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Mic531 Lab Report 1

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Subject code: MIC531


Group: AS2443B

Student’s id: 2019871572


Date of submission: 18/3/2020


The study of culturing and purification technique.


A mix culture consists of two or more microorganisms. Mixed cultures consist of known species
to the exclusion of all others, or they may be composed of mixtures of unknown species.
Culturing technique is a method of multiplying the microbial organisms by letting it grow in
culture medium under controlled laboratory conditions. Culturing technique procedure also
known as isolation technique which allow the microorganism to obtain isolated colonies by the
separation of bacterial cells. The isolation colonies can be obtained by using a culturing and
purification technique for example streaking plate technique to allow the growth of the isolated
colonies in the surface of the agar.



B. Inoculation of the broth culture

Pure culture broth

Inoculating loop

Sterile nutrient broth

C. Dilution streaking technique

Mix culture broth

Nutrient agar plate

Inoculating loop

A. Plate labelling
The sterile nutrient agar plate was labeled before the started the culturing the bacteria. The labeled were
consists of student name or group, date and the treatment of the experiment. The labels were placed at the
bottom part of the plate and not on the cover part of the plate.

B. Inoculation of a broth culture

The sterile nutrient broth was labeled with the source of the culture. The inoculating loop was sterile first
with the flame of Bunsen burner. The loop was inserted into the mix culture tube by using appropriate
aseptic technique and then the loopful of broth were removed from the mix culture tube. The loop was
inserted into the sterile broth tube and gently swirled. The inoculating loop was sterile again after swirled.
The broth was incubated at 37°C for 24-48 hours. The broth was observed by comparing McFarland
standard 0.5 and 1.0. The result was recorded.

C. Dilution streaking technique

The inoculating loop was sterile first before start the streaking technique. The loop was sterile with
Bunsen flame. Next, the sterile nutrient agar plate was divided into four quadrants. The quadrant was
divided by using a marker pen to draw line to separate them. The cap of the mix culture bottle was
removed and the let the loop cool by touching the upper side of the bottle. The loopful of the mix culture
broth was taken out and then applies it onto the first quadrant of the nutrient agar plate. The loop was
sterile again and then streak again from first quadrant to the second quadrant. The loop was sterile and
streak again on second quadrant to the third quadrant. The loop was sterile and lastly streak the third
quadrant to the forth quadrant. The inoculating loop was flame sterile after streaking. The plate was
incubated upside down at 30°C for overnight. The streaked plate was recorded.


The culturing and purification technique was demonstrated in this experiment. The inoculating technique
was demonstrated first. Figure 1 shows the result of broth culture of Escherichia coli. The nutrient broth
becomes cloudy after 24hours of incubation of E.coli.
Figure 1: The nutrient broth of E.coli and the turbidity of the broth after 24 hours of incubation.

Next, the dilution streaking technique was demonstrated. Figure 2 shows the result of streaking technique
from mix culture containing Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. The nutrient agar plate was growth
after 24 hours incubation.

Figure 2: The agar plate of mix culture and the growth of colonies after 24 hours incubation.

In the experiment, student was task to demonstrate the culturing and a purification technique which is
included the plate labeling, inoculation of broth culture and dilution streaking technique.

The inoculation of broth culture was demonstrated to observe the growth of the bacteria by comparing the
turbidity of the broth. Figure 1 shows that the nutrient broth from this experiment turns cloudy. The
suspension of bacterial cells is compared to the McFarland turbidity standard (0.5 McFarland turbidity
standards) by holding the suspension and McFarland turbidity standard in front of a light against a white
background. This shows that there is growth of bacteria which is E. coli after 24 hours of incubation.

Next, the dilution streaking technique was demonstrated to observe the growth of the isolated colonies on
nutrient agar plate. Figure 2 shows that the bacteria grows on the first, second and third quadrant except
the forth quadrant. Student did not managed to get the single colonies at the forth quadrant which is the
interest part to observe the isolated colonies. In this dilution streaking technique, student may did an error
during the process which leading them unable to get the isolated colonies. The actual result for the
dilution streaking is there must be a single white colony on the forth quadrant which it not touching any
other colonies and it assumed to be a pure culture.

The errors that student may did in this experiment was student do not performing aseptic technique
properly. The aseptic technique is critical in order to get the right result which is involving of sterile
equipment and the technique that required a heat near with a flame of Bunsen burner during streaking on
the plate. Next, the plate also might have a water droplet before it was incubate for 24 hours. This might
also disturb the growth of the colonies. Student should ensure that there is no any droplet on the cover of
plate before start to incubate it.


In conclusion, the experiment was conducted to understanding the proper way of plate labeling,
performing the dilution streaking of agar plate skill and to observe the purify isolate from a mix culture
broth of sample. The experiment was successfully conducted and the inoculation of broth culture is

Elsevier, Acad. Press. (1979). Methods in microbiology. Amsterdam.

Ream, W. (2013). Molecular microbiology laboratory: a writing-intensive course. Oxford:

Academic Press.

Reddy, C. A. (2007). Methods for general and molecular microbiology. Washington: ASM


Tankeshwar, A., Acharya, T., Medeviance, Shane, Rasha, Olufunto, J., & Modupe. (2017, May

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