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A Wearable Health Monitoring System

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A wearable health monitoring system

Rational (problem & solution)

Health monitoring systems that are used in medical facilities are required to monitor a
patient’s biological and vital parameters. These systems allow constant monitoring. The
case is, sensors on this system are needed to be placed on monitors that limit a patient
to his or her bed. Thus, it cannot be used for monitoring the vitals of a person during
daily activities. Also, continuous hospital visit causes overcrowding on different medical
structures that results on a long time to wait especially that hospital queues is not just a
single queue there is a number of smaller queues involved such as front-desk, blood
test and a lot more. Queues make up for the larger part of a hospital visit.

While there is already a lot of wireless health monitoring system created and present
these days to offer a convenient health tracking services, we designed a more
developed and functional wearable health-tracking device that has some added features
that help to easily and better monitor a person’s health status in his or her daily life
whether it’s indoor or an outdoor routine. One of the advantage in using this device is
that self-health tracking at a medical level increases the independence of people and at
the same time, with the use of flexible and smart technologies that are convenient and
comfortable to the human body, it is minimally invasive for health status monitoring that
can help in improving the quality life of patients. This can also be very useful especially
in alarming situations or sudden changes on the vitals to quickly identify patients at risk
of deterioration and appropriate or necessary actions can be taken immediately.
Target Market

These wearable health monitoring watch with biosensors provide vital signs monitoring
for patients, athletes, premature infants, children, caregivers, people who need long-
term care, and people in impassable regions far from health, elderly people, and
medical services. This device is significantly effective in the prevention, timely
diagnosis, control, and treatment of diseases. One of the applications of these
telemedicine technologies is to provide health care services to inmates and
consequently reduce prisoners’ transfer to health centers. Also, wearable watch
biosensor provides a convenient and comfortable way to keep watch of patients in need
of frequent monitoring. This self-adhesive biosensor automatically and continuously
measures vital signs, body posture and step count, and detects falls. By providing a
means to conduct telemedicine — the monitoring, recording, and transmission of
physiological signals from outside of the hospital — wearable technology solutions
could ease the burden on healthcare personnel and use hospital space for more
emergent or responsive care. In addition, employing wearable technology in professions
where workers are exposed to dangers or hazards could help save their lives and
protect health care personnel.


P u l se S e n s o r / Bl o o d p r e s s u re S e n so r - g i v e s t h e d i g i t a l o u t p u t o f h e a t
H e a r t r a t e w h e n yo u t a p o n t h e p u l se s e n s o r l o g o o n y o u r a p p l i c a t i o n
u s i n g a p u l s e s e n s o r t h a t a t t a c h e s t o t h e d e v i ce .

T h i s s e n s o r i s u s e d t o m e a s u re b l o o d p re s s u r e w h e n y o u t a p o n t h e
b l o o d s e n s o r l o g o o n y o u r a p p l i c a t i o n u si n g t h e s e n s o r t h a t i s a t t a c h e d
t o t h e d e v i c e / w e a ra b l e .

T e m p e r a t u re S e n s o r - U s i n g t h i s se n s o r o u r w e a r a b l e g i v e s t h e d i g i t a l
o u t p u t o f t h e u se r ’ s c u r r e n t t e m p e r a t u re w h o i s w e a r i n g t h e w a t c h b y
t a p p i n g t h e t e mp e r a t u r e l o g o o n t h e a p p .

R e sp i r a t o r y r a t e s e n s o r / O x y g e n s e n s o r - The Sensor Technology

m e a s u re s t h e d e f l e c t i o n s o f t h e c h e s t a n d t h e g u t t h a t o c c u r d u r i n g
b r e a t h i n g t o d i r e c t l y m e a su r e r e s p i ra t o r y ra t e

D a t a c o l l e c t i o n - F o r f u t u re u se , i t i s n e c e s sa r y t o k e e p t h e m e d i c a l
data of a patient who was a patient earlier. The doctor would also be
b e n e f i t t e d f r o m t h e d a t a b a s e re c o r d e d w h i c h w o u l d i n t e rp r e t t h e
p h y si c a l p r o b l e m s a s s o ci a t e d w i t h t h e p a t i e n t . T h e f a s t e r t h e d o c t o r i s
a b l e t o d i a g n o s e , t h e e a s i e r w a y s h e c a n f i n d t o c u re t h e p a t i e n t s ’
i l l n e s s i n c a se o f m a j o r h e a l t h i s su e s . T h e d a t a i s s t o r e d i n t h e a p p
u s i n g a p r e - i n s t a l l e d m e mo r y ca r d .

A l e r t S y s t e m - I f t h e re w i l l b e a su d d e n ch a n g e i n t o t h e u se r ' s vi t a l s ,
a u t o m a t i ca l l y t h i s w e a r a b l e v i b r a t e s a n d t h e a p p s e n d s a n S M S o r a
w a rn i n g m e s sa g e t o t h e c o n n e c t e d p h o n e n u mb e r t o w h i c h c a n b e t h e
m e d i c a l a t t e n d a n t o r re l a t i v e i n ch a r g e . Al s o w i th t h i s a l e r t s y s t e m t h e
u s e r o f w e a ra b l e w i l l g e t i n f o r me d e v e r y t i m e h e / sh e a l r e a d y n e e d t o
t a k e m e d i ca t i o n " d e v i c e v i b r a t i o n a n d a p p n o t i f i ca t i o n "
C a l l i n g / C o m m u n i c a t i o n s y s t e m - u si n g t h e 3 r d p a r t y a p p l i c a t i o n t h a t i s
paired with the wearable the user or the medical attendant/ can
i n i t i a t e a ca l l w i th t h e p o w e r o f t h e i n t e r n e t .

M o t i o n S e n s o r - t h i s a d d i t i o n a l se n s o r o f o u r w e a r a b l e g i v e s s o m u c h
h e l p f o r t h e me d i c a l a t t e n d a n t / p e r s o n w h o i s i n c h a r g e o f w a t c h i n g o u t
f o r t h e u se r / p a t i e n t . I t g i v e s t h e u s e r s r e a l t i m e m o t i o n a n d sh o w s i t
u s i n g t h e a p p . A n d i f e v e r t h e p e r s o n w h o i s w e a ri n g t h e a p p
a c c i d e n t a l l y f a l l s o r i f t h e w e a r a b l e s e n s e t h a t a ce r t a i n a m o u n t o f
i m p a c t h a p p e n s i t a l e r t s t h e g u a rd i a n u si n g t h e a p p .

Existing Medical monitoring devices and wearable health technology


Location: Mountain View, California

What it does: KardiaMobile is a product

made by AliveCor, a medical device and
artificial intelligence company that is
developing products for screening,
diagnosis, and treatment. KardiaMobile is an
electrocardiogram (ECG) that attaches to
the back of mobile devices like iPhones
and Androids. It tracks heart activity and transmits the activity to a mobile app through
chest and finger sensors.

Industry Impact: The device is made for both consumers and health professionals,
enabling those with heart conditions — or just heart conscious people — to monitor their
heart activity anywhere.


Location: San Francisco, California

What it does: While fitness and health

wearables in the form of watches are
common these days, Motiv does things a
little differently. Motiv Ring slips onto a
user’s finger to monitor activity, sleep, and heart rate. The ring's app lets users track
and adjust their goals.

Industry impact: Motiv Ring is a good alternative for users who are put off by watches
and other wearables.


Location: Cupertino, California

What it does: In addition to many other uses

and applications, Apple Watch has a variety
of health tracking features that include heart
rate notifications about irregular rhythms and
heart rates that are too high or too low. The watch even has an electrocardiogram
(ECG) app and auto-enabled fall detection for users over 65.

Industry impact: Between the Apple Watch and iPhone health features, users can
monitor heart health and store important medical information that's quickly accessible.


Location: San Francisco, California

What it does: Fitbit does more than track steps,

it also provides an entire health coaching
platform that offers solutions for corporate
wellness, healthcare systems, and researchers.
Fitbit’s wearable devices track a variety of health
factors, from heart rate and sleep to female
health and workout paces.
Industry impact: A study done at Arizona State University concluded that wearing a
Fitbit monitor and employing mindful expression over five days increases physical
activity and promotes positive lifestyle changes.


Location: Olathe, Kansas City

What it does: Garmin makes a wide range of

devices, including fitness and health tracking
wearables for adults and children. Garmin also
offers an all-day activity tracker that counts steps,
distance, intensity, and calories, helping users
maintain health and fitness goals.

Industry impact: Garmin recently announced that

it will work with ActiGraph, a provider of activity and sleep monitoring solutions, and an
analytics platform within the scientific community. The partnership will use ActiGraph’s
platform and Garmin’s wearables to aid in clinical trials, academic research, and the
remote monitoring of patients.


Location: Issy-les-Moulineaux, Île-de-France,
France (headquarters) & Cambridge,
Massachusetts (US location)
What it does: Withings is a health and wellness company whose products keep people
connected to their health. Since creating the first WiFi scale, the company has
developed connected wellness devices like health-enabled watches. Withings wearable
trackers offer activity tracking and ECGs, as well as heart rate and sleep monitoring.

Industry impact: Though they offer models that resemble other popular brands like
AppleWatch or Fitbit, the company’s watches mostly come in more traditional styles.


Unlike fitness trackers and consumer wearable, we are focused on creating medical-
grade connected wearable devices that are specifically developed for clinical
applications towards the goal of improving both the patient experience and clinical
outcomes. We see the potential of connected wearable devices to include: Provide
greater visibility of patient status to assist in care coordination, Help reduce costly
adverse events that lead to unplanned ICU transfers and readmissions, Drive workflow
efficiencies, Provide freedom of mobility, comfort and convenience for patients and
peace of mind for caregivers and family members, Enable patients to better comply with
their discharge care plans
Business Model

Business Model Canvas 1

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions

Customer Customer Segments
Physicians Providing early Reduced travel Automated Patients looking for
diagnostics expense appointment alternative solutions to
Hospitals scheduling via the their healthcare needs.
Healthcare Difficulty getting to app
Laboratories monitoring a Doctor’s office Patients under health
Physician network monitoring.
Clinics Clinic Long waiting partnership
management queue Disabled/elderly with
Transportatio (Billing/scheduling Quality care limited mobility.
n company ) 24/7 accessibility
Dedicated local
Virtua/Web Accessible personal
platform specialized care assistance
Key Resources On-the-go care Channels
Medics Timely delivery of Mobile Application
(Physicians, healthcare
Nurses). Physician Cloud
IT/ Tech diagnostics
engineers performed

Transportation The timely and

servecis convenient

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

The healthcare assistant watch The Device

Marketing Co-pay (patient)

Maintenance of the Mobile App The subscription fee (Physician)

Financial projection

Health Prime
Income and Expense Projection

# of Users 50
x Price 2,500 P # 100%
less: Cost of Sales 30,000 24%

Gross Profit P 95,000 76%

Rent P 4,000 3%
Machinery Depreciation 2500 2%
Bank Amortization 13000 10%
Salaries & Wages 35000 28%
Office Supplies 1500 1%
Light & Water 5000 61,000 4%

Net Profit P 34,000 27%

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