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The text discusses jobs such as chocolate taster and magician's assistant and presents related vocabulary.

Some of the jobs mentioned include chocolate taster, magician, and magician's assistant.

Some daily routine activities mentioned include making beds and tidying rooms. Some free-time activities mentioned include going to the cinema, watching sports, and hanging out with friends.


• ie
a 1 List the activities In the pictures under the
Daily routine Free-time activities
a o Listen and check. Listen again and repeat.
iiI!!I 2 If' Use the phrases In Ex . 1 and the
questions to talk about your daily routine
iiI!!I and free-t ime activities.

iiI!!I Do you ...? What time do you ... ?

What do you do in the morning/ afternoon!
a evening/at weekends?
A. What 1t up.
~ B:

~ 9


Reading la
In one mlnule write as many Jobs as you can think of.

• •
Ideal for: glamour see kers
You need to be small and light to perform tricks. Vou
have to be cheerful, even when your boss is throwing knives I
at you or wants to cut you in half. vou need to be patient to
practise tricks for many hours every day. I
The job is great fun. Vou travel a lot and
meet new people. Vou sometimes sign autographs.
You work long hours, mainly in the I
evenings and at weekends. Also, it is a dangerous
job, so you need to be careful. I

qualification degree
nutrition taste
put on weight
dentist regular
glamour seeker light
perform tricks boss
throw knives
in half patient
practise tricks
sign autographs
long hours
1 .) G To introduce the topic and brai nstorm 3 • To consolidate info rm ation in a text and
for related vocabulary express an opinion
Set a one-minute time limit and ask Ss to write Give Ss three minutes to formulate their answers a nd
dow n as many jobs as they can think of, then check write a paragraph and the n ask various Ss aro und the
Ss' answers around the class. class to read out their paragraphs to the rest of the
cl ass.
Suggested Answer Key
doctor, nurse, teacher, soldier, shop assistant, lawyer, fire Suggested Answer Key
fighter ete I would like to be a chocolate taster because I think it
would be fun and I like chocolate a lot. If would be great
u) G To predict the content of the text to travel, too. / I wouldn't like to be a chocolate taster
because I think it would be boring and I don't like
• Direct Ss' attention to the title and the pictures. chocolate at 0/1.
Elicit wha t the pictures show (melted chocolate, I would like to be a magician 's assistant because I think it
a magician and his assistant, a top hat and a would be interesting and exciting and it would be great to
magic wond). Ask Ss to say what they think the travel a lot.! I wouldn 't like to be 0 magician's assistant
jobs are and then elicit questions about them because I think it would be dangerous and scary.
and write two of them on the board.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and fo llow the texts
in their books to see if they can answer the
• Ask Ss to use thei r dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these words

Suggested Answer Key

I think the jobs ore a chocolate maker or tasler and a
magician or a magician's assistant.
What qualifications do you need to be a chocolate taster?
(a degree in nutrition or food science)
What qualities do you need to be a magician 's assistant?
(you need to be cheerful, patient and careful)

2 <& To read for specific information

• Give Ss time to read the texts again and mark the
sentences with M or C accordingly.
• Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 M 2 (,M 3 C 4 M 5 C


lO (T)
4 • To present vocabulary for lobs 7 • To interview a fami ly member about their
• Draw Ss' attention to the jobs in the pictures.
• Ask various Ss to read out the job descriptions one
at a time and elicit from the rest of the class which
• Explain the task and assign as HW.
• Ss interview a member of their family and make
picture each one matches.
Answer Key
3 C 5 f 7 H
notes of the answers.
• Ask various Ss to read out their interviews in the
next lesson . -
1 G 4 A 6 F B D Suggested Answer Key
A: What time do you get up far work?
5 .) • B: I get up at 7:30 am.
To learn adjectives related to jobs
A: How do you go to work?
Go through the list of adjectives and elicit/expla in B: I drive to work.
what each means. Ss in pairs do the exercise. Check A: What do you do at work?
Ss' answers round the class. B: I answer the phone and type letters.
Answer Key A: Do you wear a uniform at work?
B: No, I don't.
I creative 5 cheerful 9 organised
A: Do you earn a good solary?
2 sociable 6 colm 10 fit
B: Yes, I do.
3 intelligent 7 brave
A: Do you work 9 to 5?
4 caring B patient
B: Yes, I do.
A: What qualities are necenary for the job?
b) • To match qualities to jobs B: I need ta be intelligent, organised and cheerful.
• Explain the task and read out the example. A: Do you work indoors/outdoors?
• Give Ss time to match the qualities with the jobs B: I work indoors.
and make sentences. • Ask the class to guess the job. (e.g. SI: Is your mum
• Check Ss' answers. a secretary? 52: Yes, she is.)
Suggested Answer Key
Fashion designers need to be intelligent, creative and
Secretaries need to be intelligent, cheerful and organised.
Dentists need to be intelligent, cheerful and calm.
Pilots need to be intelligent, fit, calm and brave.
Police officers need to be intelligent, fit, calm and brave.
Hairdressers need to be creotwe, cheerful and sociable.
Shop assistants need to be cheerful, patient and sociable.

6 • To listen for specific information

• Explain the task by reading the rubric aloud.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and answer the
questions in the rubric. Check Ss' answers around
the class.
Answer Key
Nicky loves his job. He likes meeting people and talking to
He doesn't like sweeping the floor and cleaning up.
He relaxes in the evenings by watching TV or listening to


Vocabulary 1a
• Jobs & Qualities
Read the descriptions. Which Jobs in
4 the pictures do they match?

1 She looks after sick people.

2 He cuts people's hair.
3 She types letters and answers the phone.
4 She designs clothes.
S He flies planes. He earns a very good salary.
6 He keeps order. He wears a unifonn and often
works outdoors.
7 She serves customers in a shop.
8 He looks after people's teeth.

a) Complete the sentences with: sociable,

5 creative, caring, intelligent, calm, cheerful,
patient, fit, organised, brave.

6 aohairdresser
~ Listen to Nicky talking about his life as
1 John 's g ot a lot of new ideas. He's .. ......... •
~ and make notes. What does
2 Jo enjoys being with people. He's .... ...... .. .
he like/ not like about his dally routine? How
~ 3 Sally learns th ings quickly. She's ............... .
does he relax In the evenings?
4 Janet is kind and helpful to other people.
~ S he~ ...... .. .... .................... .... .
5 Tony's happy and smi les a lot. He's ........... . Speaking & Writing
Use the questions below to interview a
::iiJI 6 John's quiet and doesn't often get angry. 7 member of your family about their job.
::3 He's .............................. .... .. . Read your Interview to the class. The
7 Bob's daring and wi lling to do dangerou s class guesses the Job.
::3 things. He's .................................... .
8 Ann can wait for things. She's .............. ... . . w a( 9< for w)rk
9 Helen's able to plan her work and time wel l. How do you JO t work "I
~ Sh e~ ....... ..................... ........ . Whal do you c: at work}
10 Barry's strong and healthy. He 's .. ... .......... . Do you wear a uniform t work?
1)0 you ~am a g d Jolary'

~ b) Which of the qualities are necessary for Do you work 9 to 51

each of the Jobs In Ex. 41 Write sentences. What '1l1alitlPs ore (fee ssary for the job?
~ Dc yJU y., 11 r1(lursl uldoors?
Nur~ need to be patient and canng.
(tjStudent's Book: Language Review 111 ) (t jWorkbook: 111 ) MOOUlE

:ii 1
Grammar lb
• Present simple vs Present Talk with your friend about
continuous 4 Kelly, your new classmate. Use the
Read the theory. Say the sentences In information below.
1 your language .
1 come from New York X (Chicago)
• We use the present simple for habits or 2 live in Bond Street X (S imon Street)
routines. I a/ways walk to school. (routine) 3 play ten nis X (basketba ll)
Jlisten to music every mght. (habit) 4 speak Russian X (Po lish)
• We use the present continuous for actions
5 like fish X (burge rs)
happening now or around the t ime of
speaking. We are having a picnic (IOW. A. Does Kel/y come from New York?
We're studying hard these days . 8: No, she doesn't She comes from Chicago.
Note: Stative verbs (believe, want, like, etc.) do not
Look at the picture
have continuous verb forms.
I want to become a docl Jr. (NOT: ."FI'I wenting)
5 and complete the gaps
Time adverbs used with the: with the verbs In the
a) present simple: every day!week/month/year, correct form of the
once/twice a week/yea r, usually, often, ete present continuous.
b) present continuous: now, at present, these
days, for the time being • sit • not wea r
• not do • play • lie
Copy the table below. Write the third
2 person singular of the verbs: tidy, read,
1 Owen and Jenny .............. computer games.
2 They ........................... .... their homework.
enjoy, do, walk, watch, eat, go, wake up,
3 Owen ..................................... on the bed.
sleep, play, finish, help.
4 Jenny ...................................... on the bed.
() Listen and check. Listen again and
S They ....................................... their shoes.
Isl Izl /!z/ Form questions and answer them .

3 Complete the text with the verbs from

Fran Taylor is a nurse. When she works the

morning shift, she 1) ........................ ..
very early, at 5:30 . She
2) ............ ............. to w ork at
6:00, and she is very busy all
day. It's an important job.
Fran 3) ........................... .
the doctors and looks 1 Dad /wash the dishes? - cook dinner
after the patients. When Is Dad washing the dishes .
she 4) ..................... work, No, he isn 't. He 's cooking dinner:
she 5) ........................ back
2 LUcy and Liam/watch TV? - draw
home. She never gets the
train or the bus . She 3 Tom/listen to music? - surf the Net
6) ................................ ... dinner 4 the dog/sleep? - eat the newspaper
and 7) .. ..................... ...... TV or S jane/chop vegetables? - wash the dishes
8) ....................... a book.

1 G To compare t he present simple and the 4 G To practi se the present simple
present continuous tenses • Expla in the task and read out the example.
• Ss' books closed. Say then write on the board: • Ss work in pairs and ask and answer questions using
a/ways eat breakfast in the morning. Elicit what tense the prom pts.
the verb is in (present simple) and what the sentence • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
expresses (a habit/routine). Say then write on the some pai rs to ask and answer in front of the rest of
board: I am teaching a lesson now. Elicit what tense the class.
the verb is in (present continuous) and what the
Suggested Answer Key
sentence expresses (an action happening now).
Explain that stative verbs (Le. verbs that describe a A: Does Kelly live in Bond Street?
state not an action) don't usually have continuous B: No, she doesn't. She lives in Simon Street. Does Ke/ly
forms (e.g. I believe in fairies. NOT I'm believing in play tennis?
fairies.) A: No, she doesn't. She plays basketball. Does Kelly
• Ss' books open. Read the theory box aloud and elicit speak Russian?
the II equivalents fo r the example sentences from B: No, she doesn't. She speaks Polish. Does Kelly like
Ss aro und the class. fish?
A: No, she doesn't. She likes burgers.
(Ss' own answers)

2 G To revise the third-person singular form of

5 G To practise the present conti nuous
(affirmative &: negative)
the present simple and identify third-person verb
e ndings • Explain the task and g ive Ss some time to complete
• Explain the task and ask Ss to copy the table into • Check Ss' answers.
thei r notebooks.
• Give Ss time to complete it with the verbs and then Answer Key
play the recording for Ss to listen and check their 1 are playing 4 is sitting
answers. 2 aren't doing 5 aren't wearing
• Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to 3 is lying
repeat either chorally or individua lly. Pay attention
to Ss' intonation. 6 G To practise the present continuo us
Answer Key (int e rrog ative)
Isl Izl II'll • Explain the task and read out the example.
walks, eats, wakes up, tidies, reads, enjoys, watches, • Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.
sleeps, plays, helps does, goes finishes Answer Key
2 Are Lucy and [lam watching TV?

3 G To read for lexico-grammatical structure

No, they aren't. They are drawing.
3 Is Tom listening to music?
Give Ss time to complete the gaps in the text with the No, he isn't. He's surfing the Net.
correct verbs and then check Ss' answers by asking 4 Is the dog sleeping?
va rious Ss to read out the completed text. No, helshe/it isn't. He/She/It is eating the newspaper.
S Is lane chopping vegetables?
Answer Key
wakes up 4 finishes 7 watches
No she isn't. She's washing the dishes.

2 goes 5 walks 8 reads

3 helps 6 eats

12 (T
7 ~ To practise the present simple and the 10 ~ To present and practise other adverbs
present continuous used as time expressions with the present simple
and present continuous
• Explain the task and explain that state verbs are
verbs that express a state rather than an action (e.g_ Explain the task. Read out the time expressions and the ~
like, love, hote, believe, ere). Remind Ss that they example and elicit sentences from Ss around the class.
don't have continuous form s.
Suggested Answer Key ~
• Give Ss time to complete the task then check Ss'
I go to school every da y.
I'm learning how to cook these days.
Answer Key / sometimes walk to school.
1 are you doing, 'm waiting / hove piano lessons on Mondays .

2 Do you play, is raining J om writing sentences at the moment.
3 helps, wants (stative verb) J usually ploy football on Saturdays.
4 Off you hurrying, leaves I never get up early on Sundays.
5 Is Tom sleeping, 's reading
6 look (stative verb), 'm studying
7 works, isn't working
11 ~ To present the ·;ng form and the to-infinitive 1
8 Do you fancy (stotive verb), 'm doing • Explain that we use verb + -ing after some stative
verbs (e.g. love, like, hate, enjoy, etc) and after the I
8 ~ To present adverbs of frequency
verb go when we talk about activities.
• Explain that we use to-infinitive (i.e. to + the base I
• Ask va rious Ss around the class to read out the form of the verb) after certain verbs such as want
sentences. Point out that the words in bold are (a/so agree, ask, decide, help, hope, etc). I
adverbs of frequen cy and they show how often we • Read the table aloud and e li cit any simila r
do something. structures in Ss' ll . I
• Elicit where in the sentence the adverbs of
frequency appear (before the main verb, but after the
(Ss' own answers) I
~ To practise the ·Ing form and the to·infinitive I
verb 'to be') and read out the table and elicit the
missing words. 12
Read out the example and give Ss time to complete the
Answer Key
rest of the sentences, then check Ss' answers around
1 before 1 after
the class.
9 ~ To practise adverbs of frequency
Answer Key
1 to be 4 getting up
• Explain the task and read out the example
3 dancing 5 going
sentence. I
• Give Ss time to write sentences for the rest of the
13 To practise the - Ing form and the
items and then check Ss' answers around the class.
to·infinitive using personal examples
Suggested Answer Key
1 I sometimes spend too much money on clothes.
Give Ss time to complete the sentences then elicit I
answers from various Ss around the class.
3 I sometimes play my MP 3 player too loudly.
4 I am never late for school. Suggested Answer Key
S I often go to the park. 1 I like swimming.
6 I never talk back to my parents.
1 I don't like doing the washing .up.
7 I always help with the housework.
B I usually exercise in the morning.
3 I don't mind washing the car.
4 I want to be a lawyer when I grow up.
9 I often visit my grandparents. S I enjoy painting.
1a , often surf the Net.
6 I don't wont to go out tonight.
13(T) I
Grammar lb
Fill In the gaps with the present simple How often do you do any of the
I 7 or the present continuous of the verbs In
9 following? Write sentences.
I brackets. Which verbs are stative verbs? 1 watch silly 5 go to the park
programmes on TV 6 talk back to
I 1 A: Sally, what ................... (yo u/ do) here?
B: I ............................... (wait) for Danny. I never watch siffy you r parents
I 2 A: ......... (you/ play) basketball every day? programmes on Tv. 7 help with the
2 spend too much housework
I B: Yes, but today it ........................ (rain).
3 A: Dave sometimes .................................. . money on clothes 6 exercise
I (h elp) at the animal shelte r afte r schoo l. 3 play your MP3 player 9 visit yo ur
too loudly grandparents
I B: I know. He ............. (want) to be a vet.
4 be late for school 10 surf the Net
4 A: Why ............................... (you / hurry)?
I B: I'm late. My bus ........ (leave) at 10:00. 10 Write sentences using the following:
I 5 A: ....................................... (Tom/ sleep)? now, every day, these days, sometimes, on
B: No, he ............. (read ) in his bedroom. Mondays, at the moment, usually, never.
6 A: You ........................... (look) tired, Sue. We afe having an English lesson now.
6: I am. I ............................. (study) a lot
these days. • -Ing form El to-Infinitive
A: Anna ...................... (work) on Sundays, Read the theory. Are there similar
doesn't she?
11 structures In your language?
B: Yes, but she ........................................ . We often use the ·ln9 form after the verbs
(not / work) today. She's got a day off. (don 't) like, love, hate, enjoy, (don 't) mind, go.
S A: .......................................... (you/ fancy) I like ploying football. Let's go swimming'
watching a DVD with me? We use the to-Infinitive after the verb wont.
6: I can't. I ................................. (do) my I want to buy a new bike.
homework right now.
• Adverbs of frequency
12 Complete the sentences.
Read the sentences. Complete 1 Do you like swimming (swim)?
2 I want ...................... , .......... (be) a doctor
when I grow up.
3 We usually go ........................ , ..... (dance)
on Satu rdays.
She always helps me with my homework. • ••• 4 I don't mind ...................... (get up) early.
She usually walks to school. ••• 5 I enjoy ................................ (go) for walks
She often wears skirts. •• in the country,
She sometimes gets angry with me.
She is never rude to me.
• •
13 Complete the sentences about you.
1 I like ........................................................ .
2 [don't like .................. , ............................ ,
Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often,
3 [d on't mind ............................................ .
sometimes, never) usua lly go 1> ............. t he
4 [ want ... , ............................ , .......... ..... ...... .
main verb, but 2) .......... ,......... the verb to be.
5 [ enjoy ...... , ... ,., ........................................ .
They answer the question How often"
6 [don't want ............................................ .

[t lb .. Gramm.r a.nk 1 ) MOOUlll

Our Safari and
Leisure Park is
Families and other visitors can drive
through the Safari Park and see rare
animals. Visit the amusement park with
its 30 rides and attractions. Go on the
ghost train or go witd water rafting. Be a
brave firefighter and have a fun water
experience. Adopt a ~ buddy" and
help wildlife projects in Africa.
Have a great time.

What animals can we see there?

How many rides are there?
How can I help the animals?

Molrtha wants to visit Wt'st Midland Safari and Leisure


I want to viSit West Mia land Safari and leisure Park because
I 1 .) • To introduce the topic ~ • To personalise the topic
I Direct Ss' attention to the title and the pictures and Give Ss some time to formulate their answers and then
elicit Ss' guesses as to what a safari and leisure park is. elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the class.
I Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
I f think a safari and leisure park is a place where you can ... I'd like to see 011 the animals and go on the rides there.
see wild animals and other amusements. It sounds like a great place.
b) • To listen for confirmation and predict 3 • To compare two leisure parks
I the content of a text
• Give Ss some time to think of a leisure park in their
• Elicit Ss' guesses as to what you can do there.
I • Read through the options and elicit answers
country and make notes about it.
• Elicit various answers from Ss around the class and
from Ss around the class.
I • Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text
ask them to tell the rest of the class.

in their books and check if their guesses were Suggested Answer Key
I correct. Attiko Zoological Park
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the You can see animals such as zebras, giraffes and hippos.
I meanings of the words in the Check these words You can walk around the park. You con have a picnic and
00,. visit the Education Centre. You can watch the Bird Show.
I You can buy souvenirs in the shop.
Answer Key
I You con drive through the park, watch animals, go river
4 • To write an advertisement for a leisure
rafting, feed the animals, have 0 fun water experience
I and adapt an animal.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
I c) • To label the pictures • Alternatively, assign the task as HW.
• Remind Ss to use catchy phrases like the advert on
I Elicit which animals are shown in the pictures from p.14 and tell them they can add pictures if they
various Ss around the class. want.
I Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
I I giraffe 3 elephant
Welcome to Attica Zoological Pork!
Our Park is for everyone. Families and other visitors con
2 rhino 4 zebras
I go on a journey around the animal world! There are lots
of things to do here.
I 2 • To read for specific Information You con see 011 sorts of animals such os hippos, giraffes
• Give Ss time to read through the text again and and zebras. There are big cats such as cheetahs and
I find the answers to Martha's questions. white lions, too. There are also penguins, bears and deer.
• Check Ss' answers. You can learn all about the animals in the Education
I Answer Key
Don't forget to see the Bird Show that has birds from all
I 1 You can see elephants, giraffes, lions, zebras, rhinos over the world. You con also visit the shop. You can play
and lots more including 0 rare white lion. on the playground and hove a picnic there too.
I 2 There are 30 rides and attractions there.
3 You can help the animals by adopting one.

2 When is a convenient time? - What time is good for you?
1 .) @ To present the situationallanguage of 3 I will meet you there. - See you there! I
making suggestions about free-time activities 4 I would prefer to do something else. - I'd rather not.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to listen
and repeat chorally or ind ividua lly. 5 @ To practise role·playing
• Focus Ss' attention on the stressed syllables. • Explain the situation.
Check Ss' p ronunciation and intonation. • Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue in Ex. 2 I
as a model as well as any ideas of their own to
Answer Key
~ you k!ill' this weekend? Not really, why?
complete the task. I
• Ss complete the task in pairs. To help Ss, draw the
How about gging to the cinema?
I'd rather not. Why don't we gQ bowling instfS!Si?
following diagram on the board and elicit appropriate I
phrases Ss should use. Write them on the board. Ss
What time is good for nlli.? Great! See you there! can refer to the diagram while doing the task. I
b) @ To recognise situational language and
identify the context of a dialogue
Play the recording while Ss listen and follow the
Student A
Hi, . Are you ... ? -
(Greet fflend, ask about
t." Student 8
Not, really, why?
dialogue in their books and then elicit what it is
Do you fancy going? I don't think I
(Suggest doing 5th)· / (Decline)
Answer Key Oh! How about .. ? / ~ I'd rather not. Why don't I
The dialogue is about free-time activities and suggesting (Suggest sth else) / we ...
what to do. (Decline, suggest sth else) I
Yes, that's ... What ------. let's meet at ...

2 @ To read for specific information

time? ( (arrange time) I
(Agree, ask about time)
• Allow Ss some time to read the dialogue again and I
answer the questions. Great! See you
• Check Ss' answers. (Agree) I
Answer Key
He suggests going to an amusement park or the
Suggested Answer Key I
A: Hi, lane. Are you busy on Saturday afternoon?
2 She doesn't like roller coasters.
B: Not really, why? I
A: Do you fancy going to the cinema with me?
3 They agree to go bowling.
4 7 pm.
B: I don't think so. I don't really like watching films at the I
A: Oh! How about going bowling instead? I
3 @ To take roles and act out a dialogue B: Actually, I'd rather not. Why don't we go to an
• Ss, in pairs, act out the dialogue. amusement park instead? I
• Monito r the activity around the classroom, A: Yes, that's a good idea! I'd like that. What time is
checking correct pronunciation and intonation. good for you? 2:30? I
• Ask different pa irs to act out the dialogue in front of B: Let's meet at 2 o'clock at the amusement park gates.
the class.
A: Great! See you there! I
• Elicit the Ll equivalents to the sentences in Ex. 1a
from various Ss around the class. 6 @ To pronounce lell I
(Ss' own answers) • Explain the task and elicit the lell sound in the I
sentences. Check Ss' answers.
4 @ To learn synonymous phrases • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally
or individually. Pay attention to Ss' intonation.
Read out the phrases. Refer Ss back to the dialogue and
elicit the synonymous phrases from various Ss around Answer Key
the class. 1 Do you like plgxing football?
2 I love pgjnting.
Answer Key
3 Let's go sgjling!
Are you doing anything this weekend? - Are you busy 4 Is it FridQ'i already?
this weekend?

15 (T)
Everyday English ld
• • Making suggestions
1 a) 0 Listen and repeat. Which syllables are stressed?
• Are you busy this weekend? • Not really, why? • How about going
to the cinema? • I'd rather not. • Why don 't we go bowling, instead?
• What time is good for you? • Great! See you there!
b) The sentences are from a dialogue between two friends. What
the dialogue about?
Listen and read to find out.

Tim: Hi. Emily. Are you busy thi s \\ et'kcmJ?

Emity: Not really, why?
Tim: Do you fancy going to an amusement park with me on Saturday
I don't think so. I don't really like roller coasters and things Like
Oh. How about going to the dnema on Saturday night then?
Actually, I'd rather noL Why don't we go bowling instead?
Yes, that's a good ideal I'd like thaLWhat time is good for you? 6:30?
Ler"s meet at .., pm at the bowling alley.
Great! See you there!

~ Making suggestions 2 Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

~ •
Why don 't we ... ? 1 What activities does TIm suggest?

• How about .. .? 2 Why doesn't Emily want to go to an amusement park?
= • Do you fancy ... ? 3 Where do they ag ree to go in the end?
! • What time ... 7 4 What time do they arrange to meet?
• Let's meet at ...

• • What do you
3 o Listen again, then take roles and act out the dialogue.
Say the sentences In Ex. 1 a in your language.
think ... ?
• Find phrases in the dialogue which mean:
• • Yes, that's a good 4
o Are you doing anything this weekend?\ 0 When is a convenient time? \

That sounds great. o I will meet you there.\ 0 I would prefer to do something else.!
• I'd like that.
0 • Why not? It's Friday afternoon . Make arrangements to do something with

Disagreeing 5 your partner on Saturday afternoon. Change the words In colour In the
• I don't think so. dialogue to act out your dialogue. Use the language In the boxes.
I • No, I don 't feel
Pronunciation /el/
like it.
I the leU sound in the following sentences.

• That's not a good
6 Find
o Then listen and repeat.

! • I'd rather not. 1 Do you like playing football? 3 Let's go sailing!
2 I love painting. 4 Is it Friday already?
• (. )Student's Book: language Review ld ) MOOUlt 1

! 15
India: crazy about cricket
Cricket is the most popular sport in India and many
teenagers are crazy about it. Schools often have their
own cricket team and competitions take place all year
round. In cricket, there are two teams of eleven players
and a match can last from one day to four or five days.
Many teenagers dream of becoming a professional
cricketer and playing for their country.

USA: baseball nation

In the USA, many ch·tldren learn baseball from
young age. Schools often have the' b a very
team and they I . If own asebalJ
p ay agamst one an th .
c~ampliOnShjPS' In baseball, there are two ~ea:s ~~
nme payers. and they piay on a diamond-shaped
M . field
any American kids ha th ' .
hero and I . ve elT own favourite baseball

~ ....
ave wearing their favourite team colours.

Cheel:. these words

crazy about team
competition all year round
match last professional
p! ayagainst championship
diamond-shaped field

, ,-


• G To introduce the topic and predict the
content of the text
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and the
head ings and elicit how many Ss like these sports
with a show of hands.
• Ask Ss if they know how to play them, then play the
recording. Ss listen and follow the text in t heir
• books and find out.
Suggested Answer Key
i I like/don't like cricket/baseball.
• You ploy cricket with 0 bar, a ball and two wickets on a
•• pitch. There ore two teoms of eleven players.
You play baseball with a bat, a ball and four bases on a
diamond-shoped field. There are two teams with nine
players each.

2 G To read for specific information

• Give Ss time to read the texts again and answe r the
• Check Ss' answers, then elicit the (orrections fo r
the false statements.
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these words
Answer Key
1 F They are crazy abaut baseball.
2 T
3 F It can last up to four or five days.
4 F Many Indian children play cricket.
5 T

3 G To personalise the topic a nd write a sho rt

! • Explain the task and allow Ss time to thin k a bout
thei r answers and write a short text.
i • Ask various Ss around the class to read their text to
! the rest of the class.
Suggested Answer Key
i Basketball is the most popular sport in Greece and many
teenagers are crazy about it. There are two teams of five
! players and a game lasts 40 minutes with a break after
every ten minutes. The aim is to throw the ball into the
! opposing team 's round net which is fit ted to a metal ring
la score points. The team with the most points wins.
Many teenagers dream of becoming 0 professional player
and playing for their country.

i 16 (T)

G To predict the content of a text 4 G To practise proofreading
• Direct Ss' attention to the text and the picture and • Read the Study Skills box aloud and then give Ss
elicit Ss' guesses as to what Mary does on Sundays. some time to correct the sentences 1-4.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in • Check S' answers on the board.
their books and check.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key 1 I like taking pictures and I love pointing.
I think Mory plays football on Sundays. 2 We 've got 0 cot, 0 dog and two hamsters.
3 Rosa's from Madrid, Spain.
2 G To make notes from a text and categorise
4 Wowl This Sunday lunch is delicious.

• Ask Ss to copy the table with the headings into 5 G

To write a blog entry about a typical
their notebooks and com plete it with information
from the text. • Explain the task, read out the plan and give Ss time
• Then ask various Ss around the class to use their to complete their blog entries. Remind Ss to
completed tables to talk about Mary's Sunday proofread their work.
activities. • Altern atively assign as HW.
Suggested Answer Key • Check Ss' answers.

Morning Afternoon Evening Suggested Answer Key

get up lote, eat visit go to cinema or Weekends ore the best!
breakfast, play grandparents stay home & Saturday'S my favourite day. In the morning, I hove a ;
football, help her watch DVD, never dance lesson. After that I help my mum around the house
mum in the do homework, and then we hove lunch. In the afternoon, we go ;
kitchen, have hove fun & relax shopping. In the evenings, I go to the cinema or watch 0
traditional lunch DVD. i
On Sundays, I like to relax and have fun. In the morning,
On Sundays, Mary gets up late. She has breakfast and I get up late and hove a big breakfast. In the afternoon, I
then ploys football. She helps her mum in the kitchen and visit my grandparents or go to the pork with my friends.
then has 0 traditional lunch. In the evening, I listen to music or read a book and have
In the afternoon, she sometimes visits her grandparents. an early night.
In the evening, she goes to the cinema or stays home and
watches a DVD. She never does any homework. She just
has fun and relaxes.

3 G To identify the writing style of a text

• Explain/Elicit the main features of formal writing
(full forms, formal language, use of the passive, etc)
and informal style (short forms, chatty style,
everyday language, etc) and elicit the writing style of
the blag (informal).
• Explain the style elements in the list (contractions ::::
short forms, e.g. 'I'm' instead of 'I am ', everyday
language = idioms, phrasal verbs, colloquial
expressiom etc, pronouns that ore omitted:::: 'Miss
you!' instead of 'I miss you. '). i
• Give Ss time to find exa mples of the style elements
in the text and check Ss' answers around the class. i
Answer Key i
contractions: Sunday's, I'm, It 's
everyday language: Sundays are the best, my dad, my !
mum, lots of, stay home, have fun and relax
pronouns that ore omitted: Hope you do the same! ••
""""" ,
17(T) i
I ====================~====~
I •
I Look at the text . What do you think Mary does on
o Listen and read to check.
I 14th November

J Sundays are the best! •

Sunday's my favourite day. I usually get up late and I eat
I breakfast. My dad sometimes makes delicious pancakes! Then ,
I often go and play football. I'm in a girls' football team . In the picture, I'm
celebrating with my friend Lucy after scoring a goal! After that, r help my mum in
I the kitchen. She usually cooks a traditional Sunday lunch with lots of meat,
potatoes and vegetables. It's yummy.
; In the aftemoon, I sometimes visit my grandparents with my family. In the evening,
I I go to the cinema with my friends or t stay home and watch a DVD. I never do any
homework on Sundays. I just have fun and relax! Hope you do the same !
I Post a comment
Read again and write Mary's Sunday activities under the headings,
~ 2 then talk about her day.
Morning Afternoon Evening
Cl get up latE'

!I Study
, -_ __ Skills 3 What style Is Mary's blog In: formal? or informal? Find examples of:
Proofrt od{ng your work
• contractions • everyday language • pronouns that are omitted
I:! Always proofrea d your
work to check for
~ mistakes. Check: 4 Correct the sentences. Compare with your partner.
• spelling
• punctuation (full
1 I like takeing pictures and i love painting?
stops C.) to end
sentences, commas 2 We've got a cat a dog and tw o hamsters
(,) to separate ideas 3 rosa's from madrid spa in.
&: exclamation
4 Wow. this sunday lunch is delicious
marks (!) to end
strong ideas)
• capital letters {to WritIng (a blog entry about a typical weekend)
start a sentence &
for days (Mondays),
people's names
(He/en), countries/
s 4iljjUQltl'I Write a blog entry about your
typical weekend (80-100 words). Include:
Para 1: Saturday
nationalities (Poland! morning. afternoon, evening activities. Follow Para 2: Sunday
Polish), the pronoun the plan. Proofread your work. activities
I 'J')

(i jStudenl's Book: Self·Check 1 ) [. jWorkbook: 11 ) ~ I

; 1
Deaf Monsrertrackers, . . ' Park in SumatrO, Indonesia. A strange
I'm a forest guide In KeflnCl I h rtandhairyanditwolkson
Pendek lives here. It 55 0
11 dOrang
creature ca e .I
tWO legs. 1can g
uide you to It.

Look or the plants! And
there are footprints 0/1
around the camera!

Jdon't think it's

attractive, Condy,
but it definitely
looks like 8;gfoot.
Are they cousins?

,1 Look at the pictures. What Is the story

, abo ut?
o LIsten and check. Orong Pendek
4 Read the summary. There are she:
mistakes. CorTeCt them, then tell the class.

2 Read and complete the sentences.

The Monstertr~ ckers went to Sumatra to see Orang
Pendek, a 1 )\~ hairy creature that can walk on
two I~~ camera
1 Orang Pendek lives in Sumatra, Indonesia. 2) one-leg. The Monstertrackers put a 3) tape
2 It looks like Bigfoot. t=eC-er.cfer on a tree. They wanted to take pictures of
3 Its favourite food is plants. the creature. At that time, the volcano began to erupt
4 The Monstertrackers spent the night in and they ran into a 4) ~biR to hide. Next morning,
a cave. they saw 5) fiR~efPnRts around the camera. When
5 The pictures showed Orang Pendek. they checked the pictures they saw a picture of the
3 Label the pictures.
Orang Pendek wearing 6) +r-aEkeA hat.

h gi.rr. 3 e L!d.IlL


5 f QQ!.QLlfl!.l
1 WHAT AM 17 Read and complete the
3 tfta ___ Look at Module 1 and ••
sentences. write a quiz of your own.
o I serve customers in a shop.
o Listen to the song. Which jobs does
I'm ,en) ................................... . 4 the
o I fly people around the world.
,en) ................................... .
singer mention?

o I'm
I help my boss perform tricks in the show.
I'm ,en) ................................... . ••
o I look after sick people.
I'm ,en) ................................... . ••
o I design clothes and travel to fashion shows.
I'm ,en) ................................... .
o I type letters and answer the phone. •

o I'm ,en) ................................... .

I keep order and make sure you obey the law.
I'm ,en) ................................... . ••
. , I cut and style hair.
I'm ,en) ................................... . ••
Do the quiz. Answer the questions.
When I grow up, not far from now
I wan t to help the world somehow ••
What can I be, what can I do
What do teenagers like playing in India?
2 What is a safari park?
To make th ings better for me and you?
3 What are the disadvantages of be ing a
chocolate taster? An architect builds amazing places;
4 What is a very popular game in the USA? How An actress plays a thousand faces;
many players does each team need to have? A musician touches all our hearts; i
5 How long can a cricket match last? A good comedian makes us laugh - !
So many th ings that I can do

~ : Name the Job To make things better for me and you .

When I grow up I want to be
Think of a job. Say a The person that's inside of me!
sentence about what you do
at work. Students In teams
guess what the job Is. The
team who finds it first 15 the
Leader: I design clothes.
Team AS1 · Designer.
(Team A gets 1 point)
MODUl£ 1

~ To consolidate vocabulary from the 4 ~ To listen for specific information

• Play the recording. Ss listen and say which jobs the
Read out the riddles one at a time and elicit answers singer mentions.
from Ss around the class. • Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 shop assistant 5 fashion designer architect, actress, musician, comedian
2 pilot 6 secretary
3 magician's assistant 7 police officer
4 nurse 8 hairdresser

2 ~ To test and consolidate information learnt

in the module
• Give Ss time to read the quiz and think of the
answers. Tell Ss they may look back th rough the
module for the information if necessary.
• Check Ss' answers around the class.
Answer Key
i cricket
2 a park with wild animals
I 3 You can put on weight.
4 Baseball, nine
i 5 up to five days

Game: Ss play the game as described in the Ss' Book. The

team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Suggested Answer Key
I Teacher: I cut people's hair.
Team BS7: Hairdresser
I Leader: I look after people's teeth.
Team A52: Dentist
I Leader: I look after sick people
Team 852: Doctor
3 ~ To write a quiz
I • Explain the task and ask Ss to work in pairs.
• Give Ss some time to look back through the module
I and think of quiz questions and compile their quiz.
• Ss can exchange their quiz with another pair and
I do it and report back to the class.

I Suggested Answer Key

1 What is one advantage of being a magician's
assistant? (travel a lot)
2 Name three animals at West Midland Safari & Leisure
Pork. (lions, giraffes, zebras)
3 How many players are there in a cricket team? (11)
4 How many teams ore there in a match? (2)
5 Name three public facilities a town can have. (a pork,
o sports centre, a library)

""""" ,
Myths & Legends
~ What', In this module?
Read the title of the module Myths & Legends and ask
2 ~ To talk about historical figure s
Ss to suggest what they think it means. Go through the • Explain that we read years before 2000 by splitting !
topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss' them into two numbers (e.g. 1450 = fourteen fifty,
interest in the module. 1899 = eighteen ninety-nine).
• Ask two Ss to read out the example e)(change then
I Ss ask and answer in pairs. Monitor the activity
find the page numbers for around the class.
• Explain that when a date is BC we count down to i

• Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, zero to go forwards in time.
then Ss find the page numbers for the items listed.
Answer Key
• Ask questions to check Ss' understanding.
k When was Marie Curie born?
Answer Key Bo In '867. When did she die?
a quotation (p. 22) k In '934. When was Genghis Khan born?
Do you think it is important to know what famous people Bo In , '62. When did he die?
said? Why (not)? Do you know ony famous quotations? k In 1227. When was Amelia farhart born? i
Bo In 1897. When did she die? •
o biography (p. 29)
k In 1937. When was Cleopatra born?
Can you name any other famous presidents? What were
they famous for? Bo In 69 BC When did she die?
k In 30 8C. When was Queen Victoria born?
a film poster (p. 27) Bo In 1819. When did she die?
Where can you see a poster like this? What sort of films do k In 1901. When was Abraham Lincoln born?
you like? How often do you go to the cinema? Who with? Bo In 1809. When did he die?
k In '865. When was William Wallace born?
& In 1270. When did he die?
Vocabulary k In 1305.
1 ~ To identify historical figures
• Draw Ss' attention to the pictures and ask various Ss
Background Information
to read out the names, countries and dates for each Leonardo da Vind was an Italian painter, sculptor
person. and architect. He painted the Mono Usa.
• Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown words Marle Curie was a Polish scientist. She discovered
and read out the example, then Ss match the radium and won the Nobel prize.
people to what they were. Genghis Khan was a Mongolian empero r. He built
Answtr Kty
the second largest empire in the history of the world .
Amella Earhart was an American pilot. She was the ,,
2 Marit Curie was 0 Polish scientist. first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
3 Genghis Khan was 0 Mongolian emperor.
4 Amelia farhart was on American pilot.
Cleopatra was an Egyptian queen. She was a beautiful ••
and powerful woman. There are many books and films
5 Cleopatra was on Egyptian queen.
6 Queen Vicforia was 0 British queen.
about her. ,•
Queen Victoria was a British queen. She was queen
7 Abrohom Lincoln was on American president.
8 Williom Walloce was 0 Scottish warrior.
for 63 years and there was g reat industrial and ,•
political progress in this time.
Abraham Linco ln was the 16th American President. ,
He helped end the civil war and slavery. •
William Wallace was a Scottish warrior. He fought
against the English to help free Scotland .

21(T) I
!i What's in this module? Vocabulary
!i •

historical figures
appearance &. character

ii Look at the pictures. Who was a / an: Italian
• past simple (regular/ irregular
1 painter? Egyptian queen? Mongolian emperor?
ii Scottish warrior? American pilot? Polish scientist?
• used to
iI prepositions of movement British queen? American president?


"'... Ask and answer.




I WJOU.J: 1 !

I 21
pocahontas was the beautiful daughter of Powhatan, a very
important Indian chief in Virginia, USA. Her real name was
Matoaka and she was very brave and clever.
She tried hard to promote peace between her people and the
English colonists who arrived in her country and settled there.
pocahontas managed to learn to speak English. She believed
that the English could teach her people a lot of new things.
One winter, the English didn't have any food so she asked
her father to give them food. But soon, the Powhatans
and the English started fighting agam. During a fight the
Indians arrested an English captam, John Smith.
Pocahontas saved hiS life. In 1613, the coloniSts arrested
her Pocahontas stayed in prison for a year. She had such
good manners that the English liked her and so they
didn't hurt her. In April 1614, she married colonist John
Rolfe. This helped end the war between the
Powhatans and the English colonists. Unfortunately,
while she was in England with her husband and ,
son, Thomas, visiting King James I, she got ill
and died. She was only 22. ,

se t e names below to give a summary of the text to our a

. '.
Listen with your heart, i
you will understand.
I ~ To Introduce the topic and stimu late . . To express your opi nio n o n a hist o rical
interest in the text figure
• Elicit wha t if anything Ss know about Pocahontas. • Allow Ss some t ime to think abo ut the questions in
I • Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in the ru b ric, fo rm ulate their answers and write the m
their books and find out the answer to the question down. Encourage Ss to explain their o pi nions fu lly.
I in the rubric. • Ask various Ss to read out their sentences.
• Alternatively, assig n the task as HW and check Ss'
Answer Key
I answers in the next lesson.
PocohonloS was 0 beautiful Indian girl, daughter of a very
important Indian chief. Pocahonras is called '0 child of Suggested Answer Key
I peace' because she tried hard to promote peace between Pocahontas is 0 person to remember because she tried to
her people and the English colonists. get the people aro und her to live in peace. People should
I remem ber her because she was very wise even though she
I 2 ~ To read for specific info rmation (multiple was very you ng. She wanted people to live together in
choice) peace and help each other instead of fighting. This is
something many people today still need to learn.
I • Allow Ss some time to read the text carefully and
answer the questions.
I • Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these words
I box and rea d the quotation aloud.
• Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
I 1 8 2 B 3 8 4 C

I 3 ~ To consolidate new vocabulary

I Explain the task and give Ss time to choose the correct
words. Then check Ss' answers.
J Answer Key
chief 3 Qrrested 5 manners
J 2 peace 4 colonists

4 ~ To summarise a text
i • Explain the task and give Ss time to prepare their
I • Ss tell their partner their summary. Ask some pairs
to report back to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
I Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhaton, an
important Indian chief. Pocohontas was from Virginia. Her
J real name was Matoako. Pocahontas' people were the
Powhotons. Pocohontos tried to promote peace between
I her people and the English who came to Jjve in Virginia as
colonists. Pocohontas saved the life of on English captain
I called John Smith. She married an English colonist called
John Ra/fe. They hod a son called Thomas. She died in
i England while she was visiting King lames I.

! MODUl( 1

I 22(T)
Answer Key
5 ~ To present vocabulary for appearance I e 2 f 3 0 4 b 5 c 6 d
• Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete patient 3 stupid 5 brave
it and then check Ss' answers around the class. 2 hardworking 4 funny 6 honest
Answer Key
I hair 3 face 5 mouth 9 ~ To describe people's appearance and character
2 nose 4 eyes 6 lips • Explain the task and ask two Ss to act out the
• As an extension ask Ss to use the phrases to example d ialogue.
describe their classmates. • Ss work in pairs and ask and answer the questions
What does he/she look like? (ask about appearance)
~ To categorise new vocabulary
What is he/she like? (ask about character) in closed
6 pairs.
• Explain the task and ask Ss to write the headings in • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
their notebooks. some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. i
• Write the headings on the board and elicit which words

Suggested Answer Key
go under which headings from Ss around the class. Ss i
copy the completed table into their notebooks.
A: What does your mum look like? •
B: She's short and slim with long, curly, brown hair,
Answer Key green eyes and fulllips.
HEIGHT AGE A: What 's she like?
tall old B: She 's hardworking and clever. ete.
short young
of medium height middle-aged 10 ~ To list en for specific information
WEIGHT LOOKS • Explain the task and play the recording. Ss listen
/ot handsome and mark the sentences.
overweight beautiful • Check Ss' answers, then play the recording again
plump ugly for Ss to correct the false statements.
thin attractive i
Answer Key •
well-built 1 F She was born in 3 T
Britain 4 T

7 ~ To use vocabulary in context and describe 2 F She was tall with

long, red hair.
5 F She died in about
60 AD.

• Explain the task and read out the example.
11 ~ To complete a short paragraph about a
• Ask various Ss around the class to describe the
people. Encourage Ss to describe them in as much
historical figure !
detail as they can. Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
paragraph. Check Ss' answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Helen is young, tall and thin. She's got long, curly, fair Suggested Answer Key !
hair and fulllips. Boudicca was bom in Britain in the first century. She was
Bill is young, short and fat. He's got short, straight, fair very toll with long red hair and very clever and brave. She !
hair, a raund face and big eyes. went to war with the Romans. She died in about 60 AD.
Jim is tall and well-built. He's got short, dark hair, a long .......................................................... . ! '

face, a big nose and thin lips. . Game .

Ann is old and slim and of medium height. She's got i
Choose a leader. He/ She says a part of the body from the :
short, curly, grey hair and thin lips.
ones mentioned in Ex. 5. Ss, in teams, say an adjective that : !
~TO present vocabulary fo r d escribing character
can describe this part of the body. Each correct answer gets :
8 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. !
• Explain the task and explain/elicit the meanings of Leader: face
the adjectives 1-6 and a-f. Ss match them and then Team AS1: round i

complete the sentences. Leader: hair
• Check Ss' answers. ...... .............. .. .. ... _. ........ .............. -'
Team BS1:
curly ere.
_ _ _ _ _

Vocabulary 2a
c • Appearance & character Speaking
r Fill In: eyes, mouth, hair, nose, face, lips. • Describing people's
• 5 appearance and
I 1 curly, wavy, straight, 4 big, small, blue, green character
spiky, thick, long, short,
I Find out about your partner's
brown, fair, grey............ 5 small, wide ............... .
l 2 big, long, small ............ .. 6 thin, full ......... ...... .
9 friends and relatives.
3 long, round ............... . A. What does your best friend
look like?
I List the words under the headings: talJ, overweight, short,
6 plump, thin, handsome, slim, beautiful, old, ugly, well-built,
B: He 's roll and thin with short
straight fair hair, blue eyes
~ fat, attractive, young, middle-aged, of medium height.
and a small nose.
A: What 's he like?
B: He 's patient and honest.
tall aid fat handsome
I Use the words from Exs. 5 & 6 to describe the Listening
r 7 people In the pictures.
10 0 Listen about a warrior
I Bill queen and mark the
statements T (true) or
I F (false). Listen again and
I correct the false statements.

I Britain's First Warrior Queen

I Dove is tall and slim . He's got wavy brown hair and thin lips. 1 Boudicca was born in France ........ .
2 She was tall with short
I Match the adjectives (1-6) to their opposites (a-f).
8 Fill In the gaps with the adjectives (1 -6) . 3
brown hair.
The Romans ruled Britain

I ITIJ funny a lazy in the first century.

[IIJ brave b clever 4 Boudicca went to war
I []I] hardworking c impatient with the Romans.
[TIJ stupid d dishonest 5 She died in about 50 AD.
~ patient e boring
I [ICJ honest f cowardly Writing
I 1 His dad is ............................. He can wait for hours. 11 Complete the paragraph with
2 Information from Ex. 10.
I James is ............................. He works long hours.
3 Mary and Jane are ................... They always make mistakes.
I 4 The clown is very ............................ He plays a lot of tricks.
Bo udicCll was born in ... in the first century.
She was ... with ... hair and very .... She
I 5 John Smith was a .................. captain. He wasn't afraid to fight. went to war with .... She died in ... .
6 My sister is ............................. She always tells the truth.
(. )Student's Book: lInguage Review 2a ) (. ) Workbook: 2a) MODUli 2

I 23
Grammar 2b
• Past simple Pronunciation ;t/, /d/, /Id/
(regular « o Listen and repeat. Listen again and tick (.I).
irregular verbs) 3 Think of more words with the same sounds.
Read the table. How do we !i
1 form the post simple?

We use the past simple to talk

about actions that happened at a
Put the verbs in brackets In the past simple. Which
specific time in the past.
Regular verbs
4 are regular? Which are Irregular?
I played football
How are you? Guess what? My parents
He didn't watch
1) ..................... (take) me on a trip to
TV last night. London last weekend! It 2) ................. .
Old they play (be) great! We 3) ..................... (visit)
the Victoria and Albert Museum and
basketball this
then we 4) .................... (go) shopping
morning? in Oxford Street. In the evening, we 5) ...................... (eat) at
Yes, they did .! an Italian restaurant. The next day, we 6) ..................... (see)
No, they didn't . amazing wax models of famous people at Madame Tussauds
and then we 7) .......................... (wa lk) to Buckingham Palace.
Irregular verbs I 8) ....................... (have) an amazing time!
We ate pizza Write back soon,
She didn't go to
the museum last Look at the picture and correct the sentences. !
Old you go to the !
party last Saturday? i
Yes, I did .!
No, I didn't .
Time expressions used with !
the past simple: yesterday, last
week/month, etc, a week/month, !
etc, ago, etc. !
1 They went to a theme park. (m useum)
Write the past limple of the
2 verbs below.
They didn't ga ta a theme park They went to a museum.
o Listen and check.
They went with their parents. (grand parents)
They wore their school uniform. (jeans)
Which forms are Irregular?
4 They saw an exhibition about the ancient Greeks.
1 come 6 try 11 take !
(ancient Egyptians)
2 find 7 have 12 give
5 Tom took his MP3 player. (dig ital camera) !
3 change 8 buy 13 listen
6 Lucy bought a book from the gift shop. (some pencils)
4 see 9 look 14 want !
7 They felt bored. (happy)
5 eat 10 go 15 make

24 i

Answer Key
G To present t he past simple
6 tried
7 had
• Ss close their books. Present the past simple. Say
• then write on the boa rd: I worked hard yesterday. 3 changed 8 bought 13 listened
4 saw 9 looked 14 wonted
Underline worked and explain that this verb is in the
I past simple. Point to a S and say: You worked hard
5 ate 10 went 15 mode

I yesterday. Then write it on the board. Point to a

male S and say: He worked hard yesterday. Then 3 G To pro nounce It/. Id/. IId / (past simple
write it on the board. Present the other persons in verb endings)
the same way. Elicit that the verb is the same in all • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
I persons. chorally or ind ividually.
• Explain/Elicit the spelling rules of the past simple • Ss copy the table into their notebooks.
for regular verbs by writing the verbs work, love,
I play, study, travel and their past simple fo rms on t he
• Play the recordi ng again. Ss listen and tick the
correct sounds. Check Ss' answers, then elicit more
! board: work - worked (most verbs take -ed to form
their post simple form), love - loved (verbs ending in -
words with the sa me sounds.

e add -d), study - studied (verbs ending in consonant Answer Key

+ -y lose -y and take -ied), play- played (verbs ending
in a vowel + -y add -ed), travel - travelled (verbs
ending in vowel + I, p, 11, b, etc double the consonant
and add -ed).
I • Say then write on the board: I didn't work yesterday.
and She didn't work yesterday. Underline I didn't in
C Suggested Answer Key
the first sentence and She didn't in the second
sentence. Explain that we use didn't in all persons It/: looked, rushed
l Id/: tried, called
to fo rm the negative of the past simple. Point out
that the verb is the same in all persons. Ild/: started, waited
l • Say then write on the board: Did I ploy tennis
l yesterday? No, I didn't and Did you ploy tennis
yesterday? No, you didn't. Explain that we use Did +
4 G To practise using the past simple affirmative

perso nal pro noun + base fo rm of the main verb Allow Ss some time to complete the task and then check
l to fo rm questions in the past simple. Focus Ss' Ss' answers. Elicit which verbs are regular/irreg ula r.
attention on the position of did (before the personal
l pronoun). Point out that we answer in the short
Answer Key
took I 5 ate I
form with Yes/No, personal pronoun + did/didn't.
I • Ss open their books. Read out the table and elicit
2 was I 6 sow I
3 visited R 7 walked R
how we form t he past simple.
I 4 went J 8 hod J
Answer Key
I We form the past simple affirmative for regular verbs by
adding -ed to the end of the base form of the verb. We
5 G To practise using the past simple negative

I form the negative with did not/didn 't + the base form of
• Expla in the task and read o ut the example.
• Ss do the task. Check Ss' answers.
the verb . We form questions with did + subject pronoun +
I the base form of the verb. Answer Key
2 They didn't go with their parents. They went with
I Irregular verbs have their own affirmative patterns but
their grandparents.
they form the negative and questions in the same way as
3 They didn't wear their school uniform. They wore their
I regular verbs.
I 2 G To practise the past simple
4 They didn't see on exhibition about the ancient
Greeks. They sow on exhibition about the ancient
• Explain the task and all ow Ss some time to Egyptians.
I 5 Tom didn't take his MP3 player. He took his digital
complete it.
• Check Ss' answers by playing the record ing. Check camera.
I correct spelling on the board. 6 Lucy didn't buy 0 book from the gift shop. She bought
some pencils.
I 7 They didn't feel bored. They felt happy.


I 24 (T)
2b ••
6 {~ To practise using the past simple 9 a) G To present used to
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Go through the task with Ss and explain when
we use used to.
• Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers by asking • Read out the examples and elicit any similar ••
various Ss to ask and answer in front of the class. structures in Ss' ll.
Suggested Answer Key (Ss ' own answers)
2 Where in Egypt did CieopOlrO live?
She lived in Alexandria. b) • To practise used to
3 Who did Lady Diana marry?
• Explain the task and read out the example. Ss
She married Prince Charles. com plete the taSk, then check Ss' answers.
4 What did Morie Curie discover!
She discovered rodium. Answer Key
S When did Leonardo do Vinci paint the 'Mono Usa? 2 He used to ploy in the streets
He pointed it from 1503·'506. 3 He didn't use to surf the Net.
6 What did Amelio Eorhart do? 4 He used to wear glosses.
She flew across the Atlantic Ocean alone. 5 He didn 't use to ploy video games.
7 When did Abraham Uncoln die? He didn 't use to go to bed lore.
He died in 1865.
6 !
1 He used to ride 0 bike.

7 e To ask and answer about the past using

the past simple interrogative
8 He didn't use to drive 0 cor.
• Ss then talk in pairs about the similarities/
differences in theirs and Peter's childhood . Ask i
• Explain the task and ask two Ss to read out the various pairs to report back to the class.
example. (Ss ' own answers)
• Ss complete the task in pairs.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask I
some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. 10 @ To present and practise prepositions of
movement I
Answer Key
• Go through the prepositions in the pictures. Point out
2 A: Did your dod drive you to school yesrerday? that the pictures will help Ss complete the task. I
8: Yes, he did. / No, he didn 't. • Give Ss time to complete the text with the correct
3 A: Did your family have a beach holiday last year? preposition. Then check Ss' answers. I
8: Yes, they did. / No, they didn't.
4 A: Did you have a big breakfast yesterday morning?
8: Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. ,
Suggested Answer Key
along 4 towards 7 over
5 A: Did your friend send you 0 text message last 2 post 5 up 8 across I
night? 3 through 6 down 9 into
8: Yes, he/she did. / No, he/ she didn 't. I
8 D To practise using time expressions with
11 • To write a paragraph about your activities
last weekend
th e past simple
Give Ss time to complete the task in class and then ask I
• Explain the task and read o ut the example. various Ss to read out their paragraphs to the class.
• Give Ss time to write simila r sentences, then check
Suggested Answer Key I
Ss' answer around the class.
Lost weekend, I went shopping with my friend on
Suggested Answer Key Sawrday. We tried on some clothes and I bought a pair of
I hod cereal for breakfast yeHerday morning. jeans and then we hod lunch. After, we went to the
I watched 0 DVD fast night.
cinema. I hod 0 great time! On Sunday, I stoyed at home
I bought 0 new CD yesterday. and relaxed. I read 0 book and watched some Tv.
I went to the cinema lost Sunday.

Grammar 2b
I 6 Write questions and answer them. b) What did / didn 't Peter use to do
when he was 10? Write sentences.
[ Prince Charles 1558 rad ium 1503-1506 5 play video games
1 read comics (.I') He
I 1865 Alexand ria fly across the Atlantic Ocean alone used to read c )mi s. (X)
2 play in the streets (,I) 6 go to bed late (X)
1 When/ Elizabeth I/ become Queen of
I 3 surf the Net (~) 7 ride a bike (,I)
England? ~f d E 'abeth I b 'ome Queen

I 2
V r1 Sr b am Queen in 1558.
Whe re in Egypt/Cleopatra/ live?
4 wear glasses (/') 8
How similar to/ different from Peter's
drive a car (.t)

childhood was yours? Yell your partner.

3 Who/l ady Oiana / marry?
I 4 What/Marie Curie/discover?
5 When/Leonardo da Vinci/paint the Mono Usa?
• Prepositions of movement
6 What/Amelia Earhart/do? 10 Fill in the correct preposition of
7 When/Abraham lincoln/die? movement.

7 Ask and answer, as In the example.

1 you/ go to a museum/ Saturday?

Old y gr le a museum on Saturday!
No, I di-ffJ
i 2 your dad/drive/you/ to school/yesterday?
i 3 your family / have/ beach holiday/ last year?
4 you / have/ big breakfast/yesterday morning?
5 your friend /send you/text message/ last night?
i 8 Write sentences about yourself. Use:
1 yeste rday last njght yeste rday morning
I last Sunday two weeks ago
I I wenl to 0 museum two week ago .

I • used to
Charlie was happy when his parents gave him a new
a) Read the table. Are there similar
I 9 structures 'n your language?
mountain bike for his birthday. He put on his helmet
and went for a ride. He cycled 1) ................... the road .
I He went 2) ................... the train station on his left and
I, You, He, etc, used to play
3} ................... the tunnel . Then he cycled
I football when I was young.
4) ................... the forest, 5) ................... to the top of
I, You, He, etc, didn't use to
I play squash.
the hill and 6) ................... the other side really fast. He
rode 7) ................... the bridge above the river and
I Old I, you, he, etc, use to play turned right. He parked his bike and went
football? 8) ................... the street to buy a snack. Then he got
I Yes, I, you, he, etc, dld ./ on his bike and rode 9) ................... the park.
I No, I, you, he, etc, didn 't .

I We use used to for actions that happened regularly
in the past but no longer happen.
11 Write a short paragraph about what
you did last weekend.

(t ) Workbook: 2b &. Grammar Bank 2) MODUlE 2

Skills 2e Cl1ecK these words
• powerful . mysterious cool bridge of rocks terrified
wonder of nature giant fit together enemy huge "•
volcanic eruption surface Irish legend cross
• result . size boiling lava
place of myth and legend
Reading ••
Fill In the gaps with words from the CrU~'k ttlne wo..-ds section.
1 () Listen and check.
The Giant's Causeway is a 1) ................... .................... between Ireland and Scotland. The rocks
have six sides that 2) ....................... to form the Giant's Causeway.
People can walk on it but they can't walk to Scotland because it is under the 3) ...................... .
of the sea. An Irish legend says that a 4) ....................... giant Finn MacCoollived in Ireland while
his 5) ..... ... Benandonner lived in Scotland, so they couldn't 6) ....................... the sea ••
to fight. One day Finn threw rocks into the sea and made a bridge. After this he was tired and
went to sleep. Benandonner ran across the bridge. Finn's wife saw him and tried to wake up
her husband but she couldn't, so she dressed him in babies' clothes. Benandonner saw it and
imagined that it was Finn 's baby. He was 7) ....................... by the size of the baby and ran back
home. As he ran, he pushed down the rocks to stop Finn following him. ••
Scientists believe that the Giant's Causeway is the 8) ....................... of a volcan ic
9) ....................... . ••
Finn MacCool and the
Speaking Giant's Causeway
main characters:
a) 0 Listen again and whue he/ they lived:
take notes. how the story began: ::: ••
what happened next:
b) Imagine you are a
what was the main ev~~t:
tour guide at the Giant's what happened in the end;··...
Causeway. Use these verbs
in the past simple and your notes in Ex. 2a to
tell the story of Finn MacCool. Use these words: once, one day,
after this, then, and then, when, before, in the end.

• build • live • cross • throw • make • go to sleep • start running

• try/wake up • dress ... in • imagine • run back • push down
Once, there was a giant called Finn Mace)Ol Hi' d
~'oJ. \ In One day, he Then, he In the end

Imagine you went to Ireland and you visited the
Giant's Causeway. Write an em all to your English -
speaking pen-friend about it (60-80 words). Write:
where you went, what it looked like, what the legend
says, what you thought/ how you felt.
I 2e
he was tired so he went to sleep . Then, Benandanner
started running across the bridge. Finn's wife tried to
1 • To li sten for specific information
wake him up, but he didn't, so she dressed him in babies '
r • Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up any clothes. When 8ef'lOndonner saw the sleeping baby, he
• unknown words in the (heck these words box. imagined the size of the father. He was scared. In the
I • Give Ss time to complete the summary.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check their
end, 8enandonner ran back to Scotland and pushed
down the rocks so Finn couldn't follow him.
Answer Key 3 • To write an email about a visit to the
l 1 bridge of rocks 6 cross Giant's Causeway
2 fit together 7 terrified • Expla in the task and give Ss some ti me to co mplete
iI 3 surface 8 result it. Remind Ss to include all the po ints in the rubric.
4 huge 9 eruption Check Ss' answers.
I 5 enemy • Altern at ively, assign as HW a nd chec k Ss' answers in
the next lesson.
2 .) • To make notes from a recording Suggested Answer Key

• Draw Ss' attention to the notes box and ask Dear Andrew,
them to copy the headings and the subheadings I'm back from Ireland. I had a wonderful time and I
I into their notebooks. visited some great places, but the besl was the Giant 's
• Play the recording again. Ss' listen and complete Causeway. It's a rock bridge that stretches from Ireland to
I the task. Scotland. It's made of thousands of rocks that fit together
• Check Ss' answers on the board . to make a surface you can walk on. It leads out in to the
iI Suggested Answer Key sea. There is a legend that 0 giant called Finn MacCool
built the bridge to cross the sea to Scotland to fight his
iI main character: ... his wife and 8enandonnef; anocher
enemy. It was amazing, I felt so small standing on il. I
giant took lots of pictures for you to see.
iI where he/ they lived: Finn Mac(ool and his wife lived in
See you soon,
Ireland, Benondonner lived in Scotland
iI haw th e story began: Finn MacCool and Benandonner
were enemies, but they couldn't cr055 the sea to fight.
!i what happened next : Finn hod the ideo to build a rock Activity for weaker classes
bridge across the sea, this mode him tired so he went to
Write the email in th e Suggested Answer Key in Ex. 3
ii sleep
and remove words to create a ga pped text. Give t he
what was the main event: while Finn was sleeping,
words in a list for Ss to complete. Suggested wo rds to
I Benandonner ran across the bridge; Finn's wife couldn't
o mit: time, best, bridge, rocks, surface, giant, cross,
woke her husband, she dressed him os 0 baby; when
I Benandonner sow the size of the sleeping baby, he
imagined the size of Finn; he got scared
I what happened In the end: Benandonner ran back to
Scotland pushing down the stones after him so Finn
I couldn't follow

I b) • To tell a story In the past simple using

• Set the scene and explain the task.
• Ask various Ss to teU the story of Finn MacCool,
using their notes from Ex. 2a.
3 Suggested Answer Key
Once, there was a giant called Finn MacCool who built a
g rock bridge from Ireland to Scotland. Finn lived in Ireland
ond his enemy, Benandonner, lived over the sea in
i Scotland. They couldn't cross the sea to fight. One day,
Fin n threw rocks into the sea and made a bridge. Then,

i """"" ,
26 (T)
1 a) @ To identify the context of a dialogue 4 @ To act out a dialogue
and practise pronunciation
• Play the recording. Ask Ss to work in pairs and take
• Explain the task. Play the recording with pauses roles and read out the dialogue. Pay attention to Ss'
for Ss to repeat chorally or individually. rhythm and intonation and correct as necessary.
• Then Ss read the sentences and say what they • Monitor the activity around the class and ask some
think the dialogue is about (a film a person groups to read out the dialogue in front of the class.
5 @ To practise role-playing
b) @ To listen and read for confirmation
• Explain the situation.
Play the recording . Ss listen and follow the text in • Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue in Ex. 2 as
their books and find out. a model as well as any ideas of their own to complete
the task.
Answer Key
• Ss complete the task in pairs. To help Ss, draw the
The dialogue is about the film '20 12 ', following diagram on the board and elicit appropriate
phrases Ss should use. Write them on the board. Ss
2 @ To read for specific information and can refer to the diagram while doing the task.
consolidate situationallanguage through Student A Student B
Hi! ... How ... weekend?~ot so good. 1 was ...
• Allow Ss time to read the dialogue and answer the (Greet friend, " Sk about
y (Explain you were i/l.)
questions. weekend.)
I'm sorry .. . .. That's OK. J watched
Answer Key
(Express sympathy.). / ...
2012 ~ (Soy what you did)
2 A science· fiction film. What did ... ? .. ... It was ...
3 John Cusack, Amondo Peel and Donny Glover. (Ask name of film~ (Say name and ••
4 Yes, he did. The special effects were amazing. What's it ... ? • opinion)
• Elicit the L1 equivalents for the sentences in Ex. 1 (Ask about film.) ) It's about ...
...-/ (Give brief plot
(Ss' own answers)
Sounds ... What • summary) ••
Background Information
were ... ? ~The ... were amazing.
(Comment and ask sth (Respond and expand)
John Cusack is an American actor and screenwriter. He else.)
was born on 28th June, 1966. Some of his films include Who stars ... ?
Say Anything, The Grifters, Grosse Paint Blank and 2012. (Ask about actors.) ) It stars ...
Amanda Peel is an American actress. She was born It sounds ... It's a pity ...:..,..(Respond) j
on 11 th Ja nuary, 1972. Some of her films include The (Comment on film, You can rent it ...
Whole Nine Yards, Something's GoUa Give and 2012. express regret.) (Give solution)
Danny Glover is an American actor, director and
political activist. He has a long film career and some Suggested Answer Key
of his films include The Colour Purple, Lethal Weapon A: Hi Ann. How was your weekend?
(1.4), Beloved, Poor Boy's Game and 2012. B: Not so good. I was ill so I stayed home.
A: I'm sorry about thar.
B: That's OK. I watched a good comedy adventure film.
3 @ To learn synonymous phra ses A:
What did you watch?
'Night at the Museum 2'. It was brilliant.
Read out the sentences. Refer Ss back to the dia logue A: Whar's it about?
and el icit the synonymous ones from various Ss around B: It's about 0 security guard who works in a museum i
the class. where the exhibits come to life.
Answer Key A: Sounds exciting. What were the special effects like? I
B: The special effects were amazing.
I Did you enjoy your weekend? - How was your weekend?
2 That 's lOO bad. - I'm sorry about rhat.
A: Who stars in it? I
B: Ben Stifler plays the security guard and it also stars
3 Sounds really good. - Sounds exciting. I
Amy Adams and Owen Wihan.
4 Which actors were in it? - Who stars in it?
A: It sounds great. It's 0 pity I didn't watch it.
5 It's a shame I missed it. -It's 0 pity I didn't watch it.
B: You con rent it on DVD. I
27(T) I
Everyday English 2d
• Recommending a film
a) 0 Listen and re peat. The sentences are from a dialogue
• 1 between two friends. What Is the dialogue about?
I • How was your weekend? • I'm sorry about that. • What did you watch?
I • It was brilliant. • What's it about? • Sound s exciting .
• W ho stars in it? • It's a pity. • You can rent it o n DVD .
b) 0 Listen and read to find out.

Read the dialogue and answe r the questions. Then, say the
2 sentences In Ex. 1 In your language.
What film did Bill watch? 3 Which actors were in it?
type of film was it? 4 Did Bill like th e fi lm? Why?

Ann: Hi, Bill. How was your weekend?

Bill, Not so good. I was ill so I stayed at home.
Ann: I'm sorry a lx)Ut that.
Bill: That's OK. I watched a rea lly good science-fict ion film.
Ann: Whar did YOll waTch?
Bill: 2012. It was brill iant.
Ann: Heally? What's it about?
Bill, It's about the end of the world and how people try to stay
alive, There are lots of earthquakes, floods and fires!
Ann: Sounds exc i[ing. What were rhe speCial effecrs like?
Bill: They're amazing. All the disasters looked real.
Ann : Who stars in it?
Bill: John Cusack plays a writer and it also stars Amanda Peet
and Danny Glover.
Ann : It sounds greaL It's a pity I didn 't watch it.
Bill: You can renl it on OVD.

Find sentences In the dialogue which mean the following:

11Did you enjoy your weekend?II2 That's too bad. 11) Sounds really good.'
14Which actors are in it? I 5 It's 0 shame I missed it.

Liste n to the dialogue. Take roles and read It

4 aloud . Mind yo ur rhythm and Intonation.

You watched a g ood film on TV last weekend . Use

5 the sentences In Ex. 1 to act out your dialogue. You can
use the d ialogue In Ex . 2 as a model.

[. jStudent's Book: Language Review 2d ) MOOULtl

civilisation ancient get on well
astronomy temple pyramid
stone building statue ruler
dynasty tragedy war drought

T he Mayan civilisation was an ancient

civilisation in southern Mexico and other parts of
Central America. The Maya got on well with
people from other parts of Central America. The
Maya were very clever people. They were good
at astronomy. architecture and writing. They
even had their own system of mathematics.
The Mayan 1) c.............................. appeared in Mayan cities were full of temples and pyramids.
Southern Mexico and Central America . The These stone buildings were very tall with statues
Maya were good people and 2) g .................... . of their gods or their rulers on them. People
with people who lived near them . They built could see the statues from far away.
3) t ......................... and 4) p ....................... with This large dynasty was around for over 2,000
tall 5) 5 ..••.....••..••••...••.....•• on them that people years until a tragedy happened and
could see from far away. They disappeared they disappeared. Some
suddenly because of a 6) w ............................. . say there was a
war. Others
or a 7) d ..........II
...•..'..•.. II. ."..lI!..~...II.IJIIII"'!II)!IIII!!!III!!IIJII!" say there was
a drought.

Find Information about another

article about It. Include: where it was

1 .) • To introduce the topic and stimulate .. . To compare an ancient city to a
Interest in the text modern city
• Draw Ss' attention to the title and the pictures • Read the rubric aloud and give Ss three minutes to
I and play the recording. formulate their answers and write their sentences.
• Elicit a variety of questions about the Mayan • Check Ss' answers by asking vari ous Ss around the
I civilisation from Ss around the class and write class to read out their sentenCes.
three of them on the board.
Suggested Answer Key
J Suggested Answer Key There were stone buildings in Mayan cities. There are

1 Where was if from! 3 Why did it disappear? stone buildings in my city, foO. There were statues in
I 2 When did it exist! Moyan cities and there ore statues in my city, too.
b) • To listen and read for specific 4 [ieT To write a short article about
~ information another ancient civilisation
Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in • Ask Ss to look up information on the Internet or in
~ their books to see if they can answer the questions encyclopaedias or o ther referen ce books about

o on the board.

Suggested Answer Key

another ancient civilisation. Tell Ss tha t they can use
the website suggested on the Express Publishing
website to help them. Allow time for Ss to collect
I 1 It was from southern Mexico and other ports of the information and prepare their articles. Remind
Central America. Ss to cover all the points mentioned in the rubric.
r 2 Not answered in text. • Alternatively, assign the task as HW.
3 A tragedy happened. Some people say it was a wa r or
I Q drought. Suggested Answer Key
The Nubian civilisation was on ancient civilisation in
[ northern Sudan and southern Egypt. The Nubian people
2 • To read for specific information
were very rich because their land hod a lot of gold mines.
r • Give Ss time to read the text and answer the
They were very clever and hod their own alphabet with 23
r • Explain/ Elicit the meanings of the words in the
Check these words box and read out the Did you
Nubian cities had lots of beautiful polaces and temples
with statues like sphinxes. The Egyptians and the
L know? box. Assyrians defeated them. They slowly lost all their land
• Check Ss' answers around the class. and riches. The last Nubian kingdom disappeared in
m Answer Key 1900.


The Mayan civilisation was in southern Mexico and
other ports of Central America.
They were very clever and got on well with other
3 They were good at astronomy, architecture, writing
I and they had their own system of mathematic;.
4 You could see temples and pyramids with statues of
I their gods or rulers on them.
5 It lasted for over 2,000 years.
I 6 A tragedy like a war or a drought happened.
3 • To complete a summary and consolidate
I new vocabulary
Explain the task and give Ss som e time to comp lete it
I then check Ss' answers.

I Answer Key
, civilisation, 1 got on well, 3 temples, 4 pyramids,
I 5 statues, 6 war, 7 drought


l 28(T)
Achievements: British Empire grew, wealthy, educated
1 .) G
To read for cohesion and sequence of people; she become Empress of India in /876
Later years: ruled for 63 years
WhentWhere died: Isle of Wight, nnd January 7907 !
• Explain the task and give Ss some time to
complete it.
3 G To write a biography
• Play the recording and check Ss' answers
around the class. • Explain the task and play the recording again if I
Answer Key necessary for Ss to make more notes.
, 1809 4 the age of 52 7 to this day
• Go through the paragraph plan and remind Ss to I
cover all the points mentioned.
2 19 5 On' 4th April
3 1836 6 the next day
• Allow Ss some time to complete the task or assign I
as HW.
• Check Ss' answers by asking various Ss to read out I
b) G To put events in order and summarise a their biographies to the class.
Suggested Amwer Key
• Read the Study Skills box aloud and give Ss time Queen Victoria was 0 British queen. She was born in
to order the dates/events. Go through the Kensington Palace in London on 24th May, 1819.
Checkpoint and revise use of prepositiom. At the age of 18 she became queen. When she was 21 she
• Ss then tell their partner a summary of the married Prince A/ben. They had nine children.
biography of Abraham Uncoln. While she was queen, the British Empire grew and people
• Monitor the activity around the class and then become wealthy and educated. She become Empress of
ask some Ss to tell the class about Abraham India in 1876. People loved her. She ruled for 63 yeors
lincoln. i
and died on U nd January, 190' on the Isle of Wight.
Queen Victoria was 0 great queen. She wanted to make
Answer Key
life better for everyone.
1809,19,1836, the age of 52, on 14th April, the next
day, to this day I
Suggested Answer Key Activity for weaker classes
Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky in J 809. When he Write the sentences in the second and third paragraphs
was a child, he lived on a farm. He left the form at 19. He in the Suggested Answer Key in Ex. 3 in a muddled I
studied hard and become a lawyer in 1836. At the age of order. Ask Ss to put them in the correct chronological
52, he was elected President of the USA. He guided his order. I
country through the civil war and stopped slavery. On
74th April, 1865 he was shot by John Wilkes Booth. He I
died the next day. To this day people remember him os 0
great leoder. I
2 G To listen for specific information and ideas I
• Explain the task and point out that the information
Ss hear will help them to prepare for the writing
task to follow.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the
• Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key I
Name: Queen Victoria
WhentWhere born: 24th May 7879 Kensington Palace, I
Early yeors: become queen at age 18, married Prince 1
Albert at age 2', hod nine children
MOOUll l
29(T) r
Writing 2f
_ _ Skills

a) Complete the text with these phrasesj president farmhouse
• Writing biographies lawyer honesty
dates. 0 Listen and check.
courage elect
I When we write
.1 9 • the age of 52 .1 836 • on 14th April guide civil war
biographies, we
I present the events in • the next day • to th is day • 1809 shoot admire
chronological order.
This helps the reader b) Put the events In chronological order and tell your partner
follow the biography about Abraham Lincoln.
I better.
Abra ham Lincoln was an American president. He was born in a farm house
I in Kentucky on 12th Feb ruary, 1) .................................. .
When he was a chi ld, Abraham loved read ing and learn ing new things. When
Ab raham was 2) .............. ... ............. , he left th e fa rm. He worked durin g the
day and studied in his free ti me. In 3) ........................... , he became a lawyer
and was soon famo us for his honesty and courage. At 4) ............................ ,
he was elected the 16th President of the United States of America.
While he was preS ident, he guided his country t hrough the America n Civil War
and stopped slavery. As he promised, this nation ... shall have a new birth
N •••

of freedom; - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people,
shall not perish from the earth." 5) .................................. , 1865, John Wilkes
Booth shot him w hile he was at a theatre. He d ied 6) ................. .... ............. .
Abra ham Lincoln was more than just a g reat leader and a great spea ker. He
wanted to make life better for everyone. His statue sits in the Li ncoln
Memorial and, 7) ........... .......... .... ......... , people visit it to admire
'Honest Abe'.

! L rei in for idee

! ( ) Listen and complete the gaps.

! Name: Queen Victoria

Whe n/Wh ere born : ..................... , ..................... London
! Early years: became queen at age 18; ................ ..... age 21; ....... ... children
Achievements: British Empire grew, wealthy educated people, .. ................... 1876
i Late r yea rs: ruled for .................. ...
i Where/Whe n died: Isle of Wight, .......... .

i Writing (a b/)graphl)

! Checkpoint .;z:n;;rn!fJ Use the answers in Ex. 2 to write a short biography of

in + month/year/season Quee n Victoria for an International school magazine (60-80 words).
f ;n2(10
Follow the plan.
! on + day/date Pa ra 1: name, when/where born
on "" on 3rd Apn' Pa ra 2: early years (At the age of 78, she .... When she was 21, ... .)
Pa ra 3: achievements; later years; date/place she died (While she was
! queen, she ... .She died on .... )
Pa ra 4: your feelings, comments (. .. was a great .. .)
! (t)Sludenfs Boolr 5elf·Chedl 2 ) (t]Wonbook: 2f ) MOOUl£ 2



Dear MonstertfOckers,
I'm from Andros Island in rhe Bahamas. Andros is famous for ••
the deep undefWorer caves, called 'blue holes', near the island. Bur
huge sea monsters live in these holes - the Lusea! They're bigger
than whales! Would you like to find out more?
The Lusca Edmund ·-

Yes. Legend also says I hope that's not a
that they attack hurricane on the way!
People here say that the swimmers, grab ships
LuseD have long and even pull them to ,•
rentacles and big eyes.
They're like a giant squid
,-_0_' ocropus,

It's a Lusca!
Somebody do
There's an island.
something! ;:...../,?-,
Perhaps we should
stop there for Q while.
Go, Baogey!

Song: Use the words strong, true, fight,
1 WHO ARE THEY? Read the clues and
find the person or the people. You 've
4 place, around to complete the gaps .
(~ ) Listen and check.
got 5 minutes .

1 She was from Poland and she was a scientist. !

She discovered rad ium .............................. . I
2 They went to war with a clever queen in the
first century.............................................. .
3 Hi s wife dressed him in babies' clothes to
hide him from his enemy. ........ ........ ......... .
Heroes are the people
4 She was the daughter of an important chief Who stan d up for w hat is right
and she helped to stop a wa r.................... . They' re there in times of trouble
5 He became the 16th President of t he USA. And they don't give up t he
1) ................. ........... .
They're people you can turn to

2 00 the quiz. Complete the sentences.

And they'll never let you down
Whenever they are needed

They will always be
2) ............................ .

We all need a hero

1 Abraham Lincoln was ..... ....... ... ..
Someone loyal, brave and
2 Finn MacCool was Benandonner's
3) ..... .. ... ..... ... .. .. .... .. .
But take a look inside you
3 2012 is aln) .. ... ... .. .. ... ... film. You could be a hero, too
4 Matoaka is Pocahontas's
5 Abraham Lincoln died in
Heroes are survivo rs
They're co urageous an d they're
4) .......... ..

l~ . . Look at Module 2 And everyone fee ls safer

3 and write a quiz of your own
When a hero comes along
They save us and protect us
similar to the one above. From the dangers t hat we face
They always do their best
To make the world a better
5) ................... .
In teams, use words from the two boxes
to make sentences. Each correct sentence
gets one point. The team with the most


• The Mayo was an ancient civilisation around Central
! 1 G To consolidate vocabulary from the module America.
• Of all Britain's myths and legends, King Arthur is
I • Explain the task and set a time limit of 5 minutes for
probably the most famous.
Ss to complete it. Tell Ss they may look back
• My brather is on honest person.
I through the module to help them if they need to.

• Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
4 Song G To read for cohesion and rhyme
Go through the list of words. Explain/Elicit their
Morit Curie 4 Pocohontas
I 2 the Romans 5 Abraham Uncoln
meanings. Ss complete the gaps. Play the song. Ss listen
and check their answers.
3 Finn MacCool
I Answer Key
I 2 G To test knowledge learnt in this module J fight
2 around
3 lfue
4 strong
5 place

• Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the
questions and decide on the answer to each
question. Game
I • Alternatively, allow Ss to review the module and Call ocati 0 nsl Phrases
find the relevant information to com plete the
Write these words on the board . Ss in teams choose
I statements correctly. Check Ss' answers.
one word from each column and make a sentence
using the phrase. Each correct sentence gets 1 point.
I Answer Key
The team with the most points is the winner.
1 an American president 4 real name
I 2 enemy 5 1865
3 science-fiction
• curly • peace
3 ~G To write a quiz


fa ce
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in pairs. Allow • respected • hair
• full • height
I Ss time to look through the module and think of
• end • manners
quiz questions.
• promote • the war
I • Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the previous task as
• ancient • giant
a model. Offer an example (e.g. Pocahontas was
• have good • death
I from .... (Virginia, USA)
• of med ium • eruption
• Ss can swap their quiz with another pair and do it
• powerful • nature
I and then report back to the cl ass.
• wonder of • leader
Suggested Answer Key
• cruel • civilisation
I 1 The Mayan civilisation lasted for ... (over 2,000 years)
2 Pawhatan was ... . (Pocahontas I father and an • She's got long, curly hair.
I important Indian chief) • A volcanic eruption buried the ancient city of Pompeii.
3 John Cusack stars in .. . (2012) • Man clocks have 0 round face.
I 4 Benandonner was from ... (Scat/and) • Winston Churchil was a respected leader.
5 Pocahontas married ... Gohn Rolfe) • My aunt has big eyes and full/ips.
I 6 Abraham Lincoln was ... (the' 6th) President of the USA. • Pocahantas ' marriage to John Rolfe helped end the
I Game: Ss play the game as described in the Ss' Book. • The Inca was on oncient civilisation in South America.
• I prefer the company of people who hove good :
Suggested Answer Key
• Pocahantas tried to promote peace. • My uncle isn't tall or short; he's of medium height.
• Good parents teach their children to have good • Victoria Falls is 0 wonder of nature.
manners. • An Irish legend says thot Finn MacCool was 0
• Ash from the volcanic eruption filled the atmosphere. powerful giont.
• Angelina Jalie ;s famous for her full lips. • A major aim of the United Nations is to promote
• My sister has curly haIr. peace.
• The Mayo built magnificent stone buildings.
l • The Giant's Causeway is a true wonder of nature.


Let's party!
.. What's In this module?
Read the title of the module tet's party! and ask Ss to
suggest what they think it means. Go through the
topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss'
interest in the module.

Find the page numbers for

• Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, and\
then Ss find the page numbers for the items listed.
• Ask questions to check Ss' understanding.
Answer Key
on email (p. 35)
Do you write emoi/s? How often? Who to? Why (not)?
o story (p. 41)
Do you like stories? Wha! is your favourite type of story? I
funny boots (p. 40) I
00 you hove any funny boots in your country? Where con
you see them? How many types of boots do you know of? I
1 ~ To present new vocabulary I
• Draw Ss' attention to the pictures and the phrases. I
• Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally or
individually. Ask various Ss to give the L1 I
(Ss' own answers)
2 ~ To practise the past simple
Explain the task and read out the examples. Elicit the I
remaining answers from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
3 They watched 0 street parade. I
4 They wore traditional costumes.
5 They danced to music. I
6 They opened presents.
7 They listened to 0 bond. I
8 They pointed their faces.
9 They watched a fireworks display. I
""""" , I
33(T) I

past continuous
1 Ino your
Listen and repeat. What are these phrases

What did the people do during the

2 celebrations? Use the phrases to describe the
past events In the pictures.

at JI
They w m Sk5

I .~~ ,

watch a fireworks
I display
,,' MOOUU •

Reading 3a celebration brilliant prepare nut
gigantic feast ancient temple snapshot
live music come alive parade colourful
mask oval icing bean

the Monkey Festival in November. It

I W€nt to lopbufl for lO 000 people and
Th re were over ,
was brilliant. e Th people prepared a
f onkeys there_ e
hundreds 0 m t n ancient temple. They
gigantic feast for the monkeys a abies on large tables for
frUIt and vegeta
put lots of nuts, happy with the
the mon keys. The monkeys were very
food. One of the monkeys climbed on
my shoulder and pulled my h:r.
It hurt but It was very funny y
mum took a snapshot of me and ,I
the monkey. Then there was a big
arade of children in monkey
costumes. We also listened to live
fantastic time
music. I ha d a B g"ok. Thailand)
(Aran, an ~

I had the time of my hfe at Mardi Gras in New

Orleans last February. It was the best party ever.
The whole City over
came alive. There were
sixty parades People were wearing very
colourful costumes and carnival maSKS and
there was music and danCing in the
streets and cafes every night. My friends
and r danced and had fun. We all tried the
King Cake too. It's an oval cake with
purple, green and gold iCing and a special
bean inside, It's delicious! If you get the
bean, you buy the cake the next time. We were
all so excited .
(Carol, New Orleans, USA)
; 1 a) @ To introduce the topic 2 @ To read for specific information

I Elidt answers to the questions in the rubric from • Allow Ss some time to read the texts ag ain and
various Ss around the class. answer the questions.
I (55 ' own answers)
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these wards box.
I b) • To predict the content of the text
Read out the Did you Know? box.
• Check Ss' answers.
I • Read out the Study Skills box . Direct Ss'
Answer Key
attention to the title and the picture and allow
Aran went to the Monkey Festival in lapburi, Thailand.
I them two minutes to read the introduction and
1 They prepare a gigantic feast for the monkeys and
the first sentence in each text. Elicit what the
they hove a big parade with children in monkey
I texts are about then ask Ss to think of a question
costumes and ploy live music.
for each festival. Write two of them on the
3 They wear monkey costumes.
I board.
4 In February
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text
5 She watched parades, danced and tried the King
I in their books and check if the questions were
6 You buy the cake the next time.
I Answer Key
Text A is about Monkey Festival in Lopburi and Text B is
I about the Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
I Suggested Answer Key
Whot do people do at Mordi Gras? (They hove parades,
I wear colourful costumes and carnival masks and dance in
the streets to music. They also eat King Cake.)
I Are there real monkeys at the festival in Lapburi? (Yes,
there ore.)
Background Information
Lopburi is a very old city in Thailand about' 50 km
I from Bangkok. It has many ancient temples and ruins.
It is a popular tourist destination. People go to see the
I Macaque monkeys that live there especially during
the Monkey Festival in November.
I New Orleans is a large multicultural city in the state of
Louisiana the USA. It is famous for its Mardi Gras
I Festival every year. It is one of the oldest cities in the
USA. It gets its name from Phillippe 11 Regent of France,
I Due d'Orleans and has strong French connections.


I 34(T)
Vocabulary 3a
I • Festive time Speaking
Fill In the gaps with the past forms of the verbs: take, • Opinions
I 3 have, be (x2), come, prepare, try, wear.
Imagine you attended
I 1 Carol .................................... the time of her life. 6 one of the celebrations below
I 2 The whole city .................................... alive. last weekend. Talk about
3 People ....... ,........... colourfu l costumes and carnival masks. them, as In the example. Use
I 4 They all .................................... the King Cake with the adjectives from Ex. 5.
I special bean inside.
• birthday party
S They .................................... all so exci ted. • wedding • spring festival
I 6 The people ......... ,......... a huge feast at an ancient te mple. • fancy dress party
I 7 She ....................... a snapshot of the girl and the monkey. • New Year's Eve party
8 There ....................................... a big parade of child ren in
Asking for opinions
I monkey costumes. • Did you like ... ? • Did you
I a) List all past tense forms In the text on p . 34. enJoy ,
· .... • How was the ... ?

4 Which forms are Irregular? • What was the ... like?
• What did you think of ... ?
I b) Use the past forms of the verbs In the list to Expressing opinions
complete the sentences. • Great. I really ... it.
I • It was fun/ really good/ bri lliant/
• climb • dance • celebrate • prepare • laugh
I great/fantastic/excel lent.
1 People ............... to the rhythm of samba in the streets.
• It was exciting/thrilling, etc.
2 The clowns were funny so we all ................................. .
• 1 didn't like it. • Nothing
3 I .................... Mardi Gras in New Orleans last February.
special. • Not very good.
4 Mum .............................. a special dish for the evening.
• It was disappointing/ boring/
S A monkey ...................................... up on her shoulder. ti ring/terrible/awfu l .
A. Where were you last
. . Which festival would you like to attend?
Saturday evening?
Why? In three minutes write a few sentences on
B: I was at a birthday party.
the topic. Read them to the class.
A: Did you like it?
• Feelings B: It was fun. How about you?

List the adjectives under the headings: Positive, Negative. Writing

5 o Listen and check. Say the adjectives in your Imagine you were at the
language. When did you last feel this way? Tell the class. 7 Monkey Festival. Complete
the emall to your English

thrilled happy surprised

Dear ....
I had a great time in .... It was ... time.
People prepared ... and they .... [ watched
,,~, tlred ... . [ was very ....

I felt thrilled when I passed my exams. I fell happy ete.

=,"," ='=9=''=9." ,0.:':"=:;":':"-31)

= ..",0-,...
[" '.") "5'00 [. ) Workbook: 3a) MODULEl

Answer Key
3 G To consolidate vocabu lary/ ph rases related
to fest ivit ies
Positive Negative
thrilled disappointed
Allow Ss some time to do the task. Check Ss' answers happy surprised
around the class. surprised sod
Answer Key bored
1 hod 4 tried 7 took I felt happy when I opened my presents.
1 come 5 were 8 wos I felt disappointed when I failed my test.
3 wore 6 prepared I felt surprised when he showed me his costume.
I felt sad when we moved house.
4 a) G To recognise past fo rms
t felt
t felt
tired when we finished the game.
bored at the party.
• Explai n t he task. Ss go through the text again,
find all the past fo rms and write them in their
6 G To practise asking for and expressing
opinions through role play
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class .
• Explain the task and ask two Ss to read o ut the
Answer Key
hod, was, come, were wearing, danced, tried, went, • Allow Ss some time to read through the useful
prepared, put, climbed, pulled, hurt, took, listened lang uage boxes, choose a celebration and act o ut
Irregular: hod, was, came, went, put, hurt, look their discussions .
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
b) G To practise usi ng the past simple va rious Ss to act out thei r d iscussion in front of the
Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
1 danced A: Where were you last weekend?
3 celebrated 5 climbed
B: t was at a wedding.
2 laughed 4 prepared
A: Did you enjoy yourself?

__ G To consolidate comprehension of
a text and express an opinion
B: Oh yes, I was thrilled and I really liked it.

A: Did you enjoy the spring festival last weekend?

B: No, I was very disappointed.
• Read the rubric alo ud.
• Allow Ss th ree minutes to formul ate their answers A: What did you think of the fancy dress party lost
and write their sentences. Sunday?
• Ask various Ss to read out the ir sentences to the B: I was happy. I really liked it.
A: What did you think of the New Year's Eve party last
Suggested Answer Key weekend?
I would like to attend Mardi Gras in New Or/eans. I love B: I didn't like it. I was bored.
watching parades and dancing. It sounds very exciting.!
I would like to go to the Monkey Festivol in Lopburi. I like
monkeys and I love watching parades. It sounds like fun .
7 G To complete an em ail about a festival
Explain the task and allow Ss some t ime to complete

5 G To present and categorise new vocabulary

the email. Check Ss' answers.
Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task a nd ask Ss to write the head ings in
their notebooks. Elicit the ir meanings (pleasant! Dear Sue,
unpleasant). I had a great time in Lopburi, Thailand. It was th e
• Ask Ss to write the adjectives under t he head ings . Monkey Festival and I had a wonderful time. People
• Play the record in g. Ss listen an d check their prepared a feast and they put lots of nuts and fruit on
answers. Then elicit the II eq uiva lents from Ss tables for the monkeys at an ancient temple. I watched
around the class. an amazing parade of children in monkey costumes. I
• Ss then ma ke se ntences using the adjectives to tell was very happy.
the class about when they felt these feelings, as in Yours
the example. Jane


35 (T)
Grammar 3b
• Past continuous Look at the picture in Ex. 2
3 and correct the statements.
1 Study the table. How do we form the p asl continuous?
Are there similar structures In your language? , Jane was wearing jeans.

h 15 a
I was sleeping. I wasn 't eating. 2 Paul was eating.
You were sleeping. You weren 't eating. 3 jim and Bob were dancing.
He/She/It was sleeping. He/She/It wasn 't eating. 4 John was painting Jessie's face.
We/You{They were sleeping. We/You(They weren 't eating. S Jane was dancing.

Was I studying? Yes, I was./No, I wasn 't. Write questions and

Were you studying? Yes, you were./No, you weren't . 4 answers about what the
Was he/she/it studying? Yes, he/she/it was.! people were doing at 4
No, he/she/it wasn 't . o 'clock on Saturday.
Were we/you/they studying? Yes, we/you/they were .!
No, we/you/they weren 't .
We use the past continuous for actions which were happening
1 Sa m/have a picnic with his
family? X (visit his
grandparents) i
at a certain time in the past.
nme expressions used with the past continuous: while, as. Wa~ J h
his rami
The picture was taken last Sunday afternoon. What Nn hE a
2 were the people doing ? Use these verbs In the POlt ]' '1~

contlnuoul to complete the se ntences. 2 John and Lucy/watch a DVO?

• take • dance . paint . drink • eat X (play computer games)
3 Tom/eat a meal with his !
family? X (walk in the park
with friends) 1
4 lane/ sleep? X (read a book) 1
5 Andy and Mark/ play football?
X (visit a wildlife park) 1
Say where you were last
5 Sunday a t 9:00 om, 2:00 pm, 1
6:00 pm. Your partner asks
questions to find out what
you were doing .

7. am 1
1 Jane .................................................................... Coke. was It norr:
B: Werp y u reJdm 1 a OOk. J
2 Paul and Laura ............................................................... .
A. No I w sn 't ,te.
3 John ............................................................... pictures.
4 ji m and Bob .............................................. sandwiches.
5 The clown ................................................. Jessie's face.
MODUll l

I 1 @ To present t he past continuous 3 • To practise the past continuous negative
I • Ss' books closed. Say then write on the board: I was • Explain the task, direct Ss' attention to the picture
studying yesterday. Explain/ Elicit how the past in Ex. 2 and read out the example.
I continuous affirmative is formed (personal pronoun • Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.
+ was/were + verb + In9). Explain that it is the same
Answer Key
I for all persons and we use it to talk about actions
2 Paul w05n't eating. He was dancing.
happening at a certain time in the past.
I • Say then write on the board: I wasn't studying 3 jim and Bob weren't dancing. They were eating
yesterday? Explain/Elicit how the past continuous sandwiches.
I negative is formed (personal pronoun + wasn't! 4 John wasn't painting Jessie's face. He was taking
weren't + verb + in9). Explain that this is the same pictures.
I for all persons. 5 jane wasn't dancing. She was drinking Coke.
• Say then write on the board: Was I studying
I yesterday? Explain/Elicit how the past continuous 4 • To practise the past continuous
interrogative is formed (was/were + personal interrogative
I pronoun + verb + In9). Explain that this is the same
• Explain the task and read out the example.
for all persons.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check
I • Do a drill with Ss. Write on the board: I wos sleeping
Ss' answers.
last night. Give Ss d ifferent subject pronouns, Ss
I substitute the subject, as in the example. Answer Key
e.g. T: Tom 2 Were John and Lucy watching a OVO? No, they
I 51: Tom was sleeping lost night. weren't. They were playing computer games.
T: The dog 3 Was Tom eating a meal with his family? No, he
I 52: The dog was sleeping lost night. wasn't. He was walking in the pork with friends.
• Do similar drills for the negative and the 4 Was lane sleeping? No, she wasn't. She was reading
interrogative forms. o book.
• Ss' books open. Give Ss time to read through the 5 Were Andy and Mark playing football? No, they
theory, elicit how we form the past continuous and weren't. They were visiting a wildlife park.
then elicit any similar structures in Ss' L1.
Answer Key 5 • To practise all forms of the past
We form the past continuous affirmative with: personal
pronoun + was/were + verb + ing; the negative with: • Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the
personal pronoun + wasn't/weren't + verb + ing; and example dia logue.
the interrogative with: was/ were + personal pronoun + • Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor the activity
verb + ing. We write short answers with Yes/ No + around the class and then ask some pairs to ask and
personal pronoun + was/ wasn 't/were/ weren 't. answer in front of the class.

(Ss' own answers) 5uggested Answer Key

A: Lost Sunday at 2:00 pm I W05 at the park.
B: Were you playing football?
2 • To practise the past continuous affirmative
A: Yes, I was.
• Explain the task and give Ss some time to complete B: Last Sunday at 6:00 pm I was in the city centre.
it. A: Were you watching a film at the cinema?
• Check Ss' answers. B: No, I wasn't.
A: Were you bowling at a bowling alley?
Answer Key
B: Yes, I was.
was drinking 4 were eating
2 were dancing 5 was painting
3 was taking


Grammar 3b
• Past simple vs past continuous Put the verbs In brackets
I 8 Into the correct tense .
I Read t he theory a n d say the examples in your
6 la ngua ge. Find ex amples In the text on p. 34. 1 All her friends ....................... .
I ( d ance) w hen Jane ... ... ........ .
• We use the past simple for: (a rri ve) at the party.
- actions that happened at a certain time in the past. 2 They .................................... .
I H left rh partyot ' Opm last night. (When? At 10 pm.) (watch ) a fireworks display
- actions that happened immediately after each other in the when it ................................ .
past. She blew up some balloons, then she baked some cakes. (sta rt) raining.
I • We use the past continuous for: 3 Annie ................... .. ... (leave)
- an action which was happening at a particular time in the the house, ................... (get)
past. I was watching TV yesterday ar 2 pm. into her car and ................... .
I - actions happening at the same time in the past. (d ri ve) to her aunt's house.
I was reading a book while my brother was playing the piano. 4 When he ............................. ..
Note: When one past action interrupts another, we use the past (arrive) at the festival, everyone
I continuous fo r the action which was happening and the past .......................... ...... (watch)
simple for the action that interrupted it. She was cooking when the the parade.
rang S She ............... ......... (see) her
I while + past continuous: While he was sleeping, the phone rang. friend Margie w hile she ........ .
when + past simple: He wo watching TV when the lights went out . ............... (wa lk) in the park.
6 The children ......................... .
I Put the verbs In brackets Into the past simple. (paint) their faces before the

7 Which ve rbs have Irregular past forms? st reet party yeste rday.
7 What .................................... .
I Hi Monica, (you/ do) at 3 o'clock yesterday
Happy New Year! How was New Year's Eve? I 1) ............................ . afternoon?
I (go) to the Hogmanay street party in Edinburgh with my friends. 8 Mum ................ ......... (cook)
I It 2) ..................... ... (be) very cold and it 3) .......................... . dinner at 5 o'clock yesterday
(snow) all evening , but we 4) ............................. (have) a afternoon while Dad ............ .
I fantastic time. There 5) ................................. (be) six concerts ..................... (was h) the car.
I in different places. People 6) ....................................... (dance)
traditional Scottish dances, others 7) ................................... . In th ree minutes, w r ite as
I (sing). We 8) ................................... (take) a lot of photographs. 9 m a ny true sentences a s you
Some people 9) ..................................... (wear) very strange ca n u sing t he word s below.
I costumes. At midnight they 10) ............. .
Co mpa re with your partner.
........ ............. (let off) fireworks.
I We really 11) ...................... .. • yesterday at 3:00 • then
I (enjoy) it. • last Monday morning • when
Write to me and tell me what you • last Friday evening at 8:00
I 12) .................................. .
• while
(do) on New Year's Eve.
I Yesterday at 3:00, I was doing my
Love ,
I Kate homework.

I (. 1Workbook: lb It Gr.mmu Bank 1) MOOULE ]

I 37

6 • To compare the past simple and the past 8 • To practise the past simple and the past
continuous continuous 1
• Ss' books closed. Say then write on the board: At 10 Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss'
pm last night I was driving home. Explain/Elicit that answers. 1
we don't know when you set off or when you got
Answer Key I
home only that the action was in progress at a stated
time in the post. were dancing, arrived
• Say then write on the board: I arrived home at " pm. 2 were watching, started I
Explain/Elicit that the action was completed or 0 stoted 3 left, got, drove
time in the post. 4 arrived, was wotching 1
• Say then write on the board: I was listening to the 5 saw, was walking
radio while I was driving. Ask Ss to say how many 6 painted 1
actions there were (2) and when they were 7 were you doing
happening (ot the same time). 8 was cooking, was washing 1
• Say then write on the board: I drove home and then I
went to bed. Ask Ss to say how many actions there 9 • To practise the past si mple and past 1
were (2) and when they happened (one after the continuou s using personal examples
other). 1
Explain the task and read out the example. Give Ss some
• Elicit the rules for the use of the past simple and the
past continuous (past simple '" 0 completed action or
time to write their sentences and then ask various Ss 1
around the class to read their sentences out to the class.
o stored time in the post, actions that happened one
oher the other in the post; post continuous == on action Suggested Answer Key 1
in progress at 0 stated lime in the post, actions that I finished my homework, then I watched Tv.
happened at the same time in the post). Last Monday morning I was having on English lesson at
• Ss open their books, read through the theory box school.
and say the examples in their Ll . Then elicit I was sitting on the school bus when I sow my friend's
examples from the text on p. 34. brother.
(Ss' own answers) last Friday evening at 8:00, I was having fun at 0 party.
I was laughing and doncing whife my friend was singing
Suggested Answer Key karoake.
I went ... lost November (past simple - on action at 0
certain time in the post) 1
climbed ... and pulled (pmt simple - actions one after
another) 1
Last Februory ... people were wearing ... (past
continuous - an action that was happening at a 1
particular time)
7 • To practise the past simple and identify i
Irregu lar past forms
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss' 1
answers. Refer Ss to the list of irregular verbs at the
back of the book to help them if necessary. 1
• Ask Ss around the class to identify the irregular verb
fo rms. 1

Answer Key
went 7 song
2 was 8 'ook
3 snowed 9 wore
4 had '0 let off
5 were enjoyed
6 danced "
'2 did

1 ~ To introduce key vocabulary related to the 4 G To complete an em ail to a friend about a
topic through pictures theme park visit
Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and go through the • Explain the task and allow Ss some time to
words in the list. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any complete it.
unknown words and then elicit which they can see in • Ask various Ss around the class to read out their
the pictures. answers to the rest of the class.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
The pictures show: a fairytale castle, a merry·go-round, a Hi Usa,
roller coaster, a pirate ship, Q parade Last Saturday I went to 0 theme park with my friend
Suson. It was brilliant. We went on a lot of rides. My
2 @ To listen for specific information favou rite was the roller coaster and Suson really liked
the pirate ship. We also ate in Q restaurant where the
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the people were 011 cartoon characters. My friend had a
meanings of the words in the Check these words burger, but I had Q pizza. We had 0 great time. How was
box. your weekend?
• Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the Yours,
sentences. Katy
• Check Ss' answers around the class.
Answer Key
family, fairytale
2 0 hotei, western film
3 great
4 scary
5 the merry-go-found
6 the roller coaster, breath
7 a weekend

3 • To describe an imaginary experience using

• Explain the task and ask a S to read the example
aloud. Explain any unknown adjectives.
• Ss do the task in closed pairs, then ask some pairs
to talk in front of the class.
Suggested Answer Key
A: Did you see the incredible parade? It was amazing.
B: Yes, it was great.
A: I thought the hotel was beautiful. They had beautiful
flowers eve~here.
B: Yes, and the room was comfortable too.
A: The restaurants were great and the food was
B: I know. I loved the rides the most. The haunted house
was so scary and so much fun.
A: Yes, our trip was incredible, wasn't it?
B: Yes, it was.

Skills 3e
(neck these words
believe my eyes fairytale
greet come to life
guest cowboy ride
haunted house scary
roller coaster speed
hold your breath

Penny went to Disneyland last mC,"lth.,L~

o Listen and complete the gaps.

1 Penny went to Disneyland with her .............................. . Writing

She couldn't believe her eyes. It was like a magic city
Imagine you went to a
from a .... ........... .. ....................... .
theme park last
2 They stayed at ........................................ that looked like
weekend. Complete
it was from a ......... ... .. ....... ................... .
the email to your
3 The food was ................................. .... .. . .
English pen-friend
4 The haunted house was fun, but ........ .......................... .
(60·80 word.) .
5 Her little sister liked ........................................ .
Hi ... ,
6 Penny's favou rite ride was ........................................ .
last Saturday, I went ... with ....
She loved the feel ing of speed. She was holding her It was .... We went on .... We
........................................ most of the time. also .... My friend ... but I .... We
7 Penny stayed there for ........................................ . had a great time. How was your
Imagine you went to Disneyland with Penny. Use the
adjectives amazing, beautiful, comfortable, exciting,
scary, incredible to talk about these:

• the roller coaster rides • the pa rade • the hotel

• the room • the food
, , IV d the 0
Everyday English 3d
• Narrating past events
1 '.,'. Listen and repeat.
• How was you r holiday? • You'll never guess what happened .
• What's wrong? • That's terrible! • How did it happen?
• Are you kidding? • Oh dear! • I'm really sorry.

The sentences are from a dialogue between two friends.

What Is the dialogue about?
() Listen and read to find out .
. ........................................................

Olg"' Hi, Beny. How was your holiday?

Belry, Hi, Olga. You'll never guess what happened.
Olga, You don't look very happy. What 's wrong?
Betry, I lost my camera.
O lga, That's terrible! How did that happen?
Betry, We were celebrating Gibra ltar Kalionai Day and we went walking
around the famous Gibraha r Rock. Everyone was wearing red and
while and holding hands.
Olga, Wow, teU me more.
Betry, There were monkeys everywhere.
Olga, Are you kidding?
• Incredible, isn't it? Beuy: Incredible, isn't it? When I was taking a piclUre, one of the
• Are you kidding? monkeys jumped onto my back and look my camerJ.. I ran after
• That's shocking. him, but he was tOO fas\. .
• You must be Olga: Oh dear! I'm really sorry.
kidding/joking. Betty: [felt so disappointed!
• No way. '" .. ......................... ..

Find sentences in the dialogue which mean : Did you enjoy your
3 holida y? - What 's the matter? - Th at's awful! - I know! It 's amazing. -
• Oh dear!
Tha t's too bad.
• That's too bad.

4 ..
• I'm really sorry. n listen to the dialogue. Take roles and read it aloud.
• That's awfull
Imagine you had a nasty experience while on holiday. Tell
5 your partner. Use phrases in the box .

Study • Intonation (high rising tone to express disbelief

. -_ _ __ _ Skills El great surprise)
Improving intonation
Cl listen and repeat.
We use high rising tone in 6 ~
emphatic responses that • Wow! • That's great! • Rea lly? • That's lovely!
express disbelief or surprise. • Are yo u serious? • Is that so! • How interesting! • What?

3d =
Student A Stude nt B
G To present situational language
Hi! ". How was ".? -+- Hi. You'll ne\ler guess ...
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat (Greet friend, ask about / (Respond) I
chorally or individually. holiday) ~ ___
• Check Ss' pronunciation and intonation. You don't ". . -+- 1 .... I
What's wrong? L (ReSPOnd)
2 G To identify the context of a dialogue
• Explain the task. Ss read the sentences again. Then
ask them to say what they th in k the dialogue is
about (talking about 5th that happened on holiday).
(Ask about it.)
That's terrible!
How ... ? J
(Comment, ask how it
~ We were ...
Incredible, isn't it?
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in Are you kidding? - . When ....
their books and find out. (Express surp~ (Exp lain further) I
Answer Key Oh dea r! .. I felt so ....
The dialogue is about what happened to Belly on her
(Sympathise) (Express feelings) i
Suggested Answer Key

3 G To learn synonymous phrases

A: Hi, lone. How was your holiday?
8: Hi, Kim. You'll never guess what happened.
• Read out the phrases. Refer Ss back to the dialogue A: You don't look pleased. What's wrong? Ii
and elicit {he synonymous ones from various Ss 8: I lost my purse.
around the class. A: That's terriblel How did that happen?

Answer Key
8: We were celebrating La Tomatina. People were throwing i
tomatoes at each other.
Did you enjoy your holiday? - How was your holiday? A: Are you kidding? I
Whot's the matter? - What's wrong? 8: Incredible isn't it? When I got back lo my holel I
That's awful. - That's terrible! realised my purse was gone. I
I know! It's amazing. - Incredible, isn't it? A: Oh dear! I'm really sorry!
That's too bad. - I'm really sorry. 8: I felt so disappointed. I
• Elicit the I I equivalents from Ss around the class.
(Ss' own answers)
6 G To lea rn the intonation for expr essing
disbelief and great surprise
4 G To act out a dialog ue
• Read ou t the Study Skills box and exp lai n that in
English we express surprise or disbelief by ra isin g I
• Play the recording aga in. Ask Ss to work in pairs our voice to a higher pitch and using a ri sing
and take roles and read out the dialogue. Ask Ss to intonation. Play the recording with pauses for Ss to I
mind their intonation. listen and repeat chorally or individually.
• Monitor the activity around the class and ask some
grou ps to read out the dialogue in front of the
• Pay special attention to Ss' pronunciation and I
intonation and correct as necessary.
class. I
5 G To practise r ole-playing I
• uplain the situation.
• Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue in Ex. 1
as a model as well as any ideas of their own to
complete the task.
• Ss complete the task in pairs. To help Ss, draw the
following diagram on the boa rd and elicit
appropriate phrases Ss shou ld use. Write them on
the board. Ss can refer to the diag ram w hile doing
the task.

39 (T) 1
Suggested Answer Key
I • To read for cohesion and co herence (open The International Bathtub Regatta wkes place every
doze) August in Dinont, Belgium. People make rowboats with
I strange designs from bathtubs and race down the river
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and the title.
and throw water at the people wotching os well as at
I Elicit what the text can be about (festivals which
each other.
take place on the woter),
The Windsor Pumpkin Regatfa takes place every October
I • Explain that Ss have to think of an appropriate
in Windsor; Canada. People cut oul the inside of 0 huge
word for each gap that makes sense in context.
pumpkin, paint it bright colours and odd decoratiom and
I • Allow Ss some time to read the text and complete the
roce pumpkin boots across the lake.
task and compare their answers with their partners.
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these words • To perso nalise the to pic
I box, then check Ss' answers.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and fo ll ow the texts in
Answer Key thei r books.
I 'their 3 lot 5 along 7 for • Give Ss three minutes to formulate thei r answers to
2 across <I in 8 other the questions in the rubric and write sentences.
6 there
I • Ss read out their sentences to their partners, then
Background Information ask some pairs to report back to the class.
I Oinant is an historic French-speaking city in Belgium on Suggested Answer Key
I the River Meuse. It has a population of about 13,000
I would like to go to the International Bathtub Regatta. f
think it would be fun to watch the strange boots and to
I Belgium is a country in Europe which borders France,
Holland, Germany, Luxe mbourg and the English
throw water at the people.!1 would like to go to the
Pumpkin Regatta. I think it would be fun to see pumpkin
I Channel. It has got a population of about' 0.5 million.
The people speak French, German and Dutch. The
boats race across the lake.

I capital city is Brussels.

Windsor is a small town in Nova Scotia in Canada. It 3 ICT • To write a bo ut a local fes tival

I takes its name from an English town in Berkshire. l ess

than 4,000 people live there. It is near to lake Pesaquid
• Explain the task. Ask Ss to work in groups and look
up information on the Internet, in encyclopaedias
I and it is famous for its Pumpkin Regatta that takes place or in other reference books about a festival in their
there every year. country and write about it.
Canada is a large country in North America. It extends
I from the Atlantic Ocea n on one side to the Pacific
• Tell Ss they can use the website suggested on the
Express Publishing website to help them. Ss
I Ocean on the other. The capital city is Ottawa but the complete the task and present their festiva l to the
largest city is Toronto. 33 million people live there. class.
I • Alternatively, assign the task as HW.
Suggested Answer Key
I 2 • To co nsolidate compre he nsio n o f a text
Apokries takes place during the three weeks before Lent in
Explain the task and ask Ss to copy the table into their February or Morch. People dress up in fancy dress
I notebooks. Allow Ss time to read the text again and costumes. There are 0 lot of parades and parties. People
complete the table. Check Ss' answers. also listen to music and donee. People come from 01/ over
I Answer Key the world to join in the celebrations. Everyone has 0 great
I Name
International Bathtub Windsor Pumpkin
Regatta Regotlo
I Dote August October
Place Dinanr, Belgium Windsor, Canada
I People make rowboots People cut out 0
with strange designs huge pumpkin,
I from bathtubs and paint ie bright
Activities race down the river colours and odd
I and throw warer at decorations and
the people watching os race pumpkin boots
I _~w:e~lI~a~,~a~t~ea~ch~a~t~he~'_Lacross the lake

I ~u,

I 40 (T)
organise wet regatta
giant competitor
decoration race
take place bathtub
banks of the river

Every August a very funny boat race

takes place 4} ...................... Dinant,
Belgium. The idea is to make a rowing
boat from a bathtub.
On the day of the race, all the boats
race down the river. Crowds of people
stand 5) ...................... the banks of
the river. They watch the boats and
laugh at their strange designs.
6) ...................... are boats that look
like dragons, birds, bicycles and even
Come to the houses. There are different prizes
7} ...................... the winners.
Regatta! The competitors in the boats also
throw water at the people and people
Every October the people of Windsor, Canada organise a giant pumpkin throw buckets of water at each
regatta. Competitors cut the inside out of a huge pumpkin. Some people 8) ...................... .
paint 1} .......................... pumpkin bright colours and others add
decorations. On the day of the regatta. they race in their
pumpkin boats about a
2} .. ............... ......... the lake. Not all the
pumpkins finish the race and a
3) ......... ................. of people get very wet.
This is a very funny festival.

• Writing 3f
Check t~ese words •
travel - excited
I legend journey 1 The pictures (A-D) tell us a story. Try to put them In
the correct order.
misty edge
I • move from side to side • Listen, read and check .
wonder - step back
I in horror log

L ast summer we travelled to Scotland to go to the
Edinburgh festival. I was really excited about the festival, but I
wanted to visit loch Ness and see Nessie, the famous monster, too.
According to legend, it lived in this lake.
started our journey to Loch Ness very early in the morning. We
soon arrived at the lake. The sun was shining but it was a little misty.
I wanted to take some photographs 50 I walked to the edge of the
lake. Suddenly, a long neck appeared from out of the water. It was
moving up and down and from side to side. "Was it the loch Ness
monster?" I wondered.
I stepped back in horror, dropped my camera and shouted
fO( help. My family tried to calm me down. A few seconds
later my dad started laughing.
"It's not Nessie, John. It's a log moving up and down on the
water. Look!" He was right. I started laughing at my mistake.
We had a great picnic by the lake and we all enjoyed Mum's
sandwiches. It's a pity Nessie wasn't there to have one!

Read and put the events In the order they happened. Use first, then,
2 next, after that to give the class a summary of the story.
~ They reached the lake. [ID A long neck appeared.
[![] They started their journey to Loch Ness. IIIJ They had their picnic.
[I[] John walked to the lake to take pictures. [fI] His dad laughed.
[Q[J John realised his mistake. [BD John started shouting.
Listening for ideas
<. ) Listen to Jlm talking about what Para 1: When did the story
3 happened to him during his holiday happen? Where did it
happen? Was he with
and answer the questions In the plan.
other people?
Writing (a story) Para 2: What happened before
the main event? (events
Use your answers to in order they happened)
4 write 'fm 's story for the school 's Pa ra 3: What was the main
English magazine (60-80 words) . event?
Present the events In the order they Pa ra 4: What happened in the
end? How did Jim feel?
h a ppened. Give the story a title.

(. ]Student's Book: Self·Check 3 ) (. ]Workbook: Jf ) MODULI J


Dear Monsrertrockers, . 1i key: It's home to the Lake
Lake Van is the biggest lake rn Uf . fer' Comeandseeit!
Van Monster, a cousin of the loch NesS Mons . ••


'F~i;;;r"And ir's got a head like ••
a horse and a really
powerful rail! It looks ,•
like a dinosaur.
3f I
1 ~ To predict the order of events in a story 4 ~ To write a story
Explain the task and direct Ss' attention to the pictu res. • Allow Ss time to complete the task in class. Remind E
Ask questions. How many characters are there? (3) Ss to give their story a title. Ask various Ss to read
How are they related? (They're 0 family.) Where are out their stories to the class. I
they? (By a lake.) What are they doing there? (They are • Al ternatively, assign as HW and check Ss answers in
hoving 0 picnic.) Then play the recording for Ss to listen the next lesson. I
and follow the text in their books and check.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key Th e Creature
1 D 2 ( 3 A 4 B Last winter I travelled to the Rocky Mountains for a skiing I
holiday. I was really excited as I wanted to visit the Banff
2 ~ To read for structure and ord er of events Notional Park and see Bigfoot. We started our journey in 1
the morning.
and give a summary of a story
We soon arrived at the national park. I wanted to take I
• Explain the task and read out the Stud y Skills box. some photographs so I walked into the forest. Suddenly, a
• Allow Ss time to read the text again and put the creature that looked like a monkey appeared from behind 1
events in order and then ask various Ss around the a tree. "'Wm it Bigfoot?" I wondered.
class to give a summary of the story. I stepped back in surprise and shouted for help. My family 1
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the tried to calm me down. A few seconds later my dad
meanings of the words in the Check these words started laughing. "It's not 8igfoot, jim. It's a man. Look!'" ]
box. He was right. The man appeared from behind the trees.
Answer Key He was very tall and he had a big thick coat. I started ]
laughing at my mistake, too.
A-2 They reached the lake.
We had a great time in the national park and we 01/ ]
B-1 They started their journey to Loch Ness.
enjoyed the scenery. It's a pity Bigfoat wasn't there though.
C-3 John walked to the lake to take pictures.
0-7 John realised his mistake.
Extra Activity for weaker classes
£-4 A long neck appeared.
F-8 They had their picnic. Photocopy the following. Ask Ss to fill in the missing ]
G-6 His dad laughed. words/phrases.
H-5 John started Shouting. Th e Creature ]
Last winter I travelled to the Rocky Mountains for a
Suggested Answer Key 1
skiing holiday. I was really excited as I wanted
First, they started their journey to Loch Ness. Then they 1) ... . . ....... the Banff National Park and
reached the lake and John walked to the lake to take l
see 2) ............... . ..... We started our journey
pictures. Next a long neck appeared and John started 3) ................... ........ ...
shouting. His dad laughed and John realised his mistake. We soon arrived at the notional park. I wanted to
It was a log. After that they had their picnic. 4) ....... . .... ......... .......... so I walked into the forest.
Suddenly, a creature that looked like a monkey
3 ~ To listen for ideas for a story 5) ............ . . ......... NWQ5 it Big{oot?" I wondered.
I stepped back in surprise and shouted 6) .
Go through the plan with Ss. Underline the key words.
My (amily tried to calm me down . A few seconds later
Expla in that these words will help them do the task.
my dad 7) ............................................... Nit's not
Play the record ing twice if necessary. Ss listen and
Big{oot, Jim. 8) ............................. Look!" He
answer the q uestions in the plan.
was right. The man appeared from behind the trees. He
Answer Key was very tall and he had a 9) ... ............... .
Para 1: Lmt winter; in Banff National Park in the Rocky I started 10) ............ .
Mountains; Yes, he was with his family We had 11). . ........ time in
Para 2: He went to the national park, he decided to go in the national park and we all enjoyed the scenery. It's a
the forest, there was a creature that looked like a monkey. pity Bigfoot wasn't there though.
Para 3: He was surprised and shouted for help. His dad
started laughing, he realised it was 0 man.
Para 4: They had a nice time in the forest; he felt happy
but a little disappointed not to see Bigfoot


41 (T)

Look - there's a large egg

here. The monster was
coming here to lay an egg!
It laid one on the shore!

Exercises C\
Look at the pictures. What
Is the story about?
The lake
Listen and check. Van Monster
; ~~
Complete the sentences. Tell the class
Read and mark the sentences T (true) or
4 the summary of the episode.
F (false)_ 1 The Monstertrackers went to Turkey.
J f 2 They wanted to see The Lake Van Monster, a
1 The lake Van Mon ster is short.
i f creature that is a cousin of the Loch Ness Monster.
2 It likes mountains. f 3 They decided to camp close to the shore.
3 Candy video taped an egg. f
Phi! found a boat on the shore. 4 Candy videotaped something really big.
5 The Monstertrackers found an egg.
Label the pictures . 6 They decided to take it back to camp.
3 7 While Boogey was stretching his wheels, he
broke the egg-

r ~
( lay eggs ) C stretch )
I 1 • To consolidate vocabu lary learnt in t he Game: Ss play the game as described in the Ss' Book.
modul e
I 4 song. To listen and read for gist
• Allow Ss some time to read the clues and complete
I the puzzle. • Read the definition aloud and play the recording. Ss
• Check Ss' answers around the class. listen and follow the song in their books.
I • Elicit an answer to the question in the rubric from

Answer Key
monkey 4 wedding 7 carnival
Ss around the class.
Answer Key
2 PC"Y 5 alive 8 parade
3 fireworks 6 Hogmanay 9 rides The singer thinks traditions are very important because
I they keep the post olive and they are a part of our
Hidden Word - mardi gras everyday lives.
I 2 • To test knowledge learnt in this modu le 5 • To express a persona l opinion
• Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the • Allow Ss some time to think about the question and
I questions and decide on the answer to each then allow three minutes for Ss to write down their
question. thoughts.
I • Alternatively, you may allow Ss to review the • Ask various Ss around the class to read out their
module and find the relevant information to answer sentences to the rest of the class.
I the questions correctly. Check Ss' answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
I Traditions ore important because they join us. They help
1 In February us to keep our culture alive and be proud of our past.
I 2 Every/In August
., ................. .
3 Monkeys
I 4 In Chicago, II/inois Game
5 0 cowboy morketploce
Pantomine: Ask Ss to think of a celebration they :
I 6 Nessie, the Loch NeH monster
attended last year. Ss mime the activities. The class in :
teams guess the activities. Each correct guess gets 1 :
I 3 • To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the point. The team with the most points wins. :
modul e
I • Explain the task and allow Ss time to work in pairs
Leader: Last year I attended . (name). People ~
(mimes wear masks).
and look th rough the module and think of quiz
I Team AS 1: People wore masks.
questions. ............................. .. .............. .
• Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the previous task as
I a model. Offer an example (e.g. Where is Hogmanay
celebrated? (Scotland»
I • Ss can swap their quiz with another pair and do it
and then report back to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
I Where is the feast for the monkeys during the Monkey
Festival? (At on ancient temple)
I 2 What is the name of the New Year's Eve party in
Edinburgh? (Hogmanay)
I 3 What European city is Disneyland in? (Paris)
4 What type of boot do they use in the regatta in
I Windsor? (A giant pumpkin with the inside cut aut)
5 Where does the International Bathtub Regatta lake
I place? (In Dinant, Belgium)
6 When does the Monkey Festival take place? (In
I November)

Let's celebrate! Complete the puzzle to f ind a well-
1 kn own cele bration. 4 Song: Read the d ictionary
, There is a ... festival in
LLLLLL tradition /tradlfan/ a custom that
Thailand in November.
LLLLL has existed for a long time
2 Children often have a ... to
celebrate their birthday.
LLLLLLL o Now listen and read the
3 People around the world
LLLLL song . How does the singer
let off ... at midnight on
LLLLLLLL feel about traditions?
New Year's Eve. LLLLLLLL
4 When two people get LLLLLL
married, they have a .... LLLLL
5 A whole city comes ... during a festival. Traditions make a country great
6 New Year in Scotland is called .... I'm sure you will agree
7 People often wear colourful costumes and masks at a They make us think about our past
And how things used to be
8 There's always a colourful ... of cartoon characters at And so, through aJl the centuries
Disneyland. Traditions will survive
9 There are many ... at Disneyland, including big roller Our holidays and festivals
Will keep them all alive
coasters and a pirate ship.

Do the quiz. Answer the questions . So let~ keep our traditions strong
And follow them with pride
Let's think of what they teach us all
And let them be our guide

1 When do people celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans? Traditions have an influence
2 When does the International Bathtub Regatta take place? On things we do and say
3 Which animal is celebrated at the festival held in Lopburi? We may not realise it, but
4 Where does the giant pumpkin regatta take place? We use them every day , !
use them when we greet our friends
5 What does the restaurant look like at Disneyland Paris?
And when we eat a meal I
6 What famous monster lives in Scotland? We use them in our work and play
That's how we keep them real i

3 ti\ _I.m:m
at Module 3 and
Lo ok

write a quiz of your

own similar to the
one above.

~ :Chain
A holiday to remember
Make up a story that ,\(WJ(q Why Is It impo rtant I
matches the title above. to keep our tradltlons? 'n
S7 Last summer; we travelled three minutes write a few 1
to '" sentences on the topic. Read
52: We wanted ... 1,
your sentences to the class.
44 1
Sports & Chores
» What's In this module1 , 1 I never iron my clothes.
'2 I never do the loundry.
Read the title of the m odule Sports & Chores and ask Ss
to suggest what they thi nk it means. Go through the
'3 I sometimes do the shopping.
topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss'
'4 I sometimes hoover the carpel.
' 5 I never mop the floor.
interest in the modu le.
• As an extension Ss mime various chores. The class
Find the page numbers for guesses the chore.

• E.xplain/ Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, and

then Ss find the page numbers for the items listed.
• Ask questions to check Ss' understanding.
Answer Key
rood signs (p. 48)
Do you think il is important to know what rood signs
mean? Do you have road signs like these in your coumry?
How many rood signs do you know?
on emoil (p. 41)
How often do you send emoils? Who to? Why do/ don't
you like sending then?
a strange sport (p. 46)
Are there any strange sports like this in your country?
Would you like to take part in a strange sport? Why (not) ?

,G To present vocabulary for chores
Draw Ss' attention to the pictures and ask various Ss to
read out the chore each one shows. Play the recording.
Ss listen and repeat. Elicit the l1 equivalents from Ss
around the class.
(Ss' own onswers)

2 G To activate new vocabulary and revise

adverbs of frequency
• Revise adverbs of frequen cy, then ask Ss to tell their
partners how often t hey do the chores. Choose
various Ss from around the class to tell t he rest of
the class how often they do the chores.
Suggested Answer Key
, I never clean the windows.
2 I never cook dinner.
3 I usually walk the dog.
4 I sometimes toke out the rubbish.
5 I never dust the furniture.
6 I often lay the table.
7 I sometimes do the washing·up.
8 I always tidy my room.
9 I a/ways make my bed.
'0 I never wash the car.

1 inoyour
Listen and repeat. What are these phrases

How often do you do these chores? Tell your

2 partner. Use adverbs of frequency.
0% never r
50% often 1100% always-j
25% sometimes 75% usually I

I never cook dinner.


I mop \ne lIoof

Household chores may be a household bore,
but not when they become extreme sports.
There are many strange sports in the world and here is a new one that you might • Your ironing board
like to try. must be at least 1m
Extreme ironing is very simple. You take your ironing board, your iron and a piece long.
of clothing to somewhere out of the ordinary and ... you iron. There is an annual • You mustn't use a toy
competition for the best photograph of extreme ironing. iron. It must be real.
A lot of people take it very seriously and train for the competition. To do extreme • You might like to wear
ironing you need stamina, but you also have to iron with grace - you see, this some protective
sport is like dancing. clothing like a helmet
There are photographs of people ironing underwater. on the tops of mountains or goggles.
or riding on bikes. You can iron on your own or with a team of friends. • You don't have to film
yourse~; a photograph
Extreme ironing might never become an Olympic sport, but at least you can do
is enough.
something exciting and still have nicely ironed clothes at the end of the day.
• You have to iron at
least one piece of

ironing board out of the ordinary

annual take it seriously train for
grace protective clothing


L 1 a) a To introduce the topic

Elicit what an extreme sport is (a sport that is
3 a) a To summarise a text
• Ask Ss to copy the headings into their
dangerous or out of the ordinary). Elicit examples of notebooks. Allow Ss some time to scan through
L extreme sports from various Ss around the class. the text and find the parts that go under the
Then elicit whether any Ss would do any extreme headings. Ss take notes and then take turns to
L sports and which. give a summary of the text to the class.
• With weaker classes write the headings on the
Suggested Answer Key
L skydiving, snowboarding, white-water rafting, kite surfing
board. Elicit answers and write them on the
board . Ss copy the completed ta ble into their
L notebooks. Allow Ss some time to prepare their
(Ss' own answers) summary.
b) a To predict the content of the text
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and elicit what
Suggested Answer Key
Name of sport
extreme ironing
the people are doing (ironing). Elicit a variety of Equipment
answers as to why they are doing this (for a ironing board, iron, piece of clothing, (camera)
competition, as a stunt, ete). Place
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in underwater, tops of mountains, on a bike
their books and find out. Rules
1m ironing board, a real iron, protective clothing,
Answer Key photograph, piece of clothing
The people are doing extreme ironing (ironing clothes in
To do extreme ironing you need an ironing board, an iron
strange places).
and a piece of clothing. You can do it anywhere such as
They are doing this to win a sports competition/for fun.
underwater, on tops of mountains or on a bike. There is a

2 a To read for specific information

• Allow Ss some time to read the text again and
prize for the best photograph of extreme ironing. The
rules are simple. Your ironing board must be 1m long and
you must use a real iron. Protective clothing is a good
answer the questions. idea. A photograph is enough. Finally you must iron at
• Ask Ss to the use their dictionaries to look up the least one piece of clothing.

meanings of the words in the Check these words
box. b) a To think of an alternative title

r • Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key
Elicit a variety of titles from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
You need an ironing board, an iron and a piece of
People do the strangest things!
clothing to do extreme ironing.
I 2 The person who has the best photograph of extreme
I 3 You need stamina and grace to do this sport.
4 Some people do extreme ironing underwater, on the
I tops of mountains or riding on bikes.
5 No, it isn't (an Olympic sport).
6 (Yo ur ironing board must be) at least 1m long.
7 You don't have to wear a helmet, but it is a good idea.
I 8 (You have to iron) at least one piece of clothing.



Vocabulary 4a
c) . . Would you ever try extreme It's Friday afternoon. Invite
ironing? Why (not)? In three minutes, your friend to do something with you.
write a few sentences on the topic. Your friend accepts or refuses giving a
Read them to the class. reason . Use Ideas from Ex. 4a and the
language In Ex. Sa.
d) Invent your own extreme sport
involving a household chore and A: Would you like to play computer games
present It to the class. with me?
8: I'd love to.//'m sorry. but I can 't. I'm
• Free-time activities going shopping with my mum.
a) 0 Listen and repeat. What are
4 these sentences In your language 1
o listen to Julle talking to a friend
6 about
• go to the cinema/theatre various activities. What does
• go shopping • phone a friend each person do at the weekend? Match
• read books/ magazines • play a sport the people to the activities.
• surf the Internet • send text messages
• watch TV • meet friends P-@opJ@ A~'MH@§
• go to parties • listen to music
• eat out . go swimming
ITIJ Ben A cook dinner
B iron the clothes
[ID Ann
C wash the car
• play video/computer games
• attend a concert • watch a match I1IJ Maria D eat out
[TI] Ted E walk the dog
F play video ga mes
b) Use the verbs to make [ID Mike G meet friends
sentences about you . Use the activities ~ Helen H do the shopping
In Ex . 4a. Tell your partner.

•Q love • © like • G don't mind Writing

• <9 don't like • 8 hate Complete the following emall to your
• ® can't stand 7 English pen·friend about what you
I like going to the cinema. I go to the cinema do/ don 't do in your free time and how
once a week. I hate going shopping. you help at home.
• Making invitations - To: Matt Q ,0
From :
( Subject: Free time
a) Read the examples. Which sentences =
5 accept an invitation? Which refuse?
Dear Malt,
I haven 't got much free time, but when I have
• A: Would you like to go dancing? I often .... I also .... I don' t ... . I don't really like it.
I don't mind helping with household chores.
8: I'd love to./Thot would be great.
I sometimes .... I don 't mind .'" but I never ... .
• A: Would you like to play basketball? I can' t stand it.
8: I'd rother not./ I'm sorry, but I can't. What about you?


I like watching football matches, especially my team.
c) • To personalise the topic
Elicit various answers to the questions in the rubric 5 a) • To present the language for making/ 11
accepting/ refusing invitations
from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

• Explain the task and ask two pairs of Ss to read

I would like to try extreme ironing because it looks very
exciting. It is
0 sport that not many people know obout./I
the example exchanges aloud .
• Elicit answers to the questions in the rubric.

wouldn't like to try extreme ironing. I think it is
dangerous. The rules ore simple, though.
Answer Key
Accepting an invitotion -I'd love to./That would be great.
Refusing an invitation -I'd rather not./I'm sorry, but I can't.

d) • To expand the topic
Read out the rubric and give Ss time to think of
b) G To practise making/ accepting/ refusing I!
their answers and then elicit various suggestions
• Explain the task and choose two Ss to read out
from Ss around the class.
the example exchange. Ss make, accept and
Suggested Answer Key refuse invitations in closed pairs.
Extreme hoovering. It would hove similar rules to extreme • Monitor the activity around the class and ask
ironing, but you would hoover a small rug somewhere some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.
extremely high, hot, cold or unusual.
Suggested Answer Key I
A: Would you like to go to the cinema with me?
4 a) • To present vocabulary for free-time
B: I'm sorry, but I can't. I hove a lot of homework to do. I
Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat the phrases. A: Would you like to eat out tonight? I
Elicit the I I equivalents. B: I'd love to. etc

(Ss ' own answers)

6 • To lislen for specific information
(multiple matching) I!
b) • To talk about free-time activities
• Explain the task. Go though the list of activities with
• Go through the list of activities. Elicit/Explain Ss. Play the recording.
the meaning of any unknown phrases. • Ss listen and com plete the task. Check 55' answers.
• Explain the task and read out the example sentences. 11
• Ss talk in pairs. Monitor the activity around the Answer Key
class and ask some pairs to report back to the 1 C 2 H 3 B 4 F 5 0 6 A !
rest of the class on which activities their partner
likes or dislikes. • To write a short email about your free-
time activities and what chores you do
Suggested Answer Key I
I like going to the theatre. I go to the theatre once a week. • Allow Ss some time to complete the email and
I hate going shopping. I think it's boring. check Ss' answers around the class. !
I like phoning my friends. We sometimes talk for hours. • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss'
I like reading books. It's a great way to pass the time. answers in the next lesson. I
/ don't mind reading magazines. They're interesting.
Suggested Answer Key
I love playing sports. It's my favourite thing to do. !
I like to surf the Internet. I do it every day. To: Matt
I don't mind sending text messages. , keep in contact with From: Mark i
my friends. Subject: Free time
I like watching TV. I like sitcoms. Dear Matt, !
/Iove meeting my friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema. I haven't got much free time, but when I have I often play
I can't stand going to parties. I'm shy. foatball. I also read books. I don't watch TV. I don 't !
I don't like listening to music. really like it
I hate eating out. I think it's too expensive. I don't mind helping with household chores. I sometimes !
'love going swimming. I'm a good swimmer. lay the table. I don't mind making my bed, but I never
I love playing video computer games. , play them with my do the laundry. I can't stand it. I
friends. What about you?
I love attending concerts. It's great to hear live music. Mark I
• mustl mustn 't - have Look at Beth's and Mark's chores. Fill in: have to, has
tol don 't have to
3 to, don't have to or doesn't have to. What about you ?

Read the table and the rules. Beth's chores Mark 's chores
1 Say the examples in your
• walk the dog • do the
language. Find examples In
• make the bed washing-up
the text on p. 46.
• do the • make the bed
We use must/have to to express laundry • dust the
obligation. • tidy her room furniture
I must help with chores. • take out the • tidy his room
(It's my duty. - I'm saying so.) rubbish • lay the tab le
I have to tidy my room.
(It's my duty. - My parents told me.) 1 Beth doesn't have to do the washing-up.
We use musto 'tto express prohibition. 2 Mark ................................................ dust the furniture.
We mustn't talk in class. 3 Beth and Mark .................................... make their beds.

(It's against the rules.) 4 Mark and Beth ...... .............................. iron the clothes.

We use don 't have to to express lack 5 Mark ..................................................... do the laundry.

of obligation. 6 Beth .... ......................................... take out the rubbish.

We don 't have to wear a uniform at 7 Beth and Mark ......... ........................... tidy their rooms.

school. (It isn't necessary.)

Fill In: must or mustn 't. Think of two more rules.
Choose the correct Item .
2 • _ Classroom rules
1 I have to/ mu stn'l get up early T~'

on wee kdays to catch the During a lesson .. .

schoo l bus. o you ................ be quiet. o you ................ sit on
2 You must/ mustn 'l be ca reful a you ................ listen to your your desk.
when you cr05S the street. teacher. €) you .... ........... respect
3 My bike is broken. I have tal €) you ............... talk to each other. your teacher.
mustn't take it to the mechanic.
4 We mustn 'l / don' l have to • Talking about prohibition
work on Sundays.
5 Beth has to/ don 't have to take Ask and answer questions . Use the verbs :
ou t the ru bbish every evening. 5 drive fast, stop, enter, park, smoke, turn left.
6 You don't have t o/ mustn't
1 2 ).-= --,
touch those wi res with wet

hands. It's dangerous.
He has to/ doesn't have t o
finish the essay today. He can
hand it in on Monday.
A: What does this
sign mean?
S You mustn 't / have to wear a
B: You mustn 't
helmet when you ride your bike.
smoke here.

I @ To present have to/don't hove to & 4 @ To pract ise using must/ musln't
must/ musln 'l Expla in the task. Ss co mplete the task. Check Ss'
• Ss close their books. Present must/have to. Say t hen answers.
I write on the board: I must/have to go early today. Suggested Answer Key
Explain that this modal verb is in the affirmative.
1 must 3 mustn't 5 must
I Point to a S and say: You must/have to wear 0
2 must 4 mustn't
uniform at Khool. Point to a male S and say: He
I must/has to wear Q uniform of school. Present the
@ To talk about pro hibitio n
other persons in the same way. Say then write on 5
I the board: I don't have to work on Sundays. Explain • Expl ain the task and elicit what each sig n means.
that th is is the negative form of have to. Point to a Ask two Ss to model the example.
I S and say: You don't have to go to school on Sundays. • Allow Ss two minutes to complete the task in pairs.
Present all persons the same way. Monitor the activity around t he class and then ask
I • Say then write on the boa rd: You mU5tn't smok.e in some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.
public places. It's not allowed. Explain that we use
I mustn'f to express prohibition and that it is the Suggested Answer Key
same for all persons. A: What does this sign mean?
I • Ss open their books. Read out the table. Elicit the I I 8: You mus/n'r park here.
equivalents for the examples. Then elicit more
A: What does this sign mean?
I examples from the text.
B: You must stop here.
(Ss' own answers) A: What does this sign mean?
I B: You mustn't enter here.
Suggested Answer Key
I you also have to iron with grace A: What does this sign mean?
you mustn't use a toy iron B: You mustn't drive fast here.
I you don't have to film yourself
A: Whal does this sign mean?
B: You must turn left here.
I 2 @ To practise have to/ don 't have to &
• Explain the task and allow Ss some time to
I complete it.
• Check Ss' answers aro und the class .
I Answer Key
1 have to 5 has to
I 2 must 6 mustn't
3 have to 7 doesn't have to
I 4 don't have to 8 hove to
3 @ To practise using have to (affirmative &
I neg ative)
• Expl ain the task and read out the table . Allow Ss
I two min utes to read the table.
• Ss com plete the task. Ask va rious Ss to read o ut the
I answers to the class.

I Answer Key
1 has to 5 doesn't hove to
I 3 have to 6 has to
4 don 't have to 7 hove to
I • As an extension Ss use the list of Beth's or Mark's
chores to talk about what they have/don't have to
i do at home.

i .........
I 48(T)
I • can/could/may/mlght/ • Relative pronouns
should/ ought to
I Read the theory. Then choose the
Read the examples. Say them in your
9 correct pronouns.
I 6 language. Then filii": can, can 't, could,
We use:
I may, might, should!n't), ought!n't) to.
• who/ that for people. George is the one
I • You con go now. (you are allowed to - permission) who/that does the shopping.
• You can't leave the room. (you aren't allowed to) • which/ that for animals or things. Extreme
I • Con/May I use your computer? (Is it OK for me to ironing is the sport which/that he likes most.
I .. .7 - asking for permission) • Can I help you with • whose to show possession. Peter, whose mum is
the dishes? (Wou ld you like me ... - offer) our teacher, ploys tennis.
I • Could I have some milk? (Is it possible that ... ? -
I asking for permission) • He may/might come. (it's 1 The ca r wh o/ wh ich is outside our house is
possible ... - possibility) • You should/ought to be my uncle's.
I careful with electricity. (It's my advice.) 2 Mr Smith, wh o/ which is a teacher, comes
I form Scotla nd .
1 You ............................. watch TV after you 3 That's the boy w h o/ w hose house is next to
I tidy your room. ours.
I 2 ........................... I have some more soup? 4 I don't know anyone who/ w hose likes
3 He ........................... ............. come to the extreme ironing.
I cinema tonight. I'm not sure. 5 The man w ho / which just left is my uncle.
I 4 ........................ I carry these bags for you?
5 You .............................. enter this area. It's
! 6
.......................... I borrow your dictionary?
10 Join the sentences. Use who, which or
7 You don't look well. You ................. ......... ..
I see a doctor. 1 A giraffe is an anima l. It has got a long neck.
I S You .............................. lie to your friends. A giraffe is on animal which has got a long neck.
2 Ann is a girl. She speaks six languages.
I Rewrite the sentences using
7 a ppropriate modal verbs.
I 3 Giant pandas are animals. They live in China.
1 You aren't allowed to use this office.
I 2 Don't eat too much jun k food. It's my advice. 4 This is the boy. His father is our doctor.
! 3 Would you like me to carry you r suitcase?
4 Is it OK for me to go ou t now? 5 That's the helmet. Its strap is broken.
I 5 It's possible it will snow later.
; 6 You are allowed to take Dad's car for tonight.

I 8 In t hree minutes, write two things you:

must do ot school, mustn 't do ot school, have
11 Make sentences for these word s. Use
relative pronouns.
•• to do ot home, don't have to do ot home, • goggles • teacher . actor . lion
I shouldlshouldn 't do, may do this weekend. • tennis ball . school bus . mobile phone
(. jWorkbook: 4b " GrammAr bAil 4 ) MOOUU ..
I 49
6 G To present &: practise can/con't/could/
might/shou/d/ought to and consolidate through
9 G To present/practise relative pronouns
• Explain that who/ that, which/ that and whose are
translation relative pronouns and we use them to introduce
• Ask various Ss around the class to read out an relative clauses. Explain that we use who/that for
example and give the L1 equivalent. people, which/ that for things and whose to show
(Ss' own answers)
possession . !
• Read the theory aloud and elicit the correct
• Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers. pronouns for the sentences from Ss around the !
Answer Key

1 con 5 can't Answer Key i

2 Could/Can 6 Con/May , which 3 whose S who
3 might 7 should/ought to 2 who 4 who
4 Con B shouldn't
G 10 G To practise relative clauses
7 To practise modal verbs
• Explain the task and read out the example. !
Give Ss time to complete the ' task, then check Ss' • Ss complete the task, then check Ss' answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key 2 Ann is the girl who/that speaks six languages. !
You can 't use this office. 3 Giant pandas are animals Which/that live in China.
2 You shouldn't eat too much junk food. 4 This is the boy whose father is our doctor. i
3 Con I carry your suitcase?
4 Con I go out now?
S That's the helmet whose strap is broken.

5 It might snow later.
6 You can take Dad's cor for tonight.
11 G To create relative clauses
Explain the task and elicit appropriate sentences from
8 G To practise using mustlmustn'f,. have to/
don 't hove to, should/ shouldn 't, may
Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Explain the task and allow Ss three minutes to These are the goggles which I bought last week.
complete it. Then ask various Ss around the class to This is Mr Brown who is my Moths teacher.
read out their sentences. This is the actar who I like best.
A lion is an animal which lives in Africa.
Suggested Answer Key That's the tennis boil that broke the window.
I must respect my teacher. This is the school bus which takes my brother to school.
I must be quiet in class. This is the mobile phone which my dad bought me.
I mustn't throw rubbish on the floor.
I mustn't be late for lessons.
I have to do my chores.
I hove to do my homework.
I don't have to wash the car.
I don't have to cook the dinner.
I should brush my teeth twice 0 day.
I should help to protect the environment.
I shouldn't go to bed late.
I shouldn't rush my homework.

I may go to the beach this weekend.

I may help my mum in the garden this weekend.

Skills 4c

ft's a beautiful day and there's no school. It's the perfect

time to go for a ride with your friends. You get on your
bike and you feel as free as a bird. Cycling is fun, but
sometimes accidents happen, so you should cycle safety.
Here are a few tips to help.
• The most important thing to remember is that you must
wear a helmet. Your helmet will protect your head in
case you fall off your bike.
Remember to wear a helmel lhat fits you and never wear
a hat under your helmet.
• Il's also important that drivers can see you. You must put
reflectors on your bike and wear something bright such
as a reflective belt. At night-time you must also have the
lights on .
I You shouldn't wear loose clothes or headphones.
Gloves and knee pads are a good idea.
I You must respect road signs and use hand signals to tell
drivers that you want to change direction,
I You mustn't ride too close to cars, especially parked
cars . People can open car doors suddenly.
I Last but not least, remember to keep your bike in good
condition. Check the brakes, tyres and chain regularly.

--~----------....,. !:

Have you got a bike? Do you like cycling? Why (not)?

Read and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or 05 (doesn 't say).
( ) Listen and check.
accident helmet
protect reflector 1 Bicycle accidents happen very often.
reflective belt
2 It's a good idea to wea r a hat under you r helmet.
loose clothes
headphones 3 A reflective belt helps d rivers see you.
knee pad respect 4 You can wea r headphones when you cycle.
hand signa l brakes
S You must put oil on your chain every week.
tyre chain
regu larly Fill In: do, play or go.
C) Listen and check. Which of these do you enjoy the most?
1 ........... roli erblading 7 ........... football 13 ........... horse riding
2 ... ........ kickbox ing 8 .. ..... .... baseball 14 ........... aerobics
3 ........... darts 9 ........... martial arts lS ...... ..... tennis
4 .. .. ..... .. ice skating 10 ........... bi ki ng 16 ........... sa iling
S ........... skateboardi ng 11 ........... golf 17 ........... bad minton
6 .... .... ... ice hockey 12 ...... ..... ath letics 18 .......... : chess
Look at the pictures. Tell the class how you can cycle safely.

MOOULI. (. ) Student's Book: Languag~ Review 4c ) (.jWorkb~ok: 4c )

'"'« ..,,'_"'''' ',"",m ,
I • To introduce the topic 4 • To talk about safe cyding
I • Elicit answers to the questions in the rubric from • Ask Ss to use the pictures to talk about safe cycling.
various Ss around the class. • Give Ss' time to formulate their answers then ask
I Suggested Answer Key
various Ss around the class to tell the rest of the
class how to cycle safely.
Yes, I have got a bike. I like cycling because it's good
! exercise./No, I don't have a bike. My parents say it's Suggested Answer Key
dangerous to ride a bike on busy streets. You must wear a helmet. You must also put reflectors on
I your bike and wear something bright. You mustn't wear
loose clothes or headphones. It's a good ideo to wear
I 2 • To read for specific information
gloves and knee pads. You must check the brakes, tyres
• Allow Ss some time to read the text and mark the and chain regularly. You must respect road signs and use
I sentences. Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up hand signals to tell drivers that you want to change
the meanings of the words in the Check these words direction.
I box.
• Check Ss' answers around the class.
Answer Key
I 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 05

I 3 • To practise the use of do, play and go with

sports and free-time activities
• Explain the task and refer Ss to their dictionaries to
I look up the meanings of any unknown words.
• Ss complete the task and then play the recording
I fo r Ss to check their answers.
Answer Key
1 go rollerblading 10 go biking
2 do kickboxing 11 play golf
3 play darts 12 do athletics
4 go ice-skating 13 go horse riding
5 go skateboarding 14 do aerobics
6 play ice hockey 15 play tennis
7 play football 16 go sailing
8 play baseball 17 play badminton
9 do martial arts 18 play chess
• Elicit which sports/activities Ss enjoy the most.
(Ss' own answers)


Everyday English 4d .=:0

I Asking for advice • Asking for and giving advice

1 o Listen and repeat.

• What should I ... ?
Giving advice
I • What's wrong? • Where did you last have it?
• If I were you, I'd ...
• Have you looked in your locker? • What should I do?
I • Why don 't you ... ?
• If I were you, ,'d report it to the school secretary. • You're right.
• You could ...
I The sentences above are from a dialogue between two friends.

2 What Is the dialogue about?
() Listen, r ead and check.
Read the dialogue. What Is Tlna's ~
3 problem? What Is Sue's advice? "'<!Cneck these
- ---........................... ·····. ···f.
purse . lab ' locker
Sue: What's wrong, Tina? ~. ' pocket money
Tma: I can't find my purse.
Sue: Oh, no. Where did you last have it?
Tma: Ir was in my bag when we went (0 the lab, but now it's
not there any more.
Sue: Are you sure it's not in your locker?
Tina: I checked there. I looked everywhere but I ca n't find ir.
All my pocket money was in it. What should I do?
Sue: Why don't you report it to the school secretary?
Tina: Do you think so?
Sue: Yes, I do.
Tina: You're right. Let's go.

I Find sentences In the dialogue which mean: What 's the matter? - I'm
Study 4 so sorry. - I don 't know what to do. - You could report it to the school
I Skills secretary. - Is that your advice? - That's correct.
Improving speaking
I skills 5 Say the sentences In Ex . 1 In your language.
I You can record
o Listen to the dialogue. Take roles and read it aloud.
yourself while doing
I a speaking activity.
This way. you can You and your friend are at a bowling alley. You put your mobile
I listen to your
performance and
6 phone on the table. Now you can't find It. Tell your partner. Your
I improve your partner advises you to report It to the manager. Record yourselves.
pronunciation and
I intonation.
• Pronunciation (linking sounds)
7 Find the linking sounds In the sentences below.
o Liste n and check. Listen and repeat.
1 CaV have an apple? I 3 I hope it's OK for Anna to come wit h us.
2 1am always late for school. 4 How about eight o'clock?


• Ss complete the task in pairs. To help Ss, draw the
@ To present situational lang uage following diagram on the board and elicit
appropriate phrases Ss should use. Write them on
Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally or
the board. Ss can refer to the diagram while doing
the task.

2 @ To listen for specific information

Student A Student 8
What's wrong? ~ I can't find ...
(Ask what the Proble~
• Play the recording.
(E)fplain problem)
• Ss listen and follow the text in their books and
Oh no. Where ... ? It was ...
say what the dialogue is about.
(Sympathise and ask ----. (Respond)
Answer Key for more details) /
Tina is upset and Sue gives her some advice. Are you sure ... ? =----+-
I checked .. . what
(Question further) ) should I do?
3 @ To read for specific information
(Respond and ask for
• Give Ss time to read the dialogue again and Why don't you ... ? ~ Do you think so?
complete the task . (Give a~ (Verify advice)
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the words Yes. .. You're right.
in the Check these words box . (Respond.) (Agree)
• Check Ss' answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
A: What's wron9 5am?
Tina has lost her purse. Sue advises her to report it to the
8: I can't find my mobile phone.
school secretary.
A: Oh no! Where did you lost hove it?
8: It was on the table, but now it's not there anymore.
4 @ To learn synonymous phrases A: Are you sure it 's not in your ba9?
8: I checked there. I looked everywhere, but I can't find
Read out the phrases. Refer Ss back to the dialogue and
elicit the synonymous ones from various Ss around the it. What should I do?
A: Why don't you report it to the manager?
8: Do you think so?
Answer Key A: Yes, I do.
What's the matter? - What's wran9? 8: You're right. Let's go.
I'm sorry. - Oh, no. !
I don't kn ow what to do. - What should I do?
You could report it to the school secretary. - Why don't
7 @ To pronounce li nking sounds
you report it to the school secretory? • Explain how we link sounds in English. When a
Is that your advice? - Do you think so? consonant sound is at the end of one word and a i
That 's correct - You're right. vowel sound is at the beginning of the next word
the sounds are linked. Point out that can I is i
pronounced as ca-nl. Check Ss' comprehension by
5 (& To act out a dialogue and consolidate asking for further examples.
situational language th rough translation • Direct Ss' attention to the example and elicit the
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and take roles and read out linking sounds in the sentences.
the dialogue. • Play the recording for Ss to check.
• Monitor the activity around the class and ask some • Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to listen
pairs to read out the dialogue in front of the class. and repeat chorally or individually. Pay special
• Elicit the LT equivalents for the sentences in Ex. 1 attention to Ss' pronunciation and intonation .
from Ss around the class. Repeat the task if necessa ry.
(Ss' own answers) Answer Key
1 (anv I have anv apple?
6 @ To practise role-playi ng 1 l....a"Ul1ways late for school.
• Explain the situation. 3 I hopt,it'tPK fo.[,Anna to come witQ,us.
• Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue in Ex. 3
4 Ha~abouVighlP 'clock.
as a model as well as any ideas of their own to
complete the task.

Across the Curriculum

It's not just cars and factories that pollute the environment - it's you, me and our
homes as well. How 'eco-friendly' is your hou se? Here are some things that you
can do to protect the environment and make the world a better place.
• Turn off the lights when you are not in a room and don't leave OVD players,
computers and TVs on standby.
• Turn down the heating. If you're cold, you can put on a jumper!
• Put solar panels on the roof. Using energy from the sun can save a lot of money
and electricity.
• Don't keep the tap ru nn ing when you clean your teeth or wash vegetables.
• Collect rainwater and use it to clean the car or water the garden.
• Don ' t th rowaway things you don 't want any more. Remember the three Rs-
reuse, repair and recycle. Repair appliances which are still in working
condition. Recycle old mobile phones. Donate old appliances to charities that
give them to people to reuse.
• Grow you r own vegetables in you r garden - it's eco-friendly and healthy!

Saving the planet starts at home and it cou ld start as soon as you get home today!

Look at the pictures and read the title. What's an eco-

friendly house 1
Cl Listen, read and check.
Read the text and answer the questions.

1 What pollutes the 3 How can we save water?

environment? 4 What are the three Rs?
2 How can we save 5 Why should we grow our
electricity? own food?
Imagine you work for an environmental group. Use the pictures
eco-friendly factory and the text to make a speech to your classmates about the
poll ute . protect Importance of eco-frlendly houses. Use shouldl shouldn 't.
environment turn off
on standby , tUft) 'l 1'1 (, (en
tu rn down put on
solar panel tap
throwaway recycle , leT , ... - Collect Information. then write a short text on how we
donate charity can protect the environment. You can use the key phrases protect
grow the environment. Read your text to the clall .

.. Student's 80<*: Language Review *,Pre sitions .. Workbook: 4d, e, Vonbula Bank 4
Suggested Answer Key
I 1 D To introduce the topic and predict the
content of the text
Hello. I would like to talk to you about how we can save
the planet by doing things at home.
I Firstly, you should turn off the lights when you aren't in a
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and the title of
room and you should turn the heating down. You can put
I the text. Elicit what Ss think an eea-friendly house
a jumper on if you are cold. There are other things you
should do, too. You should be careful about running the
I • Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in
tap too much because this wastes water. You should
their books and check.
collect rainwater and use it to clean the car and water
I Suggested Answer Key your garden. Yau should grow your own vegetables in
An eea-friendly house doesn't waste water or electricity. It your garden, too. It's eco-friendly and healthy. Final/y,
I uses solor energy, collects rainwater and recycles, repairs don't forget to reuse, repair and recycle. You shouldn't
and reuses as much as possible. throw things away. You should repair them or recycle
I them or donate them to someone else. Thank you for

I 2 D To read for specific information


• Allow Ss some time to read the text carefully and
answer the questions.
4 ~T · D To writ e a short text on how we can
protect the environment
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
I meanings of the words in the Check these words • Explain the task and ask Ss to work in groups and
box. look up information on the Internet, using the key
I • Check Ss' answers. words in the search bar or in encyclopaedias or
other reference books. Tell Ss that they can use the
I Answer Key web site suggested on the Express Publishing
Cars, factories, people and our homes pollute the website to help them. Allow Ss time to collect
I environment. information and write their text about how we can
2 We can save electricity by turning off the lights when protect the environment.
I we are not in a room, not leaving computers, OVO • Alternatively, assign the task as HW. Ss work in
players and TVs on standby and putting solar panels groups to prepare and write their texts and read
I on our roofs. them to the class in the next lesson.
3 We can save water by not running the top when we
Suggested Answer Key
I clean our teeth or wash vegetables. We con also collect
You can protect the environment in many ways.
rainwater to clean the car and water the garden.
I 4 The three Rs ore reuse, repair, and recycle. • You should always recycle.
S We should grow our own vegetables in our gardens • If there are no recycle bins on your street ask your
I because it's eco-friendly and healthy. local council to put some there.
• Make sure that you put recyclable items in the correct
I 3 D To consolidate Ss' comprehension of a text
bins. You can often find places to recycle batteries and
mobile phones in electronics stores.
I • Explain the situation and the task and read out the • You could start a recycling scheme at your school.
example. • Instead of going somewhere by car, you should walk,
I • Give Ss some time to prepare their speeches using use your bicycle or use public transport as much as
the text and the pictures to help them. Point out you can. Fumes from cars cause a lot of poJ/ution in
I that Ss should start with a greeting (Hello!, Good the air.
morning, etc) then state the topic of the speech (I • You should try to save electricity. Don't leave your
would like to talk to you about ....). Ss should mobile phone charger in the plug. Even though your
present their points as clearly as possible then end phone is not attached the charger will still use
their speech thanking the audience (Thank you for electricity.
listening.). We can all help in lots of ways!
• Ask various Ss to make a speech to the class.


Writing 4f
I • An email about rules
Check these words ,, ,
I Read the email and complete the
1 gaps with : hove to, mustn 't, can,
• arrive • friendly • cool :
• group leader • choose :
I or must. • hang out • midnight ;

Hi Antonio,
I hope you are having a good time. I arrived at the summer camp in Sardinia a
few days ago and so far so good. Everyone is very friendly. I made a few friends
already. They're pretty cool. It's a very nice place with lots of things to do.
We 1) .................. get up at 7 am for breakfast and then we have to go to English
lessons. After lunch, we can do whatever we like, but we 2) .................. Ieave the
camp without a group leader. We 3) .................. choose from a lot of activities
like horse riding, canoeing and so on. There's also a small beach. Yesterday, we
spent the whole day there. In the evening , we 4) .................. play video games
or watch films or just hang out. I'm having a great time. The only problem is that
we 5) .................. be in bed by midnight.
Anyway, you 6) .................. come next year. You'd love it here.
See you soon,

I 2 Match the signs A-E to their meanings (1 -5).

I Study Lights out at 12 1 You shouldn't throw litter on the ground.

2 You mustn't make noise.
I Skills
3 You can have breakfast here.
Taking notes
I 4 You must be in bed by m idnight.
To take notes while 5 You mustn't use this door.
I listening, focus on Food served
the main subject and 7am-10am
I decide which parts
are the most
I important. Do not • Listening for ideas
write complete
I sentences. Omit
words that are not
o Listen to Amy talking about rules at her summer school. What
3 are the rules there? Take notes .
I necessary. leave
space between each Writ ing (an email about rules and regulations)
I point. A clear layout
will help you revise
4mlrn lpt You are at a summer school. Use the Ideas in En 2 k 3
I the points and
expand on them.
4 to write a short email to your English pen-friend about the rules
I there (60-80 words) . Follow the plan.

I Para 1: Where you are, when you arrived, w hat the place is like
Para 2: describe a typica l day, write what the ru les are
I Para 3: your feelings, closing remarks

(t )Student's Book: Self·Check 4 ) (t ]Workbook: 4' )


4f 1,
Suggested Answer Key
• To read for lexico-grammatical structure Hi Peter,
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the I'm here at a summer school in England. I arrived here a
gaps and then check Ss' answers around the class. few days ago. It's great. There are lots of things to do and
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the I'm learning lots of English.
meanings of the words in the Check these words We have to get up at 8 am every day, but we can eat
box. whatever we want for breakfast. Our first class starts at
lOam and we mustn't be late. After class there are a lot
Answer Key of activities to do. We can play lots of sports and go horse
1 have to/ must 3 con 5 must riding or canoeing. In the evening, we have to be in bed
2 mustn 't 4 can 6 have to/ must before midnight. After the lights are out we mustn't talk.
There are a lot of rules, but actually the camp is fun!
2 See you soon,
• To understand obligation, prohibition and
permission through signs
• Explain the task and draw Ss' attention to the signs
Extra Activity for weaker classes
• Allow Ss some time to complete the task and then Photocopy the email in the Suggested Answer Key in
check Ss' answers. Ex. 4. Take out all the modal verbs and ask Ss to ,
comp lete the gaps with the correct appropriate verb.

Answer Key
A 4 B 5 C 3 D 2 E 1 •
3 • To listen for specific information (note
• Go through the Study Skills box and advise Ss to
listen for the key words must/mustn't/can and take
brief notes while they are listening.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task.
Check answers with the class. •
• With weaker classes write the sentences in the
Answer Key on the board with gaps for Ss to listen
and complete the modal verbs.

Answer Key
She can stay in bed late.
She has to get up before 9 if she wants breakfast.
She must go to lessons from IOta 2.
She mustn't make noise in class.
She must study after lunch for an hour, but she con do it
when she wants.
She mustn't leave the school grounds in the evening.
She must be in bed by midnight.

4 • To write an email about rules and

• Explain the situation and the task and allow Ss time
to complete it in class. Remind Ss to include
opening and closing remarks. Ask various Ss to read
out their emails to the class.
• Alternatively, assign as HW and check Ss' answers in
the next lesson.


- i

1 OOPM Unscramble
3 If' __ Look at Module 4 and write a T/F
the phrases In tIl4t.Do.te quiz of your own.
John, please
Song: 0 What are rules for? Liste n and read to
• take out the shopping
• do the table
4 fi nd out.
• cook my clothes Do yo u agree with the .Inge.'" opln,lo •• 7
• hoover t he windows
• dean the rubbish
• lay the floor
• mop the dinner
• iron t he carpet

Do th e quiz. Mark the

2 sentences T (true) or F (false).

Extreme ironing is an
Olympic sport.
2 You mustn't wear a hat
under your bicycle helmet. ..... . ~ >t\i>
3 You should cycle close , ~-W~h-e-n-w-'et;'r~e-:-in:-a:-:::PU::b:::Ii:C~P:Ia~ce-:-)f'
to cars. , On roads , In shopS or schools
~ We have to think of otherS
4 You mustn 't leave TVs
". ",'~. And we must obey the rules
on stan dby. The world is full of people
5 Solar panels don't save ..f .. .... And I'm sure they'd all agree
......~ Without some ruleS to follow
electricity. a mess the world would be

Rules ere there to kee,n

I" us safe
8 And make life easy, too
Mime the chores you have to d o this ecause We live with othe
~here. 8re things we have to ~o
week. Your partner tells the class. "hey re not to make life bod
And the~ . ng
A: (mimes) walks the dog , re not to spa" YOur fun
Rules keep us out of trouble
B: Andrew has to walk the dog. d they're there for
You might not realise it
But yOU use rules all day long
They tell you how to do ~hings
And what's right and what IS wrong
They help us be good people
That's what rules are all about
The world would be quite crarj
With no rules to help us out

5 Complete the sentence .

Rul es are important beca use ....

I 1 • To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the 4 song . To listen for specific information
I • Play the recording . Ss listen and answer the
question in the rubric.
• Explain the task and ask Ss to rewrite the chores
I correctly. • Check Ss' answers around the class and then elicit
whether Ss agree with the singer's opinion.
• Check Ss' answers.
I Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
take out the rubbish Rules are kept to keep us safe, make our lives easier, keep
I do the shopping us out of trouble and help us be good people.
cook my dinner I agree with the singer's opinion because I also believe
I hoover the carpet that we must follow rules to be safe and to respect other
clean the windows people.
I lay the toble
mop the floor
I iron the clothes
5 • To express a personal opinion on the topic
Read out the rubric and the sentence stem. Elicit a
I variety of answers from Ss around the class.
2 • To test knowledge learnt in this module/ to
Suggested Answer Key
I do a quiz
Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the quiz ... they protect us from danger and help us to respect
I questions and ma rk the sentences as true or false. other people and always do what is right.

I Answer Key : ....... ......... .......... ..... ............. ....... ...... ~

1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F . Game .
Game: Ss play the game as described in the Ss' Book.
What's the rule?
I Think of funny ru les fo r your house. Make sentences
3 • To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the in teams. Each correct sentence gets 1 point. The
I module/ to write a quiz team with the most points is the winner.
Team AS 1: You must leave the rubbish in.
I • Explain the task and allow Ss time to work in pairs
and look through the module and think of quiz Team BSI: You don't have to make your bed.
I questions. -....................................................... , .
• Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the previous task as
I a model. Offer an example (e .g. Using solar panels is
expensive. (F)
I • Ss can swap their quiz with another pair and do it
then re port back to the class.
I Suggested Answer Key
1 The three Rs of being eco-friendly are reuse, repair and
I redo. (F)
2 You cannot use a toy iron to do extreme ironing. (T)
I 3 At night-time you don't need ta have a light on your
bike. (F)
4 There is an extreme ironing competition twice every
year. (F)
5 It's not a good idea to wear loose clothes for cycling.

Our wonderful world
» What's In this module? Suggested Answer Key
Read the title of the module Our wonderful world and 2 F Angel Falls is in South America.
ask Ss to suggest what they think it means. Go through 3 E The Grand Canyon is in North America.
the topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss' 4 C Malta is in Europe.
interest in the module. S C Lake Geneva is in Europe.
6 A The River Nile is in Africa.
Find the page numbers for 7 E Niagara Falls is in North America.
8 B The Gobi Desert is in Asia.
• Explain/ Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, and 9 D Ayers Rock is in Australia.
then Ss find the page numbers for the items listed. 10 C Mount Vesuvius is in Europe.
• Ask questions to check Ss' understanding.
Answer Key 3 • To personalise t he topic

a puzzle (p. 62) Read the example aloud. Then, elicit an example for
Do you like doing puzzles? Why (not)? each geograph ical feature (l·' 0) from Ss' country from
Ss around the class.
o fomoul waterfall (p. 64)
Do you know where this waterfall is? Is there a famous (Ss' own answers)
waterfall in your country? What's it called? Where is it?
Do you know any other famous waterfalls?
a song (p. 68)
What is the difference between a song and a poem? Do
you prefer songs or poems? Why?

1 • To prese nt new vocabulary
Draw Ss' attention to the pictures and ask various Ss to
read out the feature each one shows. Play the
recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally or individually.
Elicit the L1 equivalents from Ss around the class.
(Ss ' own answers)

2 • To match places to continents

• Present the continents and then explain the task.
Go through the list of places and elicit whether Ss
know of any of them . Read out the example, then
elicit answers for the places from Ss around the
• As an extension ask Ss to identify which of them are
the same as the features in the pictures (Mount
Everest (mountain), Lake Geneva (Joke), The River Nile
(river), Niagara Falls (waterfall), the Gobi Desert
(desert), Mafta (is/and), Mount Vesuvius (volcano),
Angel Falls (waterfall).)
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check their
answers .

• oouu,

I • Co ap ~ f
C) Listen and repeat. What are these words In
I 1 yourlanguage7
I Match the place s (1·10) to the continents (A-F).
I 2 C>Listen and check .
I OIJ Mount Everest ~ the River Nile
[lIJ Angel Falls [ID Niagara Falls
I [lI] the Grand Canyon ell] the Gobi Desert
I @D Malta C2:D Ayers Rock
[1IJ lake Geneva [!Q[] Mount Vesuvius
I e Europe E North America
Asia l D Australia l F South America
Mount Everest is in Asia.

I Wh at geographical features are there In

3 your country? Make sentences.
Crete is a famous island in the south of Greece.

I 57
Reading Sa

sunny sandy beach sunset

boat tour volcano hot sprin
sand tourist attraction fores~
connect waterfall guided hike

Hello from San! '.

This isl cl' onn!, Greece. It is h
here. y~: c~ so .b~autiful. There Ore s~~and sU,nny here.
sand n VISI t the man any thlrlgs to do
the ~o~r:C::Sta~:tch :ne of ~h;~:~:~a~~if~~ the bla~k
springs. / w t a oat tour to the I sunsets In
en on the b VD cano and h
amazing. Right ' oat tour yesterda d' at
Some eo I now, I m writing to y an It was
~ p e believe that rh " you from Akrot" . a) Where do you go on holiday'
hereOfIS10also a beach with fedIS sand
rlots IS the lost .
(Ity oJ Atlantis
'J ve, ere Got t . What do you do? '
DanieUe . 0 go now.
b) Look at the photographs. What is
each place famous for?
Greetings from plitvice lakes National Park, Croatia. It's o Listen, read and check .
. the most popular tourist attraction here and one of the
most beautiful places in the world . The park is a huge forest !
and it has got sIxteen lakes connected by waterfalls. The 2 Read the emalls and complete the
highest waterfall is 70 metres tall. Yesterday. we went on a sentences. i
guided hike. We saw a lot of deer and rare birds. We even 1 In Santorini the weather's
, saw a bear eating grass on a mountain. It was amazing! 2 Santorini is famous for ............... ... .. i
Today, we are going on a boat tour of the park. I've got a 3 In Akrotiri there IS ...................... ..
lot of pictures to show you when I get back. 4 Plitvice lakes Nati~~·~~ ..~~~~·;~·;~ .. ··· ........ ·· .
. See you soon, 5 In the park there are ... .. ........... . i
I ",d 6 There are a lot of anim~;~··i·~··~~~··~~·;~·~~~~· 1
as ............... .. ........... .

..0 Listen to the music. In 1

which of the places are you? What are 1
you doing? How are you feellng7 1
Wh .
at can you see and smell? In three
minutes write a few sentences on 1
the topic. Read your sentences 1
to the class.
1 a) a To introduce the topic
Elicit a variety of answers to the questions in the
.. a To imagine a scene
• Play the recording. Ss listen and imagine a scene.
rubric from various Ss around the class. • Allow Ss some time to think about the question in
(Ss own answers) the rubric and then elicit answers from various Ss
around the class.
b) a To predict the content of the text
• Direct Ss' attention to the photos and elicit
Suggested Answer Key
I am in Santarini with my family. We are watching a
guesses to the question in the rubric. beautiful sunset. I feel happy and relaxed. I can see the
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the texts beautiful colours in the sky and smell the sea breeze.
in their books and check if their guesses are
Answer Key
Santorin; is famous for its sunset, black sandy beaches
and volcano.
Plitvice Lakes National Pork i'i famous for its rare birds,
lakes and waterfalls.

2 a To read for specific information

• Allow Ss some time to read the texts again and
complete the sentences.
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these words
• Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
hot and sunny
2 its many museums, black sandy beaches and beautiful
3 a beach with red sand
4 ((ootia
5 sixteen lakes connected by waterfalls
6 deer, (O(e birds and bears

Background Information
Greece is a country in south-eastern Europe which
includes thousands of islands. The capital city is
Athens. Greece is the birth place of democracy,
phi losophy, drama, many major scientific and
mathematica l principles and the Olympic Games. It is
also a popular tourist destination. Croatia is a
country in central Europe. The capital city is Zagreb.
It borders Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia
Herzegovina and Montenegro. It has a population of
around 4 million people and it is a popular tourist


Vocabulary Sa
Fill In: sandy, guided, hot, tourist, rare, boat. Fill In: comfortable, safe, fast, expensive,
3 Use the phrases to write sentences about 6
the places. , slow, cheap.
I th in k planes are ....... .................... .
, ............... beaches 4 ............... attraction 2 I like t rave ll ing by train because it is
2 ............... tour 5 ............... hike
3 ............... springs 6 ............... birds 3 To me, buses are ........................... .
4 I don't like travelling by ......................... ..
• Means of transport because ........................... .

a) 0 Listen and repeat. Which of the Read the examples. Then complete the
4 follow ing can you see In the pictures?
7 sentences with these words.
Both trams and planes are expensIVe.
• bike • boat • ca r • helicopte r • bus Neither Tony nor Susan likes travelling by train .
• lorry • motorbike • scooter • plane You con 00 either by train or bus.
• ferry • ship • train • tram • van 1 ............... planes ............... hovercrafts are
• hovercraft • underground train very fast, but they're expensive.
• coach • snowmobile 2 ............... t rains ............... buses cost a lot.
They're quite economical.
3 We can travel ............... by car ............... by
coach. You decid e.
4 ................. moto rbikes .................. scooters
are very noisy.
5 She can ride ............... a bike ............... a

Listening & Speaking

o Listen to James and
8 Stella
We say: by car,
describing their
by train, by plane
Journey to school. Which
means of transport does on foot
b) 0 listen to the sounds. Which each person use? Listen again. How long
means of transport can you hear? does It take each person to get to school?

Fill In : drive, take, catch, travel, ride, get Describe your journey to school
5 on In the correct tense.
9 to your partner.

1 He ................... the number 39 bus. Writing Dear ...

2 She ................... her bike to work. 10 You are on holiday Greetings from ....
ft 's .... There are
3 Dad always ............. me to school in his car. somewhere In your
lots of things to ...
4 My journey to school .............. 45 minutes. country. Complete ..... Yesterday, we
5 ................... the train at Paddington and get the postcard to .... I've got lots of
off at the second stop. your English pen- phot ographs.
See ....
6 My mum doesn't ..................... to work by friend.
bus; she prefers to go by tra in.


3 sJow/cheap
3 • To consolidate new vocabulary 4 boot, it is expens.ive/ slow

• Give Ss time to complete the phrases and write

their sentences. 7 • To present/practise both ... and, neither ...
• Check Ss' answers around the dass. nor, either ... or.

Answer Key • Read the exa mples aloud and explain that we use
bath ... and to show two things share a quality,
1 sandy 3 hat 5 guided neither ... nor in a negative statement about two
2 boat 4 tourist 6 rare things and either ... or to show two possibilities.
Suggested Answer Key • Give Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss'
1 Samorin; has got black sandy beaches. answers.
2 You can go on a boat tour in Santorini. Answer Key
3 You can also visit hot springs there.
1 Both, and 3 either, or 5 both, and
4 Plitvice Lakes is the most popular tourist attraction in
2 Neither, nor 4 Both, and
5 You con go on 0 guided hike through the forest.
6 There are lots of rare birds there. 8 • To listen for specific information
• Explain the task. Play the recording twice if
4 a) • To present means of transport necessa ry. Ss listen and answer the questions in the
rubric. Check Ss' answers.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally
• Read out the note.
or individually.
• Elicit which means of transport are shown in the Answer Key
pictures. lames goes to school by bus. If takes him 30 minutes ta
Answer Key go to school.
Stella goes to school on foot. It takes her 10 minutes to
A - a hovercraft C - abus
go to school.
B - an underground train D - a motorbike

b) • To recognise the sounds of various 9 • To talk about a journey

mean s of transport • Ss talk in pairs for a minute about their journey to
Play the recording. Ss listen and identify the means
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
of tra nsport they hear.
some pairs to report back to the rest of the class.
Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
1 cor 3 scooter 5 ship
A: I go to school by bus. How about you?
2 helicopter 4 plane
B: My mum drives me to school in her cor.

5 • To present verbs related to travel

10 • To complete a postca rd from holiday
• Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Check Ss'
answers. • Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete it.
Remind Ss they can use the texts in Ex. 2 as a model.
Answer Key • Check Ss' answers by asking various Ss to read out
1 cotches 3 drives S Get on their completed postcards.
2 rides 4 takes 6 travel Suggested Answer Key
Dear Greg,
6 • To present adjectives related to travel Greetings from Crete,
• Ask Ss use their dictionaries to look up the It's a beautiful place and the weather is great. There are
meanings of the adjectives in the list. Then Ss use lots of things to see here. You con walk on the sandy
them to complete the sentences. beaches or sample the local dishes.
• Check Ss' answers. Yesterday, we went on 0 bus tour' to Samaria Gorge, in
the south of the island.
Suggested Answer Key I've got lots of photographs.
1 safe/expensive See you soon,
2 comfartable/cheap!fast/safe Spiros

Grammar 5b
Look at the pictures.
• Comparatlves El Superlatives 3 Compare the two means of
Read the table . Are there similar structures In your
1 language? Find examples In the texts on p. 58.
transport. Use as ... as,
much + comparative or than.
• fast • expensive • noisy
• comfortable • safe
• relaxing • exciting
noisier (than) the noisiest
nicer (than) the nicest
more exciting the most
, (than) exciting
better the best
worse the worst
more the most
further the furthest
Trains aren't as fast as planes.
The tour was more exciting than I expected. It 's the deepest
Planes are (much) faster than
ocean in the world. He's taller thon you. It 's the most expensive
hotel in town. She's the best student of all.
To compare two people/things/places, etc we use: Write sentences, as in the
• than - New York is bigger thon York. 4 example.
• as ... as - New York is as noisy os LOl Angeles.
• not as ... as - York isn't os crowded os New York. 1 good - summer/winter
• much + comparative - New York is much no;sler than York. In my opinion, summer is better
than winter./Winter isn 't as
Complete the sentences with the adjectives In the good as summer.
2 comparative form. 2 comfortab le - bus/ca r
3 exciting - footba ll/ basketball
1 London is .................................................. (ex pe nsive) 4 bad - snow/rain
than Bath. 5 beautiful - beaches/ mountains
2 London is ......................................... (noisy) than Bath. 6 nice - pizza/ hamburgers
3 Bath is ......................................... (s m all) than London.
4 Bath is ................................... (beautiful) than London. Find someone in the class
5 London is .................................. . (crow d ed ) than Bath. who agrees with your
6 Bath is ......................................... (qui et ) than London. sentences.
7 Bath is ........................................ (green) than London.
Pronunciation /a/
j B London is .... ......................... ............. (dirty) than Bath.

5 ofo more
Listen and repeat. Think
word, with this
sound In It.

The weather in Los Angeles is

better than in London.

( Sb
Answer Key
• To present compa ratives &: superlatives more expensive 5 more crowded
2 noisier 6 quieter
• Ss dose their books. Explain that we use the
3 smaller 7 greener
comparative fo rm to compare two people, things,
4 more beautiful 8 dirtier
places, ete. We usually use than with comparative
adjectives (e.g_Joner is tal/er thon Paul.). We use
the superlative form to compare one person! 3 • To compare two means of transport using
t hing, etc with the entire group (e.g_ Donny is the comparative forms
tallest boy in the class.). • Explain the task and read out the examples.
NOTE: We use (not) as + adjective + as to show • Allow Ss some time to complete the task. and refer
that two people/things etc are (not) similar (e.g.
them back to the table in Ex. 1 to the con junctions
The white bag is not os expensive as the brown one.).
than and (not) as ... os.
• Explain that with one-syllable and two-syllable
• Check Ss' answers around the class.
adjectives, we form the comparative by adding -er
and the superlative by adding -est (e.g. big - Suggested Answer Key
bigger - biggest), Planes are more expensive than trains./Trains aren't as
• Explain that with adjectives of more than two expensive as planes.
syllables, we fo rm the comparative with more and Planes afe noisier than trains/Trains aren't as noisy as planes.
the superlative with the most (e.g. expensive - Trains are. more comfortable than planes/Planes aren't os
more expensive - the most expensive). comfortable as trains.
• Explain that with some two-syllables adjectives, Trains are safer than planes/Planes aren't os safe as trains.
such as clever, narrow, gentle, friend ly etc, we Trains are more relaxing than planes/Planes aren't as
form the com pa rative and superlative either with - relaxing os trains.
er/-est or with more/ most (e.g. friendly - friendlier Planes ore more exciting than trains./Trains aren't as
- friendliest or friendly - more friendly - most exciting as planes.
• Explain that with one-syllable adjectives end ing in
-e, we add -r in the comparative and -st in the 4 • To practise making compa risons
superlative form (e.g. simple - simpler - Simplest). • Explain the task and read out the example.
• Explai n that with one-syllable adjectives ending in a • Ss complete the task. Ask various Ss to read out
vowel + a consonant, we double the last consonant their answers to the class, then elicit how many Ss
and add -er/-est (e.g. fat - fatter - foUest). share the same opinions.
• Explain that with two-syllable adjectives ending in
Suggested Answer Key
-Iy or -y, we change the -y to I and add -er/ -est
(e.g. happy - happier - happiest). 2 In my opinion, a car is more comfortable than 0
• Explain that we use (not) as + adjective/ adverb + bus/A bus isn't as comfortable as a cor.
as to compare two people/things. (e.g. He's as quiet 3 In my opinion, basketball is more exciting than
as a mouse. She isn't as beautiful as her friend.). football/Football isn't as exciting as basketball.
• Ss open their books. 4 In my opinion, snow is worSe than rain./Rain isn't as
• Go through the table with Ss and elicit if there are bad os snow.
any similar structures in Ss' II and then elicit the II 5 In my opinion, mountains ore more beautiful than
equivalents for the examples from va rious Ss beaches./Beaches aren't os beoutiful as mountains.
around the class and some examples from the text. 6 In my opinion, pizzo is nicer than hamburgers./
Hamburgers oren't os nice as pizza.
(Ss' own answers)
(Ss' own answers)
Answer Key
the mosl beautiful, the most popular, highest
5 • To pronounce / a /
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
2 • To practise comparative forms chorally o r individually.
• Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete it. • Draw Ss' attention to the parts of the words in bold
• Check Ss' answers around the class. in the sentence and elicit more words with this
Suggested Answer Key
teacher, about, available, ete.


=~ . . .Grammar 5b
Put the adjectives Into their superlative Compare the three cars.
6 forms, then complete the sentences 8
Mark' s JOhn' S Bob 'S
with the nouns in the list.
() Listen and check . expensive • •• •••
fa" • •• •••
• Atacama Desert • Shanghai • Russia
• Blue Whale a • Angel Falls
• ...

• The Vatican City • BaiMD • Niger Mark's car 15 expensIVe.

1 The ..................... ................ (deep) ocean john 's car isn 't as expensive as Bob 's.
in the world is the ................................... . John 's car is more expensive than Mark 's.
2 The ... .... ..... ............ ........ .. (big) country in 80b 's car is the most expensive of all.
the world is ......... .............. . . Read the theory. Choose the correct
3 The .................................... (large) anima l
9 word.
in the world is the .................................... . • We use too + adjective to show that
4 ........................ is the .... .............. ... (high ) someth!ng is more than we want. (negative
waterfall in the world. meaning) We can't go to the concert. The tickets
S ........... ............. is the ........... ......... (small) are too expensive.
country in the world. • We use very/ really + adjective to make an
6 ....... ... ............ .. is the city with the ........ .. . ad jective stronger. This car is very/ really fast.
................ (la rg e) population in the world. • We use adjective + enough/ enough + noun
7 The ............................... (deep) lake in the to show that there is as much as needed.
wo rld is Lake ........... ..... .............. in Russia. (positive meaning) He 's old enough to drive a car.
8 The ..................................... in Chile is the
1 A: let's go swimming.
........................ (d ry) place in the world.
B: We can't. It's ve ry/ e no ugh cold.
9 ........................ isthe .............................. ..
2 A: Did you go by plane?
(s unny) country in the wo rl d.
B: Yes . The ticket was cheap rea lly/enoug h.
3 A: How was the city tour?
B: It was t oo/ very interesting .
Make comparisons with your
7 partner, as In the example.
4 A: Do you want to come shopping with me?
B: No, thanks. I'm ve ry/too tired.
1 london/Sao Paulo/ Tokyo (c rowded ) S A: Did you stay in a nice hotel?
A: London ;s very crowded. B: Yes, it was en o ugh/ really luxurious.
8: Yes, but 500 Paulo is much more crowded 6 A: Do you want to buy these jeans?
than London. B: I don't think so. They' re too/e nough big.

A: Tokyo is the most crowded of all.
cars/ trains/ planes (fast )
10 Write sentences comparing three
places In your country. Read your
3 Russia / Greenland/ Antarctica (co ld)
sentences to the class.
4 The United Kingdom /No rway/ Japan
(expe nsive) • hot • cold • sunny . noisy • cheap
5 The Yangtze RiverfThe Amazon River{The • expensive • exciting • interesting
River Nile (lo ng) • good • big • beautiful
6 English /Greek/ Sanskrit (old) Naples is sunnier than Milan .

(t )WOObook: Sb .. GrammAr BAnk s) ...oouus

Mark's car is the most comfortable of 01/.
6 • To practise superlative forms John's car is small.
Mark's car isn't as small as Bob's car.
• Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Mark's car is smaller than john's.
• Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. Bob's car is the smallest of all.
Answer Key
1 The deepest ocean in the world is the Pacific. 9 • To present the submodifiers (too, very,
2 The biggest country in the world is Russia, really and enough) and practise expressing a
3 The largest animal in the world is the Blue Whale. degree of difference using them
4 Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world.
• Read the theory box aloud then Ss complete the
5 The Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.
6 Shanghai is the city with the largest population in the
• Check Ss' answers around the class.
7 The deepest lake in the world is Lake Baikal in Russia. Answer Key
8 The Macama Desert in Chile is the driest place in the 1 very 3 very 5 really
world. 2 enough 4 too 6 too
9 Niger is the sunniest country in the world.
10 • To personalise the topic and practise
7 • To make comparisons comparatives and superlatives further
Explain the task and read out the example. Ss work in • Explain the task and read out the adjectives in the
pai rs and complete the task. Check Ss' answers around list.
the class. • Elicit a variety of places in Ss' country which the
Answer Key adjectives in the list app ly to.
• Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers around the
2 k Cars are very fast.
B, Yes, but trains are faster than cars.
k Planes are the fastest of all. Suggested Answer Key
3 k Russia is very cold. Crete is hot./Corfu is not as hot as Crete'/Santorini is
B, Yes, but Greenland is colder than Russia. hotter than Corfu./Crete is the hottest of 01/.
k Antarctica is the coldest of all. Corfu is cold./Santarini is not as cold as Corfu, but Corfu
4 k The United Kingdom is really expensive. is colder than Crete./Corfu is the coldest of all.
B, Yes, but Norway is much more expensive than the Crete is sunny./Corfu is not as sunny as Crete,/Crete is
United Kingdom. sunnier than Santorini./Crete is the sunniest of al/.
k japan is the most expensive of all. Corfu is noisy./Santorini is not as noisy os Corfu./Crete is
S k The Yangtze River is very long. noisier than Corfu,/Crete is the noisiest of all.
B, Yes, but the Amazon River is longer than th, Crete is cheap./Corfu is not as cheap as Crete./Santarini
Yangtze River. is cheaper than Crete./Santorini is the cheapest of all,
k The River Nile is the longest river of all. Crete is expensive./Santarini is not as expensive as Crete./
6 k English is on old language. Corfu is more expensive than Crete./Corfu is the most
B, Yes, but Greek is older than English. expensive of all.
k Sanskrit is the oldest of all. Crete is exciting./Santorini is not as exciting as Crete.
Corfu is more exciting than Crete./Corfu is the mast
8 • To make comparisons exciting of 011.
Corfu is interesting./Santorini is not as interesting as
• Explain the task and read out the examples. Carfu./Crete is more interesting than Carfu./Crete is the
• Complete the t ask with the class eliciting mast interesting of all.
comparisons from various Ss around the class. Santorini is good for a holiday./Corfu is better for a
Answer Key holiday./Crete is better than Corfu far a haliday./Crete is
Mark '5 car is fast. the best of all for a holiday.
john's car isn't as fast as Bob's car. Corfu is big./Santarini is not as big as Coriu./Crete is
john '5 car is faster than Mark '5. bigger than Corfu./Crete is the biggest of all.
Bob '5 car is the fastest of 0/1. Santarini is beautiful.lCorfu is not as beautiful as
Santorini./Crete is mare beautiful than Santorini./Crete is
Bob's cor is comfortable. the most beautiful of all.
john's car isn't as comfortable as Mark's.
john '5 car is more comfortable than Bob '5.


1 .) • read for cohesion and coherence 3 • To consolid ate vocabulary and information
in a text
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and elicit what
if anything they know about these places. Ask Ss • Explain the task and read out the example.
to use their dictionaries to look up the meanings • Ss make sentences using the rest of the words.
of the words in the Check these words box. • Check Ss' answers.
• Ss then complete the gaps. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key The climate in the Atacama Desert is dry.
1 dry It is freezing cold in the Antarctic.
2 archaeologists, mummies, condition 11 ;s scorching hot in Death Valley in California.
3 temperatures The average temperature in summer in Death Valley is
4 volcano, jets of steam, instantly above 45 · C.
5 moving, leave tracks Some people think the wind moves the stones in Death
6 wind, m09neric force Valley.

b) • To listen and read for specific 4 • To personalise the topic and make
information comparisons
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in Elicit a variety of answers to the question in the rubric
their books and find out, then correct the false from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss' answers.
It isn't as dry as the Macoma Desert. It isn't as cold as the
Answer Key Antarctic. It Isn't as hot as Death Valley.
I T 4 T
2 T 5 F(It is the second hottest place on Earth)
J T 6 T
5 leT • To give a p resentation on extreme
• Explain the task. Ss work in groups and collect
2 • To listen for specific information information fro m the Internet using the key words
• Play the recording again. Ss listen and answer the in the search bar or by looking in encyclopaedias or
questions. o ther reference books.
• Check Ss' answers around the class. • Ask various groups of Ss around the class to present
their extreme places to the class.
Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
The Macoma Desert gat its name from the Macama
Indians. The Mariana Trench is the lowest point on Earth at
2 The dry climate kept the mummies' bodies in excellent 10,924 metres below sea level. It is in the Pacific Ocean.
condition. IC is 2,550 km long.
3 It's freezing cold. Oymyakon in Russia is the coldest inhabited place on
4 Because it stands in the middle of snow and ice and Earth. The temperature there can go as low as - 71 .2°C.
creates 'chimneys' of ice.
5 Over 45°C.
6 We don't know. Some scientists say the stones move
because of the wind or due to magnetic force.

Skills Se

neck'ifh ••• rroords

• wind extreme seldom
• archaeologists bury
• condition dry average
temperatures jets of steam
volcano • mummies melt
• • freeze . moving instantly
leave tracks magnetic force
The Atacama Desert in Chile Is very ......................... as it doesn't rain
very often there, only once in a hundred years.
In 1983 ...................... found hundreds of ....................... buried there. The
bodies were in excellent ....................... although they were 7,000 years old.
It's freezing cold in the Antarctic. Average ..................... are around -50 · C.
There's a .. .......... .. .. .. ... . in the Antarctic. It is active and sends
............ ........................ into the air. They.. .. ............. ............... turn into
chimneys of ice.
S Death Valley is the hottest place on Earth. The place is famous for its
........................ stones that ......... ................ behind them as they move.
S Some scientists believe the stones move because of the ......................... .
Others say it is ...................................... .

Mount Erebus

Everyday English 5d
Customer • Buying a train ticket
• I'd like ....
1 a) 0 Lislen a nd repeat.
• Can I have ... ?
• Would it be possible • Can I help you? • Single or return? • What time would you like to leave?
... 7 • Which platform does the train leave from? • You're welcome .
• Can you tell me ... ?

I • How much is ... ? b) The sentences are from a dialogue between Mr Harris and a
• Which platform ticket clerk. Where does Mr Harrls want to go?
I does ... from? o Listen and read to find out.
• What time does ... ?
I Ticket Clerk Read the dialogue and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or
• Can I help you?
2 OS (doesn 't say) .
• Would you like ... ? .. ---................................................................................
• Can I see ... 7 •0'· •
Ticket Clerk: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?
• You're welcome.
Mr Harris: Yes, I'd Like an adult's and a child's ticket to Brighton, please.
Ticket Cle rk: What time would YOll like to leave?
Mr Harris: The 15:''; tra in .
Ticket Clerk: Single or rerurn?
J\lr Har ris: Single, please.
Ticket Clerk: That's £5....
Mr Harris: Here you are. Ca n you tell me which platform the train
leaves from?
Ticket Clerk: Certainly, sir. It leaves from platform 4.
Mr Harris: Thank you.
Ticket Clerk: You 're welcome. Have a nice day.
1 Mr Harris is travel li ng to 3 He pays forty-five pounds for
Brighton alone. the journey.
2 He wants to buy a ticket for 4 He plans to come back the
his daughter. next day.

I Find sentences in the dialogue which mean : - M ay I help you?-

Study 3 Th e cost is £54. - M y pleasure. - Enjoy your day.
r - -- - Skills

4 o Listen to the dialogue.

Role-playing is
effective if you use Take roles and read it out. Say the sentences In Ex. 1 In your
your imagination.
Think of a situation,
the setting, who you
I are, how you feel, You are at King's Cross train station In London . You want to
what gestures you 5 buy a ticket to Cambridge (Jingle ticket £SOi return tlclcet £90). Your
I might use, etc. This
helps you sound more partner is the ticket clerk. Change the words In colour In the
I natural. dialogue in Ex. 2 and act out your dialogue.



1 a) • To practise pronunciation of sit uational 5 • To practise ro le·playing

• Read the 5tudy 5kills box aloud and explain that
• Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally this tip will help them complete the task.
or ind ividually. • Explain the situation.
• Pay attention to Ss' pronunciation and intonation • Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue in Ex. 2
and correct as necessary. as a model as wen as any ideas of their own to
complete the task.
b) • To list en for specific informat ion • Ss complete the task in pairs. To help Ss, draw the
following diagram on the board and elicit
• Read the rubric aloud. Play the recording. appropriate phrases Ss should use. Write them on
• Ss listen and follow the text in their books and the board. Ss can refer to the diagram while doing
find out where Mr Harris wants to go.
the task.
Answer Key Stud ent A Stude nt B
Mr Harris wants to go to Brighton.
Good ... Can I help you?- - I'd like ... to .. .
(Greet customer and ask please.
2 • To read for specifi c information
to help.) ~ (Ask for tickel(s).)
• Allow Ss time to read the dialogue again and What time ... ? - - The ... train .
complete the task. (Ask about lime.) ~ (Respond.)
• Check Ss' answers. Single or return? ~ Single, please.

Answer Key (Ask whether Single or / (Respond.)

1 F 2 OS 3 F 4 D5 return.) ~~
That's £.. ~ Here ... which ...
(Say price.) platform ... ?
3 • To learn synonymous phrases (Pay and ask which
Read out the phrases. Refer Ss back to the dialogue and .",,- platform.)
elicit the synonymous ones from various Ss around the It leaves from ... ....------ Thank you.
ctass. (Give information.) /(Thank.)
You're welcome. Have a ....#
Answer Key (Respond & close
May I help you? - Con I help you? conversation.)
The cost is £54. - That's £54.
My pleasure. - You're welcome. Suggested Answer Key
Enjoy your day. - Have a nice day. A: Good morning. (an I help you?
B: Yes, I'd Uke a ticket to Cambridge, please?
4 • To a ct o ut a dialogue and consolidate A: What time would you like to leave?
situatio nalla ng uage thro ug h tra nslatio n 8: The 11:30 train.
A: Single or return?
• Play the recording aga in. Then ask Ss to work in 8: Return, please.
pairs and take roles and read out the dialogue. A: That 's £90, please.
• Monitor the activity around the class and ask some 8: Here you ore. Which platform does the train leave
groups to read out the d ialogue in front of the class. from?
• Elicit the II equivalents fo r the sentences in Ex. 1 A: It leaves from Platform 2.
from Ss around the class. 8: Thank you.
(5s ' own answers) A: You're welcome. Have a nice day.

10400Ult S

1 D To listen and read for specific information 2 D To personalise the topic a nd talk and w rite
about a local place of natural beauty
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and elicit what if
anything they know about them. Read the • Ask Ss to think of a place of natural beauty in Ss'
sentences aloud one at a time and ask Ss to say if own country they are familiar with.
they think they are true or not. • Allow Ss two or three minutes to make notes under
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in the headings.
their books and find out. • Allow Ss a fu rther five minutes to use their answers
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the to write a short paragraph aboul the place.
meanings of the words in the Check these words • Ask various Ss to read oul their piece of writing to
box, then check Ss' answers. the class.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
I T (and the world) 5 T Name: loonnina and Lake Pamvolis
2 F 6 T Location: Epirus
3 OS 1 T Activities: walking, bird warching, visit the island in the
4 F lake and a beautiful castle near the lake
loonnina is in Epirus in northern Greece. It ;s a beautiful
..D To practise role playing city next to Lake Pamvotis which is 0 great place for
• Explain the situation. Ss take roles and act out their nature /overs to visit. You con go wolking and bird
telephone conversations in closed pairs. Suggest watching on 0 small island in the lake. Also, there is 0
that Ss include an interesting fact from the text or beautiful castle that you con visit. Lake Pomvotis is one of
from the Did you know? box. rhe most beautiful places of natural beauty in Greece.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
some pairs to act out their conversations in front of
the class.
3 D To practise silent letters
• Go through the Study Skills box with Ss. Ask Ss to
Suggested Answer Key go through the Jist of words and try to guess which
A: Hel/o, Bill! It's me, Meg. I'm at Niogoro falls . Con you the silent letters are.
believe it?! • Play the recording. Ss listen and check.
8: Wow. Who ore you with? • Play the recording again. Ss listen and repeat
A: I'm with my family; my dad, my mum ond my sisrer, chorally or individually.
fiona. Answer Key
8: Where are you staying?
east, wa lk, talk, lake, water, where, listen, clear, castle,
A: We are staying in a local hotel. Ir's vel)' nice.
two, often, know
8: 50, what is Niagaro falls like?
A: Well, ir's amazing. I con't believe how big it is. Did you • Ask Ss to find other words with silent letters in the
know it is the second largest falls in the world? text (e.g. line, sights, power, ream etc).
B: No, I didn 't. 50 ore you enjoying it?
A: I love it!


) ut

Baikal Lake is in the east part of

It is the deepest lake in the world. Balka!
Lake is also the oldest and largest freshwater
lake in the world. It contains one-fifth of the Niagara f~"s is one of North America's
world's fresh water. The name Baikal comes mOSt famous Sights. It lies between the US and
from the Mongolian language ~nd means Canada. The largest part of the falls is Horseshoe
'nature'. The water in Baika! lake 15 very dear Falls on the Canadian side. Niagara Falls is the
and you can see to a depth of 40 rn. A lot of secO~d largest falls in the world, after Victoria
animals and plants live by the lake. They only Falls In Africa. In 1901, a brave tourist Annie
eXIst in this part of the world. TayJo~, was the first to cross the Niagara F~"s. The
Falls IS the largest producer of electric power in h '" "".': "",,,,,,,,:'1
the world. ....

freshwater lake Which of the sentences below .re true about the places In the
clear depth
exist nature
fall s sig ht ':) Listen and _d to find out.
brave cross
1 Baikal lake is the deepest lake in Siberia. 6 Horseshoe Falls is part of
electric power 2 Baikal means fresh water. Niagara Falls.
3 Some plant species can't live there. 7 Victoria Falls is the
4 The water in Baikal is dirty. largest waterfall in the
5 Niagara Falls is between two countries. world.

Imagine you are at one of the places In the text.
Your English friend wants to know more about It. Ad out your
telephone conve....tlon. Talk about: where )'011 are, who ,..., are with,
_re you are .taylng, what the place Is Ilk<.

think of. place of natural beauty In your country. M.k. notes u ....... 1
the headings: Name, Location, Actlritles. Use your notes to writ. a
about It for an International tourist: _-tulne (50-60 words).
,--_ _ Skilll
SI,.", ktk"
Silent letters are letters Find the silent lette" In the words.
you can't hear when o Listen .nd check. listen .nd repeat. Find words whkh c_1n
you say a word, but silent letten In the text.
exist when you write a
word e,g, 9 ess (silent • east • walk • talk • lake • water • where • listen • clear
·u1· • castle • two • often • know

• Student's Book: !.an ua e Review Se, Pre sltlon, .. Workbook: Sdi e, Vocllbulary Sank S
I Writing Sf
I • .) "1la

Read the email and fill In the gaps with: and, but, when, because, on
I 1 the other hand. Compare with your partner.
I ~Check (hes. wolids
I • nearby
• ski slope
Dear Eleanor,
I •

population I realty love living in Montreal 1) . ........... there are so many places to visit.
My two favourites are Quebec City and Mont Tremblant.
I • sight5eeing
Mont Tremblant is in the mountains 2) .............. ... has some of the best
I ski slopes in the country. It is much quieter than Quebec City,
3) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... it gets very crowded in the winter months . I love going
I there to ski with my friends.
Quebec City, 4) ..... , is much more exciting. 11 has a bigger
I population than Mont Tremblant and there are more things to do
there. 5) ................. I go there I spend my days sightseeing and eating
I at some of the many restaurants. The people there are very friendly

• and I always have a fantastic time .

It would be great if you could come here. The best time to visit is in the
winter. We could spend a few days skiing in Mont Tremblant 6) .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .
then go to Quebec City. Let me know if you can make it.
Take care,

Study 2 Use the linkers in brackets to Join the sentences.

tinkers 1 It's very quiet here now. It gets noisy in the summer. (but)
Use appropriate linkers 2 We spent the mornings on the beach. We went out for lunch. (and then)
to join sentences. This 3 I can't ski wel l. I love it. (but)
will make your piece of
4 He loves living in Manhattan. There is so much to do there. (because)
writing more interesting
to the reader. S We enjoy snorkelling. We enjoy fishing. (and)
We use:
and to link simil ar
Writing (an email comparing two places)
but to link opposing
.;;m;;ttIfO Write an emall to your English pen·friend comparing
because to express 3 two favourite places of yours In your country (60-80 words).
reason, Follow the plan.
and then to show
order of events. Para 1: write where you live, state which two places in your country
It 's beautiful. are your favourite ones (There are so many beautiful places in
L It's noisy.
my country. My two favourites are ... and ... .)
ft 's beautiful, but it's
Para 2: describe the first place (. .. is in .... There are ... . It 's a .... )
We can go to the Para 3: describe the second pla ce (On the other hand, .... It has ...
museum and then visit It is ... .)
the aquarium. Para 4: ask your pen -fri end about his/ her favourite places; closing remarks

I (. j Student's Book: Self·Check 5 ) (. )Workbook: Sf ) MODULE 5

I 65
1 ~ To read for lexico-grammatical structure
• Explain the task and go through the Study Skills
box. Allow Ss time to complete the gaps.
• Ss compare their answers with their partner, then
check Ss' answers around the class.
Answer Key
because 4 on the other hand
2 ond S When
3 but 6 and

2 ~ To present and practise simple linkers

• Go through the Study Skills box again and elicit
further examples for each of the linkers presented.
• Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Check Ss'
Answer Key
, It's very quiet here now, but it gels noisy in the summer.
2 We spent the mornings on the beach and then we
went out for lunch.
3 I can't ski well, but I love it.
4 He loves living in Manhattan because there is so much
to do there.
S We enjoy snorkelling and fishing.

, ~ To write an email comparing two places

• Explain the task and go through the paragraph
plan. Give Ss time to complete the task in class. Ask
various Ss to read out their emails to the class.
• Alternatively, assign as HW and check Ss answers in
the next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key
Dear Bob,
There are so many beautiful places in my country. My two
favourites ore.Athens and Th essaloniki.
Athens is in the centre of Greece. There ore many sights
to see. It's a historic city.
On the other hand, Thessafoniki is a more exciting city.
It has a lot of culture and festivals and it is famous for its
White Tower.
What about yell? Which places in your cOllntry do you like
most? Why?
Write bock soon.


Dear Monsrerfrackers,
I live in the Australian outback. We believe there are monsrers
_ the Bunyip _ rhat live in rivers and waterholes. I've never seen
one, but my grandforher soys it's 0 bit like a bear, bur the size of a
rhinoceros. !t's very dangerouS! How about a trip Down Under?

This is our homeland

My people have lived
here for thousands of

Some people say
the Bunyip is just

That's the biggest

musical instrument
I've ever seen'
_ - .4

And the noisiest! LetJ ~- ,­

baagey down to the
: a;:;cerhole. _ ...A
I Exercises Put the sentences the correct
11 Look at the pictures . What is the story about1 4 order. Use them to tell the class
I 0 Listen and check. The Bunyip a summary of the story.
~ They listen to someone playing the
2 Read and answer the questions.
~ The Bunyip comes out of the
1 What does the Bunyip look like? Like Q bear waterhole.
2 When does it come out? After sunset ~ The Mo nstertrackers go to the
3 Where did
. the Monstert rackers see the
At Bunyip?
the Water hole Australian outback to see the Bunyip.
4 What did they do? They ran away
lIfE] At su nset, Candy, Phil and Baagey
3 Complete the crossw ord. ~
sit near a waterhole.
~ While t here, Baagey tries to avoid
['wl a r ,, I I I e[h a
, running over snakes.
3 Candy, Phi I and Boogey saw s u n s [ el '
~ The Monstertrackers run away as
t he Bunyip near a ..... · .... . b fast as they can.
4 The Bunyip like to cam e out fC' - f.':- le ~ The Monstertrackers watch
f.':- f-'eC . I-; Aborigines perform a t raditional
after .......... .
~ r I \ v\e r
6 They live in wate rholes and dance.
.. ......... ~ f.':-
DOWN l.!.-
1 Some people believe that the story IS a ..........
2 The Bunyip is as big as a .... .... .. .
4 Boogey doesn't like .......... .
5 People say it looks a bit like a ........ ·· .
Collect together the letters in the pink boxes and -act
unscramble them to say what a didgeridoo Is.
I ' I n I s \ ' \ r \ u \ m\ ' \ n \ ' I
1 ~ To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the 4 ~ To listen for specific information
• Play the recording. Ss listen and answer the
• Give Ss time to read the clues and complete the question in the rubric.
puzzle. • Check Ss' answers around the class.
• Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key According to the singer our world is 'a world of wonders'
1 Jake 3 coast 5 volcano because of 's tunning scenes of nature'.
2 mountain 4 island 6 waterfall
Hidden word: Mouna Loa 5 ~ To express a personal opinion on the topic
Read out the rubric and the sentence stem. Elicit a
2 ~ To test knowledge learnt in this module/to variety of answers from Ss around the class.
do a quiz
Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the Our world is great because there ore amazing things to
questions and mark the sentences as true or fa lse. find in nature.
• Allow Ss to review the module and find the relevant
information to help them. Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 F 3 F 5 T
2 T 4 F 6 T

3 ~ To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the

module/ to write a quiz
• Explain the task and allow Ss time to work in pairs
and look through the module and think of quiz
• Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the previous task as
a model. Offer an example (e.g. Lake Baikal is very
clear. (T))
• Ss can swap their quiz with another pair and do it
and then report back to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
1 Mount Vesuvius is in Europe. (T)
2 The Grand Canyon is in Asia. (F)
3 P/itvice Lakes National Park is in Siberia. (F)
4 Death Valley is a mysterious place. (T)
5 Niagara Falls is the biggest falls in the world. (F)
6 Niagara Falls produces the most electric power. (T)

Game: Ss play the game as described in the Ss' Book.


Complete the puzzle to find the name of the largest Song: 0 Listen to and reac
1 yolcano on Earth.
4 the song. What makes our
world a I world of wonden'
~ according to the singer?
~JJ ---1---1---1---1---1---1
~---1---1~ ---1
:_U .J ---1---1---1
~---1---1---1---1---1 ---1
~_U .J ---1---1---1---1---1---1 Trees as tall as any building
1 A large area of (usually fresh) water. Clouds that drift across the sky
Shining fish in deep blue oceans
2 A high part of the land. Sometimes there is snow on the top.
Birds that spread their wings and fly
3 The land close to a sea or ocean.
4 A piece of land that is surrounded by water. We live in a world of wonden
Look around and you will see
S A mountain w ith a hole at the top caused by an eruption.
Perfect, srunning scenes of nature
6 Water from a river dropping from a high to a low point.
Fill the sky and land and sea

2 Do the quiz. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

. ..R._ -
Snow upon the highest mountains

iF' 1 Nlagara Falls belongs to Canada
The Alacama Desert is the d riest place on Earth.
Niagara Falls is the second longest falls in the world,
Waterfalls that crash and roar
Deserts that stretch on forever
Soft waves on a sandy shore
Flowers growing in my garden
Apples falling from a tree
4 Death Valley is in Africa. Raindrops falling on my window
5 8aikal Lake is in Siberia. These are stunning scenes to me
6 Mount Erebus is a volcano,

. . Look at Module 5 and

3 write a T/ F quiz of your own.

~: Play In teams.
Say an adjective and the name of a classmate. Complete tht
The other team needs to make a sentence sentence.
about this person using the adjective In the
Our world is ..
comparative or the superlative. Each correct
because ...
sentence gets 1 point. The team with the
most points Is the winner.
Team AS1 : tall, Laura.
Team 851: Laura is taller than Salty.


Out and about
~ What's In this module?
Read the title of the module Out and about and ask Ss
to suggest what they think it means. Go through the
topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss'
interest in the module.

Find the page numbers for

• Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, and

then Ss find the page numbers for the items listed.
• Ask questions to check Ss' understanding.
Answer Key
an author's biography (p. 76)
Do you know this author? What do you know about him?
What sort of books do you think he wrote? Who is your
favourite author?
an emoil (p. 74, p. 77)
How often do you send emoils? Who do you send them
to? How else do you communicate with, your friends!
people who ore far away?
a timetable (p. 73)
Do you have a timetable/What is it for? Do you think
timetables are useful? Why (nor)?

1 ~ To present new vocabulary and talk about
holiday activities
• Draw Ss' attention to the pictures. Play the
recordin g . Ss listen and repeat chorally or
individually. Elicit the L1 equ ivalents.
(Ss' own answers)

• Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown words

and read out the example, then Ss talk in pairs
about their holiday activities using the phrases.
Monitor the activity around the dass and then ask
some pairs to report back to the dass.
Suggested Answer Key
J like cruises. I usually sit by the pool, sunbathe, send
postcards and relax.
I like safaris. I usually enjoy nature and take photographs.
, like sightseeing holidays. , usually stay at a hotel, go
sightseeing, take photographs, visit museums, buy
souvenirs, send postcards and eat local dishes.
I like skiing holidays. I usually stay at a hotel, go skiing
and play in the snow.
I like walking ho/idoys. I usually stay in a tent, take
photographs and enjoy nature.

• ypes of holidays & holiday
c ivitles
o Listen and repeat. What are these
words/ phrases In your language?

Wh ich of the following do you like doing while

on holiday? Tell your partner.
• sunbathe • go sightseeing
• take photographs • visit museums
• send postcards • go to the beach
• swim in the sea • go skiing
• buy souveni rs • eat local dishes
• sit by the pool • relax
• stay at a hotel! • play in the snow
in a tent • enjoy natu re
I like beach holidays. I usually go lo the beach,
sunbathe and swim in the sea.

MODl,JI.( c;

Suggested Answer Key
1 • To stimulate interest in the text and read Things to see and do
for confirmation Shop till you drop
fating out
• Brainstorm with the class fo r questions about
London and write five of them on the board.
Places to stay
• Ss read the text and check if their questions were
Suggested Answer Key
1 What can you see there? You can see famous
landmarks such os Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.
2 How many people live there? Doesn't say.
3 How many shops does London have? Over 40,000.
4 Whot's the best way to get around? By tube.
S Where can you stay? In luxurious hotels or bed and

2 • To read for lexico-grammatlcal structure

(multiple choice doze)
• Allow Ss some time to read the text and complete
the ga ps. Explain that Ss should read the whole
sentence before they decide on the best word to
complete each gap.
• Ask Ss to the use their dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these words
• Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 B 3 C 5 A 1 B
2 C 4 B 6 C B A

3 • To understand the writer's purpose and

suggest alternative headings
• Read the Study Skills box aloud and then explain!
elicit the meaning of the purposes in the rubric. Ask
questions to check Ss' understanding (e.g. Is the
text full of nomes ond numbers which give us
information? Is the text amusing to make us laugh
and be entertaining? Does the text give reasons and
use explanatory words/phrases such os 'due to',
'because' or 'the reason for this is'? Does the text
encourage us to visit and emphaSise onty the positive
aspeas of the place? Is the text written in the first
person 05 a narration of the writer's visit to London?)
• Elicit the writer's purpose and then give Ss time to
think of alternative headings for the paragraphs.
Check Ss' answers aro und the class.
Answer Key
The writer's main purpose is to give information about

MOOUlf 1

Vocabulary 6a
• Tourist attractions
4 Match the attractions (1 -8) to what you can see and do there (A-H) . Make sentences.

[KO see paintings, sculptures, ete

CB:] go shopping
~ see fish &: aquatic animals
[[0 see towers, walls, cannons, ete
[ID see statues, works of art &: historical items
ITIJ admire ancient ruins, temples, ete
[§IJ admire beautiful plants and trees
[EO go on rides
You can see towers, waifs and cannons in a castle.
..... _ ~. ".oxl! "'" , "''11&

5 a) Match the words In the two columns. listening

[ID C) Listen and complete the gaps.
visit a cosmopolitan
[I[J see famous
a landmarks
b most famous dish
[lI] see the precious c galleries
[![] visit art d city
CID try the UK's e Crown Jewels
lID take a black f hotels
[I[J stay at luxurious g cab Visit: • the 1) .................... tank
• the 2) .................... reef area
b) Use the phrases from Ex. Sa to present You can: • listen to talks
a summary of the text in Ex. 2 to the class. • feed the 3) ................... .
Open: 10:00 am - 4) .............. pm daily
Tickets: Adu~s £8.25
• Discussing holiday plans Children
Imagine you are going to spend
6 your holiday In London. Act out your Writing
dialogue. Use Ideas from the text In Ex. 2. Complete the paragraph about a tourist
A: What are you planning to do rhis summer?
8 destination In your country. Think about:
B: We're going to travel to London. attrodions, shopping, food, accommodation.
A: Really? What orf' you going to do there?
... is in .... It's ... place and very popular with tourists. There
B: I'm going to ...
are a lot of things you can do there. You con visit .... You
A: Are you going la visit ,.. ?
con eot .... You can go shopping .... You can stay ... .
B: Definitely. I'm also going to '" .
(. j Student'l 800k.: unguage Review 6.J) [. ]Work book.: 6.11 ) MOOULl6

Suggested Answer Key
4 G To present and practise new vocabulary A: What ore you planning to do this summer?
8: We're going to travel to London.
• Explain/ Elicit the meanings of any unknown wo rds.
A: Really? What are you going to do there?
• Ss match the attractions (1-8) to the activities
B: I'm going to stay at a luxurious hotel.
(A-H), then ask various Ss around the class to make
sentences. A: Are you going to visit the Tower of London ?
8: Definitely. I'm also going lo visit 8ucJcingham Palace
Answer Key and see the Changing of the Guard. I con't wait.
A 2 C 5 E 6 G 4 ete.
8 3 0 I F 7 H 8
Suggested Answer Key 7 G To listen for specific information (gap fill)
You con see paintings and sculptures in an art gal/ery. • Explain the task and explain/elicit wha t sort of
You con go shopping in 0 shopping centre. information is missing from each gap.
You can admire beautiful plants and trees in public • Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task.
gardens. Check Ss' answers.
You con see fish and aquatic animals in on aquarium.
Answer Key
You con see statues, works of art and historical items in a
museum. 1 Pacific Ocean 3 sharks 5 6.75
You can admire ancient ruins and temples at a historic site. 2 carol 4 6
You can go on rides at an amusement park.
8 G To write about a tourist destination
S a) G To consolidate new vocabulary • Explain the task and brainstorm with Ss for a couple
Explain the task. Ss complete it and then check Ss' of minutes to generate ideas for places they can
answers. write about.
• Ss then complete the parag raph. Check Ss' answers
Answer Key by asking various Ss to read out their paragraphs.
I d 3 e 5 b 7 f Suggested Answer Key
2 a 4 c 6 9
Milan is in Northern Italy. It's an amazing place and

b) G To summarise a text
very popular with tourists. There ore a lot of things you
can do there. You con visit museums, go to the theatre
Explain the task and ask Ss to give a summary of the or watch a football match. There's the Duomo, which is
text using the phrases in Ex. 5a. a beautiful cathedral, and the Teotro 0110 Scala as well
as many beautiful parks. You con eat popular Italian
Suggested Answer Key
pasta dishes. You con also go shopping and find
Do you want to visit a cosmopolitan city? Then go to designer clothes and beautiful souvenirs. You can stay
London. You can see and do many things there. You con at luxurious hotels.
see famous landmarks like the Tower of London and see
the precious Crown Jewels. You can also visit art galleries.
While in London you hove to try the UK's most famous
dish, fish and chips. You can also take a black cob to get
around. London has a wide range of accommodation on
offer so you con stay at luxurious hotels or bed and
breakfasts. Finding somewhere to stay won't be 0 problem.

6 G To discuss holiday pl ans through role play

• Explain the task and choose two Ss to read out the
exam pte.
• Ss act out their d ialogues using ideas from the text
in Ex. 2. Monitor the activity around the class and
then ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in
front of the class.


1 a) • To present will/ won 't 4 ~ To practise going fa
• Ss' books closed. Say then write on the board: I'll • Explain the task and read out the example.
call you later. Will you be of home? No, I won't. • Give Ss some time to complete it.
Elicit the form will + bare infinitive (affirmative) • Check Ss' answers around the class.
will not! won't + bare infinitive (negative) and
Amwer Key
will + personal pronoun + bare infinitive
(interrogative), Draw Ss' attention to the short 2 Bill is going to visit local museums.
forms will= '1I and will not=wan 't. Drill Ss in all 3 Mr and Mrs Hards are going to wake up late.
persons. 4 Jenny is going to spend her mornings on the beach.
• Say then write on the board: I think it will be cold 5 Peter is going to try local dishes.
tonight and I'm cold. I'll close the window. Exp lain 6 Jenny and Helen ore not going to stay at 0 hotel.
that we use will to make predictions about the 7 Are the Smiths going to buy a lot of souvenirs?
future based on what we think and to make on-
the-spot decisions. 5 • To practise using going to fo r predictions
• Ss' books open. Read out the table.
Read the theory and the examples aloud. Ss complete
the task, then check Ss' answers.
b) • To practise pronunciation of contracted
Suggested Answer Key
forms (will/ won't)
2 're going to watch S 're going to ploy
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat 3 's going to make 6 's going to win
chorally or individually.
4 's going to wash
• Pay attention to Ss' pronunciation and correct
as necessary.
6 • To practise will/ won 't and going to

2 • To practise making on-the-spot decisions Give Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss'
Explain the task, read out the example and elicit the
rest of the answers from Ss around the class. Answer Key
Answer Key are going la 3 's going to 5 '/I
2 '/I 4 're going to
2 /'1/ help you. 4 /'/1 lend you some.
3 /'1/ come with you. 5 / '/I carry it for you.

3 D To present going to
• Ss' books closed. Say then write on the board: / am
going to go on holiday in the summer. Explain that
we use be going to + Infinitive to talk about our
plans and future intentions. Say, then write on the
boa rd: Look out! You're going fa fall! Explain that we
also use be going to to make predictions based on
what we can see.
• Ss open their books. Go through the table. Ask
various Ss to read out different persons.
• Read out the examples and then elicit the L1
equivalents for them. Elicit any similar structures in
Ss' Ll.
(.Ss' own answers)


Put the verbs In brackets into the
• will / won 't - going to 4 correct form of going to.

a) Read the table. 1
1 1 Ann is going to take (take) a lot of
photographs. 1
Affirm.tlve I !;egotlve 2 Bill ... ...................... (vis it) local museums.
I/You/He, etc. will play I/You/He, etc. won 't go 3 Mr and Mrs Harris .................................... .
football tomorrow. out.
(wake up) late. r1
Interrogative Short Aruwen 4 Jenny ....................................... · (spend) her
Will I/you/he, etc. Yes, I(you/he, etc. will .
mornings on the beach.
come with us? : No, I/you/he, elL won 't . 5 Peter ............. ................ (try) local dishes. l
We use will + Infinitive: 6 Jenny and Helen ........ ............................... .
• to make predictions based on what we think will
(not stay) at a hotel.
happen in the future. I think it will rain tonight. 7 (the Smiths/ buy) ................................... ..
• to make on-the-spol decisions. I'll dOle the window. a lot of souvenirs?
Time expressions with will: tomorrow, next
Monday, next week/month, etc. Use these verbs to write sentences: win,
5 make, crash, wash, watch, play.
b) 0 Listen and repeat. -~.,.-r, l

1'1/ help you do the shopping.

I won't go out tonight. /'1/ stay in.

2 Write on-the-spot decisions .

He 's going to crash They ............ . She ............ .
1 It's hot. (open/window)
into the tree.
/'1/ open the window.
........ .... a film. . ....... a salad .
2 There's a lot of housework to do. (help you)
3 I'm going shopping. (co me w ith you)
4 I haven't got any money. (lend you some)
5 This bag is heavy. (carry it for you)
Read the examples. Say them in your
3 language. Is there a similar structure
In your language? ........ ............. ...... .... .................. .......................
............... his car. ........... tennis. ......... the race
Afflrm.tlve I Nogotlve
I'm going to eat. I' m not going to eat. Circle the correct Item.
Short Answers 6
1 We' ll / are going to see Shakira live. Here
Am I going to eat? Yes, I am ./No, I'm not .
are the tickets.
We use going to + Infinitive: 2 I'm hungry. I'llI' m goi ng to make a sandwich.
• to talk about ou r plans and intentions in the 3 It's his birthday tomorrow. He 'II /'s going to
future. We're going to spend our summer holiday
have a party.
by the sea. He is going to take a lot of photographs.
4 Look out! You '1I I' re going to fall down.
• for predictions based on what we see. S I'm tired. I thin k I ' ll I' m going go to bed.
Drive carefully. You're going to have an accident.

• Present continuous (future meaning) 11 Rewrite the sentences
using unless.
Which sentence describes: an action happening now,
7 a fixed arrangemen t in the near fu t ure? Find examples 1 If he isn't tired, he'll come with
In the text on p . 70. us. Unless he's tired, he'll come
with us.
• Jane is sunbathing now.
2 If it doesn't rain, we'll go out.
• She is having a parry tomorrow evening.
3 If we don't book our seats
(She has already sent the invitations.)
now, we won't go on holiday.
Look at Meredlth 's timetable. Form full questions,
8 then answer them.
4 If you don't work hard, you'll
fail the test.
S If he isn't on time, he'll miss
IJ!AfWI cinema with Jenny ~ shopping with Mum
the bus.
Till); supermarket ~~ Helen's party
12 Read the theory. Then put
...Q), ~"I
1JI.$.1lJ ballet lesson lunch with
the verbs In brackets Into
til.1IJ visit aunt the correct tense.

1 Meredith/go to the cinema! Saturday? Type 2: H + past simple -jo would +

Is Meredith going to the cinema on Saturday? No, she isn't. Infinitive without to
2 Meredith and Jenny/go to Helen's party{Thursday? Use:
3 she/ have ballet lessonl Wednesday? • to talk about things that are unlikely
4 she/ have lunch with her aunt! Sunday? to happen in the future - If he won the
5 Meredith and her mum/go shopping/ Friday? lottery, he would buy Q sports cor.
• Conditionals (types 0, 1 &: 2) • to give advice - If f were/was you, I'd

9 Read the examples. Say them In your language.

o on that trip.
1 If I weren't sick, I .................. .
Type 0: If + present simple -+ present simple (go) to the party.
Use: to talk about general truths or things that always happen. 2 If I ................. (find) a puppy
If you m;K red and white, you get pink. in the street, I'd take it home.
Type 1: If + present simple --t will + Infinitive without to 3 If he ............................ (can)
Use: to talk about things that are likely to happen in the future. swim, we'd go to the pool.
If he comes late, we won't go out. 4 If you exercised more, you ....
Note: unless (= if not). Unltss he comes eorly, we won't go out. ...................... . (lose) weight.
S If I had more free time, I .......
10 Put the ve rbs In brackets Into the present simple o r ................ (take up) a hobby.
future simple. What type of conditional is each
sentence? 13 . . Comple'e 'he
1 If you heat ice, it .. ...... .. .. ................... (me lt). sentences.
2 If the weather is fine, we .............. ..... ... (go) to the park. 1 If I were an animal, I'd be a lion.
3 If I go to London, I ............. (visit) The Tower of London. 2 If I had one wish, I .............. .
4 If you mix red and yellow, you ................... (get ) orange. 3 If I were rich, I ..................... .
S If you don't water plants, they ............................... (die). 4 If I we re the Prime Minister fo r
6 If we don't leave now, we ..................... (miss) the plane! a day. I ......................... .
(. jWorkbook: 6b &: Grammar Bank 6 ) MODl.U'

Suggested Answer Key
7 G To present the present continuous with a
future meaning
I melts (type 0) 4 get (type 0)
S die (type 0)
Z will go (type ')
Read the examples aloud and elicit which sentence 3 will visit (type I) 6 will miss (type ')
matches which use. Elicit further examples of sentences
with the present continuous with a future meaning
from various Ss around the dass.
11 G To present/ practise using unless
• Explain that in Type 1 conditionals we can use
Answer Key unless + affirmative verb instead of if ... not in the if·
lane is sunbathing now. - an action happening now clause with no change in meaning.
She is having a party tomorrow evening. - a fixed • Give Ss time to com plete the task, then check Ss'
arrangement in the near future answers.
Answer Key
8 G To practise using the present continuous
with a future mea ning
2 Unless it rains, we'll go out.
3 Unless we book our seats now, we won't go on
• Direct Ss' attention to the timetable and read out
the example. 4 Unless you work. hard, you'l/ fail the test
• Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers. S Unless he's on time, he'll miss the bus.

Answer Key
2 Are Meredirh and Jenny going to He/en 's party on
12 G To present/practise type 2 conditionals

Thursday? No, they aren't. • Ss' books closed. Say then write on the board: if I
3 Is she having a ballet lesson on Wednesday? Yes, she is. won the lottery, I would buy a big house. Ask a S to
4 Is she having lunch with her aunt on Sunday? No, she identify the if·clause (If I won the louery) and
isn't. another S to identify the main clause (I would buy
S Are Meredith and her mum going shopping on Friday? ..,). Ask what tense we use in the if·clause (past
Yes, they are. simple) and what verb form we use in the main
clause (would + bare infinitwe).

9 G To prese nt types 0 &: 1 conditionals

• Explain that type 2 conditionals express an unreal/
unlikely situation in the present or future. Also point
• Ss' books closed. Say then write on the board : If you out that we can use 'were' instead of 'was' in all
hear water to 'OOOc, ir boils. Explain that this is a persons.
type 0 conditional sentence and that it contains an • Ss' books open. Read out the table and give Ss time
If·clause and a main clause. Tell Ss that we put a to complete the task, then check Ss' answers.
comma after the if·cla use. Explain that we use Type
Answer Ke y
o conditionals to talk about a general truth or a law
of nature and we use the present simple in both 1 would go 4 would lose
clauses. 2 found S would take up
3 could
• Say then write on board: If you go to London, you will
see Big Ben. Ask Ss to identify the If·clause (if you go
ro London) and which tense we use (present simple).
Ask Ss to identify the main clause (you will see Big
13 G To practise type 2 conditionals
Give Ss time to formulate thei r answers. Then ask
Ben) and the tense used (future simple). Explain that
various Ss around the class to check their answers with
this is a Type 1 conditional and we use them to talk the class.
about a real or probable situation in the futu re.
• Ss' books open. Read the table and elicit the II Suggested Answer Key
equivalents for the examples from Ss around the Z would wish for a sports car.
class. 3 would buy 0 house/ villa.
(Ss' own answers) 4 would help the poor.

10 G To practise types 0 &- 1 conditionals

Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Check
Ss' answers around the class and elicit the conditional
type of each sentence.


. , To introduce the topic and predict the 4 . , To complete an email to a friend about
content of the text fixed future arrangements (guided writing)
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and ask four Ss to Allow Ss five minutes to complete the task, then check
each read out the first sentence of one paragraph. Ss' answers around the class.
Elicit what Ss think they are going to read about.
Suggested Answer Key
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in
their books to check. Hi Rosa,
How are you? I'm really excited. This week we're going to
Suggested Answer Key Pirgos Dirou Cayes with my school. We're leaving on
The Jetter is about someone's holiday plans and the Saturday by coach. We 're staying at a nice hotel. We're
activities he is looking forward to doing. going to see colourful crystal stalactites and stalagmites
as we travel through the caves by boat. We're coming
Background Information back on Sunday 3ra May. I can't wait.
See you soon!
New Zealand is a country in the south-west Pacific
Ocean to the east of Australia. It is made up of two large
islands, the North Island and the South Island and many
small islands. It has a population of 4.2 million people
and the capital city is Wellington. It is a popular holiday
destination for people who like nature and extreme
sports .

2 . , To read for specific information

• Give Ss some time to read the text again.
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these words
box, then give Ss some time to answer the
• Check Ss' answers around the class.
Answer Key
I with his cousins 4 see insects
2 rafts 5 $50
3 all safety equipment

• Elicit reasons from various Ss around the class as to

why someone should visit Waitomo Caves.
Suggested Answer Key
You can go black water rafting. You can see the Glow
Worm CaYes .

3 . , To consolidate new vocabulary

Give Ss time to complete the sentences, then check Ss'
Answer Key
spectacular 3 famous 5 range
2 safety 4 stalactite, coye


cave spectacular
landscape raft
tube rope
equipment footwear
g low worm • • • t
• •
Look at the pictures and the first sentence of each paragraph .
.. ...
Listen, read and check.

one should visit Waltomo Caves.

Hi ... ,
How are you? I'm really
excited. This week we're
going ... with my school.
We're leaving .. . by... .
We're staying ... We're
going to .... We're coming
back .... 1can't wait.
See you soon!
Everyday English 6d
; • Asking for fa giving Information
; a) 0 listen and repeat. The following sentences appear In the
1 d ialogue below. When does Bill want to visit the aquarium?

• What can 1do for you? • I'd like some information, please.
• How much does it cost to get in? • Enjoy your visit ...

b) 0 Listen and read to find out.

Read the dialogue and mark sentences 1·6 T (true) or F (false)

Correct the false statements.
. ......................................................... .
Receptionist: G(xxl afternoon, I3lue Reef Aquarium. What can 1 do for you?
Bill: Hi! I'd like some inforrnmioll, please.
Receptio nist: Certainly. What exactly would you like to know?
Bill: Could YOll lell me your opening times at the weekend, please?
Receptio nist: At the weekend we aft' open from 10 in the morning until 7 in
the evening.
Bill; OK. How much does it cost to get in?
Receptionist: Tickets are £12 for adults lmd £9 for ch ildren . There is a 10%
discount if you buy your tickets online.
Bill: I see. \X'here is the aquarium exa<'1Iy? I'm on holiday with my
family and we are staying in the town centre.
Receptionist: From the to\\'n centre take the number 53 bus. It stops right
outside the aquarium .
Bill: me write that down, please. The number 53 bUST right?
• R"cepri"nisr Yes. That's it.
BW, Thank you foe yone help.
~"Y pleasu re. F.njoy your visit to the aquariu m.
. . ...............................
1 Bill is visiting the aquarium in the middle of the week.
2 The aqua rium is no t open at the weekend .
3 Children don't have to pay to e nter t he aquariu m.
4 Bi ll is on holiday with his fa mily.
• Intonation In
5 Bill is staying in the town ce ntre.
6 Bill is going to the aqua rium by bus.
() Listen and repeat
5 the questions . Is It the 3 a) Find words/ phrases In the dialogue which mean: What
same In your language? price is admission? - Could you tell me where the aquarium is? - Is
1 What are you going to do? that correct? - Have a nice time ...
2 Is Jo hn coming too?
b) Say the sentences In Ex . la In your language.
3 Which is the cheapest of all?
4 Whe n are they going to
come ba ck? 4 o Listen to the dialogue again . Take roles and read
5 Are they seeing Ann tonight? it aloud .



1 .) • To learn situationa! language, 4 • To act out a dialogue
introduce the context of a dialogue and
• Play the recording again.
practise pronunciation • Ask Ss to work in pairs and take roles and read out
• Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally the d ialogue.
or individually. • Monitor the activity around the class and ask some
• Explain that the sentences are from a dialogue groups to read out the dialogue in front of the
in which Bill, a teenager who is visiting London dass.
with his fa mily, wants to find out when he can
visit the aquarium. Elicit Ss' guesses as to when
he might like to go there (in the summer, at the 5 • To present/ practise Intonation in
weekend etc). questions
• Explain that in questions that can only have Yes/No
b) • To listen for specific information answers (e.g. Afe you leaving lOmO{{Ow?) we use a
rising intonation at the end. In questions that begin
Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in
with a question word, however, we use falling
their books and find out the answer to the question
intonation at the end of the question.
in Ex. la.
• Play the record ing with pauses for Ss to listen and
Answer Key repeat chorally or individually. Pay special attention
8ill wants to visit the aquarium at the weekend. to Ss' pronunciation and intonation and correct as
• Elicit how questions are pronounced in Ss' Ll.
2 • To read for specific information
(Ss' own answers)
Allow Ss time to read the dialogue again and do the
task. Check Ss' answers, then elicit corrections for the
false statements.
Answer Key
F 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 T
He is visiting at the weekend.
2 It is open (rom lOom to 7 pm at the weekend.
3 It costs £9 for children.

3 .) • To learn synonymous phrases

Read out the phrases. Refer Ss back to the dialogue and
elicit the synonymous ones from various Ss around the
Answer Key
What price is admission? - How much does it cost to get
Could you tell me where the aquarium is? - Where is the
aquarium exactly?
Is that correct? - right?
Hove a nice time ... - Enjoy your visit ...

b) • To consolidate situational language

through translation
Elicit the L1 equiva lents fo r the sentences in Ex. 1a
from various Ss around the dass.
(55' own answers)

~u ,

Suggested Answer Key
1 a) G- To introduce the topic and predict the
content of the text
loudly, quickly, well, fast, carefully

Elicit what if anything Ss know about H.G. Wells, • Draw Ss attention to the Checkpoint! box and go
then ask Ss to read the biography to check. through the list of adverbs of manner. Explain/Elicit
that we use adverbs of manner to describe how
Answer Key somebody does something.
H.G. Wells is a famous science-fiction writer. He is famous
for his novels such as ' The Time Machine' and 'The
Invisible Man '.
.. G To predict and discuss possible
outcomes of a story
Explain the task and allow Ss some time to talk
b) @ To predict the content of a text

about their ideas in pairs.
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and elicit • Ask some pairs to report back to the class.
what they show and how they may relate to the • Play the recording. Ss listen and check.
Suggested Answer Key
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text
in their books and find out the answers to the We think the inventor followed the creature to a place
questions in the rubric. where there were hundreds of other creatures. They
attacked him and wanted to eat him. He escaped and ran
Suggested Amwer Key through a forest. Then he found his Time Machine and
The extract ;s about the time traveller who has lost his got away before the creatures could catch him.
time machine. The pictures show the time machine and a
grey ape with red eyes. They are both mentioned in the

2 G
To read for sequence of events and retell a

• Allow Ss some time to read the text carefully and

put the events in the order they happened.
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these words
box and then ask various Ss to retell the story.
• Read out the Checkpoint! box and elicit four
adverbs of manner from the text.

Answer Key
3 He woke the little people up because he couldn't find
the Time Machine.
4 He got away and looked for the Time Machine.
S He followed the creature.
7 A strange-looking creature appeared.
5 He fell asleep on the ground.
2 There were little people in the hall.
6 He woke up and went into 0 dark old house.
Suggested Answer Key
The Time Traveller went into a big Slane building. There
were little people in the hall. He woke the IiWe people up
because he couldn't find the Time Machine. He gal away
and looked for the Time Machine. He fell asleep on the
ground. He woke up and went into a dark old house. A
strange-looking creature appeared. He followed the


Check these word
go mad dark
upset look for
fall asleep build
• explore area
shine soft ape

H. G. Wells
(1866·1946) was
Cl famous English
S(ience-fiction writer. His most
famous books include Tht
Invisible Man, The War of/he
Worlds and The First Men In the
Moon. In his first story, The
Time Machine (1895), a clever
Inventor builds a machine that
(an travel through time. He
visits the future and has many
strange adventures. Then, one
day, the Time Traveller can't
find his Time Machine ...

I felt I was going mad. I ran around hitting the bushes. Crying and shouting, I went to
the big stone building. It was very dark Inside. I found a hall with little people sleeping
in ~ . I woke them up and shouted, 'Where is my Time Machine?' Some of them laughed
loudly but most of them were scared.
It was bad to upset them, so I quickly ran outside. I was very worried. For hours I
looked for my Time Machine. At last I was so tired Ilell asleep on the ground. When I
woke up there were birds near me on the grass. I was calmer now but what if I couldn't
find the Time Machine? I could stay there and build another Time Machine.
I decided to explore the area. I found an old house and went inside. It was very dark
and I couldn't see well. Suddenly, I stopped walking. There was someone in the house.
I could see the eyes shining in the dark. I put out my hand and touched something soft.
The eyes looked away and something grey ran past me fast. It looked like an ape with
red eyes and long arms. I followed the creature carefully.

Adverbs of manner
describe how we do
He walked slowly.
(How did he walk?
slow -+ slowly
angry -+ angrily
terrible -+ terribly
careful -+ carefully
Irregular forms:
good -+ well
fast -+ fast
hard -+ hard
early -+ early
late -+ late

• Student's Book lIingulge Review 6e, PreposlUons • Workbook: 6d, t

Writing 6f

look at the em all. Who Is writing It1 Who Is going to read it?
Where is the writer?

Read the emall and fill In the gaps Check these Words
harbour chilly
(l-S) with the missing sentences (a-e). explore popular
( ) Listen and check.
, thrilling fabulous

0 00
Dear Sieve,
[I[J We arrived in Copenhagen lasl Sunday. We are
staying in a really great hotel, the Hotel Maritime. It's
right next to the harbour, with an excellent view of the
Little Mermaid statue. tt's a bit chilly here, but we donI

[I[J We can't wait to explore everything! Today we

are taking a Sightseeing bus for a tour of the city. We
are going 10 see the Royal Palace and the Changing
of the Guards. My mum and my sister can't wait to go
on a canal tour. My dad and I are going 10 visit the
Viking Ship Museum, ITIJ It's a popular amusement
park. There are many thrilling rides to choose from.
J'm going to try Ihe Golden Tower, which has gal a
. ks amazing . fabulous view and drops ve~
The CIty loo
TomorroW we are all That's all my news for now. L±U
. 9 to Tivol\ Gardens. [ill
gom k '
c See you in twO wee s Mario
d Mow are you?
e Take care ,

- Match the paragraphs to the headings .

• greetings where people are • plans for tomorrow

• fixed arrangements for today • closing remarks

Writing an email Dear ... ,

about you il,,, :Jay) Para 1: opening remarks; where you are, when
you arrived, where you are staying,
what the weather is like (Hi! How are
Portfolio Imagine you you? We arrived ... and we're really ....
are on holiday. Write an We are staying ... The weather .. .)
Para 2: your plans (First of all, we're going to
emall to your English pen - ... . My mum .... Mydod .... I'm .... )
friend about what you are Para 3: closing remarks (That's all my news.
planning to do. Follow the See you in ... .)
Take care,
plan below (60-80 words).
When you finish your piece of writing, proofread It for mistakes.
[")Sllldent'~ ~k _ Self·Check 6) [_ jWorkhook: 6f )

1 G To identify author, intended reader anod
context of a t ext
4 G To write an emall about your holiday
• Allow Ss time to complete the task in class. Remind
Direct Ss' attention to the text and elicit answers to the Ss to include the topics in Ex. 3 and follow the plan
questions in the rubric, given.
Answer Key • Remind Ss to check their work for mistakes once
they have finished.
Maria is writing the email. Steve is going to feod it. Mario • Check Ss' answers by asking various Ss to read their
is on holiday in Copenhagen. emails to the class.
Suggested Answer leey
Background Information
Dear Christino,
Copenhagen is the capital city of Denmark. It has a Hi! How are you? We arrived in Edinburgh yesterday and
population of 1. 1 million people. It is one of the most we're really excited about being here. We are staying at
environmentally. friendly cities in the world and has o beautiful hotel in the city centre. The weather is a bit
many parks. Its famous attractions indude the livali chilly and rainy.
Gardens amusement park and the statue of the little First of 011, we're going to see Edinburgh Costle. My mum
Mermaid . and sister can't wait to go shopping. My dad and I are
going to go on a tour of the city. I'm also going to visit
the museum.
2 G To read for cohesion and coherence
(missing sentences)
That's all my news. See you in a week.
Take care,
• Explain the task. Allow Ss time to put the missing
sentences in the right place in the text.
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these words
• Play the recording. Ss listen and check their
Answer Key
1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 e

3 G To understand the topic of each

paragraph in a text
Explain the task and read out the topics in the list and
then elicit the topic of each paragraph from various Ss
around the class.
Answer Key
Para 1: greeting & where people ore
Para 2: fixed arrangements for today
Para 3: plans for tomorrow
Para 4: closing remarks


Dear MonsrertrClckers,
I'm from Bhutan, on the side of the Himalayas in Asia. There's a
creature here that we call the Yeti, or the Abominable Snowman! It's like a
huge gorilla with white fur and long, sharp teeth and noils!

I.!he Yeti
: : .-

this is what I
Cl room with Q viewl

Come on,

I'm out of breath! I

1 The labels under the pictures are
wrong. Correct them .
01[(J:What If ...7
Play In t eams. Say a conditional clause. The
other team adds a main sentence. If the
sentence matches the clause and is
grammatically correct, the team wins a
point. Swap roles and continue the game.

Team A51 : If I were a flower, ... .

Team 85 1.- I'd be a rose.
ff you are late for school, ...

4 0 Listen to the song .

. . What does th e singer mean

by: "Live In the moment, tomorrow's too
lote "? Discuss.


Do the quiz. Mark the sentences T
2 (true) or F (fahie).
let's take a holiday, just me and you
let's take a break and explore somewhere new

~'----" let's take a plane, or a boat or a bus

t!I: There are 40,000 shops in Oxford

All the world's wonders are waiting for us

Don't waste 0 second, there's so much to do

2 H.G. Wells was from Ihe UK. Let's have adventures and try something new
3 Waitomo is a museum. Let's pock our bogs and we'll be on our woy
4 Stalactites hang from the roofs of We can go onywhere, fet's feave today
Let's grab our passports and lefs book some flights
5 You can see statues in an aquarium.
let's see the world and its magical sights
6 You can see red taxis in London.
live in the moment, tomorrow's too late
Come on, let's go now, I don't want to wait

3 ..
Look at Module 6
and write a TIF
quiz of your own.


& To consolidate vocabulary from the 4 & To discuss the main message of the song
modu le
• Play the recording.
• Explain the task. Ss complete it. • Ss listen and think about the question in the rubric.
• Check Ss' answers a round the class. • Ask various Ss to discuss their thoughts with the
Answer Key
casf/e 4 amusemenf pork. Suggested Answer Key
2 museum 5 shopping centre I think the singer meam that you should live life to the
3 aquQrium 6 art gal/ery fullest . You should travel and see the world before it's too
2 & To test knowledge learnt in this module/ to
do a quiz
• Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the
questions and decide whether each sentence is true
or false.
• Tell Ss they can review the module and find the
relevant information to help them if necessary.
Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
, F 3 F 5 F
2 T 4 T 6 F

3 & To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the

module/ to write a quiz
• Explain the task and allow Ss time to work in pairs
and look through the module and think of quiz
• Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the previous task as
a model. Offer an example (e.g. H G Wells was an
inventor. (F)
• Ss can swap their quiz with another pair and do it
and then report back to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
1 Double·decker buses in London ore block. (F)
2 H.G. Wells was 0 famous writer. (T)
3 You con see the Crown Jewels in Brussels. (F)
4 London;s 0 good city to visit if you like shoppin9. (T)
5 You con see aquatic animals in an aquarium. (T)
6 rivoli Gardens is in Copenhogen. (T)

Game: Ss play the game as described in the Ss' Book. The

team with the most points at the end of the game wins.


~~ What', In this module?
Read the title of the module Experiences and ask Ss to
suggest what they think it means. Go through the
topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss'
interest in the module.

Find the page numbers for

r. Explain/ Elicit the meaning of any unknown words
then, Ss find the page nu mbers for the items listed.
• Ask questions to check Ss' understanding .
Answer Key
pie charts (p . 89)
Do you use pie charts at school? If yes, in which subject?
Do you think they Ofe useful? Why (not)?
an ancient city (p. 82)
What do you know about this city? Have you ever visited
an ancient city? Which one? When?
a blog (p.86)
Do you write/read 0 blog? If yes, wha/'s it coiled? Whot 's
it about? If no, would you like to? Why (not)?

1 • To prese nt vocabulary for special activities
and adjectives and ta lk about experiences you
would/ wouldn't like to do
• Play the recording. Ss listen and repeal chorally or
• Elicit the L1 equivalents from various Ss around the
(55' own answers)
• Go th rough the list of adjectives and elicit/explain
their meanings.
• Ask two Ss to read out the example sentences and
then Ss tell their partners which experiences they
would/wouldn't like to have and why.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
some pairs to report back to the class on their
partner's responses.
Suggested Answer Key
"d like to ride in a hot-air balloon. I think it's exciting.
I wouldn't like to try skydiving. I think it's scary.


~~ What's In this module?
Read the title of the module Experiences and ask Ss to
suggest what they think it means. Go through the
topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss'
interest in the module.

Find the page numbers for

• Explain/ Elicit the meaning of any unknown words

then, Ss find the page numbers for the items listed.
• Ask questions to check Ss' understanding.

Answer Key
pie charts (p. 89)
Do you use pie charts at school? If yes, in which subject?
Do you think they ore useful? Why (not)?
an ancient city (p. 82)
Whot do you know about this city? Hove you ever visited
an ancient city? Which one? When?
o blog (p.86)
Do you write/ read 0 blog? If yes, whot's it called? What's
it about? If no, would you like to? Why (not)?
'- ./
1 G To present voca bulary fo r special activities
and adjectives and talk a bout expe rie nces you
would/wouldn' t like to do
• Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally or
• Elicit the 11 equivalents from various Ss around the
(Ss ' own answers)
• Go through the list of adjectives and elicit/explain
their meanings.
• Ask two Ss to read out the example sentences and
then Ss tell their partners which experiences they
would/wouldn't like to have and why.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
some pairs to report back to the class on their
partner's responses.
Suggested Answer lCey
I'd like to ride in a hot-air balloon. I think it's exciting.
I wouldn't like to try skydiving. I think it's scary.


81 (T)
What's In this module?
life experiences • ij I
o LIsten and repeat . What are these phrases
In your language?

Which of these things would / wouldn 't you like

to experience? Why (not)? Tell your partner.

• exciting • dange rous • cha ll engi ng • scary

• exhausting

,'d like to swim with dolphins. , thmk it's exciting.

it's dangerous.



• To describe pictures, introduce the topic 2 .) • To read for specific information
and predict the content of the text • Give Ss time to read through the text again and
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and ask various answers the questions.
Ss around the class to describe them. Ask them to • Ask Ss to use their d ictionaries to look up the
imagine they are there and elicit what they might meanings of the words in the Check these words
be able to see, hear, smell etc there. box.
• Read the name of each place aloud and elicit • (he<:k Ss' answers.
whether any Ss know of these places and what Answer Key
people can see/do there. Elicit a variety of questions
I F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T
about the places from Ss around the class. Write the
best ones on the board .
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in
their books and find out about the places and see if
their questions were answered.
Suggested Answer Key
The first picture shows a person scuba diving under the
sea and Q large fish swimming in front of them. I can see
a large yellow fish with white spOll and some smaller fish.
I can 't hear anything except my own breathing and I
can 't smell anything.
The second picture shows an ancient ruined city on top of
a mountain. I con see stone buildings and green
mountains. I con smell the fresh air and the green grass
and I can hear insects humming. I can feel a gentle
The third picture shows bulls chasing men down the rood.
I can see a lot of bulls especially 0 big black one. I can see
men wearing white clothes trying to escape the bulls. I
can hear the hooves of the bulls clattering an the rood
and I can hear the men shouting and cheering. I can smell
an animal smell.
Suggested Answer Key
Where is the person scuba diving? (The Great Barrier Reef,
Where are these ancient ruins? (Peru)
Why are the bulls chasing the men? (It's a festival)
Suggested Answer Key
At the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, you con dive with
dolphins and turtles and see colourful fish.
At Machu Picchu in Peru you can see ancient ruins and
spectacular views.
In Pomp/ono, Spain, you con see the bull running festival
called the Festival de San Fermin that takes place every


Reading 7a

Check"these words
experience adventurer
coral reef space species
curious diver underwater
jungle hike ancient
challenging spectacula r
view rare humm ingbird
ruins resort destroy
• let off a rocket


Mary has just been on 'the Inca Trait', a famous jungle hike to the lost
City of the locas. Mary tells us, • Machu Picchu is an ancient city in the
mountains, 2,430 metres above sea level. The 4-day journey up was
challenging and amazing! There were spectacular mountain views and
rare wildlife - I even saw a hummingbird! People say the ruins were a
holiday resort fOf rich locas. The rocas built temples, houses and parks
and time hasn't destroyed many of them. It's a very mysterious place
because nobody knows why the Incas left. I had a brilliant time!"
Vocabulary 7a
b) . . . Which facts • Activities & adjectives
from the text Impressed 4 a) Read the phrases.
you? Why? In three minutes,
write a few sentences on the
topic. Read them to the class.
c) Think of an experience
of yours . Tell the class .
• Phrases
Match the words. Use the
3 phrases to complete the

~_'_... ~ (tat.!;-~reos
IIIIl colourful a resort
__ tiiideO
[I[J rare b place . swim with dollphins ' "'c:-c...".,....,"'..L.,
[ID holiday c time
\ -- ----- -
:....J.: .----.-..
: run a marathon '

[±C] ancient d costumes

[}IJ brilliant e reef
[ill traditional f fish
[ID mysterious 9 wi ldlife .-.. -~ ...-
[ill coral h city '0 .. .
~~_ ~_Iy~ a raCing
c~.J L
match )
l run
'th b 'I i'
WI u_s,
1 There are a lot of fish that live b) Use the adJectives: thrilling, fun, difficult, tiring,
on a .................................... . risky, interesting to act out exchanges, as In the
2 We all had a ......................... . example .
............................... inFrnn~
A: I'd like to play rugby in an international match.
this summer! It was fun.
B: Me too. I think it would be exciting. Would you like to
3 We don't really know who
run a marathon ?
built Stonehenge in England.
A: Not really. I think it would be tiring.
It's a .................................... .
4 Pompeii in Italy is a(n) .......... .
................................ It's over Listening « Writing
2,500 years old. r::; lan went on a trip last summer. Read the
S You can see a lot of ............. .. 5 sentences. Then listen and put them In the correct
......................... in rainforests order. How did lan feel at the end of his trip?
like different species of birds
and insects.
[]K] It started raining. CIIIJ lan went to India last summer.
6 Paleokastritsa is a popular ......
[J[] It threw lan off its back. ~ They decided to go on
[]g They took him to hospital. an elephant ride .
................ in Corfu. Hundreds
of tourists go there every year.
[IQ] He stayed at a hotel. om He went with his two

7 Many people wear ............... .

[]I] They discovered that he friends, Mark and Tony.
................ during the festival. had broken his arm. DIJ The elephant got scared .
8 There are many ................... ..
o Listen again, then use the sentences In Ex . 5 to
6 write about lan 's experience .
................. ... ... ....... in the sea
around tropical islands. (. jStudent't Book: Language Review 7i11l ) (. ) Workbook: 7a) MOOUtl1

• Ask two pairs of Ss la model the example.
b) . .
G To consolidate information in a • Ss then work in pairs and act out simi lar
exchanges using the adjectives.
• Monitor the task around the class and then ask
• Read the rubric aloud and give Ss time to various pairs to act out their exchanges in front
formulate their answers and w rite their of the class.
• Ask vario us Ss around the class to read out their Suggested Answer Key
sentences to the rest of the class. A: I'd like to do a bungee jump.
B: Me too. I think it would be exciting. Would you like to
Suggested Answer Key
volunteer overseas?
I was impre5Sed that the Great Barrier Reef is 2,000 km A: Not really. I think it would be difficult.
long and might be seen from space. It is an impressive
natural feature. A: I'd like to ride on elephant.
I thought it was interesting that Machu Picchu is 2.430 B: Me too. I think it would be fun. Would you like to swim
metres above sea level because I think it must have been with dolphins?
diffICult to live so high in the mountains in the ancient post. A: Not really. I think it would be boring.
I was impressed that the festival in Pamplona dotes from A: I'd like to take pictures under water.
the 14 th century. I like it when people keep old traditions. B: Me too. I think it would be interesting. Would you like
to drive a racing cor?
c) G To personalise the topic 8: Not really. I think it would be dangerous.
Ask various Ss around the class to share their A: I'd like to run with bulls.
interesting/exciting holiday experiences with the B: Me too. I think it would be exciting.
(Ss' own answers) s G To listen for specific information and order
of events
3 G To consolidate new vocabulary • Explain the situation and the task and play the
• Explain the task and give Ss time to match the
• Ss listen and put the events in the order they
words to form collocations. Tell Ss they may check
in the text if they need to.
• Check Ss' answers and then elicit how lan felt at the
• Check Ss' answers and then give Ss more time to
end of his trip.
complete the sentences.
• Check Ss' answers by asking various Ss to read out Answer Key
the completed sentences. A 5 It started raining.
Suggested Answer Key B 7 It threw Ion off its back.
C 8 They took him to hospital.
2 9 4 h 6 d 8 e
3 a 5 c 7 b
o 3 He stayed at a hotel.
f 9 They discovered that he hod broken his arm.
I coral reef 5 rare wildlife F Ion went to India last summer.
2 brilliant time 6 holiday reson G 4 They decided to go on on elephant ride.
3 mysterious place 7 traditional costumes H 2 He went with his two friends, Mark and Tony.
4 ancient city 8 colourful fish 6 The elephant got scared.
He felt upset and disappointed at the end of his trip.
4 .) G To present new vocabulary
Ask Ss around the class to read out the activities one
at a time.
6 G To narrate a person's experience
Play the recording again. Then ask various Ss to narrate
(Ss' own answers) lan's experience using the sentences in Ex. 5

b) G
To act out exchanges talking about
Suggested Answer Key
Ion went to India lost summer: He went with his lwo
friends, Mark and Tony. He stayed at a hotel. They decided
• Explain/Elicit the meanings of the adjectives in to go on an elephant ride. It started raining. The elephant
the list. got scared. It threw Ion off its back. They took him 10
hospital. They discovered that he had broken his arm.



a To present the present perfect affirmative
&: negative
5 a To practise the present perfect interrogative
• Explain the task and read out the example, then
• Ss' books closed. Say then write on the board: give Ss some time to complete the task.
have worked hard today. Tom hasn't worked hard • Check Ss' answers.
today. Underline: have worked and hasn't worked.
Answer Key
• Explain that this verb is the present perfect and elicit
the form (affirmative - have/has + past participle, 2 Have your parents ever travelled to Asia? Yes, they
negative - haven't/hasn't + post participle). have.! No, they haven't.
• Explain that the past participles of regular verbs are 3 Has a friend ever told you a lie? Yes, helshe has.! No,
formed by adding --ed to the end of the verb and he/she hasn't.
that irregular verbs have their own forms. 4 Have you ever seen a ghost? Yes, I have.! No, I haven't.
• Explain that we use the present perfect to talk 5 Have you and your friends ever slept in a tent? Yes, we
about actions that started in the past and continue have.! No, we haven't.
to now, life experiences and completed past actions 6 Have you ever driven a racing car? Yes, I have./ No, I
with results we can see now. haven't.
• Ss' books open. Give Ss time to copy the table into
their notebooks and then elicit the answers to fill
the gaps. Also elicit examples from the text.
6 a To present adverbs commonly used with
the present perfect tense
Answer Key • Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences and then
2 hasn't 3 haven't give the l1 equivalents.
1 have
• Say then write on the board: I have already eaten
Suggested Answer Key lunch. I have just eaten lunch. Explain that we use
has just come back, 've heard, 've taken, has just been on, already/ just in affirmative statements and they go
hasn't destroyed, have done, have run, 've never run between have + past participle. Explain that we

2 a To practise past participles

• Explain the task and go through the example.
use already to refer to an action in the recent past
and that we use just to refer to an action in the
immediate past.
• Say then write on the board: I haven't eaten lunch
• Give Ss time to do the task, then direct them to the yet. Have you eaten lunch yet? Explain that we use
Irregular Verbs list at the back of their books to yet in questions and negations and that it goes at
check their answers. the end of the sentence.
• Elicit which verbs are regular/irregular from various • Say then write on the board: I have been a teacher for
Ss around the class. 10 years. I have worked at this school since 2005.
Answer Key Explain that we use for/since in affirmative and
negative sentences. Explain that we use for to express
2 written (I) 6 listened (R) JO brought (I)
duration and since to state when an action started.
3 won (/) 7 run (I) JJ thought (/)
• Say then write on the board: Have you ever been to
4 ridden (I) 8 been/gone (I) J2 told (I)
China? I have never been to China? Explain that we
5 travelled (R) 9 given (I)
use ever in questions and never in negations. They

3 a To practise the present perfect

• Explain the task and read out the example.
go between have + past participle.
• As an extension, ask various Ss around the class to
say sentences using the adverbs.
• Give S time to complete the sentences then check • Give Ss time to choose the correct adverbs in
Ss' answers. sentences '-8. Check Ss' answers and elicit their
reasons for their choices.
Answer Key
2 has run 4 hasn't listened 6 have travelled Answer Key
3 haven't ridden 5 have won 1 never (we only use ever in questions)

4 a To present the present perfect interrogative

• Direct Ss' attention to the table and elicit how we form
2 for (we use for to express duration)
3 iust (yet goes at the end of the sentence)
4 ever (we use ever in questions)
5 since (to show when an action started)
questions in the present perfect (have/has + personal 6 yet (we use yet in negations at the end of the sentence)
pronoun + past participle). 7 already (to show a recently completed action)
• Explain/Elicit that we form short answers with Yes/No + 8 since (to show the starting point of an action)
personal pronoun + have/has/ haven't/hasn't.

Grammar 1b
• Present perfect Use the verbs In Ex. 2 to complete the sentences.
Fill In: hasn't, have, haven 't.
1 Find examples In the text
1 He hasn 't eaten his lunch. (X)
2 Tom .................... .............. .................. a marathon. (..... )
on p. 82. 3 They ......................................................... . a camel. (X)
4 She ....... ............................................. to his advice. (X)
Form: have/ has + past participle
5 I ..................... ................................. a competition! (..... )
l!You have tried snails. 6 Si mon and Anna ..... ................ ... around the world. (..... )
He/She/It has had an accident. Read the table . How do we form questions in the
We/You/They 1) ............ eaten fish. 4 present perfect?
I/You haven't tried shrimps. Interrogative , Short .nswers
He/She/ It 2) ................ played well. Have I/you (ever) } Yes, I/you have . / No, I/you haven't .
We/you/They 3) ........... eaten meat. Has he/she/it ~:c1d:~t? Yes, he/she/it has. / No, he/she/it hasn't.
Have we/you/they IYes, we/you/they have . / No, we/you/
Use: We use the present perfect for: . haven 't .
• actions which sta rted in the past
and continue to the present. 5 Write complete questions. Then answer them .
They have been here since 2008.
• life experiences. (time isn't stated) 1 you/ever/break/somethi ng/at/a restaurant? Have you ever
I've put on weight. broken something at a restaurant? Yes, / have./No, f haven 't.
• actions that happened in the past 2 yo ur parents/eve r/travel /to/Asia ?
and we can see their results in the 3 a frie nd /ever/tell you/a lie?
present. She 's broken her leg.
4 you/ever/see/a ghost?
(When? We don't know.) CNe can
see that her leg is in plaster.) 5 you and your friends/ever/sleep/in a tent?
Compare: He has gone to Madrid.
6 you/ever/drive/a raCing car?
(He's still there.) He has been to • Just . already . yet · forl slncel everl never
Madrid. (He's back now.)
Read the examples and say them In your language.
Time expressions with the 6 How do we use the adverbs In bold? Find examples
present perfect: since, for, never,
In the text on p. 82.
ever, yet, a/ready, just, this week, ete.
"ve already done my homework. Have you already had lunch?
Write the past participles of
I haven 't had lunch yet. I've just spoken to Mike. Have you
2 the verbs below. Check In the
wer ridden a camel? Simon has never eaten snails. 5uzy has
Irregular Verbs list at the back
lived here (or two years. I haven 'l seen Andy since Frida y.
of the book. Which are regular Now choose the correct words. Give reasons.
(R)1 Which are Irregular (/)1 1 He's ever/ never played tennis before.
2 I have been friends with Mary for/ since fi ve yea rs.
1 eat eaten (I) 7 run ........... .
3 Sam and lane have yet/just come back from Thailand.
2 write ........... . 8 go ............ .
4 Have you never/ ever been to India?
3 win ............ .. 9 give .......... .
5 Th ey haven't been to the theatre for/since last yea r.
4 ride ............. . 10 bring ........ .
6 I haven't done my Maths homework yet/ already.
5 travel........... 11 think ..... ... .
7 I've yet/already done the washing-up.
6 listen ............ 12 tell ........... .
S They haven't visited us for/ since last month.

Grammar 7b
• Present perfect vs past simple • Question tags

7 Read the theory. Are there similar structures In

your language?
11 a)do Study the theory. How
we form question tags?
Are there similar structures
• We use the present perfect for actions which started In the In your language?
past and continue to the present Of for personal experiences.
live lived here since 2009. He's flown 0 plane.
Question tags are short questions at
• We use the past simple for actions which were completed In
the end of a sentence. We form them
the past . The time is stated or it is implied. He wen t to the cinema
with the auxiliary verb and a personal
lost Saturday. (Whe n? Last Saturday.) Then they hod dinner. (When?
pronoun. We use them to confirm 5th
implied time - after they left the cinema.)
or to find out if sth is true.
Put the verbs In brackets Into the present perfect or affirmative sentence + negative
8 the past simple. question tag
He left yesterday, didn 't he?
1 Joanne ........ .... ...... (go) out with her friends last night.
2 He .. ..................... ...... ....... ..... ......... (never/ eat) caviar. He is late, im 't he?
3 They ....................... (play) in the team for many years. negative sentence + affirmative
4 Jeremy .......................... (b reak) his leg twice this year. question tag
S They .................................. .. ... (try) Greek food before. He im 't here, is he? ,--....
6 Bill ........................ ............ (run) the London Marathon Intonation: He 's tired, isn't he? (sure
two years ago . - expects agreement)
7 Susan ..................... ....... ....... ......... (fl y) a plane for the He isn 't here, ;'sfe?(not sure - expects

first time last summer. answer)

S Angie and Ben ...... ..... ..... .......... (live) here since 1997.
b) Complete the correct
9 Use the words to form questions, then answer them . question tag.

1 you/eat a/ banana/today? Have you eaten a banana today?

o Listen and tick (.I) then
2 you /catch /the bus/to school/this morning?
3 you/visit/your grandparents/ last weekend?
your friend /send/you/ a text message/today?
you and your friends/go/to the cinema/ last night?
1 She can't come,
................................. ?
" ~

10 Ask and answer, as in the example. 2 He hasn't called yet,

.............. ........... ........ ?
1 speak to a famous person? - speak to David Beckham 3 Jane is here,
A: Hove you ever spoken to 0 famous person? ..................... ... .... .. .. .?
B: Yes, f have. 4 You like snails,
A: Who did you speak to? .............. ......... ..... ..... ?
B: f spoke to David Beckham. S They went to Paris last
2 sleep in a tent?/When? -last summer month, ......... ........... ?
3 run a marathon?/When? - 10 yea rs ago
6 He's sleeping now,
4 eat anything strange?/What? - frogs' legs
....... .. ........... ... ... ....... ?
5 go on a ghost train?/Where? - at Disneyland, Paris
(. 1Workbook: 7b k Grammar Bank 1) MOOUlE 1

4 A: Hove you ever eaten something strange?
7 ~ To compare the present perfect and t he B: Yes, J have.
past simple A: What did you eat?
B: I ate frags' legs.
Read out the theory box an d elicit any sim ilar
structures in $5' L1. 5 A: Have you ever been on a ghost train?
B: Yes, I have?
(Ss' own answers)
A: Where did you do it?
B: I went on a ghost train or Disneyland, Paris, lost
8 ~ To practise the present perfect and the summer.
past simple (affirmative)
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check 11 a) ~ To present question tags
Ss' answers. • Go through the theory box with Ss and explain
• Remind Ss t hat with the past simple a time is stated the use, form and intonation of question tags.
or implied.
• Elicit any simila r structures in Ss' L1.
Answer Key
(55' own answers)
went 4 has hroken 1 flew
2 has never eaten
3 have played
5 hove tried
6 <an
8 have lived
b) ~ To practise question tags and li sten fo r
in tonation in question tags

9 ~ To practise the present perfect and the • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
the question tags.
past simple (interrogative)
• Check Ss' answers.
• Explain the task and read out the exam ple. • Play the recording. Ss listen and tick whether
• Ss complete the task, then check Ss' answers the intonation is rising o r falling. Play the
around the class. recording again with pauses for Ss to listen and
• Remind Ss to distinguish between a specific time in repeat chorally or ind ividually.
the past or a general period up to now in the prompts
to help them decide which tense they should use. Suggested Answer Key
J can she -""" 4 don't you -......
Answer Key
2 Did you catch the bus to school this morning? 2 has he --# 5 didn't they -#
3 Did you visit your grandparents lost weekend?
4 Has your friend sent you 0 text message today? 3 isn't she -""" 6 isn't he -......
5 Did you and your friends go to the cinema last night?

10 ~ To practise the present perfect and the

past simple interrogative
• Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the example.
• Ss complete the task in pairs.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask some
pairs to ask and answer in front of the rest of the class.
Answer Key
2 A: Have you ever slept in a tent?
8: Yes, J have.
A: When did you do it?
B: I slept in 0 tem last summer.
3 A: Have you ever run 0 marathon?
B: Yes, J have.
A: When did you do it?
B: I ran a marathon 10 years ago.

MOOYl£ 7

A: Have you ever thought someone was waving at you?
1 @ To Introduce the topic B: Yes, it was the other day when I thought someone was
waving at me and I felt very embarrassed.
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and the prompts A: That's a shame!
under each one.
• Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown words. A: Have you ever eaten something too spicy?
Act out the example exchange with a S and then go B: Yes, it was last week when I ate something too spice
through the pictures asking questions for each one and I felt very embarrassed.
and eliciting answers from various Ss around the A: Poor youl
• Alternatively, ask Ss to act out exchanges similar to 2 @ To read for specific information
the example and use some of the expressions for
• Play the record ing. Ss listen and follow the text in
expressing sympathy in the box.
their books. Elicit what each story is about then
Suggested Answer Key elicit a variety of titles for each story from Ss around
A: Have you ever fallen asleep during 0 test? the class.
B: Yes, it was last year when I fell asleep in a History test • Ask Ss to use their d ictiona ries to look up the
and I felt very embarrassed. meanings of the words in the Check these words
A: Oh, dear! box.

A: Have you ever splir 0 drink on someone? Answer Key

B: Yes, it was lost Saturday when I split 0 drink on The first post is about someone going out with drawings
someone and I felt very embarrassed. all over her face. The second post is about someone falling
A: How awful! into 0 swimming pool with their clothes on. The third post
A: Have you ever gOf on the wrong train or bus? is about someone walking into a glass door.
B: Yes, if was lost week when I got on the wrong bus and Suggested Answer Key
J felt very embarrassed. Wet All Over
A; Poor you! Look Before You Run
A: Have you ever forgotten on appointment?
B: Yes, it was two weeks ago when I forgot a dentist's
appointment and I felt very embarrassed.
, @ To w rite a bout a n e mbarrassing situation

A: That's terrible/ • Explain the task and give Ss some time to write
about an em barrassing situation .
A: Hove you ever torn your clothes? • Ask various Ss to read their piece of writing out to
B: Yes, it was two years ago when I tore my clothes on 0 the class.
branch and / felt very embarraned.
A: Oh no! Suggested Answer Key
Last week, I went shopping with my little brother, Som. I
A: Hove you ever slipped and fallen down?
B: Yes, it was yesterday when I slipped and fell down and wanted to buy 0 presenr for my friend. 5am wonted me to
buy him a ray car, but I refused os I didn't hove enough
I felt very embarraned.
A: I don't believe it! money. He started playing with the COs and putting them
on the floor. I raid him to pick them up, but he wouldn't.
A: Hove you ever token the wrong luggage? I felt embarrassed. I tried to pick Sam up, but I slipped
B; Yes, it was lost year when I took the wrong luggage and fell into the CDs. On the way home Sam was
and I felt very embarrassed. laughing, but I didn 't think it was funny.
A: Oh, no!
A: Hove you ever walked into gloss door?
B: Yes, it was lost month when I walked into 0 glass door
and I felt very embarrassed.
A: How awful!
A: Hove you ever broken something in 0 shop?
B: Yes, it was 3 months ago when / broke something in
a shop and I felt very embarrassed.
A: Oh dear!


86 (T)
Skills 7c embarrassing fall asleep
shopping mall burst out laughing
mirror cheeks naughty slip
rush . sliding doors crash into
break swollen nose black eye

My friend finished last in a school

How Embarrassing! swimming race. She was so tired she
Yesterday I was babysitting my two couldn't climb out of the pool. I
nieces when \ fell asleep on the decided to go and help her, but \
sofa. :'You look. pretty! " they said I' ped and she pulled me into
SiP .
when I woke up. "Thank you," I said, pool too - in my school uniform.
and then 1 took the girls to the Everyone laughed. I've never been so
shopping mall to meet their mum. wet and embarrassed!
When my aunt saw me, she burst Posted by: Coolkid, 15:23
out laughing. "Me\! Have you looked
in a mirror?!" she said. \ fan to the
toilets. Well. I had drawings all over
I was rushing to go to a shop
my face, including a moustache, a
before closing time. \ tried to run
beard and big red circles on my
through the sliding doors, but the
cheeks! I've never been so
shop was already closed so ...
embarrassed in my life! My naughty
BANG! I crashed into the glass
nieces did it, of course, while I was
asleep. I/Vhat about you, b\oggers? and broke my nose! I've had a
Have you ever been embarrassed swollen nose and two black eyes
like that? for weeks now!
Posted by: TomasK, 12:03
Posted by: Melinda, 03/09, 10:34

Look at the pictures. Have you ever experienced any of these

situations? How did you feel? Tell the class.
A: Have you ever forgotten someone's name?
B: Yes, it was a month ago when f forgot my colleague's name and f
felt very embarrassed.
A: Poor you.
Expressing sympathy
Reading, Listening & Writing
• Oh no!/Oh dear!
• How awful! o Listen and read the blog. What is each story about? Give
2 each
• That's terrible/a shame! a title.
• Poor you!
In three minutes, write a few sentences about an embarrassing
• I don't believe it!
3 experience of yours. Read your sentences to the class.
MOOUlE 7 [". ")5
"'-,d"'''''::-''-800 , ,,
,) (. ) Workbook: l e)
Everyday English 7d
• Sharing opinions
1 () Listen and repeat. Find the stressed syllables.
• What do you think of skyd iving? • No, I haven't, but I'd sure like to .
• Personal ly, I think it's very dangerous. • Oh I don't think so.
• Good paint, but the re 's a second parachute.
• I ad mi t that wo uld be great. • I believe it's just too risky.

The sentences in Ex. 1 are from a dialogue between two friends.

2 What are they talking about?
C) Listen, read and check.

Carl: Hey Patricia l \'V'hat do you think of skydiving?

Have you ever gone?
P'atricia: :--Jo, I haven 't, hut I'd sure like to.
Carl : Personally, I think it's very dangerous.
Patricia: Oh I don't think so. You have to wear special safety
equipment and take lessons before you can jump.
Carl: I sec what you mean, but what if something goes wrong and
your parachUTe doesn·t open?
PaLricia: Good poim, bur there·s a second parachute . For me it would
be an amazing experience to tly through the air!
Carl: 1 admit that would be great, but J believe it's just too risky.
Patricia: To tell you the truth it's probably best to stay on the ground.
Carl: Ahsolutely!

Asking for
Find phrases/ sentences in the dialogue which mean: Do you like
opinions 3 skydiving? - In my opinion, it's dangerous. - You 've got a point there.-
• What do you think
I understand, however - I couldn't agree more.
of ... ?
• What's your opinion? Which of these sentences: give an opinion? agree to an opinion?
Expressing disagree with an opinion?

In my opin ion, ....
4 if' C' Listen to the dialogue. Take roles and read It out. Then,
• Personally, I think .... say the sentences in Ex. 1 in your language.
• I see what you
mean, ... Your friend wants you to do a bungee jump, but you find it too
• Good point, (but) .. 5 dangerous. Act out your dialogue. Use the one in Ex. 2 as a model.
• To tell you the truth
it's ....
Pronunciation /I:!, /J/
o Listen and tick (.1). Listen
6 and repeat. Can you think of
more words with these sounds?

(a.}Student's Book: language Review 7d ) MODULE 7

• To introduce situational language and 5 • To practise role· playing
identify stressed syllables
• Explain the situation.
Play the recording with pauses for Ss to listen and repeat • Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue in Ex. 2
chorally or individually. Play the recording again and ask as a model as well as any ideas of their own to
Ss to underline the stressed syllables in their books. complete the task.
Check Ss' answers. • Ss complete the task in pairs. To help Ss draw the
following d iagram on the board and elicit appropriate
Answer Key
phrases Ss should use. Write them on the board. Ss
What do you think of ill:diving? can refer to the d iagram while doing the task.
tlg, I haven't but I'd sure like 1Q.
Personally, 1think it's ~ dangerous. Student A Student B
Oh I don't think 50.
Good point but there's a second parachute. Hey. What do you / - Personally, J think ...
1 admit that would be great. think ... (Express opinion)
I believe it's W too risky.
(Greet friend,
ask opinion)

2 • To listen for specific information

Play the recording. Ss listen and read the dialogue to
Oh, I don't think so
(Disagree & justify)
Good point, but ...

see ... but ...
(Express concern)
I adm it ...
find out what the dialogue is about. (Agree but reinf0:2ce (Agree but reinforce
opinion) opinion)
Answer Key
To tell you the -----... Absolutely.
They are talking about skydiving. truth ... (Agree)
3 • To learn synonymous phrases
Suggested Answer Key
Read out the phrases. Refer Ss back to the dialogue and
A: Hey Bill! What do you think of bungee jumping?
elicit the synonymous ones from various Ss around the
B: Personally, I think it's dangerous.
A: Oh, I don't think so. You have special safety equipment.
Answer Key B: J see what you mean but what if something goes
Do you like skydiving? - What do you think of skydiving? wrong?
In my opinion it's dangerous. - I think it's very dangerous. A: Good point, but there's a second rope. For me it would
(give opinion) be an amazing experience to fly through the air.
You've got a point there. - Good point. (agree with an B; I admit it would be great but I believe it's just too risky.
opinion) A: To tell you the truth it's probably best to stay on the
I understand however - I see what you mean, but .. . (d) ground.
I couldn't agree more. - Absolutely. (agree with an B; Absolutely!
6 • Aim to pronounce / e/, /i/
4 • To act out a dialogue • Play the recording. Ss listen and tick (I") the correct
• Play the recording. Ss listen and then take roles and boxes .
read out the dialogue in pairs. • Play the recording again with pauses for Ss to repeat
• Remind Ss to pay attention to the rhythm of the either chorally or individually.
conversation . • Elicit other words with these sounds from various Ss
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask around the class.
some pairs to read out the dialogue in front of the Answer Key
• Elicit the L1 equivalents for the sentences in Ex.l
from various Ss around the class.
(55' own answers)

Suggested Answer Key

/If hit, did, pit
/t! ease, peas, please

87 (T)
1 ~ To predict the content of the text 4 leT ~ To wri te a short text for a tourist
• Draw Ss' attention to the pictures and elicit the
names of the animals (crabs, flamingo), • Ask Ss to look up information on the Internet or in
• Elicit what Ss know about them and why they encyclopaedias or other reference books about an
might be amazing to see, then give Ss some time to amazing sight in their country.
read through the text and find out. • Give Ss time to write their texts or assign the task as
Answer Key
• Ask various Ss to read out the texts to the class.
Red crabs in Australia ore amazing to see when they race
across busy roods and climb over walls to get to the beach Suggested Answer Key
to breed. Zakynthos Loggerhead Turtles
Flamingos in Kenya ore amazing to see when millions of On the island of Zakynthos the loggerhead turtles lay
them make their nests on Lake Nokuru so that you can't their eggs every June, July and August. The beaches where
even see the lake. they lay their eggs ore protected, but tourists can go on 0
special tour by moonlight to see the baby turtles hatching
2 ~ To read for lexlco-grammatical structure from their eggs. It is 0 unique experience.
(open doze)
• Explain the task and tell Ss that they must think of
a suitable word to fit each gap.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then ask Ss
to check their answers with their partner.
Suggested Answer Key
1 the 3 for Sof 1 it
2 They 4 hove 6 in 8 the

3 .. ~ To consolidate information and

new vocabulary from a text
• Play the recording for Ss to listen and check their
answers. Ask Ss to the use their dictionaries to look
up the meanings of the words in the Check these
words box, then give Ss time to fo rmulate their
answers to the questions in the rubric.
• Ss tell their partners, then ask various pairs to report
back to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
I would choose to visit Christmas Island because I would
like to see the crabs raCt! to the beach to breed. I wonder
what the crob crossings and tunnels look like./I would
choose to visit Lake Nakuru because I would like to see the
flamingos nests on the water. I think it would be

Across Cultures 7e

Red Crabs. Christmas Island. Australia

Australia's Christmas Island is in the Indian Ocean, about 2,~OO ,km from
Western Australia . About 120 million bright red crabs live In shady
places a11over 1) .... ,..... .. island. During the wet season, the
crabs race to the beach to bree , d 2) cross busy roa 5
. .. .. ... , .
and climb over walls and down cliffs. It's a long and difficult Journey
3) .. ... ..................... the crabs, but the islanders 4) . ........... .... ..
bu;\~ 'crab crossings' and tunnels under busy roads to help protect them ,
The crab migration is a won~d:;,er~fu;:l~s::;igl;h;;t;..!___':'_

Lake Nakuru '5 Pink Flamingos, Kenya k h ·

Thousands or sometimes millions 5) .... ..... ....... ......... ... pink flamingos ma e t elT
nests by lake Nakuru . Sometimes you can't even see the lake! The~ come to feed
on the algae in the warm water. The flamingo populatl~n decreased
the 1990s because of hunting and pollution. but now
~~ .................::::::::....................... has increased again. lots of people come and see
8) ..... ....................... amazing sea of pink every year. It's really awesome.

We have put together two packag.e tours t~ see

these amazing sights. For more information

Which animals can you see in the pictures? What

sight crab do you know about them? What makes them amazing
shady wet season
sights? Read through to find out.
race breed cliff
crossing tunnel
protect migration Read the text and complete the gaps with the correct word.
nest feed algae
Check with your partner.
decrease hunting
pollution increase
package tour __ 0 Listen and check. Which place would you choose
visit? Why? Use words from the (4IWblfBd.) section and
tell your partner.

ICT Think of something that a visitor should definitely see

when they visit your country. Collect Information about It
and write a short text for a tourist webslte (60-70 words) .

MODllU 7 .. Student's Book: la uage Review le, Pre siUons (" )Workhook: 7d: t';::~b~i.r; Bank 1 )
Writing 7f
Study •
r - - - - - - Skills Write down as many sports as you can in one minute.
Reporting statistics
Compare with your partner.
We use words/ phrases such
as thirty per cent (30%),
half of (50%), most people Look at the pie charts, then read the survey report and
(the majority), a few people
choose the correct words.
(3 or 4 people), no one
& everyone (100%) to C' Listen and check.
report statistics.

karate : 10% twice : 30% sailing: 20%
once: 40%
other: 10% watching none: 50% canoeing: 10%
sports: 30%
footba ll: 50% "'= "OCk I
Clllt1b ·
playing sports : 70%
....<;iI: 7°0;,'''9:
__--~~-"""" iY..• &(II. .
my classmates' how often my what adventure! ,Q~

\... favourite sports ,/ classmates have played extreme sports my

sport this week classmates have tried

I asked ten people in my class questions about sport. My classmates like participating in sports. 4) The
Here are the results of my survey. maJority/Half of them have played sport this week.
The favourite sport of 1) half/most of my classmates is 5) Most/A few of them have played once or twice. One
football. Twenty per cent like basketball best and thirty person played four times and two people didn't play any
per cent prefer other sports. 2) A few/Most of my sport. 6) Half/Most of my classmates have tried
classmates prefer playing sports. Only 3) a few/most adventure or extreme sports like sailing and canoeing.
prefer watching it. 7) Everyonel No one has tried bungee jumping.

Writing (a survey report

about films)
frniM,pt Carry out your own class survey about
favourite types of films. Use the questions 1-4. Group
the answers in different pie charts. Write your report
(60·80 words) .

Para 1: reason for the survey: I asked ... people .... Here are ....
Para 2: results of the survey: ... per cent of people like going to
....... people prefer ... .. .. have been to the cinema this
month . ... have watched a thriller.

Use these words : half of, the majority of, some of, a few
of, very few of, most of, no one, everyone.

(. ]Studenrs Book: Self·(hKk 7 ) (. ]Workbook: 7f ) MOOUl( 1

1 • To brainstorm for topic related vocabulary
• Set a one - minute time limit and ask Ss to write
down as many sports as they can think of.
• At the end of the activity Ss compare with a
partner, Ask some pairs to report back to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Footba/l, basketbal" volleyball, korote, swimming, tennis,
hockey, athletics, gymnastics, golf, badminton, cricket,
baseball, ete

2 • To read for cohesion and coherence

• Direct Ss' attention to the pie cham and go
through what each one represents. Read out the
Study Skills box and explain/elicit the meanings of
any unknown words.
• Give Ss time to read the survey re port and choose
the correct words from the two-word options 1- 7.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in
their books and check their answers.
Suggested Answer Key
1 half 4 The majority 7 No one
1 Most 5 Most
3 a f(!W 6 Half

3 • To conduct a survey and write a survey

• Explain the task and tell Ss to su rvey ten of their
classmates using the survey questions provided.
• Tell Ss to make a pie chart for the results of each
survey q uestion and then write their survey repo rt.
• Give Ss time to complete their surveys iJnd write
their reports iJnd rem ind them to follow the plan
iJnd use the vocabulary given.
• Check Ss' answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Class film Survey
I asked ten people in my class four questions about films.
Here are the results of my survey.
Most ofJhe people like going to the cinema, but 0 few of
them prefer going 10 the thealre. The majority of the
people prefer comedies, thirty per cem like aclion films
and twenty per cent like drama. Half of the people have
been to the cinema this monlh. A few of the people hove
been twice. Two people haven', been at all. Most of the
people haven 'I watched a thriller, but some of them hove.


I'm from South Africa. There;s 0 mon-eoring river monsfer here
coiled the Mamlambo. It's got the head of a horse and the body of a

i~::~~:.::~~~~~~~~lfiSh and it's huge! Have you ever been on safari?

Put the sentences In the
Exercises 4 corred order. Tell the class a summary
Look at the pictures. What Is the story of the story.
about? 0 Listen and check. The Mam/o
m They decided to camp near the river, so they
put up their tent there.
Read and complete the sentences.
CD It started raining, so they an went into the tent.
1 The Mamlambo lives in South Africa. m The monster appeared under the tent.
2 It looks Hke a horse and a fish . m suddenly, Candy saw a huge head in the river.
3 It appears when there's lightning. m Boogey went into the river to bring back the
4 The air blew the tent away. tent.
5 Baogey got very scared. m Tracker
Baogey was so scared his engi ne stopped.
thought it was just a hippo.
CD The Monstertrackers went to South Africa to
Label the pictures and find the words in
m The tent was blown into the river.

1 ~ To consolidate vocabulary from the 4 Song ~ To predict the content of the song
• Read through the words in the list and explain/elicit
• Explain the task and tell Ss that they may look back their meanings and elicit Ss' guesses as to what the
through the module to help them if necessary. song is about.
• Give Ss time to complete the puzzle and then check • Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the song in
Ss' answers. their books and check if their guesses were correct.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 desert 3 rainforest 5 wildlife The song is about when good and bad things happen and
2 waterfall 4 marathon 6 coral reef how we should react.

2 D To test and consolidate information learnt 5 ~ To discuss the attitude of the singer
in the module/to do a quiz Explain/Elicit the mean ings of optimistic/pessimistic
• Give Ss time to read the quiz and th in k of the (seeing things os mostly positive/seeing things os mostly
answers. Tell Ss that they may look back th rough negative). Elicit the singer's attitude (positive) and ask
the module for the information if necessary, various Ss around the class to provide justifications
• Check Ss' answers around the class. from the song.

Answer Key Suggested Answer Key

In the mountains in Peru. The singer is optimisfic. The singer says that someone
2 About' 20 million. may help you when you forget your umbrella, and they
3 To make their nests and feed on the algae. soy that things will end happily. The singer says that all
4 It is 2,000 km long. things happen far the best and good things happen in the
S The flamingo population decreased because of end.
hunting and pol/ution.
6 Over J,500.
7 4 days .

3 • To write a quiz
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in pairs.
• Give Ss some time to look back through the module
and think of quiz questions and compile their quiz.
• Ss can exchange their quiz with another pair and
do it and then report back to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
, When did people start running with bulls in
Pomp/ono? (In the 14th century)
2 How high;s Mochu Picchu? (2,430 metres above sea
3 Where is the Great Barrier Reef? (In Australia)
4 How for off the coast of Australia is Christmas Island?
(2,600 km)
5 When did Melinda write her blog? (03/09)
6 Where is Lake Nakuru? (Kenya)

Game: Ss play the game as described in the Ss' Book.


Um:3 (
Complete the
1 crossword.

Song: These words appear In

4 the song . What Is the song
o Listen, read and check.
• forget umbrella
2 D~ . the quiz. Answer the questions. •

caught out in rain
someone kind • catch wrong
.41111 . • go wrong • end happily
• get angry • smile • relax
r 1 Where exactly is Machu Picchu? • new friend
2 How many red crabs live on Christmas Island?
3 Why do pink flamingos go to Lake Nakuru?
4 How big is the Great Barrier Reef? ,All Things Happen
5 What happened in the 1990s at Lake Nakuru? fo .. a R eason

6 How many species of fish are there on the
When you forget your umbrella
Great Barrier Reef? And you're caught out in the rain
7 How long does it take to trek to Machu Picchu? Maybe someone kind will help you
And you'll want to meet again
Maybe when you catch the wrong train

11\ __ Look at
3 Module
And you end up somewhere new
You will see that there's a reason
For the things you do!
7 and write a
quiz of your own. All things happen for 0 reason
Wait awhile and you will see

~: Play In teams.
Even when life seems to go wrong
It will 011 end happily.
Say a verb from the lirt of When things go wrong, don't get angry
Irregular verbs. The other Don't be sad and don't feel stressed
team makes a sentence using Smile, relax and please remember
All things happen for the best
the verb In the present
When you call the wrong phone number
perfect. Each correct sentence But you make a brand new friend
gets one point. The team with the Then perhaps you'll see it clearly:
most points wins. Good things happen in the end.

Team AS1. lose

. . Is the singer optimistic or
Team BS 1: I've never lost my keys. see
Team AS1; Have you ever seen a ghost? etc.
5 pessimistic? Give reasons from the song.

Places around us
.. What's In this module?
Read the title of the module Places around us and ask 2 @ To revise/ practise prepositions of place
Ss to suggest what they think it means. Go through the • Revise prepositions of place with Ss and explain/
topic list and stimulate a discussion to prompt Ss' elicit the meanings of the ones presented th rough
interest in the module. translation into Ss' 11 or by demonstrating them
with objects in the classroom.
Find the page numbers for • Explain the task and read out the example. Then Ss ask
and answer in pairs. Monitor the activity around the
• Explain/ Elicit the meaning of any unknown words, and class and then ask some pairs to ask and answer in front
then Ss find the page numbers for the items listed. of the class.
• Ask questions to check Ss' understanding.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key A: Excuse me. Where is the clothes shop?
a street map (p. 93, 100) B: It's on Apple Street next to the jeweller's.
What information does a street mop include? Do you use A: Excuse me. Where is the optician's?
a Slreet map to find your places in 0 town or city? How B: It's on Milton Street in front of the sports shop.
useful do you think they ofe?
A: Excuse me. Where is the newsagent 's?
signs (p. 95) B: It 's on Apple Street behind the musie shop.
Can you see signs like these when you do the shopping? A: Excuse me. Where is the music shop?
Do you think signs like these ore important? Why (not)? B: It's on Apple Street between the supermarket and the
skyscrapers (p. 98) newsagent's.
What is 0 skyscraper? Are there skyscrapers in your town/ A: Excuse me. Where's the bank?
city? 8: It's on Harper Street opposite the jeweller'S. ete

1 @ To p resent shops
• Draw Ss' attention to the street map and the names
of the shops in it.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally or
individua lly. Ask various Ss to give the II
(Ss ' own answers)

• Elicit what sort of things we can buy in each shop

and then ask various Ss around the class to say one
thing for each shop. Encourage Ss to say different
things and continue until all ideas have been
Suggested Answer Key
You can buy bread at 0 baker's.
You can buy flowers at a florist's.
You can buy stomps at 0 post office.
You con buy foreign currency at 0 bank.
You con buy trousers at a clothes shop.
You con buy football boots at 0 sports shop.
You con buy glasses at an optician's.
You can buy books at 0 bookshop.
You con buy magazines at a newsagent 's.
You can buy musical instruments at a music shop.
You can buy food at 0 supermarket.
You can buy 0 (gold) ring at 0 jeweller's .


• Shops
o Listen and repeat. What are these
words In your language? Name one
thing you can buy In each shop.
You can buy aspirin at Q chemist's.
Use these prepositions to ask for and
give directions, as In the

example .

next to near behind

in front of
U. U


A: Excuse me. Where 's the bakery?
8: It's on Apple Street, next to the chemist's.


1 • To predict the <cntent of the text c) • To compare two places, personalise the
topic and express your opinion
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and the title and
allow them one minute to read the introduction. • Explain the task. Write the two locations on the
Elicit Ss' guesses in answer to the q uestions in the board and ask various Ss around the class to
rubric. offer comparisons and make notes about them
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in under the headings (e.g. Verona, USA is quiet but
their books and check their guesses. Verona, Italy is busy etc). Encourage Ss to make
as many comparisons as possible.
Answer Key • Then, allow Ss a few minutes to formulate their
Verona, USA is small and quiet. Verono, Italy is la rge and answers about which place they prefer and why
cosmopolitan. and then ask various Ss to read out their
sentences to the class.
2 .) • To read for specific information
Suggested Answer Key
• Allow Ss some time to read the text and ma rk Verona USA is quiet, but Verona, Italy is busy. Verona,
the statements . USA has 0 lot of parks and tree-lined streets, but Verona,
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the Italy has a lot of lowers, bridges and po/aces. Bath cities
meanings of the words in the Check these words have nice shops and res taurants. Not mony people live in
bo,_ Verona, USA, but a lot of people live in Verona, Italy and
• Check Ss' answers. As an extension Ss can thousands of tourists visit every year.
correct the fa lse statements. I would live in Verona, USA, because llike quiet
Answer Key neighbourhoods. It would be nice to be close to nature.!'
would live in Verona, Italy because I like big cities. It
A I F - It is a small town in the USA.
would be nice to have an energetic lifestyle.
2 T
3 T
4 D5
B 5 T
6 F - Thousands of tourists visit every summer.
7 F_ Restaurants serve loco/ Gnd international dishes.
8 F - Th e nightlife there is exciting.

b) • To consolidate new vocabulary

Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it, then
check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 tree-lined 4 cosy 7 nature
2 clothes S cosmopolitan
3 local 6 ancient


Reading 8a
Look at the p ictures and read
1 the title and the Introduction.
What do you think each city
Is like? How do they differ?
Co' Lhten and read to find out.
a) Mark the statements T (true),
2 F (false) or DS (doesn 't say) .

(A)ye~~~, g~
1 Verona is a southern state
in the USA.
2 It is a qui et city.
3 It is great for people
who love the outd oors.
4 Hotels there are expensive.
(!l) Veron:..~
5 Verona is a historic city
in Ita ly.
6 Not many people visit it.
7 Restaurants only serve
local dishes.
8 The nightlife there is boring.

b) Fill In: cosy, tree-lined,

local, cosmopolitan, ancient, ".....
nature, clothes.
1 .... .,.. ..... .... ,............. ........ ... streets
2 ............ " ...... " ....... " ... .... " ... . shops
3 .................................... restaurants
4 .............. ........ " ....... .............. cafes
5 ................................................ city
6 ....................................... city walls
7 ............................................ lovers

c) _ look at the pldures.

Imagine you could go and live in
any of the two cities. Which city
would you choose? Why? Use the
phrases in the box in Ex. 2b to
write a few sentences on the

topic . Read them to the class.

Vocabulary 8a
• Place. in a city Listening
3 Match the places to the
5 Name the places In the pictures.
o Now listen to three dialogues. In which of the
places does each take place 7

ITIJ library
[ID street
[ID playground
[ID aquarium
[10 school
(FEED ..,...

• Shop. &: products

Where would you hear the
4 In pairs, act out a similar dialogue for
following sentences? Match
them to the shops.
6 another shop.

[I[J Biscuits are in aisle 12. A: How can I help you?

~ I'd like a bunch of tulips, please. B; I'd liAe a bunch of roses, please.
[IIJ Do these trousers come in blue? A: Certoinly, ... ete.

~ Have you got the latest Vogue? a) Read the sentences. Say them In your language.
m=J How much is that silver chain in 7
• There are a lot tall buildings in New York, whereas in
the window?
Dublin most buildings only have a few storeys.
~ Are those biscuits freshly-baked?
• There aren't any supermarkets in the village, but there
[I[J Would you like milk with your
are two small greengrocer's and a bakery.
tea, sir?
• The town is very far from the sea. However, it has a
[![] Can t have a kilo of mincemeat,
great public swimmi ng pool.
please? ~

b) Read the text again and make notes. Compare
the two cities. Use whereas, however, but.
Verona in Wisconsin is 0 small city- whereas Verona in Italy
c newsagent's \ is a large, cosmopolitan city.
d clothes shop Writing
e baker's .......
~ Write a short paragraph comparing your town /
supe rmarket r:e5t2 y-
8 city/ village to Verona, Italy. Think about: streets,

h jeweller's ~ parks, shops, markets, buildings, houses, restaurants.

In my." there are ." whereas in Verona there aren't" .
(.. jStudent's Book: Language Review 81) (.. jwor'dlook: 81 ) MOOUU.

3 a. To read for gist
• Ss read the signs and match them to the places
b) • To make notes and compare two places
• Expla in the task and read out the example.
they can be seen. • Ss complete the task. Ask various Ss to read out
• Check Ss' answers. Ask Ss to say which words helped their sentences.
them decide.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key There aren't any tall buildings in Verona, USA, but there
, C 2 A 3 0 4 E 5 B are pretty houses with big gardens. Verona in Italy is on

4 a. To read for gist

ancient city. However, it has a lot of trendy nightclubs
and cates. etc

• Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the

sentences and match them to the shops.
• Check Ss' answers.
8 a. To write a short paragraph making

Answer Key
• Explain the task and brainstorm with Ss for ideas to
help them complete the task if necessary. (e.g. size
, g 3 d 5 h 7 a of town/city, what it's famous/well-known for, what
2 f 4 c 6 e B b there is to see and do there (historiC buildings, shops,

5 a. To listen for specific information

• Explain the task. Ask Ss to identify the places in the
restaurants, nightclubs) etc
• Ss complete the paragraph. Check Ss' answers.
Suggested Answer Key
photographs. I Jive in Athens. It is a large cosmopolitan city in Greece.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the task. It's famous for its ancient temple, the Parthenon. It has
• Check Ss' answers. got lots of historic buildings and a lot of shops and
Answer Key restaurants os well as trendy nightcfubs and street
A butcher's cafes. Athens is a lot like Verona, Itoly.
B clothes shop C chemist's
butcher's 2 chemist's 3 clothes shop

6 a. To act out a dialogue

• Explain the task and allow Ss some time to think of
another shop and what they will say.
• Ss then act out their dialogues in closed pairs.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the
Suggested Answer Key
A: The coffee here is great, isn't it?
B: Yes, and I really like these biscuits, too.

7 a) a. To present and practise linking words

showing comparison and consolidate though
Ask three individual Ss to read out the sentences
and then ask three others to translate them.
(Ss' own answers)



1 G To present countable/ uncountable nouns
El quantifie rs
5 G To present a/ an, and some/ any/ every and
their compounds
• Ss' books closed. Explain that some nouns can be Go through the table with Ss and elicit the L1
counted (e.g. egg, cor, apple etc) and these are equivalents for the examples.
countable and some nouns can't be counted (e.g.
milk, water, coffee ere). These are uncountable (Ss' own answers)
nouns. Explain tha t we use a/ an with (ountable
nouns and some with uncoun table nouns.
• Ss' books open. Go through the table with Ss and
elicit the L1 equivalents for the exam ples. Then
elicit examples from the text.
(Ss I own omwers)

Answer Key
many neighbourhoods, a lot of parks, aren't any tall
buildings, some nice clothes shops, a lot of restaurants

2 G To identify countable/ uncountable nouns

Explain the task and elicit answers from Ss around the
Answer Key
1 some - U 5 some - U 9 Jame- U
2 some - U 6 on - C 10 some- U
3 some - U 7 some - U 11 some - U
4 0- ( 8 on - C 12 a-C

3 G To practise using quantifiers

Allow Ss some time to complete the task and then
check Ss' answers around the class.
Answer Key
How much 4 much 1 much
2 0 little 5 much, a few
3 Not much 6 a few

4 G To present partitives
• Explain the task and read out the partitives in the
• Ss do the task.
• Play the recording for Ss to check their answers.
Answer Key
1 ba, 4 packef 7 carton
2 bottle 5 jar
3 bog 6 con


• Countable/ Uncountable • Partitives
nouns & quantifiers Fill in: box, bag, can, jar,
Read the table. Say the examples In
4 bottle, packet, carton.
1 your language. Find examples in the ( ) Listen and check.
text on p. 94.
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
are nouns we can count. are nouns we cannot
on/one apple ~ two apples count. (some) rice
- ."e
(NOT, rin
';,e b.,. ';,e.)

J eat a fot of apples. I drink a lot of milk .

How many apples eot? l How much milk. do~you drink?
• too many
(more than
I need)
• too much n-
(more thon -
I need)
• a lot of!
lots of
• some/
a few
• some/o little n
• a lot of/ lots of

• a/ an - some/ any/ every &

: :~fi II
• not many/ their compounds
(very) few
Read the table. Say the examples in
• none
5 your language.

• a/ an + countable nouns in the singular

Fill in a/ an or some. Then mark the nouns Con I have a banano, pleose?
2 as C (countable) or U (uncountable).
Th ere is an apple in the fridge.
• some + countab le nouns in the plural!
.......... milk 7 .......... rice
uncountable nouns (affi rmative sentences!
.. ........ money..... 8 .......... orange .... . questions to offer 5th) We 'll take some
.... .. .... bread 9 .......... tea oranges. There 's some milk in the fridge. Would
.......... cherry 10 .......... cheese .... . you like some?
..... ..... sugar 11 .......... meat • any + countable nouns in the plural/
uncountable nouns (negative sentences/
.......... egg 12 .......... biscuit .....
questions) There isn't any butter. Are there any
apples in the fridge?
Choose the correct item.
3 • every + countable nouns in the singular
There 's a carton of juice for every child in the
1 How much/How many apple juice is there? class.
2 I've got a few/a little coffee left.
3 Did he d rink any milk? Not many/ Not much.
4 How much/ many cheese do you want? someone, everyone anyone
5 There isn't many/much cake. How about a ! something, everything anything
little/a few biscuits? There 's someone at the door.
6 Can I have a few /a little apples, please? Is there an yo ne in the bathroom?
J can 't do anything to help.
7 How much/ many money do you need?
Everyone is in the garden.

6 G To practise a/ an and some/ony 11 G To give a presentation on a statue
• Explain the task. • Explain the task and ask to look up information on
• Ss do the task in closed pairs. Check Ss' answers. the Internet or in encyclopaedias or other reference
Answer Key
• Give Ss time to write a short text, then ask various
A 1 some 2some3a 4 any Ss to present their statue to the class.
B 1 a 2 some 3 An 5uggested Answer Key
c any 1 any 3 some The Aphrodite of Milos is best known as the Venus de
Milo. It was mode between J 30·1 00 BC. It was found on
7 G To practise some/every/any and their the island of Milos in J810. It is kept in the Louvre. It is
admired by thousands of tourists every day.
compound s
Explain the task. Ss complete the task. Check Ss'
Answer Key
1 Everything 3 every 5 everyone
1 something 4 Everyone 6 anything

8 G To present the passive

• Read out the theory box the elicit examples from p.
94 .
Answer Key
wos built, is home to, is situated

• Go through the next table with Ss and explain what

changes when we change an active sentence into a
passive sentence.

9 G To practise the passive

• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
;, 3 were 5 are
2 were 4 was

10 G To practise the passive

• Explain the task and refer Ss to the theory box at
the top of p. 97 for help.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Then check Ss'
Answer Key
J It was made with white marble in 190 BC.
2 It was discovered on the island of Samathroce in 1863
by a French archaeologist.
3 It was sent to Paris in 1863.
4 It is kept in the Louvre.
5 It is admired by thousands of tourists every day.


6 Fill In: a/an, some, any. Changing from adlve to passive
Subject Verb Object
A A: Can you please buy me 1) ............ Active: The mayor opened the new museum.
bread, 2) .......... cheese and 3) ............ I
' .m················ l m
.m.m· lmm"
box of chocolates, please? Passive: The new museum was opened by the mayor.
B: Sure. Do you need 4) ............ eggs? The object of the active verb becomes the subject in
A: No, thanks. the passive sentence.
B A: Can I have 1) ........... glass of milk, please? The active verb changes into a passive form .
B: Sure. Would you like 2) ......... ... biscuits? The subject of the active verb becomes the agent.
A: No, thanks . 3) ............ apple is better. The agent is introduced with by or it is omitted.
C A: Do we have 1) ............ cornflakes?
B: Yes, but there isn't 2) ...... ...... milk. Fill In: is, are, was or were.
A: OK, I'll go and buy 3) ............ then. 9
1 Milan ........... visited by hund reds of
Use some, every, any and their tourists every day.
7 compounds to complete the postcard. 2 Two new malls ........... opened last Monday.
3 The Parthenon statues ........... designed by
Hi Bob, Phidias.
Greetings fro m l'tm coll w r. 4 The Taj Mahal ............. bu ilt in the 17th
We're baving a grea t time.
1) .......................... here is greal - centu ry.
tbe weather, tl)(l holel and the 5 The Galapagos Islands ........... visited by
f ood. We dQ 2) ............................ . many people every yea r.
d ifJerem 3J ............................. .
day. 4) .. .............................. bere
is very' friendly aHd hospitable.
10 Writ e the sentences In the passive voice.
Bob Stevens,
I'm planning to go shopping
105 Normar!...RoaA,
tomorrow./ uxml to huysotlvcnirs
for 5) ........................ back home.
/s there 6) .. ................... )'011 wcmt
me to bring you?
England _ _
The Winged ...Victory
They made it with white
See ) t lll in tux) weeks.
marble in 190 s c.

• The Passive
e A French archaeologist
discovered it on the island
Read the theory. Find examples in the of Sa mothrace in 1863.
8 text on p. 94. o He sent it to Paris in 1863.
We use the passive when we don't did the
o They keep it in the l ouvre.
action or it is obvious from the context (The roads are doSftl " Thousands of tourists
roday.) or when the action is more important than the person admire it every day.
did it. (Thf new stadium was opened lost Monday by the
lot of tourists visit Spain Is visited by a 11 11CT ICollect Information about a
lot of tourists every year. statue or monument In your country.
served dinner Dinner was served
Write a short text about It. Use the
9 pm. at 9 pm. passive. Present It to the class.

(. )Workbook: 8b & Grammar Bank 8 ) MODU LE 8

a To introduce the topic
• Play the re<:ording and tell Ss to imagine they are in
3 a) a To read for specific information
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
one of the tall buildings in the pictures. meanings of the words in the Check these words
• Ask various Ss around the class to say how they feel. box, then allow Ss some time to read the text
and answer the questions. Read out the Did you
Suggested Answer Key
know? box.
I feel scored to be so high up.!1 feel excited. It's like I'm on • Check Ss' answers around the class.
top of the world.
Answer Key

2 a To predict the content of the text

• Elicit what if anything Ss know about skyscrapers,
Bricks weren't strong enough and they didn't have
steel or elevators.
2 From the 1BBOs.
and where the term came from . 3 People could get to the top easily and safely.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in 4 They needed living space and offices.
their books and find out. 5 Because many ex-sailors worked on them and it is
Suggested Answer Key their word for the tallest mast on a ship.
6 One floor a day.
Skyscrapers Ofe loll buildings made from steel.
7 It is like a city itself with theme parks, hotels, cinemas
The word 'skyscraper' comes (rom the name sailon gave
and shopping moll with over 1,200 stores.
to the tallest mast on 0 ship.

Background Information
b) a To consolidate information in a text
Ask vari ous Ss around the class to say what
The a ncie nt Egyptia ns were an advanced civilisation impressed them from the text.
that began around 3150 BC and lasted until around
31 BC. They were very good at building especially Suggested Answer Key
monuments, temples and pyramids. They were also I was impressed that the lih was invented in 1852.
advanced in language and maths. They had their I was impressed that ex-sailors and Mohowk Indians built
own system of w riting called hieroglyphics. the skyscrapers.
The Pyramids were built by the ancient Egyptians as I was impressed that today there is a building with 1,200
tombs for their kings. They can still be seen today. stores.
The most famous ones are those at Giza and the
biggest one is the Pyramid of Khufu which was also
one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
The Middle Ages is a period in European history
wh ich covers the years from the 5th century to the 16'"
Ell sha Oti s was born on 3'" August 1811 in Vermont,
USA. He invented the safety elevator in 1852 and the
first passenger elevator in 1857. His inventions meant
that people could build skyscrapers. The Otis Elevator
Company is the largest elevator company in the
world today.
The Mohawk Indians are Native Americans from north
America and Canada. Their name means 'people of the
flint'. They used flin t stone for arrowheads. There are
over 78,000 Mohawk today who live in New York State,
along the St Lawrence River and in southern Ontario.


develop steel
living space beam
sailor mast skyline
the sky is the limit

Big buildings are nothing new. The ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids. The Italians built tall towers
in the Middle Ages. The French built huge cathedrals. However, it was difficult to build very tall
buildings because the bricks were not strong enough. Then, in 1852, Elisha Olis invented the
elevator and in the 1880s engineers developed a new building technique using steel. II was now
possible to build tall buildings with strong steel without worrying how to get to the top.
In big cities such as Chicago and New York that needed living space for families, and offices for
business, skyscrapers were the perfect solution. Some very brave men worked on these buildings
as it was a dangerous job. Imagine walking along narrow beams hundreds of feet* above the
ground! For this reason, Mohawk Indians from Canada and ex-sailors did most of the work as
they were not scared of heights. In fact, the word 'skyscraper' comes from the name sailors gave
10 the tallest masl on a ship. In 1885, the world·s first skyscraper, a ten-storey office building,
opened in Chicago. Between 1930 and 1931 , the Empire State Building grew almost one floor
higher every day. The 3,400 men who worked on it finished it in 14 months.
These days, skyscrapers decorate every city skyline, and each year taller and taller buildings
appear all over the world. At present, the world 's tallest building is the Dubai Tower, a city in
itself, including theme parks, hotels and cinemas, and one of the largest shopping malls in
the world. There are plans for over 1,200 stores, including London's toy store Hamley's. 160
restaurants and 220 jewellery shops!

Skills Bc
Fill In: living, skyscraper, beams, steel, masts, brick, elevators, skyline.
- Imagine
1 People use ............. ............ to go up or down a bu ilding.
you were a 2 Engineers use ...................... ... to build strong, tall buildings.
Mohawk Indian. 3 Tall bUildings provide ......................... space for a lot of fami li es.
How wou ld you 4 Boats have got ......................... to support their sails.
feel wa lking along
5 The Empire State Building is a ......................... in New York.
the narrow beams 6 They used wooden ......................... to support the ceiling.
hundreds of feet 7 The Dubai Tower dominates the ..... .................... .
above the ground?
8 He built a ............ ,............ wa ll around the garden so that people COU ldn't
Describe the scene see inside.
and your feelings.
Tell your partner. Listening
) o Listen to 'ane and Sam talking in a department store In Dubal
Tower. For questions 1-5, choose the correct item.
1 Jane wants to buy a baseball cap/basketball/tennis racquet.
2 Jane cannot spend over £15/£17/£25.
3 Sam is going to the book department/ electrical department/ music
department .
4 The DVD Sam wants is ca lled 3000 BCI 3030 BC13033 BC.
5 lane and Sam a re meeting Harry at 1 o'clock/in an hour/ in five minutes.

• like, love, enjoy, Speaking

don 't mind, don 't
like, hate + -;n9

Use the phrases In the list to make five sentences about yourself.
I hale eoting
• don't mind • love • go to the cinema • play football • eat
• want +
• enjoy • hate • want out • visit th e theme park • buy books
He wanes to go out • like • don't like • go to the pool • go shoppi ng
I like going to the cinema. I want CO go to rhe pool.

7 Answer the questions.

1 How often do you go 4 Do you get pocket money?
shopping? How much?
2 Where do you usually go 5 What do you spend it on?
shopping? 6 What's you r favourite shop?
3 Who do you go with? Why?
8 Complete the paragraph.

I go shopping about ... a week/a month, ete. I usually go ... and I go

with ... , I get ... pocket money every .... I usually spend it on ... ,

[. ) Studenl'i Book: L~nguage Review k ) (. ]Wofitbook: k ) MODULI.

.. ~ To describe an imaginary scene 7 ~ To talk about your shopping habits
• Ss think about the scene and use their imaginations • Explain the task and allow Ss some time to ask and
to describe it to their partners. Monitor the activity answer the questions in pairs.
around the class. • Check Ss' answers by asking various pairs to ask and
• Then ask vario us Ss around the class to describe the answer in front of the class or by asking one S from
scene and their feelings to the class. each pair to report back to the class on their
partner's habits.
SU9g~sted Answer Key
I am hundreds of feet above the city and the sky is blue Suggested Answer Key
and the air is clear. I om not afraid and I am enjoying the 1 I go shopping twice 0 week.
great view. 2 I go shopping in the city centre and at the shopping
4 ~ To consolidate new vocabulary 3 I sometimes go with my mum but mostly I go with my
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the gaps, 4 I get £5 a week pocket money.
then check Ss' answers. 5 I spend it on COs and magazines.
Answer Key 6 My favourite shop is the Public. It is a music shop. I
like it because I like music and it has all the latest COs.
elevators 4 masts 7 skyline
2 steel 5 skyscraper
8 briclc
3 living 6 beams 8 To complete a paragraph about your
shopping habits
5 ~ To listen for specific information • Explain the task and allow Ss some time to complete
it. Point o ut Ss can use their answers to Ex. 6.
• Explain the task and play the recording. Ss listen
• Ask various Ss around the class to read out their
and choose the correct answers.
answers to the rest of the class.
• Check Ss' answers around the class.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
I go shopping about twice 0 week. I usually go with my
1 baseball cop 4 3030 BC
2 £15 friends. I get £5 pocket money every week. I usually
S in an hour
spend it on magazines and COs.
3 electrical department
My favourite shop is HMY. I like it because it has 011 the

~ To express your likes and dislikes

latest COs.
Read the Note box and the examples. Elicit further
examples from Ss. Allow Ss some time to complete the
task, then check Ss' answers around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
I love playing football.
I hate eating ou!.
I wont to go to the pool.
I enjoy eating out.
I like buying books.
I don't like visiting the theme pork.
I don 't mind going shopping.


Student A Student B
• To present situationallanguage and
practise pronunciation and intonation Excuse me. Could you ~ Yes, certainly. Go ...
tell me ... ? /(Respond)
• Play the record ing with pauses for Ss to repeat (Ask for directions) . - /
chorally or individually. I'm sorry, what ... ? ------+- ... Road. Then ...
• Repea l if necessary, then elicit which syllables are (Clarify informalian: L : (Restore information
stressed. and continue)
Answer Key Did you say ... ? ------. Yes, that's right. It's
(Clarify information on ...
Excuse me. again) .. / ' (Confirm)
Could you W!. me how 10 gg1 to the hosPital?
OK. Thank you. ~ ___ You're welcome.
I'm sorry, what roqd was that?
(Express thanks) (close conversation)
Thank you very much.
On the right did you say?
Suggested Answer Key

2 G To identify the context of a dialogue, listen

and read for specific information and consolidate
The hospital to the post office
A: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the post office?
B: Yes, ,ertein/y. Go up Eaton Rood and turn right into
situationallanguage through translation
Marp/e Crescent.
• Explain the task and read out the question. A: I'm sorry, what rood was that?
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the dialogue B: Marple Crescen/. The post office is behind the square.
in their books and find out the answer. A: Behind the square, did you soy?
8: Yes, chat '5 right If's on the corner of Green Rood.
Answer Key
A: OK. Thank you very much.
John wanes to go to the hospital. 8: You're welcome.
• Elicit the L1 equivalents for the sentences in Ex.l. The park to the cafe
from various Ss around the class. A: Excuse me. How do I get to the cafe?
(Ss' own answers) B: Turn right into Eoton Rood.
A: I'm sorry, what rood was that?

3 D To read for specific information

B: Eatan Rood. Then take the second rood on the right.
A: The second road, did you say?
Allow Ss time la read the dialogue again and answer B: Yes. The cafe is appmite the fas l food restaurant.
the question in the ru b ric. A: OK. Thank you very much.

Answer Key B: You're welcome.

John is in Kingswell Street. The cor park to the library

A: Excuse me. Where's the library?
4 @ To p ractise role-p laying and act out
B: Go across Kingswell Street and in/a Green Rood.
A: I'm sorry, what rood was that?
dialogues asking for and giving directions
B: Green Rood. Then the library is behind the square in
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and take roles and act out Marple Crescent.
dialogues. A: Behind the square, did you soy?
• Remind Ss that they can use the dialogue in Ex. 3 B: Yes, lhat's right.
as a model as well as any ideas from the useful A: OK. Thank you very much.
language boxes la help them complete the task. 8: You 're welcome.
• Ss comp lete the task in pairs. To help Ss, draw the
following d iagram on the board and e licit The police station 10 the cafe
A: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the cafe?
appropriate phrases Ss should use. Write them on
the board. Ss can refer to the diagram while doing B: Yes, certainly. Co up Eolon Rood and lurn right into
Kingswel/ Street.
the task.
• Monitor the activity around the class and ask some A: I'm sorry, whOl road was that?
groups to act out their d ia logues in front of the 8: Kingswel/ Street. Then the cafe is an the corner of
Green Road.
A: On the earner, did you say?
B: Yes, that's right. It's opposite the fast food restaurant.
A: OK. Thank you very much.
B: You're welcome.

Everyday English 8d
• ASKing for Giving di'f!~ ions
1 0 Listen and repeat. Find the stressed syllables.

• Excuse me. • Could you tell me how to get to the hospital?

• I'm sorry, what road was that? • Thank you very much.
• On the rig ht, did you say?

The sentences in Ex. 1 appear in the dialogue below. Where does

2 John want to go?
o Listen and read to find out. Say the sentences In Ex. 1 In your

3 Read the dialogue. Where is John?

~ bi
li I-Chom'"~ I!!l {~OYSh~P)
Eaton Road
Eaton Road
c ..

-M -.

Green ;:

Asking for
1 .,
t\ \

John, Excuse me. Cou ld you tell me how to get to the hospital?
• Where's the ... ?
Passer by: Yes, certainly. Go up Kingswdl Street and turn left onto Eaton ROMi.
• How do I get to
John: I' m sorry, what road was that?
... ?
Passer by: Earon Road. Follow Eaton Road all the way down. Go through the
• Could you tell
me how to get traffic lights and past the lihrary. The hospital is on the right.
to .. .? John: On the right, did you say?
Giving directions Passcr by: Yes, thar"s right. The hospital is on the right, opposite th e park.
• Go up/down! John: OK. Thank you very much.
past/through ... Passer by: You're welcome.
• It's on you r
rig ht/left ...
• Turn left/right ...
• It's on the corner 4 if' Look at the map. Act out dialogues asking for/giving
directions from: the hospital to the post office. - the park to the cafe. -
of ...
the car park to the library. - the police station to the cafe.
• tt's next to/near!
opPosite/ Use the phrases in the box. You can use the dialogue in Ex. 3 as a
between .,'
model. Mind the Intonation.


Across Cultures Se

The English Market in Cork, Ireland is in a beautiful 400-year-old

building. It has got a courtyard with balconies and a lovely fountain . It is
right in the centre of the city and is a favourite shopping and meeting
place for both local people and tourists. At this market, people can buy
anything from fresh fruit and vegetables to meat and fish.

a) Have you ever been to a street market?

b) Describe the markets In the pictures. Which of the

Items: red pepper, vegetables, meat, tea, curry powder, fish,
fresh fruit. sweets, do you think you can find In each market?
(; Listen, read and check.

Fill In: colourful, selection, meeting, fresh. local. Use the

phrases to make sentences about the markets In the texts.
1 market I 3 ............... fruit I 5 .............. .
2 ............. of sweets 4 ............... place people

ICT Think of a popular market or shopping centre in

your town / city. Collect Information, then write a
paragraph about It. Write: where it is, what it is like, what
you can buy there. Present the market to the class .

List the three-syllable words as In the box.

.. .
C" Listen and check. Listen and repeat. .'
• tropical • souvenirs • vegetables • popular • balconies
• expensive • selection

Spice Marke I Istanbvl

The Spice Market in Istanbul is one of the oldest and most colourful
markets in Turkey. It's got a wonderful selection of spices and herbs from
Egypt, India and Asia like red pepper and curry powder. You can also buy
all kinds of tea and there is a huge selection of sweets, including some
delicious Turkish Delight.

.. Workbook: VOCilbula Bank 8 MODULE 8

1 .) ~ To Introduce the topic , ICT G To personalise the topic and w rite
about a local market
Elicit an answer to the question in the rubric from
various Ss around the class. • Explain the task. Refer Ss to the Internet,
encyclopaedias or other reference books to find
(Ss' own answers)
information about a local ma rket and complete the

b) & To predict the content of a text

• Ask various Ss to present their market to the class.
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and ask
various Ss around the class to describe them. Suggested Answer Key
• Elicit how many Ss have been to a street market. Athens Central Market
• Read out the words in the list. Explai n/Elicit the This famous market is in Athinas Street, in Athens. It is a
mea nings of any unknown words and then elicit very colourlul market. It sells mostly meat, fish and
which of them Ss think may be found in wh ich seafood, but also olives, vegetables, cheese and sweets.
market. Prices ore reasonable and the quality is excellent. It is
Suggested Answer Key open from Monday to Saturday from 8 om to 6 pm.

~ To learn the intonation for multisyllabic

The market ot the top of the page is indoors. There Oft
two levels and lots of stalls. I con see fruit and vegetables 4
downstairs and it looh like a cafe upstairs. The market at words
the bottom of the page has a lot of nuts and dried fruit. • Explain that in multisyllabic words sometimes more
It seems quite exotic. I think it is indoors too. than one syllable is stressed.
I have been/ hoven't been to 0 street market. • Play the rec::ording. Ss listen and repeat chorally or
individually. Pay special attention to Ss' pronundation
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in and intonation and correct as necessary.
their books and check. • Elicit how many syllables each word has.
Answer Key Answer Key
The Spice Market - red pepper, curry powder, tea, sweets
The Englis h Market - fresh fruil, vegetables, meat, fish .
vegetables t6g~ther
2 G To consolidate new vocabulary pOpular exciting

• Read out the example.

• Allow Ss some time to fill the gaps and make
• Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these words
box, then check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
2 selection 3 fresh 4 meeting 5 local
Suggested Answer Key
1 There is 0 huge selection of sweets at the Spice
3 You con buy fresh fruit at the English Market.
4 The English Market is a popular meeting place.
S Locol people and tou rists visit these markets.


( 8f"'
1 @ To introduce the topic and key vocabulary 3 leT ~ To collect information related to the
and predict the (ontent of the text topic and present it to the class
• Draw Ss' attention to the pictures and elicit which ones • Explain the task and ask Ss to work in groups and
show the actions given in the rubric. Elicit Ss' guesses as look up information on the Internet using the key
to how the pictures can be related to the text. phrase in the search bar or in encyclopaedias or
• Play the recording. Ss listen and follow the text in other reference books. Tell Ss that they can use the
their books and check if their guesses were correct. website suggested on the Express Publishing
website to help them.
Answer Key • Allow Ss some time to complete the task and then
A some people cleaning the rood ask various g rou ps of Ss to give thei r presentation to
B someone putting rubbish in a recycling bin the class.
C someone planting a tree
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key We should always remember to turn the lights off. That
The pictures Ofe related to the text because the text is way we don't waste electriCity.
about how to help our planet by cleaning up rubbish, We should ploy outside more. That way we will/earn mare
recycling rubbish and planting trees. about the outdoors and save electricity at the same time.
We should leorn about ways to save energy. That way we
2 @ To r ead for specific information
will save energy and money.

• Allow Ss some time to read the text and complete

the task. Ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up
the meanings of the words in the Check the5e words
• Check Ss' answers around the class.
Answer Key
1 If we can't use an item again, we should recycle it.
1 Neighbours ond (riends can help to clean up our
3 Trees ore importont because they give us oxygen and
make our air cleaner too.
4 We should avoid using our cars because they give out
harmful gases.
S Public transport, bicycles and walking are less harmful
to the environment.
6 If we see rubbish on the ground we should pick it up
and throw it in the bin.
7 We need to reuse and recycle things. We need to clean
up rubbish and plant flowefl, we need to walk more and
pick up any rubbish we see. This would keep our
neighbourhood clean and if evel)'One did this the planet
would be cleaner loa.

102 (T)
Across the Curriculum Sf

wonder clean up reuse

recycle area harmful gas
public transport set an example
pick up bin . . . . . . . .J 1 Reuse and recycle
Try to think of another way to use the item t hat you

A Little Goes a a re going to t hrow away. If you can't reuse it,

recycle it.

Long Way 2 Organise a town clean-up

Yo u ca n org anise a clean-up day in your
So many of us wonder what we can do to clean up neig hbourh ood. Ask you r neighbours and your
our planer. Well, the answer is much simpler than we friends t o join you and clean up the rubbish from

think. If everyone he/ps to keep the parks and t he st reets in your area .
3 Plant flowers and trees
neighbourhood clean, A
Plant flowers and trees t o make your neighbou rhood
they ore helping the
planer, too. Here more beautiful. Trees also give us oxygen, so it
are some easy tips makes our air cleaner too.
to make your
4 Don't use cars
neighbourhood a
Cars give out harmful gases, so try to use your
cleaner place.
bicycle or public transport to get around. For short
distances, you ca n also wa lk. It's not only good for
the environment - it's good for your body.

5 Set an example
You shoul d always set a good example. If you see
rubbish on th e groun d, pick it up and throw it in a
bin . If people see you doing this, they might do it

Answer the questions.

What can we do if we can't use What should we do if we see

What do we need to

Read them to your partner.

.. Stlldent"s Book: Language Review 8f, Prepositions .. Workbook: 3d, e, f

Writing 89

Read the email and complete the gaps with the sentences In the list.

A Ou r new flat is just gorgeous.

B Anyway, I've got to go now. Check these words
• move house • block of flats
C How are you? I hope you're OK.
• view • balcony
o Everyone here is friendly. • neighbourhood . nearby

Hi Peter,
[ID Sorry I didn't write earlier. but we were
busy moving house.
CID It is on the third floor of a five-storey
block of flats. It's got a great view of the park
from the balcony. The neighbourhood is really
nice and quiet with a few shops. Our block of
flats is next to a bakery and a florist's. There's
also a supermarket and a cafe nearby, but there
isn't a cinema. [lIJl've got some new friends.
We go to school together. My new school is a 10-
minute walk from home.
[!I] Dad needs help making dinner. Talk to
you later.

Study Think of your neighbourhood . Brainstorm for Ideas. Then complete

the sentences below about It.
r - - - - Skills
Brainstorming 1 I live in a(n) ......................... . 5 There isn't/aren't ................. .
Before you start writing, 2 My neighbourhood is .......... . 6 The people here .................. .
brainstorm for ideas. 3 It has ..... .............................. . 7 I really like my neighbourhood
Organise your ideas
under headings, then 4 There are ............................. . because ............................... .
expand the words in
complete sentences. Writing (an email about your house & neighbourhood)
This 'Nill help you do
the writing task. Portfolio: Use your answers from Ex . 2 to write an emall to your
Topic My English pen-friend about your house and your neighbourhood
neighbourhood (60-80 words). Follow the plan.
Ideas: • big • quiet
• people . houses Para 1: greet you r pen-friend; apologise for not writing earlier giving
• greengrocer's reasons
• park • friendly Para 2: describe your house (location, rooms) & neighbourhood (shops,
Headings: • Location
people, etc.); you r feelings
• Shops • People
Para 3: closing remarks; ask your pen-friend to write back

(_ ) Student's Book: Self·Check 8 ) (_ )Workbook: 89 )
1 ~ To rea d for cohesion and coherence
• Direct Ss' attention to the sentences A-D and then ask
Ss to use them to fin the gaps 1-4. Check Ss' answers.
• Then ask Ss to use their dictionaries to look up the
meanings of the words in the Check these words box.
Answer Key
1 C 2 A 3 D 4 B

2 ~ To brainstorm for ideas and write about

your neighbourhood
• Read the Study Skills box aloud and exp lain/ elicit
what brainsto rming is (thinking of various ideas
related to a theme/topic and writing down whatever
comes to mind).
• Explain the task and allow Ss some time to
brainstorm for ideas and complete the sentences.
• Check Ss' answers around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
, I live in a flat.
2 My neighbourhood is busy and noisy.
3 It has a great view of the city.
4 There ore 0 lot of shops and cafes nearby.
5 There isn't 0 cinema in my neighbourhood.
6 The people there are very friendly.
7 I really like my neighbourhood because it is a nice
place to live with everything we need nearby.

3 ~ To write an email about your house &

• Allow Ss time to complete the task in class. Rem ind
Ss to use their answers to Ex. 2 to help them and
the text in Ex. 1 as a model. Ask various Ss to read
out their emails to the class.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss'
answers in the next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key
Hi Kelly,
How are you? Sorry I didn't write earlier but we were busy
moving house.
Our new flat is really nice. It's on the 5th floor of a bfock
of flats and it has 0 great view of the city. The
neighbourhood is nice, too. There are a fat of shops and
cafes nearby, although there isn't a cinema. I really like the
neighbourhood and the people here are really friendly.
Anyway / 've got to go now. Please write back soon.


103 (T)
I' ·

Put the sentences In the

4 correct order. Use them to
tell the class a summary of
Look at the p ictures. What 15 the story about? the story.
1 I.~t Listen and check. The Dogman
CD!] The Monstertrackers went to
Read and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). New York.
2 rrI!l They went to a forest.
1 The Dogman has the body of a dog. F ~ They drove back to New York.
2 Baogey didn't see that the traffic lights are red. T ~ Tracker nearly hit a hot dog
3 They almost hit a hot dog man. T man.
4 The Dogman likes hunting at night. T m!J They drove to Wisconsin.
5 Candy wanted to go shopping in Wisconsin. F cz::m They went back to base camp.
~ They spent the night looking
complete the c ..""vo,d
for the Dogman.
3 with words from
the story.
1r.c\--;;,--;-,-;",,,+~:-r-;-r;=r==.,,L-"-'-"-' They didn't see the Dogman.

1 Something giving
information or directions.
3 Sets of red, green and
yelloW lights that control
vehicles at road junctions. Down Fact
4 To be upright. 1 Very tall building in a city.
6 Someone who changes into
2 Place, area.
a wolf when there is a full
S You can buy things
moon. there.
In rhe USA, rhere are a lot of reportS of the Dogman, especially in
'il IN;5<:ons;;". The creature has got a head like a dog, but it stands on tWO legs
and it's rea!ly big! Come to the USA and try to find an American Werewolf!

Look at 011 those

skyscrapers! Oh boy!

So, how do I get .; ";...".,...",

to Wisconsin
from here?

Thanks, Tr"'·'.','
You're Q big help!
7 Hamley's is a toy shop. (T)
@ To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the 8 You should never pick rubbish up fram the ground. (F)
Give Ss time to read the clues and complete the puzzle. 4 @ To lislen and read for gist
Then check Ss' answers. • Play the recording . Ss listen and follow the song in
their books.
Answer Key
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
1 bookshop 5 newsagent's
2 music shop 6 bank Suggested Answer Key
3 jeweller's 7 clothes shop Buying tasty things to eat
4 baker's/bokery 8 post office Find fresh fruit or herbs and spices
Smell/he fresh fruit in the air
Hidden word: supermarket

2 @ To test knowledge learnt in this module/ to 5 ~ To give an Imaginative description

do a quiz • Allow Ss some time to think about the question and
then allow three minutes for Ss to write down their
• Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the
sentences and decide whether each one is true or
• Ask various Ss around the class to read out their
descriptions to the rest of the class.
• Alternatively, you may allow Ss to review the
module and find the relevant information to Suggested Answer Key
complete the task correctly. Check Ss' answers. I can see and smell lots of fresh fruit and other food. I con
Answer Key walk up and down the market looking at the food for sale.
I can taste some fresh fruit before I buy some. I think there
J F 3 F 5 T 7 F
ore a lot of people at the market and f can hear a lot of
1 T 4 F 6 T 8 T
people talking, walking and shouting.
Game: Ss play the game as described in the Ss' Book.

Suggested Answer Key

Leader: Can I have Q cup of
Team BI: coffee please?
Leader: Buy me Q loaf of ...
Team AS2: bread.
Leader: Can you get me a bag of ...
Team AS2: sugar? ete

3 @ To consolidate vocabulary learnt in the

module/ to write a quiz
• Explain the task and allow Ss time to work in pairs
and look through the module and think of quiz
• Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the previous task as
a model. Offer an example (e.g. You can find herbs
and spices from Egypt at the Floating Market. (F)
• Ss can swap their quiz with another pair and do it
and then report back to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
1 Wisconsin is in the USA (T)
2 The taliest skyscraper is in Dubai. (T)
3 The first skyscraper was in New Yark. (F)
4 3,400 men worked on the Empire Stote Building. (T)
5 The Spice Market is one of the oldest in Turkey. (T)
6 The English Marker In Cork only sells fish. (F)


1 Where does JiII go every day? Complete the puzzle
to find out. 3
If' _r. Look at
Module 8 and write a T/ F
' LLLLLLLL quiz of your own.

2 L~LLl~LLLL Song: 0 Listen to and

4 read the song . Which
' LLlLLLLLL sentences best describe the
4 LLLL~L picture?

7 LLLLL [LLLl L Busy shoppers fill the street
' LLLLL LLLL Buying tasty things to eat
1 Go there to buy books to rea d. All the goods are on display
Come and shop, it's market day
2 If you ' re interested in si nge rs and ba nds, thi s is
where to buy yo ur CDs. Hurry, hurry, don't delay
Grab your bags, it's market day
3 This shop sells ri ngs, necklaces, watches, etc.
Time to shop and have some fun
4 You can get ca kes, pies and b read here. Hurry, hurry, everyone
S This shop sell s newspa pers, sweets, drin ks, etL
Find fresh fruit or herbs and spices
6 Need so me more money? This is t he place to go. Always at the lowest prices
7 You can find all the latest fashions here. Find a bargain, stop to buy
8 Go there if you need to send a letter o r a parcel. Anything that takes your eye
Smell the fresh fruit in the air
2 Do the quiz. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). See the colou rs everywhere
Hear the people - call and shout
That's what market day's about

Verona , in Italy, is a modern city.

2 Cars give out harmful gases.
3 The Spice Market is in Ire land
4 Elisha Otis built the first skyscraper.
S Trees give us oxygen.
6 Indians helped build the first skyscraper.
7 The English Market is in Istanbul.
8 Trees help keep the air clean.

Play in teams. The leader says half a sentence. Teams, in

turn, complete the sentence. Each correct sentence gets 1 Imagine you are at the
point. The team with the most points is the winner. 5 market in the picture.
Leader: Can I have a box of .. . . Describe what you can see,
Team AS1 : Cereal? etc. smell, hear and do there.

language Review 1

1 Form phrases. Then, use five of the 4 Choose the correct response.
phrases to complete the sentences.
1 A: Are you busy this weekend?
IIITl serve a in ha lf
B: a See you there.
[I@] earn b out with friends
@ Not really, why?
I:Irn catch c tricks
2 A: How about going to the park?
[ill] chat d a salary
B: @ That sounds great.
[ill] hang e letters
b I like them.
[llE] surf f customers
3 A: Let's meet outside the cinema at 7pm.
IIl:£J practise g the bus
B: ® Great! See you there!
[lli] type h the Net
b I don't feel like it.
[lli] cut on the phone
I!Q[J] put on weight
1 Annie cur the apple in half and shared it with
Fill In: competitions, team, professional,
her friend.
He doesn't see his sister often, but they chat
5 crazy.
on the phone all the time.
3 On Satu rdays, I usually hang out with friends I' m 1) crozy about football and I play in my
at the shopping mall. school's football 2) leom. We often play in
4 t don't ea t junk food. I don't want to put on local 3) competitions where we some times
weight. meet 4) professional players. I love football and
5 We catch the bus to school at 8 o'clock every it is my dream to play for my country one day.
Choose the <orfect word.
1 Film stars often sign/write autographs.
2 Magicians can perform/throw knives. 6 Choose the corred preposition.
3 My father works long/ light hours.
4 Office/ Home work is usually full time. 1 What does he do in / at work?
S Policemen put on/wear a uniform. 2 He's got a degree in / on Maths.
6 People should obey/look after the law. 3 He's very patient at/ with children.
4 She's crazy of/ about football.
He works 9 on / to 5.
3 Fill In: adopt, rides, rare, attractions.
6 What are you waiting for / to?
1 Visit the amusement park with its many 7 Let's go to the cinema £!!/in Friday evening.
rides and attractions for all the family. 8 She dreams of/ for becoming a ballerina.
2 Visitors can go on rides such a5 the ghost
3 Don't forget to see the rare white lion there.
There aren't many in the world .
4 Why don't you adopt an animal? This way
you help it survive.

language Review 2
2a 2d
Fill in: arrest, saved, end, hurt, promote, Choose the correct response.
1 settled, unite.
1 A: How was your weekend?
1 Pocahontas tried to promote peace between B: a It sounds great.
her people and the English. @ Not so good.
2 Colonists arrived and settled in the country. 2 A: What were the special effects like?
3 Pocahontas wanted to unite the Indians and B: a It was brilliant.
the English. @ They were amazing.
4 The guards liked the prisoner and didn't hurt 3 A: I'm sorry about that.
him. B: ® That's OK.
5 Th ey wanted peace and hoped to end the b It's a pity I didn't watch it.
war. 4 A: It's about two giants who fight against their
6 An Indian saved his life and took him to the enemies.
village. B: @ Sounds exciting.
7 They tried to arrest him and put him in b It's a shame.
Fill in: drought, civilisation, system,
2 Fill In: spiky, round, full, reol, good, rich. 5 statues, buildings, disappeared.
1 real name 4 full lips 1 The Mayan civilisation was in
2 spiky hair 5 rich family Central America.
3 good manners 6 round face 2 The pyramids were stone buildings.
3 They had statues of Mayan gods on them.
2e 4 There was a drought when it didn't rain for
FUll": powerful, cross, sleeping. eruption, months.
3 boiling. wonder, mysterious, legend. S The Maya used their own system of
1 A myth says that a powerful giant threw an
6 They disappeared and nobody heard of them
island into the sea.
2 Boiling lava flowed down the side of the
volcano. Prepositions
3 We can take a small boat to cross the sea.
Choose the correct preposition.
4 You have to be quiet, so you don't wake the 6
sleeping baby. 1 When did the colonists arrive in/ at America?
S A volcanic eruption covered the town in ash . 2 According of/!o legend, a giant built the
6 Stonehenge is a place full of myth and bridge.
legend. 3 She stayed in/ at prison for a year.
7 The forest was a dark and mysterious place. 4 Alexander the Great died of/ for a fever.
8 The Grand Canyon is a true wonder of S The ancient Egyptians were good for/at
nature. architecture.
6 The ancient city was full from/of great temples.

language Review 3
3a 3d

1 Fill In : street, traditional, ancient, 4 Choose the correct response.

fireworks, fantastic.
1 A: What's wrong?
1 People wear traditional costumes at the
B: @ I lost my bag.
b Tell me more.
2 We watched ten different ;;treet parades at
2 A: I just couldn't believe it.
Mardi Gras.
B: @I'm really sorry.
3 There's a(n) fireworks display in the evening.
b You'll never guess what happened.
4 Everyone had a fantastic time at the party.
3 A: There were snakes everywhere.
5 There were lots of statues in t he ancient
B: @ No way!
b 1 felt so disappointed.
Fill In: take (xl), come, open, paint, wear
2 In the corred form . 3e
Match t he words. Label the picture.
1 Take a look at the picture and describe what
you see.
2 I can't wait to open my birthday presents. I:IIEJ boat a wet
3 The party comes alive when the music starts. [ID] river b bank
4 You can paint your face for the festival. illII crowds c the race
S I want to lake some snapshots of you in that [lli] buckets d 01 people
costume. [ill] bright e of water
6 People wear traditional costumes at local [lli] get I colours
dances. I:ZEJ finish g place
[ill] take h race
Fill In : believe, try, screamed, hold, famil y, Prepositions
3 greeting, holding, life, characters.
Choose the correct preposition.
1 Mickey Mouse was greeting the guests at the
entrance. 1 They stayed at/ fro m a lovely hotel by the
2 I couldn't believe my luck when I met Johnny sea.
Depp. 2 We enjoyed listening for/ t o the band at the
3 He was holding his breath for the whole festival.
roller coaster ride. 3 The children were very happy by/ w ith the
4 They won a family trip to Disneyland. presents.
5 She was so scared on the ghost train that 4 We all laughed at / fro m the strange boat
she screamed. designs.
6 Hold my hand whi le we cross the road. 5 People were throwing buckets of water at!
7 Did you try all of the rides in the amusement to each other.
pa rk? 6 I had a great time dancing in/!o the music
8 A lot of cartoon characters ca me to life 7 He dreamt fo r/of goi ng to Brazil.
before our eyes in Disneyland. 8 There is a prize to/fo r the winner of the race.

Language Review 4
4a Fill in: knee, parked, road, hand, loose,
Fill in: send, Jay, tidy, mop, hoover,
4 reffective.
1 do (x3), take (x2), make, iron, attend. 1 loose clothes 4 hand signa ls
2 reffective belt 5 road signs
1 Don't forget to take out the rubbish!
3 knee pads 6 parked cars
2 Can you lay the table for dinner?
3 I have to do the washing-up after lunch.
4 Did you hoover th e carpet yesterday? 4f
5 Whose turn is it to mop the floor? Fill in: donate, turn off,
6 You have to tidy your room before you can
5 pollute, save, running,
go out. grow, put, throwaway.
7 I always make my bed every morning.
1 Ca rs can pollute the
S Can you please iron my shirt?
9 I'm going to do the laundry today.
2 You should turn off the lights when you leave
10 Can you do the shopping on your way
a room.
3 We can help to .save energy by recycling.
11 People who do extreme ironing take it
4 We can grow our own vegetables in the
12 Send me a text message when you get
S You'l! waste water if you leave the tap
running .
13 We have to attend a concert on Friday night.
6 You can put so la r panels on the roof.
7 We're going to donate our old fridge to
Match the words. Use three phrases In
2 sentences of your own.
cha rity.
8 Don't throwaway old appliances. Recycle
~ household a board them.
[IQ] extreme b chores
~ ironing c games
[I[CiJ annual d competition Prepositions
[IEJ walk e the dog 6 Choose the correct preposition.
~ protective f spo rts
[II£J computer 9 cloth ing 1 Their wedding was out of/fro m the ordinary
- it was underwater.
2 He trained hard in/for the dancing
3 Fill in: wear, fall off, happen, protect, change. competiti on.
1 Accidents can happen when you're cycling. 3 Never leave your TV at/ on standby.
2 You should wear a helmet at all times. 4 Young children shouldn't cross the road
3 Bicycle helmets protect your head In an on/by their own.
accident. S You must be at/with least 17 yea r.s old to drive.
4 Don't cycle too fast or you might fall off your 6 Make sure your bike is from/in good condition.
bike! 7 Everyone must come to .school in / on time.
5 Check fo r passing cars before you change


Language Review 5
Sa Complete the dialogue.
Match the words. Then, use four
4 (Suggested Answers)
1 phrases to complete the sentences. A: What's the weather like in your country in
the summer?
IIl:iJ holiday a springs
B: 1) ft 's hot and sunny.
[llI] sandy b attraction
A: How often does it rain?
[lIT] boat c forest
B: 2) Not very often.
[I@] hot d birds
A: What's your favourite season?
[1ffi tourist e beaches B: 3) Summer.
~ rare f tours
cz:m huge 9 destination
Why do you like this season?
4) We go to the beach.
1 The park has a huge forest with lots of tall
trees. Se
2 The island has sandy beaches whe re people 5 Fill In : wonders, famous, electric, deep, cfear.
can sunbathe.
3 The forest is home to rare birds that we can't , deep lake 4 electric power
see anywhere else. 2 famous sights 5 wonders of the
4 Tourists often take boat tours on the lake. 3 clear water world

Do the crossword. Find the hidden word. Fill In : lies between, cross, contains, means,
6 exist, comes fro m.
1 cross the river by boat.
You can only
2 The name Baikal comes from the Mongolian
s 3 The waterfall lies between the USA and
4 It is a huge lake that contains one fifth of the
Earth's fresh water.
S Some plants only exist in this area.
Se 6 The name means nature.
Fill In : average, dry, Prepositions
3 freeZing, melts, amazing, freeze, tracks. 7 Choose the co rrect preposition.
1 It's very dry here; it never rains.
2 Average temperatures in winter are ·5°C. 1 We're going £!:!/ in a boat tour this afternoon.
3 It's freezing cold all year round in Alaska. 2 Are we able to cross the river w ith/ hY: boat?
4 As the temperatures rise, the snow on the 3 The huge forest is still at/in excellent condition.
mountains melts. 4 People are becoming more interested in/for
5 It was so cold, I thought I was going to the environment.
freeze instantly. S What do you think of/ove r their idea?
6 It was a(n) amazing sight when we looked 6 There is a large variety of/wit h wildlife in the
across the canyon. park.
7 There were animal tracks all over the area. 7 They spend the summer t% n an island.

language Review 6
6a Complete the dialogue.
Fill in: amusement, cosmopolitan, historic,
4 (Suggested Answers)
1 luxurious, precious, art, accommodation. A: Where are you going on your school trip this
1 Paris is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in
B: 1) Rome.
the world.
A: Who is going to go with you?
2 The museum has o ld statues and many B: 2) My classmates.
precious jewels. A: How are you going to travel?
3 We stayed at one of the most luxurious B: 3) By coach and ferry.
hotels in the city.
A: When are you leaving?
4 We spent all day wa lking around the historic B: 4) 76th May.
site of the temple.
A: Where are you going to stay?
S We went on the roller coaster twice at the
B: 5) /n a hotel.
amusement park. A: What are you going to do?
6 You can see paintings in a(n) art gallery.
B: 6) See the sights.
7 Paris has every type of accommodation from
A: When are you coming back?
hotels to youth hostels.
B: 7) 23rd May.

Underline the correct word . 6e

2 Fill In: fell asleep, exploring, followed,
1 Don't miss/ lose the Changing of the Guard. 5 shining, crying, touched.
2 Dublin is a(n) alive/lively city.
3 You can see/look most of the city on a bus tour. 1 The baby is crying because it's hungry.
4 He's go ing on a short travel/trip to London. 2 I was so tired that I fell asleep at 9 o'clock.
5 Taxi drivers know every single/ only street in 3 He was exploring the local area.
the city. 4 At night, I could only see the cats' eyes
6 You won't have a trouble/problem finding a shining in the dark.
hotel. 5 I cou ld n't see, so I touched the walls to find
th e light switch.
6c 6 The man's dog followed him as he wa lked

3 Label the pictures.

through the park.

6 Choose the correct preposition.

1 We spent all morning swimming in/ on the sea.

2 Th ey sat with /~ the pool and talked.
3 We stayed at/in a tent on the island.
4 He loved playing for/in the snow as a chi ld .
5 London is famous for/ at its high street shops.
6 We rode down the river on/from a raft.
7 Hotel rooms range at/ from £ 30 to £ 80 per


Language Review 7
7a 7d
Choose the cor rect response.
1 Circle the (orrect
1 A: What do you think of bungee jumping?
1 Ex lorln j Setting B: a I see your paint.
off a rainforest can @ I think it's too dangerous.
be a great adventure. 2 A: What if the parachute doesn't open?
2 It is very difficult to drive,(ride) a camel. B: @ Good point.
3 Machu Picchu is an (a ncien t)/antique city. b Absolutely.
4 Island s with beautiful beaches very quickly 3 A: Skydiving is too dangerous.
become ho lidayCresorts) / reefs . B: a To te ll you the t ruth, he is.
5 The San Fermin Festival is a rare/ (popul ar) @ Oh I don't think so.
6 At the end of thei r journey, they enjoyed 7e
spectacular mountain (viewy / sights. Replace the adjectives in bold with
7 You should visit these ancient ruins before
4 their opposites: bright, difficult, shady,
time disappears} dest ro s them . busy, wet, warm, wonderful.
8 Many of the typ ical/ (traditionaVcostumes
1 dark red crabs bright
in the fest ival are handmade.
2 bright places shady
3 dry season wet
4 easy journey difficult
5 quiet roads busy
Fill In: spilt, tear, slip, waved, walked,
2 burst out, fall, swollen, sfiding, rush.
6 awful sight wonderful
7 cool water warm
1 John walked into a wa ll and had a swollen
Fill in: cross, build, breed, decrease.
nose for a week. 5
2 She waved to her aunt and d rove away. 1 Be ca reful when you cross the street.
3 Be careful you don't slip on that banana skin 2 When hermit crabs breed, the fema le
and fall down! releases her eggs into the sea.
4 I was so worried that it took me hours to fall 3 They decided to build a tunnel under the
asleep last nig ht. street.
5 Have you ever walked into a glass door? 4 Deer populations decrease because of
6 When I fell into the pool, everybody burst out hunters and severe weather.
7 He spifl his juice on me. PrepOSitions
8 I tried not to tear my jeans as 1 climbed over
Choose the correct preposition.
the wall.
We woke up so late that we had to rush to
1 The runners dressed up with/ in costumes.
go to school.
2 I sent the letter to Ann !!y/in mistake.
10 Co through the sliding doors into the shop.
3 The fish on the reef aren't afraid of/ off divers.
4 Some species of crab feed with/on plankton.

Language Review 8
8a 8e
Replace the words In bold with their Match the words. Then, use four
1 opposites: modern, tall, narrow, trendy,
4 phrases to complete the sentences.
rich, quiet, ancient, international. IT:IEJ meeting a place
1 noisy neighbourhoods quiet [1']A] fresh b and spices
2 old town modern ~ herbs c market
3 low bui ldings tall ~ curry d fruit
4 new city ancient m:£] spice e powder
5 poor histo ry rich 1 There is a wonderful selection of herbs and
6 wide streets narrow spices in the spice market.
7 unfashionable nightclubs trendy 2 Eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day.
8 local dishes international 3 I need some curry powder to make this
Indian dish.
Match the words. Then, use four
2 phrases to complete the sentences.
4 The market is also a meeting place for people
who live in the town.
ITIIJ energetic a City
[II]J picturesque b boutiques
ITI.£J tree-l ined c streets
5 Fill In: throwaway, recycle, organise,
[I]}] fashionable d cafes plant, set, avoid.

[I[ill cosy e bUildings

1 You can organise a clean-up day.
~ tall f lifestyle
2 It helps to plant trees in you r area.
1 We walked along the town 's quiet tree-lined 3 Don't throw oway the books. Recycle them.
streets. 4 Use public transport. Avoid using a car.
2 It is the most beautiful, picturesque city in the S Set a good example for others to follow.

country. 6 You should recycle all your paper and plastic

3 You can sit all day in one of the cosy cafes. waste.
4 We shopped at the fashionable boutiques in
the town centre. Prepositions
6 Choose the correct preposition.
1 The city fill s up with tourists from/in the
Fill in: invent, developed, living, comes
3 from, shopping.
2 Many clothes shops are to/in the town centre.
1 The word 'skyscrape r' comes from a word 3 Verona is a city in / by the north of Italy.
sai lors used. 4 Rome is home t%f a rich history and culture.
2 The shopping mall has a cinema. S I can't go up the Empire State Building -I'm
3 When did Elisha Otis invent the elevator? scared for / of heights!
4 The enginee rs developed a new building 6 I'm studying for my exams in/ at present.
technique. 7 Think of/with a famous market in your city.
S There is enough living space for ten people. 8 Cycling to school is good from/for your health
and the environment.

Self-Check 1
Fill In the correct w o rd : chatting, Choose the correct word .
1 indoors, obey, catch, practise, patient,
1 He li kes playing / play basketball.
earns, organised, uniform, creative.
2 We usually go da nce/ d ancing o n Saturday
1 What t ime do you .......... ..................... the eve nings.
bus to schoo l? 3 She d oesn't mind get u p/ gett ing u p ea rly.
2 She spends hours ................ on the phone. 4 I want to become / becoming a nurse.
3 Magicians need to .......... ....... " ......... tricks S He hates te ll/ te ll ing lies.
for many hours every day.
4 Secreta ries need to be ............................. .
5 Peop le sho uld ............................... the law. 5 Choose the correct respo nse .
6 Shop assistants work ...... ............... .... ....... .
7 Teachers need to be ............ with children. 1 A: Let's meet at 7 pm.
8 Nu rses wea r a .............................. at work. B: a Not really.
9 He ....................................... a good sal ary. b See you th ere.
lO A fashion desig ner needs to be 2 A: How about watching TV?
to have a lot of new ideas. B: a I'd rather not.
(;~i~~: 20 ) b I love film s.
Fill In: amusement, adopt, put on, serve, 3 A: What time is good fo r you?
2 work, keep, ghost, answer, long, 'ook after. B: a How about 6:30?
1 ............... we ight 6 ............... indoors b Actually, I'd rat her not.
2 .......... customers 7 ........... the phone 4 A: Do yo u fancy eat ing pasta?
3 ................... park 8 .......... sick people B: a Oh .
4 ......... .......... train 9 work . .. .. ... hou rs b I don't think so.
5 ............ an animal 10 ................. order S A: Why don't we go bowling?
(;;i~t~: 20 ) B: a I'd like that.
b Not rea lly, why?
Put the verbs Into t he present simple o r
3 present continuous.

1 .. ...... ............... ............... ...... (yo u/get up)

ea rly in the morning?
2 Where ........................................ (he/ go) ?
3 Jane .................. ......... (wash) the car now.
4 Pete r .......... ....................... ....... (not/ help) • talk & write about everyday &: free-time activities
with housework. -cl'tl'tl
5 She ... ............. ... ...................... (not/ want) • talk about jobs and qualities '{::rCl'O
to go out tonight. • talk about habits &: routines ·trCrCl
• describe actions happening now <:rCrC:!
6 Steve ................... (study) a lot these days.
• make suggestions/ agree &: d isagree «::rCr{;r
7 .... ..... ............ ............... (they/ sleep) now?
• talk &: write about sports teenagers play in your country
8 Sa m ................ .. .. (do) his homewo rk now. -tI-tI-tI
9 .................................. (he/ speak) Russian? • write a blog entry about a typical weekend f:r(::rC:!
10 She ... ............. .................. .. (stay) with he r ------------------------------------
GOOD " VERY GOaa .... EXCELLENT ......
aunt th ese days.

......-.Self-Check 2
Write the opposites. Write complete sentences. Put the
1 4 words In the correct order.
1 patient ... i .............. . 4 clever .. s....... .... .
2 honest .. d .............. . 5 funny ... b .......... . 1 Where/Amelia Earhart/be/from? ................ .
3 hardworking .. 6 brave ... c ..... ..... . 2 Genghis Khan / not explore/the Atlantic
I ............................. . 7 plump .. L ..... ... . Ocean ......... ............. .................. ............. ..

( ~o~n~s: 14) 3 William Wallace/live/ in Italy? .................... ..

4 Cleopatra/be/a queen? ............................. .
5 when/he/die? ........................................... .
Match the words.
2 6 Queen Victoria/die/in 1990? ..................... .
[ID spiky a lips 7 when/you /last go to the cinema? ............. .
8 we/not visit/a museum /on Saturday .......... .
CID well-built b hair
9 they/leave/ party/ at 10 pm ........................ .
[IT] full c face
[IT] round d mouth 10 What time/you get home/yesterday? ........ .
[IT] wide e body ( ~~i~ts~ 30)
S Complete the exchanges.
( Poi nts:
S" 10) • Sounds exciting . • Not so good .
• You can rent it on DVD. • It was brilliant.
Put the verbs in brackets into the post
3 simple.
1 A: How was your weekend?
B: ....................... ..................................... .
1 I .. .. .......... .. ................................... (watch) 2 A: What film did you watch?
lV last night. B: 2012 . .................................................. .
2 They ..................................... (wear) fancy 3 A: The film is about the end of the world.
dress costumes at the party. B: ............................................................ .
3 He .......................................... . (not/play) 4 A: It's a pity I didn't watch the film.
basketball yesterday. B: ........ .. ... ............................................... .
4 I .................................................. (b uy) an ( :o~n~: 16)
MP3 player two days ago.
( My score: 100 )
S She ................................................ (wo rk)
late yesterday.
6 They ............................ .. ........... (not/ visit)
us last weekend.
7 He .............................................. .. (travel)
• talk and write about the past -(:I'(:rC{
to Spain last summer.
• read years 1:r(:r(;:;
8 ................................................ (you/take) • narrate a story <::r(:r(;:;
any photos at the museum? • write about a hero {:rtrC:?
9 Tony .................................................. (go) • describe people's appearance and character 1:I1:r(;:;
to Ireland last week. • recommen d a fi lm 1:11:11:1
10 Brian ............................................. (make) • write a biography -(:1'(;:;1:1

a pizza last night. -


Choose the correct word . Put the verbs in brackets Into the past
1 3 continuous or the post simple.
1 Jenny won a(n) prize/ award for t he best
1 We .... ............. ..................... ..... ...... (watch)
traditional costume.
the parade at 11 :00 yesterday.
2 We painted t he bedroom in colourful l
2 What dress .................. .............. ............... .
bright colours.
(yo u/ wear) to t he party?
3 She too k/ prepared a snapshot of the
3 He .... .......................................... (not / go)
monkeys eating bananas.
to the parade.
4 I didn't enjoy the party. I was rea lly thrilled/
4 At t he festival, Sam ......................... (sing)
bored .
while Ann .................. (take) photog raphs.
5 Tony was too exha usted to end/finish the race.
5 When ....................................................... .
6 I couldn 't beli eve/ und erstand my eyes
(the circus/ come) to town?
when I saw all the amazing costumes at the
6 ........... ...... ..... .............. ..................... (your
mother/ make) this delicious ca ke?
7 Our town comes live/ a live at carnival time.
7 What .......................................... (you/ do)
8 How long can you keep/ hold yo ur breath
at 4:00 yeste rday?
under water?
8 She ................................................ (cook)
9 There was live/a live music at the festival.
when Ti m .................................... (arriVe» )
10 The haunted /fairytal e house was really scary. Points: _
( 10 X 3 30
U~i~ts~ 30) 4 Fill In: It was fantastic - Did you enjoy-
nothing special - What did you think of - Great.
Put the verbs In brackets into the past
2 continuous.
Mandy: Hi, Helen. 1) ...................................... ..
the party last nig ht?
1 The children Helen: 2) ................... I really enjoyed myself.
(not wear) fancy d ress costumes at the Mandy: 3) .......... ,... ,.,.,.,., ... ,.,.,.' ...... the music?

party. They ........................... (wear) jeans. Helen: It was 4) ................................., but the
2 .......................... ........ ............ (you/ make) food was excellent and everyone had fun !
cakes at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon? No, Mandy: 5) ...................................................... .
we ... , ...................... (de corate) the house. I' m sorry I missed it now!
( :~":' 20)
3 Tim ....... .................................. (not wo rk) ( My score: 100
at 1:00 yesterday. He ................................ .
(eat) lunch.
4 Sue and Andy ............................ (not/ have)
a picnic at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. They • talk/write about different kinds of celebrations &:
............................. (visit) their grand parents. festivals '<CrCrCI
• express my opinion '<::rC:r1:I
5 ........................................... (Mark/ watch)
• narrate past evenl5 {::f f:l tI
t he fi reworks display at 8 o'clock last night?
• write a short text about a festival in you r country
No, he ........ .................. (watch) a parade. <Cl<Cl<Cl
( ~o~n~: 20) • write a story <:! <:! f:t
GOOO ", VERY GOOD ...... EXCELLENT .........
Self-Check 4
Fill In: hoover, take, fa y, make, iron. Fill In: can, could, have to, might, must, in
1 4 the correct form.
1 Mary often helps her dad ......................... .
1 You ........................ eat in here. You're not
the table for dinner.
allowed to eat outside.
2 Cou ld you please ...................................... .
2 We ..................................... get up early to
the carpet? It's dirty.
go to school.
3 I usually help Mum to ............................... .
3 .................................. I use your computer
the clothes at the weekend.
for a while?
4 Can you .......................... out the rubbish?
4 Sa rah ........................................ come late,
5 I always ................................................... ..
but I'm not su re.
my bed before I leave in the morning.
S You ................ leave early today if you like.
( :o~n~: 20 ) ( :o~n~: 20)
5 Match the exchanges.
Complete the sentences with: shopping,
2 surfs. attended, chores, messages. A B

, I don't mind helping with household ........ .

CIIJ What are you going
to do tomorrow?
a If I were you, I'd
tell my parents.
[ID What's wrong, Peter? b Oh no.
2 Julie sends her friends lots of text [ID I can't find my c I might go out
keys. if I have time.
3 On Saturday mornings, Jasper does the CiD What should I do? d I guess you're
[ID The best thing you right.
4 When she finishes her homework, she ....... . can do is to take it e I can't find my
............................ the Internet. to the police. mobile phone.
5 They ................................... a rock concert
last Friday. (:o~n~s: 20)
S X4
( My score: 100 )

Fill In: who, whose, which or that.

1 John's the man ............................... helped
her carry the suitcases. • talk about rules &: regulations <:J <Cl <Cl
2 Tennis is the sport ................... I don't like. • talk/w rite about household chores &: free~time
3 Ann, ........................ dad is a teacher, won activities <Cl <Cl 1::1
first prize. • talk about obligation, prohibition & possibility

4 The advice ............................ you gave me UUU

• ask for/ give advice i::l1::l-{:]
was very helpful.
• write an email about rules in a summer camp i::li::l-{:]
S We don't know anyone ................... speaks • make/ accept/ refuse invitations -t.ri::l<::I
Chinese. • talk about eco-friendly houses <::I-t.r-tr

Self-Check 5

1 Fill in: attraction, guided, catch, means, takes, 4 Fill In enough, too or very.
rare, temperature, sandy, coast, freezing.
1 A: Can you open the wi ndow?
1 Santorini is famous for its .......................... .
B: No, it's ................. high, I ca n't reach it.
2 A: Did you enjoy the film ?
2 His journey to work ................ 30 minutes.
B: Yes, it was ................................... funny.
3 Big Ben is a popular tourist ...................... .
3 A: Do you like coffee?
4 The re are a lot of ............ birds in the park.
B: Yes, but I don 't like it ................ stro ng.
S There is a ....... ....... tour around the island .
4 A: I would love to buy that ca r.
6 They .............. the number 41 bus to work.
B: Are you kidding! It's far ........ expensive.
7 The average ....................... in July is 45°C.
S A: Did you book the holiday?
8 It's ............. co ld today. Put on you r jacket.
B: Yes, we did. It was cheap .................... .
9 My favourite ........................... of transport
is the bus.
( ~~~ts: 15)
Complete the dialogue with: Which
10 There are a lot of cottages for rent on the
west ....................................... of Scotland.
5 platform does it leave from ? - Can I have a
( ~~i~t~ To ) student ticket to London, please? - What
time does it leave? - Single or return? - Can
Choose the correct word.
2 I see your student card?
1 Scientists think the mountain / volcano will A: Hello. 1) ................................................... .
erupt soon. B: Yes, of cou rse. 2) ...................................... .
2 A lot of boats travel up and down the river/ A: Single, please.
stream each day. B: That's £12.50.
3 There are many beautiful walking trails 3) .... ......... ...... ....... ......... ........ .................. .
throughout the desert/ forest. A: Oh yes. Here it is.
4 There are a lot of seas/lakes in Canada. B: Thank you. Here is you r change and your
5 We must rent a boat to travel ac ross to the ticket.

valley/ island. ( ~~i~LS: 15 ) A:

4) ............................................................. .
Platform B.

3 Put the adjectives In brackets In the

comparative/ superlative form. ~: !; 50~··················· .... ··········· (I:~~::,: l
1 The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the
.................. (famous) bridges in the world.
2 The ................................................ (high)
waterfall in Plitvice National Park is 70m ta ll.
• talk about geographica l features 'CrCr{::J
3 Victoria Falls is .......................................... .
• talk about diHerent forms of transport <:rCrCi
......................... (large) than Niagara Falls.
• make comparisons <:i <:J U
4 July and August are the ............................ . • buy a train ticket 1::I<:JU
.................... (hot) months in Death Valley. • write an email to a pen-friend U<:I'Q
S The Pacific Ocean is .................................. . • learn and talk about natural wonders in
................ (deep) than the Atlantic Ocean. nature <:J<:J <:J
( ~~i~ts: 25) -GOOD ", VERY GOOD ...... EXCELLENT .........
Self-Check 6
Fill In: sights, amusement, try, ancient, local, Complete the conditional sentences
1 public, spectacular, safety, opening, famous.
4 with the correct tense.

1 We saw some really .................... .............. . 1 If I have time, I ........................................ ..

landscapes when we visited Thailand. (go) to the British Museum today.
2 Thousands of people visit .......................... . 2 If you mix red and white, you ................... .
parks every week. (get ) pink.
3 He enjoys eating ............................. dishes. 3 If we leave now, we ................................. ..
4 We visited some ........................ ruins with (a rrive) at the park before it closes.
my school. 4 If we ..... .... ....................... ......... (not buy)
5 Don't do extreme sports without .............. . our concert tickets now, they will sell out.
equipment. S If people don't eat, they .......................... ..
6 What are the .......................... times at the (get) hungry.
7 I'm going to ............................ all the local 5 Complete the dialogue with:
dishes. • It stops right outside the Planetarium.
8 He spent a week seeing the ...................... .
• Thank you for you r help.
in Paris.
• How do I get there?
9 London is .............. " .............. for its shops.
• What exactly would you like to know?
10 The ............... gardens were very beautiful.
A: Good morning, the Planetarium. What can I
( ~~i~ts~ 20 )
do for you?
Fill In: cosmopolitan, thrilling, luxurious, B: Helio, I'd like some information, please.
2 fall, famous, precious, busy, lively. A: Certainly. 1) ............................................. ..
1 .................... city 5 ............. activities B: Can you tell me how much the tickets cost?
2 ................ asleep 6 ................. hotels A: Tickets are £10 for adults and £6 for children
3 .......... landmarks 7 ................ jewels under 8.
4 ................ streets 8 ........ atmosphere B: OK. 2) ...................................................... .

( :o~n~s: 16) A: You can take the train from Central Station.
3) ............................................................. .
Complete the sentences with the B: 4) ............. ................................................ .
3 correct form of will or going to. A: You're welcome. Enjoy your visit. ( .
POints: _
4 X5 20
1 'I'm going swimming.' ' I ........................... .
( My score: 100 )
(come) with you.'
2 We ............................................ (visit) our
grandparents next weekend.
3 Look at that boy! He ........................ (fall)!
talk about fixed arrangements and future plans '<Cl <:i tl
4 I'm cold. I .................. (close) the window.
ask for and give information tltl-tl
S I think Sam ................... (ca ll) me tonight. discuss holiday plans-Cr-Cr-Cr
6 I'm going on holiday soon. I .................... .. make future predictions -Cr-Crf:l
(lie) on the beach every day! write an email about my holiday -Cr«;:[-Cr

Self-Check 7
Choose the correct words . Put the words in the correct order.
1 4
1 There are thousands of different species/ 1 never/ he's/scuba diving/ before/ been
groups of fish in the sea. 2 seen/Fiona/ I/2007/since/haven't
2 Machu Picchu is an aged/ancient city. 3 you/ever/have/camping/been?
3 I think it would be exciting to volunteer 4 Sam/play/football/did/Saturday/last?
under water/ overseas. 5 went/tola Chinese restaurant/we/yesterday
4 Have you ever ridden/ driven a camel?
( ~o~n~: 20 )
5 They decided to explore/ hike the rainforest.
6 We had a brilliant occasion/time in Italy la st 5 Choose the correct response.
7 I fell very embarrassed/shy when J slipped 1 A: I fell asleep during the maths test last
on a banana skin yesterday. Monday.
B: a Oh dear.
b Absolutely.
Match the words.
2 2 A: What do you think of skydiving?
B: a I don't believe it.
ITIJ colourful a costumes
b I believe it's too risky.
[IT] holiday b reef
3 A: Have you ever flown a helicopter?
[ID coral c resort B: a No, they haven't.
[IT] rare d fish
b Yes, I have.
[ill traditional e wildlife
4 A: I broke a vase in a shop last week.
( ~~n~: 20) B; a Oh no.
b Personally, 1 don't.

3 Put the verbs In brackets Into the ( :o~n~s: 16)

present perfect or the past simple.
( MY ~ore: lOO )
1 ................ (yo u/ ever/ do) a bungee jump?
2 I ................................... (se nd) an email to
the wrong person yesterday!
3 They .................................................. (go)
to Majorca twice this year.
4 .................................................. (you/see) Mark.
Mark last week? • talk/write about life experiences tlf:I<::r
• talk/write about what you have/haven't done <::r <::r <:I
5 ................................ (they/try) Thai food?
• express sympathy f:Itltl
6 They .................................................. (go) • describe experiences tr(;:;<::r
on a jungle trek last summer. • write a blog entry about an embarrassing
7 She ............................. Oust/ cook) dinner. experience <:I<:I<::r
8 I .................. (not watch) a film last night. • carry out a survey and write a survey report about
9 He ...................... (not taste) snails before. film' "C1"C1"C1
10 ................................. (Su e/already/ fini sh) ------------------------------------
GOOD " VERY GOOD . . . . EXCELLENT . . . . . .
her History project?

Self-Check 8
1 Where can you buy these things? Do 4 Complete the sentences. Use the passive.
the crossword.
1 Elisha Otis invented the elevator.
The elevator ........................ by Elisha Otis.
2 A lot of tourists visit the English Market in Cork.
t. " The English Market in Cork ...................... ..
by a lot of tourists.
3 They organise a clean-up day every year.
A clean-up day ......................... every year.
4 They built a supermarket next to the cinema.
A supermarket .................................... next
to the cinema.
5 Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet.
Romeo and Juliet ........................................ .
by Shakespeare.

Choose the correct response.

2 Fill in: bag, can, box, carton, packet.
1 A: Sorry! What street was that?
B: a Go up Apple Street.
b Dame Street.
1 Could you get me a ............................... of
milk from the supermarket? 2 A: Excuse me. How do I get to the post office? ~

2 Mum used a whole ................................ of B: a It's next to the library.

sugar to make these cakes. b Just turn left after the bakery.
3 Kate buys a ............... of cerea l every week. 3 A: On the left, did you say?
4 I usually take a ............................. of crisps B: a Yes, that's correct.
to the cinema with me. b Yes, certainly.
5 How much is a ..................... of lemonade?
4 A: Thank you very much.
(~o~n!s: 20) B: a Thanks. Points: \
Choose the correct Item. b You're welcome. (5X4 20)
1 I want a/some milk, please.
2 Here's a/an orange.
3 There's too much / many sugar in my tea.
4 There are a few/a little biscuits left. • talk about places in towns «:r(:rC:!
S There aren't much/ many eggs in the fridge. • talk about shops and markets «:r(:rC:!
6 Anyone/So meone phoned and asked for • ask for and give directions «:]«:]{{
• express quantity {{{{{{
you a while ago.
• write about a market {{ «:] {:J
7 How much / many apples do they need? • write an article about my new house and my
8 He loves everything/everywhere about his neighbourhood {{{{{{
new flat. ---------------------------------------
GOOD '" VERY GOOD ...... EXCELLENT .........

( word list'

Key to Phonetic Symbols

Vowels and diphth ongs Consonants
calm, ah claw, faun b bed, rub ta lk, bet
"' heart, far

boy, joint d done, red van, love

"'re act, mass " cou ld, stood f fit, if "w win, wool
drive, cry " you, use good, dog , loch
"'al;} fi re, tyre "'rn lure, pure
b hat, horse ,. zoo, buzz
a() out, down turn, third j yellow, you 1 ship, wish
au."J flour, sour ," fund, must k king, pick measure, leisu re
, met, lend, pen , the fi rst vowel in lip, bill
9 sing, working
say, weight about handle, panel 'I cheap, witch
" fair, care , the first vowel in "m mat, ram e thin, myth
" fit, win forgotten not, t in 0 then, bathe
i: feed, me the second vowel " hidden, written d3 joy, bridge
near, beard in very
'"p pay, lip
0 lot, spot the second vowel run, read
~, note, coat " in actual , soon, bus

How old are you? (phr) sunglasses /sAn,gla:su,l (n)

Starter Module
Irish !al:;onJ/ Cad)) swim /SWIm! (v)
arm /u:m/ en) Italy /It;}li/ (n) table !lelb:JV (n)
bath /ha:fl/ (n) jacket !d3.ckll/ en) tennis !tems/ (n)
bed ! bed/ (n) jeans /d3i:nZ/ Cn) t ie Ila ll (n)
bedroom /bedrum. -ru:m/ (n) jumper /d3Amp;l/ (n) trainers !trc ln:lIj (n)
belt /belt! (n) knee /ni:/ (n) TV /,Ii: 'viJ (n)
bike /ba lk! (n) lamp /lremp/ (n) use /ju:z/ (v)
boot /bu:!t (n) laptop Ihcpmp/ (n) wardrobe /wJ:drnub/ (n)
camera /krem;)r.l/ (n) leg /le',!/ (n) washbasin /woI,bels:;on/ (n)
cap !krep/ (n) magazine / (n) watch /wotj/ (n)
CD player /,si: 'di: ,plm/ (n) mirror /mlfJ/ (n) What's your address? (phr)
chair IljeJ/ (n) mobile phone /,m;){Jbail 'f;)(m/ (n) What's your date of birth? (phr)
coat /lGut/ (n) mouth /mauel (n) What's you r name? (ph r)
computer /k:;om'pju:I;}/ (n) MP3 player I,em pi: 'eri: ,plel;}/ (n) What's your phone number? (phr)
cook /k()k/ (v) notebook !n:;oolbuk/ (n) Where are you from? (phr)
cooker / kub/ (n) parts of the body (phr) window /wIlld;}U/ (n)
cupboard /b,OOd/ (n) pasta /p:.cst;}/ en)
curtain /b:tn/ (n) pen /pen/ (n) 'MTMtlI At work, at plaY I
desk /desk/ (n) pencil /pen~V en)
draw /drJ:/ (v) pillow /pIiJu/ Cn) activity /rek'lmlij (n)
dress Ideesl (n) play /pleI/ (v) arcade game /o:keld ,gelm/ (n)
DVD player /,di: vi: di: ,Plc l;}/ (n) ride a bike (phr) blog /b1D',J/ (n)
ear /1';;,/ (n) rubber /r~b:J/ Cn) breakfast (n)
egg /~g/ (n) scarf /~ku:tj en) catch the bus (phr)
eye /al/ (n) schoolbag /sku: lb~g/ (n) celebrity /S;)'lebfJli/ (n)
fireplace !faJ:;opiels/ (n) shelf IJe lf/ (n) chat /Ijrel/ (v)
fly a kite (phr) shirt /J3:t/ (n) daily routine /,dedi ru;'li:n/ en)
foot /fuI/ (n) shoe tlu:/ (n) do homework (phr)
fridge /fnd31 (n) shorts /J;):lsl (pi n) early /3:li/ (adv)
German /dy3:m;m/ (ad)) sing /~!rV (v) eat ji:t/ (v)
glove /gll\v/ (n) skateboard !skellbJ:d! (n) entry /entri/ (n)
guitar /gl'la:/ (n) skirt /Sb!l/ (n) free time /,fri: 'taun/ (n)
hair /he;)/ (n) skis /ski:z/ (pi n) get up /gel 'hp/ (phr v)
hand /hrend/ en) sock /sok/ (n) go to bed ~g~ t;J 'bed! (phr v)
hat /hret/ (n) sofa /s;]lJf;}/ (n) hang out /,] 'a()t/ (phr v)
head /hcdl (n) Spanish /spa:mJ/ (adj) have lessons /h~v 'les:mz/ (phr v)
helmet /hclm:ll/ (n) speak /spi:kl (v) play sport /,plel 'spJ:II (phr)
How do you spell it? (phr) suit /su:l, sju:t/ (n) surf the Net /,s3:f ('jJ 'net! (phr)
watch TV I.wOIJ li: 'vi:/ (phr)

( word List "'
wildlife project I walldlarf .PfUd3ekt/ (n)
ze bra /zi:br;). 71;-/ (n)
9 to 5 (phr) angry treOOri/ (adj)
advantage J3d'vo:nudJl (n) basketball / ba:skllb;>:V (n)
assistant f;)'Sls[~nl/ (n) burger {ro:rp/ (n)
boss /bns/ (n) busy (brill (adj) agree /:J'gri;J (v)
brave /brel v/ (adj) chop ItIop/ (v) amusement park /::I'mju:zmalll ,po:ki (n)
calm /ko:m/ (ad;) country / 'u.ntri/ (n) bowling / bauhl]/ (n)
caring Ike;:,nl}" (adj) dance /dams! (v) bowling alley / bouhlJ ,reli/ (n)
cheerful / tfl;:,f;:,ll (adj) dishes IdIIr" (pi n) busy / brlil (adD
creative /kri'eUtv/ (adj) doctor /dak~/ (n) cinema /S Il1JIDJ/ (n)
dentist Identlst} (n) exercise leks:!sarlj (v) convenient jkan'vi:nF.1[11/ (adD
design /d r'zam/ Cv) habit Ihrebll/ (n) Do you fancy ... 1 (phr)
difference Idif:'lrnn ~1 (n) housework /hallsw3:kl en) How about ... ? (phr)
disadvantage I,d l ~'vo:nt[d:y (n) important /!m'p:J: t:lnl/ (adj) I'd rather not (phr)
fashion designer /freJ:m d~zarn;J1 Cn) loudly / laudli/ (adv) make arrangements /;!J'rellld3/ (phr)
fit /fll/ (adj) MP] player /,em pi: 'Sri: ,ple!<I! (n) roller coaster ImulJ ,kOXJsta/ (n)
glamour seeker (phr) newspaper Injll:spe!Jl<I/ en) that sounds , .. (phr)
hairdresser /hc~,drcS<lI (n) park !po:kJ (n)
healthily / hcHRli/ (adv) patient IpelI;mt/ (n)
ideal l,a(dl:lll (adj) picnic /pikrukJ (n) all year round (phr)
in half (phr) programme /vr.logra:m/ (n) baseball /belsb::l:V (n)
indoors /, m'd:J:z/ (adv) routine /mtti:n/ (n) championship /tJrempianIlp/ (n)
intelligent /m'tehd33nl/ (adj) rude /ru:d/ (adj) competition l,kompg'l1I;>o/ (n)
interview / mt3vju:J (v) shift IIlfl/ (n) country 1kt.1lIri/ (n)
keep order (phr) silly /sdjj (adi) crazy about ... (ph r)
knife Inalf! Cn) skirt Isk:J:1/ (n) cricke t / knkltJ (n)
law / b ;J (n) talk back /,I::I:k 'ba:k/ (ph r v) diamond-shaped I daun:lDd JelpV (adD
light /lall/ (adj) vegetable fvcd~1/ (n) dream Idri:ml (v)
long hours (phr) walk /WyJ(/ (n) last /lu~~tJ (v)
magician ~·d.)lJ;m/ Cn) match /mre.III (n)
necessary Ine~S<)ril (adj) nation l [1elIani (n)
nurse /n3:5/ (n) adopt /a'dopl/ (v) national /nreIan:lV (adj)
obey Mbe., ;).j (v) advertisement /;xfv3:tlsm:,nt! (n) one another (ph r)
office toflsl Cn) amusement park j;)'mjll:zm::l!1! ,pot/ en) pastime lpo:starml (n)
organised /:'l:g:Jnulldl (ad» attractions /:l'tra:kI;:m:rj (pi n) pitch /JmJ/ (n)
outdoors /,aul'd::l:l/ (adv) brave /brelv/ (adj) play against (phr)
patient fpelJont/ (adD buddy fb ... di/ (n) popular I popjJb/ (adj)
perform /p;,'f::l:m/ (v) care (ke;!J/ (n) professional /pra'feI;!Jfl;!JV (adD
pilot fpall<ll/ (n) depend /dI'pcnd/ (v) team /ti:m/ en)
police off1cer /pg'1i:s ,of!s;!/ (n) drive through (phr) team colours /,I i:m 'kAl;>7) en)
practise /pra:kus/ (v) elephant lebbnt/ (n) t eenager Iti:ncldp/ (n)
product /prod ... Jal Cn) experience /Ik'spl:lri<lns/ (n)
put on weight (phr) firefighter Ifa l<),faJlal (n)
relaxed Irllreks/ (adj) ghost train /gaust iIemj (n) blog /bJog/ (n)
salary / szl;ui/ (n) giraffe /dyro:fl (n) comment /kOfficnt/ (n)
se<retary /sc k~ri/ (n) leisure park /lC3<l po:ki (n) d e lklous /dI'hl~ (ad;)
serve /s3:vl (v) lion /Ia~ (n) entry lenlril (n)
s hop assistant / , op :I,~ '~~nl/ (n) rafting /ro:fu rj/ (n) favourite I feltr.Jnt/ (ad j)
s ick /S lkj (adj) rare ~/ (adj) la te /lelt/ (adv)
sociable k:xJJ;>b;)1I (adj) rescue treskju:/ (n) pancake / prenkerk/ (n)
taste ltelstJ (v) rhino / ralltaU/ (n) post Ipgust/ (v)
taster /leISI<l1 Cn) rides /raldzj (pi n) re lax Irrla:k5/ (v)
throw knives (phr) river In\7N (n) score a goal (phr)
travel /trre.V<lV (v) roller coaster /r.xJI;> ,k:Km:,/ (n) traditio nal /tr:l'dIIJn:ll/ (adj)
trick lInk! (n) safari park /s;)'fll:ri !XI:k/ (n) typical /lIplbV (adD
type fla lp! (v) show /I:lU! (n) visit IVlz11/ (v)
uniform Iju:mb:m/ (n) support /sa'PJ:1/ (v) yummy Ijf>llli/ (adj)
visitor IVlZlta/ (n)
wild /wa Ild/ (adj)

( word list'"
Fun Time 1 lazy Ilelzit (adj) theme park / 9i:m po:k/ (n)
life /lalf/ (n) through I9mJ (prep)
actress l reklm/ (n) manage ! ma:nld31 (v) towards /t;3'w'J:dz/ (prep)
architect loa-lIckl/ (n) middle-aged I,mldl 'eld3d/ (adj) trip /tnp/ (n)
comedian Jk<,'mi:di;lll/ (n) mistake /mI'SI<!Ik/ (n) tunnel /tA nll ( n)
far /fo:! (adv) of medium height (phr) turn right (phr)
Inside Im'sald/ (prep) overweight /pur.lwclI/ (ad j) uniform fj u:ntf::l:nl/ (n)
laugh flo:.fl (v) patient IpeIJ';jf[I/ (adj) up IApl (prep)
musician Irnjll:'ltJ;W (n) peace /pi:5/ (n) wax fwa!kf>/ (n)
touch our hearts (phr)
plump IpiAmp/ (adj)
prison /pnr.m/ (n)
promote /pr:,-m:JIJt/ (v) boiling Ib:ltitl)/ (adD
advert !~dv3: 1/ (n) round /raond/ (adj) causeway IkJ:zwel/ (n)
appearance /;')'plornlls/ (n) rule /ru:1/ (v) cool /ku:l/ (v)
BC (phr) save /se tv/ (v) edition /rdIJJn/ (n)
biography /bm'ogrofl/ Cn) settle /scII/ (v) enemy /enamit (n)
(to be) born /b'J:oj (v) slim /shmJ (adj) fight /f(lll/ (v)
character /ka;:nl.:l<l/ Cn) soldier ,S;!I)ldJ:)/ (n) fit /fl tl (v)
die /dat/ Cv) soon /su:n/ (adv) giant IdJU I;)nl/ (n)
e mperor l emp:;lF.'l/ (n) spiky /spalki/ (adj) huge /hju:dJ/ (adj)
hero /hl;lF.'ltI/ (n) stupid ISlju;PId/ (adj) Imagine /I'ma.'<i}ml (v)
king JkITJi (n) tell the truth (phr) lava Ilo:va/ (n)
narrate /no'rell/ (v) thick Ifhk/ (adj) legend / Iedpndl (n)
painter /peml3/ (n) trick link! (n) mysterious /mrslI.:>ri';JS/ (adj)
pilot l pall;)!} (n) ugly IAgli/ (adj) myth Im19/ (n)
president / preZlrl<lnl/ (n) unfortunately /Anf::l:IJ';Jn;MIi/ (adv) online / onlam/ (ad j)
queen Jkwi:nl (n) unite /j ll~nalll (v) order /'J;~/ (v)
quotatio n /kw.KiteIJ;mJ (n) war fwyJ (n) powerful /pau;}bll (ad j)
scientist fSlu:muM} Cn) wavy !wclvil (adj) result /n'zAll/ (n)
warrior f worio/ (n) well-built I,we l bdl/ (adi) surface IS3Jasj (n)
wide /wald/ (ad j) terrified Iterofmdl (adj)
together M9eOO/ (adv)
arrest h'rest/ (v) volcanic eruption (phr)
arrive /,;!'nllV/ (v) across /;I' kros/ (prep) wonder of nature (phr)
attractive lo'lrcekllv/ (adj) along /;1'101)/ (prep)
beautiful /bju:ufoll (adj) amazing /;::"me!lJ.1)/ (adj)
boring Ib:mJ)l (adj) ancient ! emJ.:>nl/ (adj) brilliant t bnlj;mt/ (adj)
brave /brelv/ (adj) bridge (bndy (n) d escribe /dl'skr.llb/ (v)
captain Ika;:pl::m/ (n) cycle lsulk.:>l/ (v) disaster /dfzu:st;)/ (n)
century /sc ntJ;!ri/ (n) down /daun/ (prep) earthquake !J:Okwclk! (n)
chief IIJi:fl (n) drive /drdlV/ (v) film /fIlm/ (n)
clever lkIevol (adj) exhibition /,eks;::,'btI:ml (n) fire Ifal!;)1 (n)
colonist Iko):lIlIst/ (n) famou s /felmJs/ (adj) flood /flAd/ (n)
cowardly / kaU3dlit (ad;) forest IfoITJsl/ (n) ill /Ill (adj)
curly Ib:li/ (ad;) gift /glfl/ (n) it's a pity (phr)
dishonest Idls'on';J~t/ (ad j) helmet Ihe\m::)(j (n) play Iplcll (v)
end lend/ Cn) into flD!':>, 'mllll (prep) real /rl3V (ad j)
fight Ifalll (n) marry fm;,cril (v) rent lrenl/ (v)
fight /falll (v) model tmodV (n) science-fiction I,sat~s 'ftkJ;mJ (adj)
full lips (phr) mountain bike ImauntJn ,balk! (n) shame /Jeml/ (n)
funny If",nit (ad j) museum Imj u~ziam/ (n) ( to be) sorry about (phr)
good manners (phr) on his left (phr) special effects (phr)
handsom e / ha::ns:>m/ (adj) over /~I (prep) star /SIOJ (v)
hard /ha:d/ (adv) park Ipo:k/ (v) stay alive (phr)
hardworking /,ho:d'w:l:kIJ)l (adj) past lpa:st/ (prep) w riter !rdlb/ (n)
honest /'orr:JSI/ (adj) radium /n:IdiJm/ (n)
hurt 1113:1/ (v) restaurant /reslJromj (n)
ill /11/ (adj) snack /snrek/ (n)
impatie nt /lm'pcIJ;lnl/ (adD specific /slQ'slflk/ (adj)
important /lIn'p'J:I:::mI/ (adj) text message lIcks! ,mcsldy (n)

( word List'
costume / kostjum/ (n) jeans /dy:nz/ (pi n)
display IdJ'spJc I/ (n) le t off l let 'nf! (phr v)
ancie nt Icm/anll (adD festival / fc,'I\?I! (n) midnight / mldnalt/ (n)
architecture l u:kucklJOII (n) fireworlci / fal;) (n) painl lpelm/ (v)
astrono m y p Slmn;:>mi/ (n)
mask /mo:sk/ (n) photograph ! faul:agro.f/ (n)
civilisation 1.~ ' v;)l a r reIJ;:ml (n) street parade / Stri:1 ~,reld/ (n) picnic Iplkmk/ (n)
drought /drout./ (n) theme park 19i:m po:kJ (n) sand w ich !sa:nwld.>/ (n)
dynasty Idll~s[i/ (n) traditional ltT?'dIJ;>It;>1/ (adj) s no w MI:KJI (v)
far away (phr) strange /SlTcmdy (adj)
get on well (phr) study /"lI.. di/ (v)
pyramid /plr.:lmld/ (n) lake pictures (phr)
ruler / ru:l;)/ (n) ancient tCluJ;ml/ (adj)
awful /J:fOll/ (adj) visit /lItZJI/ (v)
statue IstrelIuJ (1'1) wildlife park /waIldlatf po.:kI (n)
stone building I.S[;)IJfI 'bllduj/ (n) bean /hi:n/ (n)
syste m ' SlSt'Hn} (n) birthday party rhOdcl ,pu:ti/ (n)
temple /Icmp:lll (n) bored /bJ:d/ (ad j)
tragedy / lra.:d:pdi/ (n) brilliant Ibnlj,:mt/ (adj) amazing !J'rnelZtl)/ (ad j)
war /W;):j (n) carnival mask Iko:ruv;)1 ,mo:sk/ (n) backwards /b:t!kw;xlz/ (ad v)
w riting !r3lluy (n) celebration /,sel;ibreIJOln/ (n) believe my eyes (phr)
colourful /kAbfOlI/ (adj) boat ride /0001 rald/ (n)
come alive (phr) boring /bJ:nl}! (adj)
costume / kt>sljuml (n) can't wait I,hm! 'WCI!/ (phr)
admire (:xImal;)/ (v)
disappointed /.d l ~p:m1t[d/ (adj) cartoo n character !kO:lUlI .krenkt;¥ (n)
biography lbarogmfi/ (n) dish IdlJI (n) come to life (phr)
business / brln;)sj (n)
fancy dress party If:t!nsi dre ~ ,po:ti/ (n) cowboy ! kaubJI/ (n)
cele brate /sei.)bren/ (v)
feast /fi:S11 (n) dream of Idri:m dV. av/ (v)
chronological order (phr)
gigantic IdJU I'g:cnuk! (ad j) exciting /tk'sanll)l (adj)
civil war (phr) gold /y;)uld! (adj) e xhausted /tg'7.:J::.Ud! (adj)
courage IlATIIJ::,/ (n) happy / ha:pi/ (adj) fairytale / fc;)rilcI V (adj)
elect mel t! (v) hurt /1.\"]:1/ (v) food /fu:d/ (n)
fail /felU (v) icing /alslrY (n) frighte ning / fralln-II}" (ad j)
farmho use I fo:mhalls,i (n) gree t Igri:l/ (v)
live music 1,Ialv 'mju:zII:/ (n)
Ge Uys burg Address l.gelizb3:g ;)'dres} gue st IgestJ (n)
mask /mo:sk/ (n)
(n) haunted house l,hJ:nnd 'haus/ (n)
monkey IIIlA!)ki/ (n)
guide IHi,l Id/ Cv) Ne w Year's Eve party I,nju: jl~l "l:1I hold your breath !,h;}l)ld jOl 'brcO! (phr)
honesty /lll1;)sli/ en) ,pu:til (n) incredible Im'krcdOlb;;ll/ (adj)
lawyer II:l:j:)/ en) nuts /nAt/ (n) leave /li:lI/ (v)
love of (phr) oval !;)UIIJI! (ad j) look like (phr)
memorial /rn;)'m,':ri;')ll (n) luck /IAk! (n)
parade IjXl're ld/ (n)
move /mu:v/ Cv) prepare /pn'peOl/ (v) magic Imxd:)lkj (adD
nation t nclfOll'l/ (n) pull /pul/ (v) marke t place !ma:kll plets! (n)
politician /,pOIOl'uIOll'l/ (n) rhythm ! noom! (n) m e rry-go-round ! mcri 9;}() ,ralJnd/ (n)
preside nt /prc:l:I(bm/ (n) sad /s:.r.d/ (adj) non-stop /,nnn Slnp/ (adj)
shoot /fu:t/ (v) shoulder !I:li.Jld;)/ (n) p a rade /p;I'rCId/ (n)
slavery /slel'r.)ri/ (n) snapshot ! sna:pIotI (n) pirate ship /par.)r.)1 Jlp/ (n)
speaker /~pi:k:l/ (n) spring fe sti val /,spn!) fe'IlY.>I/ (n) relaxing In·Ia;:k'lrY (adD
statue /slil~ tIu :J (n)
the age 0'... (phr)
surprised /s;)'pralro/ (adj)
temple !lem~V (n)
ride /raId/ (n)
rolle r coaster /mul;) ).."alStd/ (n)
thrilled IOnld/ (ad j) sca ry !SkCdri/ (ad j)
Fun Time 2 tired /ta l:Jd/ (adj) scream /skri:m/ (v)
courageo us !k:J'renJJ,.' sj (ad j) try /trdt! (v) speed /spi:d/ (n)
let you d o wn (phr) wear /wc~/ (v) trip /tnpl (n)
loyal /1 ::Jl~V (adj) wedding I wcd1rY (n) w in IWIn/ (v)
protect /p~1cktJ (v) whole /l1;)UI/ (adj)
stand up fo r (phr)
survivo r I~''I!JIII~/ (n) a bit (phr)
bake /hetk/ (v) Are you free ... ? (phr)
I§@Mt" let's Party balloon /bOl'jU:n/ (n) decoration /,deb'relIJlt/ (n)
ancient /cm l'lnt/ (adD castle /ka:s;>V (n) I'm afraid ... (phr)
band /ha:mi/ (n) clown /klaun/ (n) inste ad /t n·sledl (ad v)
celebration 1,~cl;)·brcll;m/ (n) concert /kOnS<l11 (n) shopping centre !IopUJ ,scfi{dl (n)


( word List'
together l[igcO;# (adv) wonder /w\nW/ (v) match Im3!tJ/ Cn)
on your own (phr)
Fun Time 3 out of the ordinary (phr)
add Ia:.d/ (v) agree /Jgri:j (v) protective /Pr.}td ll\/ (ad j)
at each other (phr) alive ,",,'I mv/ (adj) quality Ikwol:>til (n)
bank /b~1)1;J (n) century IscmI;)ril (n) require /nlwul:J/ (v)
bathtub Cn) custom Ih\lam/ (n) stamina ISIa!lIl1nJ/ Cn)
boat /t»u[1 Cn) get married (phr) surf the Internet (phr)
bucket /b ... klll (n) great Igrellj (adj) take it seriously (phr)
competitor /k~m'pe[[[<I! (n) greet Igr1:l/ (v) text message IICksl mc~!d:>l (n)
crowd Ikraudl (n) guide /gmdl (n) theatre 1(1t:>1:>/ Cn)
cut out IJ;A[ 'aut/ (phr v) influence Imflu;} ns/ (n) train for (phr)
decoration /,dd;;)'rcII<lnl (n) past !po:SI/ (n) underwater Cadv)
design /dt'zaut/ (n) pride !prald/ (n)
dragon Idm:~;)It/ (n) real /n;)l! (adj)
festival /fcslIV~1/ (n) strong /slmrj (adj) against /,,'\jens\. ;)'!jC IIlSI/ (prep)
giant Id:y.llonl/ (n) survive /s::Nmv/ (v) allowed to (phr)
huge /hju:dll' (adD tradition /[r;)'dII~ml (n) area IC:Jri:o/ (n)
inside Im ,ald! (n) well·known I,we l '1I;}IJn/ (adj) blanket /hla!1)kll! (n)
international !,un.inreI<lIl<l1/ (ad j) borrow /hur"of Cv)
kilometre 11;11;)mi:[:I. krlum lt;v (n) camper /k~tup;l/ (n)
lake Ileikl (n) campsite Ik'X.tup~lI/ (n)
do the shopping (phr)
laugh /la:.fl (v) dictionary tdlkI:lO:Iri/ (n)
dust /d ... sl/ (v)
organise /J:yanal!/ (v) duty t dju;!i/ (n)
furniture 1f3:nt tI~ (n)
prize /pr.w) (n) enter /enl;)/ Cv)
hoover Ihu:v;)j (v)
pumpkin Ip.\mpkm/ (n) equipment /lkwlpm.1nt/ (n)
iron lat;!,"1 (v)
race /r<".Is! (n) forbidden /f:>b ldn/ (ad j)
laundry Ib:ndri/ (n)
race down the ... (phr) item lallJIIl/ Cn)
lay the table (phr)
regatta /rlg'X.t;)/ (n) lack /l~1;J (n)
make your bed (phr)
river In v<ll (n) lay the table (phr)
mop /mop/ (v)
row boat /mu b.XII/ (n) litter Ihl<l/ (v)
notice In;JUlts/ (n)
take place (phr) noise /n;m} en)
regulation l.rcgj;)lc1 ran/ (n)
throw !or:.,.J/ (v) obligation /,nhh'gel f:m/ (n)
road sign /r~lId S<lml (n)
wet /wt:,l/ (adj) offer lut;./ en)
rubbish I r~hlr l Cn)
winner IWIn'J/ (n) permission 1p;!'lluIJtt/ Cn)
rule /ru:1/ (n)
possibility /,po~'b ll;}ti/ (n)
safety h<:-Ifti/ (n)
prohibition l,pr~(J hl 'b IIJnJ Cn)
tidy Ilaldi/ (v)
according to (phr) provide !pT?'vauJ/ (v)
appear /~'plJ! (v) rent /n;nt/ (n)
calm down /,I;(I:m 'd;ll~l/ (phr v) sheet !Ii:l/ Cn)
annual / a.:njlJJI/ (adD tent /Icnt/ en)
drop Idrop/ (v)
at least (phr)
edge /cdy (n)
attend #tendl (v)
excited /l 1..'sal1ld/ (adj)
bore /bJ:j (n)
feel /fi:1/ (v) accide nt / a.:lM{bnl/ Cn)
can't stand (phr)
in horror (phr) address jJ'dresj (n)
cinema ISlrI:;1m:>/ (n)
in the end (phr) aerobics /e:J'r:JUblks/ (n)
clothing / kl;)(J()uJ/ (n)
journey Id:)'):n jj (n) athletics /3!9Ieuk5. ~/ Cn)
concert Il on<;:)1/ (n)
lake Jleikl (n) badminton lba:dmm[~n/ (n)
dancing Ido:nsu,]/ (n)
later Ilcl'QI (adv) baseball / bclsb:J:1/ Cn)
don't mind l&om nt<lllld/ (phr)
legend IlcdJ.'lfItI/ (n) biking Ilxllklrj Cn)
eat out (phr)
log /I~ (n) brakes jbrell..s/ Cn)
extreme sport (phr)
mistake /mfsteik/ (n) bright /bra tt/ (adj)
film Ifl lm/ (v)
misty t mtSljj (adj) chain /[/elll/ Cn)
go shopping /,g:JU 'JopIIY (v)
monster Imonsl;)1 (n) check !tIek! Cv)
goggles 1909::JI1/ (pi n)
move from side to side (phr) chess /IIes/ Cn)
grace !gre ls/ (n)
neck /ncl;J (n) close to (phr)
hate /hen/ (v)
realise Irt:!I;llti (v) darts /du:[sj Cn)
helmet Ihel m:!l! Cn)
right Irn lll (adj) driving licence /drmvll) ,l:us;)ns/ Cn)
household chore (phr)
step back I,step 'bxk} (phr v) especially /1'speJ;)Ii/ (adv)
iron /al:ln/ (n)
travel / [frev<ll! (v) fall off /,hl 'of/ (ph r v)
ironing board Cn)

( word list'
lit Ifll/ (v) heating /hi:tll)/ (n) quite /kw311/ (adv)
football tfU(b;,:lj (n) in working condition (phr) right lrall/ (ad j)
golf Ignlfl (n) leave on 1,li:v 'on! (phr v) safe /sc lfl (ad j)
hand signa1 / ha:nd 51gn;)lf (n) money I nlAojj (n) spoil /sp:Jl l! (v)
have lights on (phr) on standby (phr) trouble I trAb.1I! (n)
headphones (n) pollute 1p<l'lu:1/ (v) wro ng /my (adj)
helmet I hclm~ (n) protect /pr:'lkkl/ Cv)
horse riding Ih;):s ,nudn'y (n) put on /put 'un/ (phr v)
ice hockey /alS ,hnki/ (n) rainwater / remwJ:t:J/ Cn)
ice-skating /al~ ,SkC1U(j/ (n) recycle l,ri ~~lbl/ (v)
bridge /bndy (n)
in case (phr) remember In'mem~/ (v)
in good condition (phr) coast /kaustl (n)
repair /ripc~/ (v)
kickboxlng /ktk,boksll]/ (n) reuse !,ri:ju:zJ (v) compare /k~m'pc~/ (v)
comparison /k:Jm'p;.cTl-;;ln/ (n)
knee pad /ni: p:xdl (n) roof /ru:fl Cn)
continent tkrmtlfl:Jntl (n)
'L' plate !cl plclll Cn) run IrAnl (v)
desert !dc"C.'It/ (n)
last but not least (phr) save /seIV/ (v)
learner Ib:n;l/ (n) feature !fi:tI:I/ en)
solar panel /,s;)IJb p:enl/ (n)
loose clothes (phr) forest !for.Jsl/ (n)
tap /I rep/ en)
geographical /,d3i~'grreflk~V (adD
martial arts bno:f;:,] 'a:tf,{ (n) throwaway I,emu ~'wel/ (phr v)
motorcycle I rn:xJI~~mk;)V Cn) island /a ll~d/ en)
turn down /,t3:n 'daunJ (phr v)
on the back (phr) turn off 1,t'J;n ofl (phr v) lake /lelk/ (n)
mountain / mannl;>flj (n)
parked /po:kl/ (adj) vegetable Iveu}lJb:!I! (n)
natural wo nder (phr)
protect Ipr;uckl/ (v) water !WJ:t:o/ Cn)
river !n v:V (n)
reflec tive be lt /n,I1c1.:II\· belli (n)
train ticket ! [rem ,Ukll/ (n)
reflector In 'nckl.1j (n)
regularly / reqjul;)lil (adv) transpo rt ! tra!nsp:I:t/ (n)
activity l;ck'tlY.}li/ (n) valley !vre li/ (n)
remember /rfmemOO/ (v) and so on (phr)
respect In'spcktl (v) volcano jvul'kclIr..'u/ (n)
anyway !eniv.el/ (adv) waterfall !w:.'!:bhV Cn)
road sign /..,00 Stun! (n) arrive /:J'ral'l/ (v) weather symbol ! we. .i'" ,~l mb.11/ (n)
rollerbl adlng /l'<IOldblclduJ/ (n) beach /bi:tI! Cn)
sailing /scII IIY (n) bin /blnJ (n)
skateb oarding /SkCHb:l:dn]/ Cn) canoeing /k~'nu:ll}I (n)
suddenly /s... unlil (adv) bike /ba!kJ Cn)
choose ItJu:zJ (v)
tennis /tt:. nl~1 (n) boat tour /IkNJIIOO/ (n)
cool /ku:V (adD
tip Illpl Cn) bu s IbM/ (n)
exit ! Cg7.11, 'chit} Cn)
tyre Itala! (n) car /ku:/ (n)
friendly / frendli/ (adj)
cheap /tJi:p/ (adD
group leader /,gru:p 'li:dJ/ (n)
coach /k:>UtJ/ (n)
hang out I,hrel] 'au[1 (phr v)
alright (adD comfortable /[;)MI. kAmf'Jl-/ (adD
horse riding !hJ:s ,rnldll)/ Cn)
arrive at /Omlv ,,1/ (v) connect /ka'nekt/ (v)
midnight !nudnm[/ Cn)
bring /bru)l (v) deer /dm/ (n)
noise /nJrd Cn)
expensive itk'spcnslV/ (adD
camp /k;cmp/ (n) on the ground (phr)
fast /fu:st/ (adj)
pet /pct/ (n) only />tmli/ (adv)
ferry ! feri! (n)
reserve Ir(7.:3:'11 (v) pretty /pnli! (adv)
fo rest /for:>.~l/ (n)
spider Isp(mbl (n) problem /probbm/ en)
You're welcome (phr) greeting !gri:1I1)/ Cn)
see you soon (phr)
guided hike (phr)
serve /53:V/ Cv)
helicopter ! hchkopb/ (n)
silence IsaJlall5/ Cn)
hot /h otl (adj)
any more (phr) spend /spcnd/ Cv)
hot spring !,hol 'spnl)/ Cn)
appliance /~'pla '~ns/ (n) whatever /wotcr.J/ (conD
hove rcraft /hoV';) (n)
charity ftJ a:~li/ en) whole Ihaul/ (adD
huge /hj u:d3/ (adj)
donate /d"llfnt:.11/ Cv) jo urney !dp:ni/ (n)
eco-friendly /,i:I\;1O frendli/ (adj) Fun Time 4
lorry ! 1I>ri/ (n)
electricity /,e llk'In'k'lIi. ~le k -! (n) all day long (phr) lost /1001/ (adj)
environment !U1vtll~nmant/ (n) crazy Ikrcl7jf (adD motorbike ! m;liJ\;Jb:Hk! (n)
factory ! fa::kmi/ (n) fun IfAn/ (n) on foot (phr)
grow /gr.JU/ (v) important /1TI1'pJ:I:mt/ (adD plane IplclIl/ (n)
healthy /hclO i! (adj) mess Irnes/ Cn) rare /rc';)! (adj)
opinion /J'pmj:ml Cn) safe /sc lf/ (adD
public place (phr) sand /s;.cnd/ Cn)

( word List'
sandy beach (phr) volcano /vol'kemau/ (n) soft /~oft/ (ad)
srnool /slm:U (n) w hatever !wo(eyW (con) s pread Ispredl (v)
scooter /sku:~1 (n) wind /wmd/ (n) s tretch f~l relJI (v)
ship IJIP! (n) stunning fSlAlIuJ/ (adj)
show IJ30/ (v) surround IS:irnund/ (v)
snowmobile /~n;,,(}",.,bi:V (n) wave / WCfV/ (n)
journey / dyJ:ni/ (n)
sunny hr.nil (adj) platform / plretf;):m/ (n) wi ng fWl"rJ/ (n)
sunset / unsel/ (n) return {rttJ:n/ (ad))
tourist attraction /I~nst ; (n)
train Ilrem} (n)
single /SIIWV (adD 'M;::mC*a Out and about
You're welcome (phr) beach /bi:tJ/ en)
tram It rrem! en)
underground train /r. ntklgrnund ,Irem/ (n) beach holiday /bi:tJ ,hobdi. -deI/ (n)
van /viJ:nl (n) cruise /kru:'L/ (n)
brave /brelv! (ad)) dish /d lJ/ en)
volcano /vul kt!IIl;)U1 (n)
clear Ikh;:o! (ad)) joke /d3;')Uk/ (n)
watch /wolf/ (n) contain /k;:on'tcln/ (v)
waterfall /W;):t;:of::l:ll (n) museum /lllju:zi~m! (n)
cross /kmsl (v) nature I nCIIJ;')1 (n)
depth /depfl! (n) plan Ipl:xn/ (n)
east li:st/ (adD postcard /p;:ouSlku:dj (n)
basketball / bo:skub,:U (n) electric powe r (phr) safari !~'fu:ri/ (n)
crowded / kraudldl (adj) exist /1<;jZISt/ (v) sightseeing /sal~~i:lIJ/ (n)
deep /di:p/ (ad j) falls /b:lzJ (pi n) sightseeing h oliday /sansi:!1] .l!ol;:odi.
dirty /d3:1i/ (adj) freshwater lake (phr) -<lell (n)
dry !dr-dl/ (adj) lie /lall (v) skiing holiday /skbl] hnl;xli. -del/ (n)
expect /Ibpekl/ (v) natural / na:lI:n'JV (adj) souvenir I,SU;\'O'I'm;:o. su:v;:om;)/ (n)
football /futb:'l:I/ (n) nature /nenJ;)1 (n) sunbathe / SAnbcli:J/ (v)
hamburge r /href1lb3:~! (n) part /pa:t/ (n) tent Ilent/ (n)
luxurious /lhg'zjo;ori",s. I;:ogYJ;lti-/ (adj) producer /p~dju:!W/ (n) timetable / talmlelball (n)
noisy / n:mi/ (adj) sight /sall/ (n) walking ho liday fwJ:kll) .l!nl;:odi. -deI/
ocean t.MJJ;:On/ (n) une xplored /,/Lmk spb:d/ (ad)) (n)
p izza f pi:ls;W (n) wo nder IWA nih/ (n)
population I,popjulelf;:on/ (n)
quiet /kwa!;)ll (adj)
accommodation j;:O,konl;}del];?n/ (n)
sunny ' ..... nil (adj) and then (phr)
tired /tat:xi/ (adD admi re /<ldmaIJ/ (v)
because /bl'knz, bl'k:u/ (con» adult /redA-lt , <I'd\lT/ (n)
but /b:ll, hr.l/ (con j) am usement park /;'J'mj U:lm;:ont ,pu:k/ (n)
crowded / krau(hd/ (ad)) aquarium !:tkwt::II;Jm/ (n)
archaeologist /,o:ki'ol<IdJJStI (n) make it (phr) aq uatic /J'kwa:uk/ (ad»
average /:ev;:o ndy (adj) nearby / m;}b,lI / (ad» art gallery l a:l grebri! (n)
body /bodi/ (n) population /,pnpju'1c! [;)nl (n) attend /J'lend/ (v)
both fb;Jue1 (det) sightseeing lsa l t,.~i: n]/ (n) attraction /;)'lrrekJ<>n/ (n)
bury /ben/ (v) ski slope /.~ ki: sbup/ (n) cab /kr. bl (n)
climate /klaml:'ll/ (n) take care (phr) cannon Ikxn;Joj (n)
condition !k:m'dlI:m/ (n) visit I VIZlt/ (v) castle / ku:s:<>1! (n)
dry /dra l/ (adj) cere mo ny fM!r:ml:'lnil (n)
extreme IIk'slrl:lII/ (adj) Fun Time 5 co smopolitan l,koZIll:)'poIlIJn/ (adj)
freeze Ifri:z/ (v) Crown Jewels 1,I..rnun 'd3U:;)i:z/ (pi n)
cloud /klaud/ en)
instantly / lIIst",ntli! (adv) crash /kra:J/ (v) culture / kAItJa/ (n)
jet of steam (phr) daily /dellij (adv)
drift /dnft/ (v)
leave tracks (phr)
eruption /tr.\ pJ;}n/ (n) destination / dest<>'neIJ~n/ (n)
m ag ne tic force (phr) foreve r If;:ol'ey;jf (adv) do uble-decker l,dAb:>l 'dck;:o' (n)
melt /melt/ (v) fis h and chips (phr)
high /hall (adj)
moving / mu:vlfJ/ (adD land /l rend/ (n) free Ifri :/ (adj)
mummy / lIIAmi/ (n) low /1;:00/ (ad)) gallery /giJ:1Jril (n)
mysterious /mt'sl!ari;:osl (ad) point /P:)lfu} (n) heritage /her:llldy (n)
reason /ri:z:;;n/ (n) raindrop /remdrop/ (n) high street / ha! stri:l/ (n)
seldom /sclili1m/ (adv) roar If;):/ (v) h istoric site flll,slDnk 'san/ (n)
stone Ist;}(m/ (n)
sandy /s:endi/ (ad)) imagi ne /1'1ll:ed31n/ (v)
temperature /lem p]';)rI;)/ (n) scene Isi :n/ (n) king /kn]/ (n)
think of (ph r)
shore /J::d en) landma rk I Ia:ndmo:k/ (n)
variety /v;,)'raI;)li/ (n) sky /skal/ (n) 10cal /J;)Uk;:li/ en)

( Word List'
luxurio us /L"~'/j()"lriJs. l~J'3(l."Jri-/ (adj) roof /nd / (n)
miss IliUM (v) se cond Isek~n(lJ (n)
adult /:cd.\h. ;)'d.h/ Cn) sight /san/ (n)
museum Imju~li;:oml (n)
children I tJlldr;>n! Cn)
p recious IprcI....t (adD take a break (ph r)
discount /dlskaunt/ (n)
public garden I.p"bhk ~lu:dnl (n) taxi /ta:ksi/ (n)
queen /kwi:n) Cn) online !nn lrllll/ (adv) unscramble jfo.n\\.:rxmb;!1/ (v)
town centre / ta!lll '-eIH;)/ (n) waste fwcl!>t/ (v)
ride /nurJj Cn)
ruins /ru:ml/ (pi n) wonder / WMld;,/ (n)
sho pping ce ntre /Inpnj ,sent"'! (n)
sight /~aJl! (n) adventure /:xI'vemJ:l/ (n)
sing le /SII)!p l/ (n) ape /c lpl (n)
area /0:.::Jr13j (n) blog /bloy/ (n)
t emple / lcm(J."IV (n)
at last (phr) came l l !;ormJV (n)
tourist destination (phr)
build Ibtld/ (v) challenging / tJ:cI;lIHi}Uj/ (adj)
trip (t rlpl (n)
bush IDOJI (n) dangerous /dcl nd;Pr;)s/ (adD
try Ilral) (v)
creature / ~r1:lf;)1 (n) desert /dez~fl (n)
tube /Iju:bl (n)
cry /kral/ (v) difficult Idlfll ;)Irj (adj)
underg round '"ucL"'!Jnlundf (n)
dark /du:kl (adj) dolphin /dnlfnv (n)
explore /lk'spb:/ (v) embarrassing /lm'ba:T'Jsnj/ (adD
fall asleep (phr) exciting /!k\::uwj/ (adD
abroad j",'brJ:d/ (adv) e xpe rience /1k'spmr1JIls/ (n)
follow Ifnl;"l1(J/ (v)
a ccide nt / a:I.'ld;)l11/ (n) expres s /tk'sprc v (v)
future /fjU:I J:v (n)
b allet / ba:lcll Cn) hot-air balloon (phr)
go mad (phr)
crash /kncJ/ (v) moment ! l11;l1l1nJnt/ (n)
crowded , lrnu(hdl (adj) hit /hilI (v)
include /m'klu:d/ (v) pie chart / [l<l l ,10:t/ (n)
cuisine {twlzi;nj (n) rainforest / remfoF.>,t/ (n)
look for (phr v)
heavy / hevi/ (adj) scary N~:Jr11 (ad j)
on the ground (ph r)
h ousework Ihau~w3:k/ Cn) shark /Jo:k/ (n)
put out (phr v)
lend flend! Cv) sight /salt/ (n)
science-fiction 1~1l :;m' f_k[;.>nl (adD
mosquito Im.' .. ki:l~ (n) skydiving I.<>kaldawu)/ (n)
shine lram/ (v)
open '~ lJKlnf (v) sympathy /~lmp.::Xli/ (n)
race /r<:lsj (n) shout IJ.1U1/ (v)
soft /softj (adj) thrilling /ftrt I11j/ (adj)
river trip /nv .. mp! (n) webs lte /websmt/ (n)
souve nir Isu:\':;O·n1:'>..~ln·:;otJ[ ..1 (n) upset /fo.p'sct/ (v)
spicy I~pars i/ (adD

amusement park ,'::lrnju:7m;mt ,]Xl:k/ en) adventurer /:xI'vcnt/;lT'J/ (n)

can't waIt (phr) ancient /o:.lII1:Jnt/ (adj)
black water rafting (phr) boring /h:nl1j/ (ad j)
chilly Itflli/ (adj)
cave /kelv/ (n) brilliant I bnljO)nt/ (ad j)
e quipment /I'I,:wlpm:mt! (n) don't mind (phr)
drop /dmpl Cv) bull (boil (n)
excitement !lballlll~nt! (n) bullring lbulmj/ (n)
famous /fellU::JS! (adj) explore /lk'I.p\J:/ (v)
fabul o us (frebj;)l;.>sj (adD bungee jump /bAlld1i d'>Amp/ (n)
footwear /futwc~ (n) century Iscm1:Jri/ (n)
harbour / ho;b;}1 (n)
glow lyl:lU/ (v) cookery course (phr)
h e lmet I helm;)!/ en) po pular I porj;.> l;.>/ (ad D
ride /rdld/ (n) coral reef (phr)
land scape /la:nd.,kelp/ (n) costume /kostjum! (n)
provide Ipr;nald} Cv) thrilling /Onln)/ (adj)
tour It!»1 (n) crazy / krernJ (adj)
ra ft Irttft/ Cn) curious I kjoori;l<J (ad j)
rope /r~(Jpl (n) view Ivjll:/ (n)
dangerous /dellld~/';lS1 (adj)
safety equipment ! sclfli i\,Wtprn;)nl/ (n) destroy /dl'strJI/ (v)
s pectac ular /,pek'ta: kj;>b/ (ad j)
Fun Time 6
difficult /d lfl b lt/ (adD
stalactite !.<>ta;,,[;)kwu/ (n) book lbuk/ (v) diver lda l ~':¥ (n)
sta lagmite /stu:l"'!1ma _r} (n) flight /flail! (n) dolphin /dolfm./ (n)
towe l / taool/ (n) grab /r;JrJ.:hf (v) drive /drdlv/ (v)
tube /tj u:bJ (n) hang /ha:1]/ (v) elephant /eI;.>f;mt/ (n)
unde rg round IA nd~raumlJ (adj) live in the moment (p hr) event /t'ventl (n)
we tsuit /Vt': I~U;t/ Cn) magical I mxd}lkJI/ (adD e xciting 1_!;''><I1111)! (adj)
wo rm /w3:m/ Cn} monument / monjJIl",ml (n) experience /!kspIO)ri;.>ns/ (n)
on our way (phr) famous Ifclmo~/ (ad j)
pack /p:!.!\.:/ (v) festival / fcsllv::M (n)
passport I pu:spJ:t/ (n) fun If" n/ (a dj)

( word List

gondola fgond:)I:)1 (n) tennis Items/ (n) breed Ibri:d{ (v)

hike /halll (n) tent /te nt{ (n) cliff /k hfl (n)
holiday resort (phr) theatre 181;11;>{ (n) crab /kneb/ (n)
hummingbird flLl.mll]h:nl/ (n) cross /l rus/ (v)
interesting fmIF.;l~IIIv' (adj) crossing / krusllj/ (n)
internatiooal / ulI::,"na:J;)Ik)1/ (adj) appointment /.;lp:nntm;')nt/ (n) de<rease Idl'kri:sl (v)
journey fdl3:nil (n) babysit fbclhi~11/ (v) feed /fi:df (v)
jungle Id?J.\IJ9:11/ (n) beard {h10Jrl1 (n) flamingo /fl'J'm11}y:lO/ (n)
let off I,let off (phr v) black eye /,blrek 'm/ (n) hunting Ih,\nlll)/ (n)
lifetime /Iatflmm/ (n) break {breJkj (v) increase /m'kri:s{ (v)
lost /loSI/ (adD burst out laughing (phr) islander / ail'Jnlkol (n)
marathon /ma:mthnl (n) by mistake {h(\! ml' ~I<;: ll/ {phr} migration /mat'grcIJ'JnI (n)
match /ma::IJI (n) cheek /<Ii:k/ (n) nest InesT/ (n)
mountain /nwunt:ln/ (n) circle / s3:bl/ (n) once-in-a-lifetime l,wllm In ;) 'lall'laml/
mysterious /rn l'S1\:lri<lsl (adj) crash (into) /lrreJl (v) (adj)
overseas /,o:>Uvoisi:7j (adv) drink /dmM (n) package tour (phr)
popular fpopj;:ol;:o/ (adj) door Id::,;! (n) pollution /pJ'iu:J;m/ (n)
racing car /rcl'lll ko:/ (n) embarrassing /lmba::r;>~1 1)/ (adj) population l,popju'leIJ'Jn/ (n)
rainforest /rclnfur;')st/ (n) fall asleep (phr) protect /prnlek!/ (v)
rare /rc;:o! (adD forget 1f'J'gc!/ (v) race lrels/ (v)
resort In C):t! (n) fortunately Ib:IJ.)nJIJi/ (adv) shady IIcldil (adj)
rich /nlJI (adD glass /gla:s/ (adD sight {~al !/ (n)
ride lraldl (v) jumper 1d?J.\mp;:oJ (n) tunnel / lAnl/ (n)
rocket frokJl/ (n) last {Ia'.!;!/ (adj) wet season (phr)
rugby Ir" gbll (n) luggage lJ,.gld31 (n)
ruins Iru:m7/ (pi n) mirror ImlrW (n)
run /r"nj (v) moustache Im;1'~l a:JI (n) adve nture sport {;,d,'entIJ ~PJ:I/ (n)
scuba diving lsku:l» dOlIVll)/ (n) naughty /nJ:Ii/ (adi) bungee jumping / b.\1\d3i ,d30\mpl!V' (n)
sea level Isi: ,lev;)l! (phr) niece {ni:s/ (n) canoei ng /lGl'nu::t1)/ (n)
set o ff /,set off (phr v) pretty fpnTi/ (adj) extreme sport /tk,Slri:m 'SpJ:1/ (n)
snail /sncll/ (n) relative {reJ'JU\'/ (n) karate Ibm:!i/ (n)
space IS PC1~1 (n) rush {rAJ/ (v) majority /m;)'d3oOl.i/ (n)
species l~pi:Ji: t./ (pi n) school uniform /,sku:l 'ju:nlb:mj (n) once /Wfl,!l~/ (adv)
spectacular Ispek't;:ekj<ll../ (adj) see the funny side (phr) per cent /r.'" '''.:.nt/ (adv)
swim /,wlIlI/ (v) shopping mall /Jopll] mJ:V (n) pie chart Ipal lJO:t/ (n)
take pictures /,Ielk 'pl ktr~4 (v) sliding doors /,slmdll] 'dJ:7} (n) prefer /pn'h:1 (v)
temple /tell1p"l/ (n) slip /sitp/ (v) report /rt'p:J:t/ (v)
tradltlonal /lm'dIJ:m;')l/ (adD sofa r:;AA'J/ (n) result /n'ul!/ (n)
trekking /Trd ll)/ (n) spicy /sp,usi/ (adj) sailing /se llllY (n)
tropical /lmpl ";')I/ (adj) spill /spill (v) statistic /st'Jtlsltk/ (n)
turtle /13:11/ (n) stick /sok! (v) survey / ~3:"<;: 11 (n)
underwater /M<i<Jw;':I;:o/ (adj) swollen ISWJlJlJn/ (adD twice /lw31s/ (adv)
view Ivju:i (n) sympathy Isml~i/ (n) volleyball /voJibJ:1/ (n)
voluntee r /,vol;:on 11;:0/ (v) tear /!e..,1 (v) white-water rafting I,wan WJ:!'J m:fulJ/
wildlife /w:uldlatfl (n) test /Tesl/ (n) (n)
walk into Iw;):k 1Il1;). 111101 (v) zero IZI'Jr;:oo/ (n)
wave {welvl (v)
accident l reksldanl/ (n) wrong /rol)/ (adD Fun Time 7
bone /b:AAl/ (n) angry {rersri/ (adj)
camel / krenl;)1/ (n) brand new /,bra'nd nju:/ (adj)
caviar Ik:Evia:/ en) sailing lselhl)/ (n) catch /koctJ/ (v)
drums Idrfllll7j (pi n) make friends (phr) caught out I,b:l ami (phr v)
email /i:mcll/ (n) book {bllk/ (v) clearly Ikl l;)li{ (adv)
frogs ' legs /Jrogl legzj (pi n) race /rc lsl (n) maybe /melhi{ (adv)
ghost /g:Just/ en) it sounds like ... (phr) phone number {f~n )l.\m~/ (n)
ghost train (ph r) rock-climbing /rok klaIlllIl)/ (n) reason tri:l;')n/ (n)
ice-skating /alS ,skc lwj/ en) relax /rt'lreks/ (v)
in plaster (phr) stressed /s!rcSI/ (adj)
shrimps /Jrl Il1P ~/ (pi n) umbrella /llm'ilrelJ/ (n)
algae hd d3i:, -gi:/ (pi n)
snowman l~n;')U1l1re n/ (n) wrong /rurj (adj)
awesome / J:<;;)mj (adj)
tell a lie (phr)

( word List'
trendy /trendi/ (ad D meeting place I mi:tlf) plc IS/ (n)
trousers l!rau~zJ (pi n) red pepper /Icd Pcp;l/ (n)
baker's 1bt!lk:uj (n) whereas /wc';) r'£7/ (coni) selection /st'lc kI?n/ (n)
bank /ba!1)k/ en) spice /S pIlIS/ (n)
bookshop IbukJop/ (n) Turkish delight /,t3:kII dl'lall/ (n)
chemist's IkI:111[Sts/ (n )
apple juice 1a:p;l1 U3U:sj (n)
clothes shop /k b txk kbuz j op! (pi n)
can Ika:nl (n)
florist's tnomts/ (n)
carton I ku:tnl (n) area 'c;}ri~/ (n)
jeweller's / d3U:;,b z/ (n)
fizzy drink I flzl 'dnl)k/ (n) bin /bml (n)
music shop I mju:zIk JoP/ (n)
friendly ffrendli/ (adD clean up /.kli:n 'AP! (phr v)
newsagent's tllju:z,c ,d~nts/ (n)
hospitable IhosPII:;)b;>1. ho'spl-! (ad D distance /d ts~n s/ (n)
optician's /np'nJ;;onl/ (n)
jam !d~m/ en) environment /mvau:mm?nt/ (n)
post office fp;)ilsl ofIs! (n)
jar Id30:/ (n) gas /giJ!s/ (n)
sports shop /spJ:ts fop/ (n) get around /,gcl ;)'rallnd/ (ph r v)
packet / pa:klll en)
supermarket /su:pmno:kn/ (n)
souvenir /,s u:v:)'nl'J/ (n) harmful /ho:mfW (adj)
spaghetti IS~'9clil en) might /111aJrj (v)
vegetable / vcd3t<lb;ll! (n) neighbourhood I nCIb:lhud/ en)
aisle fall! (n) organise Ij:g,maI7) (v)
ancient /emJ:mt/ (adj) oxygen /Oksld3?n/ (n)
aquarium jo'l,\\ e;,rbm/ (n) pick up I,Plk Apl (phr v)
beam /bi:m/ (n)
biscuit IbIS~,:1I1 (n) planet /pl:cnll/ (n)
brick /bn'¥./ en)
boutique /bu:'ti:k/ (n) public transport /,pA bhk ~ra:nsp:l:rj (n)
business Ibrn lJs/ (n)
bridge /bndy (n) recycle l,rit~aJk:J 11 (v)
cathedral !k:;)'9i:d~1! en)
bunch /hAm]/ (n) develop /dl'vcl:lp/ (v) reuse /,ri:'ju:zJ (v)
butcher's IbotJ;;oz/ en) rubbish lu.bIJ/ (n)
elevator Icbvell:l/ (n)
caution tb:J:m/ (n) set an example (phr)
ground /g raund/ (n)
chain /IJemJ en) throwaway /,ArJU ;)weII (phr v)
height !ban} (n)
city walls {,sui 'wJ:Jzj (pi n) tip /lIpl (n)
invention /m'vcnI.m/ (n)
cosmopolitan l,koZIIl;l'pol n~ (adi) wonder /wAn(h/ (v)
jewellery shop Id3u::Ilri fopl (n)
cosy / kauti/ (adj) living space (p hr)
energetic I Cn;} d~l1kJ (adi)
mast Ima:st/ (n)
far from (phr)
office /of Is! (n) balcony I~lbni/ (n)
fa shionable Ifa':I:lIl;)roll (ad i) block of flats I,blok ?v fl rels! (n)
perfect fp3:flk ll (a dj)
feed /rbJ{ (v)
plan /plfJ!nl (n) gorgeous Ig;:,:d3?S/ (adj)
florist mons!/ (n) later l Ie!!?! (ad v)
pocket money Ipnkn ,mAni/ (n)
freshly-baked /,freJli 'bclkl/ (adj)
restaurant frc'l~mnt/ (n) move house /,nlu:v 'halls/ (phr)
hiking Ihmkuj/ (n)
sailor !scl l ~/ (n) nearby /m~bal/ (adv)
home to (p hr)
shopping mall /fepu] 1ll:l:V (n) neighbourhood / neloohud/ en)
Je weller's /d3U:J1J7/ (n) view Ivj u:} (n)
skyline hkal'am} (n)
library / -bri/ Cn)
skyscraper Isklu,skrelpal (n)
10cal /l;)(Jb l! (adj) Fun Time 8
solution /sa'Ju:f;mJ (n)
locals /oobl7/ (pi n)
steel !sli:V (n) band /ba:. nd/ (n)
minced /nunsrj (adj)
the sky is the limit (phr) bargain / bu:ganf (n)
modern / modnf (ad j)
theme park / 9i:m po:k/ (n) delay /dl'lel! (v)
narrow / nfJ!r.'JIJ/ (adj)
top /top/ (n) goods Igudz} (pi n)
nature lover (phr)
neighbourhood /nC Ih;)hud/ Cn) grab Igrre b/ (v)
nightclub / nUl1kl Ah/ (n) letter I let?/ (n)
north /n::d:lj (ad j) go through (phr) necklace Inck l~~/ en)
picturesque /,PlklJ::l'resk/ (adD on the corner of ,., (phr) on display (phr)
playground I plelgra und/ (n) on the right (phr) parcel /pu:S?1J (n)
public /p,\bhk/ (adD opposite /Of';l£It/ (prep) pie Ipal/ (n)
road works I I'3Ud W3:ksj (pi n) traffic light / tr:eflk ltm/ (n) ring ITl q/ (n)
serve !s3:v! (v) singer Is np/ (n)
shop !Jopl (v) take your eye (phr)
s liver /s ll ~1 (adD colourful / kAl:lf;:,JI (adj) tasty / Ielsli/ (adj)
staff /~ tu:l/ Cn) courtyard I kJ~tjo~dl (n) watch /WDtJ! (n)
storey IstJ:ri/ Cn) curry powder /kf,ri 'paud;:./ (n)
tower / t'd(¥:ll (n) fountain /fallnt::lJl/ (n)
trail /Ire d/ (n) herb /h3!b/ (n)
tree-lined Itri: Jamd/ (adj)


( American English - British English Guide

American Englhh British English American English British English

A p
account bill/account pants/trousers trousers
;: airplane aeroplane pantyhose/ nylons tights
anyplac.e/anywhere anywhere parking lot caf park
apartment Ilat pavement road surface
S pedestrian crossing zebra crossing
B (potato) ch ips crisps
bathrobe dressing gown
.- bathtub bath
public school
state school
bill banknote
_ 7
billion .. thousand million
busy (phone)
billion=million million
engaged (phone)

railroad rai'W7c
-......... C
cob ta)(i
rest room

to ilet cloakroom

call / phone ring up/ phone sales clerk/ sales girl shop assistant
tio schedule timetable
cand~ sweets shorts (underwear)
chee bill (restaurant) p~ vement

...- closet
connect (telephone)
~~t l~rough
stand in line
Slore, shop
cookie Isc ull subway underground

= corn sweetcorn, maize T

cra~y m.d truck lorry, van
D two weeb fortnight/two weeks
desk derk receptionist V
dessert pudding/ dessert/ sweet vacalion holiday(s)
downtown (ci ty) cenlre vacuum (v.) hoover
j drapes curtains vacuum cleaner hoover
dr ugstore/phMmacy chemist's (shop) vest waistcoat
dupleK semi-detached
;:is , W
with or without (milk/cream in black or white
eggplant aubergine coffee)
&&8 elevator lift
F yard garden
_1'3 fall autumn
faucet lOp Z
first floor, second floor, el( ground 1100r, finllloor, elc (pronounced, ~zee~) (pronounced, ~zed" )
SI flashlight torch zero nought
French fries chips ~ip code
front desk (hotel) reception
ga rbage/ trash rubbish Grammar
! garbage can dustbin/ bin
gas station
pe trol station/ga ra ge H,
He ~;; juw~': 00<'
tone out.
He has iuS! gone out.

grade class/year
!.hil SIeve? Hello, is 1Mt SIeve?

..... I Hello, is
intermission interval
intersection crossroads Do you bave a car?! Have you got a car?
Haye you got a car?
lil janitor caretaker/porter
:=:; kerosene paraffin aluminum aluminium
L analy~e ana lyse

=m lawye r/attorn ey
lost and found
losl property
colou r
mail post practice(n,v) practlce(n)

=- make a reservat ion

motorbi ke/motorcycle
pract ise(v)

== movie house/ theater

cinema tire

news-stand newsagent
0 ExBression ~ with pr~lI~ o ~ itions ang pa rticles
office (doclor's/ denlist's) surgery

= one·way (ticke t)
single (ticket)
differen t from flhan
live Q!! X street
Q!! a team
2.Q the weekend
different 1uw:Il12
live in X meet
in a team
M the weekend
Monday ~ Friday Monday 1.Q Friday

{ Se lf-Check Key
Self-Check 1 3 , were watching 5 did the circus come
2 did you wear 6 Did your mother make
1 , catch 5 obey 9 earns 3 did not/didn't go 7 were you doing
] chatting 6 indoors 10 creative 4 was singing, was taking 8 was cooking, arrived
3 practise 7 patient
4 organised 8 uniform 4 , Did you enjoy 4 nothing special
2 11 was fantastic 5 Great
2 1 pulon 5 adopt 9 long 3 What did you chink of
2 serve 6 work 10 keep
3 amusement 7 answer Self-Check 4
4 ghost 8 look after
1 1 lay 3 iron Smoke
3 1 Do you get up 6 is studying 2 hoover 4 lake
2 is he going 7 Are they sleeping
3 is washing 8 is doing 2 1 chores 3 shopping 5 attended
4 does norldoesn'/ help 9 Does he speak 2 messages 4 surfs
5 does not/doesn'l want '0 is Slaying
3 1 who/that 3 whose 5 who/that
4 1 playing 3 getting up 5 telling 2 which/that 4 which/that
2 dancing 4 to become
4 1 must 3 (ould/Can 5 can
5 b 2 a J a 4 b 5 a 2 have to 4 might

Self-Check 2 5 I , 2 , J b 4 a 5 d

I impatient 4 stupid 7 thin Self-Check 5

Z dishonest 5 boring
3 lazy 6 cowardly 1 sandy 5 guided 9 means
2 takes 6 catch ID (oost
2 b 2, J a 4, 5 d 3 attraction 7 temperature
4 rare 8 freezing
3 , watched 6 did not/didn't visit
2 wore 1 travelled 2 1 volcano 3 forest 5 island
3 did not/didn'l play 8 Did you take 2 river 4 lakes
4 bought 9 went
5 worked ID made 3 man famous 3 larger 5 deeper
2 highest 4 hottest
4 1 Where was Amelia Earhar! from?
2 Genghi5 Khan did not explore the Atla ntic Ocean. 4 1 too 3 very 5 enough
3 Did Williarn WO/loCE'live in Italy? 2 very 4 100
4 Was Cleopatra 0 queen?
5 When did he die? 5 1 (an I have a student ticket to London, please?
6 Did Queen Victoria die In 1990? 2 Single or return?
7 When did you last go to the cinema? 3 Con I see your student cord?
8 We did not visit a museum on Saturday. 4 Which platform does it leave from?
9 They left the party at 10 pm. 5 What time does it leave?
10 Whal lime did you get home yesterday?
Self-Check 6
5 1 Not 50 good. 3 Sounds exciting. I spec/ocular 5 safety 9 famous
1 It was brilliant. 4 You can rent it on DVD. 2 amusement 6 opening 10 publiC
3 local 7 10'
Self-Check 3 4 ancient 8 sights
1 , prize 4 bored 7 alive 10 haunted
2 bright 5 finish 8 hold 2 I cosmopolitan 4 busy 7 precious
3 took 6 believe 9 live 2 fall 5 thrilling 8 lively
3 famous 6 luxurious
2 1 were not/weren't wearing, were wearing
2 Were you making, were decorating 3 1 will!,11 come 4 will/'1/ close
3 was not/wasn't working, was eating 2 ore going to visit 5 willcoll
4 were not/weren't having, were visiting 3 is going to fall 6 am going to lie
5 Was Mark watching, was watching
4 1 willgo 3 will arrive 5 get
2 get 4 do not/don't buy


..... ( Self-CheCk Key

5 , What exoaly would you like fa know? Self-Check 8

2 How do I get there? Newsagent's 4 Bokery/Boker's 7 Supermarket
3 It stops right outside the Planetarium. 5 Optician'S 8 Jewel/er's
1 Florist's
4 Thank you for your help. 6 Bookshop
3 Chemist's
Se lf-Check 7 2 I carton 3 ba' 5 ca,
I species 4 ridden 7 embarroHed 1 bag 4 pocket
1 ancient 5 explore
6 time 3 I some 4 f,w 7 many
3 overseas
1 a, 5 mony 8 everything
2 d 1 , J b 4 , 5 a 3 much 6 Someone

3 I Have you ever done 6 went 4 I was invented J is organised 5 was written
2 sent 7 has just cooked 1 is visited 4 was built
3 hove been 8 did not/didn 'f watch
4 Did you see 9 has not/hosn'! tosted 5 b 2 b 3 a 4 b
5 Hove they tried 10 Has Sue a/ready finished

4 , He's never been scuba diving before.

2 I haven't seen Fiana since 2007.
3 Have you ever been camping?
4 Did Som ploy foorballlost Saturday?
5 We went to a Chinese restaurant yesterday.

5 I a 1 b 3 b 4 a

( Workbook Key

la 3 Do a lot of tourists visit Buckingham Palace?

1 d 3 5 a 7 , 9 b
Yes, they do.
4 Does lewis like tourists taking photos of him?
2 h 4 6 B e 10 9
No, he doesn't. He is a little shy.
5 Does Lewis go out in the evening?
2 1 gets up early 4 catch the bus
No, he doesn't. He goes home and relaxes in front
2 play sports 5 watch TV of the TV.
3 has lessons 6 hangs out with friends 6 Does lewis want to change his job?
3 [p I tI , No, he doesn't. He really likes his job.

s ,i d
e s
y s ,i ", ,i 3 2 Is Mike working at the moment?
a e ,
,, "s , , I ,i ,
a s
a a e No, he isn't. He's sleeping.
3 Is lane writing a letter?
,i , e , d
No, she isn't. She's chatting on the phone.

i fn , s e e e " ,, " ss 0
4 Are Brian and his dad watching TV now?

y , "
, e s, e, d, eI as ", d si d,
No, they aren't. They' re playing footbal l.
5 Are Lucy and Beth having lunch?
No, they aren't. They're shopping.
s , m a , c , a e
, , , e s s " e , 4 1 fly 5 is answering
, , 2 do you start 6 aren't watching
e 9 e i
" a e 0
3 Does Olga speak
4 is fixing
7 cooks

1 magician 3 hairdresser 5 secretary

2 nurse 4 dentist 6 pilot 5 2 Do you speak French?
Yes, I do. ! No, I don't.
4 a) 1 d 3 f 5 a 7 I 9 j 11i 3 Are your parents working at the moment?
2 e 4 b 6 c B k 10 h 12 9 Yes, they are.! No, they aren't.
4 Do you read a lot of books in your free time?
b) 2 types letters and answers the phone Yes, I do. ! No, I don't.
3 serves customers. He or she works indoors
4 works outdoors and keeps order 6 1 linda is never late for work.
5 looks after sick people. He or she wears a uniform 2 They usually play tennis on Saturdays.
3 leff sometimes forgets to do his homework.
5 1 organised 4 intelligent 6 sociable 4 Karen always helps her mum with the housework.
2 brave 5 patient, 7 fit 5 Alice often goes to bed late.
3 creative cheerful
71 lobe 3 cycling 5 working
6 1 degree 3 qualification 5 boss 2 tidying 4 getting up
2 hours 4 dangerous
B 1 B l A 5 C 7C 9A n c
7 a) 1 weight 4 autographs 7 check-ups 2 C 4 B 6 B B A 10 A 12 A
2 knives 5 tricks 8 in half
3 healthily 6 chocolate 9 (Suggest ed Answers)
I sometimes forget to turn off the lights in the kitchen.
b) (Suggested Answers) I don't mind waiting for the train if I have something
1 A chocolate taster can put on weight. to read.
2 I have regular check-ups at the dentist. I want to be an actor when I grow up.
3 People eat healthily so they keep fit. I never drink coffee in the evening.
4 A magician needs to practice his tricks. I am having an English lesson at the moment.
I always have cereal for breakfast.
8 (Suggested Answer ) I don't like noisy people.
An artist works indoors and outdoors. Artists have to I hate sitting in traffic.
be creative to think of ideas for paintings or sculptures. I take the bus to school every day.
They also have to be patient because works of art can
take weeks or months to finish. 1<
1 1 f 3 f 5 OS 7 f
lb 2 05 4 T 6 f B T
1 works 5 take 9 likes
2 stands 6 doesn't enjoy 10 doesn't want 2 Cork, Ireland
3 stops 7 goes cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, kangaroos
4 visit 8 relaxes in areas like thei r natura l environment
walk around or take a safari jeep tour
2 2 Does Lewis stand outside a police station? a summer camp
No, he doesn't. He stands outside 8uckingham Palace.

-r Workbook Key
3 1 rhino 3 giraffe 5 zebra b) Contractions: school's, it's, We're, What's
2 elephant 4 lion Omitted pronoun: Well, (I) better go now!

4 a) 1 d 3 a 5 b 7 f 3 2 Anna is from Poland. She lives in Warsaw.

2 h 4 , 6 9 8 e 3 Does Frank go to school on Saturdays?
4 Wow! This pizza is delicious!
b) (Suggested Answers) 5 I eat a sandwich, a salad or a hamburger.
1 The wardens feed the animals in the park. 6 After that, I help my mum in the kitchen.
2 Children can go on fun rides all day.
3 It's always safe to drive through the park. 4 (Suggested Answers)
4 The ghost train is an exciting ride for all the family. Morning Afternoon Evening
5 Visitors can watch a show with exotic animals.
Get up 8:00 am Lunch Have dinner
5 1 care 3 rare 5 depends Have breakfast 2 lessons Watch TV I play
2 adopt 4 experience Take train Play football / video games
3 lessons basketball Go to bed
6 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 B Take train 11:00 pm

7 1 USA 5 10 am to 5 pm 5 a) (Suggested Answer)

2 hundreds of animal species 6 at weekends Let me tell you about a typical weekday. I get up at
3 cheetahs, giraffes
8:00 am and have breakfast, then I take the train to
4 live in
schoo l. We have three lessons in the morning, then
we have an hour for lunch. After lunch, we have
ld, e more lessons. Then it's my favourite part of the day
Across Down - I have football practice. In the evening, I have
3 pastime 1 baseball dinner, then I watch TV or play video games. I go
4 competition 2 hero to bed around 11 :00 pm.
6 player 5 team
7 field 8 cricket 1.
1 1 scientist 3 painter 5 president 7 warrior
2 1 crazy 3 dreams 5 round 2 Queen 4 emperor 6 pi lot
2 last 4 play

3 1 , 2 1 peace 3 chief 5 prison

2 a 3 d 4 e 5 b 2 manners 4 settled 6 Colonists
Basketball is a popular sport in Greece. I E fl
The Olympic Games take place every four years.
W A 5 le H E J
Mark has always wanted to become a professional
E S M K 0 I L C P C
cricketer. M E Q Ip E A C EI N 0
Baseball is played on a diamond-shaped field. A T W W K B 0 TL L
Amanda bought him a scart with his favourite team's P T M S N X Y H E 0
colours. G L B U P R I S 0 N
0 E Q D V F H R U I
4 1 Do you fancy 4 Let's meet F X L W
2 I'd rather not 5 That sounds great
3 Why don't we S G D R Z 0 Y x C T
5 (Suggested Answers)
A: Hi, Tim! Are you busy tomorrow? 3 1 settled 4 saved 7 got married
B: Not really. Why? 2 fought 5 arrested 8 died
A: Do you fancy going roller skating? 3 learned/learnt 6 promoted
B: I'd rather not. I don't like ro ller skating .
A: Oh! Why don't we go swimming, then? 4 (Suggested Answers)
B: That's a good idea! We can keep fit. 1 Yesterday, I learnt how to use the past simple.
A: Let's meet at around 5 pm outside your house. 2 My parents got married in 1990.
B: That sounds great. See you tomorrow! 3 King Harold died in battle from an arrow in the eye.
4 Perseus saved Andromeda from a sea monster
If called the Kraken.
11 Ablog
2 A typical school day
3 Informal
5 1 f 3 , 5 b 7 h
2 d 4 e 6 9 8 a
2 a} 1 cool 4 it's
2 Let me tell you 5 Well, better go now! 6 1 funny 4 lazy 7 patient
about 6 What about you, 2 boring 5 hardworking 8 honest
3 it's Ok bloggers? 3 brave 6 clever 9 cowardly


__________________________ r Workbook Key
7 1 tall 4 green 7 honest 2,
2 well-built 5 small 8 impatient 3 05
1 05 2 F
3 short 6 clever
2 Because the days were too short and they couldn' t
8 a) 1 tall 3 blonde 5 wavy 7 thin
gel all their work done.
2 slim 4 short 6 big 8 beautiful
2 A young Maori fisherman.
3 Towards the east where the sun rises.
b} (Suggested Answer) 4 Behind some rocks.
My brother's name is Ben. He is tall and slim. He has S While the sun was rising, they threw their ropes
short brown hair and blue eyes. He works in a bank, over him.
but in his spare times he likes to play sport. He is kind, 6 To travel slowly across the sky.
honest and hardworking. 7 He ag reed to let the sun go if he promised to go
slowly fo r six months of the year.
2b 8 So he would be released.

1 1 went 6 discovered ,1 had

3 G 2 H 3 C 4 A 5 0
2 saw 7 bought 12 came
3 decided 8 dropped 13 lived 4 1 Once 3 powerful S while 7 ran back
4 gave 9 did 14 said
2 fought 4 terrified 6 enemy 8 before
5 wore 10 ate ,5 took
5 b 2 d 3e 4c Sa
2 3 She sent an email to the bank.
4 She didn't give her mum a call about her dad's 6 1 wonder of natu re 4 boiling lava
birthday. 2 mysterious place 5 fit together
S She met Bob at 1.30 outside the cinema. 3 volcanic eruption
6 She didn't finish her Geography project.
7 1 cools, surface 3 cross 5 result
3 1 lived 5 decided 8 was 2 huge 4 legend
2 became 6 learnedl 9 disap peared
3 stopped learnt 10 saw 8 1 strong 4 clever and patient
4 visited 7 flew 2 tall and well-built S legend
3 brave
4 2 Did Amelia train as a doctor?
No, she didn't. She became a nurse. 2d, e
3 Did she fly across the Atlantic in 1928?
Yes, she did. 1 Across Down
4 Did Amelia's plane disappear over the Atlan tic Ocean? 2 dynasty , civi lisation
No, it didn't. Her plane disappea red over the 4 pyramid 2 tragedy
Pacific Ocean. 6 war 5 ru ler
S Did anyone see Amelia again? 7 temple 9 statue
No, they didn't. B stone
10 astronomy
S (Suggested Answers) 11 architectu re
1 I last visited a castle in 2008. 12 drought
2 Where did you live when you were six years old?
I lived in Mad rid/Londonfthe countryside. 2 on 2 at 3 of 4 around 5 in
3 What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
I ate a bowl of cereal and some toast. 3 1 It wasn't great. 4 It's a shame I missed it.
4 Who sent you a text message yes terday? 2 That's too bad. S Which actors are
My brother/ My mum/ Sofia sent m e a tex t message 3 What's the plot? in the film?
yesterd ay.
4 1 How was your weekend 4 Who stars in it
5 up 7 under 2 Really? What's it about S It sounds great
6 1 across 3 past
4 through 6 down 8 into 3 What were the special effects like
2 along

7 1 C 3 C 5 B 7 C 9 8 11 B S (Suggested Answer)
2 B 4 A 6 C 8 A 10 C 12 A A: What did you do last night?
B: I watched a film called Monsters, Ine. It was really
8 (Suggested Answers) funny.
The day before yesterday, I fell off my bike. A: Really? What's it about?
I moved to a new school in 2007. B' It's an animation about a monster who accidentally
I got out of bed two hours ago. lets a little girl into the monster world .
I mowed the lawn yesterday. A: Sounds interesting. Who does the voices?
Last weekend, I went to stay with my grandparen ts. B: John Goodma n does the voice of Sully and Billy
I went to bed at 11 :00 pm last night. Crystal does Mikey.
A: What were the specia l effects like?

( Workbook Key

B: They were amazing. The monsters looked real. 6 (Down) (Across)

A: It sounds great! 1 SURPRISED 1 SAD
2' 3 HAPPY
Na me: leonardo dol Vinci
Wh ere/Wh en born: Vinci, Italy, 1452
7 A 2 A 1 B 4 C 5 A
Early years: Worked for a local artist - clever and creative
Achievemen ts: Worked for Duke of Milan - painted 3 surprised 5 exciting
8 1 boring
Mona lisa
2 tiring 4 disappointed
l ater years: lived in France
Whe re/Whe n died: Cloux, France, 1519
9 (Suggested Answe rs)
2 When he was 14, soon, In 1482, During this time, in 1500, 1 I feel disappointed when my football team loses.
At the age of 65, three yea['5 later, in 1519, To this day 2 I feel surprised when there is a place to sit on the
3 (Suggested An swer) 3 I feel bored when I am waiting in a queue.
4 I fee l happy when I am with my friends.
As a child, she was very good at Mathematics and
Physics. In 1891, she went to study at Sorbonne
University in Paris. When she was 30, she discovered
polonium and radium. In 1903, she won the Nobel 1 was shining 5 were playing
Prize in Physics. 8 years later, she won the Nobel Prize 2 was having 6 were wearing
in Chemistry. She died in 1934 at the age of 66. 3 was watching 7 was eating
4 were wearing 8 was taking
4 (Suggested Answer)
Marie Curie was born in Warsaw 00 7th November, 1867. 2 2 Dad wasn't cleaning the kitchen. He was cleaning
As. a child, she was very good at Mathematics and Physics. the bathroom .
In 1891, she went to study at Sorbonne University in Paris. 3 Mum wasn't preparing the food. She was doing
In 1898, she discovered polonium and radium. In the shopping.
1903, she won the Nobel Prize in Physics. 4 John wasn't washing the windows. He was
In 1906, she became the first woman Professor at the organising the music.
Sorbonne. Then in 1911, she won the NobeJ Prize in 5 Grandma and Granddad weren't making masks.
Chemistry. She also promoted X-ray machines during They were making John's costume.
the First World War. She died in Savoy, France, in 1934
at the age of 66. 3 2 Were they eating the cake? No, they weren't.
I think Marie Curie was an amazing woman. She 3 Were they smiling? Yes, they were.
achieved a huge amount in her life. Years ahead of her 4 Was the girl sitting on a chair? Yes, she was.
time, Made Curie is a hero for both science and women. 5 Was she opening her presents? No, she wasn't.
6 Was her brother sitting next to her? Yes, he was.
4 (Sug g ested Answers)
1 h 1 e 5 a 7 c I I was starting a lesson at school.
2 d 4 f 6 b B 9 2 I was playing football in the park.
2 1 traditional costumes S live music 5 1 were having 7 was dancing
2 street parades 6 fantastic time
2 started 8 eating
3 gigantic feast 7 ancient temple 9 got
3 did you do
4 fireworks display 8 carnival masks 4 put 10 were Tom and Sue doing
5 went 11 were speaking
3 (P A R A D El F c y
6 did you arrive 12 were watching
ES T I V A l o E
(M A s RI Y P R s P 6 (S uggested Answers)
R A H T R W P X T R 1 I was cooking in the kitchen when I heard an explosion
E V [qMpE~A~P[I I ~ U E outside.
2 Andy was eating a sandwich while Paul was drinking a
!~ ~ ~ ~ ~l ~ ~
o ; E milkshake.
R F H I L DUD K N 3 At 4 pm yesterday, Kate was walking down the street
when it started to rain.
4 Sam and lane ran up the hill, then they went down the
SAiDANCElo T s other side.
5 Last Friday, Amanda was cycling to work when she got
4 1 costumes 3 feast 5 alive a flat tyre.
2 funny 4 icing
7 1 C 1 B 5 C 7 A 9 B 11 B
5 1 listened 3 prepared 6 celebrated 2 A 4 B 6 B 8 C 10 A 12 A
2 climbed, 4 comes 7 tried
pulled 5 took


( Workbook Key

,< 3 what happened in the end? 4

1 1 about where/when the story happened? 1
3 In 5 this 7 turns
2 and 4 come 6 Later
what the main event was?
what happened before the main event? ,

2 A how the writer felt about what happened? 4

2 A 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 A
4 1 , , a 3 b 4 d
3 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 E S 0

4 1 shop S One day last summer, my two best friends and I set
5 pirate ship
2 roller coaster out on a day trip to a theme park. We were all really
6 merry-go-round
3 boat ride excited as we sat on the bus. We wanted to try the
7 fairytale castle
park's amazing new roller coaster!
4 parade 8 cartoon character
Missing words: haunted house 6 (Suggested Answer)
5 1 exha usted When: Last Sunday
3 guests 5 rides Where: Park, lake
2 breath 4 speed 6 haunted
Who: Dad, little brother, me
How felt: happy, excited about boating
6 1 carn iva l 5 music and dancing
2 amazing 6 a lot of photographs Last Sunday, my dad and J took my little bro ther to a
3 came alive 7 a fireworks display park to go boating on a lake. I love boating, so I felt
4 colou rfu l costumes 8 excited excited and happy.

3d,e 7 (Suggested Answer)

1 place 4 prize Superdad
2 competitors, giant 5 decorations Last Sunday, my dad and J took my littfe brother to a
3 organise, race 6 wet park to go boating on a lake. I love boating, so I felt
excited and happy.
2 1 tAKE 3 BATHTUB 5 RIVER We got in the boat and started rowing. Then,
2 PUMPKIN 4 DRAGON something started hitting the bottom of the boat.
The boat was moving up and down and my brother
3 1 Have you been waiting long? 3 That's OK. fell out! My dad dived in and saved him.
2 I'm really sorry. 4 I'd better go. When we returned, the park keeper told us a local
story saying that a monster fish lives in the la ke! My
4 (Suggested Answer) dad and brother were wet, but we all felt relieved that
they were ok.
A: Hi Sieve, sorry I'm late. How long have you been
B: Not too long. Are you ready to play football?
A: Actually I can't. a) 1 clean 5 take out 9 mop
B: Oh no. Why not? 2 cook 6 do 10 make
A: I haven't finished my essay for school yet. Sorry. 3 dust 7 wash
B: That's OK. 4 hoover 8 lay
A: I'm free on Saturday though. Why don 't we play
foo tball then? b) (Suggested Answers)
B: OK sure. 2 I sometimes help to cook dinner.
A: Great. Well, I'd better go. Have a good day. 3 I mop the floor if my mum doesn't have time.
B: Thanks. You too! 4 I take it in turns with my sister to lay the table.
5 1 never dust the furniture.
1 A 4 B S C 3 o 6 E 1 F 2 2 1 , , e 3 a 4 5 d 6 b
1 protective clothing 3 household chores
2 (Suggested Answer) 2 out of the ordinary 4 annual competition
Last summer, my friends and I went on a day trip to a
theme park. Firs t, we went to try the new roller
coaster. It was very fast but great fun. Then, suddenly,
3 1 "ri

3 go
4 phone
S play
6 have
7 watch
8 meet
10 eat
11 go
at the very top, the roller coaster stopped. We waited 9 play
for hours. Next, fire fig hters came and rescued us with
ladd ers. We all felt very shocked and decided not to go
on any more scary rid es. After that, we enjoyed the
1 g
3 b
S a
6 h
7 d
8 f
re st of ou r day. A read a book 0 play video games
B send text messages E meet a friend after school
C talk on the phone F watch a match

Workbook Key

5 a) (Suggested Answers) 8 (Suggested Answers)

1 I like surfing the Internel. I have to do my homework.
2 I don't like going shopping. I must tidy my room before I play video games.
3 I don't mind listening to music. I don't have to lay the table.
4 I love meeting my friends. I mustn't go to bed late.
5 I hate sending text messages. I can listen to music while I do my homework.
6 I can't stand eating lunch at McDonald's. I can't play music too loudly.
I might take the dog for a walk.
b) (S uggested Answers)
1 I usually go shopping in the town centre on 4<
Saturdays. 1 1 don't 3 are 5 the 7 you
2 I always surf the Internet al the weekend. 2 they 4 ,nd 6 your/the
3 I never play video games during the week.
4 I sometimes play football in the park on Sundays. 2 1 T 3 F 5 T 7 F
5 I often meet my friends in the school holidays. 2 DS 4 DS 6 T B T
6 I usually go to the cinema in the evenings.
7 I always meet Graig twice a week. 3 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 B
8 I sometimes listen to music in the afternoons.
4 ,) 1 ice·skating 5 martial arts
6 (S uggested Answers) 2 tennis 6 sailing
2 Would you like to play basketball? 3 chess 7 baseball
I'd rather not./Sorry, but I can't. 4 gymnastics
3 Would you like to go to the cinema?
I'd love to. b) Morning Afternoon Evening
4b gymnastics badminton skateboarding
aerobics tennis ice-skating
1 have to 4 have to martial arts chess horse riding
2 have to 5 don't have to darts rollerblading
3 don't have to 6 don't have to golf sailing
2 1 must have 0 4 mustn't dive A
2 mustn't bring C
3 must shower B
5 mustn't run E
5 1 < 2 3 e 4 , 5 b 6 d

3 You can go to the party, but must come back by 6 1 brakes 4 knee pads 7 gloves
11 pm. 2 accident 5 chain
2 You don't have to take oul the rubbish every day. 3 helmet 6 lights
3 We mustn't bully people at school. Missing word: reflectors
4 I don't have to go to the study group.
S You must tidy your room every week. 7 1 wake up at about 9 am 5 hang out with
6 You mustn't chew gum in class. 2 the shopping my friends
7 Bill must phone his mum if he's late. 3 play tennis 6 do the washing-up
8 We mustn't be late for school. 4 at 1 pm

4 2 Could I use your phone? 4d, e

3 Kelly might go to the dance
1 1 solar panels, roof 4 heating, put on
4 Can I help you with the cooking?
2 tap, clean, teeth 5 rainwater
5 She might be late.
3 turn off 6 throw, away
6 You ought to exercise more.
7 You shou ld respect your teachers. It's polite.
2 1 donated 3 repair S protect
2 pollute 4 recycled
5 1 whose 4 who 7 whose 10 which
2 which 5 who 8 whose
3 1 What's the matter 3 What should I do
3 who 6 who 9 whose
2 When did you last have it 4 Why don't you
6 2 Yesterday, I visited a friend who lived next to me.
4 (Suggested Answer)
3 Emma watched a film which was about dinosaurs.
4 This is the boy whose brother is a singer. A: Hi, Steve. What's the matter?
S I'm going to the museum which is in the town B: I lost my bike helmet. I can't find it anywhere!
centre. A: Oh no. When did you last have it?
B: This morning. I left it on top of my locker.
7 1 C 3 C 5 C 7 C 9 C 11 A A: Maybe it fell off.
2 A 4 C 6 B B B lOB B: It didn't. What shou ld I do?
A: Why don't you go and try the school's Lost and

• Workbook Key
8: That's a good idea. Thanks. 3 1 ferry S helicopter 9
A: No problem. 2 snowmobite 6 lorry '"
10 hovercraft
3 bike 7 train
41 4 bus 8 scooter
1 She is writing to her friend Maria to tell her about her
4 1 C 3 C S A 7 A 9 B
student exchange programme in london.
2 A 4 B 6 B B C 10 C
2 She must/ has to ... She mustn' t ... S 1 get 3 takes S ride
get up early go somewhere 2 drive 4 catch 6 travel
go to English school alone/by herself
study hard in the morning eat in her room 6 1 sunny S sandy 9 rare
help lay the table for dinner 2 cheap 6 comfortable 10 slow
do the washing up 3 fast 7 expensive
be home by 10 pm 4 hot 8 safe

7 (Suggested Answer)
1 1 I thought I'd write to tell you all about it!
2 it was fantastic! Hi, Ricky. How are you? I'm at a beautiful beach in
Galicia. It's really hot and sunny. There are some
3 I really love it here.
amazing la rg e rocks on the beach here. Yesterday, I
4 it's awful!
explored the city of Vigo with my parents. Today,
we're just relaxing by the sea. What are you up to?
4 (Suggested Answer)
Dear Penny,
Hi! How's it going? I'm now in the USA for my exchange 5b
programme with Hadley School. I arrived here on
Saturday morning and I have already lots to tell you. Adjective Comparative Superlative
Every day, I have to get up at 7 am and go to my small smaller the smallest
American school. I have lessons between 9 am and 2
pm. Then there is a choice of two fun activities every much/ many more the most
afternoon. Yesterday, I went swimming. which was d,y drier the driest
great. The teachers are really nice here, but there are
some rules we have to follow. Of course we can't use expensive more expensive the most expensive
our mobile phones in class, and we aren't allowed to good better the best
go out at night alone. noisy noisier the noisiest
I'm staying with a lovely host family called the
Pilkingtons. I have to help with chores like laying the comfortable more comfortable the most comfortable
table and doing the washing up, but it's ok. After dinner, bad worse the worst
we usually relax in front of the TV or we play cards.
Tomorrow, instead of lessons, we have a day of big bigger the biggest
sightseeing, w hich I'm very excited about. As you can
see, I love it here. I really don't want to leave! 2 2 sunnier S smaller 8 longer
Hope to hear back from you soon, 3 more comfortable 6 faster
SUlanne 4 hotter 7 slower

5. 3 2 the highest 6 the driest

3 the best 7 the hottest
1 (Across) (Down)
4 the most expensive 8 the biggest
5 the most beautiful
4 1 bigger than 4 The oldest
6 FOREST 2 sunnier than 5 more expensive than
3 the largest
S 2 as interesting as S as cold as
2 a) 1 C 3 D 5 F 7 A
3 as hot as 6 as fast as
2 G 4 H 6 B 8 E 4 as tall as
b) (Suggested Answers)
6 (Suggested Answers)
1 Lanikai is a famous sandy beach in Hawaii.
Athens is much noisier than Cambridge.
2 The Tower of London is a popular tourist
Cambridge isn't as busy as Athens.
Lake Geneva is the most beautiful place of all.
3 A boat tour is a great way to explo re a new city.
Athens has the nicest food of all.
4 San Diego Zoo has a large collection of rare birds.
S You ca n swim in the hot springs at Pamukka le
7 1 too 3 too S enough
in Turkey.
2 really/very 4 enough 6 very

( Workbook key

8 I B 3 A 5 B 7 C 9 C Clerk: That's £25, please.

2 C 4 C 6 A B C 10 A Mike: Here you are. Which platform does the train
leave from?
9 (Suggested Answers) Clerk: Platform 2.
I can't buy that jacket because it's too expensive. Mike: Thank you.
The flu is worse than a cold. Clerk: You're welcome. Have a nice day!
The seats in economy are not as comfortable as in first
class. Sf
Avotar in much more exciting than Wolfman. 1 1 really 4 popular 7 interesting
The countryside in France is very beautiful. 2 most famous 5 more
Manchester United is the best football team in the world. 3 much 6 can
I think Rome is the most interesting city in Europe.
2 a) 1 and 2 but 3 because 4 and then

1 condition 4 volcano 7 mummy b) but 2 because 3 and then 4 and

2 freezer 5 archaeologist
3 temperature 6 melts 3 crowded 2 exciting 3 amaZing 4 friendly
Missing words: death valley
4 (Suggested Answer)
2 1 hot 2 d'Y 3 August 4 archaeologist Para 1: Lisbon and Porto
Para 2: very fun; comes alive at night; busier/ more
3 (Suggested Answer) tourists; by the sea/ beaches
Para 3: beautiful; inland; hot in summer; less busy/
No. I don't like it to be too hot. Apparently, Death Valley
more relaxed
is one of the hottest and driest places in the wortd.
Para 4: two of Portugal's most beautiful and interesting
4 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 B
5 (Suggested Answer)
5 1 f 3 05 5 f 7 f 9 T
2 f 4 T 6 f B T 10 OS Dear Jason,
Thanks for your email. It's great that you're coming to
6 1 Africa Portugal this summer! Let me tell you about two great
2 Four times bigger than Britain places to visit: Lisbon and Porta.
3 Underground Lisbon is the capital and the largest city in Portugal.
4 Because of the wind There's a lot to see and do especially during the
5 Because the sand might soon cover large areas of summer. It's a very busy city and it really comes alive
farm land day and night. There are beautiful parks and great
museums. A!. you're interested in old transport, you
7 I largest continent 5 a desert should visit the National Coach Museum which has
2 14 million 6 rain some of the best roya l coaches in the world. Another
3 ice 7 scientists place you'd like is the Lisbon Oceanarium wh ich is
4 coldest, driest and windiest 8 penguins and seals home to a large collection of marine species. Also, as
you'll be here in June, you can take part in the popular
Sd,e street celebrations in memory of Saint Anthony. Lisbon
is famous too, for its great pop-rock festivals. So,
0 2 C 3 E 4 A 5 B there'lt most probably be various music evenu for you
1 freshwater lake 4 famous sight to attend. As lor swimming, you can take the ferry to
2 clear water 5 natural wonders the Costa da Capanca beach which is about 20 km
3 electric power from the city. There are windsurfing and surfing
schools and a small train runs along the front.
2 I nature 4 clear, depth 7 exist Porto is located in northern Portugal and there's lot of
2 floods 5 producer historical buildings and architecture to see. The Oporto
3 covers 6 cross Cathedral is one of the oldest structures in the city and
The Palacio da Bolsa is another popular tourist attraction.
3 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b Porto has plenty of concert halls, theatres and art galleries
too, but you might like to wander around 'Lello', an old
4 1 Can I help you 4 Thank you beautiful bookshop. It is packed with old and nev-l books
2 Single or return 5 Have a nice day on shelves that reach the ceiling. Many people say it's the
3 Here you are most beautiful bookshop in the world because of its
impressive red staircase inside the shop. Finally, while in
5 Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you? Porta, you could try a delicious "Francesinha", a kind of
Mike: Yes, I'd like a ticket to Manchester, please. sandwich with different meats, cheese and a sauce.
Clerk: What time wou ld you like to leave? Well, , think you should visit these two cities because
Mike: I want to catch the next train at 14:30. they are really interesting and you'll have so much to
Clerk: Single or return? do. Let me know what you think of them!
Mike: Single, please. Bye,


;;§!I _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ( Workbook Key

~ 6. 6 They are visiting the Statue of liberty.

1 b 2 d 3 4 a 5 e 6 , 7 They are going on 11 cruise on the Hudson River.

5 1 will 5 asks 9 would

2 1 swim 1 take 5 stay 7 go 9 relax
2 rains 6 went 10 would buy
@I 2 eat 4 sit 6 send 8 visit 3 don' t leave 7 got
4 get 8 were
~ 3 1 accommodation 4 ceremony
2 attractions 5 precious
6 1 moves 5 won't get 9 say
@I 3 cosmopolitan 2 had 6 becomes , 0 would travel
3 will get 7 wou ld ask
4 1 miss 3 locals 5 famous
4 have 8 were
i:iI 2 sights 4 single
7 1 C 3 A 5 C 7 C 9 C " A
ii1iI 5 b 2 d 3 c 4 a 5 e
2 B 4 B 6 C 8 A 10 A 12 8
6 (Across) (Down)
8 • I think it will rain tomorrow.
• I think I won't ta ke the bus to school tomorrow.
• I think Chelsea will win their match tomorrow.
• I am going to go to the beach this summer.
• I am going to go on holiday this summer.
• I am going to go shopping this weekend.
• I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend.
M A R K E T 0 B
S R A T S G M l 6c
E l C P E A U A 1 1 A 3 B 5 A 7 B
A T K R Y l S E 2 C 4 C 6 B 8 A
E R Y A A l E E
P A l A C E U l 2 1 Ontario, Canada
2 A waterfall
M T 0 W E R M Y
3 Maid of the Mist
E A B B E Y 'r y
4 A haunted house ride
5 Over the falls
8 2 feed 5 visit 8 go 6 The Skylon Tower Revolving Dining Room
3 goon 6 try 9 walk through 7 Because there is something for everyone to see and do
4 stay 7 see 8 (5uggested Answer) Yes, because I love geography
and I have never been in a helicopter before.
9 (Suggested Answer)
York is a beautiful ancient city in the county of Yorkshire 3 1 landscape 6 ropes
in Northern England. It is famous for its Roman, Viking 2 bed and breakfast 7 raft
and Medieval history. There are lots of attractiom for 3 spectacu lar 8 stalagm ites
tourists to visit, including York Minster (a huge Gothic 4 cave 9 fantastic
cathedral) and the Jorvik Viking Centre. You can travel 5 underground
around the city on guided tours, river trips and open-top
bus tours. And don't forget to try traditional English tea, 4 1 range 3 footwear 5 equipment
cakes and sandwiches at Bettys Cafe Tea Rooms. York 2 activities 4 towel, wet
offers a wide range of accommodation. You can stay in
cheap or luxurious hotels, hostels, town houses or B&Bs. 5 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C

6b 6 1 spectacular landscape 5 are going sightseeing

2 interesting attractions 6 visit the National
1 is going to 4 will 7 will 3 caves Museum
2 will 5 are going to 8 am going to 4 waterfall 7 go shopping
3 will 6 Will

2 2 He is going to go swi mming. 6d, e

3 He is going to go hiking up a mountain. 1 1 mad 4 look for 7 put out
4 He isn't going to eat sushi. 2 find 5 asleep 8 soft
3 dark 6 creature 9 scared
3 2 She is/ She's going to tidy her room.
3 He is/ He's going to eat pasta. 2 1 look for 3 touch 5 explore 7 shouted
4 Oh no! The boat is/ boat's going to sink! 2 follow 4 shine 6 laughed 8 fell

4 2 They are travelling by plane. 3 1 What can I do for you

3 They are leaving on 22nd March. 2 I'd like some information, please
4 They are returning on 24th March. 3 Where is the museum exactly
S They are staying at a 3-star hotel. 4 How much does it cost to get in

Workbook Key

5 Enjoy your visit 1 ride 3 dive 5 climb 7 explore

2 feed 4 fly 6 try
4 (Suggest ed Answer)
A: Good morn ingl Brad ley Town Model Village. 2 (Ac ross) (Down)
How can I help you? 2 adventu rers 1 jungle hike
B: Hello! I'd li ke some information, please. 5 let off 3 destroy
A: Certainly! What would you like to know? 4 space
B: Could you tell me what your opening hours are?
A: We are open weekdays from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm, 3 1 brilliant 4 holiday 7 traditional
and at weekends from 10 to 6. 2 ancient 5 coral 8 rare
B: And how do I get there? 3 mysterious 6 colourful
A: Take the number 10 or 11 bus from the bus station.
B: Ok, that's great. How much does it cost to get in? 4 1 spectacular 3 ruins 5 curious
A: Tickets C05t £8 for adults and £5 for children. 2 chal lenging 4 experience
B: Ok. Thank you for your help.
A: You're welcome. Enjoy your visit. 5 1 interesting 3 scary 5 difficult
2 boring 4 exciting
6' 6 D A R S 0 F U X 0 E Z C
1 Beth/Arthur 2 Rome 3 Informal
2 A 2 B 4 C 1 D 3 y i D A N G E R 0 U S Z A
0 T 0 V Y S C Y 8 S Y l
3 1 0 - Greetings from Rome!
I N T E R E S T I N G l
2 C - I've got to go now.
3 0 - Greetings from Rome! I'm on a school trip here. T H R I l l I N G I R W E
4 C - I've go to go now. See you when I get back. X X W 8 M S C B X H T N

4 1 I've got to go now. 4 chilly

0 ,
2 I can't wait. 5 that's OK F U N l R R s 0 Z M N
3 Greetings from Rome!
M P T R P Y B 0 R I N G
5 (Suggested Answer) N I D I F F I C U l T P C
Para 1: How's it going? Athens. Hotel, city centre. Rainy.
Para 2: Walking tour, Acropolis, Ancient Marke t 7 1 b 3 h 5 e 7 9 9
Para 3: Temple of Olympian Zeus, New Acropolis Museum 2 a 4 6 d 8 c
Para 4: going swimming, indoor pool. Speak soon.
Hi Ran, 8 (Suggested Answers)
Hows it going? I'm on a school trip in Athens. We arrived 1 explore a rainforest
yesterday and we're staying in a lovely hotel in the city 2 try skydiving
centre. It's near all the tourist attractions. It was quite 3 I'd like to play rugby in an international match
warm yesterday, but unfortunately today it's raining. because 1think it would be exciting
We're all looking forward to visiting the city today. 4 I wouldn't like to climb Mount Everest because J
This morning, we're going on a walking tour. First, th ink it would be too dangerous.
we're going up the Acropolis and then we're going to 5 I would like to drive a racing car because I think it
walk down to the Ancient Market. would be thrilling.
Tomorrow morning, we're going to visit the Temple of 6 1wouldn't like to ride an elephant because I think it
Olympian Zeus, then in the afternoon we're going to would be boring.
visit the New Acropolis Museum. It's going to be great.
We're all going swimming in the hotel's indoor pool 9 (Suggested Answer)
now, so I'd better go. Speak soon. last week, I went on holiday to the Bahamas and
Peter swam w ith dolphins! It was amazing! First, we took a
,. beautiful yacht out to where the dolphins live. The
water was really warm and the dolphins were so
1 playful. Then we went scuba diving . We saw the coral
F N [ R I D E [ E F L G reef and hundreds of colourful fish. We were hungry
K G B Q H 5 X C A 0 afterwards, so we ate salad, bread and cheese on the
F E E D I A P I I boat. It was a wonderful experience.

X m D
N 7b

I A K D E R I R P 1 1 eaten 5 had 9 caught
M P 5 F B E I C E 2 driven 6 played 10 flown
B B P H W R v y W 3 seen 7 ridden 11 gone
4 sung 8 done 12 visited

5 H U Q v M L W I

Workbook Key

2 1 have been 4 has even done 7 has taken 7d, e

2 have done 5 haven't ridden 8 Have you had
1 1 sight 4 tunnels 7 shady
3 have gone
2 population 5 protect
3 1 never 3 alrea dy 5 since 7 foe 1 decreasing 6 fee d

2 just
4 yet
Has laura ever run
6 ever
4 A: Have you tried
2 a) 1 , 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 f 6 e
B: ran B: have gone b) 1 Package tours 4 busy roads
2 A: haven't eaten S A: has broken 2 shady places 5 wet season
B: had B: have gone 3 pink flam ingoes
3 A: has gone 6 A: Did you see
B: haven't had B: wasn't, has been 3 1 race 3 cross 5 protect 7 decrease
2 feed 4 put 6 increase
S 2 Did you walk to school this morning?
Yes, I did . / No, I didn't. I caught the bus. 4 1 e 2 d 1 b 4 a
3 Have your parents ever been to South America?
No, they haven't. / Yes, they have. They went to S ( Sug gested Answ er )
Brazil four yea rs ago.
A: Brian, what's your opinion about mounaineering in
4 Did your friend do something interesting last weekend?
No, he didn't / Yes, he did. He went sightseeing.
B: I think it's exciting. I'd love to try it!
6 1 doesn't he 6 don't they 11 do we A: Personally, I think it's a bit dangerous.
2 isn't she 7 haven't they 12 aren't they B: Well, you need som e experi ence, but instructors
3 are you 8 didn't it 13 aren't we show you the best routes to follow.
4 do you 9 isn't it 14 isn't it A: I see what you mean, but what about avalanches?
.s are we 10 does she 1 S is he B: Good point. That's why it's important to check
weather conditions before starting out.
7 1 C 3 8 5 8 7B 9C ne A: Yeah. I believe it's too risky to go out in bad weather.
2 8 4 B 6 8 8 A 10 A 12 A B: Absol utely!
8 (Suggested Answer)
Hi Tom, 71
How are you? I'm having a brilliant time skiing with 1 1 half of 4 Most 7 One person
my family in Chamonix, Switzerland. I have tried 2 20% S 2 people
snowboarding, but I didn't like it. We haven't explored 3 a few 6 the m ajority of
the town yet - we have been too busy on the slopesl
But we have eaten some delicious meals. 2 3 over 1 hour every day
Speak soon, 4 TV one to two hours every day
o avid S watch over 3 hours of TV every day
6 prefers listen ing to music in their free ti me
7, 7 like re ading books at home, doesn't like reading
1 2 2 books at home

2 F 2 F 3 OS 4 T 5 F 6 OS 3 ( Suggested Answer s)
3 ( Suggested Answer) Free time at the weekend
Story A: It's a kn ockout in M exico! (number of people surveyed: 10)
Story B: Insects find a tasty meal! 1 What is your play video games: ./././././ S people
favourite = 50%
4 2 e 3 b 4 d 5 , way to go shopping: .I , person 10%
spend your meet friends : ./.1 2 people 20%
S 1 fell asleep 3 slipped/fell down S tear free time at
2 got on 4 waving 6 forgot the go to the ci nema: ./ _ 1 person 10%
weekend? other: ./ _ 1 person = 10%
6 d 2 a 3 b 4 e 5 , 2 How many 1 or less: ././ 2 people 20%
hours of
1 black eye 4 burst out laughing video games 1 to 2: ./././.1 .= 4 people = 40%
2 spilt a drink 5 broke my nose do you play 2 to 3: .1.1./ = 3 people = 30%
3 saw the funny side at the
weekend? over 3: .I =, person = 10%
7 1 embarrassed 4 rush 7 spicy
3 Do you like
2 mirror 5 swollen 8 mistake Yes: / /.1 = 3 people = 30%
3 cheeks 6 sliding 9 naughty playing
sports at the
No: / ././ / ./.1./ = 7 people = 70%
8 1 a weekend for two 4 on the beach weekend?
2 climb to the top of 5 S-star hotel
3 for all ages 6 send a text message

( Workbook Key


2 sports shop 7 clothes shop
What my classm ates prefer 3 chemist's 8 bank
4 optician's 9 baker's/bakery
5 music shop 10 newsagent's
• video games
• shopping 2 (Across) (Down)
friends 2 BUTCHERS 6 CAFE
How ma ny hours of video games they play 5 famous
3 1 serves 3 quiet
2 trails 4 bridges

• 1 or less 4 1 family 4 natu re lover's 7 trendy

• 1 to 2 2 picturesque 5 hiking 8 loca l
2 to 3 3 north 6 energetic 9 cosy
over 3
51c 2e 3a 4 b 5 d
1 fashionab le boutiques 4 local markets
Like playing sport 5 tall buildings
2 narrow streets
3 ancient city walls

6 1 international 3 lifestyle 5 trendy

IiYITl 2 cosmopolitan 4 tree-lined
~ 7 (Suggest ed Answer)
Barcelona is a very popular city in my country because
I rea lly wanted to know what people do in their free it offers everything a tourist could want. There are
time, so I carried out a survey about what people do at many trendy boutiques and shops, cosy cafes and
the weekend. I asked ten people three questions. Here restaurants serving local and international dishes. For
are the results of my survey. those interested in culture, Barcelona has many
The favourite weekend activity of half of my classmates interesting museums, including the Picasso and the
is playing video games. 20% prefer meeting friends. A Joan Miro museums.
few people like to do other things. One person likes to
go to the cinema and one person likes to go shopping. 8b
Most people spend 1 to 2 hours playing video games
at the weekend. Only 2 people spend 1 hour or less countable: biscuit, apple, tomato, cherry, vegetables,
playing video games. The majority of people don't like 'gg
unco untable: pasta, meat, coffee, bread, jam, butter
playing sport. A few people do like playing sport,
though . 9 much
2 1 a little S little
2 some 6 a lot of 10 Not much
3 lots of 7 some
C 0 E R G C I 4 too many 8 too much
S 0
,, A S 0 H , , L
, A 0 T U N G I A 0 L
3 1 box
2 bag
3 jar
4 carton
5 can
6 bottle
7 packet

4 1 Everything 7 Everyone 1 3 some

S H 0 , E E
2 something
3 some/a
8 some
9 something
14 an
15 anything
• ,I
s E S
4 some/a
5 •
10 anything
11 •
12 something
16 some

, 0 S f E N V 0 H S
6 some


'''-E A N ,, L 0 T 5 1 was 3 are 5 was

0 F T U I I , S
2 are 4 is 6 were


• 0 0 , S H 0 P X M 6 1 The block of flats were built by the men .

2 This song is sung by Beyonce.
3 Eating is not allowed in here.
4 These parcels were del ivered by couriers.
5 The decision was made by our manager.

( Workbook Key

6 Several languages are spoken (by people) in 3 Could you tell me how
Switzerland. 4 Turn left at the traffic lights
7 We were invited to the party by loe.
8 The invitations were sent by Jennifer. 4 1 Excuse me! 3 Is it on the right?
9 BMW cars are made in Germany. 2 What street was that? 4 You're welcorne.
10 Rice is produced in China.
11 Paper is recycled here by us. 5 (Suggested Answer)
12 The door was repaired by him. A: Excuse me! How do 1 get to the train station?
B: Go down this street and turn right onto Cowper
7 1 B l B 5 B 7 B 9 C 11 C Street.
2 C 4 A 6 C 8 A 10 B 12 C A: I'm sorry, what street was that?
B: Cowper. Go past the post office and turn right. The
8 (Suggested Answers) station is on your left.
1 My sister doesn't drink much tea. A: On the left, did you say?
2 My brother eats few vegetables. B: Yes, that's right.
3 My mum eats lots of salads. A: OK. Thank you very much.
4 My dad puts a little sugar in his coffee . B: You're welcome.
5 I usually eat some chocolate after dinner.
a< C 2 A l B
1 T l DS 5 F 7 OS 9 F
2 F 4 T 6 T 8 T 10 OS 2 .) 2 large 5 beautiful 8 cool
l modern 6 tree-lined 9 friendly
2 Kirkgate Market is on Vicar Avenue in the centre of 4 great 7 lively
Leeds, England.
2 It has 800 stalls. b) (Suggested Answers)
3 You can buy everything from food to household John's ideal bedrooom has a great view of the garden.
ob jects there. John's ideal place has a beautiful garden.
4 When it first opened, it was an open-air market but John's ideal neighbourhood has tree-lined streets.
now it has both an indoor and an outdoor The locals in John's ideal neighbourhood are friend ly.
shopping area.
5 The popular department store Marks and Spencer 3 a) (Suggested Answers)
opened a penny bazaar in the outdoor market in
1884 and it is stili there. Busy city, Top floor of a
6 Someone might visit this market to find a wide Location and House modern block of flats, great
variety of products and great bargains. view of city, huge bedroom
7 (Suggested Answer) I'd love to visit this market lively cafes, friendl y peop le,
because I'm sure I'd find many interesting and Neighbourhood and
leisure centre trendy shops.
useful things at good prices. people
local parks
3 1 elevator 3 steel 5 mast Why I like this place llively, fun , exciting
2 skyline 4 space 6 beams
b) (Suggested Answers)
4 a) 1 limit 3 world 5 nothing
1 in a busy city.
2 heights 4 knows
2 is a top floor apartment in a modern block of
b) 1 scared of heights 4 Who knows what's next
3 is huge with a great view of the city.
2 are nothing new 5 all over t he world
4 lots of trendy shops and lively cafes, as well as a
3 The sky is the limit
leisure centre and a supermarket.
5 a park close by so I can go for my morning run.
5 B 2 A l D 4 H 5 C
6 are friendly and helpful.
7 it has everything I need.
6 1 skyscraper 4 spectacular view
2 tallest buildings 5 shopping mall 4 My ideal place to live is in the middle of a busy city. My
3 17th floor 6 200 shops
home is the top floor apartment in a modern block of
flats. In the living room there are all the latest gadgets.
Sd, e
My bedroom is huge and there is a great view of the
1 1 courtyard 3 Colourful 5 delic ious city from the balcony. My neighbourhood has got
2 fountain 4 selection 6 spices plenty of trendy shops to buy clothes and lively cafes to
have a drink. There is a supermarket for shopping and a
2 1 area 3 transport 5 gases 7 clean leisure centre where I can go swimm ing. There is also a
2 wonder 4 bin 6 recycle park where I can go for a run each morning. The locals
are friendly and don't mind helping each other out.
3 1 on your left This is my ideal place to live because it's exciting and
2 and the department store there is everything you need.

{ Workbook Grammar Bank Key

Grammar Bank 1 Grammar Bank 2

1 2 Is she, she isn't, She's 1 1 danced S found 9 laughed
3 Is it, it isn't, It's 2 went 6 said 10 saw
4 Is he, he isn't, He's 3 prepared 7 took
5 Are they, they aren't, They're 4 climbed 8 sat

2 2 Have Adam and Mary got a car? Yes, they have. 2 3 Sue didn't paint the kitchen. Mike painled the
3 Have you and Sam got a basketball? No, we haven't. kitchen.
4 Has Alex gOl a TV? Yes, he has. 4 Sue and Mike tidied their flat.
5 Sue visited her family. Mike didn't visit his family.
3 ., jackets, doors, days
3 2 Did William Wallace live in America? No, he didn't.
·e' chu rches, brushes, boxes He lived in Scotland.
-ies butterflies, ladies, strawberries 3 Did Marie Curie discover uranium? No, she didn 't,
She discovered radium .
-ves knives, thieves, scarves 4 Did Queen Victoria marry Abraham Uncoln? No,
Irregular teeth, mice, feet she didn't. She married Prince Albert.

4 2 What did you watch on TV yesterday?

4 2 These, those 3 This, these 4 This, that (Suggested answer) I watched a science-fiction film.
S , There isn't 4 There aren't 7 There isn't
3 What time did you go to bed last Saturday?
(Suggested answer) I went to bed at 10:30 pm.
2 There are S There is 8 There aren't 4 What did you eat for lunch yesterday?
3 There is 6 There are (Suggested answer) I ate fish and chips for lunch.
6 , he" 3 our S ;t 7 Their
S 1 Did you buy, didn't have 3 read, wrote
2 him 4 yours 6 my 8 us 4 moved, helped
2 didn't come, Did he tell
7 2 Can lames and Ully dance? Yes, they can . 6 1 across 3 along 5 down
3 Can Chris play tennis? Yes, he can. 2 under 4 inlo 6 up
4 Can you and your brother cook? No, we can't.
S Can spiders swim? No, they can't. 7 (Suggested Answers)
6 Can Susan run fast? No, she can't.
1 I used to ride a bike
8 2 lau ra's 4 girls' 6 loe's 2 I didn't use to have long hair.
3 children's S teachers' 3 I didn't use to swim.
4 I didn't use to go to the cinema.
4 What 5 I used to have a dog.
9 2 How old
3 Where S How 6 I used to play tennis.
7 I didn't use to make my breakfast.
'0 2 live 6 doesn't 9 don't go
1 ;, work '0 have Grammar Bank 3
4 wakes up
S goes
7 studies
8 wants " 1 was playing 4 was organising

, isn't raining 3 isn't wearing S is enjoying

2 were talking
3 was eating
S were dancing

" 2 is sitting 4 is typing

12, am reading 3 is wearing S loves

2 2 Georgina wasn't playing football at 10:15. She was
having basketball practice.
3 Georgina wasn't hanging out with her friends at
2 wants 4 play 6 is sleeping

13, Nora is a good student. She always does her

15:00. She was eating lunch at her grandma's.
4 Georgina wasn't watching a DVD at 18: 15. She
was finishing her History project.
2 I usually wear shorts and T-shirts in the summer. 5 Geofgina and her sister weren't playing a table
game at 19:20. Georgina was tidying her room.
3 Sheila is a vegetarian. She never eats meat.
4 They are good friends. They are often together.
3 1 (suggested answer) listening to music.
S I sometimes watch TV in the evenings.

14 , hanging out 1 working S tidying

2 Were, (suggested answer) Yes, I was.
3 Was, (suggested answer) No, he w asn't. He was
playing a video game.
2 to eat 4 swimming
4 Were, (suggested answer) No, they weren't. They
were doing the shopping at the market.

Workbook Grammar Bank Key

4 1 were you doing 6 joined Grammar Bank 6

2 was shining, were walking 7 was driving,
1 will help 3 Will ... answer
3 was making, was preparing broke down
2 won't call 4 won't miss
4 was talking, walked 8 Did you see
5 didn't hear, were making
2 1 is going to make 4 are going to spend
2 is going to travel 5 Are you going to take
5 1 had 5 was playing 9 ""w 3 are not going to visit
2 watched 6 was dancing 10 stayed
3 enjoyed 7 was wearing 11 were
4 were marching 8 went 3 c 2 A l B 4 B 5 A

4 1 He's going to have a cup of coffee.

Grammar Bank 4 2 He's going to take an umbrella
3 They're going to go swimming
1 1 don't have to 5 don't have to
4 They're going to buy a car.
2 have to 6 has to
3 doesn't have to 7 has to
S 2 They are not visiting their friends.
4 have to 8 doesn't have to
3 They're having a party.
4 They aren't going to a restaurant.
2 1 You must bring trainers with you.
S They're cooking a big meal.
2 You mustn't leave the camp without a group leader.
3 You mustn't swim alone in the lake. 6 They aren't driving to the countryside.
4 You must be in bed by midnight.
6 1 will drive/'II drive 4 won't like
5 You mustn't make phone calls after 10 pm.
6 You must wake up at 8 pm.
2 are going to see 5 are you going to wear
3 will go/'II go 6 won't mind
3 1 don't have to 5 mustn't
6 don't have to 7 2 If the temperature of water reaches 100' , it boils.
2 mustn't
3 If there is no air, wood does not burn .
3 don't have to 7 mustn't
4 If cars don't have petrol, they don't run.
4 doesn't have to 8 doesn't have to
5 If it doesn't rain, grass doesn't grow.
6 If you add sugar to tea, it tastes sweet.
4 1 should 4 can 7 can't
2 Can 5 may 8 (ould
8 1 is, will go 4 will stay, goes
3 might 6 shouldn't
2 Will they come, invite 5 doesn't leave, will miss
5 1 which 3 which 5 who
3 don't return, will pay 6 will take, are
2 who 4 whose
9 (Suggested Answers)
6 1 Jim is my neighbour whose dog barks all the time. 2 II I met someone famous, I would take a picture
2 Football is a fun sport which is very popu lar. with them.
3 A lot of people who live in my street recycle. 3 If I travelled abroad, I would buy lots of souvenirs.
4 Mrs Caruthers is a witness who spoke to the police. 4 If I had more free time, I wou ld take up a sport.
S If I decided to move house, I would choose to live
in the countryside.
Grammar Bank 5 6 If I got a pet, it would be a cat.
1 the best 5 the busiest 7 If I went to Paris, I would send postcards to my
2 bigger 6 the most popular friends and family.
3 more comfortable than 7 The worst
4 more expensive 8 thin as 10 1 don't sleep, feel 6 had, would take
2 offered, would you accept 7 don't book,
2 2 Travelling by car is the least comfortable. Travelling 3 had, would find won't find
by bus is more comfortable than travelling by car. 4 buy, save 8 was, would pay
Travelling by train is the most comfortable of all. 5 go, will need
3 Travelling by bus is the least convenient. Travelling
by train isn't as convenient as travelling by car. 11 1 burn 4 won't get 7 will you
Travelling by car is the most convenient of all. 2 will leave 5 would travel help
3 would visit 6 would take
3 2 heavier than, A 5 smallest, (
3 hottest, B 6 the most crowded, A 12 2 late 4 well 6 loudly
4 longer than, C 3 carefully 5 politely 7 easily

4 1 really 4 nor 7 and

2 either 5 too far
3 enough 6 very

Workbook Grammar Bank Key

Grammar Bank 7 5 every 2 some 3 a 4 an 5 any

1 1 eathy has done a bungee jump three times. 6 1 everything, something
2 Harry has broken his leg and can't walk. 2 everyone/ everybody, something
3 Have lina and Ben ever visi ted Rome? 3 any. some
4 We have had football practice twice this week. 4 Someone/ Somebody, anything
5 John has seen Avatar five times. 5 Every, any
6 I haven't eaten anything all day.
7 Has Kate seen the leaning Tower of Pisa? 7 2 The film E.T. was not directed by James Cameran.
B They have booked a room at a luxurious hotel. 3 The local festival is held every May.
4 Sally was not invited to the wedding last Saturday.
2 1 haven't written 5 haven't seen S Fruit and vegetables are sold at the market every
2 haven't been 6 Have you heard
3 have just bought 7 haven't spoken 6 Her book was published in 2005.
4 have decided 8 Has she found 7 The Pelronas Twin Towers were built in 1998.
8 A dance competition is organ ised by my school
3 1 never 3 since 5 ever 7 for
every spring. .
2 just 4 yet 6 already 9 Delicious bread is served at the baker's every morning.
, 0 The first pyramids were not built in Mexico.
4 1 has just gone, went " Elevators are used to go up or down a building.
2 Have you seen, ran
3 Did you enjoy, have loved 8 2 The Twilight books were w ritten by Stephanie
4 Have you read, read Meyer.
5 Have you ever travelled, went 3 The Prado Museum is visited by hundreds of
people daily. .
5 1 didn't she 4 aren't I 7 didn't you 4 The Mono Usa was painted by Leonardo da Vinc!.
2 have they 5 won't he 8 doesn't he 5 The electric light bulb was invented by Thomas
3 will you 6 was it Edison.

Grammar Bank 8 9 2 is played 5 is chased 8 was named

3 was chosen 6 was modelled 9 was accepted
11 an,e 5 some, U 9 some, U 4 is recognised 7 was designed
2 an, e 6 a, e 10 some, C
3 an, e 7 some, U 11 some, U
'0 2 was it designed by
4 a, C 8 a, C 12 a, C 3 was it completed
4 is it made of
2 1 8 3 B 5 C 7 C 5 was it built
2 C 4 A 6 A 6 people is it visited by daily
3 1 much 3 little 5 many '1 2 International dishes aren·t served at this restaurant.
2 much 4 many/a lot of 6 few 3 The old post office wasn't destroyed in the
4 1 jar 3 box 5 can 4 Newspapers are bought at a newsagent's. .
2 carton 4 bag 6 packet 5 The Glastonbury festival is organised by the Eavls

( Workbook Vocabulary Bank Key

Vocabulary Bank 1 5 (Suggested Answers)

Jobs 1 I'm at the dentist's.
1 1 florist 8 astronaut 15 2 I go to the beach.
2 firefighter 9 surgeon 16 3 there's nothing good on TV.
3 chef 10 porter 17 4 someone I know is ill.
bank clerk
4 fishmonger 11 baker 18 secretary 5 my parents got me a computer for my birthday.
5 pilot 12 artist 19 hairdresser
6 cameraman Theme parks
13 music teacher 20 cashier
7 taxi driver 14 ,.t 1 1 merry·go-round 6 boat ride
2 roHer coaster 7 shop
music teacher, surgeon, vet, dentist, chef, pilot,
astronaut 3 pirate shi p 8 parade
4 fairytale castle 9 haunted house
Vocabulary Bank 2 5 cartoon character

Historical figures 2 1 merry·go-round 5 parade

1 1 warrior 4 president 7 pilot 2 boat ride 6 pirate ships
2 queen 5 inventor 8 king 3 haunted hou se 7 fairytale castle
3 scientist 6 emperor 9 painter 4 cartoon character

Vocabulary Bank 3 3 (Suggested Answers)

Celebrations 6r festivals 1 boat rides and the merry-go-round
2 roller coasters
1 a) 1 birthday party 6 fete
2 wedding 7 street parade Vocabulary Bank 4
3 fancy dress party 8 art exhibition
4 festival 9 carnival Household chores
5 New Year's Eve party 1 do the laundry 9 wash the car
2 do the shopping 10 cook dinner
b) 1 eat a traditional meal 3 lay the table 11 dust the furniture
2 watch a fireworks display 4 hoover the carpet 12 do the washing-up
3 paint their faces 5 make the bed t3 iron the clothes
4 wear traditional costumes 6 clean the windows t4 walk the dog
5 watch a street parade 7 mop the floor 15 take out the rubbish
6 dance to music 8 tidy the room
7 listen to a band
8 wea r masks 2 a) 1 h 4 i 7 , 109
9 open presents 2 a 5 b 8 d
3 j 6 • 9 f
1 1 surprised 4 thrilled 7 sad b) I tidy 4 mop 7 dusts 10 makes
2 bored 5 disappointed 8 nervous 2 does 5 takes out 8 Does ... wash
3 tired 6 happy 3 cooks 6 lay 9 iron

2 1 thrilled 3 sad 5 happy 3 a) 1 ma kes ... beds 5 hoovers the carpet

2 ti red 4 disappointed 6 bored 2 dusts the furniture 6 takes out the rubbish
3 does the laundry 7 cooks dinner
3 1 P 3 N 5 P 7 N 4 mops the floor 8 does the w ashing up
2 N 4 P 6 N
a disappointed b happy , bored
b) (Suggested Answers)
... makes the beds and hoovers the carpet. Then,
she does the laundry and cleans the windows. After
4 T N E Y I S R that, she walks the dog and mops the floors. In the
evening, Mum always cooks dinner and lays the
H E T R( 5 A D) table.
R R 0 l U R A
I V D 8 R R I
4 8 2 A l C 4 B 5 C 6 C

l 0 D B I U R 5 (Suggested Answers)
l U( H A P P y) 2 My mum always mops the floors.
3 My dad usually dusts the furniture.
E S ( 8 0 R E D) 4 My sister often makes the beds.
D (T I R E D) H 5 My grandmother never irons the clothes.
6 My grandfather sometimes takes out the rubbish.


( workbook Vocabulary Bank Key

6 (Suggested Answers) 2 2 It's cold in Paris.

, I like doing the washing-up, washing the car and 3 It's sunny in Madrid.
dusting the furniture. 4 It's snowing in Stockholm
2 I make my bed in the morning. 5 It's windy in Berlin.
3 I tidy my room every weekend.
4 My mum irons my clothes. Means of transport
1 1 underground train 13 coach
Free-time activities 2 train I. boat
1 1 go to the cinema 3 tram 15 scooter
2 eat out
3 watch a football match
• motorbike
5 plane
sh ip
4 go shopping 6 helicopter 18 monorail
5 send text messages 7 hovercraft 19 car
6 read magazines 8 lorry 20 tractor
7 attend a concert 9 cruise liner 21 "n
8 surf the Internet 10 bus 22 ambulance
9 phone a friend 11 bike 23 submarine
10 play basketball 12 spacecraft 2. rickshaw
" watch TV
12 play computer games Geographical features
13 go to a party 1 1 coast 5 island 9 ocean
14 listen to music 2 forest 6 desert 10 lake
15 meet friends 3 volcano 7 valley 11 mountain
16 go swimming
• beach 8 waterfall 12 river

2 1 go
2 listen
5 phones
6 surfing,
9 go
,,' 2 1 river
2 Forest
9 ocean
10 island
3 send meeting 10 plays, 3 volcano 7 lake
• playing 7 attend watches
• mountain 8 coast

Sports Vocabulary Bank 6

1 1 ice hockey 10 golf Types of hOlidays
2 horse riding 11 windsurfing
3 roJlerblading 12 ice-skating
1 1 beach holiday 4 cruise

2 walking holiday
3 safari
5 skiing holiday
6 sightseeing holiday
6 sailing 15 athletics
7 martial arts 16 football Holiday activities
8 cycling 17 aerobics 1 1 send postcards 9 go sightseeing
9 skateboarding 18 badminton 2 stay in a tent , 0 take photographs
3 eat local dishes 11 go for a walk
2 4 go on a boat trip '2 buy souvenirs
5 swim in the sea 13 relax
martial arts
horse riding
6 play in the snow
7 visit museums
',45 go skiing
stay in hotel
athletics tennis water-skiing 8 go to the beach
kickboxing badminton ice-skating
ice hockey cycling Vocabulary Bank 7
golf skateboarding
sailing 1 a) 1 eat sth spicy
2 ride a bull
3 do a bungee jump
4 swim with dolphins
3 1 do 3 goes 5 go 5 fly in a hot-air balloon
2 goes 4 playing 6 does 6 run in a marathon
7 run with the bulls
Vocabulary Bank 5 8 watch an international match
Types of weather
9 ride a camel
10 ride an elephant
1 1 snowing 5 raining 9 freezing 11 go scuba diving
2 hot 6 cold 10 wet 12 go on a safari
3 foggy 7 sunny 1 3 eat snails
4 windy 8 icy 14 volunteer overseas

Workbook Voca bulary Bank Key

b (Suggested Answe rs)

I have ridden a camel and I have gone scuba diving. r
have also eaten something spicy and I have watched
an international match.

Vocabulary Bank 8
Places around us
1 cathedral 13 restaurant
2 fountain 14 cinema
3 playground 15 cafe
4 stadium 16 zoo
5 town hall 17 pedestrian zone
6 swimm ing pool lB acquarium
7 library 19 petrol station
B square 20 police station
9 school 21 street
10 tower 22 temple
11 factory 23 mosque
12 hospital
1 1 post office 14 accessory shop
2 optician's 15 mobile phone shop
3 butcher's 16 chemist's
4 newsagent's 17 bike shop
5 clothes shop lB toy shop
6 florist's 19 electrical shop
7 bookshop 20 supermarket
B sports shop 21 pet shop
9 music shop 22 ironmonger's
10 baker's 23 jeweller's
11 fishmonger's 24 shoe shop
12 delicatessen 25 greengrocer's
13 photography shop


(I rregular Verbs'

Past Participle Infinitive

leave il lvf
lend /lendl
let l1ell
light l1altr
lose l1uzl

make /merk!
mea n Imml
meet Im[1i

pay Ipev
put Ipotl

rea d Indl
ride fraldl
ring Infj l
rhe !raJzi
run !rAnI

say !set!
see !sr.!
send !send!
set 15ftl
shake IJa k!
shine IJaml
shoot !jutl
show 1/001
shut IIAt!
sing !slT]1
sleep /sllp!
smell !smell

speak !sptk/
spell Ispell

spend Ispendl
stand Islre nd!
steal Ist[l/
stick /sllkl
sting Istlfj/
swear Iswoo rl
swee p Isw[pl
swim Iswlml

ta ke !telk!
teach /1.ijl
te ar !Ioor!
telllle ll
th ink 181fjki
throw 18rool


wake !wetki
wear !woor!
w in !win!
write !raltr

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