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Central Venous Catheter: Insertion Guide

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Insertion Guide

written and illustrated by

Philippe Le Fevre
About This Guide

Central venous catheters (CVCs) are useful devices essential to the care of
critically ill patients. However, CVCs are associated with life threatening NSW health requires all practitioners inserting CVCs to have appropriate accreditation.
complications. To minimise these complications each CVC insertion This accreditation process has two components:
needs to be carefully planned with regard to indication, type, site, inser- 1. Theoretical knowledge of CVC insertion planning and proceedure
tion procedure and subsequent management.
2. Demonstrated capability of safe CVC insertion

Making the most of the available evidence this guide hopes to teach you: The completion of this learning package and associated assessment is a requirement
for the first component of the accreditation process.
• When and when not to insert a central line
• To choose the right insertion site for the patient in front of you
• To insert a central line as safely as possible

The ongoing care and maintenance of central lines is not covered by Date of last edit: December 2012
this guide. Correspondence via

This written guide is accompanied by a companion instructional video

and series of online MCQ questions.


Part 1: Theory Part 2: Procedure

What is a Central Venous Catheter?............................................................ 2 The Seldinger Technique.............................................................................. 10

Types of Central Venous Catheter................................................................ 2 Internal Jugular Vein.................................................................................... 14

Complications.................................................................................................. 2 Subclavian and Axillary Veins..................................................................... 15

Experience and Seeking Help........................................................................ 2 Femoral Vein.................................................................................................. 16

Choosing the Most Appropriate Site............................................................ 3 Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC).........................................17

Staying Clean................................................................................................... 5 Securing and Dressing the Line.................................................................. 19

Electrical Safety............................................................................................... 5

Ultrasound Guidance..................................................................................... 6

Ideal Tip Position............................................................................................ 8

Depth Guide.................................................................................................... 9

Detecting Arterial Puncture.......................................................................... 9

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 1

Part 1: Theory

What is a Central Venous Catheter?

A central venous catheter, often called a central line, is an intravascular • Administration of sclerosing infusions
catheter placed so that the tip lies near the centre of circulation in one
• High flow blood access for dialysis or plasmapheresis
of the vena cavae. These veins have a large luminal diameter and high
blood flow that makes them suitable for: • Haemodynamic monitoring
• Venous access when peripheral access is unavailable
• Long term venous access

Types of Central Venous Catheter

Broadly speaking, there are two types of central line: short centrally • Site of insertion
inserted central catheters (CICCs) inserted into the axillary, subclavian,
• Tunnelling
internal jugular or femoral veins; and longer peripherally inserted central
catheters (PICCs) usually inserted into one of the mid arm veins. • Antibacterial coating
• Length
Central lines can also be categorised by:
• Number of lumens
• Total and luminal gauge

The more common or serious complications of a central line insertion include:
• Pneumothorax • Incorrect catheter tip position
• Air embolus • Central vein perforation
• Haematoma • Tamponade
• Haemorrhage • Cardiac arrhythmia
• Thrombosis • Embolised, fractured or irretrievable guide wires
• Stenosis • Infection
• Arterial puncture / catheterisation

Experience and Seeking Help

As with most medical procedures, experienced operators have fewer The incidence of mechanical complications after three or more failed
complications. Central venous access by someone who has performed insertion attempts is six times the rate after one attempt.2 If you are
more than 50 catheterisations is half as likely to result in a mechani- having trouble, seek help.
cal complication as someone who has performed less than 50.1 High
risk catheterisations should be recognised as such and performed by
experienced staff.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 2

Choosing the Most Appropriate Site

Choosing the most appropriate site will Patients vary: coagulopathy, active However, formal comparison in randomised controlled trials of the rate of
injuries, old scars, skeletal abnormalities, vascular surgery, venous throm- catheter related bloodstream infections (CR-BSI) in critically ill patients
bosis, stenosis, presence of vascular filters, pacemakers and defibrillators, shows no difference between PICCs and CICCs.8,9
and a history of difficult central venous access should inform your decision
making process. It is important to review each patient’s history, perform a
focussed vascular examination, examine the available relevant radiological AXILLARY & SUBCLAVIAN VEINS
images and investigate for coagulopathy.
Subclavian central lines carry the lowest risk of arterial puncture and line
sepsis. A methodologically sound RCT compared subclavian with femoral
PATIENT ASSESSMENT central line insertions. It found subclavian access to be associated with a
History Examination significantly lower rate of any infectious complications (4.5% vs 19.8%; P >
• Respiratory failure • Scars (surgical and vascular 0.001) and a trend toward a lower rate of suspected or confirmed catheter
• Ability to lie flat procedures)
related bloodstream infections (1.5% vs 4.4%; P = 0.07).10
• Claustrophobia • Pacemaker / ICD
• Clotting disorders • Confusion & level of cooperation
• Allergies (esp. chlorhexedine) • Skin infection / inflammation The major risk of subclavian vein catheterisation is pleural injury leading
• Previous venous access devices to pneumothorax or haemothorax — serious complications that often
• Pacemaker / ICD / IVC filter require a chest drain insertion. Patients who are in severe respiratory
• Clotting studies
• Likely hood to need long term • Platelet count failure may not have the reserves to contend with a pneumothorax and
• Ultrasound so the subclavian site should be avoided. If a patient has a chest drain
• Chest X Ray to predict depth in situ consider inserting a subclavian or axillary line on the same side.

Blood loss into a haemothorax can be catastrophic. A subclavian or axil-

lary line should not be inserted in any significantly coagulopathic patient
PERIPHERALLY INSERTED CENTRAL CATHETERS (INR > 1.5 or platelets < 50 000/microL). The internal jugular and basilic
veins are compressible with external pressure and much more appropriate
Practical Application sites for central access in a patient who is prone to bleed.
Being true central catheters, PICCs are appropriate for the slow admin-
istration of sclerosing solutions like TPN. PICCs have two important Catheterisation of the subclavian vein carries a high risk of stenosis, espe-
practical shortcomings. The first is that their long length and small cially when catheterised with a haemodialysis catheter. The subclavian vein
diameter limits their flow rate and makes them inappropriate for rapid should be avoided for haemodialysis if possible, not just because of the
fluid resuscitation. The second limitation is that PICCs often don’t provide increased risk of stenosis but because subclavian stenosis will complicate
enough lumens for critically ill patients who need multiple concurrent subsequent haemodialysis access.11,12
incompatible infusions. Three and four lumen PICCs are commercially
available but are associated with an increased risk of thrombosis.3 Subclavian lines are the most AXILLARY & SUBCLAVIAN
comfortable of centrally inserted Advantages
Safety central catheters.13 This and their • Lower rates of infection
Over the last 20 years, PICCs have become more widely used, mainly due low incidence of infection makes • Comfortable
to their low risk of early serious complications such as pleural injury and them suitable for long term and • No risk of pleural injury
bleeding. They are no safer than CICCs when longer term considerations outpatient use. • Leaves the superior vena cava
available for other lines
are considered.4,5 • Good flow rates for dialysis
Subclavian central catheters
Misplacement should not be inserted on the
• Non compressible site
A systematic review of five satisfactory studies reflecting 432 PICCs and same side as a preexisting cardiac
• Not suitable in coagulopathy
641 CICCs found that radiographic misplacement occurred more often pacemaker, where there is risk • High rate of stenosis with
after PICC placement (9.3% vs 3.4%; odds ratio 3.76, 95% CI 1.75–8.07).5 of dislodging trans venous pac- implications for long term dialysis
ing wires. • Highest rate of pleural injury
When screened for in critically unwell patients the incidence of PICC
associated DVT is high (23%).6 Systematic review of 7 non-randomised
studies found that thrombophlebitis was reported dramatically more often FEMORAL VEIN
with PICCs than CICCs (7.8 vs 0.75 per 1000 catheter-days; odds ratio
5.82, 95% CI 2.37–14.2).5 A few Femoral vein central lines carry the highest risk of bacterial line colo-
patients with DVT suffer severe PICC nisation and significant sepsis.10 In addition, the insertion of a central
thromboembolic complications, Advantages line into the femoral vein carries the highest rate of arterial puncture,
but in most cases the sequelae of • Low rate of infection haematoma, thrombosis and haemorrhage.10 The fact that the femoral
catheter associated DVT are not • Very low risk of pleural injury vein is compressible makes it preferable to the subclavian and axillary
clear.3 There is a well established Disadvantages
veins in coagulopathic patients. However, it is beter still to use the internal
correlation between thrombosis • Low maximal flow rate jugular vein in these patients. Blood loss from femoral haemorrhage can
and catheter related sepsis2,7 but it • Limited number of lumens be massive and concealed into the retroperitoneal space.
is not known whether thrombosis • High rate of thrombus formation
predisposes for sepsis or vice versa. • High rate of misplacement Femoral catheterisation has the advantage that it carries a very low risk
of pleural injury and air embolism.
Experience of PICC use in low acuity patients has formed the impression Femoral catheters make hip flexion awkward and cause an impediment
amongst clinicians that PICCs carry a lower risk of infection than CICCs. to patient mobilisation and physiotherapy.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 3

Obtaining central venous access The internal jugular vein has a larger diameter (1.54 vs 1.08 cm; P<.0001)
during a resuscitation can help and runs more superficially (1.74 vs 1.87 cm; P < .0001) on the right than
the delivery of drugs to the heart Advantages the left.19
and is occasionally the only viable • Compresible site
• No risk of pleural injury
venous access (interosseous aside). Most of the body’s lymph drains via the thoracic duct into the proximal
• Good flow rates for dialysis
In a small, randomised controlled end of the left subclavian vein. Not surprisingly, and although rare, the
• Most accesable site during CPR
study of patients receiving CPR, risk of thoracic duct damage and chylothorax is higher with central access
directly ultrasound-guided Disadvantages via the left internal jugular and subclavian.20,21
• Highest rate of infection
femoral catheterisation was faster
• Lowest rate of success
and more likely to be successful • Highest rate of inadvertant arterial
The apical lobe of the lung reaches more superiorly on the left and implies
than alternative approaches.14 cannulation a greater risk of pleural injury from central line insertions on the left.22
Catheterising the internal jugular • Impedes patient mobility
or subclavian veins during CPR • Unsuitable for measuring superior One factor in favour of left sided insertions is that catheters advanced
will tend to interfere with chest vena cava pressures along the left subclavian vein (PICCs included) are a little less likely to
• Caution in patients with an inferior
compressions and airway man- vena caval filter
inadvertently divert superiorly into the internal jugular vein.23
agement. It is worth remembering
that during chest compressions A randomised controlled trial found catheterisation of the left internal
the femoral vein will be pulsatile. jugular vein was more time consuming; it required more attempts; and it
Extra care should be taken to prevent needle stick injuries in the crowded was associated with a greater number of complications when compared
resuscitation environment. to the right side.24

In a patient who has an inferior vena cava filter, femoral line placement One last consideration is that
should only be performed by a radiologist with the benefit of fluoroscopy right handed proceduralists
to ensure that the guide wire does not become entangled with the filter.15 will find central line inser- Advantages of the Right
tions on the right of the patient • IJ has larger diameter
• IJ is more superficial
more comfortable and easier to
• Lower risk of delayed perforation
INTERNAL JUGULAR VEIN accomplish. Vice versa for left
• Better flows for dialysis
handed proceduralists. • Lower risk of thoracic duct damage
Internal jugular catheter inser- • Lower risk of pleural injury
tion carries an intermediate risk Never attempt central lines on
Advantages of the Left
of line sepsis, arterial puncture, Advantages opposite sides of the chest with- • Catheters fed through the left
pneumothorax and haemotho- • Low rate of infection out performing a chest X-ray subclavian vein are less likely to
• Very low risk of pleural injury
rax. Of the three CICC sites the in between to avoid bilateral divert up the internal jugular vein
internal jugular vein is the most Disadvantages pneumothoraces.25
suitable for coagulopathic patients. • Limited number of lumens
An internal jugular catheter is • Potential to increase venous
resistance and exacerbate cerebral
incompatible with a rigid cervical oedema SUMMARY
spine collar.
Make yourself aware of each patient’s specific considerations. In the
non-coagulopathic patient who is not in severe respiratory failure, a
subclavian central line is the most appropriate choice. That leaves the
LEFT vs. RIGHT internal jugular vein as a useful site for patients with a coagulopathy or
profound respiratory failure providing they can lie flat for the procedure.
For a number of reasons, central lines of the upper body are better Femoral lines are useful as an alternative when there is a compelling
inserted on the right. reason to avoid an upper body central line, often because of venous
thrombosis, stenosis or a preexisting central line already residing in the
Left sided lines have to traverse the acute angle between the left innomi- SVC. A peripherally inserted central catheter is an alternative unless the
nate vein and superior vena cava. As a consequence catheters inserted line is required for rapid infusions, thermodilution or multiple concurrent
via the left innominate are associated with a greater risk of delayed but incompatible infusions. In the upper body the right side of the patient
perforation 16,17 thrombosis,18 and greater resistance to flow. is preferable to the left.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 4

Staying Clean

Catheter associated sepsis is the most common, serious complication

of central venous access. The incidence of catheter related blood stream
• Sterile equipment setup
infections (CR-BSI) is about 1 to 8 per 1000 catheter-days in general
• Gown, glove, mask and hair cap
intensive care patients26 and even higher, 15 per 1000 catheter-days, in
• Effective hand washing with 4% chlorhexidine surgical scrub
burns patients. The rate is substantially lower in the outpatient popula- • Patient skin antisepsis with chlorhexidine and alcohol solution
tion — approximately 0.5 per 1000 catheter days.27 • Sterile drape
• Antimicrobially coated catheter
Open a sterile gown and fenestrated drape pack onto a dedicated clean
• Should sterile precautions be compromised, abandon the proceedure and
trolley. The blue water-repellent sheet that covers the gown and drape,
reatempt with full aseptic technique
when opened out, serves to cover the trolley and provide a sterile surface.
Open the sterile line insertion equipment onto this surface with care to
maintain sterility.
CR-BSIs when compared with sterile gloves and a small drape alone
The sterile equipment setup must be used immediately after opening to (relative risk 0.16; P = 0.06).2 The assistant should also wear a face mask
minimise airborne contamination. If for some reason there is a delay after and hair-cap throughout the proceedure.
opening the equipment a new set of sterile equipment should be prepared.
The proceduralist should hand wash with 4% chlorhexidine surgical scrub
Barrier precautions make a dif- (Figure 1) for a minimum of 2 minutes. Guidelines for effective hand
ference. The use of a face mask, washing are available from Hand Hygiene Australia (
hair-cap, sterile gown, sterile
gloves, and a large sterile drape Chlorhexidine and alcohol solution (Figure 2) should be used to disinfect
dramatically reduces the rate of the skin in preparation for the insertion. If the patient has an allergy to
chlorhexidine a povidone-iodine solution can be used. Chlorhexidine-
based solutions for skin preparation reduce the rate of catheter-related
bloodstream infection by half when compared with povidone-iodine
solutions (relative risk 0.51; CI, 0.27–0.97).28 The reason for the differ-
ence probably relates to chlorhexidine’s higher efficacy against gram
positive bacteria. The most frequent causative organisms of line sepsis
are coagulase-negative staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, enterococci,
and Candida species. Gram negative species are rarely responsible.29

Antiseptic precautions make a very big difference to patient outcomes.

It is inevitable that, on occasion, these precautions are accidentally
Figure 1 Hand Wash Figure 2 Skin Disinfectant broken. When this happens abandon and reattempt the procedure with
Pink 4% chlorhexidine surgical scrub. Pink chlorhexidine and alcohol solution. full precautions.

Electrical Safety

Most patient treatment rooms are ‘body-protected electrical areas’. This

means that precautions have been taken to prevent accidental macro-
shocks (greater than 10 mA) (Figure 3). However, a small shock well
below this threshold, transmitted directly to a patient’s heart via a guide
wire could easily trigger a fatal arrhythmia. For this reason any central
line insertion should be conducted in a ‘cardiac-protected electrical area’
where precautions have been taken to prevent even microshocks (greater Figure 3 Body-Protected Sign Figure 4 Cardiac-Protected Sign
than 100 μA). Look for the appropriate electrical safety sign (Figure 4). In Area suitable for most patient Area suitable for CVC insertion provided
many hospitals this will require the patient to be in the ICU or theatres. treatments, but not CVC insertions. that the electrical safety test is within
date ­— check the stamp.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 5

Ultrasound Guidance


Ultrasonic sound waves radiate out from an ultrasound probe, reflect at Some ultrasound machines are specifically designed for vascular
interfaces between substances and can be detected back in the probe. The access (Figure 9) almost any ultrasound machine can be adjusted to
time taken for a sound wave to be emitted, reflected and then detected suit. It is best to use a linear probe with a high frequency range (> 5 MHz)
indicates the depth of the reflection. The pattern of timed reflections along to provide fine detail at a shallow depth.
the length of the probe is compiled to produce a real-time 2-dimensional
image of the medium beneath the probe. The degree to which sound is In general there are just 4 settings that you will need to adjust:
reflected at an interface is dependent on the difference in impedance
1. On/off button
between the two mediums. When travelling through a homogenous
medium, for example blood inside a blood vessel, the sound waves are 2. Gain — the degree of signal amplification
transmitted freely, there is no reflection and the medium appears dark. It
3. Depth — use the lowest depth required to visualise all important
is thanks to the subtle heterogeneity of soft tissues that they have defini-
structures (this uses the highest frequency and gives the greatest
tion on ultrasound. When there is a large change in acoustic impedance
resolution). There are centimetre and half-centimetre depth
at an interface, as between soft
marks superimposed on the image.
tissue and bone, almost all of the
sound is reflected. This creates a 4. Doppler (sometimes labelled colour) — helps to identify venous
C high contrast impression of the thrombosis and distinguish veins from arteries. It is useful
interface and a shadow beneath it during the initial planning ultrasound but is usually unhelpful
where ultrasound imaging is lost during cannulation.
(Figure 5). Indeed, this is why jelly
is needed between the probe and
skin — to displace highly reflective
Figure 5 Acoustic Shadow
air-tissue interfaces. When there
The clavicle casts an acoustic shadow are two highly reflective surfaces
that obscures underlying structures. in view, for example two ribs,
C — clavicle, AS — acoustic shadow.
sound can bounce between them
creating reverberation artefact in
the image (Figure 6). As the sound
energy travels out away from the
probe it is dissipated and absorbed.
To correct for this natural decay
in energy and image intensity, the
ultrasound machine amplifies the
image according to depth. This
can give rise to acoustic enhance-
ment of tissues below areas of low
Figure 6 Ultrasound Reverberation
This long axis view shows a CVC guide
energy absorption (Figure 7). Figure 9 Sonosite™ S-Series Ultrasound Machines
The ultrasound machines used in John Hunter Hospital intensive care department.
wire entering into the femoral vein. Back
and forth reflections between the guideA reflecting surface in motion with
wire and the deep vein wall have caused
respect to the sound wave will
a reverberation artifact. Also, notice the
diference in the appearence of the wire affect the frequency of the reflected THE EVIDENCE FOR ULTRASOUND GUIDANCE
depending on its orrientation to the sound (the Doppler effect). This
ultrasound probe. It shows up as a clearinformation is readily detected by Ultrasound imaging should be used to plan and guide all central line
echogenic line where it is ‘in plane’ with
the probe. the ultrasound probe and can be insertions. A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials showed that
superimposed as a colour pattern direct ultrasound guidance reduces the rate of failure (relative risk 0.33,
on a duplex image (Figure 8). It is CI 0.18–0.45); mechanical complications (relative risk 0.22, CI 0.1–0.45)
conventional to represent movement away from the probe as blue and and multiple attempts before success (relative risk 0.6, CI 0.45–0.79) for
movement towards the probe as red (mnemonic: BART — Blue Away; central line insertions of the internal jugular and subclavian vein.30 A
Red Towards). Be aware that the colour representation of the Doppler more recent RCT comparing direct ultrasound to landmark guidance
effect can be reversed in the settings of most ultrasound machines. for axillary central line insertions found even more strongly in favour of
ultrasound guidance.31 Only one small RCT has investigated ultrasound
guidance for femoral line insertions. It showed a similar trend towards
reduced rates of failure but did not reach statistical significance (relative
risk 0.29; CI 0.07–1.21).14

Figure 7 Acoustic Enhancement Figure 8 Duplex Ultrasound

In this short axis view of the carotid This short axis duplex view of the carotid
sheath the ultrasound signal from sheath shows venous blood flow away
beneath the large fluid filled vessels has from the probe (blue) and arterial blood
been enhanced. flow towards the probe (red).

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 6

The cross-sectional image generated by the short axis view is better than
Manipulating the Probe the long axis view for identifying anatomy. The short axis view also allows
A scouting ultrasound examination should be performed prior to the for the probe to be tilted at an angle to the skin in line with the direction
procedure to help select the most appropriate site; identify the anatomy of the vein — important for meaningful duplex images.
and establish the optimal patient position for the procedure. Ultrasound
imaging should be used again during the procedure to directly guide With the long axis view it is possible to visualise the full length of the
cannulation. A sterile probe cover and sterile jelly is required for the needle and even the guide wire as it advances into the vessel (Figure 6).
intra-procedural ultrasound. Good quality long axis procedural images are very impressive but can be
hard to achieve. Long axis views are intrinsically unstable. Slight rotation
Position the ultrasound machine or lateral movement of the probe in long axis make dramatic differences
on the opposite side of the patient to the image attained. In most instances vein and artery lie side by side
in your line of view. The less head and the long axis view visualises just one vessel at a time. Worryingly, a
movement you require to switch In comparison to arteries, veins: small inadvertent lateral movement of the probe towards the artery can
• Have thiner walls
between looking at the procedural lead to accidental arterial puncture.
• Are less round
site and the ultrasound screen,
• Are more easily compressible
the better. • Have more continuous, less The procedural challenge in using
pulsatile flow the short axis view is to keep the
Hold the ultrasound probe with • Carry blood flowing towards the probe directed towards the needle
your non-dominant hand, low, heart tip. There is a tendency to under
close to the skin with your hand appreciate the depth of the needle
resting on the patient for extra stability. The ultrasound probe can be if the ultrasound beam is pointed
orientated in line with, for the long axis view (Figure 6), or perpendicular across the needle (Figure 11). Keep
to, for the short axis view (Figure 7), the direction of the target vein. in mind the amount of needle you
In either case, the centre of the probe should be directed towards the have advanced into the patient
intended puncture point of the vein. When using the short axis view align and compare this with the appar-
the probe so that the left side of the probe as you look at it is represented ent depth of the needle on screen.
by the left side of the image on screen.
In a prospective randomised trial
Identifying the Needle of novice proceduralists operat-
The needle can sometimes be identified by a small echogenic line or circle ing on a simulation model, the
Figure 11 Mistaken Needle Depth
(Figure 10); or by an acoustic shadow. However, the needle is not always needle was visible at the time of There is a tendency to underestimate
directly visualised on ultrasound and it doesn’t need to be, it is more vessel puncture more often in the needle depth when the ultrasound probe
important to visualise the effect long-axis group than the short- is directed towards the shaft rather than
the tip of the needle.
of the needle on the soft tissues axis group (62% vs 23%; P = .01),
and vessels that it is penetrating. however this did not affect success
Deformation of the soft tissues rates. This study also found that vascular access guided by the short axis
and vessels gives the appearance view was easier to learn and faster to achieve.32 Other trials have had
of ‘tenting’ on ultrasound (Figure similar results.33,34
10). Small longitudinal wiggles
of the needle along its axis can With practice it is possible to use the short and long axis views in com-
help to identify its position. The bination - dynamically rotating the probe during the cannulation to get
probability of directly identify- the advantages of both views. This takes considerable skill and practice.
ing the needle can be improved Figure 10 Visualising the Needle The novice proceduralist should begin with the short axis view.
A needle tents the sternocleinomastoid
by keeping the ultrasound beam muscle and internal jugular vein. The
perpendicular to the needle sur- ultrasound probe has been carefuly
face so that sound waves reflected manipulated to be ‘in plane’ with the end ULTRASOUND: KEY POINTS
of the needle which is why it is showing • Always use ultrasound guidance when available
from the needle are directed back
as a bright echogenic circle. • Use a high frequency linear probe
towards the probe. When this
• Position the ultrasound machine on the opposite side of the patient from the
occurs the probe is said to be ‘in procedural site
plane’ with the needle. • Hold the ultrasound probe low down, next to the skin
• Use plenty of ultrasound jelly
• Use the short axis view during the procedure, at least to begin with
• Aim the ultrasound beam perpendicular to the needle and towards the tip
• Maintain awareness of the needle tip within the patient

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 7

Ideal Tip Position

The first concern is to ensure that the catheter is advanced far enough
into the vein to avoid extravasation from the most proximal lumen of
the catheter into the soft tissues overlying the vein. This is checked at
the time of insertion by making sure that blood can be easily aspirated
through each of the catheter lumens.


Upper body central lines (of the arm, axillary, subclavian and internal
jugular veins) require careful tip positioning to prevent later complica-
tions. The ideal resting position for the tip is in the superior vena cava
(SVC), half way along its length. This puts the tip just above the pericardial
reflection. Beyond this, perforation risks tamponade and although rare, is
often fatal.35 Unfortunately, retreating distally up the superior vena cava
carries other more insidious but equally serious possible complications.
When the distal portion of a catheter is in either of the innominate
(brachiocephalic) veins there is a risk that the tip will abut the inner wall
of the SVC and cause delayed vessel perforation. This is especially true
on the left owing to the more acute angle between the left innominate
vein and the SVC.17 High placement also appears to increase the risk of Figure 12 Post Insertion Chest X-Ray
thrombosis.18 This chest X-ray shows a right arm PICC advancing correctly into the superior vena
cava. The catheter tip is perfectly in line with the height of the carina, it is lying verticaly
and there is no evidence of pleural injury.
A plain chest X-ray should be
performed after each upper body CHEST RADIOGRAPH
central line to detect pleural injury
and confirm position. The carina • The tip of the catheter should be
within 3 cm of the hight of the
appears 31/2 cm above the lower carina
border of the SVC on a chest X-ray • The end of the catheter should lie
and provides a convenient radio- within 40 degrees of the vertical
logical landmark for the midpoint line of the SVC
• Evidence of pleural injury
of the SVC, which is approximately
6 cm long. The tip of the catheter
should be within 3 cm of the height
of the carina on a chest X-ray (Figure 12).

The chest X-ray is also useful for detecting lines that are abutting the
inner wall of the SVC. Laboratory36 and clinical17,37 evidence suggests
that when the CVC tip is at an angle to the SVC of greater than 40 degrees
it is more likely to erode through the vessel wall (Figure 13). When this
is detected the line should be repositioned or replaced.

Visceral type chest pain on infusion via the central line is a serious warn-
ing that the tip may have perforated a vessel wall.

Figure 13 Catheter Tip Angles

LOWER BODY (FEMORAL) CENTRAL LINES This rotated mobile chest X-ray shows two central venous catheters. A three lumen
CVC is correctly placed in the right internal jugular vein. On the other side of the neck a
vascath is placed in the left internal jugular vein. It is about three centimetres above the
Less precision is required to place a lower body central line. The tip should carina. The digital angle measurements shown on the image show that the vascath tip
lie anywhere in the IVC. An abdominal X-ray is not required following is approximately 43 degrees from vertical. This is a sign that the vascath has not been
the routine insertion of a femoral central line. advanced far enough and might be abutting the opposing wall of the superior vena
cava. However, in this case, the presence of a catheter in the right innominate shows
that the vascath is short of the venous junction.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 8

Depth Guide

Taking the time to properly plan catheter depth will prevent catheter
height height
repositioning manoeuvres and save you a lot of time in the long run. RIJ =
-1 LIJ =

Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters height height

The Arrow™ PICC pack contains a sterile measuring tape that can be RA = LA = +4
10 10
used to measure by palpation over the sterile drape. Measure the surface
distance from the needle insertion point along the course of the basilic, Figure 14 Modified Peres Equations
The modified Peres equations provice a reasonably accurate way to predict the
axillary and subclavian veins to the superior vena cava beneath the apropriate depth to which to advance an upper body CVC. The equations are based on
sternum at the height of the fourth intercostal space. the patient’s height in centimeters. RIJ — right internal jugular vein, LIJ — left internal
jugular vein, RA — right axillary vein, LA — right axillary vein.
Internal Jugular and Subclavian Central Lines
The patient’s height can be used to predict the appropriate depth for an clavicular notch on plain chest X-ray with the surface anatomy distance
upper body centrally inserted central line (Figure 14).38,39 These predic- from clavicular notch to chosen insertion point.40 This method correctly
tions perform better than ‘one-size-fits-all’ approaches.39 Along with the places the catheter tip within 2 cm of the carina 96% of the time.41
modified Peres equations, it is worth considering anomalies in thoracic
anatomy and needle insertion point in each case. One way to do this Femoral Central lines
formally is to combine the radiological distance between the carina and 20 cm catheters should be inserted into the femoral vein and advanced
their full length.

Detecting Arterial Puncture

Arterial puncture is one of the most common complications of central Blood gas analysis on a sample from the vessel can provide another way
line insertions. When it is recognised early, the needle removed and to delineate vein from artery. In a well oxygenated patient, a partial
pressure applied for 5 minutes the consequences are minimal (incidence pressure of oxygen (PO2) less than 50 mmHg suggests venous blood. In
2.0–4.5%).42 If, on the other hand the artery is dilated and cannulated a desaturated patient the venous partial pressure (PvO2) can be low, in
(incidence 0.1–0.5%),42 the consequences include life-threatening haem- which case, it is helpful to compare blood from the cannulated vessel
orrhage and stroke.43-45 with blood sampled simultaneously from a confirmed arterial catheter.
A PO2 difference greater than 20 mmHg confirms venous cannulation
Ensure that blood from the introducing needle is non-pulsatile and darkly with 99.7% confidence47
deoxygenated. Be aware that flow and colour can be unreliable indica-
tors — an incompletely cannulated artery can have low, non-pulsatile The wire can be fed into the vessel and, before dilating, checked with
flow and arterial blood of a desaturated patient can look quite venous. ultrasound to make sure that it feeds into the vein (Figure 6). However,
this is an unreliable check that does not protect against mistaken arte-
When using the catheter-on-needle combination to cannulate the vessel riovenous identification on ultrasound.
(see ‘The Seldinger Technique’ bellow) it is straight forward to remove
the needle and transduce the pressure via the catheter to help determine If you are in doubt after these checks, abandon and reattempt the proce-
accidental arterial cannulation. Digital manometry can be used but there dure with senior help.
is a simpler solution. Attach a 50 cm length of intravenous tubing between WAYS TO CHECK FOR
a small syringe and the intravascular catheter. Fill the syringe by aspira- ARTERIAL CANNULATION
tion. Disconnect the syringe, hold the intravenous tubing vertically, and
• Pressure transduction
observe the column of blood. A descending column indicates venous • Concurrent blood gas analysis
placement. An ascending column regardless of respiratory cycle indicates • Ultrasound
arterial placement. A static column of blood suggests catheter kinking,
vessel wall impingement or partial catheter placement in the vessel, in
which case, the catheter can be carefully adjusted until continuous flow
is demonstrated.46

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 9

Part 2: Procedure

1. Planning 7. Sterile equipment setup 12. Insertion of the wire (ultrasound 17. Suture or StatLock™ the line in
2. Informed consent 8. Site antisepsis guided) place

3. Patient preparation - wash, shave, 9. Drape 13. Dilation 18. Clean and dry skin
position, ultrasound, monitor 10. Local anaesthetic infiltration 14. Line insertion over the wire 19. Apply dressing
4. Trolly setup (ultrasound guided) 15. Aspirate blood and saline flush 20. Chest radiograph (upper body
5. Face mask and hair cap 11. Cannulation and confirmation of each lumen lines only)

6. Scrub and gown venous acces 16. Heparin lock (optional) 21. Document

The Seldinger Technique

Begin by preparing the equipment you wish to use. Attach the introducing catheter in place. The guide wire can then be passed through the plastic
needle to an empty 10 ml syringe. Small handed proceduralists might be catheter. The catheter eliminates the risk of snaging the guide wire on
more adept with a 5 ml syringe. It is helpful to align the numbers on the the introducing needle and can make it easier to transduce pressures
syringe with the bevel of the needle tip so that with the needle tip beneath and take blood gas samples to confirm the vessel. The dissadvantage
the skin it is still possible to determine the orientation of the bevel. The of thecatheter-on-needle is that it is less ridgid and can be harder to
needle and syringe should be attached firmly but loosely enough to manipulate — particularly at the subclavian site and in large patients.
easily separate with minimal effort. Some proceduralists like to have a
small volume of saline in the syringe but dilution of the aspirated venous Prepare the wire. Remove the white plastic cap and slide the wire in
blood causes it to appear bright red and can cause confusion about the and out of the plastic guide wire holder to loosen it. Take note of the
position of the needle.48 orientation of the J-tip of the wire. Retract the wire into the plastic snail
so that the tip is just protruding and the bend in the wire is straightened.
Introducing Needle vs. Catheter-on-Needle Place the wire on the drapes within convenient reach.
The Arrow™ kit comes with a catheter-on-needle combination (Figure
15) that can be used instead of the unsheathed introducing needle. Once A 5 ml syringe should be used for the lignocaine to help distinguish it
the the vein has been cannulated the needle can be removed leaving the from the 10 ml saline flushing syringe and avoid accidental intravenous






Figure 15 Sterile Equipment Setup

LA — local anaesthetic syringe and fine needle, UPC — ultrasound probe cover, USJ — ultrasound jelly, SN — spare needle for deeper local anaesthetic infiltration, IN —
­­­­ introducing
needle and syringe, CN — alternate catheter-on-needle, GW ­— guide wire in guide wire holder, D — dilator, CVC — central venous catheter, SFS — saline filled syringe, SS — spare
syringe, DT — dressing tray, G — gauze, B — bungs, RG — rubber grip, PC — plastic clamp, SM — suture needle and material, NH — needle holders, F — forceps, S — scissors, CAD
— clear adhesive sressing.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 10

lignocaine injection. Under direct
ultrasound guidance infiltrate the
soft tissues overlying the target • 5 ml syringe filled with lignocaine
vein with 5 ml of 1% lignocaine. • 10 or 5 ml empty syringe attatched
to the introducing needle
You may see separation of tissues
• 10 ml syringe filled with saline for
on the ultrasound image as the flushing
local anaesthetic is injected.

Place the introducing needle at the skin distal to the ultrasound probe at
an angle of 45 degrees to the skin pointing in line with the vein proximally
towards the ultrasound probe. The needle should be at a distance from
the ultrasound probe such that as it is advanced the needle will intersect
with the vein directly below the probe. Deeper vessels will require larger
separation between probe and needle.
Figure 18 Fractured Guidewire
Advance the introducing needle, aspirating gently as you go. Watch The guidewire can catch and unravel on the needle aperture if it is retracted back
carefully for a flashback of venous blood. The pressure of the advancing through the needle.
needle will deform the soft tissues and often completely occlude the target
vein. When this happens it is common to pass right through the vein this disconnection is a vital last opportunity to prevent an accidental
without a flashback. This is not a problem. Slowly withdraw the needle arterial dilatation and catheterisation (see ‘Detecting Arterial Puncture’
while aspirating. The traction will open the vein and provide a flashback above). The somewhat cumbersome hollow blue syringe is best avoided.
of blood when the needle tip reaches back into the vein lumen. Set the
ultrasound probe aside and instead use your non-dominant hand to Once you are satisfied that you have appropriate venous access feed the
secure and anchor the needle to the patient. wire into the needle hub. The wire has a J-tip at its leading end. Orientate
the wire to the needle such that the J-tip bends cleanly through the bevel
Ensure easy aspiration of blood. Remove the syringe from the introducing of the needle towards the heart (Figure 16). This might involve a 180 degree
needle. Venous blood should drip slowly from the needle hub. The Arrow™ rotation of your dominant, guide wire holding hand.
kit comes with a hollow blue syringe designed to allow the guide wire
to pass down its length into the needle without disconnection. However, With the guide wire holder in the hub of the needle the wire protrudes
from the tip of the needle as the 10 cm mark passes over the pinch mark
on the guide wire holder. If you meet with resistance at the 10 cm mark,
the implication is that the needle tip is no longer cleanly inside the vein.
Remove the wire and reattach the syringe. Make small adjustments to
the needle whilst aspirating on the syringe to re-establish the needle in
the vein and reattempt to feed the wire. Sometimes adjusting the needle
and syringe to be at a shallower angle to the vein will help the wire pass
more easily. If you encounter resistance to the wire beyond the 10 cm
mark you are meeting an obstruction within the vessel beyond the needle.
Rotating the wire as you advance it can help the J-tip of the wire negotiate
tortuosities in the vein. You should be able to pass the wire freely 20 cm
into the vein with minimal resistance. Excessive force on the wire can
perforate the great veins with dire consequences. Do not withdraw the
guide wire back through an introducing needle — it can catch on the
needle aperture and unravel (Figure 18). If you are having difficultly
passing the wire, it is likely safer to abandon the procedure, remove the
needle and wire together and reattempt at another site with senior help.

If the guide wire is advanced too

far it can cause arrhythmias by
irritating the myocardium. Atrial
ectopics are common and resolve
when the wire is retracted. More
malignant rhythms are rare, but
have been described.49 This is the
reason that patients undergoing
central line insertions should have
ECG monitoring.

Remove the needle from the

patient being careful to maintain
the wire at a constant depth. Use
your non-dominant hand to
Figure 16 Guidewire feeding Figure 17 Burred Dilator
secure the wire. Pass the dilator
Depending on the orientation of the ‘J’ tip, the plastic guide wire holder will usually Advancing the dilator at too flat an angle
need to be directed upwards to the ceiling for the guide wire to pass cleanly out of the over the wire. Rotate the dilator is a common mistake. The guidewire
upward facing needle bevel. in one continuous direction as it kinks and burrs the dilator.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 11

passes through the skin. It is key to hold the dilator low down next to continues to bleed for some time after the procedure and can compromise
the skin. Be patient and avoid excessive force, a good dilation technique the dressing. With good dilator technique the incision is unnecessary in
takes time. Be careful to keep the dilator in the plane of the tract you most patients.
created with the introducing needle. A common mistake is to advance
the dilator at too shallow an angle resulting in a kinked or fractured guide Remove the dilator whilst continuing to maintain the wire at a constant
wire and a burred dilator (Figure 17). Aim to advance the dilator slightly depth. Ensure that the distal lumen of the central line is unclamped and
deeper than was necessary with the introducing needle. feed the distal lumen of the central line over the wire. It is imperative to
keep hold of the wire with at least one hand the whole time that the wire
In some patients it will be necessary to make a small incision in the skin is in the patient. A surprisingly common and easily avoided mistake is
away from the wire to facilitate insertion of the dilator but the cut often to let go of the wire, become preoccupied with the catheter and advance
the wire into the patient along with the catheter. A lost wire requires

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11

Figure 19 The Seldinger technique

The vein is canulated under direct ultrasound guidance (1–3). A guidewire is fed into the vein and the the introducing needle is removed (4–7). A tract around the guide wire is
dilated (8 & 9). The catheter is fed into the vein over the guide wire, which is then removed (10 & 11).

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 12

urgent surgical or radiological retrieval to prevent disastrous vascular and
myocardial trauma. With careful control of the wire advance the catheter
• The catheter-on-needle combination is a useful alternative to the lager
to the appropriate depth as indicated by the measurement markings on
uncovered introducing needle
the catheter. Remove the wire and ensure that it is intact with the J-tip • Align the needle bevel with the numbers on the syringe
at its end. Make a mental note and confirm with your assistant that you • Place the guide wire on the drapes within easy reach
have removed the wire. • Do not withdraw the guide wire back through the needle bevel
• The Arrow™ hollow blue syringe is best avoided
Aspirate and flush each lumen to confirm it communicates with the • Keep an eye on the ECG trace while the guide wire is within the patient
vein. Vascaths should be carefully filled with high concentration heparin • Try gently rotating the guide wire to help it negotiate venous tortuosities
• Hold the dilator low down next to the skin and rotate it in a continuous direction
(25 000 units in 5 mL) to prevent thrombosis. The volume required is
• It is possible to pass the dilator without making a skin incision in most patients
indicated on each lumen.
• Unclamp the distal CVC lumen before trying to pass it over the guide wire
• Keep hold of the guide wire the whole time it is within the patient
• Aspirate and flush each CVC lumen to ensure it communicates with the vein

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 13

Internal Jugular Vein

Anatomy notably those with raised intracranial pressure or severe respiratory fail-
The internal jugular (IJ) vein is a continuation of the sigmoid sinus at the ure, it is advisable to avoid the Trendelenburg position. Another reason-
base of the brain. The internal jugular exits the skull inferiorly through able situation in which to avoid the Trendelenburg position is in patients
the jugular foramen and travels inferiorly with the carotid artery and with pulmonary oedema and demonstrably raised venous pressures.
vagus nerve in the carotid sheath towards the ipsilateral clavicular head.
At the jugular foramen the IJ lies posteriorly to the carotid artery. Further Once the patient is in an optimal position use the ultrasound to ensure
inferiorly the vein lies laterally to the artery. At the level of the clavicle that there is minimal variation in vein diameter with the ventilatory
there is some separation between vein and artery (Figure 20). The carotid cycle. If you suspect that the risk of air embolus is high consider inserting
sheath lies beneath the sternocleidomastoid, omohyoid and sternothyroid femoral or basilic vein catheter instead.
muscles at a relatively shallow depth in most patients (2–3 cm).
A small degree of head rotation (10–20 degrees) away from the midline
Position towards the contralateral side may be necessary to gain manual access to
A patient who is intravascularly dry or non-ventilated and in respiratory the neck. However, more extreme rotation should be avoided as it reduces
distress can generate large negative venous pressures on inspiration. the size of the vein and the separation between artery and vein.54-56
These negative pressures can draw in a large air embolus through the
introducing needle while it is in the vein. The best means of prevention Finding the Internal Jugular Vein
is to lie the patient in the Trendelenburg position — supine with 15–30 Three approaches to the IJ are described in the literature (anterior, central
degrees of head down tilt. In addition to reducing the risk of air embolism and posterior). The central approach, described in this guide, is the best
this increases the diameter of the internal jugular vein.50-52 suited to ultrasound guidance. The ultrasound probe is placed over the
sternocleidomastoid muscle just inferior to the midpoint between the
The Trendelenburg position is much less important in intubated patients sternal head and the mastoid process. The needle is advanced through
receiving positive pressure ventilation.53 In some intubated patients, the sternocleidomastoid and into the vein below.








Figure 20 Internal Jugular Vein Surface Anatomy

IJV — internal jugular vein, CA — carotid artery, BCV — brachiocephalic vein, AV — axillary vein, SCM — sternocleinomastoid muscle, SN — sternal notch, MP — mastoid process.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 14

Subclavian and Axillary Veins

Anatomy Finding the Axillary Vein

The axillary vein is a continuation of the basilic vein. It begins deep in the With the ultrasound probe identify the subclavian vein as it passes directly
axilla at the lateral border of the teres major muscle. It runs anteriorly, below the clavicular bend. Follow the subclavian distally away from the
superiorly and medially towards the gap between the clavicle and first clavicle as it travels over the first rib to become the axillary vein. The
rib. The axillary vein passes underneath the clavicle at the clavicular skin insertion point should be about 4 cm lateral to the mid clavicular
bend. The clavicular bend is easily palpable on the anterior border of the point to allow enough room for the ultrasound probe to visualise the
clavicle between the lateral one third and medial two thirds of the bone’s cannulation. At this position the vein is deeper and requires a steeper
length. The axillary vein becomes the subclavian vein as it passes over angle (45 degrees) of approach with the needle than is required in the
the lateral border of the first rib. The subclavian vein runs up over the traditional landmark approach (almost flat). The axillary vein is further
first rib and then inferiorly towards its junction with the internal jugular from the pleura than the subclavian but at this angle of approach there
and thoracic duct where it becomes the innominate vein. The subclavian is still considerable risk of pleural injury. It is imperative to maintain
vein is more superficial and is in closer proximity to the pleura than the ultrasound visualisation of the needle tip throughout the procedure to
axillary vein. The axillary and subclavian arteries lie posterior-superiorly avoid accidental pleural injury.
to their companion veins.

Lie the patient in the Trendelenburg position
(flat with 20 degrees of head down tilt). Unlike
the internal jugular vein this does not increase
the diameter of the subclavian vein57 but it
does help avoid air embolus (see above). A
folded towel between the scapulae helps to
retract the shoulder and enlarge the proce-
dural field.58

The clavicle hides most of the subclavian
vein from ultrasound view. To overcome
this, the cannulation occurs more laterally
into the deeper axillary vein. Ultrasound
guided infraclavicular catheterisation of the
subclavian vein is in fact catheterisation of
the axillary vein31 (this distinction is often
ignored in the published literature and clini-
cal communication).







Figure 21 Subclavian and Axillary Vein Surface Anatomy

AV — axillary vein, AA —axillary artery, SCV — subclavian vein, C — clavicle, CB — clavicular bend, R1 — first rib,
TM — teres minor.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 15

Femoral Vein

Anatomy A high rate of mechanical complications and the lack of reliable surface
The femoral vein runs inferiorly through the femoral triangle, an area anatomy landmarks makes ultrasound guidance particularly impor-
on the anterior upper leg bound superiorly by the inguinal ligament; tant. Anatomically guided techniques rely on the femoral vein being
laterally by the sartorius muscle and medially by the medial border of just medial to the point of maximal pulsation in the femoral triangle.
the adductor longus muscle. The floor of the femoral triangle is formed Unfortunately, this can be misleading, in some individuals the point of
by the iliopsoas and pectineus muscles. Near the inferior border of the maximal pulsation arises from the superficial rather than the common
femoral triangle the femoral vein is joined by two major veins: the great femoral artery.
saphenous medially and the profunda femoris posterior-laterally. Near
the superior border of the femoral triangle, at around the height of the Position
inguinal ligament the femoral vein is joined anteriorly by the superficial The proceduralist should stand on the ipsilateral side of the patient. The
epigastric vein. The ideal point for catheter insertion is in between these patient should be lying flat but not necessarily horizontally. The femoral
junctions at the midpoint between the inguinal ligament superiorly and canal can be made more accessible by externally rotating the leg and plac-
the branch of the deep saphenous vein inferiorly. Superior to this point, ing a folded towel under the ipsilateral buttock to slightly extend the hip.
the femoral vein runs more deeply to become the inguinal vein and
accessing the vein becomes more difficult; and inferiorly from this point Finding the Femoral Vein
it is common for the superficial femoral artery to overlie the femoral vein The ultrasound probe is placed on the patient just below the inguinal
raising the risk of arterial puncture (Figure 22). ligament at a distance from the inside leg that is in line with the midpoint
between the pubic symphysis and the anterior superior iliac crest.










Figure 22 Femoral Vein Surface Anatomy

FV — femoral vein, FA — femoral artery, EIV — external iliac vein, SEV — superficial epigastric vein, PFV — profunda femoris vein, GSV — great saphenous vein, IL — inguinal
ligament, ALM — adductor longus muscle, SM — sartorius muscle. Black outline depicts femoral triangle.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 16

Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC)

Anatomy reach under the drapes to release the tourniquet. Feed the guide wire
The forearm is served by a network of veins that drain into the three major carefully into the vein with the soft flexible tip first. The wire must never
veins of the upper arm: the basilic, brachial and cephalic. PICC insertion be advanced stiff end first. Remove the needle or IV catheter leaving the
can be dishearteningly difficult. The key is distinguishing the basilic vein. wire in pace. A partially split sheath is supplied ready loaded on a dilator.
Feed this sheath and dilator combination as one over the wire carefully
The basilic vein runs from the posterior medial aspect of the forearm up through the soft tissues and into the vein. Continuous rotation in one
and around to the anterior medial aspect of the cubital fossa where it is direction helps the advance. The dilator should feed easily to the hub
joined by the median cubital vein. Near the border of the middle and once it is in the vein. Difficulty advancing can be a sign of misplacement,
inferior thirds of the upper arm it passes deep to the brachial fascia and stenosis or thrombosis. Ultrasound can help identify the issue. Remove
travels superiorly on the medial surface of the humerus in proximity to the dilator and wire together leaving the sheath in the vein. Feed the
the brachial artery, brachial veins, ulnar nerve and median nerve. The PICC into the sheath. The PICC is soft and flexible. Small advancing
basilic vein continues as the axillary vein in the axilla. The basilic is the motions are more successful than long ones. As you advance the PICC
largest vein of the upper arm. This and its straight course into the axillary have the patient bend his or her head to the side you are working on
vein make it the most suitable vein for a PICC.

The brachial vein is comprised of two small

venae comitantes. These vessels and their
connections entwine the brachial artery in an SCV
anastomotic network. Not uncommonly, the
deep brachial veins join to form one brachial
vein for parts of their course up the arm. The
complex course and of the brachial veins and
their small calibre can make them difficult to AV
feed a catheter through.

The cephalic vein flows up the anterior-lateral

upper arm on the surface of the biceps. It is
often the most superficial and visible vein BB
of the cubital fossa which makes it a tempt- BV

ing target for PICC insertion. However, the BTC


cephalic is problematic. It empties into the

axillary vein at an oblique angle that causes
difficulty when feeding a catheter (Figure 23).
Cannulation of the cephalic vein is also associ- H

ated with a significantly higher incidence of

thrombosis as compared to the basilic vein
(57% vs 14% in an observational study 6).

Position BTC
The patient can be lying in bed or reclined BA
on a chair. Either way, it helps to have the
patient’s arm somewhat adducted to the side BV
and resting on a support to allow easy access
to the medial aspect of the arm.

Modified Seldinger Technique

The basilic vein is visualised with ultrasound
just proximal to the antecubital fossa. Owing
to the length and narrow calibre of PICCs
a slightly different technique is used for
insertion, often referred to as the modified
Seldinger technique.

This guide describes the insertion of the BR

Arrow™ PICC. You may also encounter

Groshong™ PICCs, which are finer, more BA

flexible and, unlike the Arrow PICC, contain

a stiffening wire that must removed after
catheter placement.

Place and tighten a tourniquet on the upper

arm. Using direct ultrasound guidance can-
nulate the vein with the supplied introducing
needle or peripheral intravenous catheter (20 Figure 23 Arm Veins
BV — brachial vein, BVC — brachial venae comitantes, CV — cephalic vein, AV — axillary vein, SCV — subclavian vein,
guage or larger). Have your non-sterile assistant BA — brachial artery, H — humerus, BB — biceps brachii.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 17

and touch ear to shoulder. This manoeuvre closes the angle between the the arm with various degrees of adduction, rotation and traction. While
subclavian and internal jugular veins and helps to prevent cannulation you are manipulating the arm take care not to compromise the sterile
of the internal jugular vein. drape. Once the PICC is at the pre-planned depth (see above) split the
sheath at its hub and peel it out of the patient.
One of the most common problems is resistance feeding the wire through
the axilla. It can be overcome with a bit of persistence by repositioning

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

Figure 24 The Modified Seldinger Technique

A tournequet is placed around the upper arm to dilate the basilic vein (1). The vein is cannulated (1–4). A floppy tipped straight guide wire is nfed into the vein (5 & 6). A combined
dilator and split catheter is fed over the wire into the vein (7 & 8). The dilator and wire are removed leaving the split catheter through which to railroad the PICC (9). The split catheter
is snapped open at the hub and peeled away (11, 12).

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 18

Securing and Dressing the Line

Vascaths at any site require 2 sutures. Non-vascath central catheters

in the internal jugular and femoral veins require 4 sutures (Figure 29).
Subclavian and peripherally inserted catheters are secured by a proximal
and distal StatLock™ (Figure 29) instead of sutures.

With the exception of vascaths, central venous catheters are supplied with
a soft white rubber grip and blue plastic cover that needs to be clamped
around the catheter about 1 cm from the skin (Figure 26). A suture is
tied through each of the eyelets and then, separately, the skin. Further
sutures are placed through each of the two eyelets in the catheter hub
where the lumens separate. An infiltration of 1% lignocaine is necessary
to anaesthetise for the sutures.

Figure 27 StatLock™
Catheter grip and clamp set in a StatLock™ ready to be aplied to the skin.

StatLocks™ are adhesive fixtures that replace sutures. Each StatLock™

has two small plastic pins that fit the eyelets in the catheter hub and
Figure 26 Catheter Grip and Clamp
The white rubber grip is aplied around the catheter next to the insertion point. The blue
proximal rubber grip. A plastic door in the StatLock™ clips closed over
plastic clamp then fits around the grip to hold it in place. The eyelets of the grip and the catheter to hold it in place (Figure 27). Once the StatLocks are secured
clamp should line up ready to be sutured to the skin or fitted into a StatLock™. to the catheter, prep the skin with the adhesive skin wipes provided, peel
off the adhesive backing and secure the StatLocks to the patient’s skin.

At each attachment point there Clean the site around the secured
should be separate suture loops catheter with sterile saline and dry
through the skin and catheter the skin with gauze. Apply a clear,
eyelet (Figure 25). The skin loop impervious adhesive dressing,
should fit firmly without pinch- such as Mepore™, over the catheter.
ing the skin. Very tight central The skin can be swabbed with ben-
line sutures can cause a surpris- Figure 25 Catheter Sutures zoin resin in alcohol (Figure 28) to
Catheters should be sutured in a
ingly large blood loss and even cut make the dressing more adherent
figure-of-8 with two knots.
themselves loose. 3-0 is the thinest to the skin. Provide slack in the
Figure 28 Friars’ Balsam
suture material that should be used dressing as you apply it to avoid Benzoin resin can improve skin-to-
to secure a central line and a thicker suture material should be used for tenting around skin creases. dressing adhesion.
patients with fragile skin. Prolene™ (polypropylene) is our standard choice
of suture material. It is unbraided to reduce the risk of infection but it
is prone to unravel. To avoid this each knot requires 6 opposing throws
and 1 cm of spare thread on each end.

Internal Jugular Femoral Axillary & Subclavian PICC Vascath at any site

4 sutures 4 sutures 2 StatLocks™ 2 StatLocks™ 2 sutures

Figure 29 CVC Securing Mechanisms

CVC are fixed to skin with either sutures or a StatLock™ depending on site and type of catheter.

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Guide 19


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