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Correlation: Definitions

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The term correlation is used by a common man without knowing that he is making use
of the term correlation. For example when parents advice their children to work hard so that
they may get good marks, they are correlating good marks with hard work.
The study related to the characteristics of only variable such as height, weight, ages,
marks, wages, etc., is known as univariate analysis. The statistical Analysis related to the study
of the relationship between two variables is known as Bi-Variate Analysis. Some times the
variables may be inter-related. In health sciences we study the relationship between blood
pressure and age, consumption level of some nutrient and weight gain, total income and
medical expenditure, etc., The nature and strength of relationship may be examined by
correlation and Regression analysis.
Thus Correlation refers to the relationship of two variables or more. (e-g) relation
between height of father and son, yield and rainfall, wage and price index, share and debentures
Correlation is statistical Analysis which measures and analyses the degree or extent
to which the two variables fluctuate with reference to each other. The word relationship is
important. It indicates that there is some connection between the variables. It measures the
closeness of the relationship. Correlation does not indicate cause and effect relationship. Price
and supply, income and expenditure are correlated.
1. Correlation Analysis attempts to determine the degree of relationship between variables-
2. Correlation is an analysis of the covariation between two or more variables.- A.M.Tuttle.
Correlation expresses the inter-dependence of two sets of variables upon each other.
One variable may be called as (subject) independent and the other relative variable (dependent).
Relative variable is measured in terms of subject.
Uses of correlation:
1. It is used in physical and social sciences.
2. It is useful for economists to study the relationship between variables like price, quantity
etc. Businessmen estimates costs, sales, price etc. using correlation.
3. It is helpful in measuring the degree of relationship between the variables like income and
expenditure, price and supply, supply and demand etc.
4. Sampling error can be calculated.
5. It is the basis for the concept of regression.
Scatter Diagram:

It is the simplest method of studying the relationship between two variables

diagrammatically. One variable is represented along the horizontal axis and the second variable
along the vertical axis. For each pair of observations of two variables, we put a dot in the plane.
There are as many dots in the plane as the number of paired observations of two variables. The
direction of dots shows the scatter or concentration of various points. This will show the type of

1. If all the plotted points form a straight line from lower left hand corner to the upper right
hand corner then there is

Perfect positive correlation. We denote this as r = +1

Perfect positive
Correlation Perfect Negative
r=+1 Correlation


O X axis O X axis

1. If all the plotted dots lie on a straight line falling from upper left hand corner to lower right
hand corner, there is a perfect negative correlation between the two variables. In this case
the coefficient of correlation takes the value r = -1.

2. If the plotted points in the plane form a band and they show a rising trend from the lower left
hand corner to the upper right hand corner the two variables are highly positively correlated.

1. If the points fall in a narrow band from the upper left hand corner to the lower right hand
corner, there will be a high degree of negative correlation.

2. If the plotted points in the plane are spread all over the diagram there is no correlation
between the two variables.


1. It is a simplest and attractive method of finding the nature of correlation between the two

2. It is a non-mathematical method of studying correlation. It is easy to understand.

3. It is not affected by extreme items.

4. It is the first step in finding out the relation between the two variables.

5. We can have a rough idea at a glance whether it is a positive correlation or negative


By this method we cannot get the exact degree or correlation between the two
Types of Correlation:

Correlation is classified into various types. The most important ones are

i) Positive and negative.

ii) Linear and non-linear.

iii) Partial and total.

iv) Simple and Multiple.

Positive and Negative Correlation:

It depends upon the direction of change of the variables. If the two variables
tend to move together in the same direction (ie) an increase in the value of one variable is
accompanied by an increase in the value of the other, (or) a decrease in the value of one variable is
accompanied by a decrease in the value of other, then the correlation is called positive or direct
correlation. Price and supply, height and weight, yield and rainfall, are some examples of
positive correlation.

If the two variables tend to move together in opposite directions so that increase (or)
decrease in the value of one variable is accompanied by a decrease or increase in the value
of the other variable, then the correlation is called negative (or) inverse correlation. Price and
demand, yield of crop and price, are examples of negative correlation.
Linear and Non-linear correlation:

If the ratio of change between the two variables is a constant then there will be linear
correlation between them.

Consider the following.

X 2 4 6 8 10 12
Y 3 6 9 12 15 18

Here the ratio of change between the two variables is the same. If we plot these points
on a graph we get a straight line.
If the amount of change in one variable does not bear a constant ratio of the amount
of change in the other. Then the relation is called Curvi-linear (or) non-linear correlation. The
graph will be a curve.
Simple and Multiple correlation:

When we study only two variables, the relationship is simple correlation. For example,
quantity of money and price level, demand and price. But in a multiple correlation we study
more than two variables simultaneously. The relationship of price, demand and supply of a
commodity are an example for multiple correlation.
Partial and total correlation:

The study of two variables excluding some other variable is called Partial correlation.
For example, we study price and demand eliminating supply side. In total correlation all facts
are taken into account.
Computation of correlation:

When there exists some relationship between two variables, we have to measure the
degree of relationship. This measure is called the measure of correlation (or) correlation
coefficient and it is denoted by ‘ r’ .

The covariation between the variables x and y is defined as

∑ ( x − x) ( y − y)
Cov (x,y) = where x, y are respectively means of x and y and 'n' is the number
of pairs of observations.

Karl pearson’ s coefficient of correlation:

Karl pearson, a great biometrician and statistician, suggested a mathematical method

for measuring the magnitude of linear relationship between the two variables. It is most widely
used method in practice and it is known as pearsonian coefficient of correlation. It is denoted
by ‘ r’ . The formula for calculating ‘ r’ is

C ov( x, y )
(i) r = where σ x , σ y are S.D of x and y
σ x .σ y

∑ xy
(ii) r =
n σx σ y

(iii) r = , X = x− x , Y = y− y
∑ X2 .∑ Y2
when the deviations are taken from the actual mean we can apply any one of these methods.
Simple formula is the third one.

The third formula is easy to calculate, and it is not necessary to calculate the standard
deviations of x and y series respectively.

1. Find the mean of the two series x and y.

2. Take deviations of the two series from x and y.

X = x – x, Y = y – y

3. Square the deviations and get the total, of the respective squares of deviations of x
and y and denote by ∑X2, ∑Y2 respectively.

4. Multiply the deviations of x and y and get the total and Divide by n. This is

5. Substitute the values in the formula.

cov( x, y ) ∑ ( x − x) ( y - y ) / n
r = =
σx.σy ∑( x − x) 2 ∑( y − y ) 2
n n
The above formula is simplified as follows
r = , X = x− x , Y = y− y
∑ X2 .∑ Y2

Example 1:

Find Karl Pearson’ s coefficient of correlation from the following data between height of father
(x) and son (y).

X 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Y 66 67 65 68 70 68 72

Comment on the result.

Solution :

x Y X=x–x X2 Y=y–y Y2 XY

X = x – 67 Y = y – 68
64 66 -3 9 -2 4 6
65 67 -2 4 -1 1 2
66 65 -1 1 -3 9 3
67 68 0 0 0 0 0
68 70 1 1 2 4 2
69 68 2 4 0 0 0
70 72 3 9 4 16 12
469 476 0 28 0 34 25
469 476
=x y
= 67 ;= = 68
7 7
Σ XY 25 25 25
r = = = = = 0.81
∑ X2 . ∑ Y2 28 × 34 952 30.85

Since r = + 0.81, the variables are highly positively correlated. (ie) Tall fathers have tall
Working rule (i)

We can also find r with the following formula

C ov( x, y )
We have r =
σ x .σ y
∑( x − x)( y − y) Σ( xy + x y − yx − x y )
Cov( x,y) = =
n n
Σxy yΣx xΣy Σx y
= - - +
n n n n
Σxy Σxy
Cov(x,y) = − yx - x y + x y = − xy
n n
2 Σx 2 2 Σy 2 2
σx = -x , σy =
- y
n n
C ov( x, y )
Now r = 171
σ x .σ y
− xy
r= n
n n n n
Σxy Σxy
Cov(x,y) = − yx - x y + x y = − xy
n n
Σx 2 2 Σy 2 2
σx2 = - x , σy2 = - y
n n
C ov( x, y )
Now r =
σ x .σ y
− xy
r= n
 Σx 2 2   Σy 2 2
 - x  .  - y 
 n   n 

nΣxy - (Σx) (Σy )

r =
[nΣx 2 − (Σx) 2 ][nΣy 2 - (Σy )2 ]

Note: In the above method we need not find mean or standard deviation of variables
Example 2:

Calculate coefficient of correlation from the following data.

X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Y 9 8 10 12 11 13 14 16 18

x y x2 y2 xy
1 9 1 81 9
2 8 4 64 16
3 10 9 100 30
4 12 16 144 48
5 11 25 121 55
6 13 36 169 78
7 14 49 196 98
8 16 64 256 128
9 15 81 225 135
45 108 285 1356 597
nΣxy - (Σx) (Σy )
r =
[nΣx 2 − (Σx ) 2 ][nΣy 2 - (Σy )2 ]

9 × 597 - 45 × 108
r =
(9 × 285 − (45) ) .(9 × 1356 − (108) )
2 2

5373 - 4860
r =
(2565 − 2025).(12204 − 11664)

513 513
= = = 0.95
540 × 540 540

Working rule (ii) (shortcut method)

C ov( x, y )
We have r = 172
σ x .σ y

∑( x − x)( y − y)
where Cov( x,y) =
513 513
= = = 0.95
540 × 540 540

Working rule (ii) (shortcut method)

C ov( x, y )
We have r =
σ x .σ y

∑( x − x)( y − y)
where Cov( x,y) =
Take the deviation from x as x – A and the deviation from y as y − B

Σ [( x - A) - ( x − A)] [( y - B) - ( y − B)]
Cov(x,y) =
= Σ [( x - A) ( y - B) - ( x - A) ( y - B)
- ( x − A)( y − B) + ( x − A)( y − B)]

1 Σ( x - A)
= Σ [( x - A) ( y - B) - ( y - B)
n n
Σ( y - B ) Σ( x - A)( y − B)
− ( x − A) +
n n
Σ( x - A)( y - B) nA
− ( y − B) ( x − )
n n
− ( x − A) ( y − ) + ( x − A) ( y − B)

Σ( x - A)( y - B)
− ( y − B) ( x − A)
= n
− ( x − A) ( y − B ) + ( x − A) ( y − B)
Σ( x - A)( y - B)
= − ( x − A) ( y − B)
Let x- A = u ; y - B = v; x= − A u ; y= −B v
∴Cov (x,y) = − uv
Σu 2 2
σx = − u = σ u2
Σv 2 2
σy 2 = − v = σ v2
nΣuv − (Σu )(Σv)
∴r =
 nΣu 2 − (Σu )2  . (nΣv 2 ) − (Σv)2 

Example 3:
Calculate Pearson’ s Coefficient of correlation.
X 45 55 56 58 60 65 68 70 75 80 85
Y 56 50 48 60 62 64 65 70 74 82 90

X Y u=x-A v=y-B u2 v2 uv
45 56 -20 -14 400 196 280
55 50 -10 -20 100 400 200
56 48 -9 -22 81 484 198
58 60 -7 -10 49 100 70
60 62 -5 -8 25 64 40
65 64 0 -6 0 36 0
68 65 3 -5 9 25 -15
70 70 5 0 25 0 0
75 74 10 4 100 16 40
80 82 15 12 225 144 180
85 90 20 20 400 400 400
2 -49 1414 1865 1393
nΣuv − (Σu ) (Σv)
[nΣu − (Σu 2 )] [nΣv 2 − (Σv) 2 ]

11 × 1393 - 2 × (-49)
(1414 × 11 − (2) 2 ) × (1865 × 11 − (−49) 2 )
15421 15421
= = = + 0.92
15550 × 18114 16783.11

Correlation of grouped bi-variate data:

When the number of observations is very large, the data is classified into two way
frequency distribution or correlation table. The class intervals for ‘ y’ are in the column headings
and for ‘ x’ in the stubs. The order can also be reversed. The frequencies for each cell of the
table are obtained. The formula for calculation of correlation coefficient ‘ r’ is

cov( x, y ) ∑f f((xx−− xx)() (yy−− yy))

rr = cov (x, y) Where
Where cov
(x, y)==
σσxx,,σσyy NN
∑ fxy Σ fxy
= −x y = −x y
∑ fx 2 2 ∑ fy 2 2
σ2 x = − x ; σ2 y = −y
N – total frequency
N Σfxy - (Σfx ) (Σfy )
r =
[ N Σfx 2 − (Σfx)2 ].[ N Σfy 2 − (Σfy )2 ]

Theorem: The correlation coefficient is not affected by change
of origin and scale.
x− A y−B
If u = ; v= then rxy =ruv
c d

x− A
cu = x- A
x = cu +A
x = cu + A

vd = y – B
y = B + vd y = [B + v d]

σ x = cσ u ; σ y = dσ v
cov(x , y )
rxy =
σx , σy
Σf ( x − x)( y − y )
cov(x,y) =
Σf[(cu+A) - (cu+A)][(dv+B) - (d v+B)]
= Σf cu-cu  (dv-d v )
= Σf c (u - u)   d (v − v ) 
= Σf cd u - u   v − v 
= cd Σ f (u − u ) (v - v )
Σf (u − u ) (v - v )
= cd = cd cov(u, v)

∴ cov( x, y ) = c.d cov(u, v)

cov(x , y ) cd cov(u , v ) cov(u , v )
∴= r xy = = = r uv
σx σy c ..σ u . d .σ v σu σv
∴ rxy = ruv


1. Take the step deviations of the variable x and denote these deviations by u.

2. Take the step deviations of the variable y and denote these deviations by v.

3. Multiply uv and the respective frequency of each cell and unite the figure obtained in the
right hand bottom corner of each cell.

4. Add the corrected (all) as calculated in step 3 and obtain the total ∑fuv.

5. Multiply the frequencies of the variable x by the deviations of x and obtain the total ∑fu.

6. Take the squares of the step deviations of the variable x and multiply them by the respective
frequencies and obtain the ∑fu2

Similarly get ∑fv and ∑fv2 . Then substitute these values in the formula 1 and get the
value of ‘ r’ .
Example 4:

The following are the marks obtained by 132 students in two tests.

Test - 1
30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 Total
Test - 2

20-30 2 5 3 10

30-40 1 8 12 6 27

40-50 5 22 14 1 42

50-60 2 16 9 2 29

60-70 1 8 6 1 16

70-80 2 4 2 8

Total 3 21 63 39 6 132

Calculate the correlation coefficient.

Let x denote Test 1 marks.

Let y denote Test 2 marks.

x − 55 y − 45
u= v=
10 10

mid x 35 45 55 65 75 f v fv fv2 fuv

mid y
4 2 0 -
25 2 5 3 - 10 -2 -20 40 18
8 10 0
2 1 0 -1

35 1 8 12 6 - 27 -1 -27 27 4
2 8 0 −6
mid x
mid x 35
35 0 45
45 055
55 650
65 75
75 ff0 v
v fv
fv fv222
fv fuv
ymid x
mid y
35 45 55 65 75 f v fv fv fuv
45y 44 225 00 22 -- 14-- 1 42 0 0 0 0
mid x
25 4352 2455 0553 -65 -75 f
10 v
-2 fv
-20 fv2
40 fuv
25 2 50 3 0 0 10 -2 -20 40 18
mid y25 2
88 5 10 30 10 0 -2 -20 40 18
10 0
224 8 12 10 0
25 2 12 -111 5 000003 -
-161 -
-1 -
10 -2 -20 40
35 1 88 12
12 6 - 27
27 -1
-1 -27
-27 27
27 418
35 1
228 2 8 10 88 12 00 6-6 - 27 -1 -27 27 4
55 0 -6 9
2 2 10 8
0 000 16 0 -1 00 -6 0 0
2 29 1 29 29 11
45 1 0 −2 855 12 022 0 0146 -091
1 2742
42 4 -1
0 -27
0 27
0 40
45 22 14 0 0 0
45 2 5 80 2200 14-6 0 10 42 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
-20-1-1 0 0000 0 11 0 20 2 0
20 4
55 -152 016
22 1149 221 2942 10 0
29 0
29 0
55 2 16 9 2 29 1 29 29 11
6555 1 2 -2 -20
16 8000 990 6 240
9 4
291 1 29
16 29 2 11 32 64 14
-2 -2 000 0 221 9 4 2 4
-2−2 0 4
12 4 21
65 -221 01688 269 412 29
16 29
32 29
64 11
65 1 6 1 16 2 32 64 14
65 1-2
-2 800 6
12 9 144 16 2 32 64 14
-2 -2
-2 00 00 12
123 4
4 6
00 332 4
65 1 028 346 62
75 22 4 4 1 2 16
8 2 2
3 32
72 3 14
24 24 72 24
75 -2 200 412
12 2 8 3 24 72 24
0 12 124
063 0 339 12 12 6 12
ff 33 21
21 63 0 39 6
6 132123
132 3 38
38 232
232 71
75uf -23 21 -1 63
20 439
1 226 8132
0 3 38
24 232
72 71
u -2 -1 0 1 2 0
f fuu
fu2 3 -6
-6 21
-1 00063
39 3912
39 12
12 0
24 6 132
Check 3 38 232 71
fuf -63 -21
21 63 00 39 12 6 24
132 3 Check
38 232 71
u fu
fu22 -2 12
12 -121
21 00 39 124
39 24 96 2
96 0
fuv 12
10 21
14 -1 00 39
27 242 96
fufuv 10
-6 10 -21 14 0 27 3920 20 71
fu -6 14
-21 00 27
39 20
12 71
24 24
2 2 Check
fu fu 1212 N Σfuv 2121 00
fu ))
39 3924
9624 96
r = 10 N Σ
N Σfuv fuv14 --- ((Σ
Σ fu )
fv )) 20 71
fuv rr =
= 10 2 14 2 0 27 2 20 71
[[ N
Σ fu
fu 2 − ( Σfu ) 2 ].[ N Σfv 22
2 − ( Σfu ) 2 ].[ N Σfv 2 −− ((ΣΣ fv
fv )) 22 ]]
[ N ΣfuN Σ−fuv
(Σfu-) (].[ N Σ fv
Σfu ) (Σfv ) − ( Σ fv ) ]
r =
[ N Σfu 2 − (Σfu ) 2 ].[ N Σfv 2 − (Σfv) 2 ]
132 × 71 − 24 × 38
= 132
132 ×× 71
71 − − 24
24 ×× 38
= 2 2
[132 × 96
× 96 − (24)
− (24) 2 ] [132 × 232
2 ] [132 × 232 −
− (38)
(38) 2]
[132 × 96 132
− (24) ] [132
× 71 − 24 × 38× 232 − (38)
9372 912
− (24)−2 912
[132 × 96 9372 ] [132 × 232 − (38)2 ]
= 9372 − − 912
= (12672
(12672 − 576)
576) (30624-1444)
(12672 − − 576) (30624-1444)
= 8460 9372 − 912
8460 8460
= = =
8460 = 8460 0.4503
= 109.96
× 170.82
170.82 = 0.4503
576) (30624-1444)
18786.78 0.4503
109.96 × 170.82 18786.78
8460 8460
= = = 0.4503
109.96 × 170.82 18786.78 177
Example 5:

Calculate Karl Pearson’ s coefficient of correlation from the data given below:

Age in years

Marks 18 19 20 21 22
0-5 - - - 3 1
5-10 - - - 3 2
10-15 - - 7 10 -
15-20 - 5 4 - -
20-25 3 2 - - -
x − 12.5
y − 20
y 18 19 20 21 22 f v fv fv2 fuv

- - - 2 -4
2.5 3 1 4 -2 -8 16 -10
−6 −4
- - - -1 -2
7.5 3 2 5 -1 -5 5 -7
−3 −4
- - 0 0 -
12.5 7 10 17 0 0 0 0
0 0
- -1 0 - -

17.5 5 4 9 1 9 9 -5
−5 0
-4 -2 - - -
22.5 3 2 5 2 10 20 -16
−12 −4
f 3 7 11 16 3 40 0 6 50 -38
u -2 -1 0 1 2 0
fu -6 -7 0 16 6 9
fu2 12 7 0 16 12 47
fuv -12 -9 0 -9 -8 -38
N Σfuv - (Σfu ) (Σfv )
r =
[ N Σfu 2 − (Σfu ) 2 ].[ N Σfv 2 − (Σfv) 2 ]
40(−38) − 6 × 9
[40 × 50 − 62 ].[40 × 47 − 92 ]
−1520 − 54 −1574
= = = −0.8373
(2000 − 36) × (1880 − 81) 1964 × 1799
Properties of Correlation:
1. Correlation coefficient lies between –1 and +1
(i.e) –1 ≤ r ≤ +1
x −x y −y
Let x’ = ; y’ =
σx σy
Since Ȉ(x’ +y’ )2 being sum of squares is always non-negative.
Ȉ(x’ +y’ )2 ≥0
Ȉx’ 2 + Ȉy’ 2 +2Ȉx’ y’ ≥ 0
2 2
 x− x  y− y  x− x  y− y
Σ  + Σ   + 2Σ     ≥ 0
 σx   σy   σx   σy 
Σ( x − x ) 2 Σ( y − y ) 2 2Σ( x − x ) (Y − Y )
+ + ≥ 0
σ x2 σ y2 σ xσ y

dividing by ‘ n’ we get
1 1 1 1 2 1
. Σ( x − x ) 2 + . Σ( y − y ) 2 + . Σ( x − x) ( y − y ) ≥ 0
σ x2 n σ y2 n σ xσ y n

1 1 2
.σ x 2 + σ y2 + .cov( x, y ) ≥ 0
σ x2 σ y2 σ xσ y

1 + 1 + 2r ≥ 0
2 + 2r ≥ 0
2(1+r) ≥ 0
(1 + r) ≥ 0
–1 ≤ r -------------(1)

Similarly, ∑(x’ –y’ )2 ≥ 0

2(l – r) ≥ 0
r ≤ +1 --------------(2)

(1) +(2) gives –1 ≤ r ≤ 1
Note: r = +1 perfect +ve correlation.
r = – 1 perfect –ve correlation between the variables.
Property 2: ‘ r’ is independent of change of origin and scale.
Property 3: It is a pure number independent of units of measurement.
Property 4: Independent variables are uncorrelated but the converse is not true.
Property 5: Correlation coefficient is the geometric mean of two regression coefficients.
Property 6: The correlation coefficient of x and y is symmetric. rxy = ryx.
1. Correlation coefficient assumes linear relationship regardless of the assumption is correct
or not.
2. Extreme items of variables are being unduly operated on correlation coefficient.
3. Existence of correlation does not necessarily indicate causeeffect relation.
The following rules helps in interpreting the value of ‘ r’ .
1. When r = 1, there is perfect + ve relationship between the variables.
2. When r = – 1, there is perfect – ve relationship between the variables.
3. When r = 0, there is no relationship between the variables.
4. If the correlation is +1 or –1, it signifies that there is a high degree of correlation.
(+ve or –ve) between the two variables.
If r is near to zero (ie) 0.1, – 0.1, (or) 0.2 there is less correlation.
Rank Correlation:

It is studied when no assumption about the parameters of the population is made. This
method is based on ranks. It is useful to study the qualitative measure of attributes like honesty,
colour, beauty, intelligence, character, morality etc.The individuals in the group can be arranged
in order and there on, obtaining for each individual a number showing his/her rank in the group.
6ΣD 2
This method was developed by Edward Spearman in 1904. It is defined as r = 1 − 3
r = rank correlation coefficient. n −n

Note: Some authors use the symbol ρ for rank correlation.

∑D2 = sum of squares of differences between the pairs of ranks.

n = number of pairs of observations.

The value of r lies between –1 and +1. If r = +1, there is complete agreement in order of
ranks and the direction of ranks is also same. If r = -1, then there is complete disagreement in
order of ranks and they are in opposite directions.

Computation for tied observations: There may be two or more items having equal values.
In such case the same rank is to be given. The ranking is said to be tied. In such circumstances
an average rank is to be given to each individual item. For example if the value so is repeated
twice at the 5th rank, the common rank to be assigned to each item is 5 + 6 = 5.5 which is the
average of 5 and 6 given as 5.5, appeared twice. 2
If the ranks are tied, it is required to apply a correction factor which is (m3 – m). A
slightly different formula is used when there is more than one item having the same value.

The formula is
1 1
6[ΣD 2 + (m3 − m) + (m 3 − m) + ....]
r= 1− 12 12
n3 − n

Where m is the number of items whose ranks are common and should be repeated as
many times as there are tied observations.
Example 6:

In a marketing survey the price of tea and coffee in a town based on quality was found as shown
below. Could you find any relation between tea and coffee price.

Price of tea 88 90 95 70 60 75 50

Price of coffee 120 134 150 115 110 140 100

Price of tea Rank Price of coffee Rank D D2

88 3 120 4 1 1
90 2 134 3 1 1
95 1 150 1 0 0
70 5 115 5 0 0
60 6 110 6 0 0
75 4 140 2 2 4
50 7 100 7 0 0
∑D2 = 6

6ΣD 2 6×6
r = 1− 3
= 1− 3
n −n 7 −7
= 1− = 1 − 0.1071
= 0.8929

The relation between price of tea and coffee is positive at 0.89. Based on quality the
association between price of tea and price of coffee is highly positive.
Example 7:

In an evaluation of answer script the following marks are awarded by the examiners.

1st 88 95 70 60 50 80 75 85
2nd 84 90 88 55 48 85 82 72

Do you agree the evaluation by the two examiners is fair ?

Solution :

x R1 y R2 D D2
88 2 84 4 2 4
95 1 90 1 0 0
70 6 88 2 4 16
60 7 55 7 0 0
50 8 48 8 0 0
80 4 85 3 1 1
85 3 75 6 3 9
6ΣD 2 6 × 30
r = 1− 3 = 1− 3
n −n 8 −8
= 1− = 1 − 0.357 = 0.643

r = 0.643 shows fair in awarding marks in the sense that uniformity has arisen in evaluating the
answer scripts between the two examiners.
Example 8:

Rank Correlation for tied observations. Following are the marks obtained by 10 students in a
class in two tests.

Students A B C D E F G H I J
Test 1 70 68 67 55 60 60 75 63 60 72
Test 2 65 65 80 60 68 58 75 63 60 70

Calculate the rank correlation coefficient between the marks of two tests.
Student Test 1 R1 Test 2 R2 D D2
A 70 3 65 5.5 - 2.5 6.25
B 68 4 65 5.5 -1.5 2.25
C 67 5 80 1.0 4.0 16.00
D 55 10 60 8.5 1.5 2.25
E 60 8 68 4.0 4.0 16.00
F 60 8 58 10.0 -2.0 4.00
G 75 1 75 2.0 -1.0 1.00
H 63 6 62 7.0 -1.0 1.00
I 60 8 60 8.5 0.5 0.25
J 72 2 70 3.0 -1.0 1.00

60 is repeated 3 times in test 1.

60,65 is repeated twice in test 2.

m = 3; m = 2; m = 2
1 3 1 1
6[ΣD 2 + (m − m) + (m3 − m) + (m3 − m)
r = 1− 12 12 12
n −n

1 3 1 1
6[50 + (3 − 3) + (23 − 2) + (23 − 2)]
= 1− 12 12 12
103 − 10
6[50 + 2 + 0.5 + 0.5]
= 1−
6 × 53 672
= 1− = =. 0 68
990 990

Interpretation: There is uniformity in the performance of student in the two tests.

Exercise – 8
I. Choose the correct answer:

1. Limits for correlation coefficient.

(a) –1 ≤ r ≤ 1 (b) 0 ≤ r ≤ 1 (c) –1 ≤ r ≤ 0 (d) 1 ≤ r ≤ 2

2. The coefficient of correlation.

(a) cannot be negative (b) cannot be positive

(c) always positive (d) can either be positive or negative

3. The product moment correlation coefficient is obtained by
(a) r = (b) r =
3. The The
3. product
product moment moment correlation
correlation coefficient
coefficient is obtained
is obtained by xybyby n σx σy
3. The product moment correlation coefficient is obtained
(a) r = r = ΣXY
(a) (a) r = r = ΣXY (c) r =
(b) (b) (d) none of these
xy xy n σnx σσxy σ y n σx
4. If cov(x,y)
ΣXY = 0 then
r = r = ΣXY
(a) xnand
σnx yσare
x correlated (b) x and y are uncorrelated

(c) none (d) x and y are linearly related

5. If r = 0 the cov (x,y) is

(a) 0 (b) – 1 (c) 1 (d) 0.2

6ΣD 2 6ΣD 2
(a) 1 + 3 (b) 1 − 2
6. Rank correlation coefficient is given by n −n n −n
6ΣD 2
6ΣD 2
2 2
6ΣD6ΣD2 2
6ΣD6ΣD (a) 1 + 3
2 2
6ΣD (b) 1 − 2
(a) + 13+ 3 (b) 1(b)
(a) 1(a) (b)
− 12− 2 (c) 1(c)
− 13− 3 n(d)−1n− 3
(d) n −n
n −nn − n n −nn − n n −nn − n n +n
6ΣD 2
7. If cov (x,y)
σx2 σy then (d) 1 − 3
(d) 1(d) 1
− 3− 3 n +n
n +
(a) r = +1 nn + n (b) r = 0 (c) r = 2 (d) r = – 1

8. If ∑D2 = 0 rank correlation is

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 0.5 (d) – 1

9. Correlation coefficient is independent of change of

(a) Origin (b) Scale (c) Origin and Scale (d) None

10. Rank Correlation was found by

(a) Pearson (b) Spearman (c) Galton (d) Fisher

II. Fill in the blanks:

11. Correlation coefficient is free from _________.

12. The diagrammatic representation of two variables is called _________

13. The relationship between three or more variables is studied with the help of _________

14. Product moment correlation was found by _________

15. When r = +1, there is _________ correlation.

16. If rxy = ryx, correlation between x and y is _________

17. Rank Correlation is useful to study ______characteristics.

18. The nature of correlation for shoe size and IQ is _________

III. Answer the following :

19. What is correlation?

20. Distinguish between positive and negative correlation.

21. Define Karl Pearson’ s coefficient of correlation. Interpret r, when r = 1, – 1 and 0.

22. What is a scatter diagram? How is it useful in the study of Correlation?

23. Distinguish between linear and non-linear correlation.

24. Mention important properties of correlation coefficient.

25. Prove that correlation coefficient lies between –1 and +1.

26. Show that correlation coefficient is independent of change of origin and scale.

27. What is Rank correlation? What are its merits and demerits?

28. Explain different types of correlation with examples.

29. Distinguish between Karl Pearson’ s coefficient of correlation and Spearman’ s

correlation coefficient.

30. For 10 observations ∑x = 130; ∑y = 220; ∑x2 = 2290; ∑y2 = 5510; ∑xy = 3467.

Find ‘r’ .

31. Cov (x,y) = 18.6; var(x) = 20.2; var(y) = 23.7. Find ‘ r’ .

32. Given that r = 0.42 cov(x,y) = 10.5 v(x) = 16; Find the standard deviation of y.

33. Rank correlation coefficient r = 0.8. ∑D2 = 33. Find ‘n’ .

Karl Pearson Correlation:
34. Compute the coefficient of correlation of the following score of A and B.

A 5 10 5 11 12 4 3 2 7 1
B 1 6 2 8 5 1 4 6 5 2

35. Calculate coefficient of Correlation between price and supply. Interpret the value of
correlation coefficient.

Price 8 10 15 17 20 22 24 25
Supply 25 30 32 35 37 40 42 45

36. Find out Karl Pearson’ s coefficient of correlation in the following series relating to
prices and supply of a commodity.

Price (Rs.) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Supply (Rs.) 30 29 29 25 24 24 24 21 18 15

37. Find the correlation coefficient between the marks obtained by ten students in
economics and statistics.

Marks (in Economics) 70 68 67 55 60 60 75 63 60 72

Marks (in Statistics) 65 65 80 60 68 58 75 62 60 70

38. Compute the coefficient of correlation from the following data.

Age of workers 40 34 22 28 36 32 24 46 26 30
Days absent 2.5 3 5 4 2.5 3 4.5 2.5 4 3.5

39. Find out correlation coefficient between height of father and son from the following

Height of father 65 66 67 67 68 69 70 72
Height of son 67 68 65 68 72 72 69 71


40. The following is the table of the age of 30 adult persons. Calculate Karl Pearson’ s
coefficient of correlation.

Division of class interval

Years 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total
20-29 2 1 2 2 - 1 - 1 1 10
30-39 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 2 8
40-49 - 2 - 2 - - 1 - 1 6
50-59 1 - 2 - - - - 1 - 4
60-69 - - - - - 1 - 1 - 2

41. Calculate the coefficient of correlation and comment upon your result.

Age of wives

Age of Husband 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 65-75 Total

15-25 1 1 - - - - 2
25-35 2 12 1 - - - 15
35-45 - 4 10 1 - - 15
45-55 - - 3 6 1 - 10
55-65 - - - 2 4 2 8
65-75 - - - - 1 2 3
Total 3 17 14 9 6 4 53
42. The following table gives class frequency distribution of 45 clerks in a business office
according to age and pay. Find correlation between age and pay if any.


Age 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110 Total

20-30 4 3 1 - - 8
30-40 2 5 2 1 - 10
40-50 1 2 3 2 1 9
50-60 - 1 3 5 2 11
60-70 - - 1 1 5 7
Total 7 11 10 9 8 45

43. Find the correlation coefficient between two subjects marks scored by 60 candidates.

Marks in Statistics

Marks in economics 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 Total

0-10 1 1 - - 2

10-20 3 6 5 1 15

20-30 1 8 9 2 20

30-40 - 3 9 3 15

40-50 - - 4 4 8

Total 5 18 27 10 60

44. Compute the correlation coefficient for the following data.

Advertisement Expenditure(‘ 000)

Sales Revenue (Rs. '000) 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 Total

75-125 4 1 - - 5

125-175 7 6 2 1 16

175-225 1 3 4 2 10

225-275 1 1 3 4 9

Total 13 11 9 7 40

45. The following table gives the no. of students having different heights and weights. Do
you find any relation between height and weight.

Weights in Kg

Height in cms 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 Total

150-155 1 3 7 5 2 18
155-160 2 4 10 7 4 27
160-165 1 5 12 10 7 35
165-170 - 3 8 6 3 20
Total 4 15 37 28 16 100


46. Two judges gave the following ranks to eight competitors in a beauty contest. Examine
the relationship between their judgements.

Judge A 4 5 1 2 3 6 7 8
Judge B 8 6 2 3 1 4 5 7

47. From the following data, calculate the coefficient of rank correlation.

X 36 56 20 65 42 33 44 50 15 60
Y 50 35 70 25 58 75 60 45 80 38

48. Calculate spearman’ s coefficient of Rank correlation for the following data.

X 53 98 95 81 75 71 59 55
Y 47 25 32 37 30 40 39 45

49. Apply spearman’ s Rank difference method and calculate coefficient of correlation
between x and y from the data given below.

X 22 28 31 23 29 31 27 22 31 18
Y 18 25 25 37 31 35 31 29 18 20

50. Find the rank correlation coefficients.

Marks in Test 1 70 68 67 55 60 60 75 63 60 72
Marks in Test 2 65 65 80 60 68 58 75 62 60 70

51. Calculate spearman’ s Rank correlation coefficient for the following table of marks of
students in two subjects.

First subject 80 64 54 49 48 35 32 29 20 18 15 10
Second subject 36 38 39 41 27 43 45 52 51 42 40 52

IV. Suggested Activities

Select any ten students from your class and find their heights and weights. Find the correlation
between their heights and weights

1. (a). 2. (d) 3. (b) 4.(b) 5. (a)

6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)


11. Units 12. Scatter diagram 13. Multiple 14. Pearson

15. Positive perfect 16. Symmetric 17. Qualitative 18. No correlation


30. r = 0.9574 31. r = 0.85 32. σy = 6.25.

33. n = 10 34. r = + 0.58 35. r = + 0.98

36. r = – 0.96 37. r = + 0.68 38. r = – 0.92

39. r = + 0.64 40. r = + 0.1 41. r = + 0.98

42. r = + 0.746 43. r = + 0.533 44. r = + 0.596

45. r = + 0.0945 46. r = + 0.62 47. r = – 0.93

48. r = – 0.905 49. r = 0.34 50. r = 0.679

51. r = 0.685


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