stones that he had
found that he was determined to bring back home. These stones were often
quite heavy for the small boy and so he developed strength beyond his

At first Tubal-Cain just played with his stones, sorting them into colours and
shapes and building little stone dwellings. He piled the flat stones as high as

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possible until they fell over with a crash. One day a soft one broke open and
inside he found a tiny shell on one half and its imprint on the other half.
Tubal-Cain proudly rushed to show his find to his parents. They smiled and
patted him on the shoulder and thought he was a bit strange, but this did not
stop him.

As Tubal-Cain grew older his interest in rocks and stones increased. He liked
to test which stones were the strongest and which would break easily. He
found some stones that chipped off into long hard flakes when he struck
them with a hard stone. The flakes were easy to grasp but the edges were
quite sharp and sometimes cut his fingers. They were incredibly strong too,
so he began to use them to cut meat and branches and also for scraping
animal skins.

He tried wrapping a piece of animal skin around the part of the stone he was
holding but the skin soon wore away. Then he took a piece of wood and
made a slit at one end. He pushed the larger end of the stone into the slit
and tied it in place with a strip of animal skin. Now he could hold it firmly with
the piece of wood and not get cut by the sharp flake. This became the first
knife! Tubal-Cain showed his father and brothers what he had made and
they were amazed! After that they all helped him to make tools: digging
sticks, an axe with a wooden handle and a stone head, a spear with a stone
tip and more.

On one occasion Tubal-Cain struck one of these stones against another to

see which was strongest and there was a sudden flash! Excitedly, he
searched for more of the same kind of stone and saw that more flashes
occurred when they were struck against each other, especially when they
were of a reddish colour. Eventually he managed to start a fire using two
stones. Later they were called flint stones. This was something new as
previously people had made fire by rubbing two sticks together until the
friction caused dry leaves to burst into flame.

Sometimes Tubal-Cain and his brothers would go off hunting for several
days if the game was some distance away. One night, as Tubal-Cain was
gathering stones to build a fire-place for the night, he noticed some stones
with unusual pinkish-orange flecks on them. The brothers snuggled down
into their animal skins and slept solidly. In the morning Tubal-Cain looked
around and found many more of these stones. He decided to take them
home after the hunt.

When he arrived back home, he decided to crush them and see what was
inside each stone. It took a lot of hammering with his largest stone hammer
but at last he had a lot of dust in a pile on the ground. He was tired after all
that work! And how was he going to separate all the bits and pieces?

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Suddenly he got an idea. He took a small pottery bowl and filled it with
water. Then he put a handful of the dust in the water and watched as the
heaviest particles sank to the bottom while the orange flecks floated to the
top. It took a long time and much experimenting before he was satisfied that
he had got all the orange flecks together. And this was how Tubal-Cain
discovered the metal copper.

As he collected more and more copper and learnt to melt it down, he found
that he could mould it into different shapes. He could also beat it with a
stone hammer, making many little dents in the metal as he changed the
shape. So he began to make copper tips for spears and arrows. He even
made a little twisted bangle for his mother and when he got married, he
made one for his new wife. He even made her a flat piece of copper that was
so smooth she could see her face in it! This was the first mirror! Word got
round among the neighbouring families and soon he was making many tools
for everyone.

One day a group of hunters from another part of the country came to visit,
bringing gifts as a sign of friendship. Among the gifts was a bow and arrow.
Tubal-Cain immediately looked at the arrow head which was also made of
metal and noticed that it was a different colour. He could also feel that the
metal was stronger. This metal was tin. He asked them where they had
found it and how they worked with it.
“We dug it up close to the surface of the ground,” they answered. Tubal-
Cain showed them the copper-tipped arrows and offered to show them how
he worked. In return they agreed to show him what they knew about the tin.
So Tubal-Cain visited them, bringing gifts of copper. On his return, he
brought back supplies of tin. He experimented, adding small amounts of tin
to the copper. A completely new metal was created; the strongest metal they
had found so far. Bronze!

It could not be beaten, like copper, but it could be cast into shapes by melting
it at a high temperature and pouring it into a mould. The mould was made
out of sand which was packed so tightly and baked so that it became as hard
as stone. From now on axe-heads, spear tips, plough shares and other tools
were made from this new metal. It was a rich brownish colour and was so
strong that tools could not easily be bent or broken.

A new era had begun: it was known as the Bronze Age and it would change
the world entirely!

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Visit to a Blacksmith
The children will love to visit a blacksmith and watch him at work. He uses
bellows to heat up the flames of his fire and then he sticks the iron bars or
rods into the fire and waits until they are red hot. The blacksmith is very
strong and using tongs, he pulls out a rod and places it on his iron anvil. Still
holding the rod in the tongs, he hammers it or twists it into the shape that he

The blacksmith may be willing to let the children make something themselves
e.g. a twisted rod or a chain. It is very exciting if they can experience this for

Blacksmiths make iron shoes for horses. Some of them are also able to put
the shoes on to the horses’ hooves, nailing them into place. Blacksmiths
also make wrought iron gates although much of this work is made by
machinery these days.

Let the children write about their visit and illustrate it in their Handcraft Main
Lesson books.

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How Early People created the first Shelters

When Adam and Eve came to earth, they needed to find somewhere to live.
During the warm summer months they slept under the stars and if it was
rainy, they found a bush for shelter. As winter approached, they found caves
in the mountains where they were safe from the cold and stormy weather.

But all the creatures from the Paradise Garden also came to earth and each
one of them began to make a home for shelter. Not only did they need to be
safe from the wind and rain, they needed to protect themselves from other
creatures because now every creature had to find food and not everyone ate
grass! So each creature found unique ways to create their own homes.

The Spider’s Web

One bright sunny morning, a long-legged spider swung down on a silver
thread from a bushy twig. She was looking for a special place to build her
web. Luckily for her, she did not have to find leaves and sticks for a nest as
the birds did. She carried all she needed inside her fat body. At the tip of
her abdomen or the point at the end of her large body, she had little
spinnerets which spun out long sticky streamers of silk.

So Mother Spider slid down her silken thread to view the area. She wanted
to build her web where it would be safe, but also where it could attract other
insects for these were her food. She must have decided that this was a good
place to live because she landed on another branch below and immediately
glued her thread on to it. Then she scrambled up the thread again. This
time she ran along the branch to another place and dropped a second
thread. She slid down this one too and glued it on to the branch below. Now
she began to create a framework for her web by making a number of threads
that stretched from one side to another. All the threads met in the centre and
radiated outwards, being glued to the branches or each other.

Then Mother Spider began to spin a spiral web from the centre of the
framework outwards. These first threads were not sticky. When she
reached the outside, she started a new spiral of sticky threads going back
inwards until she came to the centre again. To attract the insects, she spun a
few threads of silk across the path and they glistened in the sunlight. Mother
Spider retired to the centre of her beautiful web and waited for a visitor.

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She did not have to wait long. Quite soon a cheeky fly came whizzing
overhead and saw the web. “Oh, goodness!” he cried, “Someone new in the
neighbourhood!” He flew around in a lively fashion, darting here and there.
“Who are you?” he asked.

“How kind of you to visit me,” said Mother Spider, carefully not mentioning
her name, “Yes, I have only just set up house. I am pleased with my web. It
looks very lovely in the sunshine, do you think?”

“Did you make this web?” asked Fly, “It looks quite delicate.” “Oh, yes,” said
Mother Spider, “I make everything myself. But my web is strong enough to
hold your weight. Would you care to join me? You can easily climb up the
winding stairs until you reach the centre where I am sitting.”

“But I do not need to climb,” said Fly, “I have wings to fly wherever I wish.
My legs are just for standing while I am eating.” And Fly darted around to
look at the web from another angle. “Oh, really, and what do you eat, Fly?”
asked Mother Spider.

“I usually eat sweet things like juice from plants and blood from dead
animals. But I can also find sugar and crumbs in people’s kitchens to taste as
well,” said Fly.
“I also like variety in my diet. But I don’t fly around,” said Mother Spider, “I
like to stay at home. I also lay my eggs here and wrap them in a silken
blanket until they are ready to hatch.”

“Yes, I too was born from an egg which hatched into a larva. You know, it
looks like a tiny worm. Then I became a pupa and finally I came out as a fly!
I enjoy all the changes in my life-style!” said Fly proudly, zooming around in
circles. “And what do you eat?”
“I cannot eat solid food, but I have a special juice in my mouth that dissolves
my food. If you come a little closer, I can show you what I mean,” said
Mother Spider.
“No, no,” said Fly quickly, “I have a feeling that I might just change into food
for you. So I’ll be off right away.”

And with that, Fly flapped his wings and shot off out of sight through the fresh
morning air.
“Oh, dear,” sighed Mother Spider, “Better luck next time.”

Hairy scary spider

Sitting and knitting her silvery scarf.
By Pumla

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The Weaverbird
It was spring time and the willow trees were full of green and yellow birds,
chirping loudly as they hopped from branch to branch. Others flew here and
there over the pool below, bringing little streamers of grass in their beaks.
Half-built nests swung from the branches, bouncing up and down as the
weaverbirds thrust little grey beaks in and out, weaving the nest until it filled
out and curved around, leaving a small entrance just big enough for a little
bird to slip inside.

Father Weaverbird had been working very hard making a nest for Mother
Weaverbird to lay her eggs in. He was almost finished and kept making
appreciative chirps, “That looks good. It just needs one more piece of grass
to fill in that hole. Now you can see right across the pool from the entrance.
What a lovely view!”

However, Mother Weaverbird was looking downcast, her head drooping to

one side. “It doesn’t seem quite right. It is so close to that other nest. The
babies won’t have any peace at all.”

“But the babies make so much noise shouting for their food, it won’t even
matter,” said Father Weaverbird. “But the other nest is bigger than ours,”
she complained. “We’ll feel cramped in there.”

“You know how nice it is when we are all snug and warm together,” said
Father Weaverbird. “Now stop making such a fuss! It’s a beautiful nest!”
“No! I won’t stop. It’s not right, I know it isn’t and I won’t be happy in that
nest, no matter what you say. I’m not going to lay my eggs in that nest. And
that is my last word!” And Mother Weaverbird flew off and sulked on another
willow branch.

“Oh, dear,” sighed Father Weaverbird, “Alright I give in. I’ll make you another
nest. Now which branch do you want me to use. You had better be quite
sure this time as it is getting time for you to lay your eggs and I’ll have to
work quickly.”

Mother Weaverbird cheered up visibly. “Oh, thank you dear Father

Weaverbird. Let’s have our nest in the tree next door. There’s more room
there; less crowded. I know you will make a lovely nest for our eggs.”

So Father Weaverbird set to work and very soon a beautiful new woven nest
was swinging over the pool from the next tree. Mother Weaverbird moved in

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happily and soon she had laid her little eggs snugly in the feathered bottom
of the nest.
When the chicks hatched, they chirped loudly for food and both Father and
Mother Weaverbird were very busy feeding them with worms and flies from
the pool. At the end of summer, they all flew away and the nest, now old and
dried out, still swung gracefully in the breeze above the pool.

Other creatures also build homes e.g.

The swallow builds a nest of clay under the eaves of the house.
The eagle builds a nest on the high rocky crags of the mountain.
The bear sleeps all winter in a cave.
The mouse and snake dig holes underground for their families.
The rabbit burrows large holes underground where many families live
together in a warren.
The beaver cuts down trees with its sharp front teeth and builds a
lodge of sticks across a stream for the family. It has its entrance under
water to prevent predators getting in and eating the babies.
Bees live in a hive where they make their honey. The hive can be a
square box which is man-made. Wild bees may make their hive of
honeycomb in an old hollow tree.
Wasps live in a nest of clay, built in a tree or bush, under a rock or on
the wall of a house, wherever they decide to build.
Ants live as a colony in an ant hill built of sand.
The leopard sleeps on the branch of a tree from where he or she can
look out for any buck to hunt.
Baboons live in families and sleep among rocks on the mountainside
all together. One baboon will stay awake and keep a lookout for

A Variety of Human Homes

People did not necessarily find caves in their area in which to live. These
people made shelters in other ways, depending on the climate of the area,
what plants were growing there and their particular lifestyle. Some of these
early methods are still found today.

In the Equatorial Forests, people build wooden houses on stilts high above
the forest floor to protect them against wild animals. People living near water
also often build their houses on stilts so that when the river rises or floods,
they will still be safe. The lake dwellers of Lake Titicaca in Peru build their
houses on stilts out of reeds which grow near the lake.

In America, people living in forests still build log cabins for their houses.

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Early people who were nomads, moving around from place to place to find
grazing for their livestock of cattle, sheep and goats, had to make houses
that that could be dismantled and moved.

The American Indians lived in wigwams or tipis which were made from
animal skins covering a framework of sticks tied together at the top. They
took the tipis with them whenever they moved to new grazing.

The Khoi herders of South Africa had a light reed lattice (woven) framework
which was covered by reed mats that could be untied and rolled up for
transporting to a new place.

In Mongolia, the nomads made a tent called a yurt from a light wooden lattice
framework held together by ropes or ribbons. This usually had a circular
shape, a door, roof poles and a central crown. The whole structure had a felt
covering made from goat’s hair to keep the yurt warm. Often there were
carpets and hangings inside for warmth and decoration. It was more like a
home than a tent.

The Eskimos in Greenland make homes called igloos out of blocks of ice
because there are no trees. They build the ice blocks in a circular shape and
create a domed dwelling with a long tunnel as an entrance. This tunnel
prevents wind and snow coming into the igloo. Inside the igloo, they place
furs as rugs and use oil lamps to light and heat their home. The Eskimos
have to crawl down the tunnel to get into the igloo. The igloo is dug down
below snow level inside to create more space and warmth.

Wattle and Daub

Many early people began to use a combination of wood and earth in the
building of their houses and this became known as ‘wattle and daub’. They
first constructed a framework of wood. This could be done by planting strong
wooden poles in a circle and then interweaving light flexible poles (whole or
split) to make the structure or ‘wattle’. These houses were usually circular.

Then they made a mixture of clay, lime, chalk dust and cow dung or other
materials with which they filled in the walls to make the house strong and
waterproof. This was the ‘daub’. The daub could be reinforced with straw,
hair or hay. They also plastered this mixture on the outside. The roofs could
be thatched with reeds, banana leaves, etc and might also be covered with
the clay/dung daub mixture.

There were many variations of wattle and daub. Sometimes the lattice
framework was in light woven sections that could be attached to the basic

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pole structure. This might result in a square or rectangular house. The daub
mixture also varied according to place and traditions.

Maasai Hut 17

The Maasai are nomads and so their huts are not designed to be permanent.
The huts or Inkajijik are either star-shaped or circular and are built by the
women. They plant the poles directly into the ground and weave in a lattice
of light branches to create the framework. This is then plastered with a
mixture of mud, sticks, grass, ash, cow dung and human urine. Cow dung is
important as it makes the roof and walls waterproof. The room is small, only
about 3x5 m and stands 1.5 m high which means that these tall Maasai
people have to bend down or sit inside the house. Inside each Enkaji (hut),
the family cooks, eats, sleeps, socialises as well as storing their food, tools
and all their possessions.

Stone Houses
From ancient times, houses have been built from stone in areas where stone
is readily available. One can still see dry-stack stone walls (built without
mortar) used as fences all over Britain and Europe. When cement mortar
was developed it was used in house building to fill in the gaps and bind the
structure. Often houses are built with a flat frame wall as a backing and then
the stone is built up in front to keep it straight. Sometimes people choose to
have a stone fireplace inside a house. Natural stone buildings can be very
beautiful and are incredibly durable.

South African Wattle and Daub Hut

All over South Africa one comes across the traditional rondavel or round huts
made from wattle and daub. They are usually found in groups, perhaps set
in a circle with a special position for the hut of the chief, although tribal life is
no longer evident as most people have moved to the cities. The huts are
built with a wooden framework and smeared with a clay/dung mixture. The
roof is thatched with reeds and the floor inside is also smeared with cow
dung. Outside the walls are painted cheerful colours like red or yellow ochre
and decorated with African designs.

Photos and information on Google

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Adobe, Cob and Strawbale Houses

Adobe houses have been built for centuries, especially in hot eastern
countries but in fact they are found all over the world. This is because it is so
easy to make the adobe bricks from sand, clay, straw or other organic
material including manure. The bricks are shaped by a wooden frame which
is then removed and the brick is left to dry. Drying in the shade reduces
cracking. Adobe walls are very thick and keep the house cool during the
heat of the day. The adobe walls also retain the heat of the sun and so keep

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the house warm at night. This is very useful in extreme desert temperatures.
The bricks are heavy, so houses can only be built two storeys high to avoid
cracking and sinking of the walls. Adobe is very susceptible to earthquake

Cob Housing is a more flexible variation on adobe building. The building of

cob houses becomes a sensible option in areas of the country where clay
and other natural materials are readily available. Local stone is used as a
base on top of the foundations. Bricks are made from sand, clay and straw
and are built on top of the stones. Cob allows the walls to be sculpted into
curves and flowing shapes as well as building conventional rectangular
buildings. This gives scope for free designs and decorations! The thick walls
give good insulation and often gum and other poles grown in the area are
used as roof beams. The house has a charming rustic look and is far
cheaper to build than using commercial materials.

Strawbale houses are built in wattle and daub style using the straw bales for
the walls. These are secured with chicken wire netting and then plastered
with a clay mixture. Sometimes a framework of timber is built for extra
strength, with the strawbales used as filling. The strawbale house is quick to
build, gives good insulation and is also fire resistant. The roof may be
thatched or tiled as desired.

Building a House of One’s Own

A house means so much more to each one of us than merely a shelter. It is
a sacred space, an expression of oneself and how one stands in the world.
A child may have their own room or they may have to share that room with
one or more siblings, even the whole family! So it is important for the child to
experience what it means to create one’s own house, even in the

Let the children discuss what kind of house they might like. What features
would they like to see in a house? What is the function of each room? What
would make each room useful, comfortable and attractive? Would they like
a fire place, a bath or shower, large or small windows and a flat or pitched
roof? Has the house got one or two storeys? Is there a garage or carport?

Draw attention to the relationship between the house and the landscape. Is
there a view? Which is the sunny side? From which direction is the wind or
the rain, or does it not matter? Is there a garden in front of the house, at the
back of the house or on both sides?

All these questions are what the architect asks the owners when he has to
draw up a plan. Many people like to draw up their own plans which they give

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to the architect who will try to incorporate their ideas and improve them in his
plan. He will also give them a price for building the house so the people
have to know how much they can afford. Often people’s ideas are bigger
than their budget!

The teacher will then tell a story or discuss how a house is built; what
happens at each stage from the foundations to the roof. Then they can
discuss what still has to happen to complete the inside of the house: the
plumbing, electricity, painting, etc. Eventually the children get a picture of
the whole process of building a house. They can learn a building song to
remind them of everything that happens.

Visiting a House that is being Built

It is important that children get taken to see a house that is being built so that
they can experience the different stages. Contact the owner and the builder
to arrange your visit and ensure that the children are well prepared. The
teacher should have discussed the whole process from planning to
completion beforehand. It would be good if the house is in their area so that
they can possibly walk round and visit it more than once to see the progress.

Project: Building a Model House

It is a lovely project to let the children build a model house:

1. They could each build one of the houses described above e.g. the
igloo, tipi, wattle and daub hut, wooden log cabin.

2. The teacher could let the whole class work in groups to make an igloo
or African hut out of clay in a craft lesson.

3. Each child could make their ‘dream house’ using a variety of materials.
They can bring equipment to school and make it there, or work at
home. It is best to do it at school where the siblings and parents are
not tempted to ‘take over’ and do the whole project for the child.

4. The teacher can suggest different materials e.g. matches or sticks for
a log cabin; clay, sticks and reeds for a hut; mosaic tiles, cardboard or
corrugated cardboard for the walls or roof, etc. The child can paint and
decorate the house afterwards, as well as create a garden around their

5. An exhibition of the children’s ‘dream houses’ can be displayed for the

school and parents to see.

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In Grade 3 there are two main lesson blocks to do with the earth: Gardening
and Farming.

The purpose of these main lessons is to create a relationship between the

children and the earth at this time when they feel disconnected from people
and the world around them. Just as Adam and Eve had to come to earth and
find their own food and shelter, so young children of around nine years of age
have to discover the practical skills required for life on earth. In the process of
learning to care for the plants and animals that help human beings survive on
earth, these children find their place in the whole scheme of life.

The Compost Heap

In the beginning, the teacher creates a story about a compost heap and how
all the layers of waste vegetable matter, grass cuttings, cow dung, soil, water
and other organic matter work together. This organic waste undergoes a
remarkable transformation: it changes into rich, beautiful compost, the most
valuable item for supporting seeds and plants to grow!

The children need to collect bread crusts, apple cores and other vegetable
waste to put on their own compost heap, which must be situated in a
convenient place next to their own garden area. It is a good idea if this area
is fenced off or protected in some way to ensure that it is properly tended and
nobody gets into it accidentally. The class should start developing the
compost heap about 6-8 weeks before they begin to prepare the garden so
that they have ready compost to use on the garden when they start planting.

For the compost heap, it is a good idea to dig two shallow pits18 next to each
other. Build each pit up on three sides with chicken wire or recycled planks to
the height of about 1.5 m. Do not cover the top.

In the first pit, put a layer of green organic waste about 10 cm high. This can
include kitchen waste, grass cuttings, green garden waste, flower clippings,
egg shells, tea bags, coffee grounds, corks, even newspaper and old egg
boxes, but everything should be broken into smallish pieces.

In countries with a lot of rain, it is better to create a heap on top of the ground, to prevent the compost from

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Next put a thin layer of good garden soil. Then another layer of green waste
followed by brown waste which can be dry leaves or soil. Alternate green and
brown waste and add a layer of cow manure if you have it.

The heap needs to be damp but not wet. In hot dry months, a grass mat or
sheet of plastic will help to keep it moist.

AVOID animal waste, meat, oil, diseased plant or plants treated with weed

After 1 week, turn the compost heap over into the second pit. Instead of
throwing new organic waste on the top of the heap, collect it during the week
and throw it on the floor of the other pit, before turning the compost heap over
on top of it, so it does not dry out.

Continue to turn it weekly. It takes about 2 months for compost to form.

When you turn it over into the second pit, you can begin to use the compost if
you cannot recognise the ingredients. Use the compost from the bottom as
this will be the best. Half decomposed matter can be placed on top of the soil
as mulch.19 Build up the pit that is empty. In this way you will have one
compost heap/pit with humus20 that is ready to be used on the garden and the
other that is gathering matter to be decomposed.

Then there needs to be a story about an earthworm and how essential it is to

have earthworms in the garden and especially in the compost heap!

This little poem about the earthworm21 will help the teacher to make up the

THE EARTHWORM (or The Farmer’s Friend)

I lifted a brick and there you lay

Shyly squirming to hide away;
Pinky-brown earthworm, long and thin,
I don’t quite know which end you begin.
No eyes have you, no head do I see
And the other end seems the same to me.
You’ve a darkish saddle on your back
And like elastic you stretch - and snap back.

Dear friend, I need no eyes underground,

I feel my way in the earth around;

Vegetable matter, straw, etc placed around the plant on top of the soil, keeping the soil moist
Humus = mature compost
See end of manual

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I dig many tunnels wherever I go –

Loosening the soil helps the plants to grow!
The soil is delicious, I munch it all day
And leave some behind as I go on my way.
If I lose head or tail, I grow a new end;
I’m always busy; I’m the farmer’s friend.22

Preparing the Garden

The teacher divides the class into working groups with about four children in
each group. He or she will show them how to mark out each garden using
pegs or sticks and string. They may create paths between each garden.

Ideally each child should have a spade or fork with which to dig up the soil to a
depth of about 80cm. They must learn to pull out all the roots and weeds and
remove any stones and pebbles from the garden area. Depending on the
quality of soil, they need to add some compost and dig it in thoroughly. The
garden bed can be raised above the level of the path and the children can
surround the garden with bricks, sticks or stones if these are available.

Planting the Garden

The teacher will choose suitable plants
and seeds for planting in the garden,
such as a number of seasonal
vegetables that are easy to grow in that
area. The teacher will discuss what
conditions are needed for each
vegetable to grow well, e.g. tomatoes
need lots of water and a stick to hold the plant upright when it begins to
develop more branches and the tomato fruits get heavy. It is also good to
plant according to height to make it easier for picking later on, e.g. plant maize
in an area where they will not crowd out other plants later.

Plant a few maize seeds so that the children can experience the grain cycle.
Then they can watch how a tiny seed sprouts and grows into a tall plant with
long flowing leaves. Slowly the maize heads form and eventually when they
are ripe and golden, they can be cooked and eaten! It is also possible for the
teacher to show how the maize can be ground into flour for baking. If the
children get a chance to bake, they can add some maize flour to the other
flour that they will use for baking buns.

Copyright Catherine van Alphen

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Plant some herbs as well, as these are easy to grow and add taste to salads
and vegetable dishes e.g. coriander, mint, thyme, marjoram, rocket and

The children will want to plant some flowers as well, so space for these must
be part of the planning of the garden. Nasturtium seeds grow easily and other
seeds or seedlings can be chosen to make the garden attractive.

The teacher needs to find out which plants grow well together because plants
are like friends; they actually support each other to grow better. Some of them
give shade to others while some protect other plants from certain insects by
giving off a certain scent. They are called ‘companion plants’.

Every day after working in their gardens, the children return to the classroom
and work in their main lesson book, writing and illustrating what they have
learnt about gardening. This book should include a poem about the beauty of
plants in the garden and maybe some of the children’s own writing about their

The Gardening main lesson block can be organised in various ways. The
teacher may find that the children do not need a full three weeks for preparing
their gardens. A shorter main lesson may be appropriate, especially if the
children continue to have time during the school day to work in their gardens.

However, the children need to be involved in actively working in the garden

over much longer than three weeks. So a weekly Gardening lesson will need
to be included in the timetable, as well as regular watering of plants for a long
time after the main lesson block is over.

Whenever humans relate to the soil and work with the earth to enrich it, in
return the earth gives of itself abundantly to humans. Once the children are
involved in gardening it becomes such a magical process that unfolds before
their eyes in hardly any time at all!

After about three months of caring for their plants, the garden should be
growing nicely and the children can begin to pick items for making a special
class meal. If there are vegetables that need cooking, perhaps the teacher
can supervise small groups of children to carry out the various duties to create
the special meal. If there is a school kitchen, the food may be able to be
cooked there.

The children should be taught to prepare the meal well so that it becomes a
festive occasion. The whole room can be set out for the meal with candles and
flowers on the table.

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The children will enjoy eating their special lunch. There might not be much to
go round, but they will be proud of their achievements.

Saying a grace before meals is one way of remembering the earth with
gratitude. The teacher’s attitude will influence the children more than any
words. The teacher’s love of the garden and the plants growing there will
naturally encourage reverence and appreciation for Mother Earth and the
many plants that sustain life for every human being and animal.

The experience of gardening transforms the relationship between the children

and the earth. The children learn that through loving care of the soil they can
be part of the exciting and wonderful unfolding of the plant cycle from seed to
leaf to flower and finally to fruit or seed again. This helps them to understand
the need for human beings to be responsible for caring for the earth as a


There are many young children who grow up in cities, that think that milk is
found in bottles and cartons that are sold in supermarkets. They are also
quite unaware of the process involved in transforming a natural product such
as maize into ‘ugali’, which is eaten as a staple diet.

The Farming main lesson block is a means of connecting the children with the
natural gifts of the earth, from both plant and animal sources. It assists them
to experience the wonderful processes that are involved and encourages the
children to feel gratitude for life on earth.

The children need to experience life on a mixed farm, as this will help them to
form a relationship with the animals that serve mankind with their produce like
milk, eggs and wool. Children generally love animals but often lack the
opportunity to relate to farm animals. This could be presented in a story of
children visiting friends or family on just such a farm. The most important
element in these stories will be the pictures that capture the children’s
imagination and make the experience unforgettable!

The teacher will make up the story from the environment and conditions in his
or her area. Other types of farming not found in the local region of the
children do not have to be presented in this main lesson. They can wait for a
Geography main lesson in Grades 5, 6 or 7. The story below serves as an

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example of a farm in South Africa, to give an idea how such a story can be

Visit to the Farm

Early in the morning Billy’s alarm went off. He yawned and rolled over to look
at it. 4:30 am! It was time for them to get up if he and Mandy were going to
join George in the cowshed. He could hardly believe that only yesterday they
had arrived for their holiday on the farm and here they were already getting
involved in the work!

He ran across to Mandy’s room and shook her shoulder. “Wake up!” She
opened one eye and then jumped out of bed. Soon they were dressed and
they tip-toed down the corridor to the front door. George was waiting for them,
putting on his jacket. “It’s chilly before dawn, but it should get warmer later,”
he said.

Out in the misty air the children stumbled across to the cowshed. The
shadowy shapes of the cows were just visible as they meandered slowly into
the cowshed, each one moving instinctively to their own stall. Barry the
dairyman was there, putting hay into each cow’s trough. “Morning everyone,”
he greeted and handed the bundle of hay to George. “You can carry on with

“Come on, my beauty,” Barry said to the nearest cow as he tied up her halter
to a ring in the stall and then proceeded to tie a strap around her two hind
legs. He placed a bucket underneath her udder and dragged up a low stool
and sat down on it. Barry began by greasing the udder with ointment and then
stroked two of the teats. Suddenly the children heard the sound of the milk
spurting into the bottom of the bucket with a steady rhythm – one, two, one,
two. The creamy white milk bubbled up in foam as he worked. When the
bucket was almost full, they could hear that the rhythm was slowing down.
Barry stopped, patted the cow and took the bucket along to have it weighed so
that they could write up how much milk she had given.

Barry rinsed the bucket and then moved to sit under another cow. He patted
her side affectionately and began to milk her. “Why did you tie up the other
cow and not this one?” asked Mandy. Without looking up or pausing, Barry
answered, “That other cow – Camilla – she’s moody. One kick and she’ll have
the whole bucket of milk on the floor. Cows kick sideways. I don’t take
chances with her. But this one, Dana, she’s very gentle.”

By now, George was also milking a cow. Billy watched his strong hands
admiringly as he worked. Later Barry said that he would teach both Billy and

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Mandy to milk cows on the evening shift. “Don’t expect to get it right first
time,” he smiled.

There were several other dairymen all milking cows and Billy and Mandy could
see that it would take quite a long time to milk them all. “Why don’t you use
machines for milking the cows?” asked Billy. “Lots of other dairies use them,”
answered Barry. “It’s very convenient when a farmer has a huge herd. We
have a fair number of cows but we prefer to milk them all by hand. We just
reckon that the cow is happier with the human contact.”

“Why is no-one milking that cow?” asked Mandy. “Oh, that’s Candyfloss. She
is expecting a calf any time now, so she comes for her feed but she is allowed
to build up her milk supply especially for the new baby when it arrives,” said
Barry. “If you are lucky, you might even get to see her calving.”

“What about those other calves in the pen outside?” asked Billy. “They are
waiting for their share,” answered Barry. “In the beginning the mother cow only
gives her milk to the new calf. Later we separate her from the calf so that it
doesn’t drink too much. The mother is milked with all the other cows but the
baby calf gets its milk in a bucket. Soon it will learn to eat grass as well.”.

After breakfast they visited the part of the dairy where the butter and cheese
were made. They saw the huge machine for separating the cream from the
milk. Some of the cream went to another machine to be churned into butter
while the rest was put into small cardboard tubs and sealed for sale at shops.
They had huge fridges to store all the milk, butter and cream.

They also saw the cheese rooms and spoke to Mary who was in charge of the
cheese-making. “Every cheese has a special recipe. Some have herbs
added. With others it is the temperature they are processed at. Here, have a
taste.” And she broke off a small piece from one of the cheeses for each of
them. Now, try this one, you’ll see it is quite different,” said Mary. “Yummy!”
said Mandy. “I’d love to make cheese.” “It takes a long time to learn to do it
properly.” Mary said: “One can’t afford to make mistakes. If it doesn’t taste
right, you can’t sell it.”

And so the day went on, full of exciting and interesting activities. “Wow!” said
Billy. What a lot of work there is to be done on a farm. Just as well you have
people to help you.” “Yes,” said George, “But it is good to be able to do things
oneself as well. Then they really respect you. Come, let’s go for a ride on the
horses before supper.” “Oh, yes,” said Mandy, “Please can I ride Smoky?
She’s so gentle. She’s my favourite!”

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The Story Continues

On the next day, the teacher continues the story to allow the children to
experience a visit to the chickens. Then there are the pigs with the huge
mother sows and their many piglets. The teacher can continue the story each
day, exploring different aspects of a mixed farm: care of each of the different
kinds of animals, vegetable farming and fruit farming e.g. apples, pears,
strawberries or whatever is available in the surrounding farms.

Organic versus Commercial Farming

We do not focus on commercial farming in this main lesson. We teach the
children about organic farming as it embodies the natural methods taught to
the children in the gardening main lesson. Organic farming uses mulching
and compost and thus continually enriches the soil to create a healthy
environment in which healthy plants will be produced. In this way it is
concerned with the welfare of the earth as a whole.

NB: It is important to present imaginative pictures to the children rather

than a great deal of factual information.

The Farming main lesson is a wonderful opportunity for the teacher to

describe the birth of a baby animal e.g. a calf, lamb or kid as part of the story.
The children need to know about birth in the animal world and not every child
will have seen puppies or kittens being born. It introduces them to the
process of new life in a very natural way especially if the teacher encourages
discussion without embarrassment.

Care of Farm Animals

The following information is meant as useful background for the teacher. The
teacher may research it further if necessary and then transform it into part of
the story.

Chickens are bred for their eggs and also for white meat. The cock or rooster
wakes the barnyard in the morning with his crowing and the hens lay eggs in
nests in small cages called hen coops. The eggs are collected daily and sold
in boxes of six eggs or trays of 24 - 36 eggs. From time to time a hen gets
broody and the farmer will allow her to sit on a clutch of 6 – 10 eggs until they
hatch into little fluffy yellow chickens.

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There are many different breeds of chickens. There is the usual red hen and
the cock with striking black and green tail feathers and a gaudy red comb on
top of his head. Then there are the tiny bantams with their pretty speckled
markings. The Silkies have long white feathers and black feet with a black
patch on their heads. Every country has their special breed of chickens.

Battery chickens are kept in cages with lights on permanently and are fed high
protein food to force the chickens to lay more eggs as this means greater
profits for the farmer. Free-range chickens roam in large grassy chicken runs
or freely around the farm. It is well known that contented free-range chickens
produce eggs and meat that are far superior in taste to that from battery

Other kinds of poultry are ducks, geese and turkeys. They also lay eggs but
are generally bred for their meat.

Pigs are bred for their meat. Adult pigs grow very large with a long solid body
with very little hair on it. They are usually pink, grey, black or with patches of
different colours. Pigs have a flat nose on the end of their snout and a thin
curly tail at the back. Like cows they have split hooves.

Pigs are useful because they eat up all the scraps of leftover food or
vegetable waste. The father is called a boar and the mother is called a sow.
She produces 9 – 12 piglets that lie in a long row to suckle milk from her. Pigs
are quite intelligent and are often able to get out of their pens to roam around.
They have occasionally been used as pets for children until they get too big or
too naughty to keep at home.

The teacher may well choose to study the horse in detail in the Man and
Animal main lesson in Grade 4 and if so should not spend too much time here.

The horse is a noble animal that has long been a loyal companion to man,
along with the dog. The horse was the main means of transport in olden times
and horses were kept on a farm for the farmer to ride out and oversee the
different farm activities. Huge plough horses with their shaggy hooves would
be used for ploughing the fields and drawing wagons with produce to market.
Nowadays, however, the farmer uses a tractor to pull the plough or harvesting
machines and so horses are kept mainly for pleasure and entertainment of the
farmer’s family. Nevertheless, the relationship between the horse and its
owner is still a bond of love and trust.

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Today horse farms are stud farms where horses are bred specifically for
horse-racing, jumping or dressage which is a specialised training to perform
certain exercises while being ridden in a horse show.

These sensitive horses require a special feeding programme including oats

and hay. They need daily grooming to keep their coats clean and shiny. The
groom who looks after them will clean any mud or small stones out of their
hooves to prevent them going lame.

The mare will produce one foal in a year during spring time. It is delightful to
watch a young foal following its mother around on long wobbly legs when
new-born and how freely it races around the paddock only a few months later!
When the foal is fully grown at three years old, it will be trained carefully and
sold for a high price!

Sheep and Goats

A mixed farm may well have a few sheep and goats for wool and goat hair.
Goat’s milk is also used for making cheese and has quite a strong taste.
Goats are known to climb trees and fences in search of food. They will even
chew clothing that is drying on the washing line, so the farmer has to make
sure that they are grazing in areas that will not be destroyed through the
adventurous nature of the goat!

Sheep Farming
Sheep farming is done on a large scale in areas that are dry because sheep
can happily feed on scrub bushes whereas cows need lush grassy pastures
and extra hay or lucerne for producing milk. The sheep farmer will often have
a large farm with hundreds of sheep grazing on vast acres of land.

The teacher can easily introduce sheep farming as part of the story about Billy
and Mandy.

A Sheep-Shearing Competition
George called out to Billy and Mandy, “Hey! Do you know what’s happening
on Saturday?” “No!” they answered. “Tell us!” “We’re going off to the Roux’s
farm. They are having a sheep-shearing competition!” “Where is the Roux’s
farm?” asked Billy. “Oh, it’s about an hour away in the 4x4. We leave early in
the morning,” answered George. “Farmers send their best shearers and they
see who wins.”

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“How does the competition work?” asked Mandy. “Well,” said George, “Each
shearer is given a sheep and they are timed from start to finish. The one who
does the neatest job in the shortest time without any bleeding of cuts from the
sheep will win. Also if their fleece is in one piece without any mistakes in the
shearing, that will count in their favour.” “Is the fleece in one piece?”
exclaimed Mandy. How is that possible?” “You’ll see,” answered George
proudly, “It’s very exciting.”

The next day the children found themselves in a large shed with many other
people, mostly farming folk. Three men were shearing at one time but they
didn’t necessarily start together as each one was timed individually. Each one
had an electric shearer like a shaver.

A sheep was brought in and immediately the shearer turned the sheep on its
back and began by cutting down the middle of the sheep’s stomach, carefully
pealing back the wool or fleece as he worked towards the legs. He also
shaved down the inside of the legs, working steadily and amazingly quickly
towards the back of the sheep. This part was easier and in almost no time the
white naked sheep was scrambling its way back to the pen, guided by one of
the workers.

The shearer rolled up the fleece into a bundle and took it next door to where
there was a huge table. He flung the fleece down and it unrolled right to the
edge of the table. Mandy and Billy gasped in amazement. The outside of the
fleece had been a brownish colour but the inside was snowy white with soft
waves like cotton wool but even more beautiful! And how did one sheep have
so much wool on it? George whispered behind them. “Look, there is one of
the judges.” They saw a large man with a notebook and pen in his hands.
Another man came up and gave him the time that the shearer had taken.
“This competition takes most of the day. Do you want something to drink?
There are some delicious cookies at the house.”

Billy and Mandy spent the day watching the shearers at work but they also
wandered around the farm. They got a ride on a tractor and trailer to go and
see some sheep dipping. The sheep had already been sheared and were
waiting in a pen. At one end of the pen was a narrow corridor leading to the
dipping tank. The dipping tank was about a metre deep in a foul smelling
yellowish liquid and when the sheep came to the end of the corridor and saw
the tank, it tried to go back. Of course it couldn’t and there was a sheep hand
driving it on. So the sheep was forced to jump into the tank of dip. The sheep
hand had a long stick and forced the sheep under the water to make sure that
even their head was dipped. The sheep scrambled out the other side,
dripping wet and escaped gratefully to the flock of sheep that had already
been dipped.

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“What is in there?” asked Mandy. “Mostly disinfectant to keep the sheep from
catching diseases,” said George. “Once they get something serious, the whole
flock of sheep is likely to get sick as well. The farmer can lose a lot of sheep
that way.”

They went back to the shed and watched some more shearers at work. One
man was so fast they could hardly believe their eyes. “He has won several
years in succession. No one seems to be able to catch up with him,” said
George. And true enough, he won the competition again!

Billy and Mandy were really tired when they arrived back home that night.
They could hardly keep their eyes open after supper and just tumbled into

Spring Time on the Sheep Farm

Sheep farming has its busiest time around sheep shearing time in the early
spring. After shearing, the wool is washed and put into large bales and sent to
markets where it is sold. Every bale is carefully checked to make sure it is of
a high standard and good quality wool gives the farmer a good name.

Spring time is also when all the lambs are born. The farmer and his
shepherds have to check the ewes regularly. Some of them give birth very
easily, but others have complications. The ewes sometimes give birth in
places on the farm that are difficult for the new-born lamb to get out of like a
gully and then they both need help to get back to the safety of the barn.
Young lambs are prey to predators like eagles and jackals and so the farmer
has to be on the lookout to protect them.

Children love animals, especially baby animals and spring time is a wonderful
place for the children to experience the various animal babies on the farm.
Visiting a farm also enables children to experience the working relationship
between human beings and animals and the many ways in which animals
support human life. They also observe how each of the different farm animals
needs to be cared for in order to produce its best. It is important that the
children experience a farm where the well-being of the animals is considered
as essential to the success of the farm. This is known as ‘moral’ farming.

Fruit Farming
In areas where the climate is suitable, certain fruit is grown exclusively,
although mixed farms will also have a small orchard growing fruit for the use
of the farm. On these fruit farms huge orchards are planted with fruit trees.
They are especially beautiful in spring time when the trees are flowering and

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they are covered in buzzing bees that come to get nectar and to pollinate the

The fruit trees will be sprayed at different times to prevent disease, beginning
in spring when moths and other insects attack the young fruit. The fruit trees
have to be fed with compost and watered regularly to make sure that the fruit
grows well. The farmer is on the lookout for pests that attack and spoil the
fruit as only the best quality fruit can be sold.

At harvesting time, many workers go out with baskets to pick the fruit. A
tractor pulling a long trailer is driven into the orchard to collect the baskets of
fruit. Then the fruit is sorted. Size, shape and colour are all important, not
only the taste. Some farms have such good quality fruit that it is packed in
boxes or cardboard trays and sold to expensive shops and restaurants or
exported to other countries.

Many different types of fruit may be grown: deciduous fruit like apples, pears,
peaches and apricots; grapes from which wine and juice are made and sub-
tropical fruit like pawpaw, mango and pineapples. Every country has its
special fruit and these must be researched by the teacher and presented in a
creative story.

Grain Farming
Grain farming is usually done on a large scale with vast fields ploughed up for
the growing of wheat, maize, barley, rye, millet, sorgum, oats and rice. These
farms usually choose one type of grain.

At the beginning of the growing season for grain, the farmer will plough the
large fields. Then he will sow the seeds of corn. In olden times, the farmer or
his labourers would each walk out with a large bag full of seed slung across
their shoulders. All day they would walk up and down the rows flinging the
seed into the furrows left by the plough. Then they would come and cover the
soil over the seed and wait for the rain to germinate the seed. Today there
are machines that sow the seed and cover it up immediately, making the
whole process much faster. When farmers have many acres of land, these
machines are very useful.

Soon the grain sprouts and little blades of what looks like grass appear in the
soil. As it grows taller, the whole field begins to look like a great sea of
emerald green grass. As the season progresses the grain produces a head
like a crown that turns golden as it ripens!.

When the corn is ripe, the farmer gets everyone to help with the harvesting of
the grain. In olden times, men would cut the corn with a large scythe, which is

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a wooden handle that has a long blade on the end. With wide sweeping
movements they cut the corn and everyone followed them and collected up
the corn and bound it together in sheaves. Later the corn would br threshed
which a process of beating it until the stalk is separated from the head of

Today the farmer has a harvesting machine that cuts the corn, separates the
head from the long stalk and binds the stalks into bales of straw. The corn is
gathered into huge sacks and taken to be stored in a place called a granary
There it is kept safe from mice and rats or any other pests and damp that
would damage it.

The grain must now be ground into flour before it can be sold or used for
baking bread. This process is called milling or grinding. In olden times there
were millers who ground the corn using two heavy round flat stones. The
miller usually had a mill where the flowing river water turned the mill wheel
which turned the stones. The corn was placed between the two stones which
were turned round and round until the grain was ground into flour. Sometimes
the flour was very fine and at other times it was left rough. Today the milling is
done by machine and you can buy fine cake flour or rough whole wheat bread
flour in the shops.

Each country has its own special grain that forms the staple diet of the people.
The whole process of the growing of grain and preparing it for bread or food
has been considered a sacred gift from God. There are many wonderful folk
stories illustrating the sacrifice of the grain in allowing it to be used for feeding
the people.

Therefore harvesting time is more than merely gathering and storing the grain.
It is a thanksgiving for the food that will ensure life for the people through the
many months of the year ahead. Rudolf Steiner has said that the qualities in
the grain bring light and energy to people, inspiring them in their work and
connecting them in gratitude to the God-given abundance of the earth

The teacher can teach them the Song of the Corn which illustrates the whole
process of growing the grain and preparing it to be made into bread.

Class Activities for the Farming Main Lesson

The teacher could bring some cream in a bottle and let the children take turns
in shaking it until it turns into butter.

Bread rolls or buns could be made by the class and spread with the butter that
has already been made. These could be part of the special meal with salad
from the children’s vegetable garden.

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A Visit to a Mixed Farm

The teacher must try to arrange that the children experience a mixed farm and
they will enjoy it all the more after having heard the stories about farming. It is
best if they can go for two or three days so that they can observe the different
activities like milking cows, collecting eggs, weeding vegetables, baking
bread, churning butter, and feeding pigs. If you have a sympathetic farmer
who is willing to allow the children to take part in some of the above
mentioned activities, it will be an unforgettable experience for the children.

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The Four Operations

In Grade 3, a thorough understanding of the four operations needs to be
established. The children are now old enough to understand things more
consciously, due to the ‘I’ awakening in the soul life of the child.

The interrelationship of the four operations

In Grade 1, the children were introduced to the four operations as ‘brothers’,

‘sisters’, ‘helpers’, the chief’s ‘elders’ or the king’s ‘councillors’, showing in an
imaginative way that they are related. After reminding the children of how
they learnt about the operations in Grade 1 (it brings wholeness to what we
teach them, by linking back to what they learnt before), we now lead them to
see these interrelationships in a more definite way.
Firstly, subtraction and addition are very close ‘brothers’, as they are doing the
same thing, but just in an opposite way:

2+3=5 30 + 20 = 50
5–3=2 50 – 20 = 30

10 + 5 = 15 75 + 25 = 100
15 – 5 = 10 100 – 25 = 75

The same close relationship can be seen between the other two ‘brothers’,
multiplication and division:

3x2=6 10 x 6 = 60
6÷2=3 60 ÷ 6 = 10

4 x 5 = 20 20 x 4 = 80
20 ÷ 5 = 4 80 ÷ 4 = 20

Practise these close relationships for some time, to make sure everyone
understands. Give the quick children more difficult examples to work on, to
keep them challenged.
Then, we can look at how the ‘brothers’ also relate in a different way. We can
see how they really belong to one family when we look at the following:
Multiplication is really a fast form of addition, as long as we keep adding the
same numbers:

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5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20
4 x 5 = 20

10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 50
5 x 10 = 50

30 + 30 + 30 + 30 = 120
4 x 30 = 120

Division is really a fast form of subtraction, again as long as we keep subtracting

the same numbers:

6–2–2–2=0 How many times did I take away 2? 3 times!


12 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 = 0 How many times did I take away 3? 4 times!

12 ÷ 3 = 4

If children find this too abstract, we can make it real for them with several story-
sums, for example:

There was a mother who had 2 children, named Manuel and Lucy. She loved
them both very dearly, and always made sure that she would share everything
between them equally. On day, she had bought 6 T-shirts at the market, and
wanted to share them between her two children. How do you think she did this?

“One for Manuel and one for Lucy”

How many shirts did she take from the 6 she bought? [– 2]
How many were left to be shared? [6 – 2 = 4]

“Another one for Manuel and another one for Lucy”

How many shirts had she taken now from the 6 she bought? [– 2 – 2]
How many were left to be shared? [6 – 2 – 2 = 2]

“Another one for Manuel and another one for Lucy”

How many shirts had she taken now from the 6 she bought? [– 2 – 2 – 2]
How many were left to be shared? [6 – 2 – 2 – 2 = 0]

“How many shirts did each child get?” [3 shirts each]

So what is the quick way of sharing these shirts?
6 ÷ 2 = 3 shirts each.

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So we can see that instead of taking away 2 shirts every time [6 – 2 – 2 – 2],
division is a quicker way of subtracting [6 ÷ 2]
It may be necessary to do many exercises using story-sums to firmly establish the
relationship between division and subtraction.

The four operations

What to teach in Grade 3 will depend on the progress made in Grade 2. The work
outlined in the Grade 2 manual will need to be revised before it can be extended.
Very important is to realise that the teacher continually creates story-sums for
working with the four operations. This brings interest and enthusiasm to the
children, bringing meaning to what they are doing in maths, rather than it being only
a mechanical process.
The themes of the Grade 3 curriculum provide many opportunities for creating
story-sums that relate to what the children are learning in the main lesson blocks.
The practical themes, such as housebuilding, farming and the various crafts are
especially useful here in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing the materials

The creativity of the teacher can inspire the children to love the mathematics
lessons, even if at times some struggle is needed.

Another very important principle to remember, is that we need to develop flexibility

of thinking in the children. This means that they need to be able to do things in
different ways, rather than be limited to only one way of doing a particular kind of
sum. It also means that it is our duty as teachers to get them to think for
themselves, and be able to find their own way in finding solutions in the maths work
they do.

This is why some work in extended notation (see Grade 2 manual) is

recommended; it stimulates the children to think in other ways, rather than only
learning one, mechanical way of doing sums.

It will be seen below, that extended notation helps the children to understand what
they are doing, especially when it comes to vertical sums. We will focus on
multiplication and division here, assuming that the work described in the Grade 2
manual has been revised and consolidated as far as addition and subtraction are


When we multiply small numbers (single digit x single digit), we simply use our
tables to work out the answer! But when we multiply a bigger number (single digit
x double digit), we have to make two sums out of it:

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If we have 3 piles of books, each pile having 24 books in it, then we have quite a
big multiplication sum!

3 x 24

Do we know the 24 x table? No, so what do we do now?

We know that 24 is 20 plus 4! So first we can first multiply the 4 by 3 times:

3 x 4 = 12

And then multiply the 20 by 3 times:

3 x 20 = 60

And then add the 3 x 4 with the 3 x 20, to get 3 x 24:3 x 4 = 12

3 x 20 = 60

12 + 60 = 72

3 x 24 = 72

Later, when we move to vertical multiplication, we do exactly the same:

12 3x4
60 3 x 20 (not 3 x 2 !!!)

Once the children can do both methods with confidence, one can move to higher
numbers, for example 25 x 34
Now we can ask the children, “how many sums there are in this one sum?”

The answer is that there are 4 sums:

5 x 30
20 x 4
20 x 30

It is good to give some time for the children to see whether they can work it out by
themselves. This develops independent thinking. Some children will manage it
well, others may need some help. Then it is good to do the sum with the whole

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5 x 4 = 20
5 x 30 = 150
20 x 4 = 80
20 x 30 = 600

Add the answers together:

600 +
25 x 34 = 850

Now we learn to do the sum vertically:

25 x
20 (5 x 4)
150 (5 x 30)
80 (20 x 4)
600 (20 x 30)

In this way the children can understand how both horizontal and vertical
multiplication works. Much practice will be needed to consolidate the two methods.


Building on the idea that division is a fast form of subtraction, we can again use
different methods. Introduce each with a story-sum, so it becomes clear to the
children what we are doing, and why:


24 ÷ 6

Keep subtracting 6 until we see how many times 6 goes into 24:
24 – 6 = 18
18 – 6 = 12
12 – 6 = 6

We had to subtract 6 four times, therefore

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24 ÷ 6 = 4


28 ÷ 2

What can I subtract from 28 that can be divided by 2?

20 [20 ÷ 2 = 10]
How much is left over of the 28?
8 [8 ÷ 2 = 4]

So how much is 28 ÷ 2?


42 ÷ 3

Write out the 3 x table until we get to 42:

4 x 3 = 12
5 x 3 = 15
6 x 3 = 18
7 x 3 = 21
8 x 3 = 24
9 x 3 = 27
10 x 3 = 30
11 x 3 = 33
12 x 3 = 36
13 x 3 = 39
14 x 3 = 42

42 ÷ 3 = 14

This may seem a long way round, but will be useful for more difficult sums later, for
example 360 ÷ 45, where we can write down the multiples of 45:


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Here we can easily see that 45 goes 8 times into 360, and so 360 ÷ 45 = 8

Division with remainders

When the children understand the different methods shown above, it is good to
introduce them to remainders. Again, a story-sum can make it clear what a
remainder is - an amount left over that cannot be shared evenly between the
number of people in the story-sum.

Preparation for long division

Plenty of practice is needed in the three methods shown above, in preparation for
long division, which is best left for Grade 4. The three methods all support an
understanding of long division, which is really only a shortened version of the three
methods learnt.

Which operation do we need?

Every day a new story-sum - related to the Grade 3 theme being studied at the
time - needs to be solved by the class as a whole. This will stimulate the children
to think for themselves, and learn to do problem-solving before the maths becomes
more complicated in the higher grades.

The most important question for the teacher to raise is always, “which operation do
we need to solve this sum?” (you could still use the more familiar name for
‘operation’ by asking, “which ‘brother’ do we need to work out this sum?”).

The teacher will watch carefully to see which children can recognise the operation
that is needed, and which still need help to discover it. For those who need help, it
is always good to go back to the stories used to introduce the operations in Grade

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Money Main Lesson

This main lesson block flows very well from the Four Operations main lesson block,
as the children can put what they have learnt into practice.

The whole classroom becomes a market place, in which children practise buying
and selling, making all kinds of calculations in their books.

To prepare for this, various activities have to be undertaken:

1. The children need to make their own ‘money’ with which they can do their
trading. Please note it is illegal to photocopy real money. In any case it is
much better for the children to create their own ‘play’ money. The teacher
can specify which denominations each child needs to make, and how many
of each. Keep the prices and amounts as realistic to the children’s situations
as possible. It’s all about basic needs, not fancy or expensive things.

2. Together with the children, make a list of basic needs that are needed for
living, and therefore the different types of ‘shops’ or ‘stalls’ the market needs
to have. Distributed these between the different groups of children. Try to
diversify as much as possible, for example, separate fruit sellers from
vegetable sellers, meat sellers from bakers, sellers of maize, etc.

3. Allow the children to create signs for advertising the kind of shop they are;
find a way of displaying these signs above their shop or stall.

4. Ask each group to write down prices for their wares, and check these prices
are reasonable.

Then trading can begin:

5. Each day one child is a seller of the shop/stall, the others in the group going
out to buy.

6. Every child needs to buy from every shop or stall, writing down what they
bought there and calculating how much they have to pay. The seller double-
checks the calculation, writes down everything sold on that day and works
out the total amount.

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7. Gradually the teacher could make more complicated rules, for example,
asking for multiplication by saying that children need to buy more than one of
each item. They then need to calculate, for example, 5 x the price for one

8. Later, each child can be asked to keep subtracting from the amount of money
they have, every time they buy something, so they keep on record how much
money they still have after visiting each shop/stall.

9. Finally, the sellers can be asked to make ‘special offers’, for example, 3 items
cost only ..... Then the buyers need to work out how much they will actually
pay for each item, by doing division sums.

At the end of each main lesson, redistribute the money that everyone has, so the
next day everyone starts with the same amount again.

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Measurement Main Lesson Block

Part of the Grade 3 children’s journey to wake up within themselves, is to master
the world they live in. The Weights and Measures main lesson block supports this
process, by stimulating the children to think in more structural ways.
We only give a relatively simple introduction to measurement in mass, length and
volume, in line with their gradual awakening to thinking in a more structured way:
Length: millimetres / centimetres and metres
Mass: grams and kilograms
Volume: millilitres and litres
In Grade 6, the children will learn in detail about the decimal system, and so
explanations are left till that time, when the children can understand the decimal
system without difficulty.

Also important, is for the children to experience the historical development of

measurements, not as intellectual concepts, but as feeling-understanding
experiences provided by the teacher. The creativity of the teacher is again called
upon to imaginatively present the development of measurements in this way.
The historical development shows how the human body was the unit of
measurement to begin with, the important idea being that every development
comes from the human being, and gradually becomes more external.

The first measurements human beings made, were taken from the body, using
hands, arms and feet. Long, long ago, people would say, “Please could you give
me two arms’ length of material, so I can make myself some clothes?” Or they
might say, “My bow is ten hands long, and that is a very big bow!” Again, the ruler
of a tribe or clan could have said, “Dig a trench that is twenty feet wide, and fill it
with water, so that the enemy cannot get to our walls!”
The teacher introduces the many different ways of measuring things, using the
body, and sets the class tasks to measure things - from small to big - in and
outside of the classroom; for example:
Digits (the length from knuckle to knuckle of the thumb’s last digit): how many digits
(“inches”) is the length of a new pencil?
Hands (holding the hand on its side): how many hands (or “palms”) high is your
desk? Your chair? Your legs?
Cubits (from the elbow to the tops of the fingers): how many cubits wide are the
windows/doors/chalkboards? How many cubits high are they?
Arm’s lengths (from one shoulder to the tip of the outstretched, opposite arm): how
many arm’s lengths wide are the curtains in the room?

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Feet (place heel against toe for one foot): how many feet wide is the classroom?
How many feet long?
Strides (large steps of a full-grown man): how many strides (or “yards”) is the
playing field long? Wide?
These activities will bring home how people used to measure length long, long ago.

Everyday’s story, discussion and practical activities will lead to some writing in the
children’s main lesson books, so that by the end of the measurement block there is
a complete record of what they have learnt.

And then, one day the arguments started. “Your arm’s length is shorter than mine.
I am not going to pay you so much for that material, because it is shorter than my
two arms’ lengths!”
Or, “but my bow is also ten hands long, and look, it’s bigger than yours; your hands
are smaller than mine!”
And again, “I said twenty feet wide! And this is not twenty feet wide! Your feet are
too small !!!”
The king of the country could not bear all the arguments about different lengths,
and so one day, when he was really fed up, he commanded: “the sizes of
everything in the kingdom will be exactly according to my body, and nobody else’s!”
And so measures were made from the size of the king’s digit, hand, cubit, arm’s
length, foot and stride. This brought peace inside his country, because everyone
in his country now measured according to his measurements!
However, not all was well on the borders of the kingdom. When the merchants sold
their wares from a neighbouring kingdom, their king’s measurements were different
from this king’s!
And to make matters worse, when this king died, and his son took over the throne,
he wanted his own measurements to be used, and not those of his father! Now
everyone had to change the measures that they had, and the prices of everything
became the source of new arguments!
Scenes like these could be acted out by the children in the class, in their groups.
The children could make their own measures as they might have been made long
ago. Again, writing in the main lesson books will follow every stage of learning
about the development of measurement.

As more and more people all over the world were trading with each other, the need
for having one measurement for the whole world became more and more important.
And so it happened, not so long ago, that the METRE became the standard
measurement through the whole world.
When people today measure larger things, such as lengths of material, we use
metres. “Please can you cut me 3 metres of this material,” is all one needs to say
today, and you will get exactly 3 metres of material.
Demonstrate measuring larger items in metres, writing down on the chalkboard
each measurement (1m; 2m; 5m; etc.) Set the children tasks to measure large
items, and to write down their measurements in their books.

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When people want to measure smaller things, such as the length of an iron nail or a
short piece of string, we use millimetres: tiny little measurements, of which there
are one thousand in each metre.
At this point it would be good to look at the rulers the children have, and find the
millimetre markings on the rulers. Demonstrate how to measure small items, and
how to write down these measurements (20mm; 100mm; 250mm; etc.) Get the
children to measure as many small items as possible, and let them write down their
sizes in millimetres.
The children can be asked to bring items from home that have the measurements
on their labels, or that they have measured themselves. This brings the practical
world into the classroom, which makes measurement a real-life experience for the
Many things are measured in centimetres, and so the teacher will need to introduce
centimetres (written cm) in their relationship to millimetres. Lots of practical
measuring, especially using measuring tapes, will help the children find it easy to
convert centimetres to millimetres and vice-versa.
The teacher can show the children how to do simple calculations, arising from the
activities they do. They can write these in their books, gradually learning how to do
these calculations by themselves.

Mass (weights)
In the early days, people used their hands to weigh different things: a bag of grain
could be exchanged for a bag of nuts, for example, and the person would hold one
bag in each hand to feel if they were of equal weight.
Already a long, long time ago, the first pair of scales was made. The idea of the
scales came from the human being holding a bag in each hand, to see whether
they balanced or not. Instead of the shoulders of a human being, there was a
crossbar, and instead of two arms there were two baskets hung by string (or leather
thongs) on each side. In the same way that the human being had to stand upright
to weigh things accurately, so the middle of the crossbar had to be held exactly
half-way by an upright beam, so that the scales would be accurate in balancing one
item against another.

A fun thing to do, is to balance a long pole on a log (like a swing) and to balance
children against each other on the pole. The best part of this activity is to then ask
the children, “how many of you, do you think, will needed to balance your teacher?”

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They will be very amazed and amused to see how many children are needed to
balance the weight of the teacher!

Later in time, weights were made for things that had to be weighed again and
again. These weights could be made of stones, for example “1 stone”; “2 stone”,
etc., or of pieces of metal which later became the standard weights used.
It is good to bring items of different weights into the classroom, for children to use
their arms to sense their relative weights. If the teacher can find a pair of scales,
with the weights that go with it, then these items can be weighed in the way they
were done long ago.
And, of course, the modern scale needs to be there to do the same.
A similar story as that of length can be created by the teacher to show how the
need for standard measures of weight had to be invented, so that everyone over
the whole world could weigh things in the same way.
This could lead to the present day, where the gram (10g; 200g, etc.) and the
kilogram (1kg; 2kg; 10kg; etc.) are now in use. As in the section on length above,
the teacher will devise many activities for the children to get used to working with
grams and kilograms. Many calculations can arise from the activities, which they
can write and work out in their books.


Finally, we come to the measurement of liquids. We can ask the children, “how do
you think people in ancient times used to measure liquids?” “How do you think
they used their bodies?” [they could ‘cup’ their hands] “What could they have
used?” [clay pots, animal skins sewn together].
When we ‘cup’ our hands, we make a container; for liquids we always need a
container; and so, once glass blowers learned how to make bottles, certain
standard sizes of containers were made. Today we have machines that make
standard sizes of jars, bottles, tins, cooking pots and glasses from which to drink,
etc., which we use all the time.
The teacher can ask the children to find as many containers at home, and bring
them to the class. The teacher will bring his or her own selection also, and
arrange for enough water to transfer liquids from containers whose volume we
know, into containers where we need to work out how much they can contain.
We introduce the concept of litres (1 l; 5 l; etc) and millilitres (100 ml; 500 ml; etc) to
the children, showing them how to do simple calculations arising from the activities
they do.

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Time Main Lesson

An Imaginative Picture every day

One of the most important aspects of Waldorf education is to understand that
children need to be inspired every day at school. In every new topic that children
need to learn, the teacher needs to find a way of bringing something of a spiritual
quality into it. This can be done by preparing an imaginative picture - whether in
the form of a story, an image or a rich description that brings out the qualities of the
topic - for each day’s main lesson.

The children need ‘soul food’ every day. If we only focus on the facts or the
mechanics of a topic, the children may have learnt everything they are supposed to
learn, but we leave their souls starved of the pictures, the feelings and the stirring of
their will they need to ‘digest’ and be ‘fed’ by. Only when we present a topic by
using the imagination, or one of the arts, will they feel satisfied that they have learnt
something full of meaning and deeply enriching.

For every topic we present, we can find an imaginative picture that will ‘light up’ the
souls of the children, as well as our own. Below are some examples of how the
teacher could do this. Please read these examples, and then create your own
imaginative pictures for every aspect of your teaching!

Seven Days of Creation

The children will have heard the story of the creation earlier in the year. It is good
to make a connection again with this wonderful story when the main lesson block
on Time begins.

One can discuss with the children the seven days of creation, remembering what
happened each day.

These were God’s days, rather than our days, and so each of God’s days was
really many, many years. It must have taken thousands upon thousands of years
for everything to be created.

This prepares them in an imaginative way for later, when they come across science
that explains to us how many millions of millions of years it takes for a star to form;
and the millions of years for life to develop on our earth.

God’s time is everlasting time ... It is good to let them sense what is beyond our
thinking abilities, beyond what we can imagine.

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It is good for us as teachers to relate the subject - in this case time - to every
aspect of life, so that children get used to seeing everything as a whole. We can
relate time to the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms. Here follows some
suggestions, which could help you as a teacher to develop your own presentation:
The earth on which we walk, the stones, the sand, the rocks and mountains are
there all the time. They hold us always, patiently and caringly. No matter whether
it rains, or the wind howls, or the sun’s rays heats them till they are too hot, the
stones, sand, rocks and mountains are always there to serve us. They do not
worry whether it is day or night, cold or warm, wet or dry, they live in endless time.
It is different for the plants; they always grow according to time. They need the
rainy seasons, the dry seasons, the times of heat and the times of cold, so they can
grow, producing beautiful green leaves; so they can flower, giving us their beautiful
colours and special scents; so they can produce their seeds, to be able to grow
again; and so they have time to rest before they start growing again.

The animals also live according to time. Who is it that wakes us in the mornings?
The birds! They have a long day, starting by singing early in the morning, then
looking for their food the whole day long, and then singing in the evening again.
Other animals also live according to their time. The giraffe also starts early in the
morning, looking for juicy leaves in the tops of the trees; he rests in the middle of
the day, when it is hot, and as soon as it cools again, he carries on nibbling his
leaves. Every animal lives its time in a different way, according to how it was

This would probably be enough to take in for one day, if the teacher presents time
in a way similar to this, adding to the picture so that the children gain a deep
experience of time for earth, plants and animals. Rich class discussion can follow
the teacher’s presentation, not by the teacher asking questions, but allowing the
class to tell their observations of earth, plant and animal life.

The next day the teacher will lead the children into doing a recall of the content
discussed yesterday. Here the teacher needs to prepare questions around the
important thoughts expressed yesterday to guide the children’s recall, as may be
necessary. After a thorough recall, during which yesterday’s topic comes alive
again, the teacher can continue with the human relationship to time. Here are
some suggestions:

The time we as human beings have is different from the earth, the plants and the
animals. I wonder what time is like before we are born, when we are still in heaven
... maybe you can say something about that ...
When we are born, we do not understand time. Everything is done for us by those
who welcome us into the world. Gradually, as we get older, we see there is a time
for each thing in life. Perhaps you can tell us ...

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The older we get, the more organised our lives become. Now we need to measure
time - now we need clocks - to fit everything into our busy days!

The Year

We like to know how many years old we are! We find it very important how old we
are! A birthday is always a big celebration, not only to think about the day we
arrived on the earth, but also to celebrate how old we are now.

Long, long ago, before people started counting the years, they lived by the seasons
of the year. [Here the teacher can provide a rich description how early people lived
according to the seasons of the year.]

And what about our year? What happens every year in our lives?
How long is a year - it feels very long! Many, many days! How many days in a

The Months

Our year is divided into twelve months ... what do we do in each month of the year?
Do all the children know the months of the year? Can they spell them?
Learn the poem:
30 days hath September,
April, June and November.
All the rest have 31 days clear
Excepting February which has 28
And 29 days each leap year.

The Week

In preparing to speak about the week, the teacher could bring a qualitative image of
each day of the week. How is Monday different from Tuesday? What mood does
each day have?

Day and Night

Again, the teacher will prepare a presentation on the qualities of day and night. By
day, we live according to the sun, by night according to the moon and stars
(describe the qualitative differences of day and night; for example, busy day, quiet
night; ‘the light of day’ and ‘the darkness of night’). The rising of the sun brings its
particular quality and mood to the day. As the morning moves on, this starts to

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change (how?) When the sun reaches the middle of the day (we call it ‘mid-day’, or
‘noon’), late afternoon and sunset, how different is each quality and mood?
And then comes the night. What qualities does the night have? What mood do we
feel in the evening, and then later at night? What about the stars, the moon?
What about midnight (practise saying the word ‘midnight’) and the time before
dawn? And who signals to us that the new day is about to begin? How do we wake
up in the morning?

This is all rich material for discussion and finally writing. One could include the
names of the meals of the day, as well as all the terms we use for different times of
the day and night. Spelling of words such as midday, noon, afternoon, midnight,
dawn, dusk.

Hours, Minutes and Seconds

For the teacher, it is important to understand time in a deeper way, so that when
you teach you have a deeper feeling about this topic. What is explained here is
not for the teacher to tell the children, but enriches the understanding of the subject
taught. The children sense that the teacher has greater depth, which although it
cannot be communicated, instils in them the feeling that life is full of meaning, as
well as them looking up to teachers who radiate being in touch with a deeper

As teachers, we can imagine that hours have to do with the will. When we work, it
takes hours of effort to accomplish something. We know that those things that are
valuable in life require hours of working on. The will can take us through a whole
day of intensive activity!

We can imagine that minutes have to do with feelings. Feelings do come and go,
just like minutes come and go. Our feelings continually move between sympathy
and antipathy, between outgoing and ingoing, between connecting and distancing

Lastly, thoughts come in a flash! They also come and go, but one after the next as
quickly as seconds. When we think, we grasp things quickly (or not at all!).
In the examples that follow, you can see how this idea is woven into the story of the
clock. The way we tell this story is influenced by this idea - but we do not speak
to the children about will, feeling and thinking as reflected in hours, minutes and
seconds. They are still in the imaginative / feeling stage of their lives, and will
experience these truths in a dreamlike way. This will bring depth to their learning,
which in later life, when they are conscious adults, will come to flower as creative
and compassionate thinking.

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You can also see that the three brothers, hour-hand, minute-hand and second-
hand, can be seen in three different temperaments. Again, the teacher’s
understanding of this will influence the way she or he presents each of these
brothers in turn.
The Clock

N.B. Good planning: revise the 5 x table during the rhythmic part of the lessons
every day in preparation for teaching the minutes when we come to them. Again,
here follow some suggestions for creating imaginative ‘pictures’ so that everything
the children learn is full of meaning, bringing out the qualities and moods of each
aspect. Rich descriptions will engage them, developing their feelings and their
ability to think creatively.

Children, you have all seen many, many clocks everywhere, telling people what
time it is. You have seen many people wearing watches, which are really just
small clocks. Well, the story about clocks is a long, exciting story!

You may have seen clocks that have three ‘hands’, which are pointing to the
numbers on the clock all day long. These hands are like three brothers. The
shortest brother is very slow. He takes his time to do things slowly and carefully,
never hurrying. He has all the time in the day to do each thing that needs doing.
He moves so slowly, you wonder how he can get anything done. But, by the end of
the day, he has done everything that he intended to do!

The longer brother likes to move more quickly. He likes to get things done well,
but in a short time. “Get a move on!” “Don’t waste any time!” Every task needs to
be done by working very hard, so that it takes only a short time of the day. You
can imagine how many, many things he has to do in a day!

The third brother is the longest, but also the thinnest. He is always moving as fast
as he can, hurrying from one thing to the next. Because he is in such a hurry, you
may wonder how he is able to finish each thing properly! You can always see him
moving round and round, never stopping to think what to do next. “First I do this,
then I do that!” “I have so many things to delight me every moment of the day!”
[The children will, of course, be telling the teacher what each of these hands show
us: hours, minutes and seconds].
But long, long ago, there were no such things as clocks yet. In earliest days
people simply lived by the rhythms of the day and the night. The sun brought its
light and warmth at the beginning of each day. People rejoiced every morning to
see the sun rising, spreading its colours across the sky. They went about their
daily tasks according to the journey of the sun across the sky. [Describe what they
did in the cool of the morning, in the heat of the midday sun, in the later afternoon
as the day came to its close].

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The sun left the sky with its beautiful evening colours. [Describe]. As darkness
set in, the evening activities began. The singing and telling of stories around the
fire, in the quiet cool of the evening. The sounds of the night [describe]. And then
the closing of eyes as everyone fell asleep till the next morning. In those early
days, the sun was their clock by day and the stars, and moon, by night.
People also noticed the shadows that the sun cast on the ground, and how these
shadows changed as the sun moved on its path across the sky. [The teacher can
ask the children what they have noticed about how the shadows change from early
morning to the middle of the day and then again in the evening].

These shadows always did exactly the opposite of what the sun was doing! If the
sun is doing its best to give as much light as possible, the shadow makes as dark a
shadow as it possibly can. When the sun is moving this way, the shadow insists
on moving the other way. Just like a naughty child who, when someone says, “talk
softly” starts speaking loudly, the shadow must do the opposite. Where the sun
creates light, the shadow creates darkness!

From this came the first clock that we as humans made! A stick, like a pointing
finger, was planted in the ground, so that the sun would cast its shadow from early
morning to the end of the day, and as the shadow moved they could tell the time of
the day.23

Now it would be good to plant a stick in a suitable place and visit it every now and
then to mark the times of the school day: the beginning of school, the first break,
the lunch break, etc. Ask the children: what do they think will happen to the
shadow after they have left school?

Please note that in Grade 4 the children will make an accurate sundial, marking the
exact hours of the day. This should not be done in this year, only the idea of the
sundial is given. One can visit the sundial many times, to see the changes in the

A long time later, when towns and cities became larger and more and more people
worked as carpenters, as shoemakers, tailors, iron smiths, gold smiths and silver
smiths, it became very busy. The traders from far away countries came in and out
of the towns and cities to sell their wares and to look for things they could buy to
take back to their countries. And now it was not good enough any longer to just
arrive at any time to meet some-one, because you might find him or her already
busy talking to some-one else: now you had to make appointments!

I thank Joyce Mwihaki for this idea

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And so, every town and every city had to have its own clock. This clock was in the
middle of the city, right next to the market place where so many people gathered to
buy and sell, to meet and talk, to look with longing eyes at what they could not
afford to buy. Sometimes this clock was high on a tower, so that it could be seen
from a distance.

These clocks only had one pointing finger, which only showed the hours of the day.
Of course, only those people who were near enough could see what hour of the
day it was. But the clocks had something even more important: a big bell! This big
bell had the most beautiful, ringing tone [demonstrate the dong ... dong .... dong],
and could be heard far and wide.

Even the shepherds in the fields outside the town could hear the bell ringing. And
what did these bells do? Every hour, the bells rang what hour of the day it was
[demonstrate different hours of the day]. And so, although the shepherds could not
see the clock, they could hear the hours of the day. They knew from the bell when
it was time to round up their sheep and drive them back to the farmyard.

In the towns and cities, people could now say to each other, “meet me at 2 bells!” or
they would say, “meet me at 2 of the clock.” And so, it was possible for everyone to
arrange their day properly according to the hours of the day.

Now can follow an explanation that “2 o’clock” is the shortened version of “2 of the

Activities can follow, such as the teacher singing a certain number of ‘dongs’ and
asking the children what o’clock it is. This could become a wonderful game, such
as asking a child to say what time she or he goes to bed at night by sounding out
the gongs of the bell ... there are lots of possibilities.

This can then lead to introducing the 12-hour clock with only an hour hand: the
teacher has made such a clock herself or himself, which can be used to show how
the hour hand moves, and then ask the children to read the hours on the clock by
moving the hour hand to different positions. The numbers on the clock will need
explanation, as well as the fact that we always start from the number 12.


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However, years later the cities became as busy as bee-hives. People were
working very hard, and had less time to talk with each other. Now buses and trains
started to connect the different parts of the city, and trains now travelled from one
city to the next. Life became quite complicated.

And so, people could not wait for things to happen every hour, they needed to know
whether it was just after 3 o’clock, or longer after three o’clock, or closer to 4
o’clock. [Demonstrate this with the hour hand pointing just after 3, half-way
between 3 and 4, and close to 4 o’clock. This needs lots of practice! Just after 3,
nearly 4 o’clock, etc. The children need to understand the hour-hand is constantly
moving from one hour to the next, and we can see more-or-less where we are in
each hour. This is important for later].

But this was not good enough! They needed to divide each and every hour
exactly, so that they could make definite arrangements in their busy lives, and not
be kept waiting.

And so they divided the hour into 60 minutes. This is where the hard-working
brother, who was taller than the short, slow brother, now became part of the clock.
And he moves round the clock quite a bit quicker than his ever-so-slow brother.

Now that life had become so busy, everybody had to be on time. And so, more
and more people had clocks in their houses. You were seen as a good citizen if
your house had a clock in the main room of your house. Everyone in the house
would keep on looking at the clock to see how much time they still had before they
had to go out to do their daily work. At work, everyone kept an eye on the clock, to
make sure everything happens at exactly the right time of the day.

Now, everyone had to learn to tell the time, of course. People were used to
reading the hours of the day, but because the minute-hand moved more quickly
around the clock, everyone had to understand how to read the number of minutes.

Now show a hand-made clock that has been divided into 60 minutes, every 5
minutes having a longer marking; this clock should only have a minute-hand (no
hour-hand, so as to avoid confusion). As you move the minute-hand, the children
can count the minutes up to 60.

Get them to count the minutes in 5s: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! etc.... as you

move the minute-hand round the clock. Now you can ask them: what do you
notice about the longer markings around the clock? (The 5 x table). What do the
numbers of the clock tell us? (1 = 5 minutes, 2 = 10 minutes, 3 = 15 minutes, etc

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Work time: Get children to start making their own clocks, using a cardboard circle
(as firm as possible) and making an hour-hand that can be attached to the clock,
using a split-pin.

The teacher needs to show the children how to draw the 12-hour clock, and then
get them to practise dividing circles into 12 on rough paper, or little chalkboards,
and writing in the numbers of the hours.


N.B. Prepare a drawing of the clock with numbers 1 to 12 on the chalkboard before
the next lesson begins!

Recall: Children retell the story how the busyness of the city life needed minutes,
not just hours; how many minutes in an hour? [count the 60 minutes around the
clock again, moving the minute-hand]; what did we notice when we counted the
minutes in 5s? [Practise saying how many minutes by pointing to each number on
the clock. This needs lots of practice, again and again!].

At this point we need to introduce ‘past’ and ‘to’:

Everyone was very excited about the minutes in every hour! They felt that life
became more fruitful now that they had minutes. Lots more things got done in the
day! People started saying things like, “it will only take a minute to fix this,” or, “wait
here for me, I will be back in 10 minutes,” or, “we can still talk for another 15
minutes, and then we must go,” or, “hurry up, we only have 25 minutes, and then
everything must be ready for the guests to arrive!” [For the teacher: which
temperament belongs to each example?]

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However, there was a big problem. How can we tell people exactly what time to
meet them? It was very difficult to say, “let’s meet 35 minutes after 2 o’clock” or
even worse, “the train will leave at 55 minutes after 5 o’clock, and arrive at 39
minutes after 7 o’clock.” Dramatise how confusing this could be!]

And so they divided the clock into two parts. The one part
was called ‘past’ and the other part ‘to’. Draw a line dividing
the right half of the clock from the left half, and if possible,
colour the two halves in different colours. Now explain 5
minutes past, etc up to 30 minutes past, and 25 minutes to up
to the beginning of the next hour. Practice these many times!

Work time: children complete making their clocks; in pairs,

use the clock to ask each other ‘minutes past’ and ‘minutes to’


Now the class will be ready to read the clock (hours and minutes; quarter past, half
past and quarter to). Note that the hour hand keeps moving a fraction of the hour
as the minutes move to the next hour. For example, the hour hand has to move
midway between 3 and 4 when the minute hand is at 6 (that is, at half-past the

Work time: children, in their pairs, use the clocks they made to practise reading the

Introduce the way we write the time: if we see 3.10 we can read it as 3 hours and
10 minutes, which means 10 minutes after 3 o’clock; etc.
Difficulties arise when the minutes go further than 30, for example, 3.40 says 3
hours and 40 minutes, meaning 40 minutes past 3 o’clock. We can show 40
minutes after 3 o’clock on the clock, and ask, “40 minutes past 3 o’clock is nearly

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what time?” Here it is important that the hour hand has moved closer to the 4 on
the clock - here they can see it is nearly 4 o’clock. This requires lots of practising!
Introduce a.m. and p.m.; ‘a.m.’ is an abbreviation from Latin ‘ante’, which means
‘before’ and ‘meridiem’ which means ‘midday’ (the middle of the day, when the sun
has reached its highest point above us) whereas p.m. stands for ‘post’, meaning
‘after’ and ‘meridiem’ meaning ‘midday’, hence we say ‘after noon’. Now we can
practise how to write the time using a.m. and p.m.

Introduce seconds - the thinnest and quickest brother. How many seconds in a
minute? What do we use seconds for?

N.B. Keep practising reading the time on a daily basis, also after the main lesson
block is over.

Revision and extension in Grade 4:

Exercises in reading and writing the time
How many minutes from the number 12 on the clock to the number 2 on the clock?
How many hours from 2 o’clock to 6 o’clock? etc...

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Poems for Grade 3

Old Testament Main Lessons - all poems © Catherine van Alphen, 2010


Once there was God, the one God alone,

Alone in the vastness of space.

And over the deep God’s voice could be heard,

Breathing the Song, the Song of the Word;
The Word that was Life, the Word that was Light
That burst through the vastness of space.

CHORUS: And God in his glory rejoiced to see

The sweet light of morning in fresh mystery,
The twilight of evening, the darkness of night
On that wondrous day, so filled with God’s light;
The first of the days of creation.

God sang forth a Heaven, a Heaven of blue sky

And over it clouds, soft clouds floated by;
While under it rolled deep waters below
That tossed wild waves to and fro. CHORUS: (Second day)

God sang to the Seas, and the Seas made a space

And the dry land of Earth appeared in one place;
And the Earth grew lush with grass, herb and tree
That sprang forth abundantly. CHORUS: (Third day)

Then high in the Heaven, God sang forth two lights:

The sun ruled the day while the moon shone at night
And twinkling stars shot down their spears
For signs and seasons and years CHORUS: (Fourth day)

Bring forth much life! God sang to the Sea

And great whales and fishes swam fast and free
While over the Earth and swift through the sky
The winged birds flew by. CHORUS: (Fifth day)

God sang to the waiting, beautiful Earth

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And all the creatures came to birth:

The slithery snake, the squirrel spry,
The mighty lion, the deer so shy.
And then God sang forth Humankind
With upright spine and thoughtful mind;
With loving heart and voice to speak;
And hands to work and play and make. CHORUS: (Sixth day)

And now God rested, no longer alone

For all of creation echoed his song;
Each made its own sound, the song of the Word;
The Word that is life; The Word that is God;
And God knew that the Word was good. CHORUS: (Last day)


Jabal dreamed that he could ride

A wild white horse; so he sprang on and tried,
As it galloped away he clung to its side.

And when that wild white horse was tame,

Jabal caught the cow that gentle became;
To bull, sheep and goat he did the same.

For every animal he had in mind

A way for each to serve mankind
And man and beast in friendship bind.


Jubal was a dreamer, all night long

He heard the glorious angel song.
But every day he could not remember
Each sweet song, like a dying ember
Had faded fast away

Then Jubal drank from the heavenly cup

And from his soul such songs rose up,
He began to play with wondrous sound
And everyone just gathered round
To share his music sad and gay.


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With mighty strength did Tubal-Cain

Crush to dust the mountain rock
And, melting it upon his fire,
Its store of treasure did unlock:
Gold for glory, silver fine,
Beauteous copper and heavy iron.
He did not use his strength and power
Against other men to hurt and slay
But made, with careful thought and skill
Tools to help them every day:
A golden ring, an iron spade,
A knife, a plough and more he made.


Out in the night old Abram stood

And gazed at the firmament of God
Where stars upon stars shone forth so clear
Like tiny lamps in the darkness there.
Then spoke the Voice he longed to hear:
How many stars light up the sky?
How much dust on the earth does lie?
How many sands on the shore of the sea?
These descendants shall come to thee;
Now I shall call thee Abraham
For father of nations shall thou become.

But years went by and no son came

To aged Sara and Abraham
Till one hot day three strangers stood
At the door of the tent to ask for food.
Abraham gave them of his best
And humbly served each unknown guest;
With milk and cheese, fresh bread to eat
And water to cleanse both hands and feet.
We bring good news, said the oldest one,
Your wife, named Sara, shall bear a son.
But Sara laughed in the back of the tent
For she was old, how could it be meant?
Why does she laugh, she heard them say
As they bade farewell and went their way,
All will come true within a year,

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So keep thy faith and do not fear.

Then Abraham bowed, his heart made wise
For these were angels in disguise.

And so at last the laughing boy,

Isaac, was born, their child of joy,
With curly hair and keen dark eyes,
A smile like sunlight in the skies.
And Abraham gave thanks to heaven
For all the blessings he’d been given:
The land of Canaan, his to keep;
For all his camels, goats and sheep;
Sara his wife and, most of all,
Isaac growing strong and tall.
One night at prayer the tent grew bright;
No moon or stars gave forth such light;
With waiting heart, God’s voice he heard,
Clear as a bell rang every word:
Abraham, give thou to me
The son which is so dear to thee.
He shall be the altar lamb,
My sacrifice shall he become.
Then Abraham’s heart burned with the cry:
Oh, why must Isaac have to die?
If only I could go instead!
Yet that was not what God had said.
How could he lead a nation great
If this was now poor Isaac’s fate?
This surely was the hardest task
That god had ever come to ask.
In deep acceptance Abraham knew
He had no choice as what to do
For all his life he would fulfil
In every way God’s mighty will
And so he humbly bowed his head,
I will obey, my Lord, he said.

So, when the first light touched the skies

He said to Sara: I must arise
And sacrifice unto our God
For all his blessings great and good.
There below the morning star
Stands the Mount of Moria;
There will we ride across the plain
And in three days return again.

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Isaac shall help me, as my son

For he is old enough to come.
So Isaac proudly rode all day
Upon his donkey small and grey;
He watched the birds in twittering flight,
The rabbits scampering out of sight;
He laughed and sang so joyfully
While Abraham rode silently,
His heart too sad, too full of dread,
Knowing that Isaac would soon be dead.
Then Abraham spoke out at last:
Dismount and tie your donkey fast
And quickly go to look around
For kindling wood must still be found.
Then Isaac asked: But where’s the lamb?
God will provide, said Abraham.
And with the sticks on Isaac’s back
They climbed the stony mountain track
Until they came upon the place
Where Abraham must sacrifice.
Together they sought out the stone
And built the altar all alone
Without an animal in sight;
Nor goat, nor sheep, nor buck in fright
And Abraham prayed with all his might
For strength that he could now fulfil
This deed of God’s almighty will.
They laid the sticks on one by one,
And then he bound his only son
And placed him on the altar stone.
Abraham raised his sharpened knife
To slay at last this tender life
When suddenly a Voice rang clear
Like lightning flashing through the air:
Stop Abraham! You need not slay
Isaac your son for me today
For you have proved yourself to be
Obedient, faithful, true to me!
Then in a bush he saw at last
Caught by the horns, a ram held fast.
With tears of joy and gratitude
Abraham gave thanks to God
And with this sacrifice he knew
That God’s great promise would come true.

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How many stars light up the sky?

How much dust on the earth does lie?
How many sands on the shore of the sea?
These descendants will come to thee.


Who will carry the baby?

I, said the river deep,
He will float in his cradle boat
And I shall rock him to sleep.
Who will hide the baby?
We, said the rushes tall,
Safely we’ll hide the baby inside
That nobody sees him at all.
Who will watch o’er the baby?
Miriam whispers, I,
Hiding near, I’ll surely hear
His first little gentle cry.
Who would want such a baby?
I, said the Princess true,
From the river he came, so Moses his name
And I shall care for him too.


Said Ruth to Naomi: I shall go with you;

I am young and strong and can care for you too;
I shall work in the field all day
Doing my best, neither shirk nor stray;
It matters not that I stand alone
And glean the corn when the reapers are gone
For God in His mercy will care for me
In the same measure as I for thee.


Said Saul to David: You’d lose your life

Against Goliath, that giant of strife;
You are unskilled, too young, too small,
My armour does not fit you at all.
I fear him not, said David true,

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The Lord is my helper in all I do,

I listen to Him through the day,
I sing His praise and nightly pray;
His is the strength within my hand
And I shall follow His command.
You will see Goliath fall
For my God is Lord of all!


Solomon built a temple

Raised in honour of God;
The roof was a dome of gold,
The pillars of cedar wood.
Carefully and without haste
He worked on every stage
For Solomon knew that this temple
Would last for many an age.
God then spoke to Solomon:
What gift would you ask of me?
Wealth or fame or power
Or a long, long life to see?
Solomon thought and answered:
For Wisdom I would ask
To rule your people wisely
For this is my daily task.
Well have you chosen, said God
Wisest of all shall you be
And a long life, wealth and fame
I shall also give to thee.

The mighty eagle builds his nest
On craggy mountain height
The owl sleeps in his nest all day
And flies about at night

The swallow builds a house of clay

Like workmen laying bricks
The long-legged stork finds somewhere high
To hold his house of sticks

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The hanging nests of weaverbirds

Are beautiful to see
The woodpecker works very hard
To carve his nest in a trunk of a tree.

THE EARTHWORM (or The Farmer’s Friend)

I lifted a brick and there you lay

Shyly squirming to hide away;
Pinky-brown earthworm, long and thin,
I don’t quite know which end you begin.
No eyes have you, no head do I see
And the other end seems the same to me.
You’ve a darkish saddle on your back
And like elastic you stretch - and snap back.

Dear friend, I need no eyes underground,

I feel my way in the earth around;
I dig many tunnels wherever I go –
Loosening the soil helps the plants to grow!
The soil is delicious, I munch it all day
And leave some behind as I go on my way.
If I lose head or tail, I grow a new end;
I’m always busy; I’m the farmer’s friend.

Songs for Grade 3

The following songs are particularly suited to the Grade 3 curriculum. The teacher
is encouraged to find local songs that portray the themes of the year.

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