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OMPSNADIR Science Processing Algorithm (Ompsnadir - Spa) User's Guide

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Processing Algorithm
User's Guide
Version 1.0.1

September 2014


OMPSNADIR Science Processing Algorithm
The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s (GSFC) Direct Readout Laboratory (DRL), Code
606.3 developed this software for the International Polar Orbiter Processing Package
(IPOPP). IPOPP maximizes the utility of Earth science data for making real-time decisions
by giving fast access to instrument data and derivative products from the Suomi National
Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP), Aqua, and Terra missions and, in the future, the Joint
Polar Satellite System (JPSS) mission.

Users must agree to all terms and conditions in the Software Usage Agreement on the DRL
Web Portal before downloading this software.

Software and documentation published on the DRL Web Portal may occasionally be
updated or modified. The most current versions of DRL software are available at the DRL
Web Portal:

Questions relating to the contents or status of this software and its documentation should be
addressed to the DRL via the Contact DRL mechanism at the DRL Web Portal:

Algorithm Wrapper Concept

The DRL has developed an algorithm wrapper to provide a common command and
execution interface to encapsulate multi-discipline, multi-mission science processing
algorithms. The wrapper also provides a structured, standardized technique for packaging
new or updated algorithms with minimal effort.

A Science Processing Algorithm (SPA) is defined as a wrapper and its contained algorithm.
SPAs will function in a standalone, cross-platform environment to serve the needs of the
broad Direct Readout community. Detailed information about SPAs and other DRL
technologies is available at the DRL Web Portal.

Software Description
This software package contains the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) nadir
processing Science Processing Algorithm (OMPSNADIR_SPA). The OMPSnadir algorithm
takes as input two OMPS Raw Data Record (RDR) files in mission-standard format
(RNSCA-RONPS and RNSCA-ROTCS). It creates eleven output files:

 OMPS Total Column Level 1A EV (TCL1AEV);

 OMPS Total Column Sensor Data Record (SDR) EV (TCSDREV);
 OMPS Total Column Total Ozone (TCTO3);
 OMPS Total Column Total SO2 Near Real-time (NRT) (TCTSO2NRT);

OMPSNADIR_SPA Page 1 September 2014

 OMPS Nadir Profile Level 1A EV (NPL1AEV);
 OMPS Nadir Profile SDR EV (NPSDREV);
 OMPS Nadir Profile SDR Deluxe (NPSDRDELUXE);
 OMPS Nadir Profile Ozone (NPO3);
 PNG image for Ozone;
 PNG image for Reflectivity at 331nm;
 PNG image for Ultraviolet Aerosol.

The SPA functions in two modes: Standalone, or as an IPOPP plug-in.

Software Version
Version 1.1 of the DRL algorithm wrapper was used to package the SPA described in this
document. The SPA uses Version 1.0.1 of the OMPSnadir algorithm.

Enhancements to this SPA include:

 algorithm update to version 1.0.1;

 supports TC_DRK and NP_DRK LUT inputs, both in Standalone Mode and IPOPP
 supports compressed RDR inputs.

This software will execute on a 64-bit computer and has been tested on computers with
32GB of RAM, with the following operating systems:
a) Fedora 18 X86_64;
b) CentOS Linux 6.4 X86_64;
c) OpenSUSE Linux 12.1 X86_64;
d) Kubuntu 13.04 X86_64.

The OMPSnadir algorithm was provided to the DRL by the Ozone Product Evaluation and
Analysis Test Element (OPEATE). The DRL has enhanced the software package to
improve its portability across various Linux platforms.

To run this package, you must have the Java Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime
Engine (JRE) (Java 1.6.0_25 or higher) installed on your computer, and have the Java
installation bin/ subdirectory in your PATH environment variable.

Program Inputs and Outputs

The OMPSnadir algorithm takes as input two OMPS RDR files in mission-standard format
(RNSCA-RONPS and RNSCA-ROTCS). It also requires leapsec and utcpole ancillary data
files. It creates eleven output files:

OMPSNADIR_SPA Page 2 September 2014

 OMPS Total Column Level 1A EV (TCL1AEV);
 OMPS Total Column SDR EV (TCSDREV);
 OMPS Total Column Total Ozone (TCTO3);
 OMPS Total Column Total SO2 NRT (TCTSO2NRT);
 OMPS Nadir Profile Level 1A EV (NPL1AEV);
 OMPS Nadir Profile SDR EV (NPSDREV);
 OMPS Nadir Profile SDR Deluxe (NPSDRDELUXE);
 OMPS Nadir Profile Ozone (NPO3);
 PNG image for Ozone;
 PNG image for Reflectivity at 331nm;
 PNG image for Ultraviolet Aerosol.

The data output files are in HDF5.

Installation and Configuration

Installing as a Standalone Application:

Download the OMPSNADIR_1.0.1_SPA_1.1.tar.gz and

OMPSNADIR_1.0.1_SPA_1.1_testdata.tar.gz (optional) files into the same directory.

Decompress and un-archive the OMPSNADIR_1.0.1_SPA_1.1.tar.gz and

OMPSNADIR_1.0.1_SPA_1.1_testdata.tar.gz (optional) files:

$ tar -xzf OMPSNADIR_1.0.1_SPA_1.1.tar.gz

$ tar -xzf OMPSNADIR_1.0.1_SPA_1.1_testdata.tar.gz

This will create the following subdirectories:


Installing into an IPOPP Framework: This SPA can also be installed dynamically into an
IPOPP framework to automate production of OMPSNadir data products. The SPA
installation process will install SPA station(s) into IPOPP. An SPA station is an IPOPP
agent that provides the mechanism necessary for running an SPA automatically within the
IPOPP framework. Once this SPA is installed, users must enable the station(s)
corresponding to this SPA along with any other prerequisite station(s). Instructions for
installing an SPA and enabling its stations are contained in the IPOPP User's Guide
(available on the DRL Web Portal). The SPA stations associated with this SPA are listed in
Appendix A.

OMPSNADIR_SPA Page 3 September 2014

Software Package Testing and Validation
The testscripts subdirectory contains test scripts that can be used to verify that your current
installation of the SPA is working properly, as described below. Note that the optional
OMPSNADIR_1.0.1_SPA_1.1_testdata.tar.gz file is required to execute these testing

Step 1: cd into the testscripts directory.

Step 2: There is a script named inside the testscripts directory.
To run the OMPSnadir algorithm, use

$ ./

A successful execution usually takes around a minute or more, depending on the speed of
your computer and the size of the granule. If everything is working properly, the scripts will
terminate with a message such as:

Output ompsnadir.tcl1aev.h5 is /home/ipopp/drl/SPA/OMPSnadir/testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-

Output ompsnadir.tcsdrev.h5 is /home/ipopp/drl/SPA/OMPSnadir/testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-
Output ompsnadir.tcto3.h5 is /home/ipopp/drl/SPA/OMPSnadir/testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-TC_EDR_TO3-
Output ompsnadir.ozone.png is /home/ipopp/drl/SPA/OMPSnadir/testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-
Output ompsnadir.reflectivity.png is /home/ipopp/drl/SPA/OMPSnadir/testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-
Output ompsnadir.uvaerosol.png is /home/ipopp/drl/SPA/OMPSnadir/testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-
Output ompsnadir.tctso2nrt.he5 is /home/ipopp/drl/SPA/OMPSnadir/testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-
Output ompsnadir.npl1aev.h5 is /home/ipopp/drl/SPA/OMPSnadir/testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-NP_L1A_EV-
Output ompsnadir.npsdrev.h5 is /home/ipopp/drl/SPA/OMPSnadir/testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-
Output ompsnadir.npsdrdeluxe.h5 is /home/ipopp/drl/SPA/OMPSnadir/testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-
Output ompsnadir.npo3.h5 is /home/ipopp/drl/SPA/OMPSnadir/testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-NP_EDR_PV8-

You can cd to the output directory to verify that the science products exist. Test output
product(s) are available for comparison in the testdata/output directory. These test output
product(s) were generated on a 64-bit PC architecture computer running Fedora 14. The
output products serve as an indicator of expected program output. Use a comparison utility
(such as diff, h5diff, etc.) to compare your output product(s) to those provided in the
testdata/output directory. Locally generated files may differ slightly from the provided output
files because of differences in machine architecture or operating systems.

OMPSNADIR_SPA Page 4 September 2014

If there is a problem and the code terminates abnormally, the problem can be identified
using the log files. Log files are automatically generated within the directory used for
execution. They start with stdfile* and errfile*. Other log and intermediate files may be
generated automatically within the directory used for execution. They are useful for
traceability and debugging purposes. However it is strongly recommended that users clean
up log files and intermediate files left behind in the run directory before initiating a fresh
execution of the SPA. Intermediate files from a previous run may affect a successive run
and produce ambiguous results. Please report any errors that cannot be fixed to the DRL.

Program Operation
In order to run the package using your own input data, you can either use the run scripts
within the wrapper subdirectories, or modify the test scripts within the testscripts

To Use the Run Scripts

Identify the 'run' scripts: The wrapper directory within this package contains one
subdirectory named OMPSnadir. The subdirectory contains an executable called 'run'.
Execute 'run' within the correct wrapper subdirectory to generate the corresponding product.
For instance, the 'run' within wrapper/OMPSnadir is used for creating OMPSnadir outputs.
Note that to execute 'run', you need to have java on your path.

Specify input parameters using <label value> pairs: To execute the 'run' scripts, you
must supply the required input and output parameters. Input and output parameters are
usually file paths or other values (e.g., an automatic search flag). Each parameter is
specified on the command line by a <label value> pair. Labels are simply predefined names
for parameters. Each label must be followed by its actual value. Each process has its own
set of <label value> pairs that must be specified in order for it to execute. Some of these
pairs are optional, meaning the process would still be able to execute even if that parameter
is not supplied. The two types of <label value> pairs that the OMPSNADIR_SPA uses are:
a) Input file label/values. These are input file paths. Values are absolute or relative
paths to the corresponding input file.
b) Output file label/values. These are output files that are produced by the SPA. Values
are absolute or relative paths of the files you want to generate.

The following tables contain labels, and their descriptions, required by the

Input File Labels Description Source

ronps.rdr OMPS RNSCA-RONPS Raw 1. RT-STPS can be used to create these OMPS
Data Record (RDR) file RDR products.

2. Real time OMPS RDR products over the eastern

US region are available from the DRL ftp site at:
Where yyyy, mm, dd represents the year, month,

OMPSNADIR_SPA Page 5 September 2014

and date for the start of the swath; the first hh,
mm, ss, S represents the hour, minutes, seconds,
and 10th of a second for the start of the swath and
the second hh, mm, ss, S represents the end time
of the swath.

rotcs.rdr OMPS RNSCA-ROTCS Raw 1. RT-STPS can be used to create these OMPS
Data Record (RDR) file RDR products.

2. Real time OMPS RDR products over the eastern

US region are available from the DRL ftp site at:
Where yyyy, mm, dd represents the year, month,
and date for the start of the swath; the first hh,
mm, ss, S represents the hour, minutes, seconds,
and 10th of a second for the start of the swath and
the second hh, mm, ss, S represents the end time
of the swath.

leapsec leapsec file For recent LEAPSEC file go to:
utcpole utcpole file For recent UTCPOLE file go to:
npp_omps_tcdrk_luts OMPS Total Column DRK LUT Recent LUTs:

Archived LUTs:

npp_omps_npdrk_luts OMPS Nadir Profile DRK LUT Recent LUTs:

NPP-NP_DRK-p058-vw.x- yyyymMMddthhmmss-*.h5

Archived LUTs:
OMPS-NPP-NP_DRK-p058-vw.x- yyyymMMddthhmmss-

OMPSNADIR_SPA Page 6 September 2014

Output File Labels Description Destination (when SPA is installed in IPOPP)

ompsnadir.tcl1aev.h5 OMPS Total Column /raid/pub/gsfcdata/npp/omps/level1/ OMPS-NPP-

Level 1A EV output HDF TC_L1A_EV_NASA-v1.0- yyyymMMddthhmmss*.h5
file path

ompsnadir.tcsdrev.h5 OMPS Total Column /raid/pub/gsfcdata/npp/omps/level1/ OMPS-NPP-

SDR EV output HDF file TC_SDR_EV_NASA-v1.0- yyyymMMddthhmmss*.h5

ompsnadir.tcto3.h5 OMPS Total Column /raid/pub/gsfcdata/npp/omps/level2/ OMPS-NPP-

Total Ozone output HDF TC_EDR_TO3-v1.0- yyyymMMddthhmmss*.h5
file path

ompsnadir.tctso2nrt.he5 OMPS Total Column /raid/pub/gsfcdata/npp/omps/level2/ OMPS-NPP-

Total SO2 NRT output TC_EDR_SO2NRT- yyyymMMddthhmmss*.he5
HDF file path

ompsnadir.npl1aev.h5 OMPS Nadir Profile /raid/pub/gsfcdata/npp/omps/level1/OMPS-NPP-

Level 1A EV output HDF NP_L1A_EV-v1.0-yyyymMMddthhmmss*.h5
file path

ompsnadir.npsdrev.h5 OMPS Nadir Profile SDR /raid/pub/gsfcdata/npp/omps/level1/ OMPS-NPP-

EV output HDF file path NP_SDR_EV_NASA-p000-v1.0-

ompsnadir.npsdrdeluxe.h5 OMPS Nadir Profile SDR /raid/pub/gsfcdata/npp/omps/level1/OMPS-NPP-

Deluxe output HDF file NP_SDR_DELUXE-p000-v1.0- yyyymMMddthhmmss*.h5

ompsnadir.npo3.h5 OMPS Nadir Profile /raid/pub/gsfcdata/npp/omps/level2/ OMPS-NPP-

Ozone output HDF file NP_EDR_PV8-v1.0- yyyymMMddthhmmss*.h5

ompsnadir.ozone.png Total Column Ozone /raid/pub/gsfcdata/npp/omps/level2/OMPS-NPP-

PNG file path TC_EDR_TO3_Ozone- yyyymMMddthhmmss*.png

ompsnadir.reflectivity.png Reflectivity at 331nm /raid/pub/gsfcdata/npp/omps/level2/OMPS-NPP-

PNG file path TC_EDR_TO3_Reflectivity331-

ompsnadir.uvaerosol.png UV aerosol PNG file path /raid/pub/gsfcdata/npp/omps/level2/ OMPS-NPP-

Where yyyy, MM, dd, hh, mm, ss represent the year, month, day of month, hour, minutes,
and seconds for the start of the swath.

Execute the 'run': The following script shows an example of a command line to run the
OMPSnadir algorithm from the testscripts directory:

$../wrapper/OMPSnadir/run rotcs.rdr ../testdata/input/\

RNSCA-ROTCS_npp_d20140827_t1731472_e1744153_b00001_c20140827174412085000_all-_dev.h5 \
ronps.rdr ../testdata/input/\
RNSCA-RONPS_npp_d20140827_t1731472_e1743380_b00001_c20140827174412200000_all-_dev.h5 \
npp_omps_npdrk_luts ../testdata/input/\
OMPS-NPP-NP_DRK-p058-v1.0-2014m0817t201530-o14535-2014m0821t180118.h5 \
npp_omps_tcdrk_luts ../testdata/input/\

OMPSNADIR_SPA Page 7 September 2014

OMPS-NPP-TC_DRK-p058-v1.0-2014m0817t201530-o14535-2014m0821t180042.h5 \
leapsec ../testdata/input/leapsec.2014082701.dat \
utcpole ../testdata/input/utcpole.2014082702.dat \
ompsnadir.tcl1aev.h5 ../testdata/output/\
OMPS-NPP-TC_L1A_EV_NASA-v1.0-2014m0827t173147-o00001-2014m0828t140000.h5 \
ompsnadir.tcsdrev.h5 ../\
testdata/output/OMPS-NPP-TC_SDR_EV_NASA-v1.0-2014m0827t173147-o00001-2014m0828t140000.h5 \
ompsnadir.tcto3.h5 ../testdata/output/\
OMPS-NPP-TC_EDR_TO3-v1.0-2014m0827t173147-o00001-2014m0828t140000.h5 \
ompsnadir.ozone.png ../testdata/output/\
OMPS-NPP-TC_EDR_TO3_Ozone-2014m0827t173147-o00001-2014m0828t140000.png \
ompsnadir.reflectivity.png ../testdata/output/\
OMPS-NPP-TC_EDR_TO3_Reflectivity331-2014m0827t173147-o00001-2014m0828t140000.png \
ompsnadir.uvaerosol.png ../testdata/output/\
OMPS-NPP-TC_EDR_TO3_UVAerosolIndex-2014m0827t173147-o00001-2014m0828t140000.png \
ompsnadir.tctso2nrt.he5 ../testdata/output/\
OMPS-NPP-TC_EDR_SO2NRT-2014m0827t173147-o00001-2014m0828t140000.he5 \
ompsnadir.npl1aev.h5 ../testdata/output/\
OMPS-NPP-NP_L1A_EV-v1.0-2014m0827t173147-o00001-2014m0828t140000.h5 \
ompsnadir.npsdrev.h5 ../testdata/output/\
OMPS-NPP-NP_SDR_EV_NASA-p000-v1.0-2014m0827t173147-o00001-2014m0828t140000.h5 \
ompsnadir.npsdrdeluxe.h5 ../testdata/output/\
OMPS-NPP-NP_SDR_DELUXE-v1.0-2014m0827t173147-o00001-2014m0828t140000.h5 \
ompsnadir.npo3.h5 ../testdata/output/\

A successful execution usually requires around a minute or more, depending on the speed
of your computer and the size of the granule. If execution fails, you will see an error
message indicating the cause of failure (e.g., a file cannot be found, or a label cannot be
recognized). Correct it and run again. If the problem has some other cause, it can be
identified using the log files. Log files are automatically generated within the directory used
for execution. They start with stdfile* and errfile* and can be deleted after execution. Other
log and intermediate files may be generated automatically within the directory used for
execution. They are useful for traceability and debugging purposes. However it is strongly
recommended that users clean up log files and intermediate files left behind in the run
directory before initiating a fresh execution of the SPA. Intermediate files from a previous
run may affect a successive run and produce ambiguous results. The 'run' can be executed
from any directory the user chooses. This can be done by prefixing it with the file path for
the 'run' script.


1. Use the latest leapsec and utcpole ancillaries available on DRL’s ancillary repository
(Refer to the Table above). It is recommended to use leapsec and utcpole input files
that are not more than 14 days old.

2. Use NP_DRK and TC_DRK LUTs that are closest but prior to the start of the swath.

3. The data products generated by this SPA may be visualized with the DRL's
H2G_SPA (Hierarchical Data Format [HDF] to Georeferenced Tagged Image File
Format [GeoTIFF] Converter Science Processing Algorithm). H2G is designed

OMPSNADIR_SPA Page 8 September 2014

specifically for Direct Readout applications to create geolocated GeoTIFF images,
jpeg browse images, and png browse images for parameter datasets in SNPP
products and EOS products. H2G_SPA and its User Guide are available for
download from the DRL Web Portal. Please refer to Appendix A for information on
enabling image production for this SPA in IPOPP.

To Use the Scripts in the testscripts Directory

One simple way to run the algorithms from the directory of your choice using your own data
is to copy the script from the testscripts directory to the selected
directory. Change the values of the variables like WRAPPERHOME, INPUTHOME and
OUTPUTHOME to reflect the file paths of the wrapper directories and the input/output file
paths. Then modify the input/output file name variables. Run the script to process your

OMPSNADIR_SPA Page 9 September 2014

Appendix A
SPA Stations
Installation of this SPA in IPOPP mode will make the SPA stations listed in Table A-1
available to IPOPP. These stations along with any other prerequisite stations (listed in Table
A-2) will need to be enabled to allow IPOPP to automate production of the
OMPSNADIR_SPA data products. Furthermore, users who wish to generate image
products from the data products generated by this SPA will need to enable the image-
generating stations listed in Table A-3. The SPAs containing the prerequisite and the
image-generating stations listed in Tables A-2 and A-3 can be downloaded from the DRL
Web Portal, in case they are not already available in your IPOPP installation. Details about
these other SPAs are available in the respective SPA User's Guides. Please refer to the
IPOPP User's Guide for instructions on how to install an SPA in IPOPP and enable the
corresponding stations.

Table A-1. SPA Stations

SPA stations for this SPA Data Products produced

OMPSnadir OMPS Total Column Level 1A EV
OMPS Total Column SDR EV
OMPS Total Column Total Ozone
OMPS Total Column Total SO2 NRT
OMPS Nadir Profile Level 1A EV
OMPS Nadir Profile SDR EV
OMPS Nadir Profile SDR Deluxe
OMPS Nadir Profile Ozone
Total Column Ozone PNG
Reflectivity at 331nm PNG
UV aerosol PNG

Table A-2. Prerequisite Stations

Prerequisite SPA stations SPA in which they are available

None. (Use IPOPP to ingest ROTCS and N/A
RONPS RDRs. Refer to the IPOPP User's
Guide. The Real-time Software Telemetry
Processing System [RT-STPS] can be used
to create OMPS RDRs.)

OMPSNADIR_SPA Page A-1 September 2014

Table A-3. Image-generating Stations

Image-generating stations SPA in which they are available

ompsaot-geotiff H2G_SPA
ompsrefl331-geotiff H2G_SPA
ompsso2-geotiff H2G_SPA
ompstozone-geotiff H2G_SPA

NOTE: Please refer to the H2G_SPA User's Guide for more details about the image
products, including their locations and filename patterns when they are generated in IPOPP.

OMPSNADIR_SPA Page A-2 September 2014

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