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JAMA Psychiatry | Original Investigation

Shared Neural Phenotypes for Mood and Anxiety Disorders

A Meta-analysis of 226 Task-Related Functional Imaging Studies
Delfina Janiri, MD; Dominik A. Moser, PhD; Gaelle E. Doucet, PhD; Maxwell J. Luber, BA; Alexander Rasgon, MS;
Won Hee Lee, PhD; James W. Murrough, MD, PhD; Gabriele Sani, MD; Simon B. Eickhoff, MD, PhD;
Sophia Frangou, MD, PhD

Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE Major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and
anxiety disorders are highly comorbid and have shared clinical features. It is not yet known
whether their clinical overlap is reflected at the neurobiological level.

OBJECTIVE To detect transdiagnostic convergence in abnormalities in task-related brain


DATA SOURCE Task-related functional magnetic resonance imaging articles published in

PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar during the last decade comparing control
individuals with patients with mood, posttraumatic stress, and anxiety disorders were

STUDY SELECTION Following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-analyses reporting guidelines, articles were selected if they reported stereotactic
coordinates of whole-brain–based activation differences between adult patients and control

DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS Coordinates of case-control differences coded by

diagnosis and by cognitive domain based on the research domain criteria were analyzed using
activation likelihood estimation.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Identification of transdiagnostic clusters of aberrant

activation and quantification of the contribution of diagnosis and cognitive domain to each

RESULTS A total of 367 experiments (major depressive disorder, 149; bipolar disorder, 103;
posttraumatic stress disorder, 55; and anxiety disorders, 60) were included comprising
observations from 4507 patients and 4755 control individuals. Three right-sided clusters of
hypoactivation were identified centered in the inferior prefrontal cortex/insula (volume, 2120
mm3), the inferior parietal lobule (volume, 1224 mm3), and the putamen (volume, 888 mm3);
Author Affiliations: Icahn School of
diagnostic differences were noted only in the putamen (χ 32 = 8.66; P = .03), where
Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York,
hypoactivation was more likely in bipolar disorder (percentage contribution = 72.17%). Tasks New York (Janiri, Moser, Doucet,
associated with cognitive systems made the largest contribution to each cluster (percentage Luber, Rasgon, Lee, Murrough,
contributions >29%). Clusters of hyperactivation could only be detected using a less stringent Frangou); Faculty of Medicine and
Psychology, Sapienza University of
threshold. These were centered in the perigenual/dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (volume, Rome, Rome, Italy (Janiri); School of
2208 mm3), the left amygdala/parahippocampal gyrus (volume, 2008 mm3), and the left Medicine and Psychology,
thalamus (volume, 1904 mm3). No diagnostic differences were observed (χ 32 < 3.06; P > .38), Department of Neuroscience, Mental
Health and Sensory Organs, Sapienza
while tasks associated with negative valence systems made the largest contribution to each
University, Sant'Andrea Hospital,
cluster (percentage contributions >49%). All findings were robust to the moderator effects of Rome, Italy (Sani); Centro Lucio
age, sex, and magnetic field strength of the scanner and medication. Bini-Aretæus, Rome, Italy (Sani);
Institute of Neuroscience and
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In mood disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and anxiety Medicine (Brain and Behavior),
disorders, the most consistent transdiagnostic abnormalities in task-related brain activity Research Centre Jülich, Jülich,
Germany (Eickhoff); Institute of
converge in regions that are primarily associated with inhibitory control and salience
Systems Neuroscience, Medical
processing. Targeting these shared neural phenotypes could potentially mitigate the risk of Faculty, Heinrich-Heine-University
affective morbidity in the general population and improve outcomes in clinical populations. Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
Corresponding Author: Sophia
Frangou, MD, PhD, Department of
Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine
at Mount Sinai, 1425 Madison Ave,
JAMA Psychiatry. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.3351 New York, NY 10029 (sophia.frangou
Published online October 30, 2019.

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Research Original Investigation Shared Neural Phenotypes for Mood and Anxiety Disorders

ood disorders (major depressive disorder and bipo-
lar disorder), posttraumatic stress disorder, and anxi- Key Points
ety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, panic dis-
Question Is the clinical overlap seen in major depressive disorder,
order, agoraphobia, and specific and social phobia) are highly bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and posttraumatic stress
comorbid1 and collectively account for more than 65% of non- disorder reflected at the neurobiological level?
fatal disease burden attributable to psychiatric disorders.2 Up
Findings In this meta-analysis of 226 task-related functional
to 90% of patients with an anxiety disorder meet criteria for a
imaging studies, transdiagnostic clusters of hypoactivation were
concurrent mood disorder,2,3 and as many as 70% of individu- identified in the inferior prefrontal cortex/insula, inferior parietal
als with mood disorders meet criteria for an anxiety disorder lobule, and putamen.
during their lifetime.4,5 Negative affective states are shared and
Meaning Across mood and anxiety disorders, the most consistent
central clinical features of these disorders,6 including bipolar
transdiagnostic abnormalities in task-related brain activity
disorder, where depressive symptoms are the dominant converge in regions that are primarily associated with inhibitory
psychopathology.7 control and salience processing.
Meta-analyses of brain imaging studies on mood, post-
traumatic stress, and anxiety disorders have shown that each
of these disorders is associated with abnormalities in task-
related brain engagement (summarized in eTable 1 in the Method
Supplement). The findings of these diagnosis-specific meta-
analyses show conspicuous divergence (eTable 1 in the Supple- Literature Search and Article Eligibility
ment) that has been attributed to low numbers of contribut- We applied the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Re-
ing studies, reporting bias from region-of-interest (ROI) views and Meta-analyses criteria (http://www.prisma-
a n a l y s e s , a n d i n a d e q u at e c o r r e c t i o n f o r m u l t i p l e to identify articles that used whole-brain
comparisons.8,9 Of note, methodological improvements over analyses of task-related fMRI to compare healthy adults with
time have led to a progressive reduction in the number clus- adult patients who received a diagnosis of major depressive
ters of case-control differences reported in diagnosis-specific disorder, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic
meta-analyses (eFigure 1 in the Supplement). Using data from disorder, agoraphobia, specific and social phobias, and
task-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) posttraumatic stress disorder (details of the search and article
studies published in the last 15 years, we demonstrated that eligibility criteria in the eMethods and eFigure 2 in the
diagnostic differences in the brain regions implicated in mood Supplement). Because we used data from published studies,
and anxiety disorders largely reflected the association with ROI no institutional review board approval was sought and patient
analyses.9 By contrast, when only whole-brain analyses were consent was not obtained.
considered, there were large pairwise correlations between the
diagnosis-specific profiles (ρ range, 0.79-0.82; all P < .001).9 Database Construction
Here, we extend this line of research in 2 distinct ways. We use the term article to denote the published manuscript
First, we sought to identify brain regions where aberrant task- and the term experiment to denote the coordinates of case-
related activation was most likely to show transdiagnostic con- control differences reported in each article. Accordingly, from
vergence across major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, each article, we extracted coordinates of case-control differ-
and anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorders. To achieve this, ences derived from whole-brain analyses only. These were then
we capitalized on activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta- coded according to the strength of the magnetic field of the
analytic tools10-13 to synthesize coordinates of case-control dif- scanner, the diagnostic classification system, symptom sever-
ferences in what is, to our knowledge, the largest sample of ity, the direction of change in brain activity in patients com-
fMRI articles comprising the body of the relevant literature over pared with healthy individuals (hypoactivation or hyperacti-
the last 15 years. Second, we anchored the analysis plan to the vation), and the corresponding RDoC domain and construct.
Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework14 proposed by the The coding of tasks according to their corresponding RDoC do-
US National Institute of Mental Health. The RDoC framework main and construct is described in the eMethods and shown
is the best approximation to a criterion approach to the clas- in eTable 2 in the Supplement. For example, tasks such as the
sification of the array of activation tasks used in the primary n-back and the Sternberg were assigned to the construct of
studies and enables a principled interpretation of results in working memory and the domain of cognitive systems whereas
terms of dysfunction in clearly defined cognitive processes. various facial affect processing tasks were assigned to the con-
Based on current neurobiological models,15,16 we predicted that struct of social communication and the domain of social pro-
transdiagnostic clusters of aberrant brain activity would con- cesses. This allowed us to create 3 groupings of tasks labeled
verge in regions within the prefrontal, insular, and anterior cin- by their type (eg, facial affect processing) and their RDoC con-
gulate cortex and in subcortical regions (particularly the amyg- struct and domain. For each article, the symptom severity of
dala/hippocampus and striatum) that support the adaptive the clinical sample was coded based on the mean psychopa-
regulation of cognition and affect. thology rating reported. To accommodate the use of different
instruments across studies and clinical populations, symp-
tom levels were labeled as minimal/mild, moderate, or se-
vere (details in eMethods in the Supplement). Furthermore,

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Shared Neural Phenotypes for Mood and Anxiety Disorders Original Investigation Research

for each experiment, but separately for patient and control based on 2 considerations. First, traditional neuropsycho-
groups, we coded their diagnostic status, sample size, age, and logic formulations tend to consider cognitive tasks as rela-
sex (percentage of men). In patients, medication status was tively specific to a particular process. Advances in cognitive
coded as the percentage of patients receiving any psychotro- and affective neuroscience have led to the recognition that the
pic medication in each study sample. Further details of the da- association between brain structure and function is pluripo-
tabase construction are provided in the eMethods in the tent (one-to-many) and degenerate (many-to-one).17,18 There-
Supplement. fore, any given task engages brain regions outside those pre-
dicted by the cognitive mechanisms attributed to that particular
Activation Likelihood Estimation task, while a single brain area may be activated by disparate
We used ALE, implemented in MATLAB (MathWorks), to test tasks that may not share cognitive components.17,18 Our ap-
whether the whole-brain coordinates of case-control differ- proach accommodates pluripotency and offers a more realis-
ences across experiments and disorders converged into dis- tic representation of the relevance of cognitive domains to case-
crete clusters with a nonrandom spatial distribution.10-13 The control differences. Follow ing the identific ation of
fundamental assumption of the ALE is that each voxel has the suprathreshold clusters from the pooled analyses, we esti-
same a priori chance of differentiating patients from control mated the contribution of tasks to each cluster. For these fol-
individuals (null hypothesis). Consequently, ROI analyses were low-up analyses, tasks were grouped according to their as-
excluded because they violate this assumption and their in- signed RDoC domain/construct; the use of the RDoC framework
clusion would artificially bias results in favor of voxels within provided an organizing principle for the multitude of tasks used
these regions. The main outcome of the ALE analysis are the in the primary studies. Compared with other classifications that
clusters (ie, grouping of brain regions) in which the coordi- are primarily driven by convention, the RDoC framework has
nates of the experiments converge. Per best-practice a clearly defined origin and rationale.14
standards,10-13 statistically significant clusters were identi- Finally, we used an alternate meta-analytic algorithm to
fied using a cluster-level familywise error–corrected thresh- confirm the reproducibility of the results of the main analy-
old of P less than .05 (cluster-forming threshold at voxel- ses and conducted several ancillary meta-analyses focusing on
level P < .001). Additionally, for each suprathreshold cluster, each diagnosis separately and using alternate classification of
we extracted the per voxel probability of functional change tasks (described in the eMethods and eResults in the Supple-
from the modeled activation maps. These values represent the ment).
probability of identifying a functional change for a mean voxel
within the clusters derived from the modeled activation maps.
Details of the procedures involved are described in the
eMethods in the Supplement.
We analyzed coordinates of hypoactivation or hyperacti- Samples and Experiments
vation in patients compared with healthy individuals sepa- In total, 226 articles were selected (major depressive disor-
rately to enhance interpretability. First, we identified supra- der, 83; bipolar disorder, 66; posttraumatic stress disorder, 35;
threshold clusters of hypoactivation and hyperactivation by generalized anxiety disorder, 6; panic disorder and agorapho-
pooling coordinates from all diagnoses and tasks and then con- bia, 6; specific phobias, 8; and social phobia, 22) comprising
ducted follow-up analyses to identify the effect of modera- observations from 4507 patients and 4755 healthy individu-
tors. For the follow-up analyses, we extracted per-voxel prob- als. Full citations and details of the selected articles are pro-
abilities of functional change for each cluster and conducted vided in eTables 3 to 5 in the Supplement. Given the small num-
nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis tests and Spearman correla- ber of studies on generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder,
tions to calculate the contribution of age, sex, RDoC domain/ agoraphobia, and specific and social phobias, we used a single
construct, diagnosis, symptom severity, and medication. coding of “anxiety disorders” for experiments arising from
In generating the modeled activation maps, we pooled co- these patient groups. The selected articles yielded a total of
ordinates across diagnoses for 2 reasons. First, the disorders 367 experiments (major depressive disorder, 149; bipolar dis-
considered here are highly comorbid and hence the pooled order, 103; posttraumatic stress disorder, 55; and anxiety dis-
analyses accommodate uncertainty about their symptomatic orders, 60) (Table). The percentage of patients receiving medi-
and syndromal boundaries. Moreover, comorbidity is not al- cation differed by diagnosis (χ 23 = 77.03; P < .001), being higher
ways reported in primary studies and therefore it is difficult for bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder followed by
to estimate its prevalence in the samples examined and its po- posttraumatic stress disorder and anxiety disorders (eTable 6
tential contribution to the neuroimaging results. Second, pool- in the Supplement). There were no statistical differences in the
ing results across diagnoses balances power, specificity, and number of experiments per diagnosis (F3 = 2.54; P = .10) or per
sensitivity and allows for a data-driven quantification of the RDoC domain (F4 = 0.60; P = .66) and no significant case-
diagnosis-specific contribution to each suprathreshold clus- control differences in age or sex.
ter. We conducted supplemental diagnosis-specific analyses,
which are presented in the eMethods and eResults in the Activation Likelihood Estimation
Supplement. Coordinates of hypoactivation (179 experiments) or hyperac-
In generating the modeled activation maps, we pooled co- tivation (188 experiments) in patients compared with healthy
ordinates from all the tasks used in the primary experiments individuals were entered in separate meta-analyses. Each meta- (Reprinted) JAMA Psychiatry Published online October 30, 2019 E3

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Research Original Investigation Shared Neural Phenotypes for Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Table. Experiments and Samples Included in the Databasea

Patients Healthy Individuals

Age, Mean (SD), Men, Mean (SD), Age, Mean (SD), Men, Mean (SD),
Diagnosis Experiments, Total No. Sample, No. y % Sample, No. y %
MDD 149b 1656 36.2 (9.85) 41 (17) 1759 33.7 (9.41) 43 (15)
BD 103c 1486 37.9 (10.52) 48 (21) 1642 36.4 (10.26) 47 (19)
PTSD 55d 557 35.0 (8.65) 44 (40) 574 34.5 (8.25) 43 (40)
ANX 60e 808 29.6 (7.4) 38 (23) 780 28.96 (7.07) 39 (23)
Abbreviations: ANX, anxiety disorders; BD, bipolar disorder; CD, cross domain; and CD, 21.
CS, cognitive systems; MDD, major depressive disorders; NVS, negative valence c
Of the 103 BD experiments, CS was studied in 49; NVS, 20; PVS, 11; SP, 7; and
systems; PVS, positive valence systems; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder; CD, 16.
RDoC, research domain criteria; SP, social processes. d
Of the 55 PTSD experiments, CS was studied in 13; NVS, 12; PVS, 1; SP, 14; and
There were no experiments that could be mapped to the domain of arousal. CD, 14.
Experiment indicates set of coordinates of case-control differences originating e
Of the 60 ANX experiments, CS was studied in 2; NVS, 20; PVS, 1; SP, 15; and
from specific task contrasts; some published articles contributed more than 1
CD, 22.
experiment (details in the eMethods and eTables 2-5 in the Supplement).
Of the 149 MDD experiments, CS was studied in 27; NVS, 41; PVS, 43; SP, 17;

analysis had more than 80% power to detect clusters of brain (eResults in the Supplement), thus confirming the impor-
regions if they showed convergent case-control differences in tance of this cluster across multiple domains of cognition. No
at least 10 experiments.10-13 Robust estimation of moderator additional diagnosis-specific clusters were identified (eRe-
effects was possible for age, sex, strength of the magnetic field sults in the Supplement).
of the scanner, symptom severity, and medication status. The
peak coordinates of the suprathreshold clusters are pre- Transdiagnostic Clusters of Hyperactivation in Patients
sented in Talairach space. Despite adequate power, there were no statistically signifi-
cant clusters of hyperactivation in patients compared with
Transdiagnostic Clusters of Hypoactivation in Patients healthy individuals at cluster-level familywise error–
We identified 3 reproducible (eFigure 4 in the Supplement) corrected threshold of P less than .05 (cluster-forming thresh-
transdiagnostic clusters of hypoactivation in patients com- old at voxel-level P < .001). At the same threshold, no supra-
pared with healthy individuals centered on the right inferior threshold clusters were detected when we repeated the
prefrontal cortex/insula (peak coordinates: x = 40, y = 30, analyses including only those experiments involving affec-
z = −10; volume, 2120 mm3), the right inferior parietal lobule tive and social processing (eResults in the Supplement). No di-
(peak coordinates: x = 38, y = −48, z = 46; volume, 1224 mm3), agnosis-specific clusters were identified either (eResults in the
and the right putamen (peak coordinates: x = 24, y = 8, z = −6; Supplement). This was unexpected given that current mod-
volume, 888 mm 3) (Figure 1A; eFigure 3A in the Supple- els emphasize hyperactivation, primarily during the process-
ment). The effects of the moderator variables, including medi- ing of emotionally valenced stimuli, in the patient popula-
cation status and symptom severity, were not significant for tions considered here.15,16
any cluster (eResults in the Supplement). Clusters of hyperactivation could only be detected using
There was no significant association of diagnosis with the uncorrected voxel-level thresholding (P < .01) combined with
prefrontal/insula (χ 23 = 6.22; P = .10) and inferior parietal clus- an extent threshold of greater than 200 mm3. This level of sta-
ters (χ 23 = 3.54; P = .31); an association of diagnosis was noted tistical inference increases sensitivity at the cost of consis-
for the putamen (χ 23 = 8.66; P = .03), for which the contribu- tency because it magnifies contributions originating from only
tion of bipolar disorder (72.17%) was greater than that of ma- a few studies; nevertheless, it can still be considered accept-
jor depressive disorder (17.35%; z3 = 2.28; P = .02), posttrau- able if more than 20 experiments are modeled, as is the case
matic stress disorder (4.55%; z3 = 1.82; P = .06) and anxiety here.10-13 The clusters thus identified were centered in the left
disorders (5.93%; z3 = 2.07; P = .03); all other pairwise com- amygdala/parahippocampal gyrus (peak coordinates: x = −22,
parisons were not significant. y = −2, z = −15; volume, 2208 mm3), the left thalamus (peak
Differences in the contribution of RDoC domains/ coordinates: x = −2, y = −12, z = 4; volume, 2008 mm3) and the
constructs did not reach statistical significance for any clus- perigenual/dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (peak coordi-
ter, although processes associated with cognitive systems nates: x = 0, y = 34, z = 12; volume, 1904 mm3) (Figure 2A; eFig-
(Figure 1B), and particularly the construct of cognitive con- ure 3B in the Supplement). For the latter cluster, there was a
trol, made the largest contribution to each cluster (eTable 7 in negative correlation with the percentage of men (ρ = −0.68;
the Supplement). Of note, hypoactivation in patients in the P = .004), but no other moderator effect (including medica-
right inferior frontal gyrus/insula was also identified in an an- tion and symptom severity) was significant for this or the other
cillary meta-analysis restricted only to tasks that involve af- clusters (details in the eResults in the Supplement). There was
fective (ie, acute or potential threat, reward attainment, ap- no significant difference in the degree to which each diagno-
proach motivation, and frustrative nonreward) and social (ie, sis contributed to the left amygdala/parahippocampal gyrus
social communication and perception of threat) processing (χ 23 = 2.13; P = .54), the left thalamus (χ 23 = 1.26; P = .73), or the

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Shared Neural Phenotypes for Mood and Anxiety Disorders Original Investigation Research

Figure 1. Transdiagnostic Clusters of Hypoactivation in Patients Relative to Healthy Individuals

A Activation likelihood estimation


100 100 100

80 80 80
Contribution, %

Contribution, %

Contribution, %
60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0
Cognitive Positive Social Cross- Negative Cognitive Cross- Social Negative Cognitive Social Cross- Positive Negative
Systems Valence Processes Domain Valence Systems Domain Processes Valence Systems Processes Domain Valence Valence
Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems

A, Activation likelihood estimation identified 3 transdiagnostic clusters of putamen. B, Percentage contribution of each research domain criteria (RDoC)
relative hypoactivation in patients centered on right inferior prefrontal to each cluster. Additional details are in eTable 7 in the Supplement.
cortex/insula (IFG/INS), the right inferior parietal lobule (IPL), and the right

perigenual/dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (χ 23 = 3.06; P = .38). inferior parietal lobule25,26 participate in the generation of sa-
Differences in the contribution of RDoC domains did not reach lience-related signals that either initiate or terminate the en-
statistical significance for any cluster, although experiments gagement of attentional and working memory networks in re-
associated with negative valence systems (Figure 2B), and par- sponse to changing demands. The insula, and particularly the
ticularly the construct of acute threat (eTable 7 in the Supple- anterior portion on the right, is thought to have a major role
ment), made the largest numerical contribution to each of these in integrating interoceptive information with information from
3 clusters. other brain regions, thus supporting the formation of the con-
scious experience of an embodied self.27,28 This awareness of
negative emotional states may act as a salient trigger for the
insula and the adjacent inferior frontal regions to engage
Discussion mechanisms of cognitive control. Notably, experiments in-
Meta-analyses of 367 task-related fMRI experiments in mood volving domains of nonaffective cognition, affective process-
disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and anxiety disor- ing, and social cognition showed a similar range of contribu-
ders, comprising data from 4507 patients and 4755 control in- tions to these clusters of hypoactivation (respective range: 28%-
dividuals, detected statistically robust transdiagnostic clus- 50% and 29%-56%) (Figure 1B; eTable 7 in the Supplement).
ters of hypoactivation in the inferior prefrontal cortex/ We therefore infer that the dominant abnormality in mood dis-
insula, the inferior parietal lobule, and the putamen. These orders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and anxiety disorders in-
regions are part of a right-dominant brain system that sup- volves a diagnosis-general disruption in salience processing (in-
ports contextual shifting and stopping of mental operations and cluding interoceptive processing) and inhibitory control. These
behavioral responses.19-26 Specifically, the right inferior pre- results contradict early hypotheses, which stipulated that af-
frontal cortex is critically involved in the inhibition of contex- fective morbidity results from right-sided fronto-parietal hy-
tually inappropriate cognitive, affective, and motor peractivity in response to negative/withdrawal stimuli,29 but
responses19-21; similarly, the putamen, particularly on the right, are in line with evidence that emphasizes the role of deficient
is essential for terminating contextually inappropriate motor cognitive control.30-32 Further support derives from studies
and cognitive processes.22 The anterior insula23,24 and the right showing that deficits in the ability to stop and shift ongoing (Reprinted) JAMA Psychiatry Published online October 30, 2019 E5

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Research Original Investigation Shared Neural Phenotypes for Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Figure 2. Transdiagnostic Clusters of Hyperactivation in Patients Relative to Healthy Individuals

A Activation likelihood estimation

B Amygdala/PHG C Thalamus D dACC

100 100 100

80 80 80
Contribution, %

Contribution, %

Contribution, %
60 60 60

40 40 40

20 20 20

0 0 0
Negative Social Cross- Cognitive Positive Negative Positive Cognitive Cross- Social Negative Cognitive Cross- Positive Social
Valence Processes Domain Systems Valence Valence Valence Systems Domain Processes Valence Systems Domain Valence Processes
Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems Systems

A, Activation likelihood estimation identified 3 transdiagnostic clusters of Percentage contribution of each research domain criteria (RDoC) to each
hyperactivation in the left amygdala/parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), the left cluster. Additional details are in eTable 7 in the Supplement.
thalamus, and the perigenual/dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC). B,

affective states and thoughts are the most significant predic- We also identified 3 transdiagnostic clusters of hyperac-
tors of affective symptoms and syndromes.33-35 Neurocogni- tivation in patients compared with healthy individuals cen-
tive studies in mood and anxiety disorders also indicate a gen- tered in the left amygdala/parahippocampal gyrus, the left
eral disruption in cognitive control because they consistently thalamus, and the perigenual/dorsal anterior cingulate cor-
report deficits of large effect size in stopping and shifting re- tex that were attributable mainly to experiments mapping to
sponses in a range of tasks.32,36,37 Thus, impaired engage- RDoC domains relating to affective and social processing
ment of brain regions that subserve salience processing and (Figure 2B). The clusters identified appear plausible because
inhibitory control present a plausible explanatory mecha- they comprised regions consistently associated with affec-
nism for the affective and nonaffective abnormalities ob- tive morbidity.15,16 The perigenual/dorsal anterior cingulate cor-
served in patients. In a separate meta-analysis38 of func- tex is known to exert a regulatory influence on emotional ex-
tional neuroimaging studies that was limited only to tasks of p e r i e n c e a n d a p p r a i s a l 4 0 w h i l e t h e a myg d a l a a n d
cognitive control, hypoactivation in the right inferior prefron- parahippocampal gyrus, particularly on the left, are involved
tal/insular cortex was also reported as a transdiagnostic fea- in emotional memory formation and retrieval.41 The dorsal an-
ture of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive dis- terior cingulate cortex is also closely involved in the genera-
order, anxiety disorders, and substance use.38 When considered tion of internal autonomic and their associated expressive emo-
together, these findings point to the possibility that abnor- tional responses.42 Its relative hyperactivation in patients is
malities in brain regions involved in switching and stopping consistent with the notion of increased arousal in response to
may underpin the vulnerability to develop any and all forms stress that may be a trait feature of mood and anxiety disor-
of psychopathology. Interestingly, similar arguments have been ders but may also reflect increased stress response to the fMRI
put forward for a single dimension of psychopathology, termed tasks.43
factor p, as a main predictor of individuals’ liability for all men- Notwithstanding, these clusters were only detectable at
tal disorders.39 The relationship between the p factor and dis- a liberal statistical threshold, indicating greater inconsis-
rupted engagement in salience/inhibitory control regions pre- tency across primary studies that may indicate that hyperac-
sents an intriguing avenue for future research. tivation in patients compared with healthy individuals may be

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Shared Neural Phenotypes for Mood and Anxiety Disorders Original Investigation Research

more sensitive to variations in fMRI task design (eg, type or differences in the primary studies. We examined disorders with
duration of stimuli or task instructions) and neuroimaging ac- significant symptomatic and syndromal overlap for which we
quisition and analysis parameters. Detailed investigations that had comparable amount of data across diagnoses. We de-
could directly address these issues would require more data cided to exclude task-related fMRI articles on schizophrenia
than are currently available in the entire literature corpus. because the disproportionately larger number of studies
(>250)9 would have skewed the results. Given the observed
Limitations power in this study, the results are statistically robust, but as
We placed substantial emphasis on the rigor and reproducibil- the literature expands it is possible that additional transdiag-
ity of our methods to address ongoing concerns about the dis- nostic or disease specific clusters may emerge.
parity in the number and localization of clusters in previous
meta-analyses (eTable 1 in the Supplement). To further en-
hance reproducibility, we classified experiments based on the
RDoC framework, which offers a structured approach to clas-
sification for fMRI tasks in future studies. We only included This meta-analysis of what is, to our knowledge, the largest
studies in adults, and therefore these findings may not gen- data set of fMRI studies currently available identified re-
eralize to pediatric or geriatric groups. We did not consider stud- duced engagement of brain regions associated with inhibi-
ies that failed to find case-control differences because such tory control and salience processing as the most consistent neu-
practice could only be justified if negative studies were suffi- robiological feature in mood disorders, posttraumatic stress
ciently powered. We did not find an effect of symptom sever- disorder, and anxiety disorders. These shared brain pheno-
ity on the transdiagnostic clusters. This observation should be types have the potential to serve as targets for interventions
viewed with caution because of the variable instruments used aiming to improve clinical outcomes and reduce or prevent af-
to rate psychopathology and the reliance on group means from fective morbidity in the general population. Tracking the tra-
each study sample. Medication status did not have a statisti- jectory of disruption in these regions across development could
cally significant moderator association with the results re- provide invaluable information regarding their timing and their
ported. Medication has been shown to have mostly normal- association with emerging psychopathology and psychiatric
izing effects 4 4 and may have attenuated case-control nosology.

ARTICLE INFORMATION treatment for mood and anxiety disorders. No 3. Wittchen HU, Zhao S, Kessler RC, Eaton WW.
Accepted for Publication: September 9, 2019. other disclosures were reported. DSM-III-R generalized anxiety disorder in the
Funding/Support: This work was supported in part National Comorbidity Survey. Arch Gen Psychiatry.
Published Online: October 30, 2019. 1994;51(5):355-364. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1994.
doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.3351 through the computational resources and staff
expertise provided by Scientific Computing at the 03950050015002
Open Access: This is an open access article Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Drs 4. Kessler RC, Merikangas KR, Wang PS.
distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License. Frangou and Doucet received support from the Prevalence, comorbidity, and service utilization for
© 2019 Janiri D et al. JAMA Psychiatry. National Institute of Mental Health mood disorders in the United States at the
Author Contributions: Dr Frangou had full access (R01-MH104284 and R01-MH116147). Dr Eickhoff beginning of the twenty-first century. Annu Rev Clin
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accuracy of the data analysis. Drs Janiri and Moser National Institute of Mental Health 5. Merikangas KR, Akiskal HS, Angst J, et al.
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