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Synopsis For Registration of Title of Thesis For M.D. (Community Medicine)

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1. (a) Name of the candidate : Dr. Siddharudha Shivalli

(b) Name of the course : M.D. (Community Medicine)

(c) Year and month of : May, 2009


(d) Year and month of : March, 2012

examination when due to

2. Title of the proposed thesis : STUDY OF EFFECTIVENESS OF TIPs (TRIALS OF


3. Name and Designation of the Dr. Ratan Kumar Srivastava

Professor and Head,
Department of Community Medicine
Institute of Medical Sciences
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi- 221 005

4. Name and Designation of the Dr. G.P. Singh

Assistant Professor( biostatistics), Department of
Community Medicine, Institute of Medical Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi- 221 005

5. (a) Department where thesis : Department of Community Medicine

work will be carried out Institute of Medical Sciences
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi- 221 005

(b) Which other department of : NONE

the Institute/University will
co-operate in the proposed


Prophylactic 100 IFA tablets intake by all pregnant women would drastically
reduce anemia related complications of pregnancy. Though the concept is simple and
straightforward, its implementation has failed to an unexpected level in most of the developing
countries including India. In India, National Anemia Prophylaxis Programme started in 1970
promoting 100 IFA tablets (60 mg elemental Iron and 0.5 mg folic acid) intake by all pregnant
women. From time to time the programme underwent modifications like increasing the dose of
elemental Iron to 100 mg and renamed as National Anemia Control Programme (1991) and
Maatri Suraksha Abhiyan. Later it was taken-up by Maternal Child Health Dept. (part of
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare), now it’s being implemented as a part of Reproductive
Child Health (RCH) Programme.

Although anemia control programmes are running since 1970, anemia still
continues to be a major public health problem in India and one of the leading causes of
maternal deaths. According to NFHS-3, 59% of pregnant women, 58% of lactating mothers and
46% of highest wealth group pregnant women are anemic, major reasons being increased
demand, poor Iron intake and improper dietary practices decreasing absorption of Iron and
poor compliance for 100 IFA tablets intake, during pregnancy. Three fourths of pregnant
women receive any antenatal care, 65% initiated IFA intake (given/purchased) but only 23%
took for 90 days or more.

Situation is still worse in Utter Pradesh which accounts for highest number of
maternal deaths and MMR in India (440/1000 live births, SRS-2004-06). More than 50%
pregnant women are anemic, 26.3% have had 3+ antenatal check-ups and only 8.7% took
90/more IFA tablets indicating huge gaps in both expected number of pregnant women to
receive antenatal care and completing IFA intake. Every day 68 women die of pregnancy related
complications in which 14 are due to anemia, in Utter Pradesh. Therefore better compliance
for minimum 100 IFA tablets intake and proper and adequate dietary practices are the issues
in focus for the survival of pregnant women.

Iron is the most studied micronutrient but we have least consensus on it and
pessimism is prevailing among policy makers and workers involved in Iron related programmes.
Reasons for failure are many but the major being not addressing the behavioral issues of
pregnant women and their families. Every public health program must address to “behavioural
issues” if it hopes to reach its desired impact. Any public health program can enhance its
chances of effectively motivating and facilitating changes in health-related practices by
including the groups who will be most involved (pregnant women) in the program in testing and
defining the practices to be recommended.

So there is a need of research involving pregnant women and their families to
understand their perception regarding antenatal care, IFA tablets intake and dietary practices
during pregnancy, so as to identify socio-cultural, demographic and other barriers for complete
antenatal care. And finally bringing change in the behaviours to overcome the barriers by
negotiation with pregnant women and their families.

TIPs (Trials of Improved Practices)is one of the behaviour changing ,formative

research techniques, focuses on behaviour, what people do, rather than knowledge, or what
people know or believe. Trials are the best way to gauge the acceptability of proposed new
practices and learn how to promote and support them.

7. Objectives of proposed research work:

To examine the effectiveness of ‘Trials of Improved Practices’ (TIPs) method of behavior change

communication on dietary and iron-folate intake during pregnancy

8. Hypothesis of the proposed research work:

TIPs would improve the compliance for 100 IFA tablets intake and dietary intake by
pregnant women and consequently their anemic status.

9. Scope of the study:

 Study would focus on socio-cultural and demographic factors affecting the compliance
and dietary practices of pregnant women.

 From this study we would come up with new/modified suggestions which could be
implemented at community level via ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) and other
grass root workers to improve anemic status and its complications in pregnant women,
in eastern U.P.


Sufficient literature is not available on current dietary practices and patterns of

behaviors of pregnant women for IFA intake in the study area. Ongoing reproductive and
child health programmes have failed to create an impact in maternal anemia at community




A study comparing the oral iron therapy with parenteral route for the treatment of
maternal anemia has been done. However it doesn’t address the compliance of oral iron
therapy. It does not address the dietary practices or compliance of oral therapy.

Recently 2 projects on maternal anemia have been taken-up in the department.

However projects deal with improving the skills of Mukhya sevikas and AWW in
implementing maternal anemia reduction programme and assisting demand generation
activity in the community through mass communication and social mobilization. Projects
neither focus on reasons for poor compliance for 100 IFA tablets nor involve in any kind of
interaction and feedback from pregnant women.


TIPs (Trials of Improved Practices)

Trials of Improved Practices (TIPs) are a formative research technique developed by the
Manoff Group. Using TIPs, program planners select and pre-test the actual practices that a
program will promote. In essence the procedure consists of a series of visits in which the
interviewer and the participant analyze current practices, discuss what could be improved, and
together reach an agreement on one or a few solutions to try over a trial period; and then
assess the trial experience together at the end of the trial period. The results are moved directly
into program design.

TIPs focuses on behaviour, what people do, rather than knowledge, or what people
know or believe. Trials are the best way to gauge the acceptability of proposed new practices
and learn how to promote and support them. TIPs evolved out of commercial marketing and
anthropology research methods. Its objective is to define feasible and efficacious behaviours
and learn whether they are also acceptable and feasible. The actual technique of TIPs combines
the “advertising-design concept” of “concept testing” (Market Navigation, Inc.) with product
testing in order to modify the practice or product before it is introduced into the market, based
on feedback from a small sample whose members actually try using the product in their daily

Through TIPs, planners learn from families, providers or communities:

 what practices the program should promote, eliminate or modify;
 what are the most effective motivations and most significant barriers to new practices;
 what level of change in particular behaviours the program can expect; and in some

 what level of health or nutrition impact the program can expect.

The first use of TIPs (at the time called concept or intervention testing) was by Manoff
International in the ‘Nutrition Communication/ Behavior Change project’ in Indonesia in the
late 1970s. This first use of trials proved to be extremely helpful in program design. Planners
learned that it was feasible to promote breastfeeding equally from both breasts (rather than
the customary one); how to improve instructions for preparing homemade oral re-hydration
solution; and of the need to modify weaning food suggestions in different regions. Mothers
themselves came up with suggestions on ingredients and cooking technique that were
incorporated into program message.

Since this first experience, TIPs have been effectively used in formative research
related to infant, child, and maternal nutrition in many countries.Over the past decade, TIPs
have been applied to other public health issues including HIV/AIDS, school health , infectious
disease control, maternal health and family planning. WHO recommends using a simplified
version of TIPs to adapt the generic "mothers card" that is part of IMCI counseling to reflect
specific foods and other behaviors appropriate for each country or region of a country.

Some Recent Applications of the TIPs Methodology

Kentucky, Healthy lifestyles for Multiple behaviours related to physical 2006

Mississippi, primary activity,
California school-age children eating and drinking

Mozambique and Injection safety practices Multiple behaviours with different providers 2004
Zambia related
to prescribing, injecting and waste disposal

Dominican Basic hygiene (hand Individual and family practices in home and 2001-
Republic, washing, environment, also purchasing subsidized 2003
Nicaragua, Peru consuming clean essential hygiene products
water, safe feces

Dominican Dengue Family actions to avoid mosquito breeding in 2001-

Republic, household water containers 2003
El Salvador
(CHANGE Project)

South Africa Indoor air pollution Repairing stoves, improving ventilation, 2002
shortening burning time, keeping young
away from smoke

Dominican Young child feeding Focus on calories and nutrient content in 2001
Republic normal
Every public times and when children are sick or
Pakistan Men’s role in family Discussing with spouse, learning about 2000
planning methods,
decision making making joint decision, starting a modern
Zambia Insecticide-treated bed Obtaining and appropriate use of treated bed 1997
nets nets

What behaviours can be tested?

Most health behaviours can be tested in TIPs. There are some limitations, however.
The following types of behaviours are more difficult, or even impossible, to test.
 Behaviours that stretch over long time periods (e.g., get your child fully immunized by
age 1,breastfeed your child for at least 2 years)
 Behaviours that are appropriate only at rare or unpredictable times (e.g., appropriate
care seeking for obstetrical emergencies; communities helping with emergency
transport during emergencies)
 Behaviours with major external barriers such as poor policies
• Behaviours that require collaboration or approval of many colleagues or Supervisors
Behavioural changes that are difficult or not possible to test in TIPs can be explored
through other methods such as in-depth interviews or focus group discussions.

TIPs are the second phase of the formative research process. The first phase consists
of a literature search, expert interviews and (often) in-depth interviews and observations
(with the key participant groups). Based on the results, the research team designs the TIPs -
designates the types of participants and the sampling plan and develops counselling and
motivation guides for the problem practices of interest in health and nutrition.

Field Work

It usually consists of two or three visits. In the first (assessment) visit, the families'
situation is analyzed through interview questions and sometimes through a food frequency
assessment or dietary recall. Bring back the interview information and have the research team
analyze the findings and assess the problems and best menu of behavioral solutions.

In the negotiation visit, the researcher gives feedback to the pregnant women (or
others) on their practices (both on what they are doing well and areas they might improve) and
gives several relevant suggestions of actions the pregnant women might try for a trial period.
(This period is often 5-7 days but may be as long as a few months.) These suggestions are
discussed thoroughly and the pregnant women selects one to three of these ideas for trial. In

the final (evaluation) visit, the interviewer learns what the pregnant women did, how and why;
how she felt about the trial experience; what was easy and difficult; if she discussed the new
behaviours with anyone and what they said; how she would recommend the same practice to a
friend, etc. If it was part of the initial visit, a food frequency assessment or dietary recall will be

Analysis of TIPs findings is relatively straightforward and generally easier than analyzing
in-depth interviews or focus group discussions. The analysis is both quantitative and
qualitative. For example, how many pregnant women had a particular problem, how many
accepted the improved behaviours and which behaviours did they select, what were the most
effective motivators, what was the pregnant womens’ experience and success during the trial,
what modifications or suggestions did they make and why, who in the family and community
influenced their behaviour, what were the main barriers they had to overcome and how did
they do this, what were their perceived benefits, and how many intended to continue the new


Study area: Four villages of Chiraigaon Community Development Block of Varanasi, India.

Study sample: 102 pregnant women in Chiraigaon block, Varanasi.

Sample size: Assuming an absolute 25% higher compliance for IFA supplementation in TIPs
group vs. control (9%), with an α error of 0.05 and a power of 80%, a sample size of 51
participants in each group is estimated. As this a mixed (qualitative and quantitative) study with
the purpose of testing a short term behaviour trial and involves one-to-one interaction and
counselling with the family, large sample is neither essential nor feasible. A small sample that is
representative of ethnicity and socio-economic differences of the study area, will give a valid
data.( Kanani et al,1998)

Study design: Community based quasi experimental study with a control group

Study period: From May 2010 to July 2011.

Inclusion criteria: In first trimester, weight gain is minimal and IFA tablet intake is avoided
owing to exacerbation of nausea and vomiting. In third trimester, PW in India go to their
mother’s house as cultural ritual and a minimum period of 12 weeks was fixed for trial period.
With due consideration of these, only pregnant women in 13 to 28 weeks of gestation and
willing to participate in the study will be included.

Exclusion criteria: Pregnant women with acute illness, severe medical or obstetrical
complications, multiple pregnancy, gestational diabetes or not staying for a minimum period of
12 weeks in the study area.

After enumerating the eligible pregnant women, villages will be allocated to intervention and
control groups (two villages each) by simple random sampling. TIPs method of behaviour
change communication would be applied in intervention group through 3 home (assessment,
negotiation and evaluation) visits. Only Assessment and Evaluation visits will be done in control
villages. Written informed consent in hindi language was taken from all the study participants
before the data collection.

TIPs intervention:

1] Assessment visit: In-depth interviews of pregnant women and their family using semi-
structured questionnaire and direct observations to understand the perception and practices of
IFA intake and diet in pregnancy. During interview, Hb% (Hemo Cue method), weight and height
will be recorded, after taking informed consent.
2] Negotiation visit: TIPs communication and counselling guide will be prepared by analysing
the data from assessment visit. Pregnant women will select and try new recommended
practices over an arbitrary period of 12 weeks.
3] Evaluation visit: At the end of the trial period, evaluation will be done whether pregnant
women could implement new practices or not and what were the motivating factors/barriers to
implement. The pregnant womens’ experience and success during the trial would be noted
along with a record of modifications or suggestions they made and why, who in the family and
community influenced their behaviour, what were their perceived benefits, and how many
intended to continue the new practices. Hb% and weight of pregnant women will be recorded
once again.

Outcome Measures: Hemoglobin%, anemia prevalence, weight gain, compliance for iron-folate
supplementation and dietary intake of calorie, protein, calcium and iron (by 24 hour recall

Analysis: Data will be analyzed using Statistical Package for Social the Sciences (SPSS) for
Windows, Version 16.0. Chicago, SPSS Inc. Results will be expressed as frequencies and
proportions for categorical variables and mean and standard deviations for continuous
variables. Chi square, Fisher’s exact and unpaired t tests would be applied to assess the
significant differences in socio-demographic, obstetric and outcome measures across the study
groups. A two sided p value of <0.05 would be considered as statistically significant.

Gantt chart displaying timeline for various activities
Year  2010 2011
Activity J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J

1. The Manoff Group, 2001 Street NW, Suite 400, Washington DC 20009 (28-11-2009)
2. Shubhada Kanani, 1998: Behaviour change trials for better nutrition of pregnant and
lactating women in Angharah block Bihar.

3. Barnes, Brendon R., Angela Mathee, Lonna B. Shafritz, Laurie Krieger,and Susan Zimicki.
"A Behavioral Intervention to Reduce Child Exposure to Indoor Air Pollution: Identifying
Possible Target Behaviors." Health Education and Behavior June 2004, 31(3): 306-317.

4. Barnes, B. R., Mathee, A., Krieger, L., Shafritz, L., Favin, M. and Sherburne, L.Testing
selected behaviours to reduce indoor air pollution exposure in young children. Health
Education Research 2004, 19(5): 543-50.

5. Centre for Health, Population, and Nutrition (CHEPON).Qualitative Research on Infant

Feeding in Oyo and Osun States, Nigeria. Washington, D.C.: Wellstart International,
October 1995.

6. Changing Behaviors: Guidelines on Using Research to Increase Consumption of

Micronutrients. New York: Helen Keller International, 1998.(Prepared by The Manoff
Group and Helen Keller International.)

(Dr.Siddharudha Shivalli)
Juniornresident, IMS, BHU, VARANASI.


Namaste, My name is ...................................................................... , from department of
community medicine, IMS, BHU, Varanasi. We are conducting a study in chiraigaon block to
learn and improve dietary practices and 100 IFA intake by pregnant women (study of
effectiveness of tips methodology against maternal anemia in chiraigaon block of varanasi
district).Participation in this study is completely voluntary. However we would very much
appreciate your participation in this study, since your views are very important.


It consists of Focussed Group Discussions (FGD) and 3 home visits. In 1st visit (this visit),
I’m going to ask you and your family members about the care, diet and 100 IFA intake during
pregnancy. The questionnaire usually takes about 30-40 minutes to complete. At the end we
would like to take a small drop of blood by a small prick to your left ring finger to measure the
level of Hb% (Iron level),as its measurement is very important in pregnant women. Procedure
should cause you very little discomfort. However it’s completely your decision to allow us to
take the sample. Result of the test will be explained within 30-40 seconds. The sample will be
destroyed after the study and won’t be used in any other research. In addition, we would like to
take measurements of your weight and height, to assess your health and nutritional status. You
are requested to participate in a FGD on the same subjects of questionnaire so that we can
understand your perception and practices in a better way.

In 2nd visit we would educate you about some simple practices to improve your health
status. You only will select and try out some or all of them over an arbitrary period of 12 weeks.
At the end of trial period we will come for 3 rd visit to ask about your experience of the trial. In
addition we would like to take repeat measurements of Hb% (by a small prick to your left ring
finger), weight and height.

Your participation in the study would help us to assess the present health and
nutritional status of pregnant women and educate you about the same. Experience from the
trial would help you to improve your health and nutritional status so that you would be able to
reproduce a physically and mentally healthy child. And you would be able to share your trial
experience with other pregnant women. Your feedback from trial experience would be used to
disseminate healthy messages in the community for the betterment of pregnant women.

No potential dangers are involved in this study. We will take all aseptic precautions by
using disposable lancets (needles) to avoid any kind of infection.

The information concerning your participation in the study will be kept confidential to
the full extent permitted by the law and used only for scientific purpose. No one except
members of the research team will have access to the test results. Your name will not be used
in any report or released in any way.


You have rights to refuse answering any or all questions, to undergo any test or
measurements during the study. You also have the right to withdraw from the study at any
time. However we hope that you will fully participate in the study, as your views are important.

Please let me know if anything I’ve stated isn’t clear and I’ll be happy to explain it
further to ensure you understand.


I’ve read the information about the study. I’ve had enough opportunity to ask
doubts/questions about it and I was answered to my satisfaction. I here by consent voluntarily
to be a participant in this study, to respond to questionnaire, to undergo tests and
measurements. I understand that I’ve the right to withdraw from the study or refuse to answer
any of the questions.

PARTICIPANT’S NAME: ............................................................ DATE: ........................


FAMILY MEMBER’S NAME: .....................................................

RELATION TO PARTICIPANT: ...................................................




मेरा नाम ............................................... है , , आईएमएस, बीएचयू, वाराणसी

से. हम chiraigaon एक के संचालन कर रहे सीखने और बेहतर पोषण और
वाराणसी अपने का आकलन और 100 आइएफए सेवन के आहार
और 100 ( आइएफए सेवन सुधार). इस तरह है .
हम बहु त इस सराहना करते , के बाद से अपने बहु त

यह 3 घर और एक समूह (FGD) .1 (इस ) , के दौरान
आप और आपके दे खभाल, आहार और 100 आइएफए सेवन के के बारे पूछने जा रहा हू ँ.
के बारे आमतौर पर 30-40 लगते को पूरा . अंत हम अपनी के एक सी
चुभन से खून एक सी बूद
ं लेने के एचबी (% लौह ) के को मापने तरह माप के अपनी
बहु त होता है . तुम बहु त कम परे शानी का कारण होना . यह
तरह से आपके हमारे नमूना लेने के दे ने का फैसला है . के 30-40 सेकंड के भीतर
समझाया जाएगा. नमूना के बाद हो जाएगा और भी अनुसध
ं ान
जाएगा. इसके अलावा, हम आपका वजन और ऊंचाई माप लेने तरह, अपने और पोषण
का आकलन . आप के इसी पर एक FGD इतना भाग है हम एक बेहतर
अपनी धारणा और को समझ सकता हू ँ का अनुरोध कर रहे .

2 हम आपको कुछ सरल के बारे करने के अपने सुधार

होगा. आप केवल और 12 एक मनमाने ढं ग से बाहर करने कुछ या सब के
सब होगा. के अंत हम 3 के आने के के अपने अनुभव के बारे .
इसके अलावा (अपनी के एक सी चुभन ) एचबी% के दोहराने माप ले, वजन
और ऊंचाई तरह होगा.

मदद और के पोषण

ं ी और तुम उसी के बारे करने के आकलन के . से अनुभव मदद आप
अपने और पोषण सुधार के इतना है तुम एक और से
को पुन: पेश कर . और आप के साथ अपने अनुभव को साझा कर
जाएगा. के अनुभव से के समुदाय भलाई के
संदेश का जाएगा.

कोई इस . lancets (सुई) का उपयोग करने के
भी के से बचने के सभी सड़न रोकनेवाला सावधानी बरतनी होगी.

के रखा और कानून के
हद तक गोपनीय जाएगा. अनुसध
ं ान दल के के अलावा कोई भी के
उपयोग होगा. आपका नाम भी जाएगा या भी

वापस लेने के से
आप भी या सभी के जवाब दे ने से मना है , के के दौरान भी या
माप गुज़रना पड़ता है . तुम भी भी समय इस से वापस लेने का है . आशा है
तुम तरह से भाग , के आपके .

कृ पया मुझे अगर कुछ भी कहा गया है और समझाने यह करने के आगे तुम समझ
खुशी होगी पता है .

बताया भाग लेने

इस के बारे पढ़ा है . करने के संदेह पूछने का मौका है / इसके
बारे और अपनी के का जवाब था. यहाँ ने से इस भागीदार बनने
के , को का जवाब है , और माप गुज़रना पड़ता है . समझता हू ँ इस से वापस
लेने या भी सवाल का जवाब इंकार करने का है .

'भागीदार नाम: ............................................... ............. : ........................

'भागीदार / अंगठ
ू े छाप


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