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Management of Implant Abutment Screw Fracture Using A Non Invasive Technique 9 Months Follow Up Case Report - 1598628350 PDF

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Journal of Dental Reports

Chawali F, et al., 2020-J Dent Report

Case Report

Management of Implant Abutment screw

Fracture Using A Non-Invasive Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and
Esthetic Dentistry, Faculty of dental
Technique: 9 Months Follow Up Case medicine, Monastir, Tunisia

Report Research Laboratory of Occlusodontics

and Ceramic Prostheses LR16ES15, Faculty
Farah Chawali, Nissaf Daouahi, Mohamed Ben Khelifa, Belhassen of Dental Medicine, University of
Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
Harzallah, Mounir Cherif, Dalenda Hadyaoui *Corresponding Author: Farah Chawali,
Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and
Abstract Esthetic Dentistry, Faculty of dental
medicine, Monastir, Tunisia
This article describes a case of a 65-year-old male patient who
Received Date: 08-17-2020
presented with a chief complain of missing teeth avulsed since 2 years.
Published Date: 09-02-2020
He was asking for its replacement. The treatment plan included
implant supported crown associated with bone grafting technique. The Copyright© 2020 by Chawali F, et al. All
abutment screw was fractured during its insertion in the final rights reserved. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of the
appointment. A conservative and non-invasive technique based on Creative Commons Attribution License,
converting the healing abutment into prosthetic abutment was which permits unrestricted use,
illustrated. A follow up after 9monthswasrecorded and satisfactory distribution, and reproduction in any
results were maintained. Thanks to a well-planned approach, the medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
patient was satisfied.

Keywords: Implant Supported Crown, Management, Failure, Fracture,

Implant Abutment Screw, Healing Abutment


Osseointegrated implant- supported restorations are widely used

for the replacement of missing teeth. It represents a safe
technique with high rate of success which is estimated, according
to studies, to be about 97% to 99% [1 -2]. However, failure or
complications may occur [1].The failure of dental implants is due
not only to unsuccessful osseointegration or the development of
periimplantitis, but also it can result from technical
complications which can be divided into two groups : Those
related to implant components and those related to the
prosthesis [3].

The abutment screw fracture, which is among the common

Chawali F| Volume 1; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JDR-1(1)-001 | Case Report

Citation: Farah Chawali, Nissaf Daouahi, Mohamed Ben Khelifa, Belhassen Harzallah, Mounir Cherif, Dalenda Hadyaoui.
Management of Implant Abutment screw Fracture Using A Non-Invasive Technique: 9 Months Follow Up Case Report. J Dent
Report. 2020;1(1):1-7.
mechanical complication, presents a rare Figure 1: Radiographic Examination.
but a serious problem which can be caused
by defects in design or material ,non-
passive fit of the prosthetic framework,
metal fatigue due to biomechanical
overloadingand parafunctional habits or
unfavorable superstructure. It is observed
consequently to screw loosening and
undetected micro-movements of the
abutment under functional loading [3].

For management of damaged or fractured

screw retainer, various techniques have Comprehensive examination revealed a
been described for screw retrieval [4]. In dehisence of the buccal alveolar bone with
some cases, the only solution for the vertical defect (fig .1). it was managed ,
abutment screw fracture is removing the during implant placement (Osstem TS IV
implant itself. And, in a majority of these implant), by guided bone
cases additional surgical procedures could regeneration(GBR) using synthetic
be necessary ; increasing cost, time and osteoplastic material (Klipdent GL,
morbidity if a new implant is to be “Vladmiva” Russia); The grafted site was
placed[5]. Fractured end can be retrieved secured with a non-resorbable membrane
and replaced by a new abutment screw. (Oss Builder,Osstem, Seoul, Korea)(fig .2 :
But sometimes, it cannot be conservatively a,b). Aperiod of 9 months was considered
removed using rotary instruments where as necessary for predictable
internal threads of the screw may be osseointegration.The non-resorbable
damaged conducting to useless membrane was, then, taken-off and
implant.Non invasive techniques are highly healing abutment was placed (fig .3 :a,b).
considered in such situations.
Figure 2(a,b): Surgical procedure using a
The purpose of this report was to describe bone grafting technique associated with
a non-invasive technique for the non resorbable membrane.
management of fractured abutment screw.
It is based on converting the healing
abutment into prosthetic abutment.

Clinical Presentation

A non smoker 65 year-old male patient

presented to the department of fixed
prosthodontics ; with a chief complaint of After 2weeks, the impression was taken
missing teeth. He was asking for the using pick up technique. The working cast
replacement of the first maxillary premolar was performed and desired modifications
avulsed since 2 years. The decision of were done in the rigid abutmentin favor of
implant supported crown was discusssed placing a ceramo-metal crown.
with the patient and retained.
Chawali F| Volume 1; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JDR-1(1)-001 | Case Report
Citation: Farah Chawali, Nissaf Daouahi, Mohamed Ben Khelifa, Belhassen Harzallah, Mounir Cherif, Dalenda Hadyaoui.
Management of Implant Abutment screw Fracture Using A Non-Invasive Technique: 9 Months Follow Up Case Report. J Dent
Report. 2020;1(1):1-7.
During the final appointment, the retriever tool. A special fragment
abutment was placed using a 30Ncm instrument was used in reverse torque to
controlled tightening. The abutment screw engage on the rugged top portion of the
was fractured (fig .4: a,b) . Radiologic fractured screw and retrieve fractured
examination confirmed that, the screw screw fragment. However, sufficient area,
fracture occured in the depth of the which is required to work as intended, was
implant (fig .5). not available.

Figure 3 (a,b): Placement of the healing For the same reason, the ultrasonic insert
abutment. couldn’t be used ; it can’t be introduced
between the implant and the wedged screw

Retrieval approach was impossible,

however, the healing abutment was the
only piece that holds to the implant. A
conservative technique of management was
Figure 4 (a,b): Fracture of the abutment retained; it consists on converting the
screw. healing abutment to aprosthetic abutment
because the level of fracture does not
interfere with the placememnt of the
healing screw.

A healing abutment with an important

gingival height (H=7mm, D=4,5mm)was
selected and placed into the implant(fig
Figure 5: Radiographic examination
Figure 6: Abutment healing converted to
showing the level of screw fracture.
prosthetic abutment.

The patient was informed and the To control the adaptation between the
modalities of removal of fractured screw fixture and the healing abutment,
were discussed.Firstly, we attempt to periapical radiograph was necessary. A
remove the fractured screw using a perfect adaptation was obtained (fig .7).

Chawali F| Volume 1; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JDR-1(1)-001 | Case Report

Citation: Farah Chawali, Nissaf Daouahi, Mohamed Ben Khelifa, Belhassen Harzallah, Mounir Cherif, Dalenda Hadyaoui.
Management of Implant Abutment screw Fracture Using A Non-Invasive Technique: 9 Months Follow Up Case Report. J Dent
Report. 2020;1(1):1-7.
Figure 7: Radiographic examination Figure 9: Radiographic examination after a
showing a good adaptation between the period of 9 months.
fixture and the healing abutment.


Despite the high success rate of 97% to

As, it was not possible to fix any impression 99% of implant supported prostheses,
coping because of the screw fragment, the technical and biological problems may be
impression could only be performed encountered [6,7]. They conduct to the
referring to the conventional technique failure of the implant therapy. Technical
used in dental supported restorations. This problems are related to implant
step aimed to reproduce the details of the components or prosthesis components and
healing abutment previously transformed include abutment screw loosening and
to an abutment to supportthe final fracture. According to litterature,
prosthesis. abutment screw fracture is considered to
be a rare complication occuring less than
The final crown was carried out using the
0,5% [8] ; But the most common and
master cast duplicating the customized
disturbing technical complication
abutment. Occlual adjusments were
estimated, for some other studies, to be
performed according to new concepts of
around 8% of technical complications
occlusion. Final crown was cemented using
[1,4,9, 10].
provisional cement(fig .8).
Undetected screw loosening, which can be
A follow up after 9 months was recorded in
related to ill fitting superstructure or
this case study and satisfactory results were
overloading is considered as the primary
maintained (fig .9).
reason for screw fracture. The load is
Figure 8: Final result. transmitted through the abutment and its
retaining screw ; The abutment screw will
receive then tensile and bending moments
that can induce a fatigue fracture.

Abutment screw has various shapes, sizes

and is manufactured from different
materials including gold, titanium or
sufrace treated titanium alloys. The part of
abutment screw located at the junction
between the neck and the threads is prone
Chawali F| Volume 1; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JDR-1(1)-001 | Case Report
Citation: Farah Chawali, Nissaf Daouahi, Mohamed Ben Khelifa, Belhassen Harzallah, Mounir Cherif, Dalenda Hadyaoui.
Management of Implant Abutment screw Fracture Using A Non-Invasive Technique: 9 Months Follow Up Case Report. J Dent
Report. 2020;1(1):1-7.
to fracture because of its design. Defects in Abutment screw fracture is challenging
the screw itself may result in increased and timely ; But necessary to provide an
stress [4,11,12]. adequate rehabilitation plan. Otherwise,
we will be faced with results in several
Fracture may, also, occcur when it is over irreversible damages that can conduct to
torqued on tightening. In the same useless implant. In addition, till nowno
context, the fracture may happen in consensus for its management is
situation where the abutment may not
confirmed.So, there is no universal method
have been fully seated when the torque is that can be applied.
applied [5].
Once it occurs, the fractured segment
To avoid the risk of fracture, maintaining a inside the implant has to be removed
correct torque during screwing is of without damaging the internal threads of
concern [5]. Authors recommend, also, an the implant maintaining the ability of the
increased diameter of screw. But, it implant to retain the prosthetic abutment.
depends on the diameter of prosthetic Several techniques for the removal of
abutment and the implant itself and fractured screw have been documented.
consequently on the clinical situation [12]. They involved screw retrieval systems
According to recent studies, A modified supplied by various implant manufacturers.
design of the abutment screw can be The technique is selected according to the
intorduced as a concept for easy retrieval. location of fractured screw. When it is
Conventional abutment screw measures fractured above the head of the implant ;
2 mm in diameter, 7.8 mm in length, and an explorer, a straight probe or hemostats
0.4 mm in screw thread pitch. Meanwhile, might be successuful. Whereas, when the
the hollow abutment screw was made with fractured part is located below the head of
the same system but modified by creating a the implant other methods are required
hole of 0.5 mm in diameter from the lower including Ultrasonic scaler, High pull out
end of the abutment screw up to the 1st or seperation forse which can expose the
thread. It has been shown that the hollow bone interface to risk [17]. The clinician
abutment screw may be an alternative to must understand not only the technique of
the conventional abutment screws because retrieval but also identify the associated
this is designed for easy retrieval. Its risks and degree of difficulty and the
mechanical strengths was also compared patient should be also informed about risks
with conventional abutment screws; No [2].
significant difference in the mechanical As fractured abutment screw must be
tests was shown [13,14,15]. removed without damaging the implant
It has also been confirmed that the risk of body in order to maitain a useful implant
fracture can be increased with the [18], Ultrasonic scaler would be the initial
customization of prosthetic abutment method of choice to retrieve the apical
because of the lack of precision and the portion [1,5,10]. In the present case study,
consequent low strength.Therefore, the fractured part is located apically.
prefabricated abutment should be prefered Ultrasonic technique was not sucessfully
whenever it is possible [16]. done. Another conservative technique

Chawali F| Volume 1; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JDR-1(1)-001 | Case Report

Citation: Farah Chawali, Nissaf Daouahi, Mohamed Ben Khelifa, Belhassen Harzallah, Mounir Cherif, Dalenda Hadyaoui.
Management of Implant Abutment screw Fracture Using A Non-Invasive Technique: 9 Months Follow Up Case Report. J Dent
Report. 2020;1(1):1-7.
providing a minimal risk was adopted; the of the wedged fragment without damaging
healing abutment was converted into the internal threads of the implant. If
prosthetic abutment as the healing conservative retrieval fails, then the
abutment has a height permitting the technique explained in this article can be
retention of the crown. It seems to be safer employed without sacrificing the
than other techniques, however it requires osseointegrated implant. Eventhe proposed
a healing abutment with sufficient height; technique has a few disadvantages such as
This makes this technique restricted to technical difficulty and the lack of
some implant systems. Implant with short precision. Further long-term clinical trials
abutment healing are excluded. are required to confirm its success in the
long run.

When screw fracture occur, the first

approach should be a conservative retrieval


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Citation: Farah Chawali, Nissaf Daouahi, Mohamed Ben Khelifa, Belhassen Harzallah, Mounir Cherif, Dalenda Hadyaoui.
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Chawali F| Volume 1; Issue 1 (2020) | Mapsci-JDR-1(1)-001 | Case Report

Citation: Farah Chawali, Nissaf Daouahi, Mohamed Ben Khelifa, Belhassen Harzallah, Mounir Cherif, Dalenda Hadyaoui.
Management of Implant Abutment screw Fracture Using A Non-Invasive Technique: 9 Months Follow Up Case Report. J Dent
Report. 2020;1(1):1-7.

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