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Circular Motion (Chap.7) :: Physics (A-Level)

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Physics (A-level)

Circular motion (chap.7):

 One radian (rad) is defined as the angle subtended at

the centre of a circle by an arc equal in length to the
radius of the circle

 The angular speed is defined as the rate of change of

angular displacement

 Figure 7.2, v → constant, in ∆t object moves along the arc

∆s and sweeps out at ∆ :
 ∆s = r∆ and dividing both sides by ∆t:
 ∆s/∆t = r∆ /∆t
 v=r

 Both the centripetal acceleration and force are towards the center
(90 to that of the instantaneous velocity)
 Figure 7.4 & 7.5 shows the angle between two radii OA and OB & vA
and vB (∆ )
 Triangles OAB and CDE are similar
 Consider angle ∆ to be so small that arc AB approximated as
a straight line
 ∆v/vA = ∆s/r
 ∆v = ∆s(vA/r) and dividing both sides by ∆t
 ∆v/∆t = (∆s/∆t)(vA/r)
 A = v2/r
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Gravitational fields (chap.8):

 A gravitational field is a region of space where a mass experiences a force
 Newton’s law of gravitation states that two point masses attract each other with a force
that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square
of their separation:

 G (gravitational constant) = 6.67 10-11 N m2 kg-2

 Newton’s law specifies that the two masses are point masses, however the law still holds
where the diameter/size of the masses is small compared to their separation
 Differences between gravitational fields and electric fields:
 The electric field acts on charges, whereas the gravitational field acts on masses
 The electric field can be attractive or repulsive, whereas gravitational field always
 The gravitational field outside a spherical uniform mass is radial (all the lines of
gravitational force appear to radiate from the centre of the sphere)
 Circular motion:
 Fgrav = Fcirc
 GMm/r2 = mv2/r
 The period T of the planet in its
orbit is the time required for the
planet to travel a distance 2πr:
 V = 2πr/T
 GMm/r2 = m(4π2r2/T2)/r
 T2 = (4π2/GM)r3

 The right hand-side of the equation shows the constants (π and G), where M is the
same (mass of the sun in the e.g.) when we are considering the relation between T
and r
 Kepler’s third law of planetary motion states that for planet or satellites describing
circular orbits about the same central body, the square of the period is proportional to the
cube of the radius of the orbit (T2 r3)
 Geostationary orbit refers to communication satellites (called geostationary satellites) that
are in equatorial orbits with exactly the same period of rotation as the Earth (24 hours),
and move in the same direction as the Earth (west to east) so that they are always above
the same point on the Equator
 The gravitational field strength at a point is defined as the force per unit mass acting on a
small mass placed at that point
 Newton’s second law: F = ma. Thus the gravitational field strength is given by g = F/m
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 For small distances above the Earth’s surface, g is approximately constant and is called the
acceleration of free fall
 Gravitational potential at a point in a gravitational field is defined as the work done per
unit mass in bringing a unit mass from infinity to the point

 The gravitational potential is negative due to the always attractive gravitational

force, hence there is work done by the test mass, decreasing its potential
 g.p.e: the work done in bringing an object from infinity to the point
 For a body of mass m, then the gravitational potential energy of the body will be m times
as large as for the body of the unit mass

Example questions:
A satellite is orbiting the Earth. For an astronaut in the satellite, his sensation of weight is caused by
the contact force from his surroundings. The astronaut reports that he is ‘weightless’, despite being in
the Earth’s gravitational field. Suggest what is meant by the astronaut reporting that he is ‘weightless’.

 gravitational force provides the centripetal force

 gravitational force is ‘equal’ to the centripetal force
 (accept Gm1m2 / x2 = mxω2 or FC = FG)
 ‘weight’/sensation of weight/contact force/reaction force is difference between FG and FC
which is zero

Explain why the centripetal force acting on both stars has the same magnitude.

 gravitational force provides/is the centripetal force

 same gravitational force (by Newton III)

Oscillations (chap.13):
 The time taken for one complete oscillation or vibration is referred to as the period T of
the oscillation
 The number of oscillations or vibrations per unit time is the frequency f
 Frequency f = 1/T
 The distance from the equilibrium position is known as the displacement (vector quantity)
 The amplitude (scalar quantity) is the maximum displacement
 Simple harmonic motion is defined as the motion of a particle about a fixed point such
that its acceleration is proportional to its displacement from the fixed point, and is directed
towards the point

 A sinusoidal displacement-time graph is a characteristic of s.h.m.

 Harmonic oscillators move in s.h.m.
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 is known as the angular frequency of the oscillation

 = 2πf
 Newton’s second law states that the force acting on the body is proportional to the
acceleration of the body; hence the restoring force is proportional to the displacement and
acting towards the fixed point
 Solution of equation for s.h.m.:

 X0 → amplitude of oscillation
 V → the gradient of displacement-time graph

 For the case where x is zero at time t = 0,

displacement and velocity are given by:
 x = x0 sin t
 v = x0 cos t
 Applying sin2 + cos2 = 1:

leading to:


 → the gradient of velocity-time graph

 The K.E. of the particle oscillating with s.h.m. is ½mv 2:

 The restoring force is F = ma:

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 The potential energy:

 The total energy Etot of the oscillating particle:

 A particle is said to be undergoing free oscillations when the only external force acting on
it is the restoring force (vibrating at its natural frequency):
 No force to dissipate energy, hence constant amplitude and total energy remains
constant, so s.h.m. are free oscillations
 In real situations, however, resistive forces cause the oscillator’s energy to be dissipated,
eventually converted into thermal energy. The oscillations are said to be damped
 Light damping: the amplitude decreases gradually with time (T of the oscillation is
slightly greater than the corresponding free oscillation)
 Heavy damping: the oscillations will die away more quickly
 Critically damped: the displacement decreases to zero in the shortest time, without
any oscillation
 Overdamping: the displacement decreases to zero in a longer time than for critical

 When a vibrating body undergoes free (undamped)

oscillations, it vibrates at its natural frequency
 Periodic forces will make the object vibrate at the
frequency of the applied force (forced vibrations)
 During forced oscillations, at first the amplitude is small, but increases with increasing
frequency, reaches a maximum amplitude, then decreases (shown in a resonance curve)
 Resonance occurs when a natural frequency of vibration of an object is equal to the
driving frequency, giving a maximum amplitude of vibration
 The frequency at which resonance occurs is called the resonant frequency
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 As the degree of damping increases:

 The amplitude of oscillation at all frequencies reduced
 The frequency at maximum amplitude gradually shifts towards lower
 The peak becomes flatter

Temperature (Chapter 11):

 Thermal energy is transferred from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower
 Thermal equilibrium is a condition when two or more objects in contact have the same
temperature so that there is no net flow of energy between them
 ℃ has two fixed point – the melting point of pure ice and the boiling point of pure water –
divides the range between them into 100 equal intervals (changes when pressure changes
or has impurities)
 Thermodynamic scale (Kelvin scale) is said to be an absolute scale, as it is not defined in
terms of a property of any particular substance, based on the idea that the K.E. increases
with increases in temperature; it has two fixed points:
 Absolute zero (0 K) – (minimum internal energy of all substances, 0 K.E. and
minimum electrical potential energy)
 The triple point of water, the temperature at which ice, water and water vapour
can co-exist, which is defined as 273.16 K (0.01 ℃)

Feature Resistance thermometer (thermistor) Thermocouple thermometer

Robustness Very robust Robust
Range Narrow range Can be very wide
Size Larger, has greater thermal capacity Smaller, has smaller thermal capacity
hence slower acting hence quicker acting and can measure
temp. at a point
Sensitivity High sensitivity over a narrow range Can be sensitive according to the
metals chosen
linearity Fairly linear over a narrow range Non-linear so requires calibration
Remote Long conducting wires allow the Long conducting wires allow the
operation operator to be at a distance from the operator to be at a distance from the
thermometer thermometer
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Thermal properties of materials (Chapter 12):

 A solid has fixed volume and shape (particles are close together, tightly bonded to their
neighbors, and vibrating about fixed points)
 During transition between solid and liquid, the energy supplied does not increase
the K.E, hence the temperature of the solid, instead it is used to overcome the
intermolecular forces between the atoms or molecules – increasing the electrical
potential energy of the molecules, this increase is the latent heat of fusion of solid
 A liquid has fixed volume, no fixed shape and similar density as to solid
 During transition between liquid and gas, the intermolecular forces in the liquid
must be overcome, the latent heat of vaporization
 The graph shows that:
 The electrical potential energy of two
atoms very close together is large and
 As the separation increases, their
potential energy also increases
 When atoms are completely separated,
their potential energy is maximum and
has a value of zero
 A gas has no fixed shape or volume (widely
separated and free to move around within their
 Latent heat of vaporization > latent heat of fusion, due to the greater energy required to
completely separate the molecules than to break the rigid bonds in the solid (melting
involves breaking of fewer bonds per molecule); energy is required to push back the
atmosphere as liquid turns to vapour, vol. of vapour > vol. of liquid
 During evaporation, the most energetic molecules are most likely escape the surfaces of
the liquid and hence reducing the average K.E. thus its temperature (cooling effect)
 The internal energy of a system is the sum of the random distribution of kinetic and
potential energies of its atoms or molecules
 Can be increased by heating and/or compression
 First law of thermodynamics: The increase in internal energy of a body is equal to the
thermal energy transferred to it by heating plus the mechanical work done to it
 ∆U = q + w
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 Specific heat capacity: The energy required per unit mass of a substance to raise its
temperature by 1 K (or 1 °C). Unit: J kg−1 K−1

 Assuming no energy losses to the surroundings:

 Assuming energy losses (e.g. in 300s):

 First reading:

 Second reading:
 Subtracting:

 Specific latent heat of fusion: The energy required per unit mass of a substance to change
it from solid to liquid without a change in temperature. Unit: J kg−1

 Specific latent heat of vaporization: The energy required per unit mass of a substance to
change it from liquid to gas without a change in temperature. Unit: J kg−1

 Assuming no energy losses to the surroundings:

 Assuming energy losses (e.g. in 300s):

 First reading:

 Second reading:

 Subtracting:
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 Exchanges of heat energy examples:

Electric fields (Chapter 17):

 For any point outside a spherical conductor, the charge on the sphere may be considered
to act as a point charge at the centre of the sphere
 Coulomb’s law: Any two point charges exert an electrical force on each other that is
proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them
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 Figure 17.2 shows for point charges Q1 and Q2 a distance r apart. Coulomb’s law gives the
force F as:

 When the charges are in a vacuum (or air), the quantity is called the permittivity of
free space

 Electric field strength: The force per unit positive charge at a point. Unit: Vm−1 or NC−1
 The electric field E at the location of q is given by E = F/q, hence the electric field due to the
isolated point charge is:

 Electric potential: The energy per unit charge due to a charged body’s position in an
electric field. Unit: V (volt)
 Similar to electric field strength, electric potential is defined as the potential energy per
unit positive charge (e.g. at point A, having potential energy EPA):

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 The electric field strength is equal to the negative of the potential gradient at that point:

 The potential V is given by:

 Electric fields and gravitational fields:

 force 1 / r 2
 potential 1 / r
 gravitation force (always) attractive
 electric force attractive or repulsive

Ideal gases (Chapter 10):

 Boyle’s law: The pressure exerted by a fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional to its
volume, provided the temperature of the gas remains constant
 P1V1 = P2V2
 Charles’s law: The volume occupied by a gas at constant pressure is directly proportional
to its thermodynamic (absolute) temperature

 Gay-Lussac’s law: P1/T1 = P2/T2

 Combining the three gas laws into a single relation:

 Another series of experiments provide (using the number n of moles of the gas):
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 The previous equation can be expressed in the form:

 N is the number of molecules in the gas
 k is the Boltzmann constant ( )
 The molar gas constant R and the Boltzmann constant k are connected through NA:

 Avogadro constant:
 Amount of substance containing NA particles/molecules/atoms
 Amount of substance which contains the same number of
particles/molecules/atoms as there are atoms in 12g of carbon-12
 R, molar gas constant or universal gas constant (same value for all gases), having
the value of
 An ideal gas is one which obeys the equation of state pV = nRT or pV = NkT
 Mole: The amount of matter which contains the same number of atoms/nuclei as there are
in 12 g of carbon-12
 Tiny pollen grains suspended in water shows the jerky, erratic, random motion (Brownian
motion), due to the bombardment from all sides of the water molecules. Brownian motion
can be reproduced by observing the motion of tiny soot particles in smoke, these particles
move in a jerky motion too, proving the idea of rapid, random motion as required by the
molecular model
 The kinetic theory of gases is a theory which links these microscopic properties of particles
(atoms or molecules) to the macroscopic properties of a gas
 The assumptions of the kinetic theory of an ideal gas are:
 Time of collisions negligible compared to time between collisions
 No intermolecular forces except during collisions
 Random motion of molecules
 Large number of molecules
 Total volume of molecules negligible compared to volume of containing vessel /
Average separation large compared with the size of the molecules

 Molecule in a box:
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 Consider a collision in which a single molecule with mass m moving with speed c
parallel to one side of the box
 Collision striking side ABCD of the cube; elastically rebounded to the opposite
direction (velocity is –c; momentum changes from mc to –mc), so momentum from
the single collision is:

 Between consecutive collisions with side ABCD, the molecule travels a distance of 2l
at speed c. Hence:
 Using Newton’s second law:

 The area of side ABCD is l2, hence pressure is:

 For the large number N of molecules, we write the average value of c2 as < c2>, and
multiply by N to find the total pressure:

 Considering three dimensions, divide by 3 to find the pressure exerted:

 l3 is equal to the volume V of the cube, hence:

 Nm/V is equal to the density ρ of the gas, and we can write:

 So pressure of gas depends only on its density and the mean square speed of its
 The mean translational kinetic energy of an atom (or molecule) of an ideal gas is
proportional to the thermodynamic temperature:
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The average speed of the molecules:

 The quantity is called the root-mean-square (r.m.s.) speed (crms) of the molecules

Alternating current (Chapter 24):

 The magnitude of the power dissipated in a resistor is given by the expression:

 Representing current and voltage:

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 The peak value of the current or voltage is

 The time taken for one complete cycle of the a.c. is the period (T) of the current
 The frequency is the number of complete cycles per unit time

 Since are constants, the average value of P will depend on the average value of
, which is 1/2, hence the average power <P> delivered to the resistor is:

 This is half the maximum power

 Average value of the square of the current or voltage:

 The square root of is called the root-mean-square, or r.m.s.

 The r.m.s value of the alternating current or voltage is that value of the direct current or
voltage that would produce thermal energy at the same rate in a resistor
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 The alternating current in the primary coil gives rise to an in phase alternating magnetic
flux, which threads through the secondary coil, in turn causes an induced e.m.f in the
secondary coil – Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
 For an ideal transformer (100% efficient):

 When Vs > Vp, Ns > Np : step-up transformer

 When Vs < Vp, Ns < Np : step-down transformer
 Sources of power losses in a transformer:
 Loss of magnetic flux between the primary and secondary coils
 Heating of the core due to eddy currents
 Heating of the core due to repeated magnetisation and demagnetisation
 Soft iron core reduces heating due to repeated magnetisation and demagnetisation – not
eddy currents – while laminating it reduces energy losses as thermal energy due to eddy
 Long-distance electrical transmission are prone to power losses due to heating of the
cables (the I2R effect); reduced if the power is transmitted at high voltage – done by using
a.c. rather than d.c. for transformers to be usable
 Rectification: The process of converting alternating current (a.c.) into direct current (d.c.)
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 Full-wave rectification involves four diodes, and is referred to as a bridge rectifier circuit
 The inputs terminals are P and Q. If P is positive during the first half-cycle, diodes 1 and 2
will conduct; in the next half-cycle, Q is positive so diodes 3 and 4 will conduct. Thus the
resistor will always have its upper terminal positive and its lower terminal negative.
However, the output is not good a good approximation to the steady voltage, hence a
capacitor across the output terminals is used:

 The capacitor charges up on the rising part of the half-cycle, then discharges through the
resistor as the output voltage falls; is done to reduce the fluctuations in the unidirectional
output, where the process is called smoothing
 The important factor is the time constant of the resistor-capacitor circuit. If the product of
the capacitance C and the load R is much larger than the half-period of the original supply,
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the ripple on the direct current or voltage will be small. Reducing the time constant will
increase the ripple:

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