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General Credit Corp V Alsons

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G.R. No. 154975             January 29, 2007 GARCIA, J.: 2.

Answering with a cross-claim against GCC, EQUITY

stated by way of special and affirmative defenses that it
vs. a) was purposely organized by GCC for the
ALSONS DEVELOPMENT and INVESTMENT CORPORATION latter to avoid CB Rules and Regulations on
and CCC EQUITY CORPORATION, Respondents. DOSRI (Directors, Officers, Stockholders and
Related Interest) limitations, and that it acted
merely as intermediary or bridge for loan
In this petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of
transactions and other dealings of GCC to its
Court, petitioner General Credit Corporation, now known as Penta
franchises and the investing public; and
Capital Finance Corporation, seeks to annul and set aside the
Decision1 and Resolution2 dated April 11, 2002 and August 20,
2002, respectively, of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. b) is solely dependent upon GCC for its funding
31801, affirming the November 8, 1990 decision of the Regional requirements, to settle, among others, equity
Trial Court (RTC) of Makati City in its Civil Case No. 12707, an purchases made by investors on the franchises;
action for a sum of money thereat instituted by the herein hence, GCC is solely and directly liable to
respondent Alsons Development and Investment Corporation ALSONS, the former having failed to provide …
against the petitioner and respondent CCC Equity Corporation. EQUITY the necessary funds to meet its
obligations to ALSONS.
The facts:
3. GCC filed its ANSWER to Cross-claim, stressing that it
is a distinct and separate entity from EQUITY and
Shortly after its incorporation in 1957 as a finance and investment
alleging, in essence that the business relationships with
company, petitioner General Credit Corporation (GCC, for short),
each other were always at arm’s length. And following the
then known as Commercial Credit Corporation (CCC), established
denial of its motion to dismiss ALSONS’ complaint, on the
CCC franchise companies in different urban centers of the
ground of lack of jurisdiction and want of cause of action,
country.3 In furtherance of its business, GCC had, as early as 1974,
GCC filed its Answer thereto and set up affirmative
applied for and was able to secure license from the then Central
defenses with counterclaim for exemplary damages and
Bank (CB) of the Philippines and the Securities and Exchange
attorney’s fees.
Commission (SEC) to engage also in quasi-banking activities.4 On
the other hand, respondent CCC Equity Corporation (EQUITY, for
brevity) was organized in November 1994 by GCC for the purpose Issues having been joined, trial ensued. Presented by ALSONS, but
of, among other things, taking over the operations and management testifying as adverse witnesses, were CB and GCC officers. Among
of the various franchise companies. At a time material hereto, other things, ALSONS’ evidence, which included the EQUITY-
respondent Alsons Development and Investment Corporation issued "bearer" promissory note marked as Exhibit "K" and over
(ALSONS, hereinafter) and Conrado, Nicasio, Editha and sixty (60) other marked and subsequently admitted
Ladislawa, all surnamed Alcantara, and Alfredo de Borja documents,9 were to the effect that five (5) incorporators, each
(hereinafter the Alcantara family, for convenience), each owned, contributing P100,000.00 as the initial paid up capital of the
just like GCC, shares in the aforesaid GCC franchise companies, company, organized EQUITY to manage, as it did manage, various
e.g., CCC Davao and CCC Cebu. GCC franchises through management contracts. Before EQUITY’s
incorporation, however, GCC was already into the financing
business as it was in fact managing and operating various CCC
In December 1980, ALSONS and the Alcantara family, for a
franchises. Presented in evidence, too, was the September 29,
consideration of Two Million (P2,000,000.00) Pesos, sold their
1982 letter-reply of one G. Villanueva, then GCC President, to
shareholdings – a total of 101,953 shares, more or less – in the
EQUITY President Wilfredo Labayen, bearing on the sale of
CCC franchise companies to EQUITY.[5] On January 2, 1981,
EQUITY shares to third parties, part of the proceeds of which the
EQUITY issued ALSONS et al., a "bearer" promissory note
Alcantaras wanted applied to liquidate the promissory note in
for P2,000,000.00 with a one-year maturity date, at 18% interest per
question. In said letter, Mr. Villanueva explained that the GCC
annum, with provisions for damages and litigation costs in case of
Board denied the Alcantaras’ request to be paid out of such
proceeds, but nonetheless authorized EQUITY to pay them interest
out of EQUITY’s operation income, in preference over what was
Some four years later, the Alcantara family assigned its rights and due GCC.10
interests over the bearer note to ALSONS which thenceforth
became the holder thereof.7 But even before the execution of the
Albeit EQUITY presented its president, it opted to adopt the
assignment deal aforestated, letters of demand for interest payment
testimony of some of ALSONS’ witnesses, inclusive of the
were already sent to EQUITY, through its President, Wilfredo
documentary exhibits testified to by each of them, as its evidence.
Labayen, who pleaded inability to pay the stipulated interest,
EQUITY no longer then having assets or property to settle its
obligation nor being extended financial support by GCC. For its part, GCC called only Wilfredo Labayen to testify. It stuck to
its underlying defense of separateness and presented documentary
evidence detailing the organizational structures of both GCC and
What happened next, as narrated in the assailed Decision of the
EQUITY. And in a bid to negate the notion that it was conducting its
CA, may be summarized, as follows:
business illegally, GCC presented CB and SEC-issued licenses
authoring it to engage in financing and quasi-banking activities. It
1. On January 14, 1986, before the RTC of Makati, also adduced evidence to prove that it was never a party to any of
ALSONS, having failed to collect on the bearer note the actionable documents ALSONS and its predecessors-in-interest
aforementioned, filed a complaint for a sum of had in their possession and that the November 27, 1985 deed of
money8 against EQUITY and GCC. The case, docketed assignment of rights over the promissory note was unenforceable.
as Civil Case No. 12707, was eventually raffled to Branch
58 of the court. As stated in par. 4 of the complaint, GCC
Eventually, the trial court, on its finding that EQUITY was but an
is being impleaded as party-defendant for any judgment
instrumentality or adjunct of GCC and considering the legal
ALSONS might secure against EQUITY and, under the
consequences and implications of such relationship, came out with
doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate fiction, against
its decision on November 8, 1990, rendering judgment for ALSONS,
GCC, EQUITY having been organized as a tool and mere
to wit:
conduit of GCC.
WHEREFORE, the foregoing premises considered, judgment is 4. The fact of full payment stated in the ten (10) deeds of
hereby rendered in favor of plaintiff [ALSONS] and against the sale of the shares of stock is conclusive on the sellers,
defendants [EQUITY and GCC] who are hereby ordered, jointly and and by the patrol evidence rule, the alleged fact of its
severally, to pay plaintiff: non-payment cannot be introduced in evidenced; and

1. the principal sum of Two Million Pesos (P2,000,000.00) 5. The counter-claim filed by GCC against Alsons should
together with the interest due thereon at the rate of be granted in the interest of justice.
eighteen percent (18%) annually computed from Jan. 2,
1981 until the obligation is fully paid;
The petition and the arguments and/or issues holding it together are
without merit. The desired reversal of the assailed decision and
2. liquidated damages due thereon equivalent to three resolution of the appellate court is accordingly DENIED.
percent (3%) monthly computed from January 2, 1982
until the obligation is fully paid;
Instead of raising distinctly formulated questions of law, as is
expected of one seeking a review under Rule 45 of the Rules of
3. attorney’s fees in an amount equivalent to twenty four Court of a final CA judgment, 13 petitioner GCC starts off by voicing
percent (24%) of the total obligation due; and disappointment over the "perfunctory" denial by the CA of its twin
motions for reconsideration and oral argument. Petitioner, to be
sure, cannot plausibly expect a reversal action premised on the
4. the costs of suit.
cursory way its motions were denied, if such indeed were the case.
Such manner of denial, while perhaps far from ideal, is not even a
IT IS SO ORDERED. (Words in brackets added.) recognized ground for appeal by certiorari, unless a denial of due
process ensues, which is not the case here. And lest it be
overlooked, the CA prefaced its assailed denial resolution with the
Therefrom, GCC went on appeal to the CA where its appellate clause: "[F]inding no reversible error committed to warrant the
recourse was docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 31801, ascribing to the modification and/or reversal of the April 11, 2002 Decision,"
trial court the commission of the following errors: suggesting that the appellate court gave the petitioner’s motion for
reconsideration the attention it deserved. At the very least, the
1. In holding that there is a "Parent-Subsidiary" corporate petitioner was duly apprised of the reasons why reconsideration
relationship between EQUITY and GCC; could not be favorably considered. An extended resolution was not
really necessary to dispose of the motion for reconsideration in
2. In not holding that EQUITY and GCC are distinct and
separate corporate entities;
Petitioner’s lament about being deprived of procedural due process
owing to the denial of its motion for oral argument is simply
3. In applying the doctrine of "Piercing the Veil of specious. Under the CA Internal Rules, the appellate court may tap
Corporate Fiction" in the case at bar; and any of the three (3) alternatives therein provided to aid the court in
resolving appealed cases before it. It may rely on available records
4. In not holding ALSONS in estoppel to question the alone, require the submission of memoranda or set the case for oral
corporate personality of EQUITY. argument. The option the Internal Rules thus gives the CA
necessarily suggests that the appellate court may, at its sound
discretion, dispense with a tedious oral argument exercise. Rule VI,
On April 11, 2002, the appellate court rendered the herein assailed Section 6 of the 2002 Internal Rules of the CA, provides:
Decision,11 affirming that of the trial court, thus:

SEC. 6 Judicial Action on Certain Petitions.- (a) In petitions for

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision of the Regional review, after the receipt of the respondent’s comment on the
Trial Court, Branch 58, Makati in Civil Case No. 12707 is hereby petition, … the Court [of Appeals] may dismiss the petition if it finds
AFFIRMED. the same to be patently without merit …, otherwise, it shall give due
course to it.
xxx xxx xxx
In time, GCC moved for reconsideration followed by a motion for
oral argument, but both motions were denied by the CA in its If the petition is given due course, the Court may consider the case
equally assailed Resolution of August 20, 2002.12 submitted for decision or require the parties to submit their
memorandum or set the case for oral argument. xxx. After the oral
Hence, GCC’s present recourse anchored on the following argument or upon submission of the memoranda … the case shall
arguments, issues and/or submissions: be deemed submitted for decision.

1. The motion for oral argument with motion for In the case at bench, records reveal that the appellate court, in line
reconsideration and its supplement were perfunctorily with the prescription of its own rules, required the parties to just
denied by the CA without justifiable basis; submit, as they did, their respective memoranda to properly
ventilate their separate causes. Under this scenario, the petitioner
cannot be validly heard, having been deprived of due process.
2. There is absolutely no basis for piercing the veil of
corporate fiction;
Just like the first, the last three (3) arguments set forth in the petition
will not carry the day for the petitioner. In relation therewith, the
3. Respondent Alsons is not a real party-in-interest as the Court notes that these arguments and the issues behind them were
promissory note payable to bearer subject of the not raised before the trial court. This appellate maneuver cannot be
collection suit is but a simulated document and/or refers allowed. For, well-settled is the rule that issues or grounds not
to another party. Moreover, the subject promissory note is raised below cannot be resolved on review in higher
not admissible in evidence because it has not been duly courts.14 Springing surprises on the opposing party is antithetical to
authenticated and it is an altered document; the sporting idea of fair play, justice and due process; hence, the
proscription against a party shifting from one theory at the trial court
to a new and different theory in the appellate level. On the same
rationale, points of law, theories, issues not brought to the attention Whether the separate personality of the corporation should be
of the lower court or, in fine, not interposed during the trial cannot pierced hinges on obtaining facts, appropriately pleaded or proved.
be raised for the first time on appeal.15 However, any piercing of the corporate veil has to be done with
caution, albeit the Court will not hesitate to disregard the corporate
veil when it is misused or when necessary in the interest of
There are, to be sure, exceptions to the rule respecting what may
justice.24 After all, the concept of corporate entity was not meant to
be raised for the first time on appeal. Lack of jurisdiction over when
promote unfair objectives.
the issues raised present a matter of public policy 16 comes
immediately to mind. None of the well-recognized exceptions obtain
in this case, however. Authorities are agreed on at least three (3) basic areas where
piercing the veil, with which the law covers and isolates the
corporation from any other legal entity to which it may be related, is
Lest it be overlooked vis-à-vis the same last three arguments thus
allowed.25 These are: 1) defeat of public convenience,26 as when the
pressed, both the trial court and the CA, based on the evidence
corporate fiction is used as vehicle for the evasion of an existing
adduced, adjudged the petitioner and respondent EQUITY jointly
obligation;27 2) fraud cases or when the corporate entity is used to
and severally liable to pay what respondent ALSONS is entitled to
justify a wrong, protect fraud, or defend a crime;28 or 3) alter ego
under the "bearer" promissory note. The judgment argues against
cases, where a corporation is merely a farce since it is a mere alter
the notion of the note being simulated or altered or that respondent
ego or business conduit of a person, or where the corporation is so
ALSONS has no standing to sue on the note, not being the payee of
organized and controlled and its affairs are so conducted as to
the "bearer" note. For, the declaration of liability not only
make it merely an instrumentality, agency, conduit or adjunct of
presupposes the duly established authenticity and due execution of
another corporation.29
the promissory note over which ALSONS, as the holder in due
course thereof, has interest, but also the untenability of the
petitioner’s counterclaim for attorney’s fees and exemplary The CA found valid grounds to pierce the corporate veil of petitioner
damages against ALSONS. At bottom, the petitioner predicated GCC, there being justifiable basis for such action. When the
such counter-claim on the postulate that respondent ALSONS had appellate court spoke of a justifying factor, the reference was to
no cause of action, the supposed promissory note being, according what the trial court said in its decision, namely: the existence of
to the petitioner, either a simulated or an altered document. "certain circumstances [which], taken together, gave rise to the
ineluctable conclusion that … [respondent] EQUITY is but an
instrumentality or adjunct of [petitioner] GCC."
In net effect, the definitive conclusion of the appellate court –
affirmatory of that of the trial court – was that the bearer promissory
note (Exh. "K") was a genuine and authentic instrument payable to The Court agrees with the disposition of the appellate court on the
the holder thereof. This factual determination, as a matter of long application of the piercing doctrine to the transaction subject of this
and sound appellate practice, deserves great weight and shall not case. Per the Court’s count, the trial court enumerated no less than
be disturbed on appeal, save for the most compelling 20 documented circumstances and transactions, which, taken as a
reasons,17 such as when that determination is clearly without package, indeed strongly supported the conclusion that respondent
evidentiary support or when grave abuse of discretion has been EQUITY was but an adjunct, an instrumentality or business conduit
committed.18 This is as it should be since the Court, in petitions for of petitioner GCC. This relation, in turn, provides a justifying ground
review of CA decisions under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, usually to pierce petitioner’s corporate existence as to ALSONS’ claim in
limits its inquiry only to questions of law. Stated otherwise, it is not question. Foremost of what the trial court referred to as "certain
the function of the Court to analyze and weigh all over again the circumstances" are the commonality of directors, officers and
evidence or premises supportive of the factual holdings of lower stockholders and even sharing of office between petitioner GCC
courts.19 and respondent EQUITY; certain financing and management
arrangements between the two, allowing the petitioner to handle the
funds of the latter; the virtual domination if not control wielded by
As nothing in the record indicates any of the exceptions adverted to
the petitioner over the finances, business policies and practices of
above, the factual conclusion of the CA that the P2 Million
respondent EQUITY; and the establishment of respondent EQUITY
promissory note in question was authentic and was issued at the
by the petitioner to circumvent CB rules. For a perspective, the
first instance to respondent ALSONS and the Alcantara family for
following are some relevant excerpts from the trial court’s decision
the amount stated on its face, must be affirmed. It should be
setting forth in some detail the tipping circumstances adverted to
stressed in this regard that even the issuing entity, i.e., respondent
EQUITY, never challenged the genuineness and due execution of
the note.
It must be noted that as characterized by their business
relationship, [respondent] EQUITY and [petitioner] GCC had
This brings us to the remaining but core issue tendered in this case
common directors and/or officers as well as stockholders. This is
and aptly raised by the petitioner, to wit: whether there is absolutely
revealed by the proceedings recorded in SEC Case No. 25-81
no basis for piercing GCC’s veil of corporate identity.
entitled "Avelina Ramoso, et al., vs. GCC, et al., where it was
established, thru the testimony of EQUITY’s own President … that
A corporation is an artificial being vested by law with a personality more than 90% of the stockholders of … EQUITY were also
distinct and separate from those of the persons composing it20 as stockholders of … GCC ….. Disclosed likewise is the fact that when
well as from that of any other entity to which it may be related. 21 The [EQUITY’s President] Labayen sold the shareholdings of EQUITY in
first consequence of the doctrine of legal entity of the separate said franchise companies, practically the entire proceeds thereof
personality of the corporation is that a corporation may not be made were surrendered to GCC, and not received by EQUITY (EXHIBIT
to answer for acts and liabilities of its stockholders or those of legal "RR") xxx.
entities to which it may be connected or vice versa.22
It was likewise shown by a preponderance of evidence that not only
The notion of separate personality, however, may be disregarded had …GCC financed … EQUITY and that the latter was heavily
under the doctrine – "piercing the veil of corporate fiction" – as in indebted to the former but EQUITY was, in fact, a wholly owned
fact the court will often look at the corporation as a mere collection subsidiary of …GCC. Thus, as affirmed by EQUITY’s President, …
of individuals or an aggregation of persons undertaking business as the funds invested by EQUITY in the CCC franchise companies
a group, disregarding the separate juridical personality of the actually came from CCC Phils. or GCC (Exhibit "Y-5")…. that, as
corporation unifying the group. Another formulation of this doctrine disclosed by the Auditor’s report for 1982, past due receivables
is that when two (2) business enterprises are owned, conducted alone of GCC exceeded P101,000,000.00 mostly to GCC affiliates
and controlled by the same parties, both law and equity will, when especially CCC EQUITY. …; that [CB’s] Report of Examination
necessary to protect the rights of third parties, disregard the legal dated July 14, 1977 shows that … EQUITY which has a paid-up
fiction that two corporations are distinct entities and treat them as capital of only P500,000.00 was the biggest borrower of GCC with a
identical or one and the same.23 total loan of P6.70 Million ….
xxx xxx xxx SO ORDERED.

It has likewise been amply substantiated by [respondent ALSONS’]

evidence that not only did … GCC cause the incorporation of …
EQUITY, but, the latter had grossly inadequate capital for the
pursuit of its line of business to the extent that its business affairs
were considered as GCC’s own business endeavors. xxx.

xxx xxx xxx

ALSONS has likewise shown …that the bonuses of the officers and
directors of … EQUITY was based on its total financial performance
together with all its affiliates… both firms were sharing one and the
same office when both were still operational … and that the
directors and executives of … EQUITY never acted independently
… but took their orders from … GCC….

The evidence has also indubitably established that … EQUITY was

organized by … GCC for the purpose of circumventing [CB] rules
and regulations and the Anti-Usury Law. Thus, as disclosed by the
Advance Report … on the result of Central Bank’s Operations
Examination conducted on … GCC as of March 31, 1977
(EXHIBITS "FFF" etc.), the latter violated [CB] rules and regulations
by : (a) using as a conduit its non-quasi bank affiliates …. (b)
issuing without recourse facilities to enable GCC to extend credit to
affiliates like … EQUITY which go beyond the single borrower’s limit
without the need of showing outstanding balance in the book of
accounts. (Emphasis over words in brackets added.)

It bears to stress at this point that the facts and the inferences
drawn therefrom, upon which the two (2) courts below applied the
piercing doctrine, stand, for the most part, undisputed. Among these
is, to reiterate, the matter of EQUITY having been incorporated to
serve, as it did serve, as an instrumentality or adjunct of GCC. With
the view we take of this case, GCC did not adduce any evidence, let
alone rebut the testimonies and documents presented by ALSONS,
to establish the prevailing circumstances adverted to that provided
the justifying occasion to pierce the veil of corporate fiction between
GCC and EQUITY. We quote the trial court:

Verily, indeed, as the relationships binding herein [respondent

EQUITY and petitioner GCC] have been that of "parent-subsidiary
corporations" the foregoing principles and doctrines find suitable
applicability in the case at bar; and, it having been satisfactorily and
indubitably shown that the said relationships had been used to
perform certain functions not characterized with legitimacy, this
Court … feels amply justified to "pierce the veil of corporate entity"
and disregard the separate existence of the percent (sic) and
subsidiary the latter having been so controlled by the parent that its
separate identity is hardly discernible thus becoming a mere
instrumentality or alter ego of the former. Consequently, as the
parent corporation, [petitioner] GCC maybe (sic) held responsible
for the acts and contracts of its subsidiary – [respondent] EQUITY -
most especially if the latter (who had anyhow acknowledged its
liability to ALSONS) maybe (sic) without sufficient property with
which to settle its obligations. For, after all, GCC was the entity
which initiated and benefited immensely from the fraudulent scheme
perpetrated in violation of the law. (Words in parenthesis in the
original; emphasis and bracketed words added).

Given the foregoing considerations, it behooves the petitioner, as a

matter of law and equity, to assume the legitimate financial
obligation of a cash-strapped subsidiary corporation which it virtually
controlled to such a degree that the latter became its instrument or
agent. The facts, as found by the courts a quo, and the applicable
law call for this kind of disposition. Or else, the Court would be
allowing the wrong use of the fiction of corporate veil.

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED and the appealed

Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals are accordingly

Costs against the petitioner.

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