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Solving Mixed-Integer Linear Programs With MATLAB

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Solving Mixed-Integer Linear

Programs with MATLAB

Bowen Hua
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
November 2018
• Install MATLAB and YALMIP
• Example problem
• Example unit commitment problem
• Install MATLAB and YALMIP
• Example problem
• Example unit commitment problem
• Cockrell School provides licenses for MATLAB.
• Remember to install the optimization toolbox.
• Download YALMIP and install it.
• Unzip the downloaded file into a folder ~/YALMIP-master.
• Add the folder with all its subfolders to your MATLAB path
• See next slide for detailed instructions
• Click “Set Path” on the MATLAB toolbar

• Click “Add with Subfolders”

• Add the above-mentioned folder
• Run yalmiptest in MATLAB to test the installation
What is YALMIP?
• YALMIP is a modeling environment for
optimization problems.
• It allows a user to describe an optimization
problem by writing algebraic equations.
• It then translate the optimization problem
into a form that is recognizable by a solver.
• The solver then finds the solution to the
• Install MATLAB and YALMIP
• Example problem
• Example unit commitment problem
Describe the problem with YALMIP
• Declare variables
• Define constraints
• Define the objective function
• Solve
Example Problem

• Problem (4.45) in Section 4.8.3 on page 143 of Section 4.

• Mathematical formulation of the problem:
Declare variables
• Code: • binvar(1,1)defines a binary
z = binvar(1,1); variable.
x = sdpvar(1,1); • sdpvar(1,1)defines a
continuous variable.
Define constraints
• Put all constraints in a list:
constr = [-x == -3];
constr = [constr, 2*z <= x <= 4 * z];
• Double-sided inequality constraints are supported.
Define objective function
Objective = 4*z + x;
options = sdpsettings('verbose',1,'solver','INTLINPROG');
sol = optimize(constr,Objective,options);
• We use the built-in mixed-integer linear program solve of MATLAB, intlinprog.
• To see the optimal objective function value, we can use:
• value(Objective)
• To see the optimal value of the decision variables, we can use:
• value(x)
• value(z)
• Install MATLAB and YALMIP
• Example problem
• Example unit commitment problem
Example unit
commitment problem
• Unit Commitment Example in
Section 10.8.1 on page 126 of
Section 10.
• Mathematical formulation of
the problem:
Declare variables
• Code: • binvar(2,1)defines a 2-
z1 = binvar(2,1); column-vector of binary
z2 = binvar(2,1); variables.
u1 = binvar(2,1); • sdpvar(2,1)defines a 2-
u2 = binvar(2,1); column-vector of continuous
P1 = sdpvar(2,1); variables.
P2 = sdpvar(2,1);
• z1, u1, P1 are variables for
generator 1.
Define constraints
• Bounds for power outputs. These constraints are defined in vector form:
private_constr = [0 <= P1 <= 100 * z1];
private_constr = [private_constr, 0 <= P2 <= 50 * z1];
• Logical constraints between startup and on/off variables:
private_constr = [private_constr, u1(1) == z1(1) - 1];
private_constr = [private_constr, u1(2) == z1(2) - z1(1)];
private_constr = [private_constr, u2(1) == z2(1)];
private_constr = [private_constr, u2(2) == z2(2) - z2(1)];
• Power balance constraints:
power_balance = [P1(1) + P2(1) == 110];
power_balance = [power_balance, P1(2) + P2(2) == 125];
Define objective function
Objective = 1000 * (sum(u1) + sum(u2)) + 25 * sum(P1) + 35 * sum(P2);
options = sdpsettings('verbose',1,'solver','INTLINPROG');
sol = optimize([private_constr, power_balance],Objective,options);
• To see the optimal objective function value, we can use:
• value(Objective)
• To see the optimal value of the decision variables, we can use:
• value(P1)

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