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BRP - Corrections (4th Edition) PDF

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These corrections and emendations have been made in the it refers to “the damage which that type of attack would normal-
BASIC ROLEPLAYING hardcover edition and are summarized ly do”. It is not the same as “maximum damage”: a Greatsword
here. “full damage” would be 2D8 on a normal success, 2D8 bleeding
damage on a special success, and 16 damage ignoring armor on a
SKILLS (p. 46-84): p. 58 - First Aid. critical success. Damage bonus in all cases is rolled and added
“FAILURE” condition should read: Attempted treatments have no afterwards.
effect. The patient's condition does not change, and no further Asterisked Section at bottom of page should read: If the parrying
First Aid attempts may be made. weapon or shield is destroyed during the parry attempt, roll the
“SYSTEM NOTES” first sentence should read: Each application of attacking weapon's normal damage and subtract the points of
First Aid applies to a single wound: once a First Aid attempt has damage used in destroying the parrying weapon or shield. The
been made on a given injury, whether successful or not, addition- remainder is damage which penetrates the parry attempt to dam-
al First Aid attempts on that injury have no effect. age the defender (armor still protects). If the attacking weapon is
destroyed during a successful attack, damage is still inflicted on
POWERS (p. 85-168): p. 94 - Magic Spells - the defender but the weapon is broken at that moment.
SPOT RULE: Extended Range (p. 223)
Sentence 3 should read: Under most circumstances, armor (non-
magical) will absorb the damage, and the Blast spell can be This Spot Rule is deprecated. Instead, use the Missile Weapon
dodged. To clarify, normal armor and the Countermagic spell work Range Modifiers on p257, as follows: “At the weapon’s basic range,
against Blast; Protection and Resistance do not. the skill chance is unmodified. At medium range (double the
basic range), the chance becomes Difficult, and at long range
COMBAT (p. 187-210): p. 191 et al - (four times basic range) it becomes ¼ the normal skill chance.”
Clarification of Parrying Procedure The Point Blank Range Spot Rule on p229 still applies: where range
This section is to clarify how the BRP parrying procedure works in is less than DEX/3 in meters, attacks are Easy.
a different manner from the parrying procedure in 2nd and 3rd
editions of the RuneQuest game. The new BRP parrying procedure SPOT RULE: Volley Fire (p. 235)
is derived from the Stormbringer 5th edition rules. Clarification: The volley fire rules apply specifically to
A successful parry, whether with weapon or shield, deflects ALL thrown/self-propelled weapons. These are almost always utilized
damage from the incoming weapon; you don't roll damage and at the rate of 1 attack per combat round, with the RoF used for
compare to the parrying weapon’s HP, with the excess “getting volley fire. The Difficult modifier applies here.
through”. A Parry is an all-or-nothing affair.
Shield AP/HP are only used when dealing with damage done p. 381 - Attack and Defense Matrix
directly to the shield itself, as in an attack to try and destroy a Asterisked Section at bottom of page should read: If the parrying
shield or parrying weapon (p206); or when resisting Damage vs weapon or shield is destroyed during the parry attempt, roll the
Shield AP on the resistance table when parrying a Crushing blow attacking weapon's normal damage and subtract the points of
(p196), or when 2 or 4 HP of damage are done to the “parrying damage used in destroying the parrying weapon or shield. The
weapon or shield” on the Attack and Defense Matrix (p193). remainder is damage which penetrates the parry attempt to dam-
age the defender (armor still protects). If the attacking weapon is
p. 193 - Attack and Defense Matrix destroyed during a successful attack, damage is still inflicted on
Definition of the term “FULL DAMAGE”. The term “full damage” the defender but the weapon is broken at that moment.
crops up several times in the Attack & Defense Matrix. Precisely, (1 April 2011) contents copyright © 2011 by Chaosium Inc.

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