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Comprehensive Accounting Review Center

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3502

Financial Accounting and Reporting

Constructive Accounting Part 1


1. The components of the financial statements include all, except

a. Balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement

b. Statement of changes in equity or statement of recognized gains and losses

c. Notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes

d. Additional statements such as environmental reports and value added statements

2. Which is incorrect concerning fair presentation of financial statements?

a. In virtually all circumstances, a fair presentation is achieved by compliance with applicable

Philippine Financial Reporting Standards.

b. Financial statements shall present fairly the financial position, performance and cash flows of an

c. An enterprise whose financial statements comply with PFRS shall make an explicit and
unreserved statement of such compliance in the notes.

d. Inappropriate accounting treatments are rectified either by disclosure of the accounting policies
used or by note or explanatory material.

3. Which is incorrect concerning the overall considerations in the preparation and presentation of
financial statements?

a. An enterprise shall prepare its financial statements, except for cash flow information, under the
accrual basis of accounting.

b. The presentation and classification of items in the financial statements shall be retained from
one period to the next.

c. Assets and liabilities, income and expenses, shall not be offset unless required or permitted by
another PFRS.

d. Comparative information need not be disclosed in respect of the previous period for all
numerical information in the financial statements.
4. Which is incorrect concerning the concept of materiality and aggregation?

a. Materiality depends on the size and nature of the item judged in the particular circumstances of
its omission or misstatement.

b. Materiality provides that the specific disclosure requirements of a PFRS must be met even if the
resulting information is not material.

c. Items of a dissimilar nature or function shall be presented separately unless they are immaterial.

d. Information is material if its nondisclosure could influence the economic decisions of users taken
on the basis of the financial statements.

5. An asset shall be classified as current when it satisfies any of the following criteria (choose the
incorrect one).

a. It is expected to be realized in or is intended for sale or consumption in the entity’s normal

operating cycle.

b. It is held primarily for the purpose of being traded.

c. It is expected to be realized in more than twelve months after the balance sheet date.

d. It is cash or a cash equivalent which is unrestricted from being exchanged or used to settle a
liability for at least twelve months after the balance sheet date.

6. The operating cycle of an enterprise

a. Is set by the industry’s trade association usually on an average length of time for all firms which
are members of the association.

b. Is the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their realization in cash or cash

c. Is the period of time normally elapsed from the time the enterprise expends cash to the time it
converts trade receivables back into cash.

d. Causes the distinction between current and noncurrent items to depend on whether they will
affect cash within one year.

7. A liability shall be classified as current when it satisfies any of the following criteria (choose the
incorrect one)

a. It is expected to be settled in the entity’s normal operating cycle.

b. It is held primarily for the purpose of being traded.

c. It is due to be settled within twelve months after the balance sheet date.

d. The entity has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least twelve
months after the balance sheet date.

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