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Life Cycle of A Star Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science VI

At the end of 45 minutes discussion, with 80% proficiency level the pupils are
expected to;
A. discuss the life cycle of a star thoroughly;
B. illustrate and label the life cycle of a star; and,
C. explain the importance of stars in our daily lives.
A. Topic: Astronomy: Life cycle of a star
B. References: Science Book 6 pg. 374-376
C. Materials: Pictures, Visual Aid, Manila Paper, Pentel Pen, Laptop, DLP
Cartolina, Crayons, Speaker, and Video clips
D. Strategy: Reporting Method and Cooperative Learning
Teachers’ Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
-Please all stand for our prayer.
-______please lead the prayer. -(The pupils will pray).
b. Greetings
-Good morning class. -Good morning Teacher, Good morning
classmates it’s nice to see you again.
c. Opening Song
-Let’s sing “Twinkle, Twinkle little
star”. -(The pupils will sing “ Twinkle, Twinkle
little star”)
-Please take your seat
-Thank you Teacher
d. Checking of Attendance
-Are all present today?
-Yes Teacher
e. Setting of class standards
- Class what will you do if the class -if the class is going on we must sit
is going on? properly
-What else? -Raise our right hand if we want to answer.
-What else? -Listen carefully

-Can I expect all of that from you

class? -Yes Teacher!
f. Passing and Checking of
-Please pass your assignment
-(The pupils will pass their assignment)
g. Review
-Let see if you can still recall our
topic yesterday. Who can
enumerate the 8 Planets in our -The 8 Planets in our Solar System are the
solar system? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

i. Motivation
-This time class I will let you watch
a short video presentation.
-Please take down notes of the
things that you’ve observed on the
video because I will be asking few
questions right after.
-(The teacher will show a video
presentation about stars)
Guide Questions:
 What have you observed on the
 Are stars having similar colors?
 What colors of stars have you
seen on the video presentation? - Based on the video presentation
our topic for today will be all about

-Based on the video presentation

who can tell me what will be our
topic for today?

-(The pupils will read the objectives)

B. Lesson Proper
a. Presentation
-Our topic for today will be all about
the life cycle of a star.
-(The teacher will let the pupils to
read the objectives)
b. Discussion
-I will divide you into 3 groups
-Each Group will be given a short
detailed about the topic for
references, pictures, manila paper,
and a marker.
-Yes/None Teacher
 Discuss the life cycle of a star
within your group for 10 minutes.
 Each group will be given 5
minutes to finalize and write their
answers on a manila paper.
 Choose a leader and a secretary
 I will pick randomly to report your

-Are there any clarification?

RUBRICS -(The pupils will report their output)

G1 G2 G3 -(Pupils Answers for group 1 to group 3)
Stage 1.
Stars are formed in clouds of gas and
Accuracy dust, known as nebulae.

Legend: = 15, = 10 Stage 2.

Very large, massive stars burn their fuel
faster than smaller stars and may only last
-(The teacher will give fact sheets to few hundred thousand years.
the pupils for references)
-(The teacher will call randomly to
report the output)
Smaller stars or
Average Star,
however, will last for
several billion years, because they burn
their fuel much more slowly.

Stage 3.
Over time, Average stars
will expand, cool and
change colour to become red giants.

Massive stars will turn into

a Red Supergiant.

Stage 4.
Small stars, like the sun,
will undergo a relatively
peaceful and beautiful
death that sees them
pass through a
planetary nebula phase

Massive stars, will turn into a Red

Supergiant, and will experience a most
energetic and violent end, which will see
their remains scattered about the cosmos
in an enormous explosion, called a
Stage 5.
Through a planetary
nebula phase of a Red Giant stars and
becomes a white dwarf, which eventually
cools down over time and stops glowing to
become a so-called “black dwarf”

Once the dust clears, the

only thing remaining will
be a very dense star
known as a neutron star. These can often
be rapidly spinning and are known as
pulsars. If the star which explodes is

(The teacher will evaluate the

output of the pupils; give additional
information and clear especially large, it can
misconceptions). even form a black hole.
c. Closure Activity
c. Generalization
-Who can enumerate the life cycle
of an average star?

-How about the massive stars?

-It forms from nebulae, second is an

average star, third it becomes red giant
and dies through a planetary nebula and
d. Application
becomes white dwarf.
 With the same group, illustrate the -It forms from nebulae, second is a
life cycle of a star in a creative massive star, third it becomes supergiant
way. and will experience an enormous
 Each group will be given drawing explosion called supernova and becomes
materials for this activity. a neutron star or a black hole.
 Each group will be given 10
minutes to finish this activity.
 Choose a presenter to present
your output.

G1 G2 G3
Neatness -(The pupils will perform the activity)

Legend: = 15, = 10

e. Valuing
-what did you do to make your
activity successful?

-To make our activity successful we

-What else? cooperate with each other teacher.

-Why cooperation is important? -We participate teacher.

-What is the importance of stars in -Cooperation is important so that we can

our daily lives? finish the activity easily.

-stars are important in our daily lives

-What else? because they helped humans navigate
through earth.
-what else?
-when the sky is dark at night they give
light up in the sky giving people light.

-Stars are important because they make

life on earth possible.

-Directions: Read and understand carefully the questions in each item. Write the letter
of the correct answer.
1. It is an expanding, glowing shell of hot gas (plasma) that is cast off towards the end
of a low-mass star’s life.
a. Star b. Planetary Nebula c. Explosion
2. It is the remaining compact core of a low-mass star that has come to the end of its
lifetime following a planetary nebula event.
a. White Dwarf b. Dust c. Nebula
3. It is the spectacular explosion of a high-mass star that has come to the end of its life.
a. Small Star b. Star c. Supernova
4. It is the incredibly compact core that remains after a supernova event.
a. Protostar b. Planetary c. Neutron Star
5 They are formed when very massive stars come to the end of their lifetime, in a
supernova event.
a. Collision B. Black Holes c. White Dwarf
-Directions: Research on the classification of stars. Write it on your notebook.

Prepared by,

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