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Understanding Lotus Notes 852 Client Directory Structure

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The document discusses the directory structure and files created during installation of IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.x client.

The main directories and files created include <PROGDIR>, Notes Core, Notes.ini, JVM, Licenses, etc. as described in the document.

You can compare the installed client directories and files to a spreadsheet that maps them to applications and components.

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Understanding the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.x client directory structure (0 ratings)


Files created during install of the Notes client

Directories and files are created in two installation phases, the Microsoft Software Installer (MSI) install and feature provisioning. In the MSI install phase, files of Notes Core, Lotus
Expeditor Runtime, and Lotus Domino Admin (if selected by the user) are created based on user customizations from the UI and MSI transforms settings. (For more information on the
transforms settings, refer to the topic “Customizing Notes install using the tuner” in the Lotus Domino and Notes information center).

In the provisioning phase, plug-ins of Lotus Expeditor and applications (Lotus Domino Designer, Lotus Sametime®, Notes Composite Applications Editor, IBM Lotus Connections, and IBM
Lotus SymphonyTM) are created based on the user customizations from the UI and provisioning manifest settings: install.xml.

After the client is installed, you'll see the following file structure:

<PROGDIR> / ( Program Files Directory as defined during install)

Notes Core: DLLs, executable files, and other resource files

Notes.ini: Client configuration file
JVM /: JavaTM Virtual Machine (JVM) for Notes client
Licenses /: Product license files including non_ibm_license
icc /: DLL files for Crypto
xmlschemes/: Schemas use for DXL validation
xsp/: Xpages JAR files and Themes

presetfeeds.opml: Default Feed options
kithistory/: Stores updated install manifest files:

.keystore.JCEKS.IBM_J9_VM.install: The keystore that Notes provides for security.

install.xml: Provisioning manifest file
eclipse/: Plugins for XPD Platform
scripts/: Contains three debug level setting files for CAI
plugin_customization.ini: This file is used to set the default preference values for preferences defined by other plug-ins.
rcplauncher.exe: Platform launcher executable This file is generated by the installer and contains a set of properties utilized by the platform launcher executable.
startcollector.bat: ISA log collector utility (Windows®) ISA log collector utility (Linux®)
Shared/: Plugins for shared applications that are configured in install.xml.
Eclipse/: Plugins for applications
.provisioning_rc: Provisioning status file; if you cannot find .provisioning_rc, it means that the provisioning process failed to launch or was terminated before the status
could be determined.
uninstall.bat: Script file to uninstall the Notes client

<DATADIR> / (Data Files Directory. For all client single mode, it is defined during installation; for multi-user mode, it defaults to \local Settings\Application Data\Lotus for Windows XP)

Notes Common Data Files: For a multi-user install, the common data files are stored at :\Documents and Settings\All Users\ Application Data\Lotus\Notes\Data\Shared for
Windows XP, and in C:\ProgramData\Lotus\Notes\Data for Windows Vista.
Activities\: Activities configuration information
Autocorr\: Auto correct resource
Domino/ : Resource files for Domino Designer and Xpages
Help/ : Contains help files for the Notes client

IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT/: Contains diagnostic log files for Notes Core:

SmartUpgrade\: Log file for client Smart Upgrade

nsd_W32I__<year_<Month_<Day@<time.log: Diagnostic log for client crash

properties/: (Xpage properties files)


LowVisTheme.css: Cascading style sheet for Low Vision configuration

workspace/: The workspace is used to store instance data between client launches and contains the configuration data for the client. The initial workspace is created during the first

.config/ : (User Configuration Data Area) User-specific instance of the system properties file for Notes Client. This file contains many critical properties, including the default logging and
tracing configurations and settings for the JRE.

config.ini: Standard properties file for configuration of components at run time. For a full list of the supported properties, refer to the Eclipse run time options document.
This file is critical to successful launch of the client. Captures the options that are typically loaded with rcplauncher in order to ensure that, when the platform is restarted, the same options can be applied to
the launch.

org.eclipse.core.runtime/: Contains Eclipse Core Runtime data Contains RCP launcher cache data
org.eclipse.osgi/: Contains cache data of OSGI bundles that need to be loaded at client launch.
org.eclipse.update/: Contains Eclipse Update manager data

.metadata/: (User Instance Data Area)

.plugins/: stores state data for each plugin

Logs/: 28/01/2011
Understanding the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.x client directory structure Page 2 of 7

LotusInstall.log: Record of the whole installation process

provisioning.log: Record of feature provisioning
error-log-x.xml: Error log data
trace-log-x.xml: Trace log data
Log_viewer.xml: XSL Transform required to view error log
Trace_viewer.xml: XSL Transform required to view trace log

applications: For a multi-user install, un-shared features will be provisioned into this location.

.rcp.lock: Used to help determine if a valid Eclipse instance is already running. If this file contains inaccurate information, it may prevent the client workbench from being displayed.

xsl: Data for XPages

Client configuration properties

Notes.ini. For all client and single-install modes, the Notes.ini file is created in during installation. For the multi-user mode, this file is created at that location for data of All Users (for
example, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Lotus\Notes\Data for XP) during installation.

The initial Notes.ini file has only a few lines:

KitType=1: ( 1 – Workstation 2 – Server)
Directory=C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data : ( Data Directory Path)
InstallType=2: (2 - All client install 6 - Notes client only)
InstallMode=1: ( 1: Standard Client, 0 : Basic Client)
NotesProgram=C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\ :( Program Files Path)

For more information, refer to the developerWorks® Technical Library document, “Lotus Notes/Domino notes.ini settings.”

Install.xml. This file is the client install manifest. It contains a complete list of the default set of features to be installed and enabled in the Notes runtime client. During the product
installation process, the install manifest corresponding to the chosen install configuration is processed (replacing any supported variables) and copied to {install.dir}

The location of this file then passes to the platform provisioning component to begin the provisioning process. For more information, refer to the Lotus Expeditor Information Center topic, “
Preloading certificates for initial install and provisioning of signed plugins.”

Files created and modified during setup and launch and run
As users launch a client (including setup) and operate the features, there are file changes related to the creation and modification of user instance data and client runtime data. Below is a
list of the user private files and runtime data files that are changed as the client runs.

User Private Instance Data:


bookmark.nsf: Database for bookmark/history function

Cache.NDK: Cache of all design elements
cluster.ncf: Lists the Notes canonical server name for primary and others.
desktop8.ndk: Lists the Workspace pages and database information in pages
headline.nsf: Database for headline
JOBSCHED.NJF: Scheduled Replication Job list
localfeedcontent.nsf: Local store for feed
names.nsf: Database for contact
notesbook.nsf: User private record. Notes ID file

notes.ini: Client configuration file. For all client modes, this file is created in <PROGDIR> during installation and modified to update user information at setup; for multi-user
mode, the file is created for each user in their private data directory(XP is @nowiki@5Local Settings\Application Data\Lotus\Notes) as the user sets up client.

<DATADIR>\Workspace/.metadata(RCP Instance Data Area)

.plugins\\: Contains data for client setting policy provider, those files are obfuscated and stored with a checksum.\: Contains data for Sametime alert settings and autostatus settings.\: Contains Sametime community configuration data\: Contains Sametime local contact list\: Contains Sametime person cache\: Contains Sametime login information\: Contains image resources for Lotus Sametime (such as emoticon images)\: Contains primary contact information\: Contains cache of operation URL map\: Contains WSDL data for applications\: Contains data for CA applications\ : Contains view status of each application\personalityWindowState\: Stores window display state for the user.\: Contains URL data for each application\: Contains search history data\: Contains perspective data of each view.\: Contains autosaved Symphony doc\: Contains perspective map of editor

org.eclipse.core.runtime\ ( Plugins Preference data area): Stores preference data based on each plugin):
.settings\ 28/01/2011
Understanding the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.x client directory structure Page 3 of 7


Client Runtime Data:

diagindex.nbf: File that tracks diagnostic files created
ini.nbf: .ini list table
log.nsf: Database to store logs of client
pid.nbf: Process ID table of all Notes process (deleted and recreated)

IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT\: Stores diagnostic logs for Notes Core:


workspace\logs\: Stores logs for Notes installation and plug-ins that are running:

error-log-x.xml (x: 0~5)
trace-log-x.xml (x: 0~5)

workspace\.config\ (RCP Configuration Data Area)

org.eclipse.core.runtime/: Contains data for Eclipse Core Runtime Contains cache data for RCP launcher
org.eclipse.osgi/: Contains cache data of OSGI bundles that must be loaded at client launch
org.eclipse.update/: Contains data for Eclipse Update manager

Table 1 describes the relationship between user information and data files.

Table 1. Relationship between data files and operations

Related User data Operation Scenarios for file change

Basic client Notes.ini Users changes configuration via File > Preferences >
configuration Basic Notes Client Configuration

Bookmark Bookmark.nsf User creates bookmarks

history • Bookmark.nsf • User opens .nsf document;
• cor.urimap.cache • User accesses Web pages or .nsf database

Home Page Bookmark.nsf User changes Home Page setting


Workspace Desktop8.ndk User adds database links; changes page settings;

(Server updates the database information)

Replication JOBSCHED.NJF User configures replication schedule


Location Names.nsf
settings • User adds/changes Location documents
• User changes current location.

Server Names.nsf User adds/deletes server connections


Certificate Names.nsf User accept Certificate creation as access database;

Certificate downloads from server based on policy

Accounts Names.nsf
• User configures Sametime login
• User configures Activities login
• User adds account via Contacts or

Contacts Names.nsf User adds/deletes contact list

Web browser User changes Web browser settings (Default

configuration Browser, Browser history setting)

Web browser Workspace\BrowserHistory User accesses Web page with Embedded Browser

Widget User sets up widget catalog location


Feeds User changes Feeds configuration via Preferences


Feeds data localfeedcontent.nsf User adds subscription

Activities \Activities\server.xml User sets up Activities

Search .metadata\.plugins\\searchHistory.xml User submits search via SearchBar

history 28/01/2011
Understanding the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.x client directory structure Page 4 of 7

Search User changes search options settings via Preferences


Symphony User changes settings via Preferences


Symphony .metadata\.plugins\\ If user configures File recovery in Preferences, edited

autosaved document will be auto saved into
doc, based on
Preferences setting.

Symphony As user opens a document for editing

Recent Files

configuration • • As user sets up Sametime or changes
• community settings
• As user sets up Sametime or changes login
user name and settings

• As user changes Sametime content logging


Sametime .metadata\.plugins\\buddylist.xml As user adds/deletes/changes contact and group

Local Contact

Sametime .plugins\\PersonCache As user adds contact to Buddy list, person information

Contact and picture will be downloaded into this cache.
Person cache

Same Primary .plugins\\primbuds.xml As user drags Sametime contacts into Primary

Contacts Contacts panel.

settings • • As user changes window display settings
• (Window mode, Toolbar setting)
• As user changes

Window State .plugins\\personalityWindowState\ As user opens a display window or changes window

data display settings

Sidebar State .plugins\\personalityWindowState\ As user opens & collapses sidebar, or user enable
data sidebar display of features.

Sidebar state data are stored at section.

UI Toolbar As user configures Toolbar settings


Files remaining after client uninstall

With a regular uninstall method, almost all client files are removed. Those that remain are listed below.

nlnvp.dll: NSF Hook
dbghelp_x86_v6.8.40.dll (for Windows)





What files can the user delete and/or change without impacting client run?

Table 2 lists the relevant files, whether they can be deleted, the impact of deletion, and how to resolve an incorrect deletion.

Table 2. Result of deleting files and how to resolve if incorrectly deleted

Files Deletable or Impacts if deleted How to resolve wrong
not delete action 28/01/2011
Understanding the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.x client directory structure Page 5 of 7

bookmark.nsf Yes Loss of user bookmarks, Home Automatically restored on

Page settings, and history. This relaunch
file can be recreated at launch.

desktop8.ndk Yes Loss of previous desktop data Automatically restored on


names.nsf No Client cannot be launched. Copy a names.nsf or re-setup

the client.

localfeedcontent.nsf Yes Loss of some feed content Automatic on relaunch

headline.nsf Yes Loss of some user data Automatic on relaunch

JOBSCHED.NJF Yes Los of replication scheduled data Automatic on relaunch

Notes.ini No Client cannot be launched Copy an original notes.ini file

and re-setup client

Cache.NDK Yes Loss of some user data Automatic on relaunch No Client cannot be launched if it Copy a user ID

cannot get an appropriate user ID

Other files (NTF, .in ) in No Client cannot be launched, or Copy appropriate files into
<DATADIR> some features won't work well. folder

Files in <PROGDIR> and JVM No Client cannot be launched, or Repair client or reinstall
folder some features won't work well.

Files in Framework folder No Client cannot be launched, or Repair client or reinstall

some features won't work well.

Files in Yes Loss of previous runtime data. Can be recreated at launch,

<DATADIR>\workspace\.config Updated features with Eclipse and updated features must be
update won't work. reinstalled.

Files in <DATADIR> Yes Loss of user configuration and Can be recreated at launch,
workspace\.metadata preferences data. but user must re-configure

Files in <DATADIR> Yes Loss of configuration of Can be recreated at launch,

workspace\.sodc Symphony editor. but user must re-configure

Files in <DATADIR> No If there are deployed non-shared Repair client or reinstall

workspace\applications features in this folder, Client
cannot be launched, or some
features won't work well.

Files in <DATADIR> No Loss of log information Automatic on relaunch


Others No Some features won't work well Repair client or reinstall

since Other files are mostly
resource file of features.

Your Notes client cannot be launched or a feature does not work properly after some configurations and operations. How do you fix this issue?

This situation is generally due to data file changes (runtime data, user instance data) associated with feature setup or other operations. To resolve the issue, try the following:

Reset workspace configuration data. With client launcher mechanism, runtime data (such as plug-in dependencies, plug-in extension point/contributions, plug-in bundles information,
and caches) must be created and stored in the RCP Configuration Data Area (<PROGDIR>\workspace\.config) as the basis of the next client launch.

If a user performs an operation that leads to a client hang or crash, the corresponding bad runtime context information may be retained in the Configuration Area, and then client cannot be
launched the next time due to bad context runtime data.

To resolve bad state situations, use the following command to re-set the client configuration data:

<PROGDIR>\notes.exe -rparams -resetconfig

Note that -resetconfig was originally designed to restore the base configuration defined in the install.xml. However, now that all installed features are merged into the install.xml, a -
resetconfig will not likely help this situation, but you might be able to combine the -resetconfig with a modified or older install manifest file.

Reset user private data. As stated above, user private data is updated in user data files and preference files with feature configurations and operations. When users perform operations
that lead to a client hang or crash, the corresponding user data or status will be updated inthe data files and will cause the next client launch to fail.

To resolve this issue, you can manually reset the user private data based on the relationship between features and data files described in Table 1 above.

For example, suppose a user wants to add a widgets catalog from a blog site, but in his review he entered the wrong name for the .nsf file, and now the Notes client cannot launch without

To resolve this problem, find the data file (, which contains the widget setup information, and delete this file or change the line entry
(toolboxCatalogLocalDBName=) of the file to the correct .nsf file name.

Repeat setup of the Notes client. If you are still unable to fix the problem with the above methods, back up your private data files (there is a list of private data files for backup at the end
of this section), clear the data files for initial client status and re-setup the Notes client. To do this:

1. First, delete the files in <DATADIR> (bookmark.nsf, names.nsf, localfeedcontent.nsf, Cache.ndk, Desktop8.ndk..) and the delete files in <DATADIR>\workspace

2. Second, revert the Notes.ini back to initial status as follows:

KitType=1: (1 – Workstation 2 – Server)
Directory=C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\Data: (Data Directory Setting)
InstallType=2: (2 - All client install 6 - Notes client only)
InstallMode=1: ( 1: Standard Client, 0 : Basic Client)
NotesProgram=C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\: (Program Files Directory)

3. Then, launch and set up the client.

Some features don't work properly after some configurations and operations. What can you do?

Sometimes a feature is not working properly or the client status is not what the user wants, or worse, the user has no way to roll back their previous operations since not all user
data/statuses can be reset via the user interface. 28/01/2011
Understanding the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.x client directory structure Page 6 of 7

To resolve this problem, modify the appropriate data based on the listings in table 1. For example:

If a user cannot see Day-at-a-Glance in the sidebar, they can check corresponding line entries in the file:


and verify whether there is a <ShelfState> tag for “” in the <SidebarState> section.

If there's not, add

<ShelfState bottomIconBarIndex="-1" collapsed="true|false" expanded="false|ture" id="" index="3" ratio="13108"

topIconBarIndex= "-1"/>

to the <SidebarState> section.

How do you determine whether the appropriate features are installed?

There is a spreadsheet file (Files Map for Notes Client.ods) that lists installed directories and files map based on application and components. You can compare the installed client with
that file list, to verify if the appropriate features are installed.

For application plug-ins, use the plug-in information in [Plug-ins Details] via Help --> About IBM Lotus Notes Panel, and verify if features plug-ins and dependent plug-ins are installed and

Your client cannot be uninstalled cleanly. What can you do?

In a Windows environment, you might encounter problem whereby the Notes client cannot be uninstalled cleanly. You may get a message from the installer stating that there is an existing
Notes client installed when you re-launch the client install.

This problem cannot be resolved even by deleting all files in <PROGDIR> and <DATADIR> as there is some information stored in the System Registry file.

To resolve the problem, refer to the Microsoft Support article, “Use the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility to remove Office 2000, Office XP, or Office 2003.”

The Notes client installation is based on the Windows Installer, so you can use the Windows Install Clean Up tool to remove files and Registry information related to the Notes client (see
figure 1).

Figure 1. Installer Clean Up window

NOTE: Make sure to remove any remaining footprints in the System Registry database.

After the Notes client uninstall, you can check if there are related items remaining in following locations:

-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\<Product ID>
-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\<Product Code>\

What files should be backed up before attempting a reinstall?

As described above, user private information is stored in data files, so you should back up these data files to seamlessly migrate/upgrade the Notes client. Files to back up include
Names.nsf, Bookmark.nsf, Notesbook.nsf, Localfeedcontent.nsf, Desktop8.ndk, and

You should now have a good idea of the file changes with respect to the Notes 8.5 installation, setup/running, and uninstall phases in the client's life cycle, as well as how general user
operations change the files. We also provided some representative problems and fix methods in FAQ's section, based on our extensive testing experience of the Notes client.

developerWorks Notes and Domino product page:

Notes and Domino discussion forum:

Lotus Notes 8.5 information center:

Lotus Expeditor information center:

Microsoft's Support site: 28/01/2011
Understanding the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.x client directory structure Page 7 of 7

About the authors

Chih-Hung Chiang is a Lotus software developer based at IBM's Massachusetts Lab in Littleton, MA. He joined IBM after finishing his Doctoral degree in Computer Science in 2007,
working on the Expeditor Platform UI project where he focused on the launcher UI area.

Hong Tao Wei is a Lotus software tester based at IBM's China Lab in Beijing, working as a Notes Installation Testing leader. He joined IBM in 2004.

Article information

Category: Lotus Notes


This Version: Version 32 24 September 2010 9:54:01 AM by Christoph Stoettner

Originally Added: Version 1 17 March 2010 2:04:05 AM by Wei HongTao

Attachments (0) 28/01/2011

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