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Buckling Check

( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID MSC check Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 9.5 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2210 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 150 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 10 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 90 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 10 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 105 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 25 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 38 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.083 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 25 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.058 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
169 63 120 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
182 74 123
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.671 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.361 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.744 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.33 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
235 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 618 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 1.08 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
225 214 Results Not Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.03 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 20.652 IxL 5.369E+06
eyLo 99.348 IyL 1.588E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 38.400 mm4
Section modu Sme = 206408.558 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 471.49 697.73
Eccentricity mm 35.98 411.50
Net sectional mm2 2400.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 5.80E+06 1.12E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 2.26E+07 3.21E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3898115
KLT 6.2092184
q 0.6913108 Lateral load parameter
Rt 0.9139101 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 199.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 63.00 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 281.47 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.16
h 0.42
C 0.77
bwL 471.49 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 697.73 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 13.434426 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 17.970588 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 8.426E+09
DT 3.303E+11
FL 9.9187317
FT 0.1008193
h 0.2995818
kL 4
kT 98.990566
fEL 31424.29 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 36999.575 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 2400 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 8195 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 6879.14 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 57.31 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0828365 Amplification factor
M 15455124 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 75 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 1373 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.623
Co 96982
Iyf 1746562.5 mm4
Io 30821918 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 1.84E+10 Warping constant
K 80000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 689 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Tr bhd fr.33 - PS Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 6.35 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1200 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type FB A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 100 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 6.3 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 4 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 55 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 30 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 55 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 3.323 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
89 38 105 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
135 82 115
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.108 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.808 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.809 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.09 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 136 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.06 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
220 136 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.15 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 0.000 IxL 5.250E+05
eyLo 50.000 IyL 0.000E+00
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 10.928 mm4
Section modu Sme = 20948.549 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 351.26 419.23
Eccentricity mm 11.01 487.84
Net sectional mm2 630.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 2.70E+05 6.34E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 1.75E+06 2.41E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.9002931
KLT 7.0109722
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 89.11 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 38.49 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 141.99 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 3.24
h 0.00
C 0.58
bwL 351.26 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 419.23 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 7.3827869 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 21.95 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 653747978
DT 4.574E+11
FL 20.386782
FT 0.0490514
h 0.2012717
kL 4
kT 416.02581
fEL 18743.095 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 41728.042 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 630 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 4503.5 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 2860.49 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 24.76 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0046262 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 869 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 0 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 1.967
Co 28963
Iyf 0 mm4
Io 2100000 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.95E+06 Warping constant
K 8334.90 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 124 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Tr bhd fr.33 - PS Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 7.9 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1200 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 10 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 10 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 6 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 20 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 92 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 20 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.169 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
138 60 116 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
160 96 122
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.887 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.953 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.953 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.01 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
235 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 814 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.04 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 219 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.02 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 20.517 IxL 1.227E+07
eyLo 129.483 IyL 2.054E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 60.518 mm4
Section modu Sme = 313346.998 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 414.90 489.51
Eccentricity mm 63.72 461.81
Net sectional mm2 3000.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.33E+07 8.25E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 4.12E+07 2.68E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.9002931
KLT 7.0109722
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 137.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 59.57 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 219.78 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.60
h 0.20
C 0.68
bwL 414.90 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 489.51 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 12.818033 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 23.5 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.536E+10
DT 5.089E+11
FL 9.5105866
FT 0.105146
h 0.3150943
kL 4
kT 91.092501
fEL 55185.817 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 43625.883 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3000 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 7819 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 6277.67 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 80.99 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0006458 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 9297 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 1.967
Co 55770
Iyf 2500000 mm4
Io 64855671 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 5.02E+10 Warping constant
K 100000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 192 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Tr bhd fr.1 - 36' off cl Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 11.1 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 3960 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 10 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 10 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 2 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 8 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 124 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 8 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.586 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
186 78 124 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
200 78 125
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 1.533 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 1.549 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 1.548 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
235 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 1682 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.01 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
217 227 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 20.517 IxL 1.227E+07
eyLo 129.483 IyL 2.054E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 50.971 mm4
Section modu Sme = 322777.135 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 518.84 1055.40
Eccentricity mm 45.67 342.73
Net sectional mm2 3000.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.20E+07 1.38E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 4.84E+07 3.93E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.2576239
KLT 5.9784052
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 272.30 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 77.83 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 369.98 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.85
h 0.57
C 0.85
bwL 518.84 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 1055.40 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 16.018033 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 15.827273 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.805E+10
DT 2.255E+11
FL 7.4529572
FT 0.1341749
h 0.2949003
kL 4
kT 56.154375
fEL 31874.722 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 28821.31 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3000 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9771 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 8759.12 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 74.33 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0027888 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 719 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 6.492
Co 154699
Iyf 2500000 mm4
Io 64855671 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 5.02E+10 Warping constant
K 100000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 2733 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Tr bhd fr.22 - PS Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 9.5 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1200 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 10 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 10 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 6 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 21 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 81 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 21 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.786 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
169 86 122 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 126
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.643 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.654 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.654 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.01 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
235 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 805 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.03 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
233 219 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.02 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 20.517 IxL 1.227E+07
eyLo 129.483 IyL 2.054E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 55.169 mm4
Section modu Sme = 318437.648 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 1200.00
Eccentricity mm 45.48 346.31
Net sectional mm2 3000.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.20E+07 1.37E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 4.85E+07 3.89E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.9002931
KLT 7.0109722
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 199.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 86.14 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 317.81 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.16
h 0.42
C 0.77
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 1200.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 14.418033 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 25.1 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.808E+10
DT 7.372E+11
FL 10.017319
FT 0.0998271
h 0.2948435
kL 4
kT 100.94634
fEL 64071.298 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 59110.82 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3000 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 8795 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 8795.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 74.24 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0007687 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 7812 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 1.967
Co 96982
Iyf 2500000 mm4
Io 64855671 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 5.02E+10 Warping constant
K 100000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 278 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Tr bhd fr.18 - 36' off cl Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 9.5 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1500 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 10 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 10 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 7 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 21 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 91 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 21 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.014 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
169 74 121 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
182 94 125
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.830 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.906 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.903 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.01 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
235 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 609 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.05 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
233 213 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.02 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 20.517 IxL 1.227E+07
eyLo 129.483 IyL 2.054E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 55.169 mm4
Section modu Sme = 318437.648 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 471.49 597.34
Eccentricity mm 53.48 427.59
Net sectional mm2 3000.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.28E+07 1.04E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 4.53E+07 3.04E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.6297264
KLT 6.6016622
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 199.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 73.88 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 299.26 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.16
h 0.42
C 0.77
bwL 471.49 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 597.34 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 14.418033 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 21.98 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.688E+10
DT 4.612E+11
FL 9.0623909
FT 0.1103462
h 0.3107085
kL 4
kT 82.760522
fEL 48975.609 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 42302.107 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3000 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 8795 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 7479.14 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 77.80 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0012765 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 5491 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 2.459
Co 96982
Iyf 2500000 mm4
Io 64855671 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 5.02E+10 Warping constant
K 100000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 372 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Tr bhd fr.18 - PS Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 11.1 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1200 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 10 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 10 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 20 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 33 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 87 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 33 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.892 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
186 118 125 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 129
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.723 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.743 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.744 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.04 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
235 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 818 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.11 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
233 219 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.05 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 20.517 IxL 1.227E+07
eyLo 129.483 IyL 2.054E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 50.971 mm4
Section modu Sme = 322777.135 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 1200.00
Eccentricity mm 40.94 325.56
Net sectional mm2 3000.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.13E+07 1.41E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.03E+07 4.11E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.9002931
KLT 7.0109722
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 272.30 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 117.60 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 433.88 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.85
h 0.57
C 0.85
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 1200.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 16.018033 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 26.7 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.875E+10
DT 7.783E+11
FL 10.060904
FT 0.0993946
h 0.2785457
kL 4
kT 101.78875
fEL 60355.105 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 58639.78 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3000 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9771 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9771.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 71.74 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0027491 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 7295 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 1.967
Co 154699
Iyf 2500000 mm4
Io 64855671 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 5.02E+10 Warping constant
K 100000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 379 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Longl bhd at CL - middle Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 6.35 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 100 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 7 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 7 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 4 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 2 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 76 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 2 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.901 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
89 28 101 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 108
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.773 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.773 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.773 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
235 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 302 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.03 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
210 191 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.679 IxL 1.196E+06
eyLo 68.821 IyL 6.564E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 22.595 mm4
Section modu Sme = 75906.736 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2135.00
Eccentricity mm 17.16 323.17
Net sectional mm2 1225.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.14E+06 1.42E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 6.08E+06 4.13E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 89.11 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 28.43 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 126.24 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 3.24
h 0.00
C 0.58
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2135.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 8.3581967 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 15.11815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.268E+09
DT 4.401E+11
FL 14.794808
FT 0.0675913
h 0.253581
kL 4
kT 219.39808
fEL 30246.959 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 58372.608 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1225 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 5098.5 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 5098.50 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 34.54 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0075459 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 534 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.500
Co 28963
Iyf 667968.75 mm4
Io 7709871 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 2.90E+09 Warping constant
K 20008.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 290 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Longl bhd 59' - aft column Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 10 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 100 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 7 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 7 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 13 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 104 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 24 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 104 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 3.434 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
218 71 173 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
247 103 180
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.036 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 1.784 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 1.767 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.15 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
353 354 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 687 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.11 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
209 216 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.54 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.679 IxL 1.196E+06
eyLo 68.821 IyL 6.564E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 18.367 mm4
Section modu Sme = 79246.799 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 423.83 619.71
Eccentricity mm 16.02 418.63
Net sectional mm2 1225.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.09E+06 1.09E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 6.18E+06 3.13E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 221.00 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 70.52 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 313.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.53
h 0.24
C 0.69
bwL 423.83 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 619.71 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 12.008197 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 18.76815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.305E+09
DT 3.34E+11
FL 13.752599
FT 0.0727135
h 0.2468326
kL 4
kT 189.63293
fEL 18491.382 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 35696.042 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1225 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 7325 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 5463.30 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 33.64 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0263347 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 507 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.500
Co 113115
Iyf 667968.75 mm4
Io 7709871 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 2.90E+09 Warping constant
K 20008.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 720 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Longl bhd 59' - mid column Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 7.9 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 100 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 7 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 7 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 30 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 3 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 113 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 3 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.642 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
138 44 113 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
160 67 118
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 1.492 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 1.440 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 1.492 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.03 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 440 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.25 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
212 205 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.679 IxL 1.196E+06
eyLo 68.821 IyL 6.564E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 20.278 mm4
Section modu Sme = 77301.856 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 414.90 607.75
Eccentricity mm 19.43 443.47
Net sectional mm2 1225.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.24E+06 9.44E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.88E+06 2.88E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 137.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 44.01 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 195.39 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.60
h 0.20
C 0.68
bwL 414.90 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 607.75 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 9.9081967 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 16.66815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.194E+09
DT 3.064E+11
FL 13.626959
FT 0.0733839
h 0.2628417
kL 4
kT 186.22508
fEL 20938.801 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 36878.888 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1225 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 6044 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 4502.67 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 36.15 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0540536 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 585 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.500
Co 55770
Iyf 667968.75 mm4
Io 7709871 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 2.90E+09 Warping constant
K 20008.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 449 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Longl bhd 59' - mid column Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 10 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 100 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 7 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 7 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 12 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 12 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 124 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 12 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.855 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
218 71 173 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 180
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.823 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.823 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.824 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
354 354 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 687 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.08 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
202 216 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.01 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.679 IxL 1.196E+06
eyLo 68.821 IyL 6.564E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 18.367 mm4
Section modu Sme = 79246.799 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2135.00
Eccentricity mm 11.95 260.32
Net sectional mm2 1225.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 8.70E+05 1.45E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 6.54E+06 4.79E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 221.00 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 70.52 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 313.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.53
h 0.24
C 0.69
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2135.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 12.008197 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 18.76815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.438E+09
DT 5.099E+11
FL 15.074609
FT 0.0663367
h 0.2006097
kL 4
kT 227.64944
fEL 23497.393 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 54453.176 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1225 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 7325 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 7325.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 29.88 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0309559 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 400 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.500
Co 113115
Iyf 667968.75 mm4
Io 7709871 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 2.90E+09 Warping constant
K 20008.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 720 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Longl bhd 36' - mid column Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 7.9 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 100 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 7 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 7 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 12 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 56 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 45 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 56 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 2.789 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
138 44 113 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
160 67 118
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.237 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 1.323 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 1.312 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.09 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 440 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.10 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
212 205 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.16 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.679 IxL 1.196E+06
eyLo 68.821 IyL 6.564E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 20.278 mm4
Section modu Sme = 77301.856 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 414.90 607.75
Eccentricity mm 19.43 443.47
Net sectional mm2 1225.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.24E+06 9.44E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.88E+06 2.88E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 137.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 44.01 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 195.39 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.60
h 0.20
C 0.68
bwL 414.90 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 607.75 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 9.9081967 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 16.66815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.194E+09
DT 3.064E+11
FL 13.626959
FT 0.0733839
h 0.2628417
kL 4
kT 186.22508
fEL 20938.801 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 36878.888 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1225 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 6044 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 4502.67 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 36.15 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0209423 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 585 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.500
Co 55770
Iyf 667968.75 mm4
Io 7709871 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 2.90E+09 Warping constant
K 20008.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 449 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Longl bhd 36' - door open Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 9.5 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2400 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 100 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 7 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 7 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 110 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 13 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 21 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 13 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.783 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
169 62 120 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 123
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.388 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.050 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.376 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.35 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 751 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.71 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
195 217 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.01 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.679 IxL 1.196E+06
eyLo 68.821 IyL 6.564E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 18.728 mm4
Section modu Sme = 78767.559 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2400.00
Eccentricity mm 12.46 251.23
Net sectional mm2 1225.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 9.00E+05 1.44E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 6.49E+06 4.88E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3600496
KLT 6.1582431
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 199.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 61.65 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 279.16 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.16
h 0.42
C 0.77
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2400.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 11.508197 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 17.3 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.421E+09
DT 4.626E+11
FL 14.737697
FT 0.0678532
h 0.2021938
kL 4
kT 217.60871
fEL 23271.82 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 53597.978 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1225 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 7020 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 7020.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 30.41 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.5052494 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 328 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.934
Co 96982
Iyf 667968.75 mm4
Io 7709871 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 2.90E+09 Warping constant
K 20008.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 795 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Longl bhd 36' fwd Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 800 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 100 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 7 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 7 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 2 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 138 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 87 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 138 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.818 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
270 246 190 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 197
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.337 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.597 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.595 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.26 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
354 354 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 509 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.01 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
229 209 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.95 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.679 IxL 1.196E+06
eyLo 68.821 IyL 6.564E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 17.117 mm4
Section modu Sme = 82130.743 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 800.00
Eccentricity mm 9.75 361.18
Net sectional mm2 1225.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 7.37E+05 1.33E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 6.73E+06 3.73E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 3.0010149
KLT 8.4321875
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 243.12 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 683.12 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.99
h 0.51
C 0.82
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 800.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 14.708197 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 36.1 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.51E+09
DT 1.062E+12
FL 17.977546
FT 0.0556249
h 0.1971359
kL 4
kT 323.58953
fEL 28084.616 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 58910.919 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1225 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 8972 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 8972.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 27.39 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0008368 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2392 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 1.311
Co 231702
Iyf 667968.75 mm4
Io 7709871 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 2.90E+09 Warping constant
K 20008.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 348 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pipe rack deck fwd Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 9.5 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2400 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 125 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 7 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 7 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 35 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 30 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 123 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 30 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 2.083 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
169 62 120 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
182 71 123
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 1.623 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 1.845 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 1.850 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.06 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 719 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.25 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
214 217 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.04 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 16.712 IxL 2.212E+06
eyLo 83.288 IyL 6.234E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 23.530 mm4
Section modu Sme = 103514.332 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 471.49 724.60
Eccentricity mm 20.46 407.40
Net sectional mm2 1400.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.88E+06 1.14E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 1.03E+07 3.25E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3600496
KLT 6.1582431
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 199.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 61.65 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 279.16 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.16
h 0.42
C 0.77
bwL 471.49 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 724.60 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 11.795082 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 17.3 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 3.84E+09
DT 3.082E+11
FL 11.864594
FT 0.0842844
h 0.2529736
kL 4
kT 141.28164
fEL 23341.221 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 35772.127 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1400 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 7195 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 5879.14 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 41.85 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0597608 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 621 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.934
Co 96982
Iyf 707519.53 mm4
Io 12605991 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 5.18E+09 Warping constant
K 22866.67 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 795 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Upper hull pipe rack deck Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 7.9 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2400 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 75 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 6 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 6 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 26 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 41 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 23 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 41 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.566 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
138 43 113 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
160 63 117
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.102 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.726 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.735 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.07 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 538 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.25 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
178 210 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.08 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 20.969 IxL 4.676E+05
eyLo 54.031 IyL 5.908E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 13.934 mm4
Section modu Sme = 47584.589 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 414.90 641.26
Eccentricity mm 12.12 438.54
Net sectional mm2 900.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 4.81E+05 9.74E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 2.76E+06 2.93E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3600496
KLT 6.1582431
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 137.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 42.63 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 193.04 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.60
h 0.20
C 0.68
bwL 414.90 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 641.26 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 9.3754098 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 15.7 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.03E+09
DT 2.774E+11
FL 16.059571
FT 0.0622682
h 0.2408526
kL 4
kT 258.39539
fEL 14427.128 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 35418.965 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 900 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 5719 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 4177.67 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 25.71 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.1248685 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 234 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.934
Co 55770
Iyf 527343.75 mm4
Io 3727075 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 1.19E+09 Warping constant
K 10800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 550 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Upper hull 6' deck Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 6.35 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 75 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 6 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 50 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 6 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 16 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 21 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 20 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 21 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.964 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
89 28 101 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 108
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.061 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.066 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.073 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.02 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 294 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.12 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
173 190 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.02 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 12.244 IxL 4.090E+05
eyLo 50.256 IyL 1.695E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 12.829 mm4
Section modu Sme = 34855.182 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2135.00
Eccentricity mm 8.52 323.17
Net sectional mm2 750.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 2.81E+05 1.42E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 2.20E+06 4.13E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 89.11 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 28.43 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 126.24 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 3.24
h 0.00
C 0.58
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2135.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 7.5795082 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 15.11815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 818871882
DT 4.401E+11
FL 19.085818
FT 0.0523949
h 0.209413
kL 4
kT 364.69001
fEL 20042.432 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 58303.855 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 750 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 4623.5 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 4623.50 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 21.79 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0813599 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 213 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.500
Co 28963
Iyf 175000 mm4
Io 2491973 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 4.46E+08 Warping constant
K 9000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 290 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Upper hull 6' deck Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 7.9 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1220 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 75 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 6 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 50 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 6 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 0 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 72 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 23 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 72 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 2.407 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
138 59 115 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
160 95 122
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.055 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.957 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.957 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.15 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 214 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
217 173 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.26 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 12.244 IxL 4.090E+05
eyLo 50.256 IyL 1.695E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 11.889 mm4
Section modu Sme = 35799.094 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 414.90 492.04
Eccentricity mm 9.78 461.40
Net sectional mm2 750.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 3.13E+05 8.28E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 2.15E+06 2.69E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.875
KLT 6.974
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 137.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 58.78 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 218.62 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.60
h 0.20
C 0.68
bwL 414.90 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 492.04 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 9.1295082 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 23.244262 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 8E+08
DT 5.013E+11
FL 19.830408
FT 0.0504276
h 0.2119485
kL 4
kT 393.6715
fEL 17557.492 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 43192.535 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 750 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 5569 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 4027.67 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 23.08 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 731 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 2.000
Co 55770
Iyf 175000 mm4
Io 2491973 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 4.46E+08 Warping constant
K 9000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 196 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Upper hull btm btw col Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 6.35 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1880 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 125 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 6 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 6 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 6 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 0 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 92 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.297 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
89 30 101 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
135 62 109
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 1.109 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 1.106 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 1.109 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
235 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 256 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.06 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
225 183 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 16.338 IxL 1.921E+06
eyLo 83.662 IyL 5.216E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 26.184 mm4
Section modu Sme = 86388.578 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 351.26 497.56
Eccentricity mm 30.06 476.75
Net sectional mm2 1200.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 2.02E+06 7.18E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 7.84E+06 2.53E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.4659714
KLT 6.33723
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 89.11 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 29.69 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 128.35 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 3.24
h 0.00
C 0.58
bwL 351.26 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 497.56 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 8.3172131 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 16.307447 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.923E+09
DT 3.059E+11
FL 12.679405
FT 0.0788681
h 0.2702598
kL 4
kT 161.31405
fEL 28770.43 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 37660.929 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1200 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 5073.5 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 3430.49 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 47.80 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0045688 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 1319 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.082
Co 28963
Iyf 606445.31 mm4
Io 10883933 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 4.43E+09 Warping constant
K 14400.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 235 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Upper hull btm btw col Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 7.9 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2400 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 125 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 6 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 6 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 6 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 47 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 66 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 47 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 2.437 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
138 43 113 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
160 63 117
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.498 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 1.371 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 1.365 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.06 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 235 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 503 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.05 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
215 209 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.11 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 16.338 IxL 1.921E+06
eyLo 83.662 IyL 5.216E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 23.316 mm4
Section modu Sme = 87804.394 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 414.90 641.26
Eccentricity mm 23.03 438.54
Net sectional mm2 1200.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.74E+06 9.74E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 8.56E+06 2.93E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3600496
KLT 6.1582431
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 137.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 42.63 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 193.04 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.60
h 0.20
C 0.68
bwL 414.90 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 641.26 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 9.8672131 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 15.7 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 3.193E+09
DT 2.774E+11
FL 12.102412
FT 0.0826282
h 0.259961
kL 4
kT 146.99512
fEL 24137.909 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 35479.544 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1200 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 6019 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 4477.67 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 43.73 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0089343 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 678 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.934
Co 55770
Iyf 606445.31 mm4
Io 10883933 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 4.43E+09 Warping constant
K 14400.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 550 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Upper hull btm 36' of cl Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 9.5 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2400 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 2220 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 125 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 6 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 6 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 48 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 78 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 82 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 2220 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 78 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 2.960 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
199 62 169 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
238 94 176
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.445 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 1.572 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 1.593 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.12 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
354 354 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 723 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.43 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
214 217 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.30 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 123 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 16.338 IxL 1.921E+06
eyLo 83.662 IyL 5.216E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 21.351 mm4
Section modu Sme = 89207.154 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 408.31 632.20
Eccentricity mm 20.30 421.87
Net sectional mm2 1200.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.60E+06 1.07E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 8.84E+06 3.10E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3600496
KLT 6.1582431
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 199.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 61.65 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 279.16 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.66
h 0.17
C 0.67
bwL 408.31 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 632.20 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 11.467213 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 17.3 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 3.298E+09
DT 2.939E+11
FL 12.179489
FT 0.0821052
h 0.2496541
kL 4
kT 148.84601
fEL 21726.189 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 34104.613 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1200 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 6995 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 5078.98 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 41.73 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0843637 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 617 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.934
Co 96982
Iyf 606445.31 mm4
Io 10883933 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 4.43E+09 Warping constant
K 14400.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 795 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 6.0195106
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 344.01 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Longl bhd 59 off cl Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 100 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 7 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 7 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 55 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 39 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 92 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.635 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
270 114 185 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 189
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.448 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.428 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.454 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.07 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
340 349 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 1100 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.39 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
196 223 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.679 IxL 1.196E+06
eyLo 68.821 IyL 6.564E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 17.117 mm4
Section modu Sme = 82130.743 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2135.00
Eccentricity mm 9.75 227.58
Net sectional mm2 1225.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 7.37E+05 1.40E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 6.73E+06 5.13E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 113.74 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 504.97 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.99
h 0.51
C 0.82
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2135.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 14.708197 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 21.46815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.51E+09
DT 5.463E+11
FL 4.8288505
FT 0.2070886
h 0.1731624
kL 4
kT 23.707008
fEL 2026.2601 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5206.0397 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1225 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 8972 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 8972.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 27.39 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.1958269 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 336 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.500
Co 231702
Iyf 667968.75 mm4
Io 7709871 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 2.90E+09 Warping constant
K 20008.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1161 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Box Btm Flat fr.8 Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 100 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 7 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 7 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 38 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 17 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 51 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.185 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
270 114 185 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 189
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.145 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.129 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.144 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.03 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
340 349 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 1100 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.27 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
196 223 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.679 IxL 1.196E+06
eyLo 68.821 IyL 6.564E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 17.117 mm4
Section modu Sme = 82130.743 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2135.00
Eccentricity mm 9.75 227.58
Net sectional mm2 1225.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 7.37E+05 1.40E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 6.73E+06 5.13E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 113.74 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 504.97 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.99
h 0.51
C 0.82
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2135.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 14.708197 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 21.46815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.51E+09
DT 5.463E+11
FL 4.8288505
FT 0.2070886
h 0.1731624
kL 4
kT 23.707008
fEL 2026.2601 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5206.0397 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1225 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 8972 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 8972.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 27.39 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.1275766 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 336 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.500
Co 231702
Iyf 667968.75 mm4
Io 7709871 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 2.90E+09 Warping constant
K 20008.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1161 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Longl bhd at 59' Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 19 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 100 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 7 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 75 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 7 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 82 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 30 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 135 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.868 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
317 251 196 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 198
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.892 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.813 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.877 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.12 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
335 348 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 2481 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.62 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
181 230 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.679 IxL 1.196E+06
eyLo 68.821 IyL 6.564E+05
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 16.745 mm4
Section modu Sme = 92008.016 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2135.00
Eccentricity mm 6.83 175.95
Net sectional mm2 1225.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 5.40E+05 1.26E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 6.99E+06 5.67E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 797.82 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 254.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 1130.22 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.33
h 0.84
C 0.99
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2135.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 21.008197 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 27.76815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.605E+09
DT 6.037E+11
FL 4.9049645
FT 0.2038751
h 0.1309272
kL 4
kT 24.362096
fEL 1519.3495 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4429.8082 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 1225 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 12815 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 12815.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 23.35 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.5059147 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 244 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 0
a 3.500
Co 775854
Iyf 667968.75 mm4
Io 7709871 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 2.90E+09 Warping constant
K 20008.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 2599 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column CL bhd Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 91 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 34 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 115 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes

Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.921 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
270 114 185 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 189
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.749 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.651 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.743 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.13 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
349 350 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 874 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.39 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
342 320 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s

-fb -fb -fb

-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 53.017 mm4
Section modu Sme = 388285.213 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2135.00
Eccentricity mm 42.30 227.58
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.39E+07 1.40E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.97E+07 5.13E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 113.74 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 504.97 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.99
h 0.51
C 0.82
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2135.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 18.601639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 21.46815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.226E+10
DT 5.463E+11
FL 2.7980962
FT 0.3573859
h 0.2521928
kL 4
kT 8.4614527
fEL 4771.6175 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5533.984 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 11347 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 11347.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 72.53 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0401847 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2356 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.500
Co 231702
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1161 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column inner tr bhd Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 11.1 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2440 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 96 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 87 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 54 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 2.393 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
186 84 124 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
200 84 126
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.646 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 1.968 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 1.882 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.49 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
232 232 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 796 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.42 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
340 317 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 56.612 mm4
Section modu Sme = 383418.558 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 518.84 811.95
Eccentricity mm 51.29 376.13
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.51E+07 1.28E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.54E+07 3.58E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3546875
KLT 6.149
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 272.30 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 83.84 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 380.54 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.85
h 0.57
C 0.85
bwL 518.84 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 811.95 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 17.001639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 18.772131 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.065E+10
DT 3.336E+11
FL 2.5202372
FT 0.3967881
h 0.312198
kL 4
kT 7.1334322
fEL 3929.308 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4015.7121 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 10371 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9359.12 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.93 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0496753 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2029 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 4.000
Co 154699
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1118 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column longl bhd @ 54' Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 9.5 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1800 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 19 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 153 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 64 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 8.463 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
169 68 120 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
182 84 124
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.433 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 5.658 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 5.550 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.69 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
232 232 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 589 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.09 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
347 304 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 61.049 mm4
Section modu Sme = 377927.628 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 471.49 639.76
Eccentricity mm 59.41 420.64
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.58E+07 1.08E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.15E+07 3.11E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.4914571
KLT 6.379321
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 199.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 67.61 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 289.18 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.16
h 0.42
C 0.77
bwL 471.49 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 639.76 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 15.401639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 19.9 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.92E+10
DT 3.935E+11
FL 2.6748994
FT 0.3738458
h 0.3256747
kL 4
kT 7.9461966
fEL 4542.1065 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4418.7684 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9395 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 8079.14 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 79.83 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.004756 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 4014 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 2.951
Co 96982
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 491 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column inner longl bhd Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 600 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 82 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 107 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 95 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.736 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
270 289 193 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 199
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.484 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.548 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.580 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.25 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
351 350 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 3534 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.33 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
354 346 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 53.017 mm4
Section modu Sme = 388285.213 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 600.00
Eccentricity mm 42.30 396.01
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.39E+07 1.20E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.97E+07 3.37E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 4.962689
KLT 10.421889
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 402.04 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 844.31 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.99
h 0.51
C 0.82
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 600.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 18.601639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 43.9 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.226E+10
DT 1.278E+12
FL 3.4603915
FT 0.2889846
h 0.2869354
kL 4
kT 12.631693
fEL 7297.7809 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 6178.8807 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 11347 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 11347.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 72.53 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0027569 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 29825 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 0.984
Co 231702
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 324 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column inner longl bhd Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 9.5 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 3050 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 5 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 3 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 95 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.992 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
169 59 120 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 122
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.947 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.947 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.947 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
232 233 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 781 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.02 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
332 316 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 61.049 mm4
Section modu Sme = 377927.628 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 3050.00
Eccentricity mm 51.09 218.70
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.51E+07 1.39E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.55E+07 5.22E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.29792
KLT 6.05
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 199.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 58.84 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 274.25 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.16
h 0.42
C 0.77
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 3050.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 15.401639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 15.637705 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.069E+10
DT 3.893E+11
FL 2.6184129
FT 0.3819107
h 0.2690521
kL 4
kT 7.540046
fEL 4689.9692 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5509.4553 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9395 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9395.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.84 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0038744 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 1296 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 5.000
Co 96982
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1226 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column inner longl bhd Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 158 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 6 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 36 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.11 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.598 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
270 114 185 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 189
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.403 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.063 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.397 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.35 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
349 350 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 874 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.84 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
342 320 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 53.017 mm4
Section modu Sme = 388285.213 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2135.00
Eccentricity mm 42.30 227.58
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.39E+07 1.40E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.97E+07 5.13E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 113.74 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 504.97 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.99
h 0.51
C 0.82
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2135.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 18.601639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 21.46815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.226E+10
DT 5.463E+11
FL 2.7980962
FT 0.3573859
h 0.2521928
kL 4
kT 8.4614527
fEL 4771.6175 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5533.984 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 11347 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 11347.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 72.53 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0718984 Amplification factor
M 19116056 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 49 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2356 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.500
Co 231702
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1161 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell tr bhd fr19 Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 9.5 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1500 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 60 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 53 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 13 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes

Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.020 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
169 74 121 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
182 94 125
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.187 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.518 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.566 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.19 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
232 232 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 664 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.28 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
350 309 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s

-fb -fb -fb

-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 61.049 mm4
Section modu Sme = 377927.628 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 471.49 597.34
Eccentricity mm 59.41 427.59
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.58E+07 1.04E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.15E+07 3.04E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.6297264
KLT 6.6016622
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 199.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 73.88 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 299.26 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.16
h 0.42
C 0.77
bwL 471.49 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 597.34 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 15.401639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 21.98 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.92E+10
DT 4.612E+11
FL 2.7832066
FT 0.3592978
h 0.3236804
kL 4
kT 8.5226949
fEL 4917.3749 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4645.3696 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9395 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 8079.14 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 79.83 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0104893 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 5780 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 2.459
Co 96982
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 372 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell tr bhd fr9 Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 9.5 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1220 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 48 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 48 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 19 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.663 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
169 85 122 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 126
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.101 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.101 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.138 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.13 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
233 233 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 864 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.27 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
233 220 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 61.049 mm4
Section modu Sme = 377927.628 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 1220.00
Eccentricity mm 51.09 344.14
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.51E+07 1.37E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.55E+07 3.91E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.875
KLT 6.974
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 199.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 85.00 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 316.14 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.16
h 0.42
C 0.77
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 1220.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 15.401639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 24.844262 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.069E+10
DT 7.294E+11
FL 3.0633287
FT 0.3264423
h 0.3093231
kL 4
kT 10.109193
fEL 6419.2003 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 6363.6901 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9395 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9395.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.84 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0059635 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 8097 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 2.000
Co 96982
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 283 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell tr bhd Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2440 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 160 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 22 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 92 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.11 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.069 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
260 98 182 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
279 108 187
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.983 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.490 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.965 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.37 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
347 347 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 911 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 1.02 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
340 322 Results Not Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 54.500 mm4
Section modu Sme = 386215.808 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 479.92 743.83
Eccentricity mm 51.29 377.31
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.51E+07 1.27E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.54E+07 3.57E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3546875
KLT 6.149
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 318.25 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 97.98 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 444.75 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.11
h 0.45
C 0.79
bwL 479.92 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 743.83 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 17.901639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 19.672131 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.065E+10
DT 3.324E+11
FL 2.5180725
FT 0.3971292
h 0.3122056
kL 4
kT 7.1228119
fEL 3725.3388 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 3819.7012 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 10920 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9359.03 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.93 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0856273 Amplification factor
M 24967910 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 65 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2029 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 4.000
Co 195462
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1306 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell - mid-2 plate Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1500 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 100 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 52 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 104 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 52 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.035 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
260 118 184 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
279 144 190
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.737 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.741 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.862 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.18 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
348 348 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 744 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.74 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
233 217 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.13 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 54.500 mm4
Section modu Sme = 386215.808 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 479.92 608.27
Eccentricity mm 51.29 400.90
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.51E+07 1.17E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.54E+07 3.32E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.6297264
KLT 6.6016622
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 318.25 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 117.88 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 477.49 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.11
h 0.45
C 0.79
bwL 479.92 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 608.27 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 17.901639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 24.48 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.065E+10
DT 5.034E+11
FL 2.7933782
FT 0.3579895
h 0.310896
kL 4
kT 8.5529103
fEL 4584.4665 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4535.81 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
calculated data of stiffener buckling check
Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 10920 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9359.03 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.93 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0189837 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 5368 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 2.459
Co 195462
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 594 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell - mid plate Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 127 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 48 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 80 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.036 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 48 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.022 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
260 102 183 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
279 116 187
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.670 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.607 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.818 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.26 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
347 347 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 799 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 1.01 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
230 218 Results Not Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.11 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 54.500 mm4
Section modu Sme = 386215.808 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 479.92 699.85
Eccentricity mm 51.29 384.65
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.51E+07 1.24E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.54E+07 3.49E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 318.25 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 101.54 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 450.84 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.11
h 0.45
C 0.79
bwL 479.92 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 699.85 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 17.901639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 20.76815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.065E+10
DT 3.718E+11
FL 2.589455
FT 0.3861817
h 0.3120989
kL 4
kT 7.4786111
fEL 3939.5448 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4017.2858 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 10920 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9359.03 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.93 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0503459 Amplification factor
M 6256164 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 16 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2650 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.500
Co 195462
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1037 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell - top plate Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1000 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 83 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 43 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 85 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 43 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.058 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
198 172 128 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
215 172 131
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.890 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.754 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.884 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.25 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
233 233 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 1194 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.49 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 224 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.09 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 53.017 mm4
Section modu Sme = 388285.213 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 556.95 628.44
Eccentricity mm 44.97 390.66
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.43E+07 1.22E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.84E+07 3.43E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 2.2591901
KLT 7.51124
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 183.02 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 608.51 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.62
h 0.69
C 0.91
bwL 556.95 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 628.44 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 18.601639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 31.42 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.178E+10
DT 7.795E+11
FL 3.0747133
FT 0.3252336
h 0.2950501
kL 4
kT 10.149739
fEL 5637.9742 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5359.1233 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 11347 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 10673.25 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 73.98 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0074864 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 11170 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 1.639
Co 231702
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 410 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell el.42' to 52' Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 3050 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 187 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 63 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 81 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.611 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
270 105 184 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
289 105 188
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 1.039 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.939 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 1.320 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Not Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.56 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
346 346 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 1389 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.89 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
331 333 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 53.017 mm4
Section modu Sme = 388285.213 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 497.29 864.90
Eccentricity mm 48.41 351.16
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.48E+07 1.35E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.68E+07 3.84E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.29792
KLT 6.05
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 105.15 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 490.13 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.99
h 0.51
C 0.82
bwL 497.29 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 864.90 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 18.601639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 18.837705 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.117E+10
DT 2.863E+11
FL 2.4108291
FT 0.4147951
h 0.3033202
kL 4
kT 6.5907924
fEL 3368.27 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 3467.676 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 11347 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9915.60 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 75.66 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.174933 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 1256 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 5.000
Co 231702
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 2191 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell el.34' to 42' Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1220 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 177 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 58 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 43 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.036 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.981 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
270 152 187 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 193
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.513 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.131 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.488 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.49 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
350 350 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 900 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 1.13 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
233 220 Results Not Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 53.017 mm4
Section modu Sme = 388285.213 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 1220.00
Eccentricity mm 42.30 304.88
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.39E+07 1.44E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.97E+07 4.32E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.875
KLT 6.974
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 151.90 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 564.98 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.99
h 0.51
C 0.82
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 1220.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 18.601639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 28.044262 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.226E+10
DT 8.057E+11
FL 3.0835301
FT 0.3243036
h 0.2781956
kL 4
kT 10.169722
fEL 5794.777 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 6183.3489 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 11347 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 11347.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 72.53 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0251533 Amplification factor
M 2042829 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 5 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 7214 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 2.000
Co 231702
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 506 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell el.27' to 34' Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1067 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 158 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 48 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 73 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.08 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bendin L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.893 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
270 171 188 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 194
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.584 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.275 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.564 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Chec 0.38 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
350 350 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 1075 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compretorsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 1.02 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 223 Results Not Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia mom mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 53.017 mm4
Section mod Sme = ### mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinal Transverses
Effective pla mm 610.00 1067.00
Eccentricity mm 42.30 323.23
Net sectiona mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia mome mm4 1.39E+07 1.42E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia mom mm4 5.97E+07 4.13E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 2.11259479
KLT 7.31208153
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 171.15 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 592.37 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.99
h 0.51
C 0.82
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 1067.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 18.6016393 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 30.2445173 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.2261E+10
DT 8.8045E+11
FL 3.15265335
FT 0.31719314
h 0.28215447
kL 4
kT 10.6041436
fEL 6057.49095 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 6249.47707 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 11347 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 11347.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 72.53 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.01703869 Amplification factor
M 3472391.45 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 9 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 9431 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 1.749
Co 231702
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 436 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
ripping bkt applied
m or double side
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell el.27' to 34' Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 158 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 48 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 73 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.08 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.056 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
270 114 185 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
289 121 189
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.769 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.527 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.852 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.39 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
347 347 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 874 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 1.31 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
230 220 Results Not Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 53.017 mm4
Section modu Sme = 388285.213 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 497.29 727.05
Eccentricity mm 48.41 373.16
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.48E+07 1.29E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.68E+07 3.61E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 113.74 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 504.97 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.99
h 0.51
C 0.82
bwL 497.29 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 727.05 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 18.601639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 21.46815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.117E+10
DT 3.845E+11
FL 2.59538
FT 0.3853
h 0.3047641
kL 4
kT 7.4939815
fEL 3903.6956 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4009.7372 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 11347 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9915.60 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 75.66 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0656903 Amplification factor
M 13902586 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 36 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2563 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.500
Co 231702
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1161 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell el.27' to 34' Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 9.5 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 3050 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 58 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 20 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 35 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.499 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
169 59 120 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 122
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.224 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.140 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.221 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.11 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
232 233 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 781 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.33 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
225 218 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 61.049 mm4
Section modu Sme = 377927.628 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 3050.00
Eccentricity mm 51.09 218.70
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.51E+07 1.39E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.55E+07 5.22E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.29792
KLT 6.05
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 199.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 58.84 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 274.25 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.16
h 0.42
C 0.77
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 3050.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 15.401639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 15.637705 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.069E+10
DT 3.893E+11
FL 2.6184129
FT 0.3819107
h 0.2690521
kL 4
kT 7.540046
fEL 4689.9692 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5509.4553 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9395 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9395.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.84 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0468683 Amplification factor
M 0 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 0 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 1296 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 5.000
Co 96982
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1226 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell below deck Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2135 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 116 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 58 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 43 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.08 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.908 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
260 102 183 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 187
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.274 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.137 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.279 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.24 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
349 350 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 799 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.91 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
230 218 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 54.500 mm4
Section modu Sme = 386215.808 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2135.00
Eccentricity mm 43.96 235.25
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.41E+07 1.42E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.89E+07 5.05E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.403915
KLT 6.2331837
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 318.25 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 101.54 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 450.84 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.11
h 0.45
C 0.79
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2135.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 17.901639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 20.76815 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.196E+10
DT 5.378E+11
FL 2.7964616
FT 0.3575948
h 0.2597096
kL 4
kT 8.4674907
fEL 4886.539 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5641.854 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 10920 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 10920.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 73.44 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0504546 Amplification factor
M 13902586 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 36 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2415 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.500
Co 195462
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1037 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Column shell el.27' to 34' Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2240 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 133 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 24 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 40 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.036 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 0 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.459 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
285 136 188 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 192
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.316 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.083 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.298 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.26 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
348 349 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 1089 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.91 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
229 223 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 50.585 mm4
Section modu Sme = 391942.442 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2240.00
Eccentricity mm 39.54 208.29
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.34E+07 1.36E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 6.10E+07 5.33E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.384581
KLT 6.2002994
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 433.17 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 136.31 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 610.40 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.80
h 0.60
C 0.86
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2240.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 19.901639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 22.357143 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.276E+10
DT 5.412E+11
FL 2.7761559
FT 0.3602103
h 0.2363422
kL 4
kT 8.3094773
fEL 4487.8072 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5251.1109 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 12140 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 12140.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 70.90 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0695771 Amplification factor
M 6886656 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 18 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2045 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.672
Co 310387
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1532 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pont bhd fr.9-mid Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 508 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2540 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 508 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 89 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 5 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 56 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 5 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bendin L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.589 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
206 135 129 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 130
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.515 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.292 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.506 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Chec 0.23 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
232 232 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 1418 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compretorsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.86 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
228 226 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875
2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia mom mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 54.020 mm4
Section mod Sme = ### mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinal Transverses
Effective pla mm 508.00 2540.00
Eccentricity mm 49.50 175.70
Net sectiona mm2 3600.00 15260.00
Inertia mome mm4 1.49E+07 9.41E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia mom mm4 5.62E+07 4.10E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.29792
KLT 6.05
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 458.88 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 135.36 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 630.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.43
h 0.79
C 0.96
bwL 508.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2540.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses
calculated data of panel buckling check
tL 19.0866142 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 18.007874 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.5182E+10
DT 3.6679E+11
FL 2.45593143
FT 0.40717749
h 0.24705009
kL 4
kT 6.69149286
fEL 4052.74916 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4546.84279 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9696 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9696.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.16 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.05097853 Amplification factor
M 31340259.9 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 81 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 1835 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 5.000
Co 234709
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 2820 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.40466122
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
ripping bkt applied
m or double side
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pont bhd fr.9-CL top Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 508 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 508 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 508 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 105 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 24 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 54 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 24 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bendin L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.335 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
289 302 196 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 200
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.276 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.133 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.262 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Chec 0.16 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
351 350 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 5421 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compretorsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.64 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
235 233 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.03 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875
2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia mom mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 54.020 mm4
Section mod Sme = ### mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinal Transverses
Effective pla mm 508.00 508.00
Eccentricity mm 49.50 376.32
Net sectiona mm2 3600.00 15260.00
Inertia mome mm4 1.49E+07 8.63E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia mom mm4 5.62E+07 2.48E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 4.8
KLT 10.274
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 458.88 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 500.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 1071.47 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.75
h 0.62
C 0.88
bwL 508.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 508.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses
calculated data of panel buckling check
tL 19.0866142 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 42.0393701 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.5182E+10
DT 1.112E+12
FL 3.24069261
FT 0.30857601
h 0.30389116
kL 4
kT 11.20509
fEL 7056.5582 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5678.73649 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9696 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9696.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.16 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.00229429 Amplification factor
M 1253610.4 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 3 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 45871 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 1.000
Co 234709
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 417 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.40466122
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
ripping bkt applied
m or double side
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pont longl bhd 44' - 1e mi Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 11 mm Plate thickness
sL 508 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2540 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 508 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 5 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 57 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 36 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 57 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bendin L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.518 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
201 114 127 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 129
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.123 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.214 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.209 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Chec 0.09 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
232 232 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 1191 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compretorsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.38 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
228 224 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.19 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875
2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia mom mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 56.371 mm4
Section mod Sme = ### mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinal Transverses
Effective pla mm 508.00 2540.00
Eccentricity mm 52.24 186.03
Net sectiona mm2 3600.00 15260.00
Inertia mome mm4 1.53E+07 9.67E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia mom mm4 5.49E+07 4.01E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.29792
KLT 6.05
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 385.58 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 113.74 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 530.18 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.56
h 0.72
C 0.93
bwL 508.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2540.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses
calculated data of panel buckling check
tL 18.0866142 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 17.007874 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.4594E+10
DT 3.5936E+11
FL 2.45787188
FT 0.40685603
h 0.25867875
kL 4
kT 6.72402351
fEL 4183.51256 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4732.03871 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9188 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9188.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 77.32 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.00265105 Amplification factor
M 31340259.9 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 82 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 1891 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 5.000
Co 180785
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 2370 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.40466122
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
ripping bkt applied
m or double side
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pont longl bhd 44' -1e top Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 25.4 mm Plate thickness
sL 508 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2540 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 508 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 5 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 124 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 36 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 124 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bendin L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.298 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
340 311 201 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 202
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.055 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.265 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.256 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.22 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
344 345 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 7744 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compretorsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.38 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
225 233 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.90 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875
2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 39.451 mm4
Section mod Sme = 422378.512 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective pla mm 508.00 2540.00
Eccentricity mm 29.09 100.74
Net sectiona mm2 3600.00 15260.00
Inertia mome mm4 1.09E+07 6.55E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia mome mm4 6.60E+07 4.70E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.29792
KLT 6.05
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 2055.89 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 606.45 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 2826.85 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 0.83
h 1.09
C 1.00
bwL 508.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2540.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses
calculated data of panel buckling check
tL 32.4866142 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 31.407874 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.9571E+10
DT 4.2074E+11
FL 2.44158992
FT 0.40956919
h 0.15177452
kL 4
kT 6.43265729
fEL 2763.51061 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 2908.62816 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 16503.2 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 16503.20 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 63.26 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.00396546 Amplification factor
M 31340259.9 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 74 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 1266 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 5.000
Co 2225802
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 12634 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.40466122
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
ripping bkt applied
m or double side
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pont CL bhd - top Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 508 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 1830 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 508 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 53 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 105 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 15 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 105 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bendin L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.840 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
206 155 129 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 130
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.100 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.333 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.288 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Chec 0.40 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
232 232 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 1019 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compretorsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.48 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
231 222 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.65 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875
2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia mom mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 54.020 mm4
Section mod Sme = ### mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinal Transverses
Effective pla mm 508.00 1830.00
Eccentricity mm 49.50 215.92
Net sectiona mm2 3600.00 15260.00
Inertia mome mm4 1.49E+07 1.02E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia mom mm4 5.62E+07 3.77E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.39206817
KLT 6.21306106
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 458.88 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 145.18 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 647.96 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.43
h 0.79
C 0.96
bwL 508.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 1830.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses
calculated data of panel buckling check
tL 19.0866142 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 20.3387978 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.5182E+10
DT 4.6892E+11
FL 2.6114756
FT 0.38292527
h 0.26851301
kL 4
kT 7.50346258
fEL 4582.35989 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5104.1717 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9696 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9696.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.16 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.01522212 Amplification factor
M 16268119 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 42 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 3535 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.602
Co 234709
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1570 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.40466122
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
ripping bkt applied
m or double side
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pont CL bhd - top Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 508 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2210 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 508 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 38 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 104 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 7 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 104 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bendin L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.907 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
289 139 189 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 192
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.022 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.150 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.136 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Chec 0.17 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
348 349 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 1193 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compretorsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.53 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
230 224 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.63 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875
2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia mom mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 54.020 mm4
Section mod Sme = ### mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinal Transverses
Effective pla mm 508.00 2210.00
Eccentricity mm 49.50 192.36
Net sectiona mm2 3600.00 15260.00
Inertia mome mm4 1.49E+07 9.81E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia mom mm4 5.62E+07 3.96E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.33016035
KLT 6.10648533
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 458.88 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 138.72 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 636.84 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.75
h 0.62
C 0.88
bwL 508.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2210.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses
calculated data of panel buckling check
tL 19.0866142 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 18.9049774 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.5182E+10
DT 4.0778E+11
FL 2.5218503
FT 0.39653424
h 0.25651136
kL 4
kT 7.02999105
fEL 4273.22594 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4797.71124 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9696 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9696.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.16 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.01592822 Amplification factor
M 23725737 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 61 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2424 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 4.350
Co 234709
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 2188 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.40466122
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
ripping bkt applied
m or double side
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pont CL bhd - 1e (reinf) Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 508 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 737 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 508 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 109 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 11 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 26 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 11 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bendin L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes

Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.253 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
289 258 193 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 198
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.192 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.031 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.183 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Chec 0.17 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
350 350 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 2436 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial compretorsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.69 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 230 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.01 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s l
-fb -fb -fb
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia mom mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 54.020 mm4
Section mod Sme = ### mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinal Transverses
Effective pla mm 508.00 737.00
Eccentricity mm 49.50 333.42
Net sectiona mm2 3600.00 15260.00
Inertia mome mm4 1.49E+07 9.83E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia mom mm4 5.62E+07 2.83E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 2.61113274
KLT 7.96447571
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 458.88 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 272.31 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 830.61 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.75
h 0.62
C 0.88
bwL 508.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 737.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 19.0866142 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 32.7055631 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.5182E+10
DT 8.729E+11
FL 3.05037225
FT 0.32782884
h 0.30389171
kL 4
kT 10.020026
fEL 6252.05707 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5783.22103 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 9696 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9696.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 76.16 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.00502661 Amplification factor
M 2638579.21 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 7 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 21794 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 1.451
Co 234709
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 478 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.40466122
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
ripping bkt applied
m or double side
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pontoon CL lbhd - 1e Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2210 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 109 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 11 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 26 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 11 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.582 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
193 101 126 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 128
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.401 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.068 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.382 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.35 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
232 232 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 823 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.95 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
229 219 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.01 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 54.500 mm4
Section modu Sme = 386215.808 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2210.00
Eccentricity mm 43.96 192.36
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 15260.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.41E+07 9.81E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.89E+07 3.96E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3898115
KLT 6.2092184
q 0.50056 Lateral load parameter
Rt 0.999748 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 318.25 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 100.52 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 449.10 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.71
h 0.64
C 0.89
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2210.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 17.901639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 18.904977 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.196E+10
DT 4.078E+11
FL 2.6095266
FT 0.3832113
h 0.2438717
kL 4
kT 7.4442232
fEL 4255.0739 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4744.7559 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 10920 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 10920.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 73.44 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0508168 Amplification factor
M 28489566 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 74 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2254 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.623
Co 195462
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1100 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4046612
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member Pont inner shell - 1c (reinf) Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 508 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 737 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 126 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 28 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 64 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 28 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal ben L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.470 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
296 268 194 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 199
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.396 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.190 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.374 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress Criteria
(lbf/in2) (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.23 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
350 350 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 2422 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial c torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.79 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
234 230 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.05 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentrici mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricit eyLe = 53.017 mm4
Section m Sme = 388285.213 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective mm 508.00 737.00
Eccentrici mm 47.75 326.43
Net secti mm2 3600.00 15260.00
Inertia m mm4 1.47E+07 9.97E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia m mm4 5.71E+07 2.88E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 2.6111327
KLT 7.9644757
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 513.97 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 305.01 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 930.35 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.66
h 0.67
C 0.90
bwL 508.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 737.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 19.786614 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 33.405563 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.556E+10
DT 8.902E+11
FL 3.0540514
FT 0.3274339
h 0.2985456
kL 4
kT 10.031534
fEL 6135.8005 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5767.1602 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 10051.6 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 10051.60 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 75.36 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0059404 Amplification factor
M 2638579 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 7 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 21337 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 1.451
Co 278225
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 535 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4046612
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pontoon inner shell - 1c Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12.7 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2210 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 12 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 12 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 193 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 28 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 64 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 28 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.081 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
270 113 185 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
289 119 189
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.963 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.293 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.922 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.55 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
346 346 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 903 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 1.75 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
229 220 Results Not Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.05 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 21.278 IxL 1.448E+07
eyLo 128.722 IyL 2.565E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 53.017 mm4
Section modu Sme = 388285.213 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 497.29 738.35
Eccentricity mm 48.41 326.20
Net sectional mm2 3600.00 15260.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.48E+07 9.98E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.68E+07 2.89E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3898115
KLT 6.2092184
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 356.46 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 112.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 503.03 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.99
h 0.51
C 0.82
bwL 497.29 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 738.35 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 18.601639 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 19.604977 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 2.117E+10
DT 2.971E+11
FL 2.4332121
FT 0.4109794
h 0.3002323
kL 4
kT 6.6898897
fEL 3431.1047 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 3445.1533 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3600 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 11347 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 9915.60 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 75.66 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.087759 Amplification factor
M 28489566 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 73 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2392 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.623
Co 231702
Iyf 3000000 mm4
Io 77041830 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 6.04E+10 Warping constant
K 172800.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1232 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4046612
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pontoon deck outbd - 1a Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2210 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 10 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 10 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 92 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 5 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 44 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.11 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 5 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.290 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
260 101 183 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 187
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.211 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.095 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.208 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.12 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
348 349 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 823 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.89 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
229 219 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.00 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 20.517 IxL 1.227E+07
eyLo 129.483 IyL 2.054E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 49.000 mm4
Section modu Sme = 325004.415 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2210.00
Eccentricity mm 38.76 192.36
Net sectional mm2 3000.00 15260.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.10E+07 9.81E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.12E+07 3.96E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3898115
KLT 6.2092184
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 318.25 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 100.52 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 449.10 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.11
h 0.45
C 0.79
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2210.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 16.918033 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 18.904977 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.908E+10
DT 4.078E+11
FL 2.7030496
FT 0.3699525
h 0.2307319
kL 4
kT 7.9048059
fEL 4196.2897 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4695.7084 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3000 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 10320 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 10320.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 70.41 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0464725 Amplification factor
M 20482694 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 63 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2072 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.623
Co 195462
Iyf 2500000 mm4
Io 64855671 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 5.02E+10 Warping constant
K 100000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1100 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4046612
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pontoon deck outbd - 1a Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2210 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 10 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 10 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 122 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 20 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 33 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.11 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 20 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.457 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
260 101 183 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 187
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.257 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.059 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.247 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.22 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
348 349 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 823 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 1.08 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
229 219 Results Not Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.02 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 20.517 IxL 1.227E+07
eyLo 129.483 IyL 2.054E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 49.000 mm4
Section modu Sme = 325004.415 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2210.00
Eccentricity mm 38.76 192.36
Net sectional mm2 3000.00 15260.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.10E+07 9.81E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.12E+07 3.96E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3898115
KLT 6.2092184
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 318.25 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 100.52 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 449.10 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.11
h 0.45
C 0.79
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2210.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 16.918033 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 18.904977 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.908E+10
DT 4.078E+11
FL 2.7030496
FT 0.3699525
h 0.2307319
kL 4
kT 7.9048059
fEL 4196.2897 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4695.7084 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3000 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 10320 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 10320.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 70.41 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0625748 Amplification factor
M 20482694 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 63 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2072 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.623
Co 195462
Iyf 2500000 mm4
Io 64855671 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 5.02E+10 Warping constant
K 100000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1100 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4046612
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pontoon deck - 1a Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2210 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 10 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 10 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 26 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 20 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 59 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.11 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 20 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.434 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
193 101 126 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
235 235 128
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.352 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.344 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.354 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.03 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
232 232 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 823 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.42 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
229 219 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.02 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok
1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s fb l>s
fb l l
s s

-fb -fb -fb


Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 20.517 IxL 1.227E+07
eyLo 129.483 IyL 2.054E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 49.000 mm4
Section modu Sme = 325004.415 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2210.00
Eccentricity mm 38.76 192.36
Net sectional mm2 3000.00 15260.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.10E+07 9.81E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 5.12E+07 3.96E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3898115
KLT 6.2092184
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 318.25 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 100.52 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 449.10 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.71
h 0.64
C 0.89
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2210.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 16.918033 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 18.904977 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.908E+10
DT 4.078E+11
FL 2.7030496
FT 0.3699525
h 0.2307319
kL 4
kT 7.9048059
fEL 4196.2897 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 4695.7084 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3000 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 10320 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 10320.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 70.41 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0127098 Amplification factor
M 20482694 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 63 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2072 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.623
Co 195462
Iyf 2500000 mm4
Io 64855671 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 5.02E+10 Warping constant
K 100000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1100 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4046612
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pontoon deck - 1a Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 12 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2210 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 200 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 10 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 100 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 10 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 890 mm Web height of transverses
twg 14 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 200 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 14 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 126 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 59 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 62 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.11 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 890 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 59 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 1.086 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
260 101 183 Results Not Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
279 114 187
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.539 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.649 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.819 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.28 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
346 346 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 823 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 1.25 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
229 219 Results Not Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.20 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
163 225 118 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 20.517 IxL 1.227E+07
eyLo 129.483 IyL 2.054E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 49.000 mm4
Section modu Sme = 325004.415 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 479.92 710.66
Eccentricity mm 45.67 337.85
Net sectional mm2 3000.00 15260.00
Inertia moment mm4 1.20E+07 9.73E+08 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 4.84E+07 2.79E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3898115
KLT 6.2092184
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 318.25 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 100.52 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 449.10 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 2.11
h 0.45
C 0.79
bwL 479.92 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 710.66 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 16.918033 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 18.904977 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 1.805E+10
DT 2.874E+11
FL 2.5113576
FT 0.398191
h 0.2941027
kL 4
kT 7.0536786
fEL 3426.6034 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 3421.5584 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 3000 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 10320 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 8759.03 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 74.34 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0577175 Amplification factor
M 20482694 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 63 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 2309 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.623
Co 195462
Iyf 2500000 mm4
Io 64855671 mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 5.02E+10 Warping constant
K 100000.00 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1100 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4046612
fELg 184.99 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1109.93 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 249.95 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pontoon bottom Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2210 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 250 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 16 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 90 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 16 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 150 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 48 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 34 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 48 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.675 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
285 137 188 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 192
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.361 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.086 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.334 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.35 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
350 350 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 901 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.78 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
347 321 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.11 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.278 IxL 3.334E+07
eyLo 151.722 IyL 2.704E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 73.997 mm4
Section modu Sme = 648706.239 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2210.00
Eccentricity mm 61.52 210.05
Net sectional mm2 5440.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 3.23E+07 1.37E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 1.20E+08 5.31E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3898115
KLT 6.2092184
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 433.17 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 136.82 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 611.28 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.80
h 0.60
C 0.86
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2210.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 22.918033 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 22.470588 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 4.491E+10
DT 5.466E+11
FL 2.3481205
FT 0.4258725
h 0.2626426
kL 4
kT 6.2203226
fEL 5502.3504 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5521.9795 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 5440 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 13980 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 13980.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 92.81 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0434817 Amplification factor
M 28489566 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 44 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 3600 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.623
Co 310387
Iyf 3116118 mm4
Io ### mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 1.14E+11 Warping constant
K 464213.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1497 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate
Buckling Check
( in accordance with ABS Rules, Steel Vessels, 1997, 5/2A.5.2.2, 5/2AB)

Project SSDT3600-GOM-C42 - buckling check with actual stresses

Member ID Pontoon bottom Date 12/12/2020


Material Data
E 2.07E+05 N/mm2 Elastic modulus
u 0.3 Poisson's ratio
Pr 0.6 Proportional linear elastic limit of structure, 0.6 for steel
Plate/Panel Data
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of plate
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 14 mm Plate thickness
sL 610 mm Longitudinal spacing
sT 2210 mm Transverse spacing
C1 1.1 See notes*
C2 1.2 See notes*
b 7000 mm Width between longitudinal bulkheads, parallel to sL
l 8800 mm Length between transverse bulkheads, parallel to sT
Scantling of Longitudinals
fy 355 N/mm2 Yeild strength of longitudinals
Sm 0.908 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hw 250 mm Web height of longitudinals
tw 16 mm Web thickness of longitudinals
bf 90 mm Flange width of longitudinals
tf 16 mm Flange thickness of longitudinals
b1 0 mm Smaller outstanding dim. of flange w.r.t. centerline of web
be 500 mm Effective breadth as specified in Figure 5/2A.4.4b, line b
Scantling of Transverses
Type A A (angle), FB(flat bar) or T (Tee bar)
hwg 915 mm Web height of transverses
twg 16 mm Web thickness of transverses
bfg 255 mm Flange width of transverses
tfg 16 mm Flange thickness of transverses

Loading Data
fL 198 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in long. direction for the plate
fT 20 N/mm2 Calculated total compressive stress in transverse/vertical direction
fLT 22 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress
pn 0.153 N/mm2 Lateral pressure

If Girder Buckling is to be checked, input additional data as follows

Girder Plate Data
fy 235 N/mm2 Yeild strength of girders
Sm 1 Strength reduction factor, see notes*
tn 16 mm Web plate thickness of the girder
s 915 mm Longitudinal spacing of girder plate, =web height if no add. stiffeners applied
l 7000 mm Transverse spacing of girder plate, =dist. btw long. bhd unless tripping bkt applied
C1 1 See notes*
C2 1.1 See notes*
Girder Loading Data
fLg (fT) 20 N/mm2 Calculated compressive stress along length of the girder
fb 0 N/mm2 Calculated ideal bending stress of girder
fLTg 0 N/mm2 Calculated total shear stress of girder
Ideal bending L Long plate (L) or Wide plate (W), see notes


Plate buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress N/mm2 Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/RtfcT)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=1
fcL fcT fcLT Unity Check 0.808 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
285 137 188 Results Ok
Ultimate Strength Check
Critical stress for ultimate buckling (N/mm2)
fuL fuT fuLT
355 355 192
Unity Check Criteria
U.C. 1 0.558 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 2 0.028 ((fT/RtfuT)^2+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
U.C. 3 0.531 ((fL/fuL)^2+(fT/RtfuT)^2-h(fL/fuL)(fT/RtfuT)+(fLT/fuLT)^2) / Sm
Results Ok (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)

Panel buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fT/fcT)^2<=Sm
fcL fcT Unity Check 0.56 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
350 350 Results Ok

Stiffener buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
n 1 Number of half waves which yields a smallest fET
fET 901 lbf/in2 Eular stress for tortional/flexural buckling
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2)
axial comp torsional/flexural Criteria fL/(fc*Ae/A)+mfb/fy<=Sm
fca fct Unity Check 0.99 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
347 321 Results Ok

Girder buckling check

Buckling State Limit:
Critical buckling stress (lbf/in2) Criteria (fL/fcL)^2+(fb/fcb)^2+(fLT/fcLT)^2<=Sm
fcLg fcb fLTg Unity Check 0.02 (Factor of safety = 1.25 is applied)
177 227 121 Results Ok

1. Sm Strength reduction factor
ordinary strength steel
Grade H32 Grade H36 Grade H40
1 0.95 0.908 0.875

2. Values of C1 and C2
plate panels between angles or tee stiffeners plate panels between flat bars or bulb plates
C1 1.1 1
C2 1.3 within the double bottom or double side 1.2 within the double bottom or double side
1.2 elsewhere 1.1 elsewhere

3. Ideal bending patten

a). Long plate b). Wide plate -fb fb
l>=s l>s
fb l fb
s s
-fb -fb -fb

Calculated Data

panel data
section properties of longitudinals (excluding associated plating)
Eccentricity mm Inertia momen mm4
exLo 18.278 IxL 3.334E+07
eyLo 151.722 IyL 2.704E+06
section properties of longitudinals w/ effective breadth be
Eccentricity eyLe = 73.997 mm4
Section modu Sme = 648706.239 mm3
section properties of stiffeners w/ associated plating bw
Longitudinals Transverses
Effective plat mm 610.00 2210.00
Eccentricity mm 61.52 210.05
Net sectional mm2 5440.00 18720.00
Inertia moment mm4 3.23E+07 1.37E+09 (alone about neutral axis of combined cross section)
Intertia momen mm4 1.20E+08 5.31E+09

calculated data of plate buckling check

buckling state limit
fyL 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyT 355 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLT 205 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KL 4.4
KT 1.3898115
KLT 6.2092184
q 0.5 Lateral load parameter
Rt 1 Reduction factor acconting for lateral load effects
fEL 433.17 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 136.82 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction
fELT 611.28 N/mm2 Eular shear stress
Effective Width
b 1.80
h 0.60
C 0.86
bwL 610.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for longitudinals
bwT 2210.00 mm Effective width of associated plate for transverses

calculated data of panel buckling check

tL 22.918033 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in long. direaction
tT 22.470588 mm Net equivalent thickness of plating and stiffener in transverse direaction
DL 4.491E+10
DT 5.466E+11
FL 2.3481205
FT 0.4258725
h 0.2626426
kL 4
kT 6.2203226
fEL 5502.3504 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction
fET 5521.9795 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction

calculated data of stiffener buckling check

Axial compression
As 5440 mm2 Net sectional area of longitudinal, excluding assicocated plate
A 13980 mm2 Total net sectional area
Ae 13980.00 mm2 Effective net sectional area
r 92.81 mm2 Radius of gyration
m 1.0582057 Amplification factor
M 28489566 N-mm Max. bending moment induced by lateral pressure
fb 44 N/mm2 Local bending stress
fE 3600 N/mm2 Eular stress
Torsional/flexural buckling
u 1 Unsymmetry factor
mt 1
a 3.623
Co 310387
Iyf 3116118 mm4
Io ### mm4 Polar moment of inertia
G 1.14E+11 Warping constant
K 464213.33 St. Venant trosion constant for longitudinals(only) cross section
fcL 1497 N/mm2 Critical buck. stress for associated plate corresponding to n-half waves

calculated data of girder buckling check

fyLg 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyb 235 N/mm2 Yield stress for uniaxail comprssion
fyLTg 136 N/mm2 Yield stress for edge shear
KLg 4
Kb 24
KLTg 5.4083449
fELg 228.59 N/mm2 Eular stress in longitudinal direction of girder plate
fEb 1371.56 N/mm2 Eular stress in transverse direction of girder plate
fELTg 309.08 N/mm2 Eular shear stress of girder plate

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